Fall 2012

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Energizer News Warm feet, bright lights and movie nights As autumn slips into winter, here’s a trio of tips to help you manage your energy use. NOVEMBER Make a commitment to changing your furnace filters regularly to keep the furnace running efficiently. Especially in months of heavy use, a dirty filter slows down air flow and makes a heating system work harder and use more energy. DECEMBER Replace incandescent holiday lights with LED lights. LED lights stay cool and use about 90 percent less energy than incandescents. LED lights also last longer. According to energy.gov, the life span of LED lights is about 20,000 hours, enough to last for 40 holiday seasons. JANUARY Planning to spend some quality time with your favorite TV shows or get a bigger screen for watching the Super Bowl in February? Look for the ENERGY STAR® label when shopping. ENERGY STAR® certified TVs are on average more than 20 percent more energy efficient than conventional models, according to energystar.gov. The label can be found on everything from standard TVs to HD-ready TVs to the largest flat-screens. Inspired to do more? You can find energy-saving tips for any time of year at www.mnpower.com/powerofone. Published by MP Corporate Communications, Kelley Eldien , Editor | 30 W. Superior Street, Duluth, MN 55802 | mnpower.com

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