Blake Seline, AnnClaire, D, Haley, Matt

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of Yellow Fever and it was the biggest disease at the time. More importantly he had to take care of Malaria which killed many and could strike you more than once, unlike Yellow Fever. In the first month of The Panama Canal had many construction Malaria wiped out almost of the work difficulties to overcome such as acquiring the lease force. He eliminated the mosquitoes that carried with Panama, diseases that spread, and previous Malaria and Yellow Fever by draining swamps, clearing attempts in building the canal. There were many obstacles acquiring the lease. In 1899 the U.S. started vegetation, to become interested in possible locations for a canal putting oil for faster travel. Roosevelt wanted the canal because it on standing would make travel faster and the military would be water, able to get places without having to go all the way and breeding around South America. Roosevelt became interested in two sites for the canal, but ended up choosing Panama spiders, ants, because of France’s previous attempt. The U.S. finally and lizards in found Panama and became very interested. The order to get Secretary of State, John Hay, made a treaty with rid of the Panama for a portion of land to make the canal, but mosquitoes. By 1903 he had almost conquered Malaria since Columbia was in control of Panama at the time, and Yellow Fever. Also, the poor and dangerous work they would conditions caused many deaths and accidents. Rocks not ratify often fell on top of them causing them to die. Many the treaty. people died while building the Panama Canal. Meanwhile, Previous attempts made countries think that they would not be able to finish the canal. Panama was France tried to build the canal, but failed. The reason planning France failed in building the Panama Canal is because a revolution the company that France hired to build it went to become bankrupt. Also, diseases spread and killed many Independent workers. France wanted to be the first to build the canal and own the canal. The French failed because and Roosevelt supported them because he really they did not know the terrain and were not used to the wanted the land for Panama Canal. On November 3 Panama declared its independence from Colombian hot, damp terrain. They had many problems getting workers to the site and it was costly. rule. A few days after declaring its independence Panama agreed to the treaty and the U.S. was given a 10-mile wide “canal zone.” There were many diseases that spread while building the Panama Canal. Working conditions building the Panama Canal were poor and dirty. Water, sewage, and poor built houses helped disease spread fast. Also, rocks fell and killed many while working on the canal. People became sick often. Roosevelt put Colonel Dr. William Gorgas in charge for sanitation and preventing diseases that caused workers to become sick. Gorgas’ first task was to tackle Yellow Fever which had just broken out and caused many people to become sick. Many people were afraid

The Spanish American War By: Matt Seibel

America and Spain had big problems back in the late 1800’s about Cuba’s independence, comments through the media, and battles that were won mostly by America’s outstanding Navy. America was in favor for Cuba’s independence since there were many American businesses and citizens that lived there. America demanded that Spain let Cuba be free, but Spain refused. Tension began to rise between the two countries. It was not until February 15, 1898, that the battleship Maine exploded, which led the Americans to believe it was the Spaniards who did it.

America’s newspapers, New York Journal and New York World, soon joined in. The newspapers supported the Cuban rebels. These newspapers refused to use any Spanish sources for new stories. Instead, they stuck to Cuban stories only, which made the newspapers very popular. They wrote in a style known as “yellow journalism”. They did this by writing scandalous stories and put large, shocking images on their pages. Doing this helped sales go up, but made Spain even angrier with America causing tensions to grow even higher.

America’s Navy was very powerful compared to Spain’s. America’s navy had a major advantage compared to Spain’s since our Navy had iron and steel hulls with better ammo, compared to Spain’s wooden ships. The battle at Manila Bay on May 1, 1898 was a good example. The battleship Olympia left an entire Spanish fleet dead with no American lives lost. Having a good navy also help with Imperialism. Having territories overseas made it easier for ships to resupply and make repairs. The Spanish American War involved many problems and victories which included Cuba’s independence, involvement with the media, and victories by America’s Navy.

