Vol. 33 (2013), No. 3

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The newsletter of the

Minnesota Herpetological Society

Contents Speaker: Ed Quinn - MHS Herp Surveys and Salamander Research February Speaker Recap: Dr. Amy Kizer March Meeting Notice—General Meeting will be March 1st, 2013 All MHS Newsletters are now online!

March 2013

Volume 33

Number 3

BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Chris Smith 651.315.7760 President@mnherpsoc.com Vice President Dāv Kaufman 612.669.4567 VicePresident@MnHerpSoc.com Recording Secretary Beth Girard 612.616.8431 RecSecretary@MnHerpSoc.com Membership Secretary Heather Clayton 612.886.7175 MemSecretary@MnHerpSoc.com Treasurer Nancy Haig 763.434.8684 Treasurer@MnHerpSoc.com Newsletter Editor Ellen Heck 763.593.5414 NewsletterEditor@MnHerpSoc.com Members at Large Micole Hendricks 651.356.1669 MemberAtLarge2@MnHerpSoc.com Rebecca Markowitz MemberAtLarge4@MnHerpSoc.com Terry Odegaard 612.840.7674 MemberAtLarge1@MnHerpSoc.com Peter Tornquist MemberAtLarge3@MnHerpSoc.com

C/O Bell Museum of Natural History 10 Church Street Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55455-0104

Stay informed! Join us on our forums!

And, you can still leave us a Voice Mail: 612.326.6516

The purpose of the Minnesota Herpetological Society is to: • Further the education of the membership and the general public in care and captive propagation of reptiles and amphibians; • Educate the members and the general public in the ecological role of reptiles and amphibians; • Promote the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians. The Minnesota Herpetological Society is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Membership is open to all individuals with an interest in amphibians and reptiles. The Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter is published monthly to provide its members with information concerning the society’s activities and a media for exchanging information, opinions and resources. General Meetings are held at Borlaug Hall, Room 335 on the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota, on the first Friday of each month (unless there is a holiday conflict). The meeting starts at 7:00pm and lasts about three hours. Please check the MHS Voice mail for changes in schedules or cancellations. Submissions to the Newsletter Ads or Notices must be submitted no later than the night of the General Meeting to be included in the next issue. Longer articles will be printed as time and space allows and should be in electronic file format if possible. See inside back cover for ad rates. Submissions may be sent to:

COMMITTEES Adoption Sarah Richard RealSarah@aol.com


Education Jan Larson 507.263.4391 Jan.SkunkHollow@Juno.com Fostering Nancy Haig 763.434.8684 NancHaig@CitiLink.com Cover photo by Jim Gerholdt Cartoons by Fran Frisch

The Minnesota Herpetological Society -or- newslettereditor@mnherpsoc.com Attn: Newsletter Editor C/O Bell Museum of Natural History 10 Church St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104


© Copyright 2013, Minnesota Herpetological Society. Except where noted, contents may be reproduced for non-profit, non-commercial use only. All material must be reproduced without change. Proper credit will be given including the author/photographer and the Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter citing: volume, number and date.

General Meeting Presentation Friday March 1st, 7 PM - 6:30 Social Hour Ed Quinn has a BS Degree in Fish & Wildlife from Michigan State University and a MS in Biological Sciences - University of Minnesota. He began his career in the early 1980's working as a park naturalist in Ohio. He then went farther eastward to a wildlife biologist position for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department working on furbearers, Spruce Grouse, moose and non-game wildlife. Since 1998 he has overseen the natural resource management program for the MNDNR Division of Parks & Trails since 1998. There he works with a very talented group of about a dozen resource specialists located around MN. The division currently restores nearly 900 acres/year of prairie, forest and wetland native plant communities, conducts prescribed fire on nearly 5,000 acres/yr and controls invasive plant species on about 12,000 acres annually.

