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Tre e C a re A d v i s o r N ew s l e t t e r http:// www.mntca.org

Volume 12 Number 1 Winter 2005

Dave Hanson and Gary Johnson, Managing Editors

Inside This Issue:

Winter - was it ever really here?

Doggy litterboxes By Gary Johnson

1 Yes, we had a cold snap or two, but I’m sure that the Metro area didn’t experience

Quick Hits / Volunteer Opps and Chad Giblin


Putting Down Roots: By Cliff Johnson

3 from your roof. Either way, raingardens can be attractive and functional.

Shade Tree Short Course Opportunity / By Gary Johnson

a true Minnesota winter. In this issue Gary gives you reason to start planning a rain garden… whether it is on your boulevard capturing your lawn runoff or possibly around a downspout


To complement that article I have opened up Cliff Johnson’s archives and pulled an article on cleaning up our run-off and wastewater... Later in this issue look for information on the Shade Tree Short Course

Your Hours Category is? 12 and how TCAs can volunteer and get a discount based on hours of volunBy Dave Hanson teer service as reported to Dave… Replacing Lost Trees! 13 Co-op effort... Contacts


Boulevards Can be More than Doggy Litterboxes By: Gary R. Johnson As many of you know,

I have become very familiar with the wide and the

I've never had to ask any-

skinny tree lawns in Min-

one to move their chaise

much of the research work nesota, the lush and the

lounge chair from the

that I have done over the

weedy, the clean and

boulevards as I've dug

past 10+ years has in-

the…well, the doggy litter-

around and within them.

cluded trees growing on

boxes of Minnesota. Even Nor have I ever been

boulevards throughout

more importantly, I've

asked by a stray golfer or

Minnesota. Most of this

spent a lot of time under-

croquet player for permis-

work has forced me to

ground with the tree roots

sion to "play through." As

spend a good amount of

in these various

near as I can tell, almost

Gary on his hands and knees

time on my hands and

"rhizospheres," and can

all boulevards are doggy

inspecting a boulevard site…

knees on these boule-

speak on their ability or

litterboxes, staging areas

Photo: Dave Hanson

vards, "tree lawns" as they inability to support healthy for garbage and recycling were originally called. So, trees.


Continued Page 5

Page 2

Quick Hits TCA Volunteer Opportunities at the U of MN TRE Nursery Research is still rolling on here at TRE as spring approaches. I've come up with some projects that you might be interested in.

Minnesota Shade Tree Short Course March 22, 23 2005 Bethel University, Arden Hills, MN See: www.cce.umn.edu/ shadetree

Computer Analysis of Paclobutrazol Treated Roots This research involves root sorting and computer analysis of trees treated with paclobutrazol growth regulator. This is all lab work and involves cleaning and sorting stored roots, analyzing on computer, and storage for dry weight measurements. This job is currently headed by an undergraduate research assistant who works on the following days: Monday & Friday: 900AM - 5PM Tuesday & Thursday: 10AM-2PM Shifts change on occasion to conflicts but, generally, are consistent. This project is currently underway and is scheduled to continue through the end of March on this current schedule. Root Slicing and Harvest of Planting Depth - Media Characteristics Study The second project will involve root harvest of a planting depth/container media porosity study. This will be mixed outdoor and lab work and will probably need to occur on weekend. This project involves cutting root systems with a bandsaw, washing, sorting, various analysis techniques. Below are some dates that work for me, we can get more specific if a particular date works for several people. Week-End Possibilities: 26 & 27 February 2005

For Good Stuff all the Time‌ Visit: www.mntca.org

05 & 06 March 2005

26 & 27 March 2005

Elm Pruning Third, we have roughly two acres of elms that require pruning yet this winter. This involves training for central leaders, removing suckers, etc. Elms are a tough tree to manage in the nursery and this might be a good chance to work with some small trees that often require a lot of maintenance. I would prefer to work on this project Thursday and Friday during the day but if some of the above week-end dates look good we can roll this into the same day. Spring B&B Harvest and Bare-root Planting Finally, beginning in late April and early May we will have several opportunities (both weekday and week-end) for planting and B&B harvest of elm trees for the elm evaluation study. This is a great opportunity to work with this stock if you would like more experience in this area. This is very weather dependent to keep your ears open and we will keep you posted!

