2 minute read
I’m asking for your vote. Balancing your investment between research, promotion and education to get the most out of your checkoff investments will be my goal.
District 8
Rochelle Krusemark, Sherburn, Minn., Martin County
On their family farm, Krusemark Farms Inc., raise corn, soybeans, cover crops, forage grass, custom finish hogs and have a cow-calf beef herd. Rochelle is a member of MSGA, the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, Minnesota Farm Bureau, Minnesota Cattlewomen, Minnesota Pork Producers and the Martin County Corn and Soybean Growers. She’s also a past director with the United Soybean Board and Soy Nutrition Institute.
On the Council, Rochelle says:
Farming today offers a plethora of challenges and bountiful rewards. Increasing demand for soybeans, developing new uses, expanding marketing opportunities and preserving crop protection productions while implementing best management practices are essential factors to balance the equation.
Our soybean checkoff investments develop market growth by funding research, promoting our products, serving as an information resource and developing new uses for Minnesota soybeans. We must grow the soybean varieties that meet the demands of our consumers and end users; human, animal and industrial uses. We can encourage both current and future scientists and engineers to think, “Soy can do that!” Meeting demand and expanding markets both in the USA and abroad, the soybean checkoff helps ensure a strong and profitable future for U.S. soybean farmers.
As a former school teacher, I yearn to learn and commit the time necessary to prepare for meetings. I passionately promote agricultural literacy and farm commodities within our community, state, across the U.S. and internationally. I listen and observer, exhibit integrity and have earned a reputation as an independent thinker, respectful team member, and effective leader who encourages participation and collaboration.
Responsible investment of commodity checkoff funds takes time and commitment. I am grateful for a family who realizes thee benefits of “filling in” to complete the tasks during my absence from our family, as well as my time devoted to reading and communication in preparation for meetings. Know that I am approachable and available to listen to your concerns. I would appreciate your support and confidence in me by reelecting m to serve as the Council’s District 8 director. I am confident that my experience in developing strategic plans, resolutions, financial interpretation and planning, and business experience are an asset to MSR&PC.
District 8
Scott Schoper, Cottonwood County
Scott lives in Kasota but raises soybeans and corn in Cottonwood County. He is a member of MSGA, the Minnesota Crop Production Retailers and has been a board member of the Nicollet Conservation Club since fall 2013.

On the Council, Scott says:
I am impressed with what MSR&PC has done in the past. I’m really impressed with the market creation and soybean-based products. I feel there are a lot of opportunities, and I would like opportunity to be a part of it and see where I could help. I just wanted to be more involved with this great organization.
To request a ballot, visit mnsoybean.org/msrpc. MN Department of Agriculture mails ballots to soybean producers who requested ballots or have voted in past soybean elections on March 17, 2023. Last day for ballots to be postmarked is April 4, 2023.