2012 Annual Report

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in Review







of Contents


in Review



the President The story of MidAmerica Nazarene University is a story of dedicated men and women whose passion for its future is motivated by their commitment to Jesus Christ and His purposes. Their faith and ours today demands persistence, patience and a determination that presses forward, often despite overwhelming obstacles and circumstances. Today MNU is a vibrant and dynamic university that continues to move forward to its best days. Despite a challenging economic environment, the financial position of the university has shown significant improvement in large part due to the encouraging progress made in student enrollment. The development of new facilities for our growing professional and graduate programs has added a new dimension to the opportunities available for our students. Positive accreditation reports in the areas of nursing and counseling have affirmed the quality of our academic programs and faculty. An expanding reputation for excellence is evident throughout our university community and the ongoing financial support by alumni and friends is highlighted by the success of our President’s Honors event each spring. The year has produced many positive improvements across the university. There is a sense of excitement for what God has already done and the new challenges He has placed before us. In the midst of these good reports, we are reminded that the MNU journey is not yet complete and the story of God’s faithfulness will continue. With God’s continued direction and guidance there is much left to accomplish on behalf of our students, the work of the church and as servant leaders to the world around us. I want to thank the alumni and friends of MNU for your prayers and your generous financial support. Your contributions provide the resources needed to support student scholarships and the continuing ministry of our faculty and staff. In Exodus 40:36, the journey of the children of Israel is recorded and their full dependence upon God’s guidance is clearly evident. This passage reminds us that when God led them on, the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle and the children of Israel went onward with their journey. Without the presence of God to guide them, they were unable to continue. As a university, we too are fully dependent on the providence and guidance of God. With God’s presence to guide us, MidAmerica Nazarene University is steadfastly committed to continue on its journey with the same resolve, sense of purpose and with the same loud command.


Dr. David J. Spittal President

Our President’s Cabinet

Board of Trustees

Other Members

Dr. David J. Spittal President

Executive Committee

Rev. Joel Atwell

Dr. Randy Beckum Vice President for Community Formation/University Chaplain

Mr. Kevin P. Gilmore Vice President for Finance/CFO

Mr. Jon D. North Vice President for University Advancement

Dr. David J. Spittal President Dr. Larry McIntire Chairman Rev. Michael G. Palmer Vice Chairman Mrs. Terri Comfort Secretary Mr. Keith Cox Treasurer Dr. Merrill R. Conant

Dr. Stephen W. Ragan Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mr. Darrel E. Johnson

Mr. Tim Buchanan Rev. Daniel W. Cole Mr. Chad Cook Dr. D. Ray Cook Mr. John Dahl Rev. Bryan Davis Dr. O. E. Dement Dr. Jim Dillow Mr. Craig M. Doane Dr. Glenn Kell Dr. James M. Kraemer Rev. Michael Lynch Dr. Garey A. Miller

Mr. Eldon J. Meyers

Rev. Fred Morrison

Dr. Rick Power

Dr. Edmond P. Nash

Rev. Phil Rhoades

Mr. Daniel D. Rexroth

Dr. Jeren Rowell Mrs. Cathy Veach

Dr. Tia Strait Rev. Rod Thelander Rev. Fred Toomey Mrs. Julie C. Transmeier



the Numbers ENROLLMENT Total Enrollment: 1,978 (+ 9.22%) →→ Undergraduate (traditional) students: 950 →→ Undergraduate (non-traditional) students: 529 →→ Graduate students: 499

26% Graduate 49% Traditional Undergrad

*74% of traditional Undergraduate students live on campus

25% Non-traditional Undergrad

TOP FIVE MAJORS Traditional Programs →→ →→ →→ →→ →→

Nursing: 154 Elementary Education: 79 Business Administration: 53 Sports Management: 51 Ministry: 49







Elementary Education

Business Administration

Sports Management



HOW TO DESCRIBE 2012? In short, it’s been a God-breathed year. His provision has been evident. His mercies have been new. And His spirit has been alive on our campus.


Throughout 2012, we’ve witnessed the miracle of God’s provision. We’ve also grieved the loss of dear members of our Pioneer community. Through it all, we have been reminded that we walk by faith and not by sight. This concept, you see, is at the very core of our Pioneer Spirit.

