PytRons are stiTI a little^venomous NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC^ashington, DC) 5/4/13 by Ed Yong, According to popular knowledge, venomous snakes are in the minority. Most kill their prey<brpugh other means. The pythons and boas, for example, squeeze their prey to death, constricting them in powerful coils until they can no longer breathe. But that doesn't mean they lack venom.
Presiid eri Meeting dates Nipher Herp Club Pythons continued Next Speaker Minutes New series about venomous snakes More on Gulf spill
Tortoise naming debate St. Louis Reptile Show dates Classified ads Board members /
Until then, everyone thought that there were only two venomous lizards—the Gila monster and the Mexican beaded lizard—which evolved their toxins independently from the hundreds of venomous snakes. Fry showed otherwise. While capturing monitor lizards in the field, he noticed that they had bulges in their heads at the same place as the Gila monster's venom glands. "It was a Captain Obvious moment," : he says.
• The Venom' glands of these constrictors .mostly pro• duce lubricating mucus, which helps the snakes to : Fry eventually isolated Venom proteins from many supposedly non-venomous species of lizard and swallow prey easily. But Bryan Fry from the University of Queensland has found that the glands still pro- snake, including all monitors and frequently kept pets duce small amounts of venom proteins. So do the . like bearded dragons and ratsnakes. He argued that » equivalent glands of iguanian lizards—the group that reptile venom evolved only once, in the common > includes iguanas, anoles and chameleons. ancestor of this reptile group, which he called Toxicofera. It covers all snakes and a significant proporThese snakes and lizards are unlikely to be using their tion of all lizards. venom to subdue prey or to defend themselves, but they clearly still make the stuff. Their toxins are the The Toxicoferan ancestor had two pairs of venom ! equivalent of a kiwi's wing or the sightless eyes of glands, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, blind caveflsh—defunct remnants of a functional past. which secreted an already complicated set of venom proteins. Its descendents duplicated the genes that This is not the first time that Fry has shaken our un- produced these proteins, and tweaked them to proderstanding of animal toxins. In 2009, he showed that duce even more chemical weapons. They also the Komodo dragon kills its prey with venom, rather streamlined their venom glands—some venomous 10 than blood poisoning caused by a filthy bacteria-laden lizards, like the monitors and Gila monster, lost the bite. And earlier, in 2006, he showed that venom is a top pair, while the snakes downplayed the bottom set. far older and broader reptile invention than anyone had guessed. Continued on page 3
General Meeting Dates For 2013:
May 19
Presidents Spot
by Steve Brown
Welcome Spring! 1 am so happy to see everything turning green. I have not been looking for herps but a few friends have told me they have found herps. I guess that 1 have found a few herps. I have seen a number of the Northern Fence lizards (Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthinus) around my house. Plus the Tree Frogs (Hyla chrysoscelis). have been calling from the gutters of my house. So I guess that I have been herping in away.
June 9
Our speaker for our May meeting will be Dr. Robert Aldridge and he will speaking on•" The Sex Pheromone in the African House Snakes".
July 14
If anyone has any ideas for speakers please talk to us about your ideas. Do you have a special project that you would like to share? How about your last herping adventure? Please, don't be shy. Speak up and .enjoy your society. ..... ... . . . ...
August I I
September 8 October 13 November
December 8 General meetings are held on Sundays, at 6:30 PM Kirkwood Community
Center, I I 1 South Geyer Road, ' Kirkwood, Mo: 63122 314-822-5855-
. ;
\• .
Nipher Herpetological Society By Ed Bielik On February 12, the Nipher Herpetological Society had their monthly meeting. As usual, a class of eager middle schoolers showed up to learn and experience the "herp5 world first hand. The mission of the Nipher Herpetological Society is to share knowledge within our .n^m-bei^h ipf=© u f^<^^o^# d^^ tion of reptiles and amphibians and their importance in the natural world. Our monthly meetings provides the vehicle to share knovsdedge-^rf'herps among the membership, to take care of the ongoing business of plaffning events, managing our inschool animal reptiles and socialize with thos^oi^similar interests. Our February meeting was exciting when the St. Louis Herpetological Society's own Josh Higgins talked on King Snakes. All the boys and girls were fully engaged as Josh gave an excellent interactive lecture. According to Ed Bielik, our kids are eager to learn and are especially excited to handle reptiles. Josh is a very talented presenter and we.were honored to have him with us for our meeting, Our next meeting will •-' focus on salamanders. Nipher's 6th grade science teacher Adam Scimone will head this learning experience. • . ; .