Common Diseases of Captive Reptiles Submitted by Beth Girard Amy Kizer was the featured speaker at the February 1, 2013 MHS general meeting. She is a staff veterinarian at Lexington Pet Clinic, as well as at Sea Life Minnesota in the Mall of America. She graduated from the University of Minnesota’s School of Veterinary Medicine in 2002, where she still serves as an instructor in the field of non-traditional pets. The most common reasons a reptile is brought in seeking veterinary care are anorexia (not eating) and lethargy (not active.) Due to the fact that these, individually and together, are symptoms of a wide variety of illnesses she spends a good amount of time discussing the animal’s husbandry with the client. She finds that the most common cause of disease in reptiles is husbandry and/or diet related. The HUSBANDRY of an animal is all the components necessary for maintaining a healthy animal, including its diet and environment. · What is the animal’s natural history? Is it a terrestrial, arboreal, fossorial, or aquatic species? What are the humidity and temperature ranges in its natural environment? How are these “natural” characteristics being addressed? · What is the animal being fed? Fresh or frozen? How often? What are you feeding the prey animal BEFORE it is fed to your pet? · What is the animal’s home habitat like? What types of heating and lighting are being used? What substrate is being used? What are the furnishings like? How are humidity requirements being met? · What are the feeding and handling techniques used? She prefers a client who arrives well prepared for the visit. This includes a photograph of the animals’ home habitat and a FRESH fecal sample. The interior design should include many components, and it should ALWAYS include a water source. Although some desert species “get their water from their food” she believes clean water should ALWAYS be available to them. Dehydration can be a problem with any species in captivity. Another important factor that can be overlooked is providing a 24-hour photoperiod. It is important for their metabolic and reproductive activities. The light/dark cycle is “part of their programming” and needs to be considered as part of their daily routine. Temperature changes (usually cooler in the evening) are also part of their daily cycle in their natural environments and should be included in their captive environments as well. Reproductive disease is a common problem in reptiles and it can be related to the lack of an appropriate photoperiod. Humidity, too little or too much, can be an issue. She cautioned that Minnesota winters can be particularly difficult because of the dryness. She recommends using a humidity meter for species that are intolerant of a wide range of levels. Many species of chameleons and tortoises have high humidity requirements! UltraViolet light is another component that can drastically affect the health and well-being of pet reptiles. Some species require UVB spectrum because it is necessary for the animal to process and use calcium. Iguanas, chameleons, tortoises, and some turtles are among those that NEED UV exposure. Although nothing compares to natural sunlight s, she realizes this is not always possible. UVA and UVB bulbs have a limited lifespan and need to be changed three to four times a year. They are also only effective at a certain range, so she has found animals that were being exposed to UV that still had problems arise because the placement of the light fixture was too far or too near. When asked which brand she prefers, she said ZooMed, and the fluorescent bulbs give off more UVB rays than the incandescent. Next, she discussed POTZ (preferred optimal temperature zone). Reptiles are ectothermic and a thermal gradient is best for their optimal metabolic function. March 2013

