curriculum vitae

August 11, 1995
Aix-en-Provence, France
French and Turkish nationality
Driver’s license : B (car)

2015 - 2020
Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
2009 - 2013
General Science Baccalaureate
High School Raymond Naves, Toulouse, France
2005 - 2009
National Diploma
Middle School Jas de Bouffan, Aix en Provence, France
education experiences
Sultangazi Municipality
Architect / 01.02.2022 - 05.05.2022
PIT İstanbul (JV B/W Doğuş, Bilgili, TheHong Kong Shanghai Hotels LLC)
Construction site internship / 20.01.202029.02.2020
Ecemis Mimarlık
Office internship / 20.01.2020 - 29.02.2020
Biskon Yapı A.Ş. Construction site internship / 25.07.201822.09.2018
Kansu Mimarlık
Office internship / 11.06.2018 - 18.07.2018
Pruva Project Managment - Technical Office
Chief + 90 (537) 300 82 67
PIT Istanbul - Finishing Construction Works + 90 (533) 170 17 82

Istanbul, Turkey
+90 531 975 47 50
Microsoft Office
- Word
- Excel
- Powerpoint
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Indesign
- Autocad
- Revit

bicycle hiking

books movies baking
languages purpose
sketch, drawing details, modelling, model making, interior design, architecture design, landscape design, urban planning, painting plans, specification for construction

Wine Research Institute
Wine production is one of the most difficult and demanding occupations in the world. Wines produced with primitive methods in the past are now produced using modern technologies.
Wine has been one of the most valued drinks since ancient times. It is known that in the years before Christ, different cultures used wine widely in celebrations and ceremonies. It is estimated that wine production was first realized in the Mid dle East and Anatolian Geography. Today, we see that wine produc tion in Turkey is not as common as it used to be. Although sufficiently large vineyard areas, climate and soils are very suitable for viticulture, we see that this rate in winemaking is low.
The production of wine and grape varieties is mostly done in the Tekirdağ (Marmara) Region, in the Şarköy District. The factories of many different brands are locat ed in these districts. Doluca, Gülor, Kutman, Bağcı, Latif Aral Factories in Mürefte Village; are the leading wine producers. Since the lands provide suitable conditions, there are many mon asteries and the wine produced in these monasteries is exempt from tax are some of the reasons for the development of winemak ing in the region.
Known history BC. The city of Mürefte, which dates back to the Odrysians, the rulers of Thrace in the 4th century, was looted and changed hands many times throughout histo

ry, and although it was badly damaged in the Great Ganos fire of 1912, it was able to rise from its ashes. Its name means “thousand and one flowers” and it contains many ecological beauties.
Today, this city is famous for its wine or tiles, and has a history of exporting wine and tiles to many cities of the world for years.
Making Mürefte Mürefte; despite everything, it can cope with even

One of the reasons for Mürefte’s loss of importance is the insufficient development and use of potential resources and history. I aimed to use these riches to revitalize the city and in addition to this, I aimed to build a wine research institute. This will increase the satisfaction and quality of experience of locals and tourists.


There are two historical buildings and in the site there is average three meters slope.

Building expansion of increasing capacity.

Providing 50 cm high embankment formation and gentle slope.

Basic volume
Building settlement on the borders of the land. Courtyard and building partitions suitable for human scale.

Building blocks formed, connecting from their upper floors and terrace spacing.

Creating green space, sitting areas and eaves.

Republic Museum

We do not have any source of information other than books to learn about Turkey’s recent history. If we list the conceptual terms; words such as republic, city, memory, Atatürk, rebuilding, war, coup, party, irreligion, which their meanings change from person to person. Some of them are just rumors and unfortunately the history of the republic is known wrongly and the truth of these is not found in a museum. All of these need to be passed on to present and future generations. The duty of current generations is to pass all memory, which are considered as tangible heritage, on to future generations. Neglecting them means losing the collective memory, identity, thoughts and experiences.The Bandırma Ferry, which set off for Samsun, the point where the great leader Atatürk, who played an active role in the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, started the struggle for independence, has been removed from the old military shipment in Sarayburnu. For this reason, the first Atatürk statue in history was placed in Sarayburnu. With the idea of maintaining the memory of the city, the project area was chosen where the military shipment was located in the past. I designed the “Cumhuriyet Museum” by creating an original architectural design that will reflect and contribute to its cultural values and identity within the cultural and historical heritage of this area.