TCA Update March 12th Gary Johnson Talks Trees and Construction

If you are interested in helping out with any of these projects please contact me, including the project you are interested in, your contact info and the dates you are available (if applicable). I can be reached here: Lab phone: (612) 624 2729 X2 -orE-mail address: gibli002@umn.edu

Dept. Fax

Thanks for your consideration! Chad Giblin, Scientist University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Campus Department of Horticultural Science Visit Chad’s research web pages at:


612 624 4941

Page 3

Putting Down Roots - A column in the Chaska Herald. Cliff Johnson’s 2001 Archive moting an educational cam-

smart buffer zone that ex-

paign to improve groundwa-

tends 50 feet in both direc-

ter quality by encouraging

tions from where the


good water practices in

water meets the

homes and gardens. With

shore. Wildflowers,

In Minnesota, three out of

the theme "Clean water or

grasses and other na-


four people use groundwater green water: The choice is yours," the campaign is deas their source of drinking water. The most common

signed to prevent phospho-

contaminants in groundwater rus and other pollutants include nitrates, phosphates, from entering rivers, lakes

petroleum products and pes- and streams where these pollutants can contribute to ticides. I recently viewed a video titled "Every curb is a shoreline." The title refers to the

property, virtually everyone lives in a watershed that drains to a river or lake. Storm sewer systems are designed to move water away from our residences and businesses as quickly as possible. Curb and gutter systems in most developed cities and towns, unfortunately, are also very efficient

buffer zone prevent runoff, utilize nutri-

Eupatorium purpureum - joe-

ents and attract butterflies,

pye-weed likes moist areas.

birds and other wildlife.

undesirable "green" water.

and attract fish and other forms of aquatic life.

Many of the practices that

often overlooked by misin-

Inside homes, a number of practices can help improve water quality and reduce wa-

formed gardeners and home- ter consumption and chemiowners.

cal buildup in water. Consider reducing use of the gar-

Homes and cabins located on bage disposal by sending shorelines of lakes and

more of your kitchen left-

to natural areas like these. Above - wetland areas with

highest-risk locations for pol- scraps, eggshells and coffee

sedges, water lilies, cat-tails.

luted water. Since most

grounds -- to the compost

home and cabin lots slope to bin. Wash dishes and laundry the water, pollutants of all

only when full loads are avail-

kinds are easily washed to

able. Choose low-phosphate dishwasher and laundry detergents.

pollutants and is especially

Flow restrictor faucets, low-


lawns extend all the way to

flow showerheads and low-

the shoreline. An alternative

flush toilets can further re-

For the past year, Master

to lawns that stretch to the

duce water consumption.

shoreline is an ecologically

Refrain from using toilets as

Gardeners have been pro-

Wildlife of all kinds are attracted

streams represent one of the overs -- fruit and vegetable

damaging to water when

to our state's rivers and

Photos: Dave Hanson

Reeds, rushes and sedges in the water utilize nutrients

at transporting whatever pol- the water by rainfall. Lawn fertilizer is one of the worst lutants have collected on roads, streets and sidewalks

shoreline side of the

raised nutrient levels and

fact that, while few of us may can reduce water pollution are relativly simple but are actually own lake or river shoreline as part of our

tive plants on the

Below - Bumble bee working a thistle.

Page 4

Putting Down Roots... wastebaskets for Kleenix,

ately following an intense

cause aquatic plant and algae

cigarettes, medicines and

rainfall," says Bob Mugaas,

populations to explode. Even

other refuse. Eliminate in-

Hennepin County extension

un-decomposed organic ma-

tank bowl cleaners and use

educator. "You would likely

terials such as leaves and

all cleaning products in mod- see all sorts of junk and gareration.

bage, leaves, grass clippings,

grass clippings will decompose eventually and cause an

twigs, branches, soil, oil slicks undesirable flush of algae growth called 'blooms.'"

