VOL. 16 NO.7
Hatchling Leatherback Sea Thrtle, Dermochelys coriacea Dorsal and Ventral Views from "The Fauna of British India Vol. 1 - Loricata, Testudines" By Malcolm A. Smith (See Michael Gaunt's Upcoming Meeting Highlights on Page 1)
MINNESOTA HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY Newsletter Volume 16 Number 7 July 1996
Contents News, Notes & Announcements..... ........ ........... ............. ......... ........... ............... ....... .. General Meeting Review by Michelle Stephan........................................................... Ecoviews: Turtle Poster by Whit Gibbons.................................................................. Naturalistic Vivaria: The Wave of the Future? by John P. Levell.............................. Notes From the Hinterlands. Chapter 6: When Worlds Collide by Todd Daniels...... MHS Business............................................................................................................. Calendar of Events...................................................................................................... Classified Advertisements..... .... ............. ....... .... ............... ....... ................. ........... .......
The Minnesota Herpetological Society is a nonprofit organization associated with the: Tames Ford Bell Museum of Natura I History University of Mintlesota
I 5
6 7 10 11 11
MHS VOICE MAIL:(612) 624-7065 E·mail: mnherpsoc@aol.com
President: Gloria Anton (612) 420·6158
Vice President: Michael Gaunt (612) 754·8241
MRS Statement of Purpose: to further the education of the membership and the general public in care and captive propagation of reptiles and amphibians; to educate the membership and the general
public in the ecological role of reptiles and amphibians; and to promote the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians.
MHS Board of Directors President Vice President Membership Secretary Recording Secretary Treasurer Editor Inunediate Past President Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large
Gloria Anton Michael Gaunt George Richard Michelle Stephan Marilyn Blasus John Levell Bill Moss Donna Gaunt Nancy Haig Mark Schmidtke Barb Radanke
SNAKEBITE EMERGENCY Hennepin Co. Regional Poison Center (612) 347·3141 Minnesota Poison Control System Local: (612) 221-2113 Out of State: (800) 222·1222
George Richard (612) 623-7620 ~HS
Education Chair: Sean Hewitt (612) 935·5845 Adoption Chair: Glen Jacobsen (612) 757·8268
Editor: John P. Levell (612) 374-5422 Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletterispublished monthly by the Minnesota Herpetological Society. Manuscripts and advertisements may be submitted in any format, 3 112 inch IBM or Macintosh compatible disks preferred. Thepublication deadline for ads is always the weekend of the "NIHS general meeting. Submissions should be sent to: MHS Editor, c/o The Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455·0104. © Copyright Minnesota Herpetological Society 1996. Contents may be reproduced for non-profit use provided that all material is reproduced without change and proper credit is given authors and the MRS Newsletter citing; volume, number, and date.
MHS NewsletTer Volwne 16 Number 7
News, Notes & Announcements ill ]}DlC 速![] n:::. ~ J:M: 速速i'tnlTIl ~ ;::.1If ~llil If ~ T'i' t~
Looking ahead in the calendar, Dav Kaufman will be giving his presentation on "Herps of the Southwest Desert"" at the meeting on October 8th. Thanks for understanding the switch, Dav! By the way, did you know that when you run a document with Dav's last name in it through spell-check it suggests you replace "Kaufman" with "Caveman?" Interesting ... Don't forget to bring those critters while it's still nice and warm out. Only a few more months and we'll start seeing the preserved specimens again! Michael D. Gaunt
The Vice - President's Report August Program: Research Perspectives on the Leatherback Sea Turtle. Guest Speaker: Dr. Scott Eckert O.K., so maybe the Arachnid talk would have been more appropriate for a meeting closer to Halloween. I thought it was very informative and I'm pleased to have had the exposure to something I frod fascinating, but have yet to keep at home. Looking ahead to August, Dr. Scott Eckert and his wife, Dr. Karen Eckert, willjoin us to discuss Scott's research on the Leatherback Sea Turtle. The Eckerts have been involved with many aspects of research in marine biology since 1981. Scott has been active for more than a decade in the field of marine turtle research, focusing largely on pelagic (open-sea) distribution and behavior. HereceivedhisPh.D. in Zoology in 1989 from the University of Georgia for his dissertation entitled Diving and Foraging Behavior of the Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). In 1990 he joined the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) as coordinator ofthe U.S. Pacific Marine Turtle Recovery Team. In 1992 he left NMFS and joined Hubbs - Sea World Research Institute in San Diego as a Senior Research Biologist. His work there has been primarily focused on marine turtles, but has taken him into other areas of study including two field seasons in Antarctica working with Weddell Seals and Emperor Penguins. Other projects that he has been involved with include bio揃telemetry tracking of Whale sharks and research in Desert tortoise species. Karen received a Masters Degree in International Policy and went on to earn her Ph.D. in Zoology in 1988 from the University of Georgiaas well. Currently, she is the Executive Director of the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Network (WIDECAST). This brings her in contact with other government agencies around the world in a concerted effort towards research and conservation of all marine species of turtles. She will also be available during the question and answer session to talk a little bit about the scope of work that WIDECAST is involved in. Along with all of the work they do, the Eckerts also serve as Editors of the international publication Marine Turtle Newsletter. This is a quarterly periodical that is distributed to over 100 nations. I hope everyone will make a special point to attend this meeting. Since we have no native Sea Turtles in Minnesota (Hmmm, I wonder why) this is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the Leatherbacks directly from the people involved in this conservation effort. I have been promised a wonderful slide show and lots of literature and infonnation; I'm sure it will be an excellent presentation.
Location: Borlaug Hall, U ofM SI. Paul Campus Date and Time: 2 August 1996 - 7:00 p.m. (See map on the inside back cover)
Snakes Caught in Protective Garden Webbing! When using netting in the garden this summer you may want to consider protecting snakes when choosing netting size. In the Summer 1995 Nongame Newsletter we requested readers to respond to the question if they had eve, caught snakes in the plastic netting used to protect gardens and fruit trees. Twelve of our readers responded saying they had similar experiences with snakes in garden netting. The netting in question is 1" xl" and 3/4" x 3/4'. All of the readers said the snakes caught in the netting were Black Snakes, most being BlackRat Snakes. One reader from Florida responded that they had caught a Golden Rat Snake in a C<lst net! Suggestions from readers ranged from discontinuing the use of netting in the garden to using netting with smaller openings (l/8"xl/8"). So remember, come gardening time, help keep our natural critter control agents working by using netting in which they won't get entangled. Thanks to those who responded to ourrequest. Please keep us informed if you have similar experiences. Editor's Note: The preceding article, written by Scott Butterworth, originally appeared in the Spring 1996 edition of the West Virginia Nongame News (Vol. 13, No.2). JPL
July's Raffle Donors Karin Rea Anna Roedler Craig Renier Aundrea Jimerson
T-shirt & Frog Sculpture Turtle Wind Chime & Frog 1 Bottle of Bad Frog Beer Tetra Reptomin
A portion of the proceeds from MHS raffle sales are allocated to the MHS Consen'ation Fund. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to everyone who purchased tickets.
