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Energy courses offered at area colleges Minnesota Power has partnered with several colleges in our service territory to develop and deliver educational courses related to jobs in the energy field. Following are two such programs: Since 2008, Minnesota Power has partnered with Itasca Community College (ICC) in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, to deliver the Industrial Paul Undeland, MP’s Renewable Technology—Power Generation Business Operations Manager, program. The first group of students takes the ICC Power Generation to enroll in the program is scheduled class on an instructional field trip of Blandin Dam. to graduate in May 2011. Upon successful completion of this two-year program, students earn an Associate of Applied Science degree. After graduation, students can enter the workforce or continue their studies at a four-year college or university. It is expected that most of those who enter the workforce will start in entry level positions at power generation facilities such as Minnesota Power’s Boswell Energy Center or Rapids Energy Center. Minnesota Power also provides expertise in the classroom in the form of guest speakers for several classes. Students participate in field trips to power generation facilities to see first-hand the type of equipment and systems they study in class. For more information about the Power Generation program at ICC, visit www.itascacc.edu/academics/ programs/power.
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If you would rather be enjoying the great outdoors than sitting in traffic, come join our team. We are located in a region that offers a high quality of life in beautiful northeastern and central Minnesota as well as northwestern Wisconsin. You will live and work in communities surrounded by parks, trails and seemingly endless green space. We firmly believe our employees drive the success of the company. With success in mind as the ultimate goal, we strive to create and provide an environment that offers challenging, stimulating and financially rewarding opportunities.
Minnesota Power also supports the Wind Energy Technology degree program at Mesabi College in Eveleth, Minnesota. The wind program is gaining national recognition for industry-leading curriculum. This program educates and prepares future workers to contribute to the renewable energy industry including project development, equipment manufacturing, construction and operation and maintenance. Students troubleshoot actual utility-scale wind turbine equipment and are hosted throughout the year at Minnesota Power’s Taconite Ridge Wind Energy Center. This AAS degree program prepares students for a wide range of positions and advancement in the wind power generation industries. If you are looking for a renewable energy career, this program may be for you. Visit http://mesabi.windenergy.project. mnscu.edu.
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Lisa Janisch, representing Mesabi’s Wind Energy Technology program, stands atop one of the wind turbines at MP’s Taconite Ridge Energy Center.
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