•Proclamation of the Second Constitutional Monarchy (1908)
•2nd. Abdulhamid’s dethronement (1909)
•The Ottoman defeat on all fronts and the loss of the Balkans with the Treaty of London
•The seizure of power by the Committee of Union and Progress
•World War I (1914-18)
•Canakkale Wars (1915)
•Transfer of Mustafa Kemal Pasha to Samsun (1919)
•Establishment of Parliament (1920) / Ankara administration against Istanbul
•War of Independence (1919-22)
•The adoption of the 1921 Constitution (Teşkilat-ı Esasiye)
•Saving the Aegean Region and İzmir from enemy occupation
•Duyun-ı Umumiye audit
•1923 Izmir Economy Congress
• Treaty of Lausanne
•Proclamation of the Republic
•Atatürk Revolutions and Enlightenment period, until Atatürk’s death (1923-38)
•Hitler and the Nazis came to power in Germany (1933)
•The election of İsmet İnönü as president
•World War II Period (1939-45)
• Transition from the single-party period to the multi-party system
•Opening of Village Institutes (1940)
•Election of Celal Bayar as president
•Korean War (1950)
•Launch of the first spacecraft Sputnik by the Soviet Union (1957)
•The tense political social environ ment towards 1960
•Military Intervention (27 May 1960)
•National Unity Committee Management
•New constitution
•Bilateral parliamentary system (1961-80)
•Talat Aydemir’s military coup attempts
•1968 Student Movements and their reflections on Turkey
•Walking on the Moon (1969)
•Bloody Sunday in Beyazıt (1969)
•State economy
• Establishment of 46 new factories between 1923-38 (cloth, sugar, aircraft, textiles, cement, Ankara Forest Farm)
•World Economic Depression (1929)
•Although Turkey did not participate in the Second World War, the serious economic problems caused by the war
•War economy with the National Protection Law
•Positive economic breakthroughs (1950-54)
• Shifting Investments to Highways instead of Railways
• Slowdown in investments due to the economic bottleneck
•High-interest domestic and foreign borrowing
•Efficiency of European architects in Turkey
•Activities of Levanter, Greek and Armenian architects from Istanbul who grew up in Europe
•Primary movement Art Nouveau (style 1900)
•The Ottoman-Islamic Synthesis (Panislamism) before the Second Constitutional Monarchy
•The search for Turkish National Style after the Second Constitutional Period (1908): First Nationalist Architecture Movement
• Intensive architectural practices in the new capital Ankara
• Foreign architect activities of the Republic of Turkey since 1927
•Assignment of H. Prost for Istanbul Planning (1936)
• Preparation of the Historical Peninsula and Beyoğlu plans (1937) The Second Nationalist Architecture Movement (with the influence of the totalitarian regimes in 1938-Europe)
• Flow to cities after the war
•1948 first slums
• Implementation of the Prost plan in Istanbul (1938-50)
• Internal migration and squatting
• Few architects (approximately 1500)
• Rationalist examples in the way of International Style
• Establishment of professional chambers with TMMOB law (1954)
• Zoning Law (1956)
• Construction breakthrough
•There is less variety and capacity in building materials.
•Late modern architecture exam ples and regionalist pursuits
• Improvement in conservation awareness
• Construction of Kızılay Emek Skyscraper in Ankara (the first skyscraper in Turkey)