MRS News/mer Volume 16 Number 7
Me Again........ .. **Constitutional Amendment - Please review the announcement elsewhere in tbis newsletter (as well as in the MRS Newsletter for June 1996) regarding tbe amendment to tbeMHS Constitution being proposed by the Board. Questions will be answered at the Aug. and Sept. meetings and voting will occur at the Sept. meeting. **Renaissance Festival - Festival begins Aug. 17tb. I will be in cbarge of sign-up again, and will start taking names Aug. 12th. You may call me at work; (612)647-4479, Monday thru Friday from 4-9 pm. or leave a message on the answering macbine at my home; (612) 420-6158. YOU MUST LEAVE A NUMBER AND TIME I CAN CALL YOU BACK TO CONFIRM - PLEASE DO NOT ASSUME YOU ARE SCHEDULED JUST BECAUSE YOUHAVECALLED AND LEFT A MESSAGE. as usual, sign-up ison a "first come, first serve," basis. Tbecommittee bas been working really bard this year - we bave more costumes, bave fixed and added to our pond fencing, may bave an additional wall built, and have built a new "closet" for bousing our berps. More information will be available once you sign up with regards to new storage procedures for your animals while at festival. We will be baving a couple more work parties between now and opening. If you would like to belp, please call Mike Backer or Bruce Delles to volunteer. **Membership - Please cbeck your membership status. If you have "expired," you cannot purchase rodents, check out library books, adopt animals, sign up for Renaissance Festival or any other hands-on, purchase books, attend meetings, etc. **Adoptions - Procedures bave changed - we are trying something new. Animals up for adoption will now be displayed BEFORE and during the meeting in cages at the back of the room, rather than pulled out of boxes and bags. We hope this will reduce stress on the animals and injury to thehandlers. Known infonnation on each animal will be taped to each cage, adoption forms will be available to take and fill out during the fIrst half of the meeting and will be collected at the break. You must include your membership number (on your name tag) on the adoption form. **Refreshments Needed - Refreshments are provided at tbe meetings BY MEMBERS. If we don't have any, it's because no one has donated. Contact Nanette Jimerson at (612) 869-8547 if you want to bring something. **Policies -The Board is in the process of reviewing all of our existing policies to determine what is valid, wbat has expired, what has been forgotten and what has been invented. Thanks to the hard, long work of Marilyn and Randy Blasus, we have a packet to review that should keep us busy for several months. We hope the outcome will address the problems and discrepancies the Board has had too wrestle with and provide the Society with a sound footing to continue it's growth over the years to come. Gloria Anton
It has been a busy month or two in the Hands-on department, and guess wby I am writing this article" Yes, to once again thank all of those people who enjoy giving up their precious time on the weekends_ Dedicated people who relish working odd shifts that break up the day and make it impossible toscbedule anytbing else. I know you guys just love it (can you bear tbe sarcasm dripping yet?). Anyway, at tbe end of April we did two Hands-On events on tbe same day (I was sober wben I scheduled this, honest). This day did turn out well due to the help and organization of all. I would like to say "Thank you", to Marilyn and Randy Blasus for supervising and setting up at Harriet Alexander Nature Center wbile other MHS volunteers were at the Bell Museum of Natural History for the SCIENCEFEST. Next was Pet Fair, May 17, 18, & 19. This was a tbree day event from Friday night througb Sunday (a hectic yet fun event for all). Even tbougb attendance was down, our booth was still one of the biggest draws. We know it was gorgeous outside those few days, so please do not rub it in when you see us. This day also marked the debut of our NEW photo backdrop, a very scenic jungle rendition. And yet another event we participated in was for the Como Zoo on June 9tb. Yes, we know, another beautiful day. (This time we were outside doing wbat Dr. Teri Schweiss recommends we do: SUNBATHING our reptiles!!). Lots of people were there just to see US (wink, wink)! We will be repeating tbis all summer. Whoopee!! We had over 30 volunteers for these Hands-ons, way to numerous for me to mention all. All of you know who you are. I "thank" everyone who took their personal time to help out. Everyone wbo volunteered earns points for a "priceless, to-die-for, collector's edition" MHS mug (ooooh aaaaah). Check out tbe Calendar of Events for future "hands on" event locations and times. If anyone is interested, give
your Education Coordinator a call or if you attend the next general meeting find myself or any other MHS Board member. We will gladly belp. Tbanks. Sean Hewitt.
Snake Skin Lifesaver? In May, Valentin Grimaldo 40. who was bitten by a posionous coral snake near Encino, Texas, survived by biting the snake's head off, slitting its body length-wise, and using the skin as a tourniquet until help arrived.
Thanks for the Goodies
Editor's Note: The preceding article (minus the headline) originally appeared in Chuck Shepard's weekly column News oflhe Weird in the 6/27/1996 edition of the Mpls Star Tribune. One question I'd like to ask Mr. Grimaldo, however; Did it Taste Like Chicken? JPL
For bringing refreshments to the July meeting, tbe MHS says thanks for the cookies to Mac Petes and to the "Unknown Baker" for the Lizard Cookies. Thanks!
MRS Newsletter Volume 16 Number 7
July's "Critter of the Month"
ByM. Jude
Jim Gerholdt
A nose appears at tbe surface of the frigid water Soon tbe black blotched, tan frog emerges The frog basks in the warm rejuvenating sun Now warm, it begins its spring journey Traveling througb tbe grass a road appears Cautiously a leap is taken
Michael Gaunt Craig Renier
FORD, TOYOTA, CHEVY The remains lay near tbe yellow line The grim reaper glides down from tbe perch The crow departs witb another meal
Sarab Richard
Nothing is left except a small blotch Did anyone notice Was there really a leopard frog Does anyone care!
John Levell
Dean Bowman Jake Jacobsen
Sean Hewitt
Salmon Pink Birdeater Daliodora sp. Red-clawed Scorpion Pandenus sp. Girdled Lizard Cordylus sp. Giant Day Gecko Egg Pile/sumo madagascariensis American Toad (2 Days Old) Bulo americanus Baby Boas Boa constrictor Juvenile Star Tortoises Geocllelone elegans African Spur-thighed Tortoises Geocllelone suleata Red-rumped Tarantula Eutillus vagans Jungle Carpet Python MoreUa spilota
Tom Jessen's
HerpetologicaIIHi/inx" \tJAllitJG ro~ -rnt.. ~ATE.ST A~t\'lAL: C'Mo~
ToAt> ... OtU. MO~~ \10~) '(ouCA~ '00 \T... 'PLt.'i.t~:z.!!!
, •••• 3
MRS Newsletter Volume 16 Number 7
Get Ready for Festival!
Official Notification Proposed Changes to the Bylaws ofthe Minnesota Herpetological Society Ratification Vote.
It's thattime again, time to embark on ao exciting journey back in time to tbe Renaissaoce! All MHS scheduling is being done this year by Gloria Anton at (612) 647-4479 (M-F 4-8 pm.) or (612) 420-6158 (leave your name, phone number, aod time your call cao be returned).
Wbere: Room 335, Borlaug Hall, U of M St. Paul Campus. When: September 6, 1996 - 7:00 pm. Who: All Active MHS Members in Attendance.