Volume 33 Number 3

Page 1

It varies among species, but it is highly recommended that animals be given a range within their enclosure: a basking spot on one side with a cooler, non-heated area on the other side. POTZ can be affected through the use of heat lamps and under tank heaters, but caution must be used to not cause burns. She DOES NOT recommend the use of heat rocks as she has seen too many animals with bad burns because of them. Snakes are true carnivores, but that does not mean they all eat mice. Their diet should be consistent with the diet of their wild counterparts … which does indeed mean small mammals for the majority of snake species. There are snakes, however, with diets that also include fish, amphibians, birds, other reptiles and/or invertebrates. They tend to have very simple husbandry needs … water, a heat source, substrate, a hide, and something rough enough to begin their shed. She has seen snakes that suffer from DYSECDYSIS (abnormal shedding) because there wasn’t anything in their habitat for them to rub their rostrum on to begin the shed. She, unfortunately, sees snakes that have been fed live prey which has injured the snake, sometimes beyond any hope of recovery. Dr. Kizer also sees turtles and tortoises in her practice. The diet requirements are quite variable among the different species, as are their temperature and humidity needs. The most commonly seen turtle, the red-eared slider, needs to be underwater in order to swallow. Unfortunately, they also defecate often so a good filtration system is important. She also recommends offering your aquatic turtle live prey to give it a varied diet. Tortoises should be provided with a water source as some species are prone to dehydration. They should be fed a high fiber diet, and a few fruits as treats. Too much fruit can mean too much sugar and this can lead to loose stools and other concerns. Box Turtles are omnivores … not dogivores! She has known box turtles that were only fed dog food while they actually need a varied diet consisting of salad vegetables (no spinach or iceburg lettuce), insects, and a small amount of protein (like a pinky mouse). There food should be supplemented with a calcium/vitamin mix. Months of nutritional deficiencies will show up over time … an overgrown beak, dry skin, and lethargy. A turtle that has suffered from nutritional deficiencies can see improvement by being switched to a good healthy diet! It is almost never too late to turn things around for these guys! Turtles and tortoises can suffer from dietary related diseases. Most commonly she sees Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (Metabolic Bone Disorder) because the parathyroid will release a hormone to break down the calcium in its bones if it is lacking in its diet! They can also develop Hypovitaminosis A from a deficiency of Vitamin A. The most common characteristic of this disease is swollen eyelids. A healthy well-rounded diet can prevent both of these conditions! Husbandry related diseases include ingestion of a foreign body. When given time outside of its normal SAFE enclosure Dr. Kizer recommends they be supervised as they will sometimes eat unusual things in their environment. Other issues are dehydration, urate bladder stones which can occur due to chronic subclinical dehydration, gout, again related to dehydration, constipation due to diet and/or dehydration and in females, preovulatory stasis (Egg Binding.) Iguanas are another popular pet, although Dr. Kizer doesn’t see as many as she used to. They are herbivores that require UVB lighting for Vitamin D synthesis or they can suffer from Metabolic Bone Disease and/or kidney disease. The most common dietary and husbandry related diseases are Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (MBD), gout (due to the build-up of uric acid in the body) and preovulatory stasis (egg binding.) Leopard geckos are probably the most common reptile pet Dr. Kizer sees in her practice. They are insectivores that need a water source, but no UV lighting as they are nocturnal animals. She has seen several with problems due to the use of CalciSand. They can become impacted due to ingesting the sand with their prey, or develop blepharitis because sand gets under the eyelid and causes scratches which become infected. Common husbandry diseases can also include dysecdysis (incomplete shedding particularly concerning the toes), and stomatitis (mouth sores). The most common dietary related diseases are Hypovitaminosis A, hypocalcemia, egg binding, and malnutrition. Another popular lizard pet she sees are bearded dragons. They are easily handled, hardy, omnivores. A common dietary related disease is poor growth due to an insect-only diet. They need vegetables in their diets to be healthy. They can also suffer from Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (MBD), and are prone to lightning bug toxicity! The most common husbandry related diseases are sand impaction, trauma from falls; and coccidiosis. The latter is a condition caused by parasites that can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, and general malnutrition. Dr. Kizer pointed out that it is a good idea to take a FRESH stool sample when taking a reptile pet to see a veterinarian. The last type of lizard pets she discussed were chameleons, animals which she does NOT recommend to novice reptile owners. They are insectivores that usually require a constant source of live prey, UVB lighting for calcium metabolism and specific humidity and temperature ranges. The most common diseases she finds with chameleons are cloacal prolapses because of parasite infestations; Hypovitaminosis A; Nutritional Secondary Hyperparathyroidism, dehydration (which can lead to kidney disease and uric acid accumulation); abscesses and trauma due to falls while climbing. The take-away message to Dr. Kizer’s presentation was that most diseases are related to diet and husbandry which means that most can be prevented if good husbandry practices are adhered to! Page 2

Volume 33 Number 3

March 2013

Hello, everyone! It’s that time of year again when we begin preparations for the Annual White Snake Sale! The White Snake Sale for 2013 will be held during the general meeting on April 5th. This is one of our largest fund-raising events of the year, where hundreds of items are bid on and won by the membership. In keeping with tradition, there will be a silent auction with 2-3 rounds of bidding, as well as a live auction for some of our nicer items. So start saving up for nice high bids, and gather up some of your nice herp-related items to donate! We will not be accepting used glass aquariums this year unless they are in excellent condition, and we will not accept more than a few. Please do not bring large heavy items to the event; bring pictures with descriptions of the items. The winners of these items will make arrangements with you to pick them up after the auction. Photos and descriptions may be emailed in advance to newslettereditor@mnherpsoc.com. We are also beginning to seek volunteers to help with the auction, which generally means up to a couple of hours of help over the course of the evening labeling items, putting them on tables or bringing them away after the auction rounds, some data entry, etc. Pizza and beverages are provided for volunteers, so there is incentive!! You are also given time to participate in the bidding, so no fear, you will not miss out on any items you may have your eye on. If you are interested in donating items please contact Ellen at newslettereditor@mnherpsoc.com. If you are interested in volunteering for the event please contact Heather at memsecretary@mnherpsoc.com or you may make a post to the forum on the MHS website, www.mnherpsoc.com. You must be a current member and be registered to the site to use this option. Thank you in advance for your participation and support of the MHS Annual White Snake Sale, 2013! These are samples of some of the art up for grabs in the live art auction, held between silent auction rounds in the main meeting room.

