2011 Annual Report

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Annual Report


in Review







of Contents

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the President “Trust in the Lord” Through the years God has demonstrated his faithfulness to us often despite overwhelming circumstances and mountain-sized obstacles. To live by Proverbs 3: 5-6 and its admonition to “trust in the Lord with all your heart” requires bold, steady and persistent faith. When we choose to trust Him completely, He showers us with His blessings and overwhelms us with more than we anticipated or could even imagine. In our individual lives or as a university community, we can be challenged on every side and pressed from every direction. In the life of MidAmerica Nazarene University, 2011 was a year of pressing demands on our faith which demanded much, but fostered a renewed commitment to our mission and purposes. Through it all God has proven to be completely faithful to His word. I am honored to be a member of the MNU community, and I am catching a vision for the opportunity we have to move forward and do so with full confidence of God’s provision. We can look forward to growth in enrollments and new programs as we build upon the generous support of our churches, alumni and friends. Our challenges remain, but continued progress will come as we respect the past and look forward as we move into the future. The University has made significant progress this year, and we are thankful for advances in many areas of our campus life and programs. An outstanding faculty, excellent academic programs and the accreditation of new and extended programs has required the creation of a new MNU campus site in Liberty, Missouri. A successful athletic season has caused excitement across the region, and we have celebrated student achievement in many programs. Earlier this year I shared the words of Isaiah 43:19 which reminded us that the Lord is seeking to do new things for his people. He desires to respond to our faith with His abundant blessings. He is not hampered by circumstances or diminished by a challenge. Since 1966, MNU has experienced the blessings of God, and as a result we have a legacy of faith that has strengthened our resolve. We can move forward with certainty knowing that God has a master plan for our university community and a plan for each of our students. Regardless of your connection to MNU, we want to thank you for your prayers and for your generous support. There are bright days ahead and God has new things on the horizon. We invite you to join us and celebrate the goodness of God as we continue this amazing journey of faith.

Dr. David J. Spittal President

Our Board of Trustees

Lay Representatives

Other Members

Dr. David J. Spittal President

Dr. Merrill R. Conant

Rev. Joel Atwell

Mr. Darrel E. Johnson

Dr. Donald H. Bell, Sr. Rev. Daniel W. Cole

Dr. Larry McIntire Chairman

Ministerial Representatives Rev. Rick Power

Rev. Michael G. Palmer Vice Chairman

Dr. Jeren Rowell

Mr. Chad Cook Dr. D. Ray Cook Mr. John Dahl Rev. Bryan Davis Dr. O.E. Dement

Mrs. Terri Comfort Secretary

Dr. Jim Dillow Mr. Craig M. Doane Mr. Jeff Eichorn

Mr. Keith Cox Treasurer

Mrs. Karen Frye Dr. James M. Kraemer Rev. Michael Lynch Rev. Wes Meisner Mr. Eldon J. Meyers Dr. Garey A. Miller Rev. Fred Morrison Dr. Edmond P. Nash Rev. Phil Rhoades Rev. Rod Thelander Rev. Fred Toomey Mrs. Julie C. Transmeier Mrs. Cathy Veach



the Numbers EnrollmenT Total Enrollment: 1811 →→ →→ →→

26% Graduate

Undergraduate (traditional) students: 894 Undergraduate (non-traditional) students: 446 Graduate students: 471

*81% of traditional Undergraduate students live on campus

49% Undergrad 25% Non-traditional

Top Five Majors Traditional Programs →→ →→ →→ →→ →→

Nursing: 145 Elementary Education: 77 Business Administration: 49 Psychology: 40 Biology: 38







Elementary Education

Business Administration




A year of transition. Achievement. Excellence. The 2011 academic year at MNU was filled with surprises, recognition, and transition. We welcomed an interim president, Dr. Jim Diehl, who inspired hundreds of Pioneers to look eagerly for God’s hand at work on our campus. Students conducted original research. Athletic teams earned national recognition. Dozens of students served our local community through a partnership with the Kansas City Urban Youth Center. Our Graduate & Adult Studies programs showed timely growth, with more than 800 students represented between our various campuses. A year of change often paves the way for exciting new beginnings. As Pioneers, we celebrate the accomplishments of 2011, and look in anticipation to the future.

2011 Highlights and Accomplishments Academics →→ The 2011 accelerated BSN class earned a 100% pass rate of the NCLEX-RN® licensure exam on their first attempt. →→ Sports Management seniors sponsored “Challenge Day.” Disabled students from local school districts competed in a variety of activities in MNU’s Cook Center, earning local media coverage.

All American Honors →→ Jen Costa, 1st Team, Softball →→ Rustin Dowd, 3rd Team, Men’s Basketball →→ Megan Hayes, Honorable Mention, Volleyball →→ Linjun Ji, Honorable Mention, Volleyball →→ Juan Redmon, 1st Team, Football →→ Daria Sprew, Honorable Mention, Women’s Basketball

Heart of America Conference Coaches of the Year

→→ Members of Heritage Choir performed at Carnegie Hall in March 2011.

→→ Rocky Lamar, Men’s Basketball

→→ Alumna Carin Stutz (MBA, ‘97) was named President & CEO of Cosi, Inc., a 380-location restaurant chain.

→→ Jonathan Quinn, Football

Athletics →→ The football, men’s soccer, volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball teams all claimed conference titles, advancing to Nationals. →→ The baseball team received the 2011 Buffalo Funds Champions of Character award. →→ Women’s soccer earned the HAAC Commissioner’s Award for having the highest team GPA in the conference.

→→ Jon Lewis, Women’s Basketball

→→ Kristin Steele, Volleyball

University →→ 447 alumni participated in the Alumni Challenge Match from Dr. & Mrs. Otto Theel, resulting in $129,000 in support of the University Fund. →→ Total alumni giving increased by 24% in 2011. →→ In December, an anonymous gift of $7.5 million represented the largest ever one-time gift in MNU’s history.


in Photos The 2011 academic year brought change, transition and excitement for our Pioneer family. We welcomed Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (11) to campus in January for his inaugural prayer service. Then, in early spring, members of Heritage Choir (2) performed at Carnegie Hall in New York City. They arrived home to find the Pioneer softball team (13) sweeping the conference tournament and advancing to Nationals. Weeks later, MNU graduated 619 students (7), and the campus transitioned into the summer. Fall brought the launch of a new Community Formation partnership with the Kansas City Urban Youth Center (8), and exciting soccer (6) and football (3) seasons. On Homecoming weekend, we welcomed hundreds of alumni to campus, along with alumni award winner and Fulbright Scholar Randall Stephens (9, pictured with interim President Dr. Jim Diehl). Dr. Rion Taylor (5) worked alongside senior Steffani Burks as she conducted original bacteria research throughout the new academic year. The Pioneer spirit flourished as we said goodbye to 2011 with a conference win for the volleyball (12), and the men’s and women’s basketball (10) teams. In the final month of 2011, 84 students participated in our first-ever December graduation ceremony for the School of Nursing.

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Summary MidAmerica Nazarene University has been greatly blessed by alumni and friends who generously contribute support for scholarships, academic and athletic programs, and various capital projects. We commit to manage these resources wisely in order to provide high quality Christian higher education both now and in the future. The faculty, staff and students of MNU greatly appreciate the generosity of alumni and friends throughout the year.

Sources of Revenue

1% MNU Foundation

→→ Net Tuition and Fees: $17,460,242

3.8% Other

→→ Gifts and Grants: $5,840,343 →→ Auxiliary Enterprises: $4,688,000

15.9% Auxiliary Enterprises

→→ MNU Foundation: $308,417 →→ Other: $1,117,813 Total Revenues: $29,414,815

59.4% Tuition and Fees

19.9% Gifts and Grants

The University’s financial summary reflects the fiscal year July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011.


4.7% Student Services

→→ Instruction: $10,178,517

2.6% Fundraising

1.5% Libraries

→→ General Administration: $4,374,811 →→ Auxiliary Enterprises: $2,048,104 15.3% Operations

→→ Student Activities: $2,287,213 →→ Institutional Support: $2,802,394 →→ Plant Operations: $4,371,631

35.6% Instruction

→→ Student Services: $1,332,529 →→ Fundraising: $744,455 →→ Libraries: $434,266 Total Expenses: $28,573,920

9.8% Institutional Support

8.0% Student Activities

15.3% General Administration

7.2% Auxiliary Enterprises

Annual Giving Total Gift Income


Combined Gift Revenue Total: $3,297,272


7% Endowment


→→ 2010-11: $3,297,272


→→ 2009-10: $2,977,625


→→ 2008-09: $3,415,815


6% Designated

→→ Educational Budget: $1,501,378 →→ University Fund: $1,387,902 →→ Endowment: $225,049 →→ Designated: $182,943

42% University Fund

46% Educational Budgets

From January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2011, 2,730 contributors gave $3,297,272 to MNU in support of scholarships, building projects and other programs. We are so thankful for each individual, business and family who gave generously in support of our University.






from University Advancement MidAmerica Nazarene University is blessed to have a great group of alumni and friends who generously support our vital mission. We are pleased to provide this report which highlights some of the events, milestones, and accomplishments that shaped MNU in 2011. In addition, it provides us the privilege of honoring and recognizing all who have invested sacrificially in the activities of living and learning throughout our campus. Whether you give to MNU through an annual gift to the University Fund, or contribute to a scholarship endowment, or include the University in your estate plans, you are truly making an investment in the lives of our students. I can think of no greater investment than providing a Christ-centered education that academically and spiritually equips men and women to meet today’s challenges. Your financial support not only provides tangible assistance through student scholarships and program development, but it also strengthens our ability to show students how their goals in life should be solidly grounded in biblical principles and centered around their relationship with Jesus Christ. MNU is unified by a single purpose: to educate and prepare servant leaders who will impact the world for Christ. We realize that we alone cannot accomplish this great task. We rely on your faithful giving and continued prayers, trusting that the Lord will continue to pour his blessing on our university. On behalf of the MNU Foundation, thank you for giving purposefully to support the mission of MidAmerica Nazarene University!

Jon D. North, MBA, CFRE Vice President for University Advancement Executive Director of the MNU Foundation



Board of Directors

Endowing the Future of Quality Christian Education

Mr. Lonnie E. Hephner Chairman

The MidAmerica Nazarene University Foundation exists to assist the education services at MidAmerica Nazarene University. The MNU Foundation’s principle activity is to build the Endowment Fund. This fund is invested following carefully considered conservative investment policy to further the University’s mission, and to assure the long-term financial security of the University.

Mr. Tim Buchanan Vice Chairman

The Foundation’s Assets Mr. Charles J. Nunamaker Secretary

Members at Large: Mr. Brian G. Diddle Mr. Douglas L. Diehl Mr. Michael D. Major Dr. Otto W. Theel

Other ex-officio Members: Mr. Timothy R. Keeton Dr. Larry D. McIntire



Mr. Jon D. North – ex-officio Executive Director


Mr. Kevin P. Gilmore – ex-officio Treasurer

Dr. David J. Spittal 2008-09






of Donors


President’s Circle

Heritage Society

The President’s Circle honors individuals for their cumulative lifetime giving in support of MNU.

The Heritage Society honors individuals who have contributed $100,000 - $499,999 cumulatively to MNU during their lifetime.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Austin Mrs. Ruth K. Beard

Legacy Society The Legacy Society honors individuals who have contributed $1,000,000 or more cumulatively to MNU during their lifetime. Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bell, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. D. Ray Cook

Mrs. Gwendolyn Brenneis Mr. and Mrs. Tim Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby Mr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Gholson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gilmore Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson

Founder’s Society

Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Hephner

The Founder’s Society honors individuals who have contributed $500,000 - $999,999 cumulatively to MNU during their lifetime.

Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar

Mrs. Murdell W. Holbert

Mrs. Martha Lytle

Mr. and Mrs. L. Sam Allega

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dixon

Mrs. V. Arlene Snowbarger

Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Doskocil

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Thiessen

Mrs. Judith K. Eby

Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel

Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wood

22 The Beckum family, whose name is synonymous with MNU, came up with an unusual idea. Since generations of the family have attended or supported the University since its beginning, the family decided to surprise their mother, Betty Beckum, with an endowed scholarship at MNU in her name. During half-time of the Super Bowl, the Beckums turned off the TV and raised $20,000 to start the scholarship with just the family and friends in the room. Since that day others have added to the amount which now stands at more than $26,000. At Betty’s birthday celebration, held at Bell Cultural Events Center in April, the family unveiled their surprise. Thrilled, Betty said they could not have given her a better gift and revealed that she had always wanted to provide for MNU students in this manner.


What about 2012? What are all the ways that friends of the University will lend their support to future generations this year?


of Donors


Charter members of the Cornerstone Society have demonstrated their abiding commitment to the future of Christian higher education by making provisions for MidAmerica Nazarene University in their estate plans.

Ms. Elizabeth Choate * Dr. D. Ray and Elaine Cook Mr. and Mrs. Junior L. Cowan, Jr. * Mr.and Mrs. Lester H. Cravens * Dr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Crow

MidAmerica Nazarene University has benefited from generous bequests and other gifts over the years that have provided significant support for our mission. The Cornerstone Society recognizes and honors those special individuals who have the needs of generations of MidAmerica students at heart. By including the MNU Foundation as a recipient in their estate plans, Cornerstone Society members ensure the continued Christian education of young men and women for years to come. The Cornerstone Society lays the groundwork for the University’s achievements today and in the decades ahead. Included in the Society are dedicated alumni, parents, staff and friends who have included the MNU Foundation in their estate plans.