SIGNUP-SPACEFILLS QUICKLY! And is on aftfstcome basis - tbere will be only 12 spots available per day. You must call Gloria by the Monday before tbe weekend you wish to work. Your reservation puts your name on the list for a day pass. You must have a day pass to enter Festival grounds. If you need to caocel or cbaoge shifts, you must do so by calling Gloria by tbat Tuesday evening. Remember, Festival happens rain, shine, snow, sleet. hail- you get the picture! !fyou find you can't come at the last minute, please let us know anyway - we may be able to replace you with someone on the waiting list. This year we will be signing you on for two 2-hour sbifts during the day. Available times are 9-11,11-1,1-3,35. and 5-7. You will need to arrive at Como Cottage 1/2 hour before your ftfst shift for orientation and costuming. If you split shifts longer thao 2 hours aod are using a cottage costume, you may not be able to stay in costume during your break time. !f you want to design your own costume, we have books and infOimation that can help - there are guidelines from Midwest Festival (MF) that need to be followed. Como Cottage does have space for storing your herps so bring as maoy with you as you like, but Please make sure they are docile! You have two 2 hour slots to show aoimals aod itis a good idea to rotate them. If you wish to use your animal in parade, make sure you have a bag suitable for carrying it across grounds - they must be completely covered to aod from the parade site. For those of you signing up for Saturday, plan to stay for POTLUCK. We will let you know what the "food theme" for tbat weekend is aod what food category is needed. Those of you who sign up on Sunday are welcome to go to 1's or Dangerfield's Restaurant with the group (J's is cheap, Daogerfield's more expensive) after close.
It is the position of the MRS Board of Directors that the following revisions to the MHS Constitution should be adopted. These resolutions will establish a minimum age requirement for board members of at least eighteen (18) years of age and will help clarify who is able to hold office. In the proposed changes listed below deletions are designated by strtke tlnough type, while additions are designated by bold underline. The final decision regarding these proposed revisions resides with the membership oftheMHS present at the September 1996 general meeting and all active members are encouraged to attend.
ARTICLE n. MEMBERSHIP Section 2.06 Active Members Rights. Current Constitution: Active members shall be entitled to vote, shall be eligible to hold office and committee posts, and shall be entitled to all benefits of MRS.
Proposed Change: Active members shall be entitled to vote, shall be eligible to hold office a"d committee posts, and shall be entitled to all benefits of the MRS. Active members sball be entitied to hold office pro,'ded tilat they are eighteen (18) years ofage or older. Revised Constitution: Active members shall be entitled to vote, shall be eligible to hold committee posts, and shall be entitled to all benefits of the MRS. Active members shall be entitled to hold office provided that they are eighteen (18) years of age or older.
ARTICLE III. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 3.01 MRS Administration Current Constitution: MHS shall be administered by a board of directors comprised of the elected officers, four active membersat-large and the immediate past president or the elected officers and five active members-at-Iarge. Determination will be dependent on the requirement that inmlediate past president be a one year tenn.
Family Passes: Due to MFrules tbis year, no passes will be available to spouses, partners or cbildren UNLESS THEY ARE SIGNED UP TO WORK 2 SHIFTS. Overnight Accommodations: We will again have 2 tent sites in the campground which can be used by aoyone signing up for both Saturday and Sunday. Again, tents are on a firstcome basis.
Proposed Change: MHS shall be administered by a board of directors comprised of the elected officers, four active membersat-large and the immediate past president or the elected officers and five active members-at-Iarge. all of whom are eighteen (18) years of age or older and who shall be members of the MRS in good standIng. Determination will be dependent on the requirement that immediate past president be a one year term.
We're looking forward to another wonderful summer!!
Revised Constitution: MHS shall be administered by a board of directors comprised of the elected officers, four active mcmbersat-large and the inunediate past president or the elected officers and five active members-at-large, all of whom are eighteen (18) years of age or older and who shall be members of the MHS in good standing. Determination will be dependent on the requirement that immediate past president be a one year term.
HUZZAH! COon 't forget - your MHS Membershipmust be active todoany haods-on programs!).
MHS Newsleller Volume 16 Number 7
General Meeting Review By Michelle Stephan, Recording Secretary mans. The Brown Recluse is also dangerous, particularly because it is so well camouflaged that people do not see it before they have disturbed it. Then there is the secretive and highly aggressive Trap Door Spider that will attack anything that disturbs its lair, unless you are lucky enough to catch it sleeping. That is how Jim got a picture of its hole with the trap door open. Tarantulas are also interesting arachnids. No one knows exactly how many species are out there, or exactly how toxic. Many of these animal' s main defenseis to rub hairs off of their abdomen onto the thing that is disturbing them. I do know from experience that these little tiny hairs can really make the skin itch, and woes be the person that rubs their eyes. Ouch! One other thing to note, these animals do have fangs with venom. For some people this venom is only a minor irritation, to others extremely dangerous and painful. Unless you get bit (NOT something I am advocating) you do not know if you are going to be allergic to the venom. People who are allergic to bee stings, beware. Lately, many people have been breeding tarantulas. This is the best way to own an arachnid. The species of tarantula commonly available are: Zebra, Rose Hair, King Baboon, GoliathBirdEater, Colombian Bird Eater, and Salmon Pink Tarantula. The largest being the Goliath Bird Eating Tarantula. Now, for those of you who ask, "Why does the Minnesota Herpetological Society have a talk on arachnids?" The answer was in Jim's final slides where a spider was shown eating a Bark Anole. Still asking Why? Because, reptiles are part ofa complicated cycle oflife where everything lives with, around, or off of everything else. Reptiles can be prey, and this presentation showed the perspective of a potential, but often overlooked reptile predator. Thanks Jim for the wonderful talk. It was great for those of us who did not have to close our eyes and take a deep breath before each new slide showcasing a new spider appeared.
