1 minute read
Minnesota Soybean 2022 Annual Report


Minnesoyta Edition
Checkoff Champion
You’re a proud Minnesota farmer. You rise each morning to help feed and fuel communities here at home, across the country and around the world. As a producer, you also pay one-half of one percent of every bushel of soybeans into the federally mandated soybean checko program. In turn, MSR&PC and the United Soybean Board invest your hard-earned checko resources into research, nding new markets and increasing demand and value for your crop. For every dollar you put into the checko , you earn about $12 in return value. Keep on growing!
Legislative Advocacy

So, good news and bad news. The good news: You’ve joined the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association, an advocacy group that promotes farm-friendly policies! You take pride in knowing you’re doing your part in helping ag maintain a strong voice at the legislative level. However, while MSGA works in tandem with MSR&PC to improve farmer pro tability, there are certain times the two organizations must stay apart. This is one of those times. Checko dollars can’t be used for lobbying activities in any fashion. Sorry, pal, but you’ll have to sit this game out. But thanks for being a member!

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