Volume 47, Issue 3 Python venom cont.
Page 3
have more protein-secreting cells defences against microbes. in these glands—maybe a killing Fry thinks that reptile venom Fry's new study is a sequel to this role isn't out of the question). actually has its origins in killing "Nothing in evolution is every classic work. He took a much microbes rather than prey. The closer look at the venom glands really lost," Fry says. Even if venom glands have been repurcommon ancestor of the venomof several constrictors like pyous snakes and lizards had glands thons and boas, and iguanians like posed for making mucus, you'd expect"them to still produce that churned out proteins that the veiled chameleon and the traces of venom. kept bacteria at bay. By tweaking common iguana. He dissected these proteins to kill other anithem, stuck them in medical Nicholas Casewell from Livermals instead, and ramping up scanners, catalogued their propool School of Tropical Meditheir manufacture, these early teins, and more. cine, who studies venom evolureptiles turned their chemical shields into swords. Indeed, For a start, he doubled the num- tion, says that the study adsome of the iguanian and conber of known venom glands. He dresses unanswered questions from Fry's earlier work, which strictor venom proteins are still studied the red-tailed pipe evolving, and rapidly so in some snake—a member of'one of the "has been contentious". For cases. Perhaps they are changing most ancient of snake lineages— example, the fact that the boas and found that it secreted venom and pythons have tiny amounts of to regain their old protective .roles? venom fits with the idea that from four glands at the corners they evolved from venomous of its mouth called rictal glands. These structures had been com- ancestors and have since down- This isn't just for academic interest. Since I 979, Australians have played their toxic heritage. pletely ignored since the 192.0s, relied on the Commonwealth but Fry showed that they proCasewell adds that the new study Serum Laboratories Venom Deduce venom. helps to answer another baffling tection Kit to identify the species He also found venom proteins in question: "Why would a vegetar- responsible for venomous snakeian iguanid require the secretion bites. Some people have tested the constricting pythons and positive using this kit despite boas, and in iguanians. The levels of venom toxins?" In the iguanians, the most common of the being bitten by an apparently non are too low to be used as a devenom proteins—crotamine and -venomous python. Everyone just fence or to kill prey (although the more predatory-iguanians did ^ crystatin—^o r-iginal ly-e-ve Ivedias-^- *-s h pugged-an d-<r egaj~d ed-i£ ;as-a-
mistake. But Fry's work shows that the test is picking up genuine venom proteins, which pythons share with other snakes. "It's not enough to affect a human or a prey animal, but enough to set off the very sensitive test and give a false-positive," says Fry. "In which case, the person bitten might be given very expensive anti-venom that they don't need."
Great Basin rattlesnake Crotalus viridls lutosus photo by Steve
Page 4
St. Louis Herpetological Society
The speaker for the May 19,2013 meeting will be;
Dr. Robert Aldridge talking on
'The sex pheromone in the African house snake (Lamprophis fuliginosus)."
The speaker for the June 9, 2013 meeting will be;
Anthony Wilmes Talking on
"Scent Tracking in African house snakes" Two consecutive months of studies conducted at St. Louis University
Meeting Schedule 2013 General Meetings SUNDAY 6:30PM
2013 Board Meetings TUESDAYS 7PM
May 14
June 9
June I I
General Meetings are held 6:30PM Kirkwood Community Center I I I South Geyer Road Kirkwood MO 63122 314-822-5855
Board Meetings are held Tuesdays at 7PM Cornerstone EvangeJ/caJ Free Church 921 Edgar Road Webster Groves, Mo. 63 1 19 314-968-9808
Minutes of the Executive Meeting for March 12, 2013 President Steve Brown called the meeting to order at 7:10
The board all agreed that Katie Neville's talk about they're trip to the Galapagos Islands was fabulous! Thanks Katie!