And now for something completely different... Nachnids. Yes, I said arachnids. These eight-legged, multi-eyed, exoskeleton encased, creepy looking creatures were the subject for Jim Gerholdt's July presentation. Since I have never suffered from arachnophobia, but instead an intense fear of snakes up until about three years ago, it was an interesting twist of fate to see some of our members squirm at the sight of a larger-than-life wolf spider projected onto the screen before them. A few years earlier, I was feeling the same thing when the presentation was on garter snakes. Isn't it funny how phobias work? For anyone who missed Jim's wonderful talk, you also missed out on some of the most fascinating slides I have ever seen. Jim brought slides of over 27 different species of arachnids, some of which will be going into a book about these interesting little creatures. I really wish my little 35mm camera was able to take such wonderful shots. Scorpions were the first group Jim told us about. He cautioned from the start that the smaller the pinchers on the front claws, the more toxic the venom. When he and his wife are photographing these animals, they have a general rule that if one of the dangerous ones jump off of the set, it is squished. They have no desire of having a Bark Scorpion, which has caused fatalities, running loose in the house. If a Vinegar Scorpion, a species that has no venom but instead it lets off a vinegar smell when excited, gets loose it is just picked up with forceps and set back onto the set. Forceps are the easiest way to handle these animals because there is no easy way for them to envenomate you or pinch you if you are holding them by their tail with this tool. Some other species Jim showed were the docile Emperor Scorpion, the Red-clawed Scorpion. Desert Hairy Scorpion, and the Two Striped Scorpion. Spiders were the next category. There are over 30,000 spiders in the world, and some argue there may even be 60,000. This enormous number makes identifying them all impossible, even for the experts. Spiders are opportunistic feeders that will basically eat whatever crosses their path or anything that lands in their web. In captivity, they eat mostly crickets or pinkies that are easily overcome by the venom of the spider. TheCrab Spider, American House Spider, Orb Weaver, Shamrock, and Bam Spider are just the tip of the iceberg of species. Some of these could even be found in your home. Jumping spiders let a silk thread dangle loose behind them every time they jump. The biggest jumping spider in the world is a one inch long Regal Jumping Spiderthat. "Has a face only a mother could love," according to Jim. Wolf Spiders are also in this group, and they are the ones I am most familiar with. The Black Widow, which is dangerous to humans, is actually very common throughout the country, but there are not many bites because they are nonnally non-aggressive towards hu-
• Reptiles. Amphibians -Invertebrates· Small Mammals· Fish· Birds· Complete Une of Cages. Food. Books & Supplies for ALL Animals
& 2363 University Ave. W., St. Paul, MN 55114 (612) 647-4479
MHS Newsletter Volume 16 Number 7
ECOVIEWS By Whit Gibbons Turtle Poster "Of the turtle species mentioned in the story, only the slider turtles exhibit this particular sex difference in nail length. In box turtles, females and males differ in the shape of the bottom shell (the plastron); a female's plastron is flat, and a male's is 'dented' inward. In snapping turtles it can be nearly impossible to tell the sexes apart without probing their rearends; needless to say it can be a bit dangerous, too." The story ends with the following few lines: "Tiny was not far from the pond when she noticed movement at the edge of the trees. A rustling noise came from under the blackberry briars. A yellow head peked its way through the leaves. At last, it was Slo-Mo, the box turtle, out looking for berries and mushrooms to eat. '''Hey Slo-Mo,' Tiny yelled. 'I have a message - all the way from the swamp - from Jaws. She said to tell you, 'Happy Birthday.'" "Slo-Mo smiled. No one else had remembered. "Slo-Mo had not seen his childhood friend for a long time. Their mothers had built their nests near each other years and years ago. Jaws and Slo-Mo met when they hatched from their eggs. Jaws began her journey to the swamp, and Slo-Mo started his trip to the woods. '''So how old are you,' Tiny asked. '''I'm 40 years old today,' Slo-Mo replied. "He smiled again. It was a happy day, after all." Creativity in ecological education can take many forms. School classes that take advantage of the "Turtle Talk" poster to be published this fall will enjoy the ultimate in any educational experience: a combination of knowledge and fun.
"The two friends had not seen each other in a long time. As tiny babies they had lived near each other. But not anymore. "Jaws' is an old snapping turtle. She lives in a swamp near the river. She loves her home in the swamp. The swamp is the perfect habitat for her and her relatives. Its deep, slow, dark water provides all kinds of insects and snails and fish to eat. On most days Jaws was very happy. But not today. She missed her friend, and wanted to send a message to him." So begins a wonderful story called "Turtle Talk" written by David Scott and Gay Heaglerofthe Savannah River Ecology Laboratory. The story, designed for elementary school children, is told on a fold-out poster with pictures of turtles, swamps, and rivers. A teacher's guide accompanying the pester comments on the ecological characteristics of turtles mentioned in the story. Following are more excerpts from the story: "As Jaws sat in the mud on the swamp bottom, another turtle swam byit was 'Nosy,' the soft-shelled turtle." "Why the sad face?" Nosy asked Jaws. "I want to tell a friend something, but he lives so far away," Jaws replied. "I'm headed up Big Creek,' Nosy said. 'I need to find a home that has more sand. I can take a message.' So Jaws whispered her message to Nosy. Then Nosy swam away, toward the creek that gave tbe swamp water. And Jaws was bappy once again." Later in the story, " ... a young boy turtle named 'Longnails,' the slider turtle, crawled out on the creek bank. '''Where you headed?' Nosy called out. '''Up the bank and away from the creek,' Longnails said. 'I want to go find a new home with more turtles. Maybe "He grinned. a pend with lots of girl turtles.' "Nosy said, 'I need a favor. Please carry a message from Jaws to her friend.' "Longnails agreed and waved goodbye with his claws." Meanwhile, the teacher's guide explains: "The young turtle named Longnails is in search of his favorite habitat. Slider turtles are one of several species often grouped together as 'pend' turtles. These turtles are both abundant and noticeable, due to their habit of basking on banks, stumps, and fallen logs. "The turtle Longnails introduces two basic concepts related to turtles. First, the sex of the turtle (a male) can be discerned by his long toenails; female sliders have short toenails. Sexual difference in nail length is a secondary sex character (like a man's beard) that occurs when reproductive maturity is reached.
Editor's Note: Dr. J. Whitfield Gibbons is a professor of ecology at the University of Georgia and is the division head at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory in Aiken, South Carolina. In addition to his numerous articles in scientific journals, Whit is probably best known for his many books including; Their Blood Runs Cold: Adventures with Reptiles and Amphibians and The Life History and Ecology of the Slider Turtle among others. Dr. Gibbons also writes a weekJy ecology column for various newspapers (including the New York Times) and the preceding article, which originally appeared in the May 14, 1995 edition of the Aiken, Standard (South Carolina), has been provided for publication in the MHS Newsletter through thekindnessandconsideration of Dr. Gibbons. Other short stories on ecology by Whit Gibbons may be found in another of his books, Keeping all the Pieces, a title which is a must read for everyone interested in natural history. JPL
MHS Newsletter Volume 16 Number 7
Naturalistic Vivaria
:The Wave of the Future?
