Minnesota Power’s electric system is designed to withstand harsh weather, but damaging storms with icy conditions and high winds can cause outages. Here are some power outage tips: • Don’t go near any low or downed wires as injury or death could occur. • Cold weather is especially hard on infants, children and the elderly. Dress in several layers of lightweight clothing, covering the head, feet and hands. • Keep a flashlight with fresh batteries in a location where you can easily find it in the dark. For more tips, visit www.mnpower.com/lightsout
Employees, foundation help make life brighter for many Some are mentors to kids who need a little help. Others organize food drives. And then there are the scholarships and grants to benefit people and places in ways large and small. Minnesota Power employees share their skills, time and enthusiasm and the Minnesota Power Foundation distributes hundreds of thousands of dollars to qualified organizations to help make communities better places to live. You can read about some of these people and projects in the Community Investment Report. View the full-color booklet and order your free copy at www.mnpower.com/community.
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Storm preparation tips
Stray voltage might be present but hard to detect We work with farmers to help detect and reduce stray voltage in confined animal operations. This low-level voltage can be found on metal objects that farm animals touch, such as water pipes and stanchions. The voltage level is usually so slight that humans cannot feel it, but animals may. It can be caused by many factors, including faulty wiring or improper grounding. For more information or to schedule a free stray voltage review, contact Dan Tonder at 320.635.5031 or 1.800.228.4966, ext. 5031.
Stay clear of power lines on the work site when using cranes, booms, buckets, ladders, loaders or any tall equipment. The first rule is to keep looking up. Equipment needs to have ample room in every direction to avoid the risk of contact with power lines. Plan ahead when operating tall equipment and have a spotter on the ground to watch for potential hazards. Electric energy is a powerful tool, but if your equipment comes in contact with a power line you could receive an injurious or fatal shock. Call Minnesota Power at 1.800.228.4966 if you have any questions regarding power lines on the job. We are more than willing to assist at any job site to ensure the safety of everyone.
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