Reptile Rampage in the Chicago area was good. Steve and Debbie Brown went and represented the SLHS.
We need a few more speakers for the year. ( As in June through November!) (If you have an idea for a speaker, or want to tell us something about your menagerie, please let us know.)
The treasurers report for Jan/Feb was presented by John Faletti.
Income of $523.00 and expenses of
$255.50 for a net positive cash flow of $267.20 The meeting was called to a quick end at 7:32pm.
Minutes of the Executive meeting for April I 6, 201 3 President Steve Brown started the meeting at 7:06 •
Steve Brown mentioned that the insurance is due and that he will take care of it. He also mentioned a presentation request from Greenbriar Country Club for Thursday, April 25th at the noon hour. None present were available so Steve mentioned that he would ask Christina Kitter. And he said that he had several tanks/cages to go for sale at the SLHS table at the St. Louis Reptile Show on Sunday, May 19th. Ed Bielik has a couple large ones also and Michael Brodt too! (Yo, tank Heaven up in here!)
I meagerly reported that I have yet to set up the pay pal account for the website.
Bonnie Faletti was in attendance and asked if anyone needed plastic food boxes to sell animals in.
John Faletti had the treasures report showing a positive cash flow for March of $ 167.00 from income of $375.00 minus $208.00 in expenses. He had also prepared an income/expense comparison table for 2007 through 2012.
We will try to get the 201 I Harry Steinman Grant recipient to speak in June.
The meeting was closed at 7:50 pm.
St. Louis Herpetological Society
Page 6
Keeping Venomous Reptiles article and photo by steve Brown So you've made the decision to keep venomous reptiles?
your local law enforcement.
Every Missouri county, city or township may have laws that are more strict than the State. If Part [ in a series of articles pertaining to the keeping of ven- your count/ does not have any restrictions on venomous repomous reptiles in a private coltiles, the State statute applies. If lection. your count/ allows the keeping of venomous reptiles your city or Below are some, of the most • township may have laws that common questions that are restrict or ban you from keeping asked about keeping venomous them. If your city or township reptiles. have no ordinances concerning 1) Which is the best venomvenomous reptiles, the county ous reptile for a beginner? law requirements must be fol2) How can'I find a mentor lowed, If your county prohibits willing to train for venomous you from keeping venomous reptiles? reptiles your city or township 3) What kind of cages are cannot allow you to keep venombest for venomous reptiles? ous. Remember the State Statue These are good questions. How- is a minimum requirement, each ever those are the questions that county, city or township may you need to ask last. In my opin- have laws more strict than the ion here are some of the first State but they cannot be less. questions that should be asked If you reside in an area that proand answered. hibits you from keeping venomous reptiles you may want to First, are venomous reptiles legal whereJ Ijv§?^ Missouri.State^ cojT|jde£_reJQ^atmg to an area _ Revised Statues Section 578.023 where you may keep venomous. If you live in the State of Illinois requires that you register with there is no legal way for the priyour local county or city law vate individual to keep venomous enforcement authorities. Remember this is the State require- reptiles at this time. If you choose to keep venomous repment. If you want to keep ventiles illegally your collection will omous reptiles in the State of be confiscated and you will be Missouri... YOU MUST REGISTER with fined when you get caught.
Monocled Cobra Naja kaouthia
Second, so you have done your research and found that you may legally keep venomous. Before you get too excited, do you own the property where the venomous animals will be housed or do you rent or lease? Some areas require you to have an insurance policy that specifically covers the reptiles. If insurance is a requirement, good luck. Most insurance underwriters will not write a policy for private venomous reptile collections. If you either rent or lease the property where the venomous will be housed, you must get written permission from the property owners. The property owners are just as liable as you should something get loose and someone or someone's pet receives a venomous bite. You would also be liable for any demolition and reconstruction cost that may arise in finding an ^escaped venomous reptile. So you are now set to legally keep a venomous reptile. Great! But one more thing and this could possibly save your life. Third, ANTI-VENOM! Have you decided on the genus and species of venomous reptile you
want to keep? Do you know what anti-venom is required for the reptiles that you will be housing? Do you know where a source of anti-venom may be accessible? Do you have bite protocols for the venomous that you plan on housing? Do you know where a hospital is located that has the trained staff to treat a venpmous snake bite? Getting to a hospital is critical, but so is receiving the proper medical treatment. RESEARCH! Get all of the most up-to-date information that you can find. It's your life and/or limb at stake. Bite protocols are a must for any venomous keeper. These are the questions that you must ask yourself. If you can't answer these questions don't get venomous critters until you know the answers. If an accident occurs resulting in a bite from a venomous creature i Ihn-olrfi n-d^th;e answers o n the way to the hospital.
Do Your Research Before You Purchase The Reptile! The next article will cover correct housing of the animals.
Volume 47, Issue 3
Gulf Of Mexico Dolphin, SeaTurtle Deaths Point To Continued Effects Of BP Oil Spill, Group Alleges By JANET McCONNAUGHEY NEW ORLEANS (AP) 4/2/13— Continuing deaths of dolphins and sea turtles are a sign that the Gulf of Mexico is still feeling effects from the 2010 spill that spewed 200 million gallons of oil from a well a mile below the surface, a prominent environmental group said Tuesday.
time is unprecedented." The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's fisheries service has said previously that many turtles probably drowned in shrimp nets and that brucellosis, a bacterial infection, was the only common thread in the dolphin deaths.
NOAA cannot comment about Inkley's statement because its investigation of the deaths is part The deaths — especially in dolphins, which are at the top of the of the federal tally of environfood chain — are "a strong indi- mental damage for oil spill litigation, spokeswoman Connie Barcation that there is something amiss with the Gulf ecosystem," clay said. said National Wildlife Federation The federation's report, senior scientist Doug Inkley. "Restoring a Degraded Gulf of Mexico; Wildlife and Wetlands "Both species have very high Three Years into the Gulf Oil mortality the first year, slightly Disaster," was based on previlower the second year and the ously reported research by other third year even lower, but still well above average," Inkley said. scientists, including NOAA's updates on the dolphin and sea "To have these deaths above average for so Jangva>per:!od,£>.f^ .- 'turtfe-strandings: - - - — ~
K^ust, §0^^^
The key to restoring the Gulf is conserving coastal wetlands, and it's critical to make sure that any fines imposed from the trial now in progress in New Orleans go to that purpose, said Inkley and David Muth, director of the federation's Mississippi River Delta Restoration Program. The trial will assign a percentage of responsibility among BP PLC and other companies involved in the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion April 20, 2010. It will also decide penalties under both the Clean Water Act and the National Resource Damage Assessment process.
The federation looked at how coastal wetlands and six species of animals are doing in the Gulf three years after the spill, basing its assessment on historical status and what the future looks like as well as the spill's effect. It rated the status of coastal wetlands, Atlantic bluefin tuna, and sea turtles as poor; bottlenose dolphins and deep-sea coral as fair; and shrimp and brown pelicans as good.
NRDA uses scientific research to assess environmental damage and decide how to fix it. Under the RESTORE Act of 2012, 80 percent of all Clean Water Act fines will go to Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Texas.
ads as well as"articles, photos and lany other peirtineni rnaterial. Thank you!
>" '.<
St. Louis Herpetological Society
Gigantea vs. Elephantina Isn f t a Monster Movie—Ifs a Slow-Moving War of Words-A 200-Year-Old Spat Over Tortoise Name Has a Winner By Gautum Naik, Wall Street Journal 4/1 7200 1 Fr.:»*»$< ' tjtfsb** \Z:3tf In 1812, the giant tortoise of the Indian Ocean atoll of Aldabra was given a scientific Latin name: Testudo gigantea. Then, for more than two centuries, researchers sparred over what to call the 600-pound creature. In recent months, the slowmoving debate quickened. Rival biologists published more than 1 00 pages of lengthy, academic arguments for why the animal should retain the gigantea name or take on another scientific moniker. Elephantina was held out as one possibility; dussumieri another.
example, "you have to know what animal you're talking about or you're going to be in trouble," says David Attenborough, the British naturalist. He once spent several days among the Aldabra tortoises. "There are a great number of these extraordinary creatures lumbering around the place," he recalls, adding that one of them stole his shoes from outside the tent.