By John P. Levell Although popular in Europe for decades, the concept of naturalistic vivaria - terrariums which attempt, at least in appearance, to simulate natural environments - has been slow to catch on in the United States, This is indeed unfortunate, as terrariums which mimic the natural world are not only perfectly suitable housing for a wide variety of amphibians, reptiles, and even some invertebrates, but can make highly attractive display units as well. In addition, caging of this type provides an unequaled opportunity to observe behavior not normally exhibited by these animals in other capti ve situations, and considering their educational potential alone it is difficult to understand why so little effort has been expended toward housing amphibians and reptiles in more natural settings in this country. The lack of interest in naturalistic terrariums in the U.S. may be at least partially explained by the fact that, outside of zoos, few Americans have had much exposure to displays linking these animals to their respective habitats. Until comparatively recently, amphibians and reptiles, as well as tarantulas, scorpions and other invertebrates, have been more or less a sideline for most pet dealers, and these animals have traditionally been displayed in relatively barren, easy to maintain enclosures. Even shops exhibiting intricately landscaped and beautifully planted freshwater and marine aquariums have, for the most part, attempted to market amphibians and reptiles from functional but boring cages containing little more than Astroturf flooring and a hide box and water bowl. While clearly a byproduct of the greater interest and sales emphasis placed on larger, more impressive species of reptiles (where this type of housing is not only sensible, but often absolutely necessary), these more clinical cages have, nevertheless, become the long standing industry "standard" for housing amphibians and reptiles, irregardless of size, in pet stores across the United States. Despite their obvious utility, the almost universal use of basic "bare bones" cages in U.S. pet shops has created the widespread, but generally false, impression that this is the only proper way in which to maintain all amphibians and reptiles in captivity. In addition, caging of this type offers little to capture the attention or stimulate the imagination of potential customers other than the "uniqueness" of the animals themselves. With smaller, less imposing amphibians and reptiles, some of which do poorly in such caging anyway, this can be a particularly glaring problem and it should not be surprising when these animals generate little in the way of sales other than the few essential accessories when displayed in this manner. If recent events are any indication, however, changes are currently underway in the U.S. marketplace which may have the scarcity of naturalistic vivaria in this country well on
the way to becoming a thing of the past. For starters, the keeping of amphibians and reptiles as pets continues to grow in popUlarity at a tremendous rate, and as it becomes more and more "mainstream" an ever increasing number of people, of both diverse lifestyle and professional background, are being introduced to the hobby. Disregarding legal issues (which are unfortunately influencing the sizes and types of animals being marketed in many parts of the country), a significant percentage of these newcomers are, for one reason or another, finding the long time perennial best sellers such as; iguanas, boas, pythons, etc., to be unsuitable choices and are opting instead for smaller, less space demanding species. As their experience increases many longer term herp hobbyists are, likewise, broadening their interests to include more unusual and less commonly kept animals, often with the objective of keeping a greater variety of smaller more manageable species. At the same time, and largely through the efforts of commercial herpetoculturists, a greater variety of smaller amphibian and reptile species are available for marketing than ever before. Species uncommon or even unheard of in the pet trade a decade or so ago, including poison-dart frogs, true chameleons, various geckos, as well as a host of other amphibians and reptiles, are now readily available, often in incredible numbers. For many of these animals, including several of the species exhibiting the fastest surge in popularity, an attempt at simulating at least some aspects of their natural habitat is not only desirable, but often absolutely essential to their successful long term maintenance as well. Obviously, from this point on, iI's a short step indeed to full blown naturalistic setups. In recognition of the growing potential of naturalistic vivaria in the U.S., numerous pet product manufacturers are following the example of TetrafI'errafauna (the long time industry leader in this field) and are now developing, producing and marketing equipment and accessories specifically designed for terrarium use. Such well established petindustry names as; Hagen, ZooMed, Oceanic and ESU, are all distributing obvious terrarium merchandise at this time, with the promise of more yet to come in the future. Newor lesser known (at least for now) companies are marketing some truly outstanding and exciting terrarium products as well, including fantastically realistic artificial rocks and logs from Goanoa Ranch, ceramic rockwork and artificial cacti from Terrarium Art, miniature waterfalls from Cedar Hill Reptile Enterprises, and plastic based enclosures from ATV Habitats. In addition, an increasing number of commercial nurseries are now specializing in the cultivation of living plants suitable for terrarium use, many of which advertise in nationally distributed and widely read periodicals such as Reptiles Magazine. While only time wiII tell just how much of an impact naturalistic vivariums will have on the U.S. pet scene, many
MHS Newslmer Volume 16 Number 7
individuals, including prominent herpetoculturistfauthor Philippe de Vosjoli, think that they are the definite wave of the future, The owner of Advanced Vivarium Systems, Inc, (AVS), as well as the originator of that company's innovative and well respected Herpetocultural Library Series of captive care guides, de Vosjoli feels that "Naturalistic vivaria will revolutionize the keeping of amphibians and reptiles like the mini-reef system radically changed the marine aquarium hobby. They place an emphasis on the display appeal of animals in environments that simulate nature and are more in tune with the ecological consciousness of the late twentith century." Always a leader in the field of herpetoculture, de Vosjoli's belief in the naturalistic vivarium concept is clearly demonstrated by the development and launching of a new Vivarium Design Series of AVS publications. The first volume of this projected four part series; Design and Maintenance of Desert Vivaria (which was written by de Vosjoli himself) has just recently been released and this is the beginning of an ambitious and long overdo project which will surely help spur on interest in naturalistic vivariums in this country. As expected, this excellent book contains a wealth ofinformation on the creation of desert terrariums among its 64 pages and it is well on the way to becoming a herpetocultural bestseller. Concerning commercial aspects of terrariums, Philippe also believes that "From the standpoint of the pet trade, the vivarium revolution willresultin a wide range of new reptile products and increased sales in the industry," and with all things considered there can be little doubt that naturalistic vivariums do have real potential for increasing the profitability of pet store reptile departments everywhere. If utilized in the same manner as large and impressive display aquariums, naturalistic terrariums which will attract the attention of virtually everyone who sees them can be created with relatively little effort or expense on the part of shop owners. Like their aquarium counterparts, naturalistic display vivaria can help generate sales of selected equipment and accessories, from simple gravel and rock right on through sophisticated pumps, lighting and enclosures, simply by incorporated these items into the finished design. When skillfully done, the combination of living amphibians and reptiles with natural objects can create miniature worlds that captivate the imagination like nothing before, and by the careful selection of animals and plants, entire interacting communities of organisms can be actually established, maintained and even bred within the confines of a single enclosure. At the same time, the aesthtically pleasing appearance of naturalistic vivaria appeals to a broad range of people, including individuals who've never considered purchasing reptiles before, and allows for their display in locations where the traditional reptile caging would be totally unsuitable such as living rooms, offices, etc. Although there are no stores specifically specializing in naturalistic terrariums at this time, a growing number of dealers carrying reptiles are now setting up naturalistic displays in their shops. While the naturalistic vivarium movement in the United States isjust hegining, however, it just may
tum out to be the biggest event to occur in the reptile hobby since the advent of captive breeding, and the opportunity for developing a state ofthe art reptile department have never been greater. Naturally, creating effective pet store vivaria requires some advance planning and know how, and with this thought in mind articles on designing exhibit quality naturalistic terrariums will appear in future editions of Pet Product News. In these it will be possible to discuss the hasic procedures for creating terrariums of various types in more detail, as well as to profile the equipment, animals and plants most suitable for each. Until then, I suggest you read Philippe de Vosjoli's new book, as it's a great place to start.
Literature Cited: de Vosjoli, Philippe. 1996. DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE OF DESERT VIVARIA. Vivarium Design Series Vol. 1. Advanced Vivarium Systems, Inc. Santee, CA.
Editor's Note: The preceding article, in slightly modified form, was originally published in the June 1996 issue of Pet Product News.
STALE ERIC THISS (612) 470-5008 FAX (612) 470-5013 464 second Street. Excelsior, MN 55331 ~
English Spot
Jim's Rabbit Shack
~ . '.
