Winter 2010

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Minnesota Power’s Conservation Incentives can help you save High Efficiency Furnace with Electronically Commutated Motor $200 rebate through Dec. 31, 2010. Drain Water Heat Recovery (DWHR)  $400 rebate through Dec. 31, 2010 for Minnesota Power customers who heat their water with electricity for installation of DWHR systems by trained installer. Bonus of $50 through Feb. 28, 2010. Air Source Heat Pump  $300 rebate for furnace-integrated systems (ductwork) and $500 rebate for mini-split ductless systems, installed by program-trained contractor. Electricity must be a primary heat source. Through Dec. 31, 2010. Your Home Energy Report Free, customized report detailing how energy is used in your home and ways to begin saving. Go to gy Repo

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July 1,



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Your FREE Home Energy Report will help you start saving are rates electric average. ta Power Minneso the national 2 1 well below $1,163.7


12-month bill amount Your previous Power


Minnesota Family Single 12-month bill Detached Your previous 7 Power the average $1,719.7 Minnesota 1,500 Home using 2 you paid amount Ft.) rate : Type of 1970 electric customer, average. Size (Sq. Gas U.S. Power Home Built the national ts 2 and Natural As a Minnesota less than Year Home Occupan (kWh) Electricity of usage electric $556.05 U.S. electricity Number Fuel of your the average Electricity Heating by the sum 2008. Space Fuel equals Report multiplied Institute bill amount 12 months Heating Electric 2 This Water



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Visit for more tools to help you make energy-saving investments.

previous Edison from from the rate provided

You can help keep your neighbors warm this winter

Cold Weather Rule

Here is an opportunity to turn spare change into a warm home for your neighbors in need this winter. Minnesota Power gathers voluntary contributions from customers by “rounding up” their monthly bills to the next dollar. Money raised will be donated to the Salvation Army’s HeatShare programs throughout northern and central Minnesota.

The Cold Weather Rule (CWR) regulates the conditions under which gas and electric utilities may disconnect residential service in the winter months (from October 15 to April 15).

The Salvation Army will use the funds to help warm the lives of the elderly, disabled and others by providing funds for heating bills and heating-related repairs. HeatShare is a last resort for many who have no other resources available.

Should you receive a disconnection notice from Minnesota Power, you must contact us to set up a CWR payment plan to avoid disconnection. Call 1-800-228-4966.

In 2009, MP customers helped keep their neighbors warm by contributing $12,094 to the Salvation Army’s HeatShare program. To learn how you can help, or for additional program details, call 1-800-228-4966.

The CWR requires that customers who have difficulty paying paying your utility bills contact their utility to work out a mutually acceptable payment plan to keep their heat on.

You may also wish to contact the state’s Energy Assistance Hotline at 1-800-657-3710 to find out if you qualify for funds to aid in paying your electric heating bills.

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