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Volume 33 Number 3

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Photo Contest The photos/art projects will be on display in the meeting room during the April Meeting (White Snake Sale). All MHS members get to vote for their favorite projects. Voting will take place during the meeting and winners will be announced the same evening. Contact Beth Girard at recsecretary@mnherpsoc.com Categories: 1. Herps in the Wild/ in a Natural Setting: Photographs of animal(s) taken outside and/or in a natural setting. A natural setting that has been staged is also permitted. 2. Herps and Humans / Non-Wild Setting: Subject(s) should be in a non-wild setting – i.e. photographs taken around your home, on or with something that is manmade. Some examples of this are: herps in their cages, people holding a herp, or photographs of animals taken at a zoo. 3. Kids' submissions: Any photo/artwork submission by a member who is 16 years of age or younger. 4. Mixed Media: Herp related artwork by a member or photographs taken by a member that have been altered/ enhanced using photo editing software in any manner other than cropping. There will also be an award issued for the “People’s Choice”: Members will also vote for one submission from the above categories that they feel is the best overall photograph / piece of artwork. The submission that receives the most votes is the winner of this category. Rules:

 You must be a current member of the MHS and be the one that took the photograph. However, you do not need to own the herp in the photo.

      

All entries need to show herps or be herp related. Color and/or black and white photographs are acceptable. Artwork is defined as sculptures, drawings, paintings, etc. Photos should be no smaller than 5 x 7 and no larger than 11x 14 (outside dimension). Mounting or matting of photos/art is recommended but not necessary. Members are allowed to submit up to 2 photos/items in each category. On the back of the photo, please include: your name and which category you want your picture to compete in. In an effort to start the general meeting punctually MHS is inviting people to join us for a 6:30pm social hour (ok, half hour) prior to the start of the meeting. This will allow people to do their catching up and still start the meeting on time. We hope to see you there! US Ark announced in January that Andrew Wyatt was resigning as president. For more information on this and the new leadership at US Ark check http://usark.org/ For Andrew’s new group, check http://herpalliance.com/ Articles by MHS members Title: Lessons Learned: Notes on the Natural History of Heterodon nasicus in Minnesota Full citation: Hoaglund, Erica P., and Christopher E. Smith. 2012. Lessons Learned: Notes on the Natural History of Heterodon nasicus in Minnesota. Reptiles & Amphibians 19:163-169. To read the full article click HERE. To read more great articles, visit- http://www.ircf.org/journal/ Title: Two Naturally Occurring Intergeneric Hybrids (Pituophis catenifer x Pantherophis vulpinus; Lampropeltini, Squamata) from the Midwestern United States

Full citation: LeClere, Jeffrey B., Erica P. Hoaglund, Jim Scharosh, Christopher E. Smith, and Tony Gamble. 2012. Two Naturally Occurring Intergeneric Hybrids (Pituophis catenifer x Pantherophis vulpinus; Lampropeltini, Squamata) from the Midwestern United States. Journal of Herpetology 46:257-262. To read this, and many more great articles, visit- http://www.bioone.org/loi/hpet Page 4

Volume 33 Number 3

March 2013

Minnesota Herpetological Society Treasurer's Report for Year End 2012

2012 Income Membership Ads Raffle Adoption Donation-Misc Donation-Hands On Donation-Renfest Clothing Sales Rodent Sales White Snake Sale Holiday Banquet Renfest Income Recovery of Returned Checks Midwest

Total Income Cash Balance Checking TCF/Paypal Paypal Cash on hand Total Placement of Cash

Review. Grants:

March 2013

prepared by Nancy Haig

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

2012 Expense Newsletter Printing Newsletter Postage Bulk Mail Permit White Page Printing Occasional Paper Printing Promotional prt & postage Supplies Insurance Student Org Resignation Fee Program Library Books Adoption/Vet Costs Conservation/Donation Rodent Costs Renfest Hands-On Supplies Holiday Banquet Expenses Midwest Website Volunteer Award Cost Returned Checks Service Charges Misc Expenses