7~()? ,.~ PoHSh
Where Spots Are Tops JIM DALUGE 8700 Jaber Ave. N,E. Monticelio, MN 55362 (612) 295路2818
MHS Newsletter Volume 16 Number 7
Notes from the Hinterlands (Dodge County in Southeast MN)
By Todd Daniels
Dear Sir John, This is the path to the Sevellfh (and highest) Level of hwnan self-actualization, or something: Just close your eyes, become one with the bold blue twelve ounce can, click your nwy clodhoppers together, and chant, There's 110 place like home. There's 110 place like home. There's no place like home...
Chapter 6: When Worlds Collide
Well, I've always assumed Dirge that County is the center of the uni-
ago. I also bribed them with a couple gallons of maple sap (I'm too cheap to give away finished syrup). I hoped Maggie wouldn't take off looking for us the first time her boarders let her outside. IIooked forward toa few days formybent, folded, spindled and mutilated body to heal from tbe attentions of the Rottweiler of tbe Baskervilles. Traveling with dear Lauri, however, ensured that my fragile psyche wouldn't mend at all. FromRocbester"lntemational" Airport we fJew soutbeast to Chicago, tben west to San Diego. I gotthe window seat on the second fligbt. Someplace over Iowa I nudged Lauri and whispered, "I could swear Ijust saw a black-and-orange speck 30,000 feet below and slightly behind us running west as fast as it could go! You don't suppose ... ?" She failed to see any humorin tbis. I imagine most of you husbands out there would agree that in some inexplicable way, saying "I do" causes a biochemical change in wives that irreverSibly totals their senses of humor. Of course, wives migbt believe tbat saying "I do" causes husbands' senses ofhumortoregress to 7th grade level and stay there. I don't know. Say, did you hear the one about the teacher asking little Johnny why he ... ? J had arranged to rent an intermediate-sized car, but what we got wasa tiny Neon. And the car-rental guy scared the hell out of me, assuring me that my very life would be forevermore not wortb living if! didn't agree to carry an extra $22.97 per day insurance coverage on the car. "Listen, buddy," I told the hard-seller, "I live in Dirge County and J get mauled by a Rottweiler on a daily basis. And I don't even have a coffee mug. Somy lifecouldn'tgetmuch worse even ifI do put a door ding in your darn car and you garnish my wages for life." "Oh, J didn't realize you were from Dirge County. Would you permit me to pay the $22.97 per day for you, sir?" he said. "No, no," I replied magnanimously. "I'd prefer to white-knuckle it every second I drive tbis underpowered tin can on 75 mph 6-lane freeways populated by crazy Californians," The car guy told us how to get to the Hyatt Regency. J still managed to get lost for half an hour. I COUldn't help but tbink about Whit Gibbons' Ecoviews piece on how lowly turtles can unerringly find their way to a distant body of water without seeing it. And here I was lost looking for a 25-story skyscraper. We finally got there, only to realize this was the Hyatt Regency Sail Diego, not the Hyatt Regency LaJolla. "Maybe if you would've agreed to that extra insurance, the guy would have told you bow to get to the right Hyatt," Lauri said quietly. "And I told you there were two Hyatt Regency's, and you said, 'No, having two Hyatt Regency's would be as dumb as having two different species narned Geoche/one suicata. There can be only one Hyatt Regency around here." But did
verse, and that
there's no particular reason to travel to any (de facto less wonderful) part of the universe. Except maybe to the Twin Cities, to look at critters in reptile stores whose owners occaSionally color their hair green or something. Nonetheless, when my boss said I could go to a scientific meeting in LaJolla near San Diego in late March, I thought I should at least think about it. First I consulted a map of the US of A, but I COUldn't fmd either city. I finally asked a co-worker, who told me to look in "California". That narrowed the search down to a manageable area. I asked another co-worker if LaJolla was a neat place to visit. She either couldn't spell or had a speech impediment (she kept saying 'Luh-Hoy-ah instead of LuhJoll-ah), but she did let me know they had a zoo around there with Komodo Dragons, Galapagos Tortoises, and Cola Bears or something. Well, two out of three ain't bad, I figured. So I started bugging Lauri to go to this 'California' with me. I told her it never rains there, there'd be no snow, the sun's always out, there's a pond bigger than ours called Pacific near LubJoll-ah, we could prob'ly walk down the beach and personally meet the Beach Boys or even Jerry Brown, and that there's this big old swimming Holstein named Sham-Moo or something. But she wasn't terribly interested. "Wbat are we gonna see there tbat compares witb being right here on our place in Dirge?" she asked. And it was a good question. But! was prepared, and played my three aces: "There's no stove orwoodburners in the Hyatt Regency, so I won't have every one of your pots and pans full of boiling maple sap. And I won't be able to track mud and sticky sap all over the house if we go to this 路California'. And wben we get back home, the sap run will be over. And besides, we never did take a honeymoon. And if you go, I promise to never again ask you to help me put headers on a V-8 engine in the middle of winter." I don't know which reason convinced Lauri, but she agreed to go. We knew the tortoises would be just fine for a few days if we left the furnace turned up and used timers for the ceramic heaters. Mittons the black cat died in February so caring for her wasn't a problem. We arranged to leave Maggie the 2 4/58 year-old Rottweiler with a nice family which was "in between dogs" at the moment. They refer to Rotties as "orange-butts" because their son, now 15, was enthralled with that particular characteristic when he first saw one ten years
MHS Newslmer Volume 16 Number 7 you listen to me? NO-<l-o-o-o." I ate a full helping of crow, then pointed the little car south downI-5,joiningahordeofnon-signaling 75 mph speed demons in a vehicle that ran out of breath at 65. It turns out LaJolla is north of San Diego. Thus started our scientific meetinglhoneymoonlvacation. And tbis was our best day. We did see a palm tree and an ocean. We saw tiny crabs in tidal pools, and countless black mussels carpeting the rocks at the crashing surf. And we ate some fresb mussels at a LaJolla restaurant. tbougb they didn't really smell fresh. I drooled over three V-12 Ferraris and a wbite Cornicbe in LaJolla. Then, missing the quaint and cultured customs of my county (say thai three times fast), I "recited Shakespeare" at one of tbe Rolls' hubcaps while the valet was turned tbe otber
passed by tbe Leopard Tortoise enclosure. The pair we bad seen before were stilI engaged in that most fundrunental of interactions. "Wbew! That guy's got stamina," Lauri exclaimed, leaving me to ponder wbether sbe was just making a comment or "sending a message". Hmmmm. Well, we (that means Lauri) spent a small fortune at the zoo gift sbops buying presents to take borne, wbile we (tbat means me) whined about not being made out of money, or something, We checked out tbe Maritime Museum and the Aquarium (the former is fascinating, but the latter isn't worth the admission price), as well asme doing the scientific meeting thing. But we were wishing we were home by the third day. At least my body was bealing. We dropped offthe car at Enterprise Wednesday, day six. I bad gone over it witb a magnifying glass just that morning to make sure there were no dents, cbips or scratcbes tbat would allow them to puta lien on the mortgage. Just as I was banding the Rental Car Guy the keys, I beard a sizzling sound, I looked up to see a tiny but speedy 3 millimeter piece of the Russian space station wbose orbit bad decayed and whicb had burned up upon reentry. All except tbat tiny 3 mm piece, I thought as it pinged against the Neon's roof. A slow smile spread across the Rental Car Guy's face, "You in a beap a trouble, boy" be said. I was dozing on the frrst leg of the flight home wben the pilot's voice crackled over the intercom. ''Ladies and gentlemen, we're passing over the Rockies at this time, and if you look down to the left of the aircraft, you can see Pike's Peak. And-I'll be darned-you can just make out a blackand-orange object reversing direction and moving east at a higbrateofspeed, Wonder what it is? Well, never mind. Now, ladies and gentlemen, a special treat: I'll try to do justice to Stevie Ray Varanid' s "Texas Flood" using the aircraft's control stick as the neck of my pretend guitar." At that point the plane went into a steep spinning dive and I saw tbe oxygen masks drop out of the ceiling, At least I wont havera payfor the Neon if the plane crashes, I tbougbt before blacking out. Fortunately, tbe captain decided be didn't really have tbe ligbtning fIngers necessary to play "Texas Flood" and fly the aircraft at the same time, so he pulled up at the last second. I came to, just as the belly of the plane scraped the top of Pike 's Peak and groggily looked out the window. I could bave sworn I saw looking back at me .. .looking back at me .... Well, the rapid loss of altitude must bave made me see tbings. Never mind. We got to Cbicago, and thence to Rocbester. We collected our luggage and I ducked into the restroom to change my trousers. We stepped into the cool, welcoming sunsbine of Minnesota in April. I was thinking bow good an Old Mill Lite would taste when I saw a black-and-orange blur out of the corner of my eye. I was struck with the force of a freight train and went down like a sack of potatoes. I caugbt a glimpse of a paw witb its fingernails worn down to little nubbins as Maggie viced her jaws over my windpipe. There's no place like home, I thought as my vision narrowed to a pinpoint.