We’ve been privileged to be a part of MidAmerica since its early days. All four of our children, two of their spouses, a grandson, sister and nephew have all attended MNU. Dorothy and I have continued that investment by including the University in our estate plans so others may benefit from the MNU experience for years to come.

Dr. James Diehl

General Superintendent emeritus and former Interim President, 2011

* Deceased Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Croy Rev. and Mrs. Clarence E. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Dean

Charter Members

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon DeGraffenreid

Anonymous (5)

Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl

Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Doskocil

Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander

Mrs. Mary J. Doskocil *

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnold *

Dr. Robert and Julie Drummond

Ms. Sarah E. Baker *

Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Dwinell *

Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Barnell

Mr. Arthur Ellis *

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bartels *

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Else *

Mrs. Doris C. Bartlett *

Mrs. Velma Eversmeyer *

Mrs. Ruth and Mr. Earl * Beard

Mrs. Dora French *

Mrs. Carmen Becker *

Mr. Towner Furry *

Ms. Edith Bodenhausen *

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Garber

Ms. Doris L. Boller *

Mr. Charles E. * and Mrs. Virginia Garey

Mrs. Mary P. Bowman *

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Garey *

Mr. and Mrs. Owen E. Brown *

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goldsmith *

Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Burk *

Dr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence Goodman *

Mr. and Mrs. William Chamberlain *

Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson

Mr. Joseph E. Chastain *

Mr. Norman Heyd * and Mrs. Frieda Heyd

24 Mrs. Alice Holmes *

Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Osborne *

Mrs. Alta L. Trimpa *

Mr. Theoline Isakson *

Ms. Vesta Purkhiser *

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Uphaus *

Mrs. Nita Rae and Mr. Norris * Jepsen

Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Quesenbury *

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy H. Visser *

Miss Mattie Belle Jones *

Mr. Virgil P. Ramsey *

Mrs. Ivy A. Weatherby *

Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Kelley *

Mrs. Mildred J. Richter *

Ms. Arjorie Weaver

Mrs. Pearl M. Klontz *

Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson *

Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Weller *

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kramer *

Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. David P. White

Rev. and Mrs. Carl H. Kruse *

Mrs. Addie M. Rogers *

Mrs. Agnes T. Wiens*

Ms. Gladys L. Lacy *

Mr. Blair * and Mrs. Clara Rorabaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard

Mr. Charles A. Lichtenberger *

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Rowe *

Mrs. Effie L. Williams *

Ms. Emma Lough *

Ms. Charlotte A. Runyon *

Mrs. Oda Wilson *

Ms. Hazel Matchell *

Mrs. Melinda Schwartz *

Mrs. Edith Lucile Wright *

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Matheny *

Mrs. Ella L. Smith *

Rev. and Mrs. Henry Zerbe *

Mr. Grant May *

Mrs. Margaret E. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. W. LeRoy McCurdy *

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, Jr.

Dr. Lottie B. McWherter *

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Snowbarger *

Rev. Herbert W. Merritt *

Mr. E. W. Snowbarger *

Mr. Joseph W. Mock *

Mr. Ralph F.* and Mrs. Elsie M. Snowbarger

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moomaw *

Mrs. V. Arlene Snowbarger

Ms. Hannah E. Moore *

Rev. John H. Spees *

Dr. W. Edgar Moore * and Mrs. Maron Moore

Mrs. D. Chrystal St Clair *

Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch

Mr. and Mrs. Banner M. Stephenson *

Dr. and Mrs. John O. Mozier, Sr.

Dr. and Mrs. John L. Stockton *

Mrs. Marjorie L. Myers *

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strole *

Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North

Dr. and Mrs. Otto Theel

Mrs. Elsie O’Connell *

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Thompson *



The following individuals and organizations contributed to new or existing endowments managed by the MNU Foundation from January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011.

Mike and Erin Birge Scholarship Fund The Sprint Foundation

Robert E. Bonham Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eaton

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

Dr. Edwin and Shirley Alexander Family Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Alexander R.E. Alexander & Associates, LLC Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Alexander

Denny Apple Memorial Scholarship Fund Rev. and Mrs. Dennis L. Apple Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery M. Johnson

Ron Beeson Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kuno B. Bauermeister Mr. and Mrs. Glen O. Beeson Mr. Lance and Dr. Donna Beeson Mrs. Jamelyn B. Merker Mr. Henry Miller Ms. Darla D. Parker Mr. and Mrs. James Peirce

Don Bird, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Carolyn Bird

Bob Campbell, Strong & McCalla Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Loretta F. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Couch

Donald and Merry Clegg Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg

Stephen L. Cole Scholarship Fund Anonymous Drs. Dhrubajyoti Chakravarti and Andrea Herman-Chakravarti Drs. Eric and Amy Clarkson Dr. and Mrs. Ferrill R. Conant Dr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Conant Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fields, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David L. Frisbie Dr. Douglas A. Friesen Mr. and Mrs. John M. Harms Dr. and Mrs. H. Richard Kuhns, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kent D. McIntire Merck Company Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Newlin

Mr. and Mrs. James L. Osborn, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David M. Riley Mr. Edwin D. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Shaw Mr. Andrew and Dr. Jill Speicher Mr. and Mrs. Jason O. Stansbury Ms. Bambi L. Stranz Dr. and Mrs. Dallas E. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. James L. Thornton Ms. Kristin R. Thornton Mr. Jeffrey J. Thurlow United Radiology Group, Chartered Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Weishaar

Tom Cross Scholarship Fund Mr. James W. Bodge Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Cross

Paul and Connie Cunningham Scholarship Fund College Church of the Nazarene

Dakota District Scholarship Fund New Hope Church of the Nazarene

Wayne Dance Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Earline Dance

Diehl Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Diehl Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl, Sr.

26 Division of Business Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Darric N. Wright

Division of Religion Scholarship Fund Mrs. Felice D. Baumgarten Ms. Betty J. Black Mrs. Brenda Egbert Mrs. Elda M. Fry Ms. Joycele Hemphill Mr. Larry D. Kampschroeder Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. North, Sr. Ms. Betty L. Schmid Mrs. Sharon N. Yourdon

Joseph Eaton Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eaton Mrs. Mary E. Eaton

Jess Wm and Lesta Foster Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. William Foster

Chester O. and Mary Alyce Galloway Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Chester O. Galloway

Lonnie and Bonnie Hephner Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Hephner

Iowa District Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donn W. Block Burlington First Church of the Nazarene Cedar Rapids First Church of the Nazarene Mrs. Karen M. Diehl Mrs. Phyllis Dunham Mrs. Marlene M. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johannes Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Kell Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. McCleeary Mr. James H. Moore

Marion and Doris Jonte Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Jonte, Jr.

Joplin District Scholarship Fund Mr. Clay N. Adams Mrs. Susan Block Carthage First Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Compton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hampton Mrs. Peggy L. Huff Rev. and Mrs. Dustin L. Ledford Mrs. Isabelle Motley Mr. Glen L. Snyder Ms. Hester L. Van Dyne

Kansas City District Scholarship Fund Anonymous Ms. Anita S. Abbott Dr. and Mrs. Clark Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bohi Dr. and Mrs. C. Ray Bowman Mr. Bill D. Breaker Ms. Jessie L. Brokaw Mr. and Mrs. James P. Brooks Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brown College Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Tracy D. Copsey Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cubie Dr. and Mrs. Menter H. David Mr. and Mrs. William D. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. DeGraffenreid Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Diddle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Diddle Mr. Wayne L. Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eckstrom Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ehrsam Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Ellis Rev. and Mrs. Carl D. Erwin Mrs. Beverly M. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Carlos D. Fernandez Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. Foltz Mr. and Mrs. Darren Forslee Mrs. Judith E. Foster Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Foust Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Garber Ms. T. Oleta Garvic


Gifts Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Gilmore GM Associates, LLC Grace Community Church of the Nazarene Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Haffey Rev. and Mrs. Vernon Haller Dr. and Mrs. Jason R. Haworth Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes Ms. Elisabeth R. Heger Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie J. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hodel Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Huddleston Rev. and Mrs. Keith S. Jackson Rev. and Mrs. Ronald R. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Merlin R. James Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene Kansas City First Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. Karsten Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Keeton Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Ketner Mr. and Mrs. Derrell R. Kilber Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Knight Rev. and Mrs. Warren D. Koker Ms. Kathleen E. Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Lawver Lenexa Central Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy Ms. Helen L. McLane Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Millhuff Ms. Audra Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Reginald A. Morrison Ms. Susan L. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. David W. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas D. Nelson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. North, Sr. Mrs. Irene D. Noyes Drs. Bruce E. and Peggy L. Oldham Mrs. Teresa M. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. John C. Oster, Sr. Dr. Marvin Powers JC and Levina Rakes Trust Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Regier Dr. and Mrs. G. Ray Reglin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Rieck Dr. and Mrs. David M. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Oris K. Roberts Mr. David and Dr. Jerri Sapp Mr. Burt and Dr. Virginia Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schubert Mr. and Mrs. David F. Schuman Shawnee Church of the Nazarene Mrs. Lenore Simpson Ms. Anna R. Smit Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Stelter Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Wendel J. Strong Topeka First Church of the Nazarene Mr. Binny Varghese Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Wacker Mrs. Darlene H. Wahaus Mr. and Mrs. Drew Walker Wanamaker Woods Church of the Nazarene Dr. and Mrs. C. Hardy Weathers Mr. Michael K. Wedel Mr. Joshua D. Weinstock Westside Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Wetmore, Jr.

Mrs. Mary L. Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wilson Ms. Margaret Wittmer Rev. and Mrs. Matthew S. Zimmer

Kansas City District PK Scholarship Fund Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene

Kansas District Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ashcraft Belmont Boulevard Church of the Nazarene Mr. Vernon R. Butcher Mr. and Mrs. Duane Childs Mr. and Mrs. Roger Closson Eastridge Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Exline Mr. and Mrs. Zachary A. Harris Rev. and Mrs. Andrew R. Heer Hodges Family Trust Hutchinson First Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Johnson Mr. Dale Love Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Magyar Manhattan Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. John M. Prothro Mr. and Mrs. Darren Reed Severy Church of the Nazarene Ms. Kathy M. Shike Mr. and Mrs. Wendell K. Snowbarger

28 Rev. and Mrs. Rodger D. Thelander Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Walton Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Weltmer Wichita Trinity Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard Rev. and Mrs. Gary L. Worthington

Lenexa Central Church of the Nazarene Scholarship Fund Lenexa Central Church of the Nazarene

V.H. and Esther Lewis Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Donna Jones Nails by Donna Dr. and Mrs. C. Hardy Weathers

Harry and Martha Lytle Scholarship Fund Mrs. Martha Lytle

Oliver and Myrtle Matheny Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Tom Matheny

Men’s Basketball Scholarship Fund Cooper Medical Company, Inc.

Donald S. Metz Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson

Missouri District Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Austin Mr. Bob Barker Ms. Dawn L. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Branstetter Rev. and Mrs. Cole R. Branstetter Mrs. Donna Clayton Rev. and Mrs. Gary D. Garrett Hendley Family Trust Hurdland Church of the Nazarene Irondale Church of the Nazarene Rev. and Mrs. Greg McClain Mr. and Mrs. Sean L. Meier Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Purl Mrs. Geneva Reel Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Sarver, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Shea Ms. Sherry Stanford Rev. and Mrs. Brad Stockton Dr. and Mrs. James L. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Truelove Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veach Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Warren Wright City Church of the Nazarene

Missouri District NYI Scholarship Fund Ms. Lisa R. Downs Ms. Ramona F. Downs Missouri District Church of the Nazarene

MNU Regional NYI Scholarship Fund MNU Regional N.Y.I.

Charles Morrow Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Joyce A. Morrow

Morsch Family Scholarship Fund Mrs. Marge E. Smith

Forrest Nash Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Belle Nash Dr. and Mrs. Edmond P. Nash

Nebraska District Scholarship Fund Ms. Jeanine M. Krogmann Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Smith

R.R. Osborne Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Lucille G. Thompson

Victoria V. Porter Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mrs. Marge E. Smith

Elvin and Verla Powers Scholarship Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. Elvin and Dr. Verla Powers


29 Prairie Lakes District Scholarship Fund Rev. and Mrs. Fred T. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Zubke

Psychology Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Reglin

Rexroth Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rexroth

Ruzich Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ruzich State Farm Company Foundation

Lloyd and Ruby Schofield Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Schofield

Schubert Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schubert

Mark Slattery Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. William H. Slattery, Jr. State Farm Company Foundation

Marge Smith Archives Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. Kale C. Gentry Mrs. Marge E. Smith

T.J. Spindle Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Sam Owens Drs. Richard and Billy Spindle

John Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Stephens

Earl Thomas Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Doris Thomas

Floyd and Nadine Timmons Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Gina D. Riner Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Timmons

Timothy Scholarship Fund Rockwell Collins Matching Gift Program

Lester and Nancy Tollie Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Tollie, Jr.

Unrestricted Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Frommack Mr. Donald and Rev. Lois Perrigo

Weatherby Chapel Endowment Fund Mrs. Murdell W. Holbert

Agnes T. Wiens Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Agnes T. Wiens

Carlton Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund The Boeing Company


of Donors


University Club

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg

Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cole

Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hansen

Dr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Conant

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes

Mr. and Mrs. Chad B. Cook

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hedges

Dr. and Mrs. D. Ray Cook

Mr. and Mrs. Austin N. Heise

Mr. and Mrs. G. Gary Coulter

Mr. James L. Huber, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Cox

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery D. Huff

Mr. and Mrs. Cleve G. Curry

Mrs. Dolores M. Hyson

Anonymous (4)

Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement

Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Albright

Mr. and Mrs. Carroll D. DeZwarte

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Keeton

Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander

Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl, Sr.