The Philippine Insurrection

By Ann Claire Americans involved in war resulted in the Treaty of Paris, soldiers who fought against and with us, and the Philippine insurrection. Commissioners from the U.S and Spain met in Paris on October 1, 1898. Their mission was to come up with a treaty that would soon end the war after four months of hostiles. The Spanish-American war was a conflict between the United States and Spain. It all began when the ship USS Maine blow up and the U.S blamed it on a Spanish mine. The Treaty of Paris put the end to SpanishAmerican war. Commodore Dewey was the commander of the U.S navy Asiatic Squadron, If war broke out between the U.S and Spain, Dewey’s assignment was to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines. Once he heard the word, his squadron went to Manila Bay in the Philippine. The two main fronts were in Cuba and the Philippine. Dewey found a partner named Emilio Aguinaldo, who was the leader of a rebel army of Filipino patriots. Aguinaldo helped capture Manila because the Philippine was fighting for their independence from Spain. Soon the Treaty of Paris ended the Spanish- American War. •

Emilio Aguinaldo

The Philippines

THE Philippine Insurrection continued

The Treaty of Paris allowed the U.S to pay 20 million dollars to Spain for the possession of the Philippine islands, and gained control of Puerto Rico and Guam. Many feared that annexation of the Philippines by the U.S would violate the ideal of self-government and invite a flood of immigrants . Others though the idea of annexation would make the U.S stronger. Most Americans wanted the Philippine for their economy and strategic value. After a debate, the senate made the treaty for annexation of the Philippines. Filipino nationalists were irritated by the idea. They have been fighting for their independence , but now it had exchanged to set of new rulers. Fighting broke out between American forces and Filipino nationalists led by Emilio Aguinaldo, president of Philippine Republic. Aguinaldo was captured by the Americans and he was forced for power in 1901. The U.S took over the Philippine and had the goal to prepare for their independence. In, July 4, 1946 ,the U.S granted full independence to the Philippine. War between America and Spain concluded in the Treaty of Paris, the Philippine insurrection, also soldiers who fought against and with us.

U.S marines in the PhilippineAmerican War

IMPERIALISM IN CHINA AND JAPAN -SABBU THAPA Imperialism in china and japan had a negative effects because European power carved out their own sphere of influence in china, boxer rebellion occurred because of involvement if foreign powers, japan got into russo-japenese war because they both wanted Korean land and Manchuria and though all these were negative effect, open door policy was one thing that was actually good for china because it let every country to trade equally in china without asking the permission from European countries.

European powers-Russia, Policy. The aim was to give France, Germany and Great all nations equal trading right Britain- quickly carved out in China. Hay sent notes their own sphere of influence in recommending the policy to China.US was too late secure European nations, nobody a sphere of influence in agreed but did not reject too. China. They feared that US So, Hay announced the Open would be shut out of the Door Policy was approved. valuable China trade. China being as a sphere of influence was really bad for Chinese people, the one who did not at all like the foreign influence was now interfered in their every matter. American leaders feared that US would be shut out of valuable China trade, as a result Secretary of state John Hay proposed Open Door

As the foreign countries involvement increased, antiforeigner sentiments grew. A secret group called Society of Righteous and Harmonious fists known to westerners Boxers- began attacking foreign missionaries and Chinese Christian. In June 1900 the Boxers laid siege to the capital city of Beijing in what became known as Boxer Rebellion. It increased support for Hay’s Open Door Policy. Everyone realized that competing among themselves would hurt their ability to exploit the China trade.

Japan was eyeing Korea and the Chinese province of Manchuria .Russia meanwhile, also wanted these lands.In1904 the RussoJapenese war broke out. The conflict took a toll on both sides and by the following spring, both sides have had enough. At Japan’s request, President Roosevelt negotiated the peace treaty, Treaty of Portsmouth.Japan was a clear victor in this war emerging as the major power and a rival of US. Roosevelt decided to impress upon Japan and rest of the world- just how powerful the US military was. In 1907, he sent 4 squadron of battleships, on a 43,000 mile around the world journey. Led by Rear Admiral Charles Sperry, he fleet stopped at 20 ports on 6 continents, including a port in Japan, before returning home in 1909.Though none of the country could conquer China or Japan, but they fall into sphere of influence and it was only in case of China. Japan still tried to use isolationism.