5,540.00 110.00 780.25 1,919.00 380.00 982.00 4,732.84 5,758.00 1,908.63 302.00 2,750.00 325.00

$ 25,487.72


Net Gain (Loss)

$ 23,390.72 $ 497.37 $ 424.88 $ 175.00

$ 24,487.97

$1,156.25 Chris Smith $1,500.00 Melanie Stock $250.00 Bell Museum

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$175.00 Thomas Radzio $915.75 Paul Davis $500.00 Glen Jacobson

Volume 33 Number 3


1,790.10 549.45 485.89 562.40 721.44 25.00 3,908.57 745.00 4,497.00 3,744.25 328.53 483.00 308.72 1,457.55 95.40 397.48 137.70 206.66

$ 20,444.14

Total Expense




Page 5

MHS Reports and Announcements Adoption Report for February Prepared by Nancy Haig Adopted at the meeting were: 1 med. Alligator, 3 Painted Turtles, 3 Bearded Dragons, 2 Carpet Pythons, 1 Boa constrictor, 1 Grey Ratsnake, and 5 Cornsnakes. Only 1 cornsnake remained for fostering. Thank you to all who gave homes to our Hapless Herps.

Call for Volunteers ! We are in need of two volunteers to assist the MHS Treasurer with the 2011 year end audit. This is where we cross-check the income & expense statements with the actual receipts and make sure everything is documented properly. It takes about 2-3 hours following a checklist and reviewing the results.

Did you know that March 2013 will be the 31st anniversary of the For convenience we can meet at someone’s home. adoption program “Help a Hapless Herp”? Watch for a report on This is a great way to learn the ins and outs of the MHS. how it has changed over the decades. Contact Nancy Haig at nanchaig.citilink.com or 763434-8684 if interested

Help Wanted!

We are still looking for people to fill the position of webmaster. Adoption Helpers If you have experience with website maintenance and HTML, please consider stepping up for the society! Drupal experience is We are in need of members who regularly attend a plus. Contact Chris Smith with questions. the Friday General Meeting to help out with the adoptions during the meeting.

White Pages Update If you still need to make changes to your membership information for the MHS White Pages, forms will be available at the March meeting. Contact Heather with updates or questions at memsecretary@mnherpsoc.com

This would involve helping carrying in and setting up the animals before the meeting, being generally helpful and assisting at the end of the meeting with packing up, and carrying stuff out to the cars. If you are interested contact Nancy Haig or Beth Girard at the next Meeting.

Attention Rodent Buyers ! The MHS will be changing the way we sell some of the bigger Rats. As of MAY 1st we will sell the Medium, Large and Jumbo Rats by the bag quantity instead of by the dozen. This will help in inventory control and eliminate the need for re-bagging the items. You will also see an increase in some of the pricing due to the rise in our distributors’ costs. All mice, weaned and small rats will still be sold by the dozen. Medium Rats:

1 bag = 10 rats = $22.00 (old price 12 rats / $24.00)

Large Rats:

1 bag = 6 rats = $ 17.00 (old price 12 rats / $30.00)

Jumbo Rats:

1 bag = 5 rats =$ 16.00 (old price 12 rats / $36.00)

Old prices and quantities will be good until the end of April 2013

Board Meeting

Back Newsletters All issues of the MHS newsletter have been scanned and are available online! Many, many thanks to Matt Carter and Beth Girard and all those who helped on the way, spending hours scanning newsletters, formatting the results and making this available to all members! http://issuu.com/mnherpsoc

Newsletter Submissions If you have an article, book review or other item for the newsletter, the deadline is the Wednesday of the week following the meeting. Items are printed as space allows. Have you seen a herp-related article you’d like to share, an amusing herp-related incident or story, or know of something happening in the herp world? Send that in and share it with others.