•Military Memorandum (March 12, 1971)
•Political upheavals, right-left conflicts, political murders
•Prime Ministers parade: Nationalist Front governments
•Maras Massacre (1978)
•The Bloody Çorum Incidents (1980)
•Asala terrorism abroad
Military Coup (September 12, 1980)
•After the September 12 Coup, the military administration and the prime ministership of Bülent Ulusu
•Beginning of PKK terror (1987)
•Election of Turgut Özal as president
•The fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union (1989)
•The invention of the Internet and the WWW (1989)
•Coalitions period
•Election of Süleyman Demirel as president (1993)
•1995 General Elections: Rise of Islamist events
•Military intervention on February 28, 1997 on the grounds that religion was used in politics: “Postmodern Coup”
•Various coalition governments
• 1973 world oil crisis and economic depression
• Currency bottleneck
•Decisions on the economic stability program of January 24, 1980
•Globalization activities
• Neoliberal economy
•The collapse of the banking system (1982)
•Migration of 300 000 Bulgarian Turks to Turkey (1985)
• Intense foreign borrowing
•1994 Economic crisis
Inflation exceeding 100% Stock market crash
Extraordinary taxes
•Expansion of contractors abroad
• Opening of the Bosphorus Bridge (1973)
• Development in building materials: The first Building Fair in 1978
• Postmodernism in Europe and the USA
• Increase in industry and tourism structures
• Developments in the education of sub-vocational branches such as city and regional planning, interior architecture, landscape design
•Growth of buildings, skyscrapers and shopping malls with the effects of globalization
•Ozal-Dalan reconstruction in Istanbul (1984-89)
The destruction of the Golden Horn
Beginning of the skyscraper epidemic
•Establishment of the Mass Housing and Public Partnership Administration (1984) for housing for low- and middle-income families/ later TOKİ
•Opening of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge (1988)
•Preference of foreign architects in public and private sector
• Gaining speed and intensity of migration to big cities
•Increase in land speculation
• Start of real estate development
•1999 Kocaeli and Düzce earthquake disasters
•Regulations in the bylaws and regulations related to earthquakes
Atatürk’s life
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in Thessaloniki in 1881. Ali Rıza Efendi is his father and Zübeyde Hanım is his mother. The schools where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk studied are as follows; He received his primary education at the Neighborhood School and Şemsi Efendi School, his secondary education at the Thessaloniki Civil High School and Thessaloniki Military High School, his high school education at Thessaloniki Military High School, and his university education at the Military Academy and the Military Academy. While he was studying at the Military High School in 1893, his mathematics teacher gave him the name Kemal and thus his name became Mustafa Kemal. When the First World War ended, the lands of the homeland would be shared with the signing of the Armistice of Mudros. But Mustafa Kemal, who seized the situation, went to Samsun on 19 May 1919 and laid the foundations of the national struggle.
Mustafa Kemal, who led the opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on April 23, 1920, was also elected as the Head of the Government by the Assembly. On August 5, 1921, he was again elected Commander-in-Chief by the Assembly. He was honored with the title of Veteran and the rank of Marshal due to his great efforts in winning the Battle of Sakarya.
The Republic was proclaimed on October 29, 1923 and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk became the first President of the Republic of Turkey. In 1934, the parliament granted the surname “Atatürk” to Gazi Mustafa Kemal.
He died on 10 November 1938 in Dolmabahçe Palace. It stunned the whole country. However, he is a leader who has reached eternity in our hearts with his reforms and what he has brought to our country.
Atatürk’s revolutions with the aim of “raising Turkey to the level of contemporary civilization”.
1. Political Revolutions:
· Abolition of the Sultanate (1 November 1922)
· Proclamation of the Republic (29 October 1923)
· Abolition of the Caliphate (3 March 1924)
2. Social Revolutions:
· Giving women equal rights with men (1926-1934)
· Hat and dress revolution (25 November 1925)
· Closure of dervish lodges and tombs (30 November 1925)
· Surname law (21 June 1934)
· Abolition of nicknames and titles (26 November 1934)
· Adoption of international clocks, calendars and measures of length (1925-1931)
3. Legal Revolution:
· Abolition of the Mecelle (1924-1937)
· Transition to the secular legal order by enacting the Turkish Civil Code and other laws (1924-1937)
4. Revolutions in Education and Culture:
· Unification of teaching (March 3, 1924)
· Adoption of new Turkish letters (1 November 1928)
· Establishment of Turkish Language and History Institutions (1931-1932)
· Organization of university education (31 May 1933)
· Innovations in fine arts
5. Revolutions in Economics:
· Removal of tithe
· Encourage the farmer
· Establishment of sample farms
· Establishment of industrial establishments by enacting the Industry Encouragement Law
· I. and II. Implementation of the Development Plans (1933-1937), equipping the country with new roads
divides the continuity of the coast
secluded and neglected railways people flow direction
focus point (Topkapı palace) analysis

Project area due to historical importance bring continuity to the coast
more attractive park

sidewalk to enliven the space

using nostalgic train line to animate area (opportunity to exhibit old trains)

Memory Journey

Exhibition flow (circulation)