The world's roughly 1.4 million known animal species typically go : by two or more names in scientific literature—a source of confusion to many. Several have 20 names. One species of honey bee has 70. Some critters are described by two or three different The scientists extended the names in the same research paname-calling to each other as well, with some tartly dismissing per. others as "unschooled." The The clash over the Aldabra torSeychelles government, which toise ranks as one of the most claims the tortoise as a native, murky and bitter in the ICZN's also weighed in on the matter. I I ft vfrnr ihi"tnr.v
sue," says Ellinor Michel, executive secretary of the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature, or ICZN. "Scientists are pretty good at saying that the other person is an idiot." The tortoise spat is one of about 60 cases presented each year to the ICZN, a little-known group that functions as the world's arbiter for animals' scientific names. Acrimonious battles have raged for years over the correct monikers for certain shrimp, snails, fruit flies, butterflies and dinosaurs. It is a big job: every year, researchers identify about 20,000 new animal species. Each must be given a scientifically valid name, usually in Latin or in Greek, that will endure. Otherwise, the animal kingdom might fall into chaos. The task is likely to become even tougher: due to drastic budget cuts, the ICZN's own future existence is now severely threatened. When enacting laws for species conservation, for
In 1982, a French scientist named Roger Bour of the Paris Natural History Museum concluded that the Schweigger specimen didn't originate from Aldabra, after all. He argued that gigantea should be renamed elephantina, the name chosen by his French compatriots in the 1800s. That proposal muddied the waters. Scientists began to refer to the same tortoise using different names. An American biologist, Jack Frazier, wanted to eliminate the confusion. In 2006, he designated a tortoise specimen at the Smithsonian museum as the new type specimen for the Aldabra tortoise, which he continued to call gigantea. That same year, Dr. Bour was rooting around the Paris museum specimens and came across a two-foot-long specimen smelling faintly of the
. ^
In the late 1800s, Charles Darwin argued for'the protection of the tortoise, which can grow three feet high and live for two centuries. But the animal has been given up to 40 names. The recent fight has been principally about two of them. In 1812, a German botanist named August Friedrich Schweigger studied tortoise specimens at the natural history museum in Paris. One, a giant, he named Testudo gigantea. That stuffed specimen later was misplaced for 200 years. About two decades later, two French biologists described two species of giant tortoises. One they called T. elephantina. They other they referred to as gigantea. A scientist at London's Natural History Museum concluded that gigantea and elephantina were the same creature. For the next century or so, the Aldabra tortoise was routinely described as gigantea.
to polish it for display. It was Schweigger's gigantea, missing for two centuries. Dr. Bour quickly concluded that the specimen came from Brazil, not Aldabra, and that gigantea was therefore no longer a valid name. He proposed yet another moniker— dussumieri—named after another Frenchman and referring to a tortoise specimen stored in a Dutch museum, which had been obtained from Aldabra in the late 1800s. Meanwhile, Dr. Frazier kept lobbying for gigantea, which has wide usage. In 2009, he filed a petition to the ICZN to set the record straight. He also asked colleagues to send written comments in support of the cause. The quarrel over the Aldabra tortoise, known as case 3463, landed on the desk of Svetlana Nikolaeva, an ICZN zoologist. She and her colleagues work out of a single room at the London natural history museum. Nearby, locked cabinets hold thousands
of specimens, from insects and birds to dinosaurs. ICZN trolls through decades of research to assess the validity of competing names, while fielding calls, letters and emails from rival scientists who passionately argue for one name or another. "We are pedantry central and we relish that," says Dr. Michel. "But sometimes I'd rather be in a lake scuba-diving." In any naming issue, ICZN publishes petitions in a research journal it runs, the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. Responses are published, too. ICZN's 26 commissioners then vote on a name for posterity. Over four years, the bulletin has published more than 80 comments on the Aldabra tortoise. "Usually we publish two or three," says Dr. Nikolaeva. %In September 2-009, a pubthe lished
Seychelles minister of environment pointed out that gigantea "is the name that appears in oui legislation, in the legislation of other counties, in international treaties and a host of other official documents." Gigantea should be kept, he said. One- comment, which appeared in June 2009, was from Dr. Bour and a colleague. "In this case the issue was initiated by nontaxonomists apparently unschooled in the rules of zoological nomenclature," the pair wrote. They added that the Aldabra case was a minefield "complete with brave soldiers and cowardly ones." To call fellow-scientists "unschooled is the height of
Volume 47, Issue 3
Page 9
Five Times a Year Since 1996!