Rev. and Mrs. Willis D. Kennedy

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Anderson

Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Dillow

Dr. Carl W. Kruse

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Austin

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Dixon

Dr. and Mrs. Larry G. Lady

Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Barkman

Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dixon

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. LaLone

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bates

Mr. and Mrs. B. Wayne Dunman

Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar

Dr. and Mrs. Randell E. Beckum

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby

Mr. Mark and Dr. Susan Larson

Mrs. Karen S. Bortol

Mrs. Fayra Q. Eckley

Mr. and Mrs. Albert I. Martin

Mrs. Gwendolyn Brenneis

Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Ediger

Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Evans

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McCoy

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Buchanan

Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fry

Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire

Mr. Joseph and Dr. Kathy Buxie

Mr. and Mrs. Hal F. Frye

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. McKenna

Drs. Dhrubajyoti Chakravarti and Andrea Herman-Chakravarti

Mr. Mervin Gajewski

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon J. Meyers

Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Garber

Dr. and Mrs. William C. Miller

Mr. Shawn E. Chase

Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd Garrett

Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Clark

Dr. and Mrs. Kale C. Gentry

Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Newlin

Mr. and Mrs. Brandon L. Classen

Dr. Michael L. Gough

Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North

The University Club honors those individuals who have made annual gifts totaling $1,000 or more cumulatively from January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 in support of MNU’s University Fund.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

32 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nunamaker

Mr. Terry V. Stull

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan C. Parker

Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Tarpenning

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Pfaff

Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel

Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Pfaff

Mr. W. Steven Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Pfaff

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Tyrer

Mr. Adam J. Pieknik

Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Utz

Rev. and Mrs. Richard D. Power

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veach

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Walker

Ms. Caryl E. Range

Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wardlaw

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rexroth

Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. Brian D. Weigelt

Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Robinson

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wilson

Mrs. Clara E. Rorabaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Zeigler

Dr. and Mrs. Jeren L. Rowell

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Zimmer

Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ruzich Dr. and Mrs. Roger M. Sauter Mr. Gerald Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. David R. Siemens Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith Mrs. Margaret E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snowbarger Mr. and Mrs. Lou Somerville Dr. and Mrs. Woodie J. Stevens Mr. Lloyd R. Stilfield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Strayhorn


Giving Contributors MidAmerica Nazarene University honors the following individuals who have made annual gifts to the University Fund and other designated purposes from January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

Ms. Anita S. Abbott Mr. G. Stanley Abel Dr. Josephine Abraham Mrs. Verola Acheson Mr. and Mrs. David Ackelson Mr. Clay N. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. W. Eugene Adams Ms. Brittany S. Adcock Mr. and Mrs. Armond Adell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Adell Mrs. Catherine J. Adler Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ahlers Mrs. Kenitha L. Aikman Mr. and Mrs. Jay Akkerman Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Albright Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Alderson Mrs. Lori J. Alejo Mr. Calvin Alexander Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Alexander

Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Algrim Mr. Matthew R. Alison Rev. and Mrs. Skye Alison Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allard Ms. Kim Allen Mr. and Mrs. Orson Alley Mr. and Mrs. David J. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Kent P. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Allsup Mr. and Mrs. Willis Almer Mr. Miguel J. Alvarez Ms. Jennifer J. Amborn Mr. and Mrs. Curt E. Ammons Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Anderson Mrs. Fern E. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Gary A. Anderson Mrs. Linda E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Randy Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Rodney F. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Rudy A. Anderson Ms. Victoria J. Andrews-Pietz Mr. and Mrs. Leland Angier Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Aparicio Rev. and Mrs. Dennis L. Apple Mrs. Marilyn P. Applegate Mr. and Mrs. John Arasim, Jr. Ms. Arley E. Arkenberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Armbruster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Armfield Dr. and Mrs. Clark Armstrong Mr. Mel J. Arney

Ms. Nancy Arney Mr. Madison Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Timothy V. Asaro Rev. and Mrs. Timothy D. Asbill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ashcraft Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Asker Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Asselta, Jr. Ms. Helen Atchison Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atkinson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Attig Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Attig Mr. and Mrs. Trevor J. Attwood Rev. and Mrs. B. Joel Atwell Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Aubrey Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Aubuchon Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Phil Austin Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Avery

Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Bachelor Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Bacon Dr. Rickey and Rev. Susan Badley Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Orville R. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Alton D. Bain Rev. and Mrs. Don N. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Larry Baker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Baker

34 Mr. Paul Baker Ms. Heidi L. Baldridge Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Baldridge Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bales Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ball Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Balla Mr. and Mrs. Travis Ballard Rev. Z. June Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Ballenger Mr. and Mrs. Anand Balson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Baltzell Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Bamesberger Mr. Bob Barker Mrs. Marla Barker Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Barkman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barlow, Sr. Mrs. Esther M. Barnes Drs. Richard E. and Mary Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes Mrs. Deann Barr Mr. Daniel Barraza Mr. and Mrs. Paulo J. Barros Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Don M. Batley Mr. and Mrs. Grady O. Batten Mr. and Mrs. Kuno B. Bauermeister Mrs. Sherrill Baumfalk Mrs. Felice D. Baumgarten Mr. and Mrs. David J. Baur Ms. Penny S. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Bazis Mr. and Mrs. Jake A. Beadle Mrs. Lois Beals Mr. Gerald C. Becker

Mrs. Betty R. Beckum Ms. Emilie A. Beckum Mr. and Mrs. Jim E. Beckum Dr. and Mrs. Randell E. Beckum Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Becvar Mrs. Caroline M. Bedel Mr. and Mrs. James C. Beede Mr. and Mrs. Glen O. Beeson Mr. Lance and Dr. Donna Beeson Mr. Timothy G. Behrens Mr. and Mrs. Brenton H. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Brody T. Bell Ms. Dawn L. Bell Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Frank Bell Mr. and Mrs. James R. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Bellach Ms. Lois A. Belmar Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Belt Rev. and Mrs. David A. Belzer Rev. and Mrs. Edward D. Belzer Rev. and Mrs. Delroy E. Bender Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Benedict Mr. Aaron K. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Benoist Mrs. Lucy Benortham Mr. John D. Bent, Jr. Mr. William C. Benway Ms. Carol Berfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Bergen Mrs. Patricia Berger Dr. and Mrs. James R. Bergh Mrs. Nancy L. Bertles

Mr. and Mrs. Norman O. Besheer Mrs. Carolyn K. Best Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Bevis Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Beyer Mrs. Reta M. Bichel Mrs. Clara Bicking Ms. S.A. Biller Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Birchler Mrs. Carolyn Bird Rev. and Mrs. Donald L. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Birge Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Birk Rev. and Mrs. Michael Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Bishop Ms. Betty J. Black Mr. and Mrs. Brent R. Blacklock Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blain Mr. and Mrs. David R. Blakely Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Blanchette Mrs. Ronda L. Bland Ms. Virginia D. Bland Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Blankenship Mr. and Mrs. James D. Blankenship Ms. Patricia Blattner Mr. Isaiah L. Bleese Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Blesi Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Blevins Mr. Randel J. Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Donn W. Block Mrs. Pamela J. Block Mrs. Susan Block Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis Blum Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Blume Mr. and Mrs. Brad Blystone


Giving Contributors Mr. Robert D. Bockmann Mr. James W. Bodge Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Bogunia Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Bohi Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bohi Mr. James Bolen Mr. David J. Bolton Mrs. Carol J. Bond Rev. and Mrs. Jim C. Bond Mrs. Linda R. Bond Mrs. Lois B. Bond Rev. and Mrs. John W. Bonds Ms. Kathryn N. Bondurant Mrs. Betty Ann Boone Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boots Mrs. Marlene Bordwell Rev. and Mrs. Fred Borger Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Borger Mrs. Ramona B. Bork Mrs. Karen S. Bortol Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bosley Ms. Nicole A. Boswell Ms. Lisa Boten Mr. Willis L. Bourquin Ms. Helen V. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Bowers Dr. and Mrs. C. Ray Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Craig Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. William S. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Boyle Rev. and Mrs. Brady J. Braatz Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Braatz

Ms. Beulah Braddock Ms. A. Madaline Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Barry G. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Bradley Mrs. Arpineh Braik Ms. Rebecca M. Brandon Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Branstetter Rev. and Mrs. Cole R. Branstetter Mr. and Mrs. David R. Branton Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Brazda Mr. Bill D. Breaker Mr. Gene Bredehoeft Mr. Monty Bredenhand Ms. Sherry Breiten Mrs. Gwendolyn Brenneis Mrs. Nancy A. Brenner Ms. Ericka Brewer Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Brewer Mrs. Mary Lou Breyer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bridges Mr. James Bridson Mr. and Mrs. Lon J. Brincks Mrs. Dawn M. Brindle Mr. Sam Briscoe Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Broadbooks Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Brodie Ms. Jessie L. Brokaw Ms. Jannie M. Brook Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brookbank Mr. and Mrs. James P. Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Brooks Rev. and Mrs. Robert S. Brooks Ms. Linda M. Brookshier Mr. and Mrs. Michael Broughton Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brower Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Brown Mr. David V. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dickie W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Greg Brown Mr. and Mrs. James Brown Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brown Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Brown Ms. Rita M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. Pete J. Brumbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Brunkhorst Rev. and Mrs. Elmer J. Brunton Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Brunton Mr. and Mrs. C. Eric Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Tim Buchanan Mr. Mike Buckhouse Ms. Bonnie E. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Buckner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery W. Buckner Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Buell Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Bultman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bunse Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Burch Mr. and Mrs. C. Stanley Burgess

36 Mrs. Marlys Burgett Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burke Ms. Bea Burkhalter Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burkhead Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Burns Dr. and Mrs. Louie E. Bustle Mr. Vernon R. Butcher Mr. and Mrs. James L. Buterbaugh Rev. and Mrs. Alexander S. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Butler Ms. Velma Butler Mrs. Elsie M. Buxie Mr. Joseph and Dr. Kathy Buxie Ms. Debra G. Buxton Ms. Patricia R. Byard Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bynum

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cadwallader Mr. and Mrs. Randy K. Calhoun Rev. and Mrs. Ronald C. Calhoun Mrs. Jill H. Callaway Mr. and Mrs. David M. Cambron Mr. Jeremiah D. Cameron Mrs. Cynthia J. Camp Mrs. Althea R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. David R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Campbell Mrs. Loretta F. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Campbell

Mr. and Mrs. Parry Campbell Mr. Ryan L. Campbell Ms. Cynthia L. Campitelli Mr. Robert K. Candy Mr. Lewis A. Cannedy Mrs. Erica L. Cannon Mr. Aaron C. Cantrell Mrs. Kira S. Carabantes Mrs. Lila M. Carden Dr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Carden Rev. Jose Cardona Mrs. Beverly K. Carlson Rev. and Mrs. Donald A. Carlson Mr. Jerry D. Carlson Ms. Amanda M. Carnes Mr. Josh M. Carnes Mrs. Priscella A. Caron Mr. and Mrs. C. Cash Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Carr Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carr Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Carr Mrs. Louise Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson Mr. and Mrs. Dean Carter Mrs. Terry L. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Elijah P. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Ervin L. Cash Mr. and Mrs. Paul Casper Ms. Kae Lynn Caston Rev. Robert and Dr. Sondra Cave Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cerman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Chaffin Drs. Dhrubajyoti Chakravarti and Andrea Herman-Chakravarti

Ms. Andrea M. Chapman Mrs. Judy Chapman Rev. and Mrs. Terry W. Chapman Ms. Mandy Charles Mr. and Mrs. Titus U. Charles Mr. Shawn E. Chase Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chavez Mr. Francis C. Chenoweth Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Cherryholmes Rev. and Mrs. David E. Childers Mr. and Mrs. David E. Childs Mr. and Mrs. Duane Childs Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Chisam Mrs. Edna Chittum Mr. Brent D. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Frank Christensen Mr. and Mrs. William L. Christie Ms. Gale A. Christner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Chudy Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Clark Mr. David Clark Ms. Gloria Clark Dr. and Mrs. John W. Clark Mrs. L. Eleanor Clark Ms. Linda K. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Clark Dr. and Mrs. Yorton C. Clark, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Yorton C. Clark, Sr. Drs. Eric and Amy Clarkson Mr. and Mrs. Brandon L. Classen Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Classen


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Clawson Mrs. Donna Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg Ms. Sheryl D. Cleverley Mrs. Susan D. Clifton Mr. and Mrs. Roger Closson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cloud Mr. Mitchell W. Cloud Dr. and Mrs. Randall R. Cloud Mr. Sil Coccia Mr. Hal D. Cochren Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coffey Ms. Camille J. Cohu Ms. Amy M. Colby Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Cole Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W. Cole Mr. and Mrs. James B. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie L. Cole Ms. L. Jane Cole Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Cole Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Cole Rev. and Mrs. Timothy R. Cole Mr. Trent C. Cole Rev. and Mrs. David Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Dale Collins Mr. and Mrs. David L. Collins Mr. Gregory M. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Collins Rev. and Mrs. James D. Comfort Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Compton Dr. and Mrs. Ferrill R. Conant Mrs. Grace Conant

Dr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Conant Mr. and Mrs. James C. Conley Rev. and Mrs. John H. Conn Ms. Agnes G. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Conrad Mr. David N. Consiglio Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Conus Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Chad B. Cook Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Cook Mrs. L. Frances Cook Mr. Robin G. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Royce E. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Dallas R. Coon Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Copeland Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Copeland Ms. Mandy R. Copp Mr. Pat Coppinger Mr. and Mrs. Tracy D. Copsey Mr. Kevin Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cork Mr. Brad Cornell Ms. Anne B. Costley Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Couch Mr. Edward and Dr. Corrie Couchenour Mr. and Mrs. G. Gary Coulter Ms. Maureen C. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Covert Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cowart Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cowden Ms. Courtney A. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Cox

Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Cox Dr. Robert E. Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Crabtree Ms. Sandra L. Craig Mr. Josiah D. Crandall Ms. Marilyn K. Cravens Ms. Juanita Creal Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crew Mr. Wesley C. Cripe Mr. Rick Crist Mr. and Mrs. M. Denny Criswell Mrs. Joy S. Crites Mrs. Margaret E. Crites-Whaley Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Crocker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cromer Mrs. Edna Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Cross Mrs. Nancy Crow Mr. William P. Crowder Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Croy Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Crum Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Crum Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cubie Mr. and Mrs. David H. Culp Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Cunningham Ms. Dena C. Cuppett Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Cuppett Mr. and Mrs. Cleve G. Curry Ms. Julie Curtis Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cussimanio Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Czanderna


Mr. and Mrs. G. Curt Dacus Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Dacus Ms. Beverly Dageforde Mr. Derrick Dahl Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dahl Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Dal Porto Mrs. Martha Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Jason Damme Mrs. Barbara L. Damron Rev. and Mrs. Gary Damron Mrs. Earline Dance Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Daniel Mrs. Shirley A. Danielson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dauber Rev. and Mrs. Gary L. Daud Mr. and Mrs. Randy A. Davey Dr. and Mrs. Menter H. David Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davidson Rev. and Mrs. Bruce G. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Bryan Davis Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Clarence E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jeff W. Davis Mr. Kenneth Davis and Dr. Cheryl Carpenter-Davis Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Davis, DDS Mr. Michael and Dr. Lisa Davis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Tony Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Davison Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Dawn Rev. and Mrs. Wayne L. Dawson

Mr. Stuart De Haan Mr. and Mrs. Edward De La Fuente Mr. and Mrs. Brock Deal Mr. and Mrs. William D. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. DeBoef Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. DeGraffenreid Ms. Margie L. DeHart Ms. Glenna C. Dehn Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. DelCamp Mr. and Mrs. Christopher I. Delk Mr. Matthew DeLong Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement Mr. Sherman Dement, Jr. Ms. Stacia G. DeNeve Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Denham Mr. Glenn P. Denney Mr. and Mrs. Milfred DeYoung Rev. and Mrs. Steven G. Dezotell Mr. and Mrs. Carroll D. DeZwarte Mr. Mark Dicarlo Dr. Maurine M. Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dickinson Mr. Gregory W. Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Diddle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Diddle Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Diehl Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl, Sr. Mrs. Karen M. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Diehm Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Diffenderfer Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Dillow Mr. and Mrs. I. Clay Dirks Mr. and Mrs. Roland D. Dirks

Mr. and Mrs. W. Derek Dirks Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Doane Mrs. Doris C. Doane Mr. Glenn L. Dodson Mr. Wayne L. Dodson Mrs. Brenda S. Doerr Mrs. Sherri L. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Dollins, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. David L. Donovan Ms. Therese L. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Dortch Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Doskocil Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Doubleday Ms. Carol W. Doud Ms. Lauren S. Douglass Ms. Lisa R. Downs Ms. Ramona F. Downs Mr. and Mrs. JoDee R. Drake Mr. Rick Drake Mr. and Mrs. James R. Driver Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Drumwright Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dubach Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Duddles Mrs. Megan A. Duerksen Mr. Paul Duffner Mr. and Mrs. Tod K. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Duke Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig Dumaplin Mrs. Eileen A. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Dunham


Giving Contributors Mrs. Phyllis Dunham Mr. Richard and Dr. Judy Dunham Mr. and Mrs. B. Wayne Dunman Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Durr Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dutton Mr. and Mrs. Harlan G. Dye Mr. and Mrs. John O. Dye, III

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Eades Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Earhart Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Jess Easdon Rev. and Mrs. Scott T. Eastburn Mr. and Mrs. William L. Eastman Mrs. Vicki L. Eastwood Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eaton Mrs. Mary E. Eaton Mr. Robert W. Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby Mr. Jerry E. Eccles Mrs. Shellie J. Eckert Mrs. Fayra Q. Eckley Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eckstrom Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M. Ediger Mr. Arnold L. Edinger Dr. and Mrs. James O. Edlin Mr. Larry Edmonds Mr. Mark D. Edmondson Rev. and Mrs. Irwin F. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Edwards Mrs. Brenda Egbert

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ehrsam Mr. Harry F. Eichler Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Eichorn Ms. Andrea R. Eick Mr. and Mrs. James F. Eick Ms. Natalie E. Eick Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Eick Mr. and Mrs. David R. Eigsti Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eigsti Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Ekstrom Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Elkins Mr. and Mrs. M. Deane Eller Mr. and Mrs. Dale Elliott Mr. and Mrs. David P. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Gene A. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Marion Elliott Mr. and Mrs. William D. Elliott Ms. Alicia M. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Ellis Mr. Gerald L. Ellis Rev. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ellis Ms. Nancy J. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Ellis Mrs. Rachel Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ellsworth Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Ellyson Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Elstrom Mr. and Mrs. Dale Endicott Ms. Abigail Engelhardt Rev. and Mrs. Carl D. Erwin Mr. and Mrs. Tony R. Espinosa Rev. and Mrs. Melvin C. Essex

Dr. and Mrs. Bradley K. Estep Ms. Kristin E. Estes Mr. and Mrs. Donald Etchison Mr. and Mrs. Stew R. Etherington Mr. and Mrs. Brad Etter Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. Etter Mr. Romain C. Etwaroo Mrs. Beverly M. Evans Mr. and Mrs. David K. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ewert Mrs. Lauren J. Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Exline Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Eyring

Mr. Donald L. Faidley Mr. Raymond H. Fairbank Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Fairchild Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Fanning Mr. Martin A. Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Faron Mr. and Mrs. David W. Farrar Mr. and Mrs. David Fast Mr. Delmar Fauscett Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Feig Mr. and Mrs. D. Jib Felter Dr. and Mrs. David J. Felter Ms. Arlene L. Fender Ms. Maggie R. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Carlos D. Fernandez

40 Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fields, Jr. Mr. Richard W. Fields Mrs. Audrey Fimreite Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Fine Mr. and Mrs. Jon Fischer Ms. Shirley A. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Vernon O. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Danny Fish Ms. JoAnn M. Fisher Mr. Robert L. Fisher Mr. Brandon Fixson Mr. Robert Flack Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Flanders Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fleming Ms. Kelly M. Fleming Mr. Rex Fleming Mr. Robert C. Fleming Dr. Dean E. Flemming Ms. Kay Flook Mr. Edward Flores Mr. and Mrs. Bob Flynn Mr. Jeb M. Flynn Mrs. Sondra Flynn Mr. Albert D. Fogg Rev. and Mrs. Joseph S. Foltz Ms. Nancy M. Forbes Mr. Brent S. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ford, Jr. Mr. Kyle L. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Lynn D. Ford Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ford Mr. and Mrs. Darren Forslee

Mrs. D. Edna Forthun Mr. and Mrs. Dan Foster Rev. and Mrs. Joshua Foster Mrs. Judith E. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Foster Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Foster Mr. and Mrs. William Foster Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Foust Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fouts Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Don Francis Mrs. Marlene M. Frankford Rev. and Mrs. R. Kendall Franklin Mrs. Odille Fraser Ms. Robin G. Frazier Rev. and Mrs. Stafford Frederick Mr. and Mrs. Darin S. Freeburg Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Freed Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Freels Mr. Jon C. Freemon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Frees Mr. Herb Freidenberger Mrs. Donna French Mr. and Mrs. Edward French Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Fricke Ms. Betty Fries Mr. Russell D. Fries Dr. Douglas A. Friesen Dr. and Mrs. Neil O. Friesland Mrs. Kay Frihart Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D. Frink Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Frink Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Frisbee Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Frisbey, Sr.

Dr. and Mrs. David L. Frisbie Mr. and Mrs. Leroy H. Frisbie Mr. Dale Fritz Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Frommack Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fruetel Ms. Alta G. Fry Mrs. Elda M. Fry Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fry Mr. and Mrs. Hal F. Frye Rev. and Mrs. Jerry W. Frye Mr. and Mrs. Lyle V. Frye Dr. and Mrs. Todd M. Frye Ms. Jennifer D. Fuhrman Mrs. Charlotte A. Fulks Mr. and Mrs. Leland L. Fulks Mrs. Glenna Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Furlong Rev. and Mrs. James L. Furnas, Jr.

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Gaines Mr. Mervin Gajewski Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Gall Ms. Maria E. Gall Dr. and Mrs. Chester O. Galloway Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Garber Dr. and Mrs. Bud J. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Garber Mr. Mark A. Gard


Giving Contributors Dr. John H. Gardner Dr. and Mrs. William B. Garlow Mrs. Gina J. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Randy D. Garner Mr. and Mrs. David M. Garrett Ms. Elizabeth A. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd Garrett Rev. and Mrs. Gary D. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garrison Dr. Wesley E. Garton Ms. T. Oleta Garvic Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Gaylord Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Gaylord Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gee Dr. and Mrs. Kale C. Gentry Mr. and Mrs. David George, ll Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. George, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. Noel C. George Mrs. Delores I. Georges Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Gerety Mr. and Mrs. Lyle D. Gibbens Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Gibson Ms. Holly Gibson Mr. John J. Gideon Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Gilson Mr. Jerry E. Gipe Mr. A. H. Gledhill, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Elgin L. Glendenning Mr. Alvin A. Glenn Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Glenn Mr. Ronnie G. Glenn

Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Glosser Ms. Wendy M. Glover Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldade Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin P. Golden Mrs. Nina M. Good Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Goode Mrs. Bernice Goodwin Ms. Amy D. Goosey Dr. and Mrs. George B. Gordon, III Mr. J. Brett Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gorton Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Gossen Dr. Michael L. Gough Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gould Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graham Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Gramling Mr. and Mrs. Lyle L. Granzow Dr. and Mrs. Harold B. Graves, Jr. Ms. N. Francene Graves Mr. and Mrs. Caleb J. Gray Ms. Isabelle I. Gray Mr. Eugene Green Mr. and Mrs. William L. Green Ms. Jacqueline M. Greenamyer Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Greenway Rev. Steven W. Greer Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Dale Grenz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Grieb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Grieb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Grieb, Jr. Ms. Rachel P. Griebling-Fizer

Ms. Denise M. Griffey Mrs. Thelma Griffith Mr. and Mrs. David W. Grimaud Mr. Barry R. Grissom Mr. Brent E. Grittman Mr. and Mrs. David L. Groen Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Grout Mr. and Mrs. T. Pat Grover Dr. and Mrs. David E. Grow Mrs. Wilma J. Grunewaldt Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Guevara Mr. and Mrs. Rick Guilfoil Ms. Marjorie D. Gullickson Mr. Daniel Gushard Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Gustin Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Gutierres Mrs. Stacy Gwin

Anonymous Mr. Michael Haas Ms. Karen Habiger Mrs. Lois R. Hackathorn Mr. and Mrs. H. Leroy Haeffner Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Haffey Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Hager Ms. Cori N. Hall Mr. Duane Hall Rev. and Mrs. H. Floyd Hall Dr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hall Rev. and Mrs. Vernon Haller

42 Mr. Ross W. Halsey Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hambek Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hamblin Rev. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. P. Theron Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Hamm Ms. Melissa K. Hammer Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hampton Rev. and Mrs. James Hampton Rev. and Mrs. Ray L. Hance Rev. and Mrs. Kevin C. Hancock Ms. Marika N. Handakas Mr. and Mrs. John Haning Mr. Joshua D. Hankey Ms. Angela B. Hann Mr. Clifford A. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Jess W. Hansen Lt. Col. and Mrs. Warren A. Hansen Mr. James B. Hanson Mr. Terry J. Happel Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hardage Mrs. Brenda Harder Mr. Blake T. Hardwick Mr. and Mrs. Brett G. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Gordon V. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hare Ms. Portia M. Harloff Mrs. Patricia Harmel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harmon

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Harms Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Harp Rev. Kenneth Harper Ms. Martha P. Harper Ms. Shirley A. Harpster Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Harrier Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Harris Mrs. Shelly Harris Mr. and Mrs. Zachary A. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harrison Ms. Donna J. Hart Mr. David L. Hartline Mr. Sam L. Harvey, III Mr. Tom R. Harwell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hassel Mr. and Mrs. George D. Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Hatfield Ms. Cynthia D. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hathaway Mrs. Wynona J. Haun Ms. Sharon R. Haverly Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Jason R. Haworth Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hay Mr. Benjamin and Rev. Deanna Hayden Rev. and Mrs. Charles H. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hayes Ms. Marlene L. Hayes Ms. Shelley R. Hayes Dr. and Mrs. Todd A. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Haynes

Rev. and Mrs. Mark A. Hayse Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Heard Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn F. Heckel Mr. and Mrs. Rick Heckendorn Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hedges Mr. Thomas G. Hedges, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew R. Heer Ms. Elisabeth R. Heger Mr. Ian M. Hegger Mrs. R. Pauline Heinmiller Mr. Chris Heinz Mr. and Mrs. Austin N. Heise Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Heller Mr. Robert Helm Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Helmandollar Mr. and Mrs. David M. Helsel Ms. Heather H. Helsel Ms. Joycele Hemphill Mr. and Mrs. Clinton L. Hendershot Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hendershot Ms. Carol Henderson Ms. Sue M. Henderson Ms. Carolyn K. Hendley Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hendley Mr. and Mrs. Wiley S. Hendrix Mr. Kyle and Dr. Shana Henne Mr. Ryan M. Henness Mr. Earl L. Henricks Mr. and Mrs. George A. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Henry Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Hephner Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Hephner Mrs. Lori Hephner