In the workshop, dispose of

and other forms of organic

hazardous products prop-

debris. What you would not

erly. Paints, thinners, sol-

see are the many different

There are many aspects of

vents and other poisons

forms of dissolved organic

managing our environment

should be delivered to

and inorganic compounds

that we have no control

county recycling centers

flushed from streets, land-

over. Mugaas advises that

rather than buried or tossed scapes and rooftops that

each of us practice those

in garbage containers. Don't

makes up the individual wa-

things that we can do to

wash paintbrushes under


positively impact water quality.

running water in the sink. Don't use floor drains or

"Many of these materials

storm sewers as disposals

contain phosphorus and

for chemicals and solvents,

other nutrients that can

and recycle auto oil, antifreeze and transmission fluid. Grass clippings and leaves should never be allowed to enter the storm-sewer system. Recycling lawnmowers that return grass clippings to the lawn can reduce the need for lawn fertilizer. If lawn clippings and leaves are bagged, they should be disposed of at a composting site rather than a landfill. "Most people would be horrified to watch the water entering lakes and streams from storm sewers immedi-

Rain water gardens / retention can be a small residential plot or on a larger scale as in these parking areas‌

Photo: http://


Page 5

Doggie Litter boxes… Continued from page 1 ers, and other utilitarian functions. I see

boulevard. False. There probably are

no reason, therefore, to invest a lot of

some communities in the state that dis-

time maintaining turfgrass, a ground-

courage blooming boulevards, but I know

cover intended for golf courses, parks

of none that summarily ban them. Quite

and lawns…when there are other op-

often, communities dictate the height of


plant materials (they should), and occasionally restrict which boulevards can be

Okay, I admit that it has taken me a

developed (again, they should). But if

while to get to the point of the conversa-

anyone knows of a community that flatly

tion, but Dave instructed me to use up

bans them, I would appreciate finding out

some white space. Plus, I wanted to

about that. Ordinances, policies and

voice my opinion on the logic of creating

practices can be changed.

and maintaining a groundcover designed for lots of foot traffic in an area that is

However, most communities request that

primarily viewed, rarely used. Therefore, you apply for permission to install a

Height restrictions are necessary to ensure visibility near the street - so plants like these two

at this point, I would like to offer an alter- blooming boulevard, which again should while unique and beautiful need native to turfgrass in order to bring some be done (that boulevard is not your prop- to be back away from the boulevariety to our boulevards, create better

erty…it's the city's). Your public servants vard.

rhizospheres for our boulevard trees, re-

may be able to help you, keep you from

Above: Silphium perfoliatum -

duce the amount of chemicals that are

wasting your time and money (that

cup plant. Easily 6 feet tall.

working their way into our water re-

boulevard is due for sewer line renewal

Below: Silphium laciniatum -

sources, and just add some variety to the next year and will be torn up), and/or tree lawns: "blooming boulevards."

keep you and your neighbors safe (there Photos: Dave Hanson are shallow, buried utility lines in this part

For many, if not most of you, blooming

of your boulevard). So it's less a matter

boulevards is not a new concept. Rain-

of getting permission, and more a matter

gardens, prairie gardens and blooming

of informing the community of your de-

boulevards are working their way into our sire to beautify and improve the public gardening language and we have all

property in front of your home.

seen examples of these alternatives to lawns somewhere in the state. So why

compass plant Easily 6+ feet tall.

Bad Reason Number Two: It's too

aren't they more common? Why do most much work. I would reply…prove it. properties still mown, fertilize, apply her-

Have you recorded all of the hours spent

bicides and maintain relatively useless

mowing, raking, applying fertilizer and

lawns in the boulevards? Even more

weed killer to the boulevard in the past?

perplexing, why do some blooming

Plus your time investment? Preparing

boulevards suddenly revert back to

the soil, planting and maintaining a

turfed lawns?

boulevard garden is an investment of

Bad Reason Number One: My com-

time, sweat and money,

munity won't let me put in a blooming

but I'm not absolutely

Continued Page 7

Page 6

A Rain Garden Sample Plan...

Veronia spp - Ironweed.

Silphium perfoliatum - cup plant - notice how the stem and leaves meet.