→→ The School of Nursing and Health Science signs agreements with Neosho County Community College and North Kansas City Hospital to offer MNU’s RN to BSN program on the NCCC campus in Ottawa, and to offer the MSN program on site at the hospital.

In 2012, our Pioneer Spirit blossomed as we unfolded a new chapter in MNU’s history. We’ve welcomed a new president and have been revitalized as a campus community. It’s been a year of milestones and memories. We reflect with thankful hearts and look eagerly into the future.

→→ MNU launches the nation’s only online, faithbased, university-affiliated Sexual Addictions Treatment Provider certificate.

And so, we move forward. Onward.

All-American Honors →→ Rustin Dowd, Men’s Basketball →→ Daria Sprew, Women’s Basketball →→ Ben Alison, Baseball →→ Linjun Ji, Volleyball →→ Molly Brewster, Volleyball →→ Megan Hayes, Volleyball →→ Sean Ransburg, Football →→ Christopher Eriksson, Men’s Soccer

Heart of America Conference Coaches of the Year


→→ Rocky Lamar, Men’s Basketball

→→ Men’s & women’s basketball, baseball, men’s soccer and volleyball all claim HAAC titles.

→→ Jon Lewis, Women’s Basketball →→ Kristin Steele, Volleyball

→→ Football reaches playoffs for the 6th year in a row.


→→ Men’s soccer & volleyball both advance to National Tournaments.

→→ MNU named a Five Star Champions of Character Institution by the NAIA. →→ More than 400 MNU students, faculty, staff and community members participate in the first Blaze Prayer Walk →→ The University’s alumni giving participation increased 17.5%. →→ MNU’s first President’s Honors event was sold out with over 500 attendees and raised $300,000 for scholarships.


in Photos With thankful hearts the MNU campus welcomed Dr. David J. Spittal as the fifth president of MNU (1). A new location for adult students in Liberty (4), was officially opened in March, and in April, the first-ever President’s Honors event (7) hosted a sold-out crowd and raised more than $300,000 for student scholarships. In May, we recognized the accomplishments of 680 graduates (2). Weeks later, our campus mourned the loss of Sean Middleton, a junior and member of the men’s soccer team. The men’s soccer team dedicated the first home game of the season to Sean (3), a moment that touched our Pioneer community.

Fall also brought the launch of MNU Blogs (9) and another new building for professional and graduate students (10), which houses a brand new Virtual Patient Center (12). The volleyball team advanced past pool play (6) at the national tournament. Students, faculty and staff represented MNU at the Pumpkin Run (13) right before diving into an exciting Homecoming weekend (5) where we celebrated the inauguration of Dr. Spittal (11), as well as a $32,000 gift to establish the Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers Scholarship Fund (8), by the classes of 1972-1975.

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Year in Social Media Our Favorite Tweets

Excerpts from MNU Blogs The fathers of the faith, the very apostles who walked on the ground that Jesus did, had to start somewhere. At some point, they had to acknowledge that they didn’t have what it takes to be his heirs to the kingdom. Yet, with the breath of Christ within us, we are given the means to be the truth, the salt, the light, that is so very necessary to this world... May we begin to allow Jesus to take root in our daily interactions with people and may we find the courage to take the baby steps that are necessary for any sort of change to occur. -- Kelsey Cranford

Praying this morning for MidAmerica Nazarene University (@followMNU) as their Board of Trustees meets to elect a new president today. @M_A_HEDRICKSON, JAN 17

Thanks @followMNU great campus tour and visit with @TheOnlyJHarris and @BenPrince913 @PASTORROBPRINCE, JUL 27

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react. In my life I have been on both sides of the fight. Winning by finding God and running to the healer and the not so joyous side of letting what Satan presents consume me. I have reacted positively and negatively. But, through it all, I have

ended up here. Still fighting and striving to cling to the hope that is offered in Romans and throughout the 66 page love letter we have.

-- Joey Alligier

Officially registered for SCOUT at @followMNU :) So excited! @KATIENICOLEL, AUG 17

I am feeling homesick for my alma mater @followMNU & all my college friends. I think a quick trip to Olathe for homecoming would solve that. @RHAPER28, SEPT 19


Top Five Most Popular Facebook Posts 5 DAYS TIL NSO! WE CAN'T WAIT FOR THE CLASS OF 2016 TO ARRIVE


August 20, 2012 • Like •


ASHTON MASON: I can’t waaaaaaaaaaaait to walk through those halls!! MNU Class of 2018!!