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Leighton D. Hepker Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Herbold Rev. and Mrs. Andy Hergenreder Mr. and Mrs. Tim Herl Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Hershberger Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Hess Mr. Robert J. Hess Ms. Sara B. Hess Mr. Douglas A. Hettinger Mr. and Mrs. N. Dale Heyd Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Heyd Dr. and Mrs. Todd C. Hiestand Ms. Maxine Hildebrandt Mr. and Mrs. Curtis M. Hilding Mr. and Mrs. David Hill Mr. David E. Hill Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie J. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Sherman L. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Rocky R. Hilton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hinkson, III Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Hinshaw Rev. and Mrs. Harry E. Hinze Mr. and Mrs. Ross I. Hirst Mrs. Ruth Hite Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hobbs Mr. and Mrs. Gerald N. Hockett Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hodel Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Marion L. Hodges Mr. Roberto Hodgson Mr. and Mrs. Conrad D. Hoff Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hoff Ms. Angela R. Hoffman

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hoffman Mr. Phillip Holaway and Mrs. Cathy Baughman Mrs. Murdell W. Holbert Mr. and Mrs. Alton B. Holcomb Mr. Brad Hollern Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hollinger Mrs. Geraldine Holman Mr. and Mrs. Aaron G. Holmes Mr. L. V. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Holmes Rev. and Mrs. Robert D. Holmes Rev. Dean A. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Herman Holz Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Honn Mrs. Betty M. Hoofnagle Mr. Allen Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Ricky R. Hopke Mrs. Cindy A. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Hopkins Rev. and Mrs. Jack D. Hopkins Ms. Phyllis G. Hopkins Mr. Stephen D. Hopkins Mr. Curt Houchen Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hought Mr. Anthony J. Houghton Mr. Mark Houghton Mrs. Betty T. Hougland Ms. Nancy E. House Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Houser, IV Mr. Kirk D. Hovendick Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Howell Ms. Janet Hoyland

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Hoyt Mr. James L. Huber, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. Ed Huff Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery D. Huff Mrs. Peggy L. Huff Mrs. Pauline Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Huffman Mr. Eric Hughes Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Hughes Mr. William R. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Brandon J. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Harlan H. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hull Ms. LaNell E. Hull Mrs. Pearl B. Hull Mr. Raymond O. Hull, Jr. Dr. Kimberly D. Humerickhouse Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. David Hunt Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunter Rev. Rosa L. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hunting Mrs. Madelyn L. Hurn Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Husak Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Hussman Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Huther Mrs. Dolores M. Hyson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hyson


Mrs. Dana L. Ice Mrs. Margaret L. Ikerd Brig. Gen. Mark S. Inch Mr. and Mrs. Jim Inkelaar Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Isbell Mrs. Jill L. Isbell Ms. Kalee J. Isbell Mr. and Mrs. Calvin P. Ivers Mr. Brad Ives

Anonymous (2) Mr. Joseph M. Jabara Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Bob R. Jackson Mr. David B. Jackson Rev. and Mrs. Keith S. Jackson Rev. and Mrs. Ronald R. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jackson Mr. Dylan P. Jacobus Ssgt. and Mrs. Alfred G. James, Rtd. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin R. James Mrs. Susan M. James Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Janes Mr. and Mrs. Kevin H. Jansen Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jansen Mr. Steven M. Janssen Mrs. L. Sue Jantz Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Jantz

Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Janzen Mrs. Madelaine Jasiczek Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffrey Ms. Breda H. Jenkins Mr. and Mr. Don L. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jensen Mrs. Nita R. Jepsen Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Jeske Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Jessip Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Jevne Ms. Lynda M. Jochims Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johannes Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johansen Ms. Oleta J. Johns Ms. Alisha M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Denis D. Johnson Mr. Douglas M. Johnson Mr. Gordon C. Johnson Ms. Gwen D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Leland A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Randy B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Johnson Ms. Stacy L. Johnson Mrs. Tammi Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Johnson Rev. and Mrs. Timothy W. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. W. Talmadge Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W. Jolley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. David W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Jones Ms. Donna Jones Ms. Erin Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jaime A. Jones Mrs. Jayne W. Jones Mrs. Louise A. Jones Ms. Marley H. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Jones Mrs. Nancy K. Jones Mr. Peter E. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Randall L. Jones Ms. Stephanie A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Jonte, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Don C. Josephson Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Judd

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kahmann Ms. Debbie Kaiser Mr. Larry D. Kampschroeder Mr. Caleb and Dr. Juhi Kangas Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kangas Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. Karsten Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Karsten Mrs. Carri A. Kasick Dr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Katz


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Lynn K. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton N. Keddie, II Mr. and Mrs. Mike Keeley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Keeton Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel W. Kehr Mr. and Mrs. James B. Keil Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Keith Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Kell Mr. and Mrs. L. Robert Keller Ms. Cyrena L. Kellogg Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Kellogg Mrs. Janell L. Kellum Mrs. Brenda L. Kelly LCDR and Mrs. Doran T. Kelvington Ms. Stephanie J. Kendall Mrs. Starla K. Kendricks Ms. Margaret A. Kennedy Mrs. Marilyn S. Kennedy Mrs. Maureen A. Kennedy and Mr. John Spiller Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kennedy Rev. and Mrs. Willis D. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Corey F. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Michael Keralis Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Ketchum Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Ketner Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Kettells Mr. and Mrs. C. Anthony Key Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Keys, Jr. Mrs. Arwanna Kifer Mr. and Mrs. Derrell R. Kilber Mrs. Sharon N. Kilby Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. King Mr. and Mrs. David M. King Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. King, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. King Mrs. Lavelle King Dr. and Mrs. Leland A. King Mr. and Mrs. Evan Kinser Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Kinsolver Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kirk Mr. Marilin D. Klabzuba Mr. and Mrs. David M. Klein Ms. Shelby E. Klein Mr. Glenn Kloskin Mr. David V. Kluge Rev. Edwin W. Kneeland, II Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Knipe Mrs. Eleanor Knobloch Ms. Doris Knott Mr. and Mrs. Alvin G. Knutson Mr. and Mrs. Daryl K. Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Koker Rev. and Mrs. Warren D. Koker Ms. Raelyn M. Koop Ms. Rebecca M. Korphage Mr. Elijah A. Korthanke Ms. Dorothy A. Kovar Ms. Evelyn M. Kowalewski Ms. Kimly Koy Mr. Jerome D. Kracht Dr. James and Rev. Lezlie Kraemer Mrs. Betty D. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Kratzer Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Kraus Mr. Harry Kraus

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Krehbiel Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kreie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kress Ms. Jeanine M. Krogmann Dr. Carl W. Kruse Ms. Kathleen E. Kruse Ms. Sharon Kubik Mr. and Mrs. James Kubisiak Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kuder, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. H. Richard Kuhns, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kurth Mr. and Mrs. Scotty R. Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kyle

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Ladd Ms. Dana J. Ladow Dr. and Mrs. Larry G. Lady Mr. Kelly M. Lager Mr. Jeff Lahr Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Lair Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Laird Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Laird Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. LaLone Dr. Katy A. LaLone Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lamar Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar Dr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Lamping

46 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Langrehr Mr. and Mrs. Steve LaPlace Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lappe Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lareau Rev. and Mrs. Leland LaRose Mr. Mark and Dr. Susan Larson Mr. James and Dr. Joyce Lasseter Mrs. Marvel D. Lauber Mr. and Mrs. Doug Laudan Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Law Mr. Ed Lawler Ms. Margery J. Lawler Ms. Helen C. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Lawver Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laymon Mr. and Mrs. R. Todd Laytham Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Layton Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leach Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Leach Mr. Bennie E. Leathers Mr. and Mrs. William R. Leaton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ledbetter Mr. and Mrs. T. Doug Ledbetter Rev. and Mrs. Dustin L. Ledford Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jerad Lee Ms. Willa M. Lee Mrs. Shannon K. Leeds Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Leewright Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lehman Mrs. LaVonne Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Leiker Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leiss Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. LeMieux

Rev. and Mrs. Terry W. Lemmon Rev. and Mrs. Robert Leonard Mrs. Virginia K. Leonard Mrs. M. Elaine Lerch Ms. Cathy Leslie Mr. R. Luke Lester Mr. and Mrs. Hershell Letsinger Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lewallen Mr. and Mrs. Casey L. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Eldon P. Lewis Mr. F. Mac Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Lightcap Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Lindblom Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsey Mrs. Elvera L. Lindvall Dr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Linsey Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Linville Rev. and Mrs. Terry G. Lippstreu Mr. and Mrs. Donald Littrell Ms. Karen K. Loftis Mr. Jason Lofton Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Loganbill Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Lollar Mr. and Mrs. Clair E. Long Rev. and Mrs. Ron G. Long Mr. Phil Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Orland Loon Ms. Iliana L. Lopez Rev. and Mrs. Thomas H. Lorimer Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott

Ms. Alicia D. Love Mr. Dale Love Mrs. Wanda Loveall Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lovejoy Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lowenberg Mr. and Mrs. Brent Lowery Rev. and Mrs. Matthew M. Lucas Mrs. Shirley J. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lucas Mrs. Irene G. Lukens Mr. and Mrs. E. Armin Luna Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Luna Mrs. Rachel R. Luna Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lundquist Dr. Alma Jean Lunn Mrs. Barbara J. Lupardus Col. Elgie C. Luse, AUS (RET.) Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeremy Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Lyle Ms. Helen S. Lyles Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Chad K. Lynn Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Lynn Dr. and Mrs. Roy F. Lynn Mr. Ryan K. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lyon Mrs. Martha Lytle


Giving Contributors Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Macdonald Mrs. Estela Maciel-Gingerich Mr. and Mrs. Chris MacLeod Mrs. Gladys M. Macoy Rev. and Mrs. Bob G. Madison Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Magyar Mr. Pat Maher Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Mailand Mr. and Mrs. Justin D. Main Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Major Ms. Marjorie A. Malkames Ms. Ashley M. Malloy Mr. Elliot C. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Maloney Mr. Robert J. Maple Mr. Stephen K. Marsh Mrs. Bernadine M. Marshall Rev. and Mrs. Terry Marta Mr. and Mrs. L. David Martelle Mr. and Mrs. Albert I. Martin Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Martin Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Martin Mrs. Lesta L. Martin Mr. Peter and Dr. Julie Martin Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Martin Mrs. Esperanza T. Martinez Rev. Earl R. Marvin Mr. Eric and Dr. Leigh Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Marvin Ms. Mary Maslak

Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Mason, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Masrud Mr. Jonathan W. Matheny Mr. Tom Matheny Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Mathes Ms. Rebecca C. Mathews Mr. Ron Mathews Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mathias Ms. Kathy L. Matney Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Matters Mrs. Dianne Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Roy Matthews Ms. Viola P. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Mattix Mr. Kyle B. Mauck Mr. and Mrs. L. Duane Mauck Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Mauk Mrs. Robin Maupin Dr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Mayer Ms. Holly M. Mayer Mrs. Lea C. Mazanec Mr. and Mrs. Mark McCann Ms. Mary E. McCann Ms. Arlene M. McCarley Dr. Russell McCaulley Rev. and Mrs. Greg McClain Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McClain Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. McCleeary Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. McClellan Ms. Dawn G. McClelland Ms. Stacy A. McCollum Mr. and Mrs. David R. McComb Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCormick

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McCown Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McCully Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McDonald Ms. Elizabeth McDowell Ms. Meaghan M. McDowell Mr. Marc McEver Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. McFarlane Mr. Mark D. McGhee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McGhghy Rev. and Mrs. Ronald J. McGilvra Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGuire, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGuire Ms. Jourdan L. McGuire Ms. Zia M. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Cody McHaffie Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. McHodgkins Dr. and Mrs. Kent D. McIntire Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. McIntire Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. McIntire Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McKain Mrs. Martha McKay Mr. Tim McKee Mr. and Mrs. Kerry McKeever Ms. Edwina R. McKellips Rev. and Mrs. H. David McKellips Rev. and Mrs. M. Bruce McKellips Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. McKenna Mrs. Maxine McKern Mr. and Mrs. Delbert W. McKinney Ms. Helen L. McLane

48 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. McLane Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. McLaren Mr. Christopher L. McLarty Mr. Eric F. McMillin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McNaney Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McQuillan Ms. Virginia McQuillan Mrs. Janine K. McReynolds Mr. and Mrs. Les Mead Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Means Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Medina Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Meek Mr. Randy Meek Rev. and Mrs. Stanley D. Meek Mr. and Mrs. Elden A. Mehl Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Mehl Mr. and Mrs. Sean L. Meier Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Meinke, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Wesley D. Meisner Mr. and Mrs. Ricky T. Melland Mr. and Mrs. Galen B. Menard Rev. and Mrs. Rockey D. Meo Mrs. Nancy S. Merimee Mrs. Jamelyn B. Merker Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Merriman Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Merriner Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Messamer Mr. and Mrs. Darin L. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Meyer Ms. Pam Meyer Ms. Brigitte M. Meyer-Jenniges Mr. and Mrs. Bradley E. Meyers

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon J. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Dave H. Mick Mr. and Mrs. James W. Mikesell Ms. Donna K. Mikhail Mr. Barney Milam Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Miles Mr. and Mrs. B. Wendell Miller Mr. and Mrs. Bradley E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Chadd R. Miller Mrs. Cheryl C. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Miller Mr. and Mrs. David G. Miller Ms. Deborah Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Garey A. Miller Mr. Garland Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Miller Mr. Harlan Miller Mr. Henry Miller Mr. and Mrs. James J. Miller Ms. Janice K. Miller Mrs. Joann R. Miller Ms. Melissa R. Miller Rev. and Mrs. Paul I. Miller Mrs. Pearl E. Miller Mr. and Mrs. R. Dale Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Miller Mr. Robert W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Rodney R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Miller

