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Take a Bean Bow
MSGA, MSR&PC honor leaders at Annual Meeting
By Soybean Business Staff
During the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association’s Annual Meeting at MN AG EXPO, the organization announced its yearly awards to deserving farmer-leaders and industry supporters. Executive Director Joe Smentek and President Bob Worth presented on behalf of MSGA, while Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council Chair Joe Serbus honored the Council’s Industry Leader and a fellow director.
2022 Soybean County of the Year: Kittson County
The winner of Minnesota Soybean’s County of the Year borders North Dakota and Canada but is Minnesota all the way.
As they do every year, in 2022 the Kittson County Soybean Growers continued to step up for their commodities and their communities. To that end, County participated in the Stepping Up campaign; donated pencils with soybean messaging to local schools, made ham and turkey holiday donations and held an MSGA membership night, among many other activities.
MSGA is well-represented in this county: Of the 150 soybean growers in Kittson County, nearly half are active MSGA members, including Theresia Gillie, who represents Kittson County on the MSGA board. Each year the board sends thank you letters to their members and includes a $10 gift card to be used at different businesses in their county. They remind the members how important their dedication to agriculture keeps the voice of farmers alive and heard at the local, state, and federal level. Kittson County growers truly value all their members and the commitment of family farming in their community.

This county always works as a team. Each director makes a great effort to be at county meetings and always willing to help on any project. They are truly a staple in their community.
2022 President’s Award: Mike Skaug
Whether serving as a director or on the governing board, Beltrami farmer Mike Skaug has been a huge asset to MSGA. He represented the organization with distinction as president from 2021 to 2022.
Mike’s term as a president was a challenging one, given the evolving circumstances of the pandemic. But thanks to his calm demeanor and deep farming knowledge, Mike guided MSGA as we returned to the business of inperson meetings and helped move MSGA forward. We are grateful to Mike for his dedication to MSGA and our industry. Mike also serves as chair of the Ag Innovation Campus, as the crush facility in Crookston prepares for its 2023 production launch. We are thankful Mike continues to serve MSGA as a director and salute him for a successful year as president. Thank you, Mike!
The recipient of our Industry Partner of the Year Award has put their money when their mouth is when it comes to supporting MSGA and Minnesota farmers.
Profinium has been a longtime sponsor of MSGA events, including MN AG EXPO, Biodiesel Open and last year’s Ice Fish House raffle. They’re also a regular advertiser in Soybean Business Magazine, helping to fuel MSGA’s advocacy mission.

MSGA greatly appreciates Profinium’s financial support over the years and values their partnership and looks forward to working together in the years ahead. This company truly appreciates that agriculture is the backbone of our state’s economy. We thank Profinium for their contributions, which allow us continue fighting on behalf of Minnesota farmers.
“Wethankourboardofdirectorsandourgoverningboardforthehardwork they’veputintomakingMSGAasuccessfulorganizationfor61yearsnow.This boardisfarmer-ledineveryway,andweappreciateeachandeveryoneofyoufor investingyourtimeinMSGA’sadvocacymission.”-MSGAPresidentBobWorth
The recipient of our 2022 Soy Advocate of the Year is a trailblazer who isn’t afraid to ask the tough questions.
Jamie Beyer has worn many hats with MSGA. Young Leader. Director. County organizer. Vice President. President. Jamie had an incredibly difficult task as president. When she took the helm in summer 2019, she couldn’t have foreseen the roadblocks she’d have to navigate over the next two years. But Jamie adjusted and helped lead MSGA as we shifted toward virtual advocacy and hybrid meetings. Along the way, she kept us on course. Despite a contentious legislative environment, Jamie worked with leaders of both parties and helped us achieve huge policy wins on behalf of our members, including Section 179 tax conformity, which saved our industry tens of millions of dollars. It was thanks to Jamie’s leadership that this top MSGA priority became a reality.
MSGA is fortunate Jamie continues to lead us. She’s currently one of our directors on the American Soybean Association, helping to represent us at the federal level. Advocates don’t come stronger than Jamie. We are grateful she continues to speak up and ensure the voice of our farmers is heard loud and clear on a variety of policy issues.
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Each year, the Council recognizes an Industry Leader of the Year that has stepped up to the plate when the soybean industry needed them. This year, we’re excited to present this award to Brushvale Seed. This family-owned company’s commitment to advancing the soybean industry is commendable and has not gone unnoticed.

MSR&PC wisely invests checkoff dollars to develop innovative products that drive the soybean industry into new markets. One of those ventures, TruSoya Non-GMO High Oleic soybeans, celebrated their commercial launch last year, thanks in large part to Brushvale’s support. Along with promoting the variety and providing essential insights, they worked to preserve the value chain, which is integral to the success of TruSoya. Accomplishments of this magnitude wouldn’t be possible without industry partners like Brushvale.
As a family-owned company dedicated to the research and development, production and processing of identity preserved food grade soybeans, Brushvale continues to provide vital support to MSR&PC, and we look forward to a bright future with them.
OnbehalfoftheMinnesotaSoybeanResearch&PromotionCouncil,Ithank MSGAforinvitingmetoyourAnnualMeeting.Weappreciateworkingtogether, andI’dalsoliketocommendmyfellowCouncildirectorsforhelpingtowisely directMinnesota’ssoybeancheckoffresources.”-CouncilChairJoeSerbus
MSR&PC carries a great responsibility in representing Minnesota soybean farmers and directing their checkoff dollars in ways that will further the industry. It takes dedicated individuals to bear that duty, and Kris Folland has proven himself as one of those individuals time and time again.
During his tenure as a Council director, Kris has been a fierce advocate for Minnesota soybean farmers and the soybean industry. He doesn’t hesitate to let his voice be heard and, as the chair of the research action team, he has wisely directed checkoff dollars towards projects that strengthen the soybean industry. Representing District 1, 2 and 3, Kris never loses sight of the Council’s mission and has expertly navigated many obstacles facing our industry. Kris also represents MSR&PC on the Northern Crops Council.
We wouldn’t be the innovative organization that we are today without a sound team of leaders directing it. We thank Kris for being one of those steadfast leaders and serving Minnesota soybean farmers.