\\'ay. We also got to tbe San Diego Zoo. We hurried past the elepbants and ungulates, saving the best (cold-blooded critters, of course) for last. I was pleased when Lauri asked me to take a picture of a small wild California lizard, lI'adaya callthattus, percbed on the wall of an enclosure. ratber than of tbe exotic mammal inside. Soon we walked to the reptile area of the zoo, neartbe exit. We spent some time just staring at the one Komodo Monitor, Vatanus komodoensis, on display. Wben I asked this particular member of the varanid family if be knew Stevie Ray Varanid, be didn't deign to reply. Tightlipped, but a magnificent creature nonetheless. "Think he could ingest a Rottie, huh, Lauri, think he could? Do ya, do ya, do ya, huh?" I asked, jumping up and down and clapping my bands. "Wbat I'd cboose to feed it has two legs and half a brain. And gets lost a lot," she replied. I never did figure out wbat she meant. We saw only baby sulcatas, even smaller than our Tinsel. Tbere were some very large Leopard Tortoises, Geochelone pardalis, in an outdoor enclosure, and two of them were ensuring the survival of the species even as we walked by. I had only read about male tortoises' comical gaping mouths and clucking noises, and now I got to see and hear the spectacle fIrst band. "George Page must be around here somewhere witb a video cam," Laud said\ "Since every time we try to watch a Nature while eating supper we get treated to elepbants, warthogs, honeybees and rattlesnakes procreating." We continued past the lascivious Leopards and came upon the chelonians we wanted to see the most: Galapagos Tortoises, Geochelonc elephanwpus. There were mediumsized tortoises in one enclosure and the huge mature ones in another. We just stood there and looked ~at the marvelous creatures for a long time. Luckily, one of the big dudes was next to tbe knee-higb wall, so we got to toucb bim. I remembered 30 years ago, when zoos had Galapagos Tortoises out where kids could sit on them. I also remembered big cats, primates and tbe other animals confined in the small, barred cages of those days. So in three decades things have changed such that animals in zoos and private collections are treated much better than before. while burgeoning world population and consumerism, among other things, have destroyed the natural world these creatures crune from. I started to feel a little down, so I patted the big old tortoise on his shell and hoped be would stilI be around when my ashes are spread on the pond. Then I stepped off my soap-box. On our way out of the tortoise cul-de-sac we again
And tben I slipped into a dreamless sleep. Or something. Well that' senough (and perhaps too much) from Dirge County. Todd
MHS Newsletter Volume 16 Number 7
M.H.S.Business Board Meeting Highlights
June 1996 Treasurer's Report
By Michelle Stephan
Prepared by Marilyn Brooks Blasus Beginning Checkbook Balance:
The monthly meeting of the MHS Board of Directors was conducted on July 12th at Marilyn Brooks-Blasus' home. A quorum was present. The board took the following actions: A new release form was approved that will be used for the retrieval of adoption animals, this should enable people to know more about the animal before it is adopted ouI. 7 YES, ONO. The board voted to keep names and membership numbers on the adoption forms. 6 YES, 1 NO. The board also voted to allow an adoption committee member to abstain from voting on an animal he/she or their family is running for. Prior, they were supposed to abstain for every animal. 7 YES, 0 NO. A motion was made to strike the current rodent sales policy and to come up with a new policy. 3 YES, 4 NO. A second motion was made to set up a policy that only MHS members in good standing are able to purchase rodents throughMHS. Therodentprocedure will be discussed with the comrrtittee head. 5 YES, 2 NO. A motion was made to raise the fee for the speaker next month from $100 to $200. 7 YES, 0 NO. Presented and accepted were: Treasurer's report. Membership report, and Board Minutes.
Membership Raffle Sales Donation
Fines Other
160.00 51.00 21.32 163.80
3.00 0.25
Total Income:
Expense: Newsletter Misc. Printing/Postage
Program Library Books Supplies Other Total Expense:
0.00 50.00
0.00 118.89 238.00
Net IncomelLoss: Ending Checkbook Balance: Funds Allocated to Unpaid Expenses: Funds Available: Conservation Fund Balance:
720.94 (321.57) 2,446.00 0.00 2,446.00
Calendar of Events Aug. 2, 1996 MHS General Meeting. Guest Speaker: DR. SCOTT ECKERT; Program: RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES ON THE LEATHERBACK SEA TURTLE. Borlaug Hall, U ofM St. Paul Campus. 7 pm. Aug. 4, 1996 MHS Hands-on Event. Como Zoo, Midway Pkwy & Kaufinan Dr. St. Paul. MN. 11 am - 4 pm. For more info Contact: Sean Hewitt (612) 925-5845. Aug. 10, 1996 MHS Hands-on Event. Hennepin Co. Animal Humane Society, 845 Meadow Lane, Golden Vally, MN. Time: 11 am - 3:30 pm. For more info Contact: Sean Hewitt (612) 925-5845. Aug. 17路18, 1996 National Reptile Breeders Expo. Radisson Twin Towers Hotel & Convention Center, Orlando, FL. Contact: Wayne Hill, P.O. Box 3277, Winter Haven, FL 33885 (813) 294-2235. Aug. 17路18, 1996 Minnesota Renaissance Festival Opening Weekend. Shakopee, MN. Contact: Gloria Anton (612) 4206158 Aug. 24路27, 1996 3rd Annual Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians Conference. Holiday Inn, Busch Gardens, Tampa, FL. For conference registration info Contact: Dr. Wilbur Amand, P.O. Box 605, 1 Smithbridge Rd., Chester Heights, PA 19017, fax: (610) 892-4813. Sept. 1, 1996 Como Zoo (tentative), Midway Pkwy & Kaufman Dr. St. Paul. MN. 11 am - 4 pm. For more info Contact: Sean Hewitt (612) 925-5845.11 am - 4 pm. Sept. 6, 1996 MHS General Meeting. Program: TO BE ANNOUNCED. Borlaug Hall, U of M St. Paul Campus. 7 pm Oct. 4, 1996 MHS General Meeting. Guest Speaker: DA V' KAUFMAN Program: HERPS OF THE SOUTHWEST DESERT. Borlaug Hall, U of M St. Paul Campus. 7 pm
MRS Newsleller Volume 16 Number 7
Classified Advertisments 1.0.0 = male, 0.1.0 = female, 0.0.1 = unsexed, c.b. = captive bred, o.b.o. = or best offer
For Sale:
My female Rough-scaled Sand Boa is ready to breed this year. Looking for a male as a breeding loan. Call Chase; (612) 3745422.