Show Date: Sunday, May 19 Visit The Shows at Our New Location
12 and Up S6°°. Kids 5-11 S3°° New Show Hours: 10am-3pm
Holiday Inn Southwest Viking Conference Center 10709 Watson Rd St. Louis, MO 63127
Upcoming Shows: July 14, Sept. 8 Nov. 10 and Dec. 29
For More Information & Vendor Listings, Visit OurWebpage;
•Large Selection of Reptiles a±id Ampliibiatis at Great Prices! •"Visit otnr Website for a List of die Vexxdors Attending! •Feeder Rodents and Bugs! "Assorted Exotic Mammals! •Pins Books, Otter Snpplies and Mncli More! For his part, Dr. Bour says that Dr. Frazier cheapened a serious academic debate by lobbying for supportive comments for the name gigantea, many of which got published. "It's not fair play," says Dr. Bour.
Email Patrick at
; , :
Would you like | to place an ad in ; the newsletter?
\n Sunday, ICZN's expert ; Free ads up to 25
panel published the results of a vote in its bulletin: The slow -moving tortoise need not budge on its name: Gigantea it will be.
wwwSauriaanet Free Ads for Members 'PRICES'FOR ADS:
» Business Card Ad
1/4 Page $10
1/2 Page $15,
Full Page $25
.$5 per month
words for members.
Non-members may also place ads for a small fee. ', Contact the Editor or any board member to ; place your ad
Please send information to the editor at Phone:636-333-2939 You may also contact any board member to place your ad.
Note: All ads will expire in December. Yearly ads that did not have expiration dates in the past will now begin in January and end in December of the same year unless we are notified. Anyone who , places an ad will notice the ad has an expiration date in the corner of the ad. If your ad is a yearly or extended ad, please notify the Editor or Associate Editor that you would like your ad extended for another term.
CLASSIFIED ADS FOOD AND SUPPLIES MIDWEST PET SUPPLY Phil Ferkel 314-498-0637 Mice sizes Pinkies F uzzies Hoppers Adults
Rat sizes Small Med Lg . XL Jumbo
I. I Atlantic Central American Milksnakes (Ltpolyzona) Proven Adult Breeders $500/PR
In Home Pet sitting by Josh Higgins I have worked with all types of animals and can care for any kind of pet. I have numerous references and experience working in veterinary clinics, so I can give a pet medfcine if needed.
3.3 Atlantic Central American Milksnakes (Ltpolyzona) C.H. 201 I $200/PR 1.1 Columbian Milksnakes (Lt.micropholis x Lt.andesiana) CH M 2003 & CH F 201 I $400/PR
Please call for prices and availability of rabbits
1.0 Andean Milksnake (Lt.andsiana) CH 201 I Partial Inca Pattern $150
Frozen—Delivery Available
0.! Honduran Milksnake (Lt.hondurensis) Young Adult Tangerine from nostalgic BILL love/Norm Damm bloodlines $150
Mike's Mice Pinks and fuzzies only. All 35 cents alive or frozen. Call Mike @ 636-629-7353. Also Susie's Jewelry Mice, Rats and other feeder Rodents Frozen or Live. Competitive prices. Contact Keith or Kathy 636-285-4237 or 573-718-6129. Email: Jefferson County area.