Mr. Shane R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Miller Dr. and Mrs. William C. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Millhuff Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Milliken Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Milton Mr. and Mrs. J. David Mingus Ms. Elsie Misenhelter Mr. and Mrs. Terry Misenhelter Ms. Audra Mitchell Mr. Dale B. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Mitchener Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Moehring Dr. John D. Moles Mr. and Mrs. Tom Montgomery Mr. Robert J. Montis Ms. Anne M. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Moore Mr. James H. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moore Mr. and Mrs. Eric Moots Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Morehead Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Morley Ms. Briana Morris Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Morris Mr. and Mrs. M. Shane Morris Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Morris Rev. and Mrs. Fred T. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Reginald A. Morrison Mrs. Joyce A. Morrow Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch


Giving Contributors Dr. and Mrs. Crayton L. Moss Mrs. Doris R. Moss Mrs. Sharlene R. Moss Mrs. Isabelle Motley Mr. David W. Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Vern W. Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Mounce Mr. Charles R. Mountford Mr. Gilbert L. Mowers Dr. and Mrs. John O. Mozier, Sr. Mr. James D. Muchmore Mrs. Wanda Mull Ms. Irene L. Muller Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Mullett Mrs. Mary Lou Mumpton Mr. Joe Mundweiler Mr. and Mrs. Cornell J. Munkvold Dr. and Mrs. Cary D. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy Ms. Susan L. Murphy Mr. C. Dennis Musgrave Mr. and Mrs. David L. Musgrove Mr. Glenn A. Myers Mr. and Mrs. William F. Myers

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Naftzger Mrs. Belle Nash Dr. and Mrs. David W. Nash Dr. and Mrs. Edmond P. Nash Rev. and Mrs. James E. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Nash

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley K. Nash Mr. Wajid Nawaz Mr. and Mrs. Alden Neal Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Nebel Mr. and Mrs. Keith Nebel Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Nebel Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Neher Rev. and Mrs. Larry Neiderhiser Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Neil Ms. Barbara L. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Brock A. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas D. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Nelson Mr. Steve C. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Tory A. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Ness Mr. Dale Neugebauer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Neumann Mr. and Mrs. Jennings J. Newcom Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Newlin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Newman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nicely Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nicholson Mrs. Linda Nicholson Mr. Rodney L. Nickel Ms. Molly Niewald Mr. Daren Nigus Mr. and Mrs. Scott O. Nikont Rev. Kenneth and Dr. Lori Niles Ms. Kristi Nimmo Mr. and Mrs. Randy S. Nist Mr. Richard C. Nolan Ms. Kathy D. Nolker

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Nolte Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Nordlander Ms. Rebecca S. Nordyke Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Norman Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Norquist Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. North, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. North Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Norton Mrs. Irene D. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nunamaker Mrs. Lori K. Nunnally Mr. and Mrs. Ferrel W. Nutley Mr. and Mrs. Bryan K. Nyce Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nyce Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Nyhus

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oas Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Obenauf Ms. Nancy K. Oberg Ms. Jean Oelling Mr. and Mrs. Dane W. Offutt Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ogden Mr. Mark W. Ogle Drs. Bruce E. and Peggy L. Oldham Mr. Kenneth E. Oldridge Mr. Bret C. Olendorff Dr. and Mrs. William D. Olin Mr. and Mrs. Myrlen L. Olsen Mr. Carl L. Olson Mr. Heath D. Olson

50 Mrs. Helen G. Olson Mr. Mohamed E. Omer Mrs. Pam O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. David O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Orton Mrs. Teresa M. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. James L. Osborn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David F. Osborne Rev. and Mrs. John W. Oster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Oster, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Otradovec Mr. and Mrs. Trey A. Ottley Mr. and Mrs. William H. Otto Ms. Jane P. Overesch Mr. and Mrs. William P. Overesch Mr. and Mrs. David C. Owen Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Sam Owens Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Owens Rev. and Mrs. Verdean Owens Rev. and Mrs. Mark Owings Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Oyler

Rev. and Mrs. Larry P. Page, Jr. Ms. Sabra K. Page Mr. and Mrs. Don Painter Mrs. Belva L. Palmer Ms. Deana S. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Palmer

Rev. and Mrs. Michael G. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Pankratz Ms. Darla D. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parker Mr. and Mrs. Harlan C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Parker Mrs. Kristen D. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Parr Mr. and Mrs. Monty Parson Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Partrich Ms. Suzanne Paschall Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Passmore Mr. Dave Pate Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Pate Ms. Katrina A. Pate Mr. and Mrs. Manish N. Patel Ms. Pamela Paul Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Pauley Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paxton Mr. Charles F. Payne Ms. Cynthia R. Payne Ms. Debra A. Payne Mr. and Mrs. Stacy S. Payne Mr. Willard E. Payne Mr. Nathanial A. Pearson Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Ted P. Pegram Mr. and Mrs. James Peirce Ms. Shannon Pellman Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pembleton Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Penquite Mr. and Mrs. Chad Pense

Mrs. Peggy Peoples Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perkin Rev. and Mrs. Roger N. Perkin Mr. Donald and Rev. Lois Perrigo Rev. and Mrs. Kelly Perry Ms. Lindsay J. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Doyle B. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Peterson Mr. Steven and Dr. Cynthia Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Pfaff Mr. Luke Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Matt J. Pfannenstiel Ms. Lori Pfautsch Mr. Gregory D. Pfennig Mr. and Mrs. Phong Phen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Philip Ms. Julie A. Philippi Mr. Clyde C. Phillips, III Mr. and Mrs. David G. Phillips Mr. Hayden Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips Mrs. Laurie S. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Ricky L. Phillips Mr. Zachary L. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickens Rev. and Mrs. Charles Pickens Drs. David and Marta Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan M. Pickens Mr. Adam J. Pieknik


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Caleb E. Pierce Mr. Evan N. Pierce Ms. Mary Pierce Ms. Iva J. Pifer Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Pillow Mrs. Marjorie Pine Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. David P. Platter Ms. Julie E. Plopper Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Plummer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan R. Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Poisal Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pollman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pomeroy Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Pope Mrs. Pamela G. Popp Mr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Porter Ms. Jill A. Porter Mr. Luis F. Posada Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Potter Rev. and Mrs. Darryl A. Potts Mr. Chris Powell Mr. and Mrs. Dean D. Powell Rev. and Mrs. Richard D. Power Drs. Elvin and Verla Powers Dr. Marvin Powers Rev. and Mrs. Dwight E. Presson Mr. Daniel F. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Nilen W. Pretzer Ms. Cynthia R. Price Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Pridey Mrs. Clara G. Pritchett

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Prothro Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Orville Pruter Mr. and Mrs. Darrell R. Puls Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Puls Mr. and Mrs. James A. Purl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Purl Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Puryear Mrs. Mona Pyatt

Mr. Daniel M. Quanstrom Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Quarnstrom Mr. Joel Quarnstrom Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Quarterson Mr. and Mrs. Nathan D. Quay Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Quinn, Jr. Mrs. Lydia Quint

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rabel Mr. Rodney L. Radcliffe Drs. Stephen and Barbara Ragan Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ragsdale Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rakes Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ralph, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Ramsdell Mr. and Mrs. Bayne L. Ramsey

Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. James K. Ramsey, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rand Ms. Caryl E. Range Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Ratliff Mr. and Mrs. David Rauch Mr. David D. Ray Mr. Jon Ray Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ray Mr. and Mrs. H. Milton Raymer Mr. and Mrs. Joel Reagan Ms. Betty Reddick Ms. Debra Redfern Mr. and Mrs. John P. Redwine Ms. Chelsea J. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Darren Reed Rev. Delores A. Reed Mr. John Reed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Reed Mrs. Norma A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. John G. Reel Ms. Alicia R. Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Regier Dr. and Mrs. G. Ray Reglin Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Reglin Mr. and Mrs. Crutis L. Rein Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Relf Mr. Eric V. Rennie Mrs. Kathryn L. Reschke Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reust Mrs. LuAnn Revard Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Revelle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rexroth Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Reynolds

52 Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Reynolds Ms. Nona Reynolds Mrs. Karen B. Rezac Mr. and Mrs. Jess Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Kelly D. Rhoades Rev. and Mrs. Phillip A. Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Jerald E. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Zackary B. Rice Mr. Jerry L. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Darryl R. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Richter Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Rider Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Rieck Mr. Steve Ries Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Riggers Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Riggs Mr. Marvin E. Riggs Dr. and Mrs. David M. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Riley Ms. Mary Lou Riley Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Riley Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Riley Mrs. Gina D. Riner Mr. Richard Rishel Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Rittgers Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Robbins Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Oris K. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Merlin L. Robertson Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Robinson

Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Robinson Mrs. Alma C. Robison Ms. Erin L. Robison Mr. C.R. Robson Mr. and Mrs. Geoffery W. Rodden Mrs. Maurene L. Roesler Mrs. Christina J. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Rogers Ms. Holly J. Rogers Mrs. Janet L. Rogers Mrs. Laveta G. Rogers Ms. Patti R. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Slate Rogers Dr. and Mrs. David G. Roland Mr. and Mrs. Troy A. Roll Ms. Melanie Romans Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Roney Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rooks Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roorda Mrs. Clara E. Rorabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Chad W. Rosema Ms. Connie L. Ross Mr. and Mrs. John Rostyne Mr. and Mrs. Webster Roth Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Rothfuss Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Rothfuss Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Rotz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Rouse Mr. James R. Rowe Dr. and Mrs. Jeren L. Rowell

Ms. Collette R. Rowland Ms. Joan A. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Roy Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ruder Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rundberg Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Rundberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Runge, Jr. Mr. Paul W. Runnels Rev. Francis M. Runyon Mr. and Mrs. William L. Runyon Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Ruschhaupt Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Rush Mr. and Mrs. Hilman K. Rushing Mr. and Mrs. Bradley S. Russell Mrs. Susan M. Russo Mrs. Julie L. Ruttan Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ruzich Ms. Taylor P. Ryal Ms. Diane K. Ryan Mr. Joe Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Ryckman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Ryckman, Sr.

Dr. and Mrs. Morton Sacks Mr. and Mrs. Brant Sader Mr. and Mrs. C. Ron Sadler Rev. and Mrs. J.D. Sailors Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Sampson Mr. Arodi Sanchez Rev. Judy B. Sanders


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Sands Rev. and Mrs. Robert J. Santel, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Santel, Jr. Mr. David and Dr. Jerri Sapp Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Sarver Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Sarver, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Sass Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Satterlee Mr. Carlos H. Saucedo Barron Dr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Sauer Dr. and Mrs. Roger M. Sauter Mrs. Elizabeth G. Saville Mr. Jerrald L. Saville Mrs. Marie Saville Rev. Nikolaj Sawatzky Ms. Charlene Sawyer Mr. John E. Saxton Mrs. Carolyn M. Scarborough Mr. Burt and Dr. Virginia Schafer Mr. Bert Schartz Rev. and Mrs. R. Allen Schellack, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Duane E. Schempp Ms. Julie A. Schlee Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Schlekau Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schlepp Ms. Betty L. Schmid Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Schmidt Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Schmidt Mr. Edwin D. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Gregg A. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Schmidt Ms. Julie A. Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Myron C. Schmidt

Ms. Debra Schnathorst Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Schnetzer Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Schofield Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Schofield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jake E. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schubert Rev. and Mrs. Harley W. Schull Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie R. Schultz Mrs. Patricia A. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Schultz Mrs. Terri B. Schulz Mr. and Mrs. David F. Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Don Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Scobey Mrs. Jean M. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Randall T. Scott Mr. Kit D. Seager Mrs. Kourtney D. Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Seamon Mrs. Jennifer Sease Mr. Timothy B. Secor Mr. Carl L. Segraves Mr. and Mrs. Terry Selby Mr. and Mrs. Arden Selden Ms. Connie Selders Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Sellden Mr. and Mrs. Kim Seng Mr. and Mrs. Del Senger Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sergent Ms. Linda L. Serwat Mrs. Melanie A. Sewell Mr. and Mrs. William Roy Sexton Mr. Todd and Dr. Rose Shafer

Revs. Gary and Marla Shank Mr. Raymond A. Sharpes Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Sharpes Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Shatto Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Shaver, Jr. Mr. Ronald R. Shaver Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Shaw Mrs. Cecelia Shaw Ms. Jennifer Shay Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Shea Ms. Marilyn A. Sheffer Ms. Elfrieda Shellenberger Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shellenberger Rev. and Mrs. Jon E. Shellenberger Mr. Gerald Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Shelton Ms. Paula B. Shepard Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sherman Rev. and Mrs. Daryl Sherraden Ms. Kathy M. Shike Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shipley Rev. and Mrs. William G. Shipman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shoaf Rev. Glen and Dr. Brenda Shoup Mr. and Mrs. John L. Shoup Mrs. Mary Ann Showalter Mr. and Mrs. David W. Shull Mr. and Mrs. David R. Siemens Rev. and Mrs. Willie H. Silvey Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Simpson Mrs. Lenore Simpson Mr. Melvin Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Jared Sinclair

54 Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Sinclair Mr. William P. Sinclair Rev. and Mrs. Damon L. Singleton Mr. Robert L. Sisson and Mrs. Elmira Tandjung Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen Skeens Mr. and Mrs. Thad Sketers Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Skillman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Slack Mr. and Mrs. Orville H. Slack Mr. and Mrs. William H. Slattery, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Jim R. Slaughter Ms. Diana Smiraglia Ms. Anna R. Smit Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Smith Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Ms. Cheryl D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. E. Woodrow Smith Mr. and Mrs. Garon H. Smith Rev. and Mrs. Gary V. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. H. James Smith Mr. J. Fletcher Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jody E. Smith Msgt. and Mrs. John W. Smith, Jr. Ms. Kristine D. Smith Mrs. Margaret E. Smith Mrs. Mary J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. P. Neal Smith Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. Blake Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rob K. Smith

