Round up your bill to help keep your neighbors warm We’ve had record high temperatures this winter, but some of our neighbors are having a hard time keeping their homes warm and paying for their household energy costs. In a slow economy, your donations to the Salvation Army’s HeatShare program are even more appreciated. The Salvation Army gathers voluntary contributions from Minnesota Power customers who “round up” their monthly bills to the next dollar. Our customers generously donated $15,954 to the program last year. In addition to customer generosity, the Minnesota Power Foundation has donated $50,000 to the 2012 HeatShare program. The donation includes an $8,000 foundation match for every customer that signed up to be a part of the Power of One® Choice Pilot Program, one of our energy conservation efforts. To learn more about HeatShare and how you can help, call (800) 228-4966.
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Your Powerful Partner
At Minnesota Power, we fuel the pace of life. We create and deliver the safe, reliable and affordable energy you need to keep the lights on and warm your home, and to power the tools businesses use to get the job done. Through significant investments in wind and hydro, Minnesota Power is answering the call to deliver a sustainable energy future.
Most power line right-of-way is private land Minnesota Power maintains about 7,500 miles of power line right-of-way throughout northern and central Minnesota, and most of it is owned by private parties. Minnesota Power has been granted rights permitting the electric line to be constructed and maintained on the private land. Because of this, rights-of-way are not public thoroughfares. If you make use of rights-of-way for recreational purposes such as snowmobiling, hunting, or all-terrain vehicle riding, you must first obtain the landowner’s permission. Failure to get permission from the landowner can be considered trespassing.
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Do you generate your own electricity? The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) requires Minnesota Power to buy all electric energy that qualified facilities offer for sale. The rules apply to small power producers who use renewable resources and cogenerators who produce electricity and steam. Disputes that might arise over interconnections, sales or purchases of power will be resolved by the MPUC. You can obtain more information by contacting Minnesota Power at (800) 228-4966.
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