Fall 2009

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Brighten your holidays by using less energy

with ENERGY STARÂŽ qualified LED (light emitting diode) Holiday Light Strings

r $POTVNF MFTT FOFSHZ r -BTU VQ UP UJNFT MPOHFS r ăSFF ZFBS XBSSBOUFF r More durable and shock-resistant Instant discounts are available at the following retailers: Menards Duluth, Hermantown, and Baxter

ACE Hardware Downtown Duluth and Denny’s in Woodland

ACE Hardware Little Falls

ACE Hardware Sandstone

ACE Hardware Park Rapids

Thurlow Hardware Pequot Lakes

Gardiner’s Hardware Pine River

Godfrey’s True Value Backus

Hoffmann ACE Moose Lake

ACE Hardware Brainerd

Visit www.mnpower.com/holidaylights or stop by a participating retailer for more information on LED holiday lights.

Free Home Energy Report Visit www.mnpower.com and click on the Your Home Energy Report icon. Complete the questionnaire, and within a minute or two, you’ll have a personalized report to help you identify ways to save energy and manage your energy costs.

Minnesota Power receives ENERGY STARŽ Award Minnesota Power’s Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) recently received an award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for promotion of energy-efficient construction and environmental protection. We were honored with the 2009 ENERGY STAR Leadership in Housing Award. The award recognizes our efforts to promote energy-efficient construction and environmental protection by sponsoring the ENERGY STAR for New Homes program in our service area last year. Minnesota Power CIP Administrator, Tina Koecher, credits the Triple E New Construction Program (for more information visit www.mnpower.com/tripleestar), which meets stringent ENERGY STAR performance requirements. “In the past three years, over 100 homes have been built to these standards. It’s a true testament to the value our customers place on high performing homes and their willingness to go the extra mile,� she says. To earn the ENERGY STAR, a home must meet strict guidelines for energy efficiency set by the EPA. They must be at least 15% more energy efficient than homes built to local code, and include additional energy-saving features that typically make them 20–30% more efficient than standard homes. demonst


Call for your complimentary 2010 pocket calendar Receive your free copy of Minnesota Power’s convenient 2010 pocket calendar filled with energy conservation tips and coupons, as well as important MP phone numbers and facts, by visiting www.mnpower.com/2010calendar or calling 218-355-3512 and toll free 1-800-228-4966 .



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