There is nine meter slope from the coast level to the road level.
Embankment creation and mass placement at each levels to use the space more efficiently.
Ramp and stairs connect coast - road levels and railway - green space levels.
According to the building function, masses ara forming differently.
site master plan

site plan





There are many libraries in Turkey, but there is no mediatheque. The difference from the library is that a mediatheque or multimedia library is a public institution functioning as a library, containing not only paper and electronic books, newspapers and magazines, but also multimedia materials like videos (movies, documentaries) and sound recordings (music, audio books).
Nowadays, when research is done, we do not only research on the basis of books, and unfortunately, the libraries have lost their functionality today because the contents of the libraries are not updated, the books always remain the same, the students who come to the library only use the desks as a study area and when their work is finished they
never wonder what content is around, is just returning home.
Mediatheque, on the other hand, provides a variety of possibilities so that people of all ages, from young to old, can spend the whole day learning and having fun without getting bored. I decided to do the mediatheque project, thinking that the lack of mediatheque in Turkey is a big gap. When I researched in the context of place and place, I chose Eminönü district, which is considered as the meeting point of cultures, while looking for a location where many cultures are hosted and which can make great changes in terms of education and location. I made a project in the historical layers, with various people and thinking that it was the most suitable location.

6 not ideal for this place so function changing is needed for car park
9 not used just need restoration

noises breaker without blocking view
green area
location for building site
possibility to continue noises breaker to ensure field entegrity workspace entry option
building use after restoration
open the door and allow the passage

using again same function
There is not slope in the area. There are two historical structure, one is a building which designed by Vedat Tek and the second is a brick wall.

Basic volume
In mass emplacment, we are careful not to block the view of the historical building.
Mass is reduced to ensure circulation.

Facade is designed inspired by environmental analysis. In exterior, we put glass structure surrounding the area.

Mass Housing
Mass housing also called public / social housing is a form of housing tenure in which the property is usually owned by a government authority. Social housing is a potential remedy for housing inequality.
There are many types of social housing in differents formes, shapes and masses. It varies depending on the context. While the common goal of social housing is to provide affordable housing.
As for the location selection, I chose my project where the retired non-commissioned officer residences are located. The reasons why I chose this place are location suitability, traffic noises, small and old houses and the area is open to urban renewal. For this reasons, I decided to bring a new approach and perspective of this place.

• It is the only area shown as a green area, unfortunately, the basketball court covers all place, and the size of the green area does not meet the population density (1)
• Point Hotel Barbaros is a skyscraper with the only Bosphorus bridge view in Istanbul. (2)
• Existing structures were built in 1950-1960 and lost their insulation over time. Residents complain apartments are small. (3)
• Zincirlikuyu underpass entrance. Thanks to the underground passage, you can safely go to the desired direction without being exposed to complex traffic. (4)
• metro girişi. sol taraftan tunelin altından geçerek metroya ulaşmak mümkündür. böylelikle ulaşım açısından bir kolaylık daha bulunmaktadır. (5)
• Gümüşsuyu Asker Hastanesi Balmumcu Polikiniği. Istanbul’s historical hospital, built in 1846 during the reign of Sultan Abdulmecid. It has been renovated many times, but still remains intact. They told that the patients hospitalized here did not feel anything during the 17 August 1999 Marmara earthquake. (6)
• The work area is on a hill and should have a beautifull viewpoint, but it closes the view due to the high building stock around. (7)
• This location is in the center of Istanbul so it is an important transportation and transfer point. (8)
• In general, there are noisy roads around the area, especially the E5 highway
source : https://cevrekoruma.ibb.istanbul/
As we can see and read on legend and map, the work area is surrounded by high-noise roads. While the noise level 50-60 dBA is considered as disturbing noise, there is a higher level of noise in the area. In addition, the location of the buildings is very close to the E5 highway and when considering the layout of buildings are examined, they are placed in such a way that the noise is not blocked. For the long-term well-being of the residents, I decided to design life in this place differently because noise has long-term physiological and psychological consequences, so this factor should not be underestimated.

to provide functional harmony and noise suppression to the area
residential parking entrance the slope of the field facilitates the entrance of the car park and providing entrance and exit from Villa street is more convenient for residents
increasing the green area within the density of the building provides spaciousness
commercial parking entrance entrance in active street is convenient

There is a hotel and eleven meters slope in the site.

Slope has been reworked and there is an enbankment between houses buildings and commercial building.

Top level of some building are reduce to provide design on facades.

Basic volume
For commercial and houses buildings, maximul places are used.

More space into building placement to provide green space.

Creating connection provide circulation more speedly.
ground floor