1 minute read

Driving Soy


The Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council supports 44 organized soybean counties that are designed to promote soybeans and value-added products. During summer 2021, Council leaders were determined to “tread new ground” by connecting the county soybean boards with their communities by “Driving Soy.”

Driving Soy was a statewide promotion in which the county boards donated a set of Goodyear’s soy-based tires to their local sheri ’s departments. This campaign a orded farmers a unique opportunity to promote new uses in soybeans, while paying it forward in their communities.

Over the course of several months, Driving Soy helped raise the Council’s brand and pro le – both regionally and nationally – to the tune of 68 million media impressions across dozens of earned media outlets throughout the state in 2021. In total, the Council’s communications team issued 45 press releases related to the campaign, and published nine stories on mnsoybean.org.

Campaign ran from May – August 2021 60 sets of Goodyear Eagle Enforcer tires donated across the state

About one bushel of soybeans is used to create a set of Goodyear's soy-based tires. 2 sets of Goodyear Assurance WeatherReady tires given away at Farmfest and Big Iron Story placements in Minnesota media: 38

MSR&PC hosted a media event at the farm of Sheri ’s Deputy and farmer Derek Estrem

1 set of tires given away through a “nominate a nonpro t” promotion

Facebook 361,245 Impressions 27,152 Engagements

Counties utilized radio ads, giveaways, social media, direct mail, billboards, press releases and more to promote the campaign Google 106,815 Impressions

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