Contact Scott Ballard
Safe Hands on Demonstrations for kids/ adults of all ages! Birthday Parties/Scout Troops/Day Camps etc. Fun and Educational or Carrie 3 14-565-9871 CONSTRICTOR CONNOISSEUR SNAKETILES.COM
2n omo us species cannot be sold or brought ing to sell! Please be • , - ~ ,v:*^<a,\v<*
Ferguson Animal Hospital
"Quality Pet Care by Caring Professionals" 4E3 Airport Road * Fargnsocu MO 63 1 35 Office- (314) 524-Q7Q7
Emergency (314) 739-1500
Daniel S. Wcntz, Jtilf e A. Weiitz, I>.V,M. i,.
1-7272 Fax (314) $31-7272
343 temay F-arr/ Hi SI. Loub, UD 6312S 12/IQ
St. Louis Herpetological Society Board Mennbers BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Steve Brown 636-942-3 13 I E:
MEMBERS AT LARGE Lynn Hartke 314-645-5512 E:
Vice President: John Ward 3 14-645-55 12 E: hartkelk@s! Treasurer: John Faletti 6 1 8-345-6 1 09 E:
Ed Bielik 3 14-775-8142 E:
Editor: Curt Hendricks 3 14-772-0435 E: guitlizard
Steve Heinrich
Assistant Editor: Debbie Brown 636-942-3 1 3 ! E: sdl<3brown@sbcgloba!.net
3 14-353-42.i'8 E: grpap9391
Katie Neville Membership Secretary: Mary Heinrich 3 1 4-353-42 1 8 E:
314-920-7080 E:
Corresponding Secretary: Michael Brodt 636-586-3702 E:
Scieni^sts-Dis-eevei^R-e^s^^ Mar. 19, 2013 — SCIENCE NEWS- An international team of scientists led by Dr Kate Sanders from the University of Adelaide, and including Dr Mike Lee from the South Australian Museum, has uncovered how some sea snakes have developed 'shrunken heads' - or smaller physical features than their related species. Their research is published today in the journal Molecular Ecology. A large head — "all the better to eat you with" — would seem to be indispensable to sea snakes, which typically have to swallow large spiny fish. However, there are some circumstances where it wouldn't be very useful: sea snakes that feed by probing their front ends into narrow, sand eel burrows have evolved comically small heads. The team has shown normal-shaped sea snakes can evolve such "shrunken heads" very rapidly. This process can lead to speciation (one species splitting into two). The small-headed populations are also much smaller in absolute size than their
ancestors, and these shape and size differences mean they tend to avoid interbreeding with their large-headed ancestors. Dr Lee says, "A team led by my colleague Dr Kate Sanders (University of Adelaide) has been investigating genetic differences across all sea snakes, and we noticed that the blue-banded sea snake (Hydrophis cyanocinctus) and the slender-necked sea snake (Hydrophis melanocephalus) were almost indistinguishable genetically, despite being drastically different in size and shape. - • • • • "The slender-necked sea snake is half the size, and has a much smaller head, than the blue-banded sea snake. "This suggested they separated very recently from a common ancestral species and had rapidly evolved their different appearances. "One way this could have happened is if the ancestral species was large-headed, and a population rapidly evolved small heads to probe eel burrows — and subse-
quently stopped interbreeding with the large-headed forms." Dr Sanders says the research could have wider implications in other scientific studies: "Our results highlight the viviparous sea snakes as a promising system for studies of speciation and adaptive radiation in marine environments."
-2013- PM 7 -L
J Equality ; s
| '
This Box checked when it's time to renew 00/00 Minnesota Herp Society Bell Museum 10 Church St SB Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104
The St. Louis Herpetological Society Membership Applicatioii
...:•:;...,.,•.•,..;.., -j: j-..y.:•-.:.::<;•;:;;-.—-..;- ; ;:|.:K:-:>:;.;,;:.:-,:;,;,;•;.;•:,•: W^.;;::-:>;:;.:;:;::.;.:.:<:?.i:K'X* !I: j?KaSJiSi^.:•':Vtff.*"f
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