The March board meeting will be held March 2 at 6pm at the St Paul Student Union. This is just down the hill from Borlaug Hall. All submissions should be sent to NewsletterEdiCheck the posted schedule at the Union for the meeting room tor@MnHerpSoc.com. Thanks! number. Page 6

Volume 33 Number 3

March 2013

MHS Reports and Announcements Upcoming Hands-on Event Schedule The Eagle Center - 50 Pembroke Ave, Wabasha, MN. Saturday March 16th and Sunday March 17th. Times are 11am-3pm both days. Pet Expo - Minneapolis Convention Center , Hall B. Saturday March 23rd, 9am-6pm and Sunday March 24th, 10am5pm. Lincoln Center Elementary School Science Night—357 9th Ave N, South St Paul. Friday April 5th, 5pm-8pm Lawn and Garden Show—14800 34th Ave, Plymouth. Friday April 12th, 6pm-9pm and Saturday April 13th, pam1pm Battle Creek Science Night—605 Ruth St, St Paul. Thursday April 25th, 5:30pm-7pm Glacier Hills Environmental Fair - 3825 Glacier Drive, Eagan. Friday May 17th, 5pm-7pm Plymouth Environmental Fair—Zachary Lane Elementary School, 4350 Zachary Lane, Plymouth. Thursday May 23rd, 5pm-8pm Phalen Lake Park—Watershed Event—Saturday June 1st, 11am-4pm Looking to meet other MHS members? Help assist the society achieve it’s goals of educating the public? Or just have a good time showing off your herps? Here’s the perfect opportunity!

Here’s the deal- Bring your herp(s) to one of the shows listed above, and talk about them. That’s it! You don’t have to be an expert, you’re not giving speeches. Most of the time you will find that people are more than open to hearing about our misrepresented critters.

Sound fun? Great! There are just a few requirements: Bring only healthy animals. Make sure you know the basics

about your animal; What they eat, how long they live, adult size, cage needs. There is no size limits as long as the as long as the handler can comfortably keep control. We do not let viewers pat them on the head and do not allow them to directly hold the animal. If the animals are very young, display in a cage is recommended. Children may participate as long as they have adult supervision.

Terry Odegaard presents a variety of herps to young 4-H members at Bunker Hills Nature Center as part of the U of M Extension program.

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Volume 33 Number 3

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Online Classifieds In addition to ads in the newsletter, MHS provides online classifieds via the forums. A valid login (provided to current members) is required to both post and read ads. h p://www.mnherpsoc.com/forums/members/classifieds Page 8

Volume 33 Number 3

March 2013

Minnesota Herpetological Society Membership Application  New




Membership #

City, State, Zip Phone



List in MHS Directory? Yes No Contact information only? Yes No

Check #

Herp related interests

Active Memberships: Sustaining ($60/year)

Contributing ($40/year) Basic ($20/year)

Printed Newsletter ($5/year plus membership)

Corresponding Memberships: Commercial ($25/year, 2 business card ads/year) Required check info. Drivers Lic #



Please enclose the proper payment with your application. Make checks payable to MINNESOTA HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Membership is for 12 months from the date of approval. A receipt will be sent only upon request. Mail To: Minnesota Herpetological Society, C/O BELL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 10 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing.

Rodents! New Sizes! Order your MHS Rodents today! Ordering by phone? See the new phone number below. Mice




2-3 grams



5-7 grams


Advertising Policies


8-11 grams




25-30 grams


Jumbo Adult

45+ grams


regarding the health or legality of any animal, or the quality or legality of any product or service advertised in the MHS Newsletter. Any ad may be rejected at the discretion of the Newsletter Editor. Due to space limitations,





40-45 grams


Small Adult

50-60 grams


Med. Adults

125-150 grams


Large Adult

200-240 grams



250-350 grams


unpaid and complimentary advertisements are subject to occasional omission. Classified Ads: All active members are allowed a classified ad, run free of charge as space permits. Ads may be run three (3) consecutive months, after which time they may be resubmitted. Submissions: All advertisements should be submitted to the MHS Membership Secretary at the general

For pickup at monthly meetings only. Orders may be placed via: 1. At the meeting for the following month 2. Emailing your request to RodentOrders@Yahoo.Com 3. Call the MHS Voicemail: 612.326.6516 Orders MUST be placed 10 days in advance of the meeting to guarantee availability.Â

meeting or mailed to: Minnesota Herpetological Society, C/O Bell Museum of Natural History. 10 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Deadline is the night of the General Meeting for inclusion in the next newsletter. Make checks payable to: Minnesota Herpetological Society. Advertising Costs Size Cost Business Card Sized $5/month or $55/year* 1/4 Page $10/month or $110/year* 1/2 Page $20/month or $220/year* Full Page $40/month or $440/year*


Next Meeting: Friday - March 1st- 7:00 pm Room 335 Borlaug Hall, U of M St. Paul Campus

MHS Voice Mail: 612.326.6516 MHS Web Page: www.MnHerpSoc.com

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