By D


By: Dei McHaney

Have you ever wondered what the outcome of the Mexican Revolution was? Or how Mexico came to be? Well, I guess you are in the right place. I am going to tell you about how the Mexican Revolution unfolded with overthrowing Mexico’s president at the time Porfirio Diaz, shaky leadership, the Tampico incident, and a new constitution for Mexico. Well first off, the president Diaz ran for re-election (was he even supposed to?) and he cheated (of course), he paid people to get votes and whatnot and when that didn’t work he threw his opponent Francisco Madero in jail (is that even legal?). Well before he ran for re-election he stayed in office for thirty-one years! (Now I’m sure this is illegal. You’re cheating to get into office and stayed there for 31 years? Some shady business is going on here...) Francisco didn’t want for Diaz to be in office so I guess he got jealous and decided to run for president and that is after Diaz was trying to cheat and get into office. When Diaz found out that Madero would be running, he imprisoned him. 11

The Tampico Incident. That is all you need to say for this one, but I’ll explain it anyway. On April 9, 1914 soldiers were arrested for trying top get supplies from a Mexican port. And because of this the president of America asked congress to authorize the use of armed forces against Mexico. This was on April 20 that he asked. Yeah, I don’t think congress went for that. Yet, the request was approved on the 22nd. Yet Mexico moved faster. Mexico knew that Congress was going to approve the question and they got their forces together. (I don’t know if there was a war or what, but I would’ve had one.)



In November of 1911, Madero was elected president of Mexico. (What was he doing to get into office?) The commander of the government troops, Victoriano Huerta proved he was disloyal (at least to Madero) when he rebelled against Madero. In 1913, Huerta overthrew Madero and named himself President. Well, that didn’t go over well with Mexico so four armies rose up to fight for their country and get their president voted in the right way.



In December of 1916, Venustiano Carranza called a constitutional convention. He had wanted to make a new constitution. He was finally able to do it and on February 5, 1917 the new constitution went into effect. Despite the newly developed constitution, fighting still continued until 1920. After the Mexican Revolution was over Diaz was out of office, Mexico won the Tampico Incident, and the Constitution was more stable and led a more stable lie for Mexicans.


Annclare’s Ayers, Edward L., and Samuel S. Wineburg. "Chapter 7." American Anthem: Modern American History. Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2007. Print. Pictures 6a_wOM:&imgrefurl= m/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/emilio-aguinaldo1.jpg&w=250&h=313&ei=4QEjT9jiA6GKiALZ1r2CCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1037&vpy= 76&dur=5859&hovh=250&hovw=200&tx=135&ty=139&sig=102136487896517413891 &page=2&tbnh=136&tbnw=137&start=30&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:11,s:30 UgAUyzbM:&imgrefu irl= 25&tx=132&ty=15 6&sig=102136487896517413891&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=142&start=0&ndsp=24&v ed=1t:429,r:21,s:0

Matt Seibel’s Ayers, Edward L., and Samuel S. Wineburg. "Chapter 7." American Anthem. Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008. 206-12. Print. Pictures &bih=839&tbm=isch&tbnid=PIiuvBoIttA_7M:&imgrefurl= :// =gw4jT7TREMqYiAKT8pyICA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=476&sig=10983454 5045521639691&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=180&start=0&ndsp=21&ved =1t:429,r:11,s:0&tx=93&ty=72 &bih=839&tbm=isch&tbnid=PIiuvBoIttA_7M:&imgrefurl= :// =gw4jT7TREMqYiAKT8pyICA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=476&sig=10983454 5045521639691&page=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=180&start=0&ndsp=21&ved =1t:429,r:11,s:0&tx=93&ty=72 40&bih=839&tbm=isch&tbnid=G-ZNZO6XRtADM:&imgrefurl= u0kYbwkRlWc-UM&imgurl= 98&hovh=251&hovw=201&tx=88&ty=105&sig=10983454504552163969 1&sqi=2&page=1&tbnh=158&tbnw=126&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429 ,r:2,s:0


SABBU THAPA IMPERIALISM IN CHINA AND JAPAN Ayers, Edward L., and Samuel S. Wineburg. "Chapter 7." American Anthem. Austin, TX: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2008. 204-205. PICTURES X&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsb&tbnid=Ic1whjY1upTc 6M:&imgrefurl= y_network_the_key.hthtml&docid=GN3CJvrQz9LuM&imgurl= &zoom=1&iact=rc650&ei=7e0mT_KXCuWgsgLp19WMAg&zoom=1&iac t=rc e=active&biw=1280&bih=923&tbm=isch&tbnid=dTC1TNV42D7MOM:&i mgrefurl= zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=423&sig=110631958551434548395&sqi=2&page =1&tbnh=109&tbnw=185&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=12 0&ty=49

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