Photo:Dave Hanson

Photo:Dave Hanson

Liatris spp - blazingstar.

Solidago rigida - stiff

Photo:Dave Hanson

goldenrod and bees

Page 7

Doggie Litter boxes‌ Continued from page 5 convinced it's a significant difference.

planting blooming boulevards are just as

Additionally, to many people it's worth it:

plentiful, and actually, much more logi-

for the beauty, for the reduction of

cal. They can be very attractive, and

chemicals entering storm water sewers,

certainly offer some variety. They are

for the attention that you will receive, for

part of a better environment for tree

the exercise, or for the pure recreational

roots. They can reduce the amount of

value of gardening.

pesticides used and overused in landscapes, and reduce the amount of

Bad Reason Number Three: "I've

chemicals flowing into our water re-

never seen one before; I think that it

sources. They can add character to a

would look weird and my neighbors

neighborhood, and become a stimulus

would be upset." Connect with the web

for getting neighbors to interact and take

sites at the end of this story. These are

responsibility and pride in their commu-

local contacts and references. There are nity. many blooming boulevards in Minnesota communities, and you may have either

Some General Guidelines for Suc-

not noticed them, or live in an area

cessful Blooming Boulevards:

where there are few if any. Visit some.

1. Communication. With your commu-

Sagitaria latifolia - Broadleaved arrowhead. Photo:Dave Hanson

Take pictures. Share the ideas with your nity and your neighbors. Call the Public neighbors, and see if you can develop a

Works, Forestry, Parks and Recreation

block-long garden, or at least one that

or whatever department in your commu-

transcends a few properties. Pretty

nity that is responsible for boulevard

soon, it may look normal in your

maintenance. Request permission and


fill out the paperwork (when it's necessary) to install a blooming boulevard.

Bad Reason Number Four: I thought

Contact your immediate neighbors

that you said we should never plant a

(contiguous to your property and in sight

garden within the root area of trees? I

of it), inform them of your ideas, show

discourage roto-tilling the soil where tree your plans and pictures of successful roots are growing in, but there are alter-

gardens and tell them to feel free to con-

natives for preparing planting sites under tact you for more information (this is a trees. Also, many boulevards don't

good way to accumulate some TCA vol-

have trees (especially after the ash, ma- unteer hours). ple and elm losses we've been suffer-

2. Preparation. Contact Gopher State

ing), or the trees are fairly new and have- One Call, 1-800-252-1166 before you n't developed extensive root system.

start planning your garden. Many buried utilities are shallow - sometimes as shal-

I could list more bad reasons for not

low as 4-8 inches - and it's nice to know

planting blooming boulevards, and some what you need to avoid hitting with a good ones, too. But the reasons FOR

shovel! Get a probe and determine (if

Veronicastrum virginicum - Culvers root. Photo:Dave Hanson

Page 8

there are trees on your boulevard) where

There is no substitute for matching the

the branch roots are. Mark the pattern of

best plants to your planting site. Consider

the branch roots with stakes or wire/flags.

not only the limitations of the soil mentioned above, but also deicing salt use,

Ideally, the surface level of the

traffic on the boulevard, and utilitarian

boulevard garden (with accompany-

functions. If people use the boulevard to

ing mulch) should be lower than the

get from the curb to the sidewalk, create a

sidewalk and curb. This is some-

pathway of brick, stepping stones or what-

times very difficult, especially if there ever your community allows. If you need are a lot of shallow tree roots. If you an area to set the garbage can out every can't lower the grade, and if the

week, provide a clear surface within your

boulevard is wide enough, a

garden for that. Again, this could be

turfgrass mowing strip between the

pavers, stepping stones, or pre-cast con-

garden and the sidewalk and the

crete slabs that are integrated into the gar-

garden and the curb can keep the


Roots of a cottonwood

soil and mulch from eroding away. What-

with an annual garden nes-

ever you need to do to keep the mulch and Loosen the soil as much as possible as

tled in. Photo: Dave Hanson

soil from eroding or washing away into the

you prepare the planting hole. Don't set

street or sidewalks, do it.

