Aug. 2012 Newsletter

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August Newsletter

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From: Resource for Iguana Care and Adoption <> To: Kathy <> Cc: Date: Sunday, July 29, 2012 04:55 pm Subject: August Newsletter

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Resource for Iguana Care and Adoption

Welcome Fans of RICA! Thank you for your patience. It's been a long time coming, but here it is - RICA's first newsletter! So much has happened since RICA began, it's hard to know where to start. The beginning is a good place. I founded Resource for Iguana Care and Adoption in May 2006. I saw a tremdous need for quality care information for people who had an iguana as a pet, and for those who were considering it. There are still many misconceptions about iguana diet, behavior and socialization. I wanted to create a hub where folks could gather information that would help them better care for their iguana. This is RICA's primary mission; "To educate the public in the proper care and husbandry of the captive green iguana." Naturally there are people who want to give up their iguana, so RICA's secondary mission is to find loving, permanent homes for surrendered iguanas. Many times an iguana needs vet care or one on one socialization. There are currently thirteen iguanas in foster care. I am fostering the majority of them, so if you would like to schedule a visit, send me an email. As always, help with fostering is desperately needed.

Non-Profit Status The Federal 501c(3) project has been stalled for too long. Hopefully this will be the year RICA files for 501c status. Most of the paperwork is filled out, but creating the budget has been challenging. If anyone has experience with 501c filing, please contact me!

Breeding Season Breeding season is over for the females and only a few males are still exhibiting breeding season behavior. This has been an unusual year in that for the first time in three years, Steven laid eggs! At the end of last February, she laid 34 eggs. On March 31, 2012 New Hope laid 37! Lil' H and Diamond showed some signs of being gravid, but it's clear now they resorbed any egg material they had. My own Pumpkin Kahuna has had his breeding season turned around. He is showing signs and this is not the normal breeding season time for him. Since their breeding behavior is triggered by environmental cues, it's no surprise that that these events are topsy-turvy!

Hot Weather The weather has been very hot in many places across the U.S. Thunderstorms knocked out power for thousands of people and their pets from the East Coast to the Midwest. Fires in Colorado created major problems for animals (companion and wildlife) who were displaced from their homes. Please support the efforts of local rescues and Humane Societies to help animals recover and/or reunite with human comanions. Even though iguanas are tropical animals, they can still get overheated. Monitor your iguana if kept outside. Make sure there is shade and water available. Better yet, during extremely high temperatures, either forgo the sunning cage or move it to a shaded area and limit the time spent outside. Watch for the warning signs of overheating: Gaping open mouth


Unusually lighter color If your iguana becomes overheated, take it to a cool spot immediately. Place it in a tub of lukewarm (NOT COLD) water. Do not leave it alone as it may be weak from overexposure. Or, using a spray bottle, gently mist your iguana to help it cool down. It might even drink in some of the sprayed water, which is ideal. Indoor cages might need some modification during extreme heat. Switch to a lower wattage basking bulb, or turn off the bulbs all together, if there is no air conditioning in your home.

Featured Iguana I can't believe how big Lil' H has gotten! In January, 2009, Lil' H was just a little baby when surrendered. I could hold her between my fingers! Now she is about 6 pounds and about three feet total length. Her body fits on my arm! Lil' H is fairly tame. She tolerates handling and is an active iguana who will not sit still in your lap. She is very curious about her environment and loves to explore. She also loves to run away from you if she manages to escape your hold. She is probably as tame as she will get. If you are looking for a pet that will come when called, or lay on your lap while watching tv - better get a dog or cat! However, if you value independance, a free spirit and intelligence that goes beyond performing tricks, then Lil' H is your gal!

1/4/2013 11:12 PM

August Newsletter

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1/4/2013 11:12 PM

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