1.1 Malaysian Blood Pythons. Male 4+ ft and Female 5+ ft. Both good red, female spectacular. $600.00 for tbe pair. Contact Sally at (612) 647-0661.
Everyone keeping live reptiles and amphibians is asked to contribute to this annual report. Please submit the following infocurrentJan. 1st of each year: (1) Inventory of collection, list numbers and sex, (2) list of all species bred during the previous year, (3) any longevity records, (4) please print clearly; your name, address and telephone number as you want them listed, (5) please do respond. Send info to: Frank Slavens, P.O. Box 30744, Seattle, WA 98103. Fax: (206) 546-2912.
Hatchling Leopard Tortoises, 1 available + 5 eggs SI50@. 31/ 2 yr. Leopard Tortoise4"-5", 2 available $200@. 2112 Sulcata (African Spur-thighed) Tortoise 2 available $200 @.CallJake or Donna (612) 757-8268. Baby Boas, Boa constrictor c.b. 4/30/96, fed & sbed $50-$75. Will deliver to MHS meetings. Call Sarah at (612) 223-0407. Hog Island Boas, c.b. 5/96 S200-8275 @, Yearling "Keeper Select Holdbacks" $325 @. Brazilian Rainbow Boas c.b.4/96 from Orange Red adults, S225 females only. Columbian Rainbow Boas c.b. 4/96, males 865, females $85. Albino Speckled Kings c.b. 7/96 $40. Albino and Hetero Corns $20. Hetero for albino Bulls $40. Will deliver to Twin Cities. Call Mark Wendling (319) 857-4787 (Iowa).
SEA TURTLE SURVIVAL LEAGUE, announces its' line of eco-promoting sea turtle merchandise, for a free catalog write: Sea Turtle Survival League, P.O. Box 2866, Gainesville, FL 32602-2866 or call (800) 678-7853. SECORD'S EXOTIC ANIMAL HOUSE BILLY SECORD - (612)920-1987
2.1 Dumeril's Boas, Acrantophis dumerili, c.b. babies 10/95. Feeding well on small mice. S250 ea. or $400 for pro Call Connie or Jobn (612) 374-5422
Mice and Rats. Call Little Critters (612) 421-0097
Rabbits - Fryer size, current listed market price. Discounts for orders of 6 or more. Rat size S 1.50 ea. or 6 for $7.50. Adults $2 ea wben available. All sizes currently available. Call Jim Daluge (612) 295-2818.
BloomIngton Veterinary
ALL THE SHED SNAKE SKINS IN THE WORLD, Always, to use at bands-on programs to give to kids. Bob Duerr (612) 541-0362.
Hospital, P_A_ 8830
Avenue South.
Bloomington, MN 55-120 TEL, 884-3228 • FAX, 884-7357
fA Sweeney DVM
Mild tempered Milk Snake, Lampropeltis triallgulum, Fox Snake, E/aphe vulpilla, or Black Rat Snake, E. obsoleta, for use for "hands-on" presentations at theEasunan Nature in Elmcreek Park Reserve. Cabn, easily handled specimens a must. Contact Vicki (612) 420-4300
W.H. Sweemy DVM Hospital Hours
M-T-W-T MO AM TO 9,00 PM FRIDAY 8,00 AM TO 6:00 PM SATURDAY 8:00 AM TO 1:00 PM
1'1('(1-'<' Ask /.()]' flr. IV"her
Herp related news clippings, original articles, artwork, cartoons, etc. for publication in the MHS Newsletter. Authors and artists will receive compensation in the fonn of volunteer hrs, good towards one "priceless" MRS coffee mug. Send submissions to: MN Herp. Soc.! Editor, c/o Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church St. SE, Minneapolis. MN 55455-0104. Wanted: Any Day Geckos (Plle/suma). Call Dean R. Montour (612) 257-2462.
Advertising Rates and Instructions
Amphibian & Reptile Information
Classified Ads: Are run free of charge to paid members. Non-member rates are ten cents per word, per month. Ads may nm three (3) consecutive months, after which time they may be re-submitted. Business Cards: Institutional members may nm one standard sized business card free of charge, Non-member rate for standard sized business cards is $5.00 per month. Display and ExpAnded Size Ad Rates: Ad Size Month 3+ Months 6+ Months
Specific questions concerning amphibians and reptiles are best answered by contacting the following individuals at the numbers provided. Please remember to be reasonable about the time of day and how frequently you call.
1/4 Page 1/2 Page
$10.00 $20.00 $40.00
$7.50 $15.00 $25.00
S5.oo $10.00 $15.00
(All prices are per month) Submissions: All advertisements should be submitted to the; MRS Editor, Bell Museum of Natural History, 10 Church st. SEt Minneapolis, MN
55455. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Minnesota HerpetOlogical Society.
MRS Ad Policy: The MHS aSSlUnes NO RESPONSIBILITY regarding the legality or health of any animal, or the quality or legality of any product or service advertised in the "MRS Newsletter. Any ad may be rejected at the discretion of the Newsletter Editor. Due to space limitations Unpaid and Complimentary advertisements are subject to occasional omission.
Amphibians & Reptiles in Minnesota Greg Kvanbeck (612) 533-7723 John Moriarty (612) 647-1334 Large Boas & Pythons Karl Hennann (612) 730-6265 Glen Jacobsen (612) 757-8268 Terrestrial Turtles John Moriarty (612) 482-8109 Glen Jacobsen (612) 757-8268 Amphibians Greg Kvanbeck (612)533-7723 John Meltzer (612) 263-7880 Crocodilians Jeff Lang (701) 772-0227
Other Snakes John Meltzer (612) 263-7880 Jeff LeClere (612) 488-6388 Aquatic Turtles Gary Ash (612) 753-0218 John Levell (612) 374-5422 Lizards Nancy Haig (612) 434-868 Bill Moss (612) 488-1383
Location of MRS Monthly Meetings [ lJ ofM St P~ul)
Non-Profit Rate U. S. Postage
MpJs.MN Pennit No. 2275
., \..,