August 20, 2012 at 5:20 pm • Like •










BETHANY REXROTH: Besides following Jesus, this was the best decision these people have ever made!

August 24 2012 at 5:26 pm • Like •








CRISTI KELDERMAN: Way to go Pioneers, looks great!

June 1, 2012 at 8:49 pm • Like







Summary MidAmerica Nazarene University has been greatly blessed by alumni and friends who generously contribute support for scholarships, academic and athletic programs, and various capital projects. We commit to manage these resources wisely in order to provide high quality Christian higher education both now and in the future.

Sources of Revenue →→ Net Tuition and Fees: $18,560,761

12.3% Auxilary Enterprises

1.7% Other

→→ Gifts and Grants: $13,321,273 →→ Auxiliary Enterprises: $4,570,141 →→ Other: $617,372 Total Revenues: $37,069,547 35.9% Gifts and Grants

The faculty, staff and students of MNU greatly appreciate the generosity of alumni and friends throughout the year.

50.1% Tuition and Fees

The University’s financial summary reflects the fiscal year July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012.

Expenses →→ Instruction: $10,952,720 →→ General Administration: $5,174,969 →→ Auxiliary Enterprises: $2,801,494 →→ Student Activities: $2,465,524 →→ Institutional Support: $4,376,019

3.8% Student Services

3.3% Fundraising

10.5% Operations

→→ Plant Operations: $3,383,367 →→ Student Services: $1,227,579 →→ Fundraising: $1,072,572

13.6% Institutional Support

34.1% Instruction

16.1% General Administration

→→ Libraries: $624,101 Total Expenses: $32,078,345 Increase in Net Assets: $4,991,202

1.9% Libraries

7.7% Student Activities

8.7% Auxiliary Enterprises

Annual Giving Total Gift Income

From January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2012, 2,730 contributors gave $10,955,447 to MNU in support of scholarships, building projects and other programs. We are so thankful for each individual, business and family who gave generously in support of our University.

→→ 2009-10 $2,977,626 →→ 2010-11: $3,297, 272 →→ 2011-12: $10,955,447

Combined Gift Revenue Total: $10,955,097







7.4% Foundation/ Endowment 9.4% University Fund

1.2% Designated

→→ University Fund: $1,033,665 →→ Other Unrestricted: $7,500,000 →→ Designated: $132,593 →→ Educational Budget: $1,470,470 →→ Foundation/Endowment: $818,369

14% Educational Budget 42% University Fund

46% Educational Budgets 68% Other Unrestricted





from University Advancement


One common thread that runs through our 47-year history is the generosity of committed alumni and friends. From the sacrifice of our founders to the thousands of names listed in this report, there has been a steady stream of men and women who have committed themselves to the original dream of integrating the best of learning and the best of faith. I am pleased to share this report which highlights some of the amazing milestones and accomplishments of an exciting year. In the following pages are the names of those individuals, churches, and corporations that helped sustain the work of MidAmerica Nazarene University this past year. Each name also bears witness to the generosity and faithfulness of those who have invested sacrificially in a dream and vision worth pursuing. We are reminded that now is not the time to relax from creating a vision for what MidAmerica can and must be for the next chapters in her history. We must press on. In the words of the apostle Paul, “…forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I (we) press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Thank you for your generous support and for picking up the mantle to pray, sacrifice, and contribute so that we can move forward to accomplish all that God has in mind for MidAmerica Nazarene University.

Jon D. North, MBA, CFRE Vice President for University Advancement Executive Director of the MNU Foundation

Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.




Board of Directors

Endowing the Future of Quality Christian Education

Mr. Michael D. Major Chairman

The MidAmerica Nazarene University Foundation exists to assist the education services at MidAmerica Nazarene University. The MNU Foundation’s principle activity is to build the Endowment Fund. This fund is invested following carefully considered conservative investment policy to further the University’s mission, and to assure the long-term financial security of the University.

Mr. Brian G. Diddle Vice Chairman

The Foundation’s Assets

Members at Large Mr. Douglas L. Diehl Dr. Otto W. Theