Vol. 33 (2013), No. 10

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The newsletter of the

Minnesota Herpetological Society

October Meeting Notice General Meeting will be October 4th, 2013 October Speaker Blake Klocke;Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project Smiley Sings! See page 6

October 2013

Volume 33

Number 10

BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Chris Smith 612.275.9737 President@mnherpsoc.com Vice President Peter Tornquist 952.797.6515 VicePresident@MnHerpSoc.com Recording Secretary Beth Girard 612.616.8431 RecSecretary@MnHerpSoc.com Membership Secretary Heather Clayton 612.886.7175 MemSecretary@MnHerpSoc.com Treasurer Nancy Haig 763.434.8684 Treasurer@MnHerpSoc.com Newsletter Editor Ellen Heck 763.593.5414 NewsletterEditor@MnHerpSoc.com Members at Large Micole Hendricks 651.356.1669 MemberAtLarge2@MnHerpSoc.com Rebecca Markowitz 409.750.0235 MemberAtLarge4@MnHerpSoc.com Terry Odegaard 612.840.7674 MemberAtLarge1@MnHerpSoc.com

C/O Bell Museum of Natural History 10 Church Street Southeast Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55455-0104

Stay informed! Join us on our forums!

And, you can still leave us a Voice Mail: 612.326.6516

The purpose of the Minnesota Herpetological Society is to: • Further the education of the membership and the general public in care and captive propagation of reptiles and amphibians; • Educate the members and the general public in the ecological role of reptiles and amphibians; • Promote the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians. The Minnesota Herpetological Society is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Membership is open to all individuals with an interest in amphibians and reptiles. The Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter is published monthly to provide its members with information concerning the society’s activities and a media for exchanging information, opinions and resources. General Meetings are held at Borlaug Hall, Room 335 on the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota, on the first Friday of each month (unless there is a holiday conflict). The meeting starts at 7:00pm and lasts about three hours. Please check the MHS Voice mail for changes in schedules or cancellations. Submissions to the Newsletter

Kelli Bornholdt 612.710.5919 MemberAtLarge3@MnHerpSoc.com

Ads or Notices must be submitted no later than the night of the General Meeting to be included in the next issue. Longer articles will be printed as time and space allows and should be in electronic file format if possible.


See inside back cover for ad rates. Submissions may be sent to:

Adoption Sarah Richard RealSarah@aol.com


Education Jan Larson 507.263.4391 Jan.SkunkHollow@Juno.com Fostering Nancy Haig 763.434.8684 NancHaig@CitiLink.com WebMaster Shawn Berg WebMaster@MnHerpSoc.Com Cover photo by Jim Gerholdt Cartoons by Fran Frisch

The Minnesota Herpetological Society -or- newslettereditor@mnherpsoc.com Attn: Newsletter Editor C/O Bell Museum of Natural History 10 Church St SE Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104


© Copyright 2013, Minnesota Herpetological Society. Except where noted, contents may be reproduced for non-profit, non-commercial use only. All material must be reproduced without change. Proper credit will be given including the author/photographer and the Minnesota Herpetological Society Newsletter citing: volume, number and date.

General Meeting Presentation Friday October 4th, 7:00pm; 6:30pm Social Hour The October speaker will be Blake Klocke, giving a presentation on his experiences working in Panama with the Panama Amphibian Rescue and Conservation Project Social hour begins at 6:30pm. This is a time for people to minge and catch up before the meeting starts. Eventually we hope to include refreshments. See Colleen Melander if interested in helping out.

Terry Odegaard—The history of the MHS Submitted by Beth Girard The September speaker was Terry Odegaard who shared information regarding the history of the Minnesota Herpetological Society. The MHS as we know it is the third incarnation of a herpetological society in Minnesota. In 1957, a group spear-headed by Kevin Marx, Bob Winokur, Don Iglesrud and Dave Zahn, began meeting in a variety of locations, mostly libraries and member’s houses. Eventually they began to meet fairly regularly at Macalaster College. Two young men who began attending those meetings were Blake Sheldon (author of Amphibians and Reptiles of the North Woods, 2011) and Terry Odegaard, who had met each other at the junior high school they attended. One of the programs at their school allowed students the opportunity to work with a Bell Museum expert in their field of interest.

knowledge regarding herp husbandry was SCARCE! There were fewer exotic amphibians and reptiles in captivity and sharing knowledge was much more difficult than it is today. One big event was a field trip to Winona County! There were only two county records of ringneck snakes in the southeastern corner of the state at that time, but they found a hibernaculum with over 50 ringnecks in the immediate vicinity. They found that some bluffs were rich in them while they wouldn’t find a sing ringneck on others. They also found six-lined racerunners to be quite common in the area. Unfortunately “Take-Two” failed as well. The second group experienced the same difficulty in finding a location to meet with any consistency!

In 1969, Terry opened the Pet Dragon pet shop in south Minneapolis. During the 60s and 70s he kept in touch with Terry was accepted and had the privilege of being menherpetoculturists he met in Minnesota and on his trips. tored once a week for three months by Dr. Walter J They got together occasionally for parties and herping trips Breckenridge, author of Reptiles and Amphibians of Minne- to surrounding areas, but it would be over a decade before sota (1944). Dr. Breckenridge piqued Terry’s interest in the final Minnesota Herpetological Society was formed. exploring the Bunker Lake sand plain and even drew him a In 1978, Terry closed the pet shop and began traveling map of the area. Terry spent many Saturday mornings on a around the country full-time doing reptile programs, mostly bus with Blake and other friends heading up to the rural in schools and libraries. This is also the year Bruce Delles area. They had to herp in the middle of the day because it opened Twin Cities Reptiles, the longest running reptile took them so long to get there. Terry said they would usustore in the U.S. ally find at least one western hognose snake and one bullsnake before they had to begin the equally long busWhile doing a program at Wood Lake Nature Center in ride back home. Unfortunately MHS “Take-One” fizzled out 1981, Terry met Delvin Jones. Delvin had been active with when they lost their Macalester College meeting location. the herpetological organization in Boston before he moved to Minnesota. He was new in town and looking for a similar MHS “Take-Two” began in the spring of 1961. The memgroup here. The timing of their meeting was perfect, as bers of “Take-One” had kept in touch and got back togethTerry was poised to speak at the “Ecology of Reptiles and er while Terry and Blake were high school juniors. They, Amphibians of Minnesota Symposium” being held March along with Bob Duerr (then a reptile keeper at Como Zoo), 13th and 14th at the Bald Eagle outdoor Learning Center in Bob Hodge, Gene Krey, Gary Kuehn, John Beal, Dave Zahn, Cass Lake, MN. Terry told Delvin he would try to get him a and Larry Probst met for several meetings. The first meettime slot to address the group about forming a group of ing was held at Blake’s church. Bob Duerr invited them to like-minded individuals in the state of Minnesota. Terry had meet at the Como Zoo for the second meeting and they the opportunity to do so AND to mention to Laddie Elwell were allowed to tour the small reptile collection there. Terthat the idea of a herp society in Minnesota had failed ry remembers seeing their 18’ anaconda, 12’ redtail boa, twice due to the lack of a consistent meeting location. He and an assortment of spiny tail and green iguanas. The asked her to sit he and Delvin at the table with Dr. Phil highlight of the meeting was watching Bob force feed Regal at the symposium dinner. horsemeat to the snakes. Don’t forget that 50 years ago October 2013

Volume 33 Number 10

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When dinner was served talk turned to the presentations they had heard that day … including Delvin’s. When Dr. Phillip J. Regal (Ph.D. in Zoology), representing the Bell Museum, said he thought a MHS was a good idea, Terry replied by saying it would be an even better idea if the Bell Museum would give them an address and a meeting place! The rest, as they say, is history! The proceedings from that gathering were not published until several years later. The following is the report submitted by Delvin Jones. Minnesota Herpetological Society A Progress Report Delvin Jones The Minnesota Herpetological Society was formed in May 1981 in response to the interest expressed at the Herpetology Symposium in March 1981. MHS has grown rapidly since its formation and now has over 125 paid memberships. The majority of the members live close to the Twin city Metropolitan area. However, there is a strong national representation with over 30 corresponding members. Our corresponding members are located from Connecticut and Alabama on the east coast to Alaska and California on the west coast. Our monthly meetings are held at Smith Hall on the U of M, Minneapolis campus. Each meeting features an educational presentation on some aspect of herpetology. The MHS library is open to members during the meeting. The library now has 137 volumes available for check out with new titles being added nearly every month. Newsletters from 31 other regional herpetological societies are also available. Members may purchase frozen food animals at discount prices at meetings. MHS has initiated a service to place unwanted herps for owners unable to find new homes for their animals. The service allows the animal to be placed with a knowledgeable and qualified adopter, solves the previous owner’s problems, and prevents the suffering of unwanted animals. So far, MHS has placed 60 animals ranging from a spotted salamander to an eleven-foot anaconda. MHS members prepared, stocked and serviced the Reptiles of Minnesota display in the DNR building during the 1982, 1983, and 1984 Minnesota State Fairs. The monthly newsletter has grown from a threepage initial issue to a consistent 20 pages a month. The newsletter contains information about past and future meetings, articles about herps by MHS members, significant events occurPage 2

ring in the herp world and current breeding successes with herps. MHS has been very fortunate in acquiring two resident cartoonists. Their work enlivens each issue of the newsletter. In 1984, MHS received a $1500.00 grant from the Minnesota DNR to do herpetological species distribution surveys in the south-western corner of the state. Two of three planned trips have been taken with good results. Several county records have been established and some isolated findings reconfirmed. The first meeting of the Minnesota Herpetological Society was held May 1st, 1981 in room 225 of Smith Hall. Approximately 35 people attended including Delvin Jones (first MHS President), Terry Odegaard (first MHS Vice-President), Carl Hermann, Bruce & Connie Delles, Eric Thiss, John Dee, Larry Probst, Ann Porwoll, Bruce & Nancy Haig, Fred & Liz Bosman, Paula Swanson, and Jim & Pam Gerholdt. The society continues to thrive! * In 1985, MHS hosted the first Midwest Herpetological Symposium. It was held at the Bell Museum and the Minnesota Zoo, and the featured speaker was Peter Prichard. Minnesota hosted again in 1990, 1997, 2005 and 2011. The thirtieth Symposium will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2014! Societies from other states involved include Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Indiana, Michigan, Kansas and Nebraska. * The MHS Adoption Program has placed over 2,000 animals since 1981! Learn more at http://mnherpsoc.com/ content/mhs-adoption-program * Annual Surveys have been held annually with only one exception since 1984. Learn more at http:// www.mnherpsoc.com/content/research-and-field-trips or check out the MHS Occasional Paper, “A History of MHS Field Surveys” by Jeff LeClere. * MHS has been at the annual Renaissance Festival with live animals and volunteers every year since 1988. * The DNR building at the Minnesota State Fair has had a live reptile display overseen by the MHS since 1982. Terry shared stories about herp husbandry and herp acquisition from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Knowledge at that time was difficult to acquire any way other than first hand! Calling long distance was expensive, and there was no internet! Acquisition was difficult for the same reasons. It was not uncommon to have items offered for sale turn out to be a different species when they arrived … or to be ill and/or covered in parasites! Personally, I enjoyed getting a glimpse of herpetoculture over the past half century! We’ve come a long way, baby!

Volume 33 Number 10

October 2013

Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC) Announce a Logo Contest for Our 2014 Year of the Salamander campaign! In 2014, Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC) will launch the Year of the Salamander campaign to raise awareness about the conservation status of salamanders and their conservation needs. We are now seeking submissions for the logo for the 2014 Year of the Salamander campaign! The logo selected will be high profile and will be used in various places, including the State of the Salamander document, newsletters, website, posters, and may be used on Year of the Salamander merchandise.

Logo Requirements: We ask that submitted logos bear the text “2014 Year of the Salamander” and that the text be legible when reduced to a 1” height. Also, the chosen logo will need to work equally well in color and in black and white formats. Submission: Please send your proposed logos to yearofthesalamander@gmail.com with the subject line “YOSal LOGO.”

Although we will eventually require a high resolution file of the winning logo, please send only lower resolution JPG, GIF, or TIF files for the initial submission.

Deadline: The deadline for logo submissions is October 1st, 2013. The winning logo will be announced by November

1st. The winning logo designer will be featured in the January 2014 Year of the Salamander News that will be distributed to PARC list‐serve members and posted on the PARC website.

Speaker for December—Brian Barczyk Since Brian was a child he’s had a fascination with all animals, but reptiles soon became his passion. His dream was to work with reptiles as a career. Now 24 years into breeding snakes as his main job, he is so thankful to be able to live out his dream. Although he’s thankful for his many years of doing what he loves, his hopes are to be able to continue to grow his collection of reptiles and not only supply more people with the offspring of his animals, but also to continue to change people’s thinking about these sometimes misunderstood creatures. With changing people’s perception of reptiles on Brian’s mind, he started the web series “SnakeBytesTV’. Not having any idea of what the popularity of the show would turn out to be, his vision was to introduce “new” people into his world of reptiles while trying to entertain and educate them along with other reptile enthusiast that would hopefully be viewing. Now over four years into the show and close to 50 million viewers his plans are to not only continue producing SnakeBytesTV, but to grow the medias attention on all levels. He has some great plans in the works for the near future.

Life with Herps This is Baxter, an 11’ Burmese python. I adopted him several years ago. Since that time, he has twice escaped from his cage. The first time he went into the bathroom and drew himself a bath (after knocking some art off the wall and breaking the pedestal sink). I would have been more upset except he looked SO smug and content. The second time, I followed the trail of destruction to the kitchen and found this. He had apparently discovered the garden window over the sink. It must have met with his approval, as he was still there when I got home. Have a funny herp story? Send it with a photo to NewsletterEditor@MnHerpSoc.Com

October 2013

Volume 33 Number 10

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Symposium Information A Note from Anne Dickison regarding the 2013 Symposium. There were 6 people from MHS in attendance. Dear Symposium Sojourners: Here's hoping that the plunge back into Reality was not too brutal for most of you, and you felt you took away more from the Symposium than just Peppermint Patty love-handles and auction items you might have to feed. We couldn't have had a nicer weekend given our Doomsday weather forecasts and doubts about spending Labor Day Weekend in the company of reptiles and reptile fanciers instead of our other relatives. For those of you into statistical wallowing, here's a bit of a slather-down. We had 91 paid participants, not counting speakers, workers, scholarship students, and a few slippery eels. The Banquet comfortably stuffed at least 117 of us. We also owe thanks for Not Washing Dishes for Life to several very generous supporters, most notably Ty Park and Meg Jacob. It takes a Village to orchestrate an event like this. Doug Holmes was our CIHS Conductor, and the rest of us played flutes, kazoos, bassoons, and sometimes we just bleated, often without music except for that in our hearts and heads. Special notes of CIHS tribute go to: Our wonderful Speakers, all of them. Without you, this Symposium would have been nothing. Ty Park: Keynote Speaker, Symposium supporter, and Mentor for us all Shelley Fritz: Auction procurement and organizing Brian Hoff:

Chief IT support behind the scenes

Doug Holmes and Anne Dickison: Plentiful, and Occasionally Healthy Food Treasurer, and Paperwork Rodeo Artist: Anne Dickison Registration Desk: Anne Dickison, Christina Henry, Cort Severns, and Brian Hoff Welcome Bags: Brian and his daughter Brianna Hoff, Susan Dobyns, Anne Dickison Trip to Snake Road: Michael Shelton and Doug Holmes Zoo Tickets: Doug Holmes T-shirts: Jessa Wilcoxen and Doug Holmes Consents and Paperwork: Doug Holmes, Tom Millen, Anne Dickison Stoney Creek Inn Event Planner: Christina Schaefer Pre-Dawn, and our under-applauded Doughnut Deliverer: Susan Dobyns Conference workers: Clancy Kinsel, Jacob Dusek, Alyssa Little, Kourtney Grimm Banquet watermelon turtle carving: Lisa Fix-Griffin Vendor Procurement for Sunday Animal Sale: Justin Reeise and Jason Juchems

Membership Report Prepared by Heather Clayton, Membership Secretary Summary Counts as of September 6th, 2013

Paying memberships:

















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Sept 2013

August 2013






















TotalsVolume 33 Number 10

October 2013

MHS Reports and Announcements Come On Board! The Annual Meeting for the Minnesota Herpetological Society will be held on Friday, November 1, 2013, at 7:00pm in room 335 of Borlaug Hall (University of Minnesota St. Paul campus). At that time, elections for the 2014 Board of Directors will be held. Each member in good standing may cast one vote for President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and up to four votes for Members-at-Large. The Minnesota Herpetological Society is a completely volunteer-run organization! Volunteers are necessary for hands-on events, to complete annual field surveys, to sell raffle tickets, to man the adoption and foster committees ‌ and volunteers are needed to run the business of MHS. Would you like to have a part in determining the direction of this fine organization? Now is your opportunity! All ten board positions serve a one-year term. More than one person can be nominated for each position. In fact, a good contest makes our organization stronger by ensuring the right person is elected! Consider running for one of the ten positions now. If you are unable to do so, perhaps you know someone who you feel would be an asset to MHS. If so, talk to them and ask if you may nominate them for the 2014 MHS Board of Directors! All board members must be at least eighteen years of age, and current active members of MHS. To nominate someone, or for additional information about what it entails, contact the current Election Chairman, Beth Girard. The Board positions are defined below. Beth Girard Cell# 612/616-8431 E-mail: recsecretary@mnherpsoc.com Elected Board Members Responsibility of All Board Members Board members must be a current active member that has reached the age of majority. Board members duties include serving on and chairing committees, working on special projects and assignments for the Board and responding to correspondence as required. Board members are also required to attend board meetings, fill in for any missing board member at meetings and monitor the voicemail messaging service on their assigned month. All Board members must abide by the Bylaws and Policies of MHS. President The President chairs the monthly general and board meetings of MHS, appoints and maintains contact with committee chairs and delegates tasks to other Board members. The President also makes a calendar of meetings, picks up and distributes the society's mail and acts as a public October 2013

spokesperson for the Society. The President coordinates the common vision and goals of MHS, promoting its growth and sustainability, and upholds the Bylaws. Vice President The Vice President is responsible for coordinating and introducing the speakers for the monthly Meetings and introducing the Critter of the Month presenters. Vice presidential duties also include assisting the President, performing the President's duties in case of absence, notifying the Newsletter editor of upcoming speakers, sending notices of monthly meetings to local newspapers and changing the voicemail message monthly. Treasurer The Treasurer is required to maintain and balance the MHS financial accounts and keep complete records of all financial transactions. This includes collecting and depositing all income in a timely manner, producing both a monthly and an annual financial statement for the newsletter and supplying the Board with a monthly financial activity report. The Treasurer also participates in the complete yearly audit and budget. Membership Secretary The Membership Secretary collects, maintains and updates the membership database. The Membership Secretary is also responsible for supplying a monthly summary of membership activities, maintaining a file of prior newsletters and responding to all information and membership inquiries. The Membership Secretary also maintains the name tag box. Recording Secretary The Recording Secretary records the minutes of the monthly board and general meetings and provides summaries to the Newsletter Editor. The Recording Secretary maintains: the minutes of the board meetings, a complete archive of past newsletters, and a listing of the inventory of MHS supplies, fixtures and goods. Other duties include chairing the Election Committee and providing an annual summary of any unresolved action items. Newsletter Editor The Newsletter Editor edits submissions, enters monthly business, and prepares the MHS newsletter for printing. The Editor also solicits articles, items of interest and advertising. The Editor is responsible for the appearance of the newsletter. Members-At-Large / Immediate Past President The Members-At-Large participate in the decision making process, volunteer for projects or committees. The Members-At-Large perform other duties as assigned by the President. The Immediate Past President will serve as an advisor to the new board.

Volume 33 Number 10

Page 5

MHS Reports and Announcements Elections and General Meeting

Treasurer's Report for Aug 2013

prepared By Nancy Haig The MHS Elections and General Meeting for 2013 will be held November 1st at 7 pm in Borlaug Hall. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. You must be present to vote; proxy Beginning Balance $ 4,635.82 ballots are not a allowed. Any member in good standing and who will be at least 18 years of age by January 1st, 2014 is eligible to run for the board of directors. For more information on the individual positions, contact a board member or check the website. To submit your name as a candidate, contact Beth Girard at RecSecretary@MnHerpSoc.com http://www.mnherpsoc.com/content/bylaws-minnesotaherpetological-society

Adoption Report

Income: Membership










Hands Ons




Rodent Sales



Total Income




Submitted by Nancy Haig

We had 30 new intake animals and 7 returning fosters for a total Newsletter printing of 37 animals. Newsletter postage Program

3 Russian Tortoises, 1 Sulcatta Tortoise, a pair of Red Foot Tortoises, 2 pairs of Box Turtles, 2 common Boas, 1 Western HogWebsite nose, 2 cornsnakes, 1 Cuban Treefrog, 1 Whites Treefrog, and 2 Rodent cost Bearded Dragons were adopted. Insurance 4 Ball Pythons, 2 Bearded Dragons, 1 Iguana & 1 Large Snapping Turtle are in foster. The 2 Painted Turtles and the Baby Total Expense Snapping Turtle will be on display at the Renaissance Festival. 7 Red Eared Sliders will be outsourced as no one wanted to adopt Cash Increase/Decrease them. Thank you, to everyone who applied, it took a little longer to make the decisions because there were several requests for the Ending Balance same animal but in the end I hope we chose ok. Remember the program is to find new homes for the animals. Thank you also to Placement of cash holdings the members who stepped up and took home fosters without Checking you we wouldn't be able to accept new animals next month. Savings The adoption committee would like to ask the membership to Paypal please be patient and give us some time to set up the animals at Cash on hand the back of the room. Things will go faster if we are not interrupted and it will be easier to look at the animals and ask us questions after everything is in place. Total

$ $






$ $


$ 1,081.67 $


$ 4,309.65

$ 4,309.65 $17,203.86 $





Renaissance Update—Smiley Sings!

Board Meeting

Smiley, a 21 year old, 7 1/2’ American Alligator, demonstrated she is more than just a pretty face. Several times, didgeridoo players from a neighboring booth stopped by to try communicating with the lovely lass. Doos of different tones were tried, and Smiley has responded a couple of times. Video of her singing can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=2RZIXaFpjuY. You have to wonder what was being said...

The board meeting will be held 6pm October 5th in the St Paul Student Union. Check the posted schedule at the Union for the meeting room number.

Page 6

Everyone is welcome to attend the board meeting. If you think you may be interested in running for a position, we encourage you to come check it out.

Volume 33 Number 10

October 2013

MHS Reports and Announcements Upcoming Hands-on Event Schedule 3M Events—Friday October 4th Teacher’s Workshop 3pm-6:30pm. 3M Center, St Paul Bldg 24 Saturday October 5th Super Science 11am-3pm. 3M Center, St Paul Bldg 24 Sherburne Nature Preserve—Saturday October 5th 10am-4pm McColl Pond—Saturday October 5th 8:30am-2:30pm. Savage Community Park, 13550 Dakota Avenue S., Savage. Wabasha Eagle Center—Sunday October 13th 11am-3pm Plymouth Pet Expo—Saturday October 26th 10am-4pm. 14800 34th Ave N, Plymouth Science Museum—December 3-6th (4 days) 9:30am-1:25pm. Speakers will give 3 presentations to students Glacier Hills Science Night—Friday May 9th, 2014 5-7pm. 3825 Glacier Drive, Eagan, MN 55123 Looking to meet other MHS members? Help assist the society achieve it’s goals of educating the public? Or just have a good time showing off your herps? Here’s the perfect opportunity! Here’s the deal- Bring your herp(s) to one of the shows listed above, and talk about them. That’s it! You don’t have to be an expert, you’re not giving speeches. Most of the time you will find that people are more than open to hearing about our misrepresented critters. Contact Jan at Jan.SkunkHollow@Juno.com for details or if interested in signing up. Or sign up on the website.

Four New Species of Legless Lizards Found in California Theodore Papenfuss, a herpetologist with the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California, Berkeley, and James Parham of California State University, Fullerton announced the discovery of four new species of legless lizard in California. One lives next to LAX, one of the busiest airports in the world. http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/19/us/california-legless-lizards/index.html The 40th annual meeting of the Kansas Herpetological Society will be held 1-3 November 2013 at the Great Plains Nature Center in Wichita, Kansas. The Society is accepting titles for talks to be presented at the meeting. The KHS annual meeting provides a opportunity for herpetologists and other individuals who have an intellectual interest in amphibians, reptiles, and turtles to come together for scientific lectures and friendly intellectual discussion. There is ample opportunity for socializing in a collegial and supportive atmosphere. The keynote speaker for this year's meeting is Dr. Darrel D. Frost (American Museum of Natural History). Registration is only $10.00, beer and other refreshments are free. Individuals wishing to present a paper at the KHS meeting should submit their title and institutional affiliation as an email to Travis W. Taggart (ttaggart@fhsu.edu) for posting on the KHS web site and inclusion in the program. Be sure to note whether your presentation is a candidate for The Collins Award (must be primarily about Kansas herpetofauna) and/or The Toland Award (must be a KHS student member prior to the presentation). To view the 2013 KHS annual meeting program as it is updated daily, visit the web site at: http://www.cnah.org/khs/AnnualMeetingInfo.html

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Online Classifieds In addition to ads in the newsletter, MHS provides online classifieds via the forums. A valid login (provided to current members) is required to both post and read ads. h p://www.mnherpsoc.com/forums/members/classifieds Page 8

Volume 33 Number 10

October 2013

Minnesota Herpetological Society Membership Application New




Membership #

City, State, Zip Phone

Type Check #


List in MHS Directory? Yes No

Herp related interests

Active Memberships: Sustaining ($60/year)

Contributing ($40/year) Basic ($20/year)

Printed Newsletter ($5/year plus membership)

Corresponding Memberships: Commercial ($25/year, 2 business card ads/year) Required check info. Drivers Lic #



Please enclose the proper payment with your application. Make checks payable to MINNESOTA HERPETOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Membership is for 12 months from the date of approval. A receipt will be sent only upon request. Mail To: Minnesota Herpetological Society, C/O BELL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, 10 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing.

Rodents! Order your MHS Rodents today! Ordering by phone? See the new phone number below. Mice




2-3 grams



5-7 grams


Advertising Policies


8-11 grams




25-30 grams


Jumbo Adult

45+ grams


regarding the health or legality of any animal, or the quality or legality of any product or service advertised in the MHS Newsletter. Any ad may be rejected at the discretion of the Newsletter Editor. Due to space limitations,





40-45 grams


Small Adult

50-60 grams


Med. Adults

125-150 grams

$22/ 10 rats

Large Adult

200-240 grams

$17/ 6 rats


250-350 grams

$16/ 5 rats

unpaid and complimentary advertisements are subject to occasional omission. Classified Ads: All active members are allowed a classified ad, run free of charge as space permits. Ads may be run three (3) consecutive months, after which time they may be resubmitted. Submissions: All advertisements should be submitted to the MHS Membership Secretary at the general

For pickup at monthly meetings only. Orders may be placed via: 1. At the meeting for the following month 2. Online at www.MnHerpSoc.Com 3. Call the MHS Voicemail: 612.326.6516 Orders MUST be placed 10 days in advance of the meeting to guarantee availability. We no longer keep an inventory of ro‐ dents on hand, so if you a empt to place an order a er the deadline, there is no way to fill it.

meeting or mailed to: Minnesota Herpetological Society, C/O Bell Museum of Natural History. 10 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Deadline is the night of the General Meeting for inclusion in the next newsletter. Make checks payable to: Minnesota Herpetological Society. Advertising Costs Size Cost Business Card Sized $5/month or $55/year* 1/4 Page $10/month or $110/year* 1/2 Page $20/month or $220/year* Full Page $40/month or $440/year*


Next Meeting: Friday October 4th - 7:00 pm Room 335 Borlaug Hall, U of M St. Paul Campus

MHS Voice Mail: 612.326.6516 MHS Web Page: www.MnHerpSoc.com

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