Dr. Robert G. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Smith Ms. Saraliene S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Tash B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Smith Mrs. Virginia L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Smith Rev. and Mrs. Gary L. Snook Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snowbarger Mrs. V. Arlene Snowbarger Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Snowbarger Mr. and Mrs. Wendell K. Snowbarger Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Snyder Mr. Glen L. Snyder Ms. Lindsey A. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Randy D. Snyder Rev. and Mrs. Carl L. Soliday Ms. Deborah A. Solomon Rev. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Lou Somerville Dr. and Mrs. J. Glenn Songer Ms. LaJune Southard Mrs. Jayna Sparrow Rev. and Mrs. Clarence V. Spaulding, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Speck Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Speer Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Speers Mr. Andrew and Dr. Jill Speicher Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Speicher Mr. and Mrs. Troy D. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Spinder

Drs. Richard and Billy Spindle Mr. and Mrs. Clint Sprague Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Sprew Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Spruill Mr. and Mrs. David L. Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sprunk Mr. Aaron J. Spurgeon Mr. and Mrs. Lynndel L. Spurgeon Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Spurgeon Ms. Janelle E. Stack Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stack Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Stacy Mr. and Mrs. Garry Stamps Mrs. Janice Stamps Mrs. Betty Stancer Ms. Sherry Stanford Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Stansbury Mr. and Mrs. Jason O. Stansbury Ms. Gracie H. Staples Ms. Twila Mae Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Stark Mr. and Mrs. David J. Staudenmyer Ms. Rebecca K. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Ward D. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Steele Mr. and Mrs. John Steffensen Capt. and Dr. John H. Stein, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stein Ms. DeAnna Steinhart Ms. Patricia A. Steinhart Ms. Erin L. Steinkamp Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Stelter Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Stelting, Jr. Ms. Pamela Stelzer


Giving Contributors Mrs. Janice I. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephens Mr. Steve W. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Vern Stephenson Mr. Drew S. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Woodie J. Stevens Mrs. Alice Stewart Ms. Marilyn K. Stewart Mr. Scott Stewart Mr. Lloyd R. Stilfield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stimson Mr. and Mrs. Seth S. Stimson Rev. and Mrs. Michael W. Stipp Mrs. Dorothy Stocker Rev. and Mrs. Brad Stockton Mrs. Beverly M. Stoe Ms. Lorraine C. Stofft Mr. Thomas F. Stokovaz Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Storz Mr. Tim and Dr. Ramona Stowe Mr. and Mrs. Randall Straker Ms. Bambi L. Stranz Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Strayhorn Ms. Cindie Streck Mr. and Mrs. Lyndell V. Streebin Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Strickland Ms. Jenny L. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Greg Strohm

Mr. and Mrs. M. Kent Stroman Mr. and Mrs. Clayton D. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Wendel J. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Delano D. Stucky Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Stugart Mr. Terry V. Stull Dr. and Mrs. Roy Stults Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stumpf Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Sturdevant Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stutts Rev. and Mrs. James A. Sukraw, Sr. Mr. John H. Sukraw Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sukraw Mrs. Pauline Sukraw Mr. and Mrs. Gene Summerlin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Sumners Revs. Richard and Barbara Sundermeyer Ms. Christina Y. Suos Ms. Melody A. Suos Rev. and Mrs. Sokurt Suos Mr. John A. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Swart Mr. and Mrs. Randy Swearengin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Swigart Mr. and Mrs. Leo Swiontek Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie L. Swoboda Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Sybesma Ms. Amanda K. Sywenki

Anonymous Ms. Judy Talbert

Ms. Rebecca D. Talbert Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Tallent Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Tarpenning Mrs. Elizabeth Tatge Mr. and Mrs. Billie C. Taylor, III Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Taylor Ms. Julie N. Taylor Ms. Karen M. Taylor Ms. Mary Eva Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Taylor Mrs. Vodra M. Techau Mr. James M. Tedford Mr. Darren E. Tehven Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Terrill Mr. Chris Thayer Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel Mr. and Mrs. Toby N. Theel Rev. and Mrs. Rodger D. Thelander Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Thiessen Mrs. Doris Thomas Mr. Easaw and Dr. Shanti Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gregg W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Thomas Mrs. Judy D. Thomas Mr. W. Steven Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Thomas Mr. Michael D. Thomasson Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Thompson Mr. Brent Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Dallas E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Galen Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Thompson

56 Rev. and Mrs. Raymond L. Thompson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan K. Thompson Mrs. Evelyn Thomsen Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Thomsen Mr. Michael D. Thornhill Dr. and Mrs. James L. Thornton Ms. Kristin R. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Layne A. Thornton Mr. Don Thorsen and Mrs. Anita Newman Mrs. Joan Thorson Ms. Brooke K. Thorup Mr. Jeffrey J. Thurlow Mrs. Jackie Tibbetts Mr. and Mrs. William Tiegreen Mr. and Mrs. Aaron E. Tiffany Mr. Dustin S. Tilton Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Timmons Dr. Fletcher L. Tink Mrs. Shelly Tittel Mr. and Mrs. Darrin E. Toburen Dr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Toler Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Tollie, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick B. Toomey, Jr. Ms. Lavera M. Towns Ms. Martha L. Towns Ms. Elizebeth L. Townsend Ms. Louise Trader Rev. and Mrs. Clifford L. Transmeier Mrs. Margaret A. Traudt Ms. Dora Mae Traul Mr. and Mrs. Dick Travis Mr. and Mrs. Bret A. Tredway Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Trefry Ms. Gloria Triplett

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tritt Mr. Andrew J. Trott Mr. Jeffrey Trott Ms. Cheryl True Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Truelove Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Truitt Mr. Damon Tucker Mr. Michael J. Tufano Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tully Mrs. Esta Lee Turner Mr. and Mrs. Garry M. Turner, Sr. Mr. J. Lance Turner Ms. Louise E. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Willie T. Turner Mr. and Mrs. William Tuttle Ms. Jessica L. Twyford Ms. Rita Tygart Ms. Brenda A. Tyler-Gates Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Tyrer

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ufford, Sr. Mrs. Della M. Umphrey Mr. Jon Umsted Mr. Michael N. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Randel L. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Unruh Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Utz

Mrs. Sharon G. Vallejo Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Van Dyne Ms. Hester L. Van Dyne Mr. and Mrs. John H. Van Dyne Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Van Dyne Mr. Rodney N. Van Dyne LTC and Mrs. William Van Nuys Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Van Ostrand Mrs. Myrna Van Ostrand Mr. and Mrs. Gary Van Sickle Mr. and Mrs. Brent L. Van Weelden Mrs. Virgie Van Zee Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Vance Mr. George E. VanDyne Mr. Binny Varghese Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Vaught Rev. and Mrs. Jason P. Veach Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veach Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Veach Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Vesey Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vieth Mr. and Mrs. James E. Vieth Mrs. Karen M. Vinson Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Vinsonhaler Rev. and Mrs. Duane Vogt Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Vogt Mr. Trevor E. Volkland Mr. and Mrs. Irving Vonderfecht Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vos


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Wacker Ms. Christina Wadel Ms. Mary Ann Wagner Mrs. Stephanie Wagner Mrs. Darlene H. Wahaus Mrs. Norma Jean Walcher Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wales Mr. Robert S. Waliszewski Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Drew Walker Mrs. Yvonne M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wall Mr. Ivory and Rev. Shirley Wallace Rev. and Mrs. Jerry L. Wallentine Mr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Walton Ms. Laura A. Waltrip Mr. and Mrs. Jim Waltz Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Wangberg Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ward Ms. Marta S. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Terry Ward Mr. and Mrs. James H. Warden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wardlaw Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wardlaw Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Warnick Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Ken F. Warrick Ms. Theresa A. Watson Mrs. Mary Watts Dr. and Mrs. C. Hardy Weathers

Ms. Arjorie Weaver Mr. Craig Weaver Mr. Donald E. Weaver Mr. Charles W. Webb Ms. Dana R. Webb Mrs. Anne T. Webber Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webber Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Weber Mr. and Mrs. David L. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Wedekind Rev. and Mrs. Harold G. Wedel Mr. Michael K. Wedel Mr. and Mrs. Mike K. Wedel Mr. Randy D. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Weems Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Weible Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. Brian D. Weigelt Rev. and Mrs. Gerhard F. Weigelt Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weigelt Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Weigelt Rev. and Mrs. Larry L. Weihe Ms. Alison K. Weinstock Mr. Joshua D. Weinstock Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Weishaar Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Weissend Mr. Glenn H. Weld, Jr. Ms. Ashley A. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Wells Ms. Molly A. Wells Mr. William F. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weltmer Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Weltmer Ms. Bonnie J. Wesemann Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Wessels

Mr. and Mrs. Danny West Mr. and Mrs. Greg T. West Mr. and Mrs. John D. West Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Wetmore, Jr. Mrs. Jean S. Wheatcraft Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wheelock Mrs. Clara J. White Mr. and Mrs. David P. White Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. White Mr. and Mrs. P. David White Mrs. Edna B. Whited Mr. John W. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Wade B. Whitham Dr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Whitlatch Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Whitney Ms. Leora C. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Whittecar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. Les L. Wieczorek Ms. Rebecca L. Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wieczorek Mrs. Cheryl Wiederrich Mr. Timothy and Dr. Karen Wiegman Mrs. E. Jeannette Wienecke Mr. and Mrs. David H. Wiens Mr. and Mrs. Rolland K. Wiens Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wikstrom Ms. Wilma B. Wilcox Mr. Gary Wilcutt Rev. Candice I. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Wiley Ms. Kaylene J. Wiley

58 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Wilkes Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. Wilkins Mr. Rodney Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Willard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard Mr. and Mrs. B. Joseph Willey Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Williams Ms. Diana Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Williams Ms. Lois J. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Millard M. Williams Rev. and Mrs. Paul A. Williams Ms. Velma Williams Mr. and Mrs. Verlin C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Zelotes H. Williams Rev. and Mrs. Gary A. Williamson Dr. and Mrs. Rick L. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Willis Mrs. Mary L. Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wilson, II Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Wilson Mrs. Dorothy L. Wilson Mr. Harry C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wilson Ms. Julianne Wilson Mrs. Naomi L. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wilson Mr. Timothy and Rev. Tami Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Winebrenner Mrs. Gloria M. Wirt Mr. and Mrs. Bramlet E. Wise, III Mr. and Mrs. Dino Wise

Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wiseman Mrs. Elizabeth Wiskus Ms. Katherine L. Wiskus Ms. Oleta Witt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Wittlief Ms. Margaret Wittmer Mr. Ronald D. Wittmer Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wolfe Mr. Thomas C. Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Wolff Rev. and Mrs. Michael L. Wonch Mr. Kevin Wondra Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Wood Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wood Rev. Daniel W. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Roby V. Woods, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Woodson Ms. Leila M. Woodward Mrs. Nanette P. Wooten Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Workman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Worner Rev. and Mrs. Gary L. Worthington Mr. and Mrs. Darric N. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Wright Mr. Larry F. Wright Rev. and Mrs. Randall G. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Wright Rev. V. Douglas Wright Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Wrightsman Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Wrightsman

Mrs. D. Jean Wucher Ms. Elsie M. Wulf Rev. and Mrs. Douglas S. Wyatt

Anonymous Mrs. Ruth Yanken Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Yantis Mr. and Mrs. Willard R. Yoakum Mr. Robert J. Yockey Mr. Mark Yoder Dr. Gerald R. Yoesel Mr. and Mrs. Brant York Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Young Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Young Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Young Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Young Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Young Ms. Carolyn Youngers Mrs. Sharon N. Yourdon Mrs. Janice M. Yuran

Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Zehr Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Zeigler Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Layne Ziegler Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Zigler Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Zimbelman


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. James A. Zimmer Rev. and Mrs. Matthew S. Zimmer Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Zimmerman Mrs. Eunice Zook Ms. Suzanne R. Zook Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Zubke Mr. and Mrs. William R. Zynen



Corporations, Foundations and Organizations The following corporations, foundations and organizations have generously contributed to MidAmerica Nazarene University’s mission from January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011.

R.E. Alexander & Associates, LLC Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. Ameren Charitable Trust American Association of Colleges of Nursing Anderson Automotive Inc. ANL Investments ARG Contracting, LLC Assurance Agency, Ltd. AT&T Foundation Jake A. Beadle & Clara M. Beadle Revocable Living Trust Bickford Senior Living Group, LLC BlastCoating Technology, Inc. Blue Beacon International, Inc. BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas City Bernadette J. Blume Revocable Trust BNSF Railway Company Boeing Company Butler Manufacturing Company Foundation Butterfield Memorial Foundation

C.G.& K. Farms, Inc.

Douglas G. & or Keri F. Evans Living Trust

California Wellness Foundation

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund


Financial Counselors Unlimited

Capital Drywall, LLC

Fire Master Fire Equipment, Inc.

Charitable Flex Fund

First Data Corporation

Christ Community Church

FLW Outdoors

Church of the Nazarene Foundation

For Him Merchant Services

City of Olathe

Neil R. and Odille P. Fraser Trust

Class of 2014

G/M Associates, LLC

Colorado Springs First Church of the Nazarene

The Gathering Network, Inc.

Donald Ray Cook Revocable Trust


Cooper Medical Company, Inc.

Grain Ridge Farms, Inc.

Crescent Cleaners & Laundry

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

Robert W. Crew Revocable Trust

Wilma J. Grunewaldt Revocable Trust

Culver’s of Olathe

Hallmark Corporate Foundation

D.E.F. Closed-Captioning, LLC

Hannah Orthodontics

Dave’s Enterprises

Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust

DCO Enterprises

Hartline Appraisals, Inc.

Deloitte Foundation

Have You Heard the Good News

Dissinger Reed

Health Solutions

Judi M. Donaldson Revocable Trust

Heartland Trailways

Arthur Kent Donley Trust

Hendley Family Trust

Doris J. Greenway Revocable Trust

Heritage Christian Academy

E. J. Enterprises

Hodges Family Trust

Elkhart Church of the Nazarene N.Y.I.

Hospira Employee Giving Campaign

Enterprise Bank & Trust

Hydro-Chem Spray Service, Inc.

62 IBM International Foundation

Kramer Family Living Trust

N.E. Iowa Freight Services, Inc.

Imperial Valley Holiness Association

Landis Revocable Trust

Nails by Donna

Industrial Sealing & Lubrication, Inc.

Lauber Living Trust

National Christian Foundation

International Society for Science and Religion

Lenexa Baptist Church

National Christian Foundation Heartland

Thomas E. & Uldine A. Jackson Trust

Life Church

Nazarene Publishing House

Nita Rae Jepsen Trust

Lincoln Orthopaedic Center, P.C.

Noah’s Ark Gift Shoppe

Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies

Douglas Lott Agency of Farmers Insurance Group

Olathe Family Dentistry PA

Johnson County Heritage Trust Fund

Luna Guttering Company, Inc.

Olathe Ford Sales, Inc.

Johnson County NAACP No. 4038

Alma Jean Lunn Revocable Living Trust

One Way Construction, LLC.

Johnson County Siding & Window Co., Inc.

M&M Specialty Services LLC

Oracle Corporation

Johnson Living Trust

Mak Energy, Inc.

Joplin District Church of the Nazarene N.M.I.

Marriagevine Ministries

R. R. Osborne Irrevocable Football Scholarship Trust

Joplin District Church of the Nazarene N.Y.I.

Roy J. and Gail A. Marvin Trust

Harlan C. Parker Insurance Agency, Inc.

Ju Don’s Floral Creations

Matthews Properties

Pavement Systems, Inc.

K & G Rentals

Max Trax, Inc.

Payne Farms, Inc.

K.C. Framing, LLC

W. LeRoy & Mildred McCurdy Charitable Trust

Pepsi Bottling Group, LLC

Kansas Board of Regents

McPherson Travel Center, Inc.

Performance Horses

Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene N.M.I.

Mennonite Brethren Foundation

Pioneer College Caterers

Merck Company Foundation

Planned Stewardship, L.L.C.

Kansas City Sports Club LLC

MidAmerica Auto Brokers, Inc.

Premier Studios

Kansas Independent College Fund

Professional Transcripts

Kansas State Bank

Minnesota District Church of the Nazarene Family Camp

KC Mustangs Softball

MNU Regional N.Y.I.

Protection Solutions

Keller & Owens, L.L.C.


Jonathan Quinn’s Football Camp

Kitchen Showcase, Inc.

Eric Moots Farm

Kountry Kuts Family Haircare

Motorola Foundation

The Promised Land’s Spanish Horses, LLC

List contiuned on page 63...


63 R & J Hopkins Farm

Strickland Construction Company, Inc.

Radiant Women’s Health, P.C.

Success Strategies, Inc.

JC and Levina Rakes Trust

Synerprise Consulting Services, Inc.

Ray’s Used Cars Inc.

Team Electric Supply, Inc.

Renew, Inc.

Thornton Farm & Feed

Reschke Living Trust

Three Trails LLC

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

TLC Lawn Care Services

Rockrimmon Chiropractic Clinic, LLC

Twin Rivers General Baptist Church

Rockwell Collins Matching Gift Program

U.S. Department of Education

Rocky Lamar’s Fundamentally Driven Basketball Camp

UAI Technology, Inc.

Paul Ross Charitable Foundation

Van Weelden Building & Remodeling, Inc.

Sauer Chiropractic & Sports Clinic, P.A.

Vogt Revocable Living Trust

Schlekau Family Trust

Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program

Shawnee Mission Medical Center

Russell C. Wismer, DDS PA

Shawnee Police Department Marilyn A. Sheffer Trust Shell Oil Company Foundation Sherwin-Williams Simmons First Bank SMI Roofing, Inc. Smith & Co. Appraisals, Inc. Jim Smith Homes Velma Arlene Snowbarger Trust Sprint Foundation State Farm Company Foundation

United Radiology Group, Chartered

Honors, Memorial, & Bequest Honor Gifts

Memorial Gifts

Estate Giving

MNU Gratefully acknowledges receipt of 5 gifts given from January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011, in honor of the following individuals:

MNU gratefully acknowledges receipt of 24 gifts given from January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011, in memory of the following individuals:

MNU gratefully acknowledges receipt of gifts and bequests from the following estates for the period of January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011.

Dr. C. Ray Bowman Mrs. Judith K. Eby

W. LeRoy & Mildred McCurdy Note: alumni are listed in italics

Mrs. Lillian E. Lott Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Schofield, Jr.

Dr. Lottie B. McWherter Mr. Blair F. Rorabaugh

Mr. Darrel C. Alumbaugh

Mrs. Lucille G. Thompson

Mr. Ora Everett “Pete” Beeson

Mrs. Agnes T. Wiens

Mr. Robert P. Miller Mr. Robert W. Tarewicz Mrs. Dorothy J. Lorts Mrs. Elizabeth Kneeland Mrs. Myrtle L. Matheny Rev. Charles L. Yourdon




Church Giving During the 2010-2011 assembly year, the following Churches of the Nazarene generously gave nearly $1.5 million to support MidAmerica Nazarene University’s mission. This support was returned to Nazarene students from the North Central Educational Region through University-funded grants and scholarships.

* denotes churches that have met or exceded their MNU education fund commitment.

Iowa District Dr. Garey A. Miller District Superintendent

Ames * Ankeny Hope * Atlantic Bettendorf Bloomfield Grace Pointe Boone Britt Zion * Burlington First * Burlington Flint Hills * Cedar Falls Living Water * Cedar Rapids First * Cedar Rapids Oakland * Centerville Chariton

Clarion Lighthouse Climbing Hill Council Bluffs Emanuel * Council Bluffs First * Davenport First Deep River Des Moines Eastside * Des Moines First Des Moines Highland Park * Des Moines Southside Dubuque Estherville Fairfield * Farmington Fort Dodge Fort Madison Living Hope * Iowa City * Keokuk * Knoxville * Lacona Marengo Marshalltown * Mason City Missouri Valley Sunrise Community Monticello New Life Community * Montrose * Moravia Lighthouse Mount Pleasant Newton New Life Community * Oskaloosa Gateway * Ottumwa Trinity * Pella Red Oak Shenandoah

Sioux City New Life Community Spencer Family Tabor Weaver Memorial * Wapello Waterloo Crossroads Community * Waverly Cornerstone West Des Moines Greater Life Community * Winterset *

Joplin District Dr. Jim R. Dillow District Superintendent

Aurora Ava Highway * Baxter Springs First Bolivar First Bradleyville Branson First * Buffalo * Burlington Butler * Camdenton New Life * Caney * Carl Junction Carthage First * Chanute * Cherryvale * Clinton Coffeyville First * Columbus * Deepwater Crossroads

66 Dogwood * El Dorado Springs * Forsyth Trinity * Fort Scott First * Fort Scott West Park Galena Parkhill * Garnett * Girard Living Faith * Goodhope * Goodman Banner * Granby Hillview First * Independence First * Joplin Calvary * Joplin First Lamar Living Hope * Lebanon * Mansfield * Marionville * Marshfield * McCune * Monett * Monett Fuente de Agua Viva Mount Vernon * Mountain Grove Faith Community Neodesha Neosho * Nevada * Nixa * Noel * Norwood Countryside * Osceola * Ozark First * Parsons * Pittsburg First *

Pleasanton Powell Twin Springs Republic First * Rogersville Harvest Community Sarcoxie New Beginnings * Seymour * Springfield Community * Springfield First * Springfield Scenic Drive * Warsaw Webb City * Wheatland *

Kansas District Dr. Edmond P. Nash District Superintendent

Anthony * Arkansas City Bethel * Burr Oak * Cimarron * Clearwater * Derby First * Dodge City First * El Dorado First * Elkhart * Emporia * Garden City First * Gaylord * Great Bend First * Hays *

Haysville * Hugoton * Hutchinson Bethany * Hutchinson First * Hutchinson New Life * Junction City First * Larned Lyons * Manhattan * McPherson Abundant Life * Meade * Minneapolis Mulvane First * Newton First * Park City Plainville * Pleasant Hill * Pratt Abundant Harvest Community Salina Belmont Boulevard Salina First * Severy Smith Center * Sublette * Udall * Wellington * Wichita Eastridge * Wichita First * Wichita Grace Wichita Indian Hills * Wichita North Ash Wichita Trinity * Wichita West Side * Wichita Woodland Lakes Community * Winfield *



Kansas City District Dr. Jeren L. Rowell District Superintendent

Atchison * Belton New Horizons * Blue Springs First * Bonner Springs * Cameron * Canaan Hill * Carrollton * Countryside * Craig Community Drexel * Excelsior Springs * Gardner * Gardner Trinity Family * Grandview * Harrisonville * Holton * Independence Casa de Dios * Independence First * Independence Fort Osage * Independence Trinity * Kansas City Central * Kansas City CrossPoint Community * Kansas City First * Kansas City First Spanish * Kansas City Grace * Kansas City GracePoint * Kansas City Korean Antioch

Kansas City Nall Avenue * Kansas City New Hope * Kansas City New Vision * Kansas City Risen Lamb International * Kansas City Riverfront * Kansas City Shawnee * Kansas City Southwood * Kansas City St. Paul’s Kansas City Stony Point * Kansas City Summit View * Kansas City Trinity * Kansas City United By Faith * Kansas City Victory Hills * Kansas City Village Community * Kansas City Water’s Edge * Kearney Crossroads Community * Kingston * Lawrence Faith * Lawrence First * Leavenworth * Lee’s Summit Christ the Vine * Lee’s Summit First * Lee’s Summit New Beginnings * Liberty * Living Hope * Marshall * Maryville McLouth * Olathe Christ Community * Olathe College * Olathe Faith Journey * Olathe Westside * Oregon * Osawatomie

Ottawa * Overland Park Antioch Overland Park Paola Grace Revolution * Raymore New Vision * Richmond First * Spring Hill Grace Community * St. Joseph First * St. Joseph Turning Point * Tonganoxie Heartland Community * Topeka Fairlawn * Topeka Family Life * Topeka First * Topeka Lakeview * Topeka Oakland * Topeka Wanamaker Woods * Town and Country * Trenton * Warrensburg First * Way of Life Christian Fellowship Weston Community *

Missouri District Rev. Michael G. Palmer District Superintendent

Annapolis Arnold * Bernie * Bowling Green * Brookfield Cape Girardeau First *

68 Clarence * Columbia First * DeSoto * Dexter First * Dexter Southwest Eldon First * Eureka Crosshaven Farmington First Fenton Festus Frankclay * Fredericktown * Fulton Heartland * Hallsville New Horizons * Hannibal First Hannibal Riverview * Harvester * House Springs Living Word * Hurdland Iberia * Irondale Ironton * Jackson * Jefferson City * Kirksville First * Macon Malden First Matthews Meta Ricker Memorial * Mexico Cristo Viene Mexico First * Moberly * Montgomery City * Mountain View

O’Fallon New Life * Park Hills Piedmont * Poplar Bluff North Point Redford * Rolla * Sikeston First * St. Clair Parkway * St. Louis Ferguson * St. Louis Gateway Central * St. Louis Korean Grace St. Louis South County * St. Louis Southwest St. Louis Trinity * St. Louis Webster Groves First * Sullivan First * Union Word of Life * Waynesville * West Plains Cornerstone Wright City *

Nebraska District Rev. Daniel W. Cole District Superintendent

Ainsworth * Arnold * Beatrice First * Chadron New Covenant * Columbus Hispanic * Cozad First *

Crawford New Hope * Farnam * Fremont * Goehner Great Plains Community Grand Island First * Grand Island Principe de Paz Hastings Lakeside Community * Kearney * Kimball First * Lincoln Connecting Pointe * McCook First * Newman Grove * Omaha Central * Omaha Living Faith * Omaha Southwest * Papillion Heritage Hills * Scottsbluff * Sidney * Superior York New Life


69 Prairie Lakes District Dr. James M. Kraemer District Superintendent

Aberdeen Alberta Alexander * Backus * Beltrami Community * Beulah Faith Community Bismarck Living Hope * Brainerd First * Carrington Community Chanhassen Bethel Fellowship * Dickinson New Hope * Ellendale * Fargo Prairie Heights Community Fergus Falls * Grand Rapids * Great Hope Hewitt * Huron * Inver Grove Heights Grace Jamestown First * Kenmare * LaMoure * Larimore Litchfield * Madison * Mandan First * Merrifield Miller * Minneapolis Brooklyn Center *

Minneapolis SonLight * Minneapolis Southwest Community * Minot First * Minot Southside * Mitchell Harvest Community * Mohall New Horizons * Moorhead Bridgepointe Community * Mora Friendship * Northern Point Community Oakes * Osseo * Pierre Cornerstone Community * Prairie Oak Community Rapid City Real Life * Real Life Community Rochester Cambodian Rochester First Sawyer * Sioux Falls New Hope Family * St. Paul First * Tuttle Valley City First * Viborg * Williston * Willmar * Winner Winona *


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