the plants too deep in the planting hole…

When the sod can be stripped, do it. If it

remember, the surface will likely be

can't, lay down newspapers or whatever to mulched. Don't plant too close to tree either kill out the grass or assist the sur-

trunks…stay about 1.5-3.0 feet away from

face mulch in that same process. You

mature trees, about a foot away for new

don't need to spade up or rototill the entire trees. Water the plants deeply at planting area. By using a small shovel (like a tiling

time, BEFORE the garden is mulched.

spade) and a trowel, you can plant your plants with minimal damage to the branch

For some plant selection ideas, I would

and fibrous roots.

recommend a few tactics. First, visit other, successful blooming boulevards that are in

Part of the idea behind a raingarden is to capture all of that nutrient rich run-off from your turf...

Do not…do not…do not…add commercial

similar sites to yours. Also, note the plants

fertilizer to the soil. It won't need it. Have

that are not doing well, are too tall, or

a soil test done, however, and choose

seem to demand too much maintenance…

plants that will do well in that pH range, in

and avoid those. Second, visit the MN

that soil fertility range, and in that soil tex-

Landscape Arboretum (especially the park-

ture. There are many, many better alter-

ing lot plantings), and the University of MN,

natives (also called different plants) to add- St. Paul campus, Horticulture Display Garing more chemicals to the soil.

dens. Great areas to get ideas and see

3. Choose your plants wisely and pre-

which plants you prefer. Third, dwell on

pare $2.00 planting holes for $1.00

perennials, and minimize the use of annu-


als. If you want to use a lot of annuals,

Page 9

consider growing them in submerged pots very attractive. An entire block treated (pot-in-pot growing). Finally, consult the

that way is a joy to walk through.

plant recommendations listed in the two websites listed at the end of this story.

For more information on Blooming Boule-

4. Maintain the gardens. Nothing will

vards in the Twin Cities, including some

discourage your neighbors and others

recommended plants:

from accepting the ideas of blooming boulevards like an unkempt garden.

Committee on Urban Environment

Keep the garden well-watered (perhaps

(CUE). www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/cue/

keeping a series of soaker hoses perma-

Blooming_Boulevard. You can access

nently placed in the garden). This is the

and print off a pdf brochure, too.

most important amendment that you can provide, for the garden and the trees.

Twin Cities Boulevard Gardening. www.mppeace.org/downloads/

"Police" the area frequently. Pick up the

boulevard.pdf. Excellent and extensive

inevitable trash and debris that ends up

plant list.

on boulevards (regardless of what's planted there). Dead head nasty looking

Maplewood Rainwater gardens.

flowering plants. Pinch back spindly


ones. Get rid of poor producers, and re-


member not to use them again! Weed


frequently (gives you a chance to chat


with passers-by). Replace poor choices


and let the garden evolve into the best it can be. Cut back the herbaceous plants in late autumn, with the exception of those that provide a wonderful winter interest: e.g., grasses. If mulch is washing out into the gutter or on the sidewalk, sweep it up and figure out how to avoid the problem in the future. Good Grief! After writing all of this down it DOES SOUND LIKE A LOT OF WORK! For some people, though, it's worth it. I'd recommend that you give it a chance, a try, and see if you can talk your neighbors into it. One property's boulevard that is filled with different colors and textures is

Photo: Dave Hanson

Page 10

Getting Involved as a TCA … at the 2005 MN Shade Tree Short Course Please read this story carefully…

opportunity for you to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones.

money depends on it.

Reduced Rates for Active

Once again, Tree Care Advisors have a

Members (such a deal!)

chance to be part of the larger urban forestry community in Minnesota. The 2005 MN Shade Tree Short Course (STSC) will be held on March 22 and 23, 2005, at Bethel College in Arden Hills, Minnesota. You are invited to participate as a full registrant, at a reduced rate or as a volunteer with a complimentary registration. Regis-

tration brochures will be mailed out approximately 6 weeks prior to the STSC (February 8). As in the past, there is a TCA "track" at the STSC, with a couple of sessions unique to TCAs. Paula Denman, TCA Hennepin County, will be leading a panel discussion on how to get involved as a TCA, and cre-

(see page 12 for your level)

Platinum Level TCAs (>500 documented hours as of 12-31-04) :

Free Regis-

tration! Gold Level (300-499 hours): 80% discount = $26.00 registration fee. Silver Level (200-299 hours):


discount = $52.00 registration fee. Bronze Level (100-199 hours): 40% discount = $78.00 registration fee.

Read and follow these instructions carefully: 1. Determine your TCA Activity Level (e.g., Silver). If you are uncertain, contact Dave Hanson…he keeps the records.

ating your own, unique urban forestry op-

2. When you receive your registration bro-

portunities. Cliff Johnson, TCA Carver

chure, fill out all information and include a

County, will lead a panel on the rewards

check payable to "University of Minne-

and potential pitfalls of diagnosing prob-

sota" for the appropriate registration

lems on the phone. It's very important that amount (e.g., for Silver Level, it would be TCAs support their program and their col- $52.00). leagues by attending these sessions. So,

3. Mail the registration form

put them on your daily schedules.

and check to: Dave Hanson,

This year, we will have a separate area for TCAs to dine (for lunches) on both days.

TCA/STSC 2005, 115 Green Hall, 1530 Cleveland Avenue

On day one (March 22), we will take the

North, St. Paul, MN 55108.

time to honor some of the outstanding ef-


forts that TCAs have made over the past year. On day two, we'll probably just eat and talk too much. Either day offers an


Getting Involved as a TCA ‌ WRITE THE CHECK TO ANY-

1. Be willing to contribute up to four hours


a day at the STSC as a volunteer.

MINNESOTA!" We have had problems in the past when

2. Be willing to do what the volunteer coordinator asks you to do, not just what you want to do.

TCAs have sent their registration to the

3. Contact the STSC Volunteer Coordinaregistrar at the College of Continuing Edu- tor, Patti Lee Gates, and sign up as a volcation. They don't know what's going on. unteer. Patti Lee's email address is In the past, we've taken care of problems and straightened everything out. No

doog3@earthlink.net. Please email Patti

Lee whenever possible. If necessary, her longer. The registrar has instructions to phone number is 763-427-2461. ignore any registration that is not for 4. Patti Lee has complete authority over the full amount unless Dave and I subthe volunteer aspect of the STSC; Dave mit it. and I as well as the STSC Registrar and CCE will always defer to Patti Lee. The same goes for checks in payment for registration. Do not write them to "Shade

5. Patti Lee will work with you on your du-

ties. She will also send me a list of volunTree Short Course," or "Tree Care Advisor teers. Please fill out a registration form Program," or "Dave Hanson." They will after you have been assigned a volunteer be returned to you because we cannot cash or deposit them. (Sorry, Dave)

task, send it to Dave Hanson, but include no registration fee. Simply write "TCA Volunteer" at the top of the registration form

4. Dave and I will submit your registrations and "N/A" in the amount column. Dave to the Registrar for the STSC and you will and I will submit your registration to the have a registration packet and badge wait- Registrar. Do Not Send the Registration ing for you at the registration desk. to the Registrar. She will not know what to do with it. Please help us by following these steps. It gets way too confusing when people just

Every year, our volunteers receive nothing

do what they want to do, and we can't take but accolades from the participants at the the time to straighten things out anymore. STSC. For many people, you are the main reason that they enjoy the conference and

Volunteer at the STSC

get so much out of it. You should feel very proud and honored if you are a volunteer

There will be a limited number of open- there and/or have been one in ings for TCA volunteers at the STSC in the past. 2005. If you are interested in volunteering and receiving a free registration, please follow these directions:

We can't do it without you.

Page 11

Page 12

TCAs and Volunteer Hours 2004 Lynn Klessig Deb Kuechle one‌" Herb Pieper After entering the volunteer Kathy Pollock hours reported for 2004, we Beverly Quam have a new list of "TCA Laurie Drolson Medalists." Those with their Jay Willet names in bold font are new Cindy Matiski Roxanne Hardy to a category. The categoKen Kirchner ries of achievement are Dianne Ballentine based on the total volunteer Cindy Ralls hours contributed by that Rebecca Koetter Kathleen Bonnet individual since completing Janet Erdman their TCA training. John O’Reilly "Good Work Every-

BRONZE LEVEL (100-199 hours) Anna Barker Gary Schneider Doris Carroll Sharon Fisk Ronald Reeves Andy Sobert Terri Goodfellow-Hayer Jackie Overom Lee Gilligan Paul Couture Marilyn McKay James Zastera Barbara Stendahl Gail Griffin Harold Batzer Jean Hjellming Claire Kari Kay Karsell Lou Ann Keleher

SILVER LEVEL (200-299 hours) Joyce Nellis Charles Hueser Diana Bolander Leah Peterson Bruce Granos Paula Denman Francis Eberlein Barbara Leschisin Vera Wagner Gordon Hanson Pat Friedrichs David Paulson Jane Saltvold Robert Wright Dorothy Pederson Lynn Vernon Heide Ludwig Diane Crea

GOLD LEVEL (300-499 hours) Mike Sowers Nancy Bjerke Jane Klein Barbara Kirkpatrick Glen Hambleton Maureen Lundgren Margaret Kirchner Georgiann Keyport Barbara Harlan Polly Augustson Tim Wedekind PLATINUM LEVEL (Over 500 hours) Lorrie Stromme Patti Lee Gates Carolyn Dingfelder ** Robert Condon ** Skip Rither * Esther Filson ** Rita Nystrom ** Jim Nelson ** Gordon Herbst Mimi Hottinger Warren Banks Cliff Johnson Janet Larson Sherry Akins ** 1000+ hours club ! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all TCAs! YOU and your fellow TCAs are the reason that this program has such a wonderful reputation.

STSC Reduced Registration Rates for Active Members Platinum Level : Free!

Gold Level: 80% off = $26.00.

Silver Level: 60% off = $52.00.

Bronze Level: 40% off = $78.00.

Page 13

Filling the Spaces: Last Fall , Patrick Weicherding, Chad

about________ ?” My reply, “take the

Giblin, Gary Johnson and I were plan-

Mike Zins approach.” If there is a spe-

ning the Tree Inspector Workshops for

cies that you are willing to give room in

Morris, Staples and Rochester. One of your landscape - then do it - give the the hot topics that we were aware of is

plant a try and see how it works out…

the need to replace trees, not only those lost to Dutch elm disease, but years of urban strees, drought and you name it are claiming many other species as well.

I have dropped the “Large Trees Trees Greater than 50 Feet” for several reasons… Talking blooming boulevards, I thought it would be appropriate to focus on the smaller trees.

So, what you find on the next two

Secondly, many of the “large” trees

pages are the small and medium sized shouldn’t be on our small suburban / trees that could use a little more

urban boulevards - they have require-

“exposure” in the landscape...

ments that just can’t be met over the long life span of these trees - root

Keep in mind that this is just a starting

space for example…

point - it is only a list… After presenting this list and an accompanying

But the big reason they were dropped -

PowerPoint recently there were a num- I am up against the page limit on this ber of questions like: “Well, what

issue of the newsletter.

Winter into Spring - Don’t give up hope yet, we are getting there! Quercus macrocarpa - February 14th, 2005 and September 12th, 2004 Photos: Dave Hanson


Page 14

Filling the Spaces: Small Trees – Less than 25 feet Tolerance of Name

Hardy to:


Drainage Drought

Acidic to






South 1/2

Acidic to







Amelanchier species (Serviceberry) Carpinus caroliniana Hop hornbeam Cercis canadensis (Eastern redbud)



South 1/3 MN

Acidic to Moderate Alkaline

Not Very






Needs good drain- Moderate age

Moderate to good

Crataegus laevigata (‘Crimson Cloud’ English hawthorn)

South 1/3 MN

Acidic to Moderate Alkaline

Not Very

Needs good drain-














Crataegus crusgali (Thornless cockspur hawthorn)

South 1/2 MN

Maackia amurensis (Amur maackia or maackia) Magnolia X loebneri (‘Merrill’ magnolia


South 1/3 MN

Acidic to Moderate Alkaline





Acidic to

Not At



Acidic to Moderate



Reported tolerance of poor Tolerates poor

Malus species (Crabapples ‘Sugar Tyme’, ‘Prairifire’, ‘Snowdrift’, ‘Professor


Acidic to Alkaline

Moderate Tolerates to spray



Pyrus ussuriensis (‘Prairie Gem’ Ussurian Pear)


Syringa reticulata (Japanese Tree Lilac)


Acidic to Alkaline

Needs Unknown good drainage

Acidic to






Good Very

Page 15

Filling the Spaces: Medium Trees - 25 feet to 50 feet Tolerance of Name

Hardy to:


South 1/3

Acidic to




Acer campestre (Hedge maple)

Drainage Drought


Good Unknown

tolerance of

Very Good

Very Good



wet soil

Aesculus glabra (Ohio Buckeye + cultivar ‘Autumn Splendor’)

Species: MN



Acidic to

South 1/2


Very Good

tolerance of wet soil


Alnus glutinosa (Black alder)

Very South 1/3

Acidic to






of poor drainage

Fraxinus mandshurica (‘Mancana’ ash)


Fraxinus nigra (‘Fall Gold’ black ash)


Acidic to




Acidic to Alkaline


Moderate (may shed leaves


when droughty)




















Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis (Thornless honeylocust)

South 1/2

Acidic to




Some what

Ostrya virginiana (Ironwood)


Acidic to Alkaline

Appears to


have some




Phellodendron amurense (Amur cork tree) Sorbus alnifolia (Korean Mtn Ash)

South 1/2

Acidic to



Reported to tolerate salt run-off

South 1/3 MN,

Acidic to

Not Very



Maybe more

Tilia X flavescens (‘Glenleven’ Linden)

South 1/2 MN

One of the most tolerant


TCAAG Members:

Contact Phone Numbers Program Contacts: Gary Johnson – 612-625-3765 or grjonson@.umn.edu Dave Hanson – 612-624-1226 or dlhanson@umn.edu Mailing Address: 115 Green Hall, 1530 Cleveland Ave. North, St. Paul, MN 55108

Paula Denman, Chair – 612-338-1871, pjdenman@mn.rr.com Bob Condon – 952-890-1228, bobnbunny@juno.com Laurie Drolson – 651-464-9829, ldrolson@yahoo.com Bruce Granos – 952-423-5211, bjgbjgbjg@hotmail.com Mimi Hottinger – 507-388-4838, mimih@mctcnet.net

Additional Reference Contacts: Debby Newman (Info-U) – 612-624-3263

County Contacts: Anoka County (Patrick Weicherding) – 763-755-1280 or weich002@umn.edu Blue Earth County – (507)389-8325 Carver County (Jackie Smith) - (952) 442-4496 or smith515@umn.edu Dakota County (Barb Stendahl) – 952-463-8002 or stend004@umn.edu Hennepin County (Bob Mugaas) – 612-374-8400 Olmstead County – 507-285-8250 Ramsey County – 651-777-8156 Scott County (Jackie Smith) - (952) 492-5410 or smith515@umn.edu St. Louis County (Bob Olen) – 218-726-7512

Don Mueller, DNR Forestry – 651-772-6148 don.mueller@dnr.state.mn.us Great River Greening – 651-665-9500 Ken Holman, DNR Forestry – 651-296-9110 ken.holman@dnr.state.mn.us Paul Walvatne MNDOT – 651-284-3793 Paul.Walvatne@dot.state.mn.us Tree Trust – 651-644-5800

The story terminator for this issue - Celastrus scandens - winter fruit and husks. These are very colorful out in the wild, especially after a snowfall. But, typically in the wild the fruit production is sparse; therefore, it usually takes a number of vines to produce a good splash of color unless the vine is on a really good site. Photos: Dave Hanson A cloudy, February day in Anoka County.

Picture credits: EVS - Enginerring Services http://www.enviroscience-ems.com/index2.htm http://www.enviroscience-ems.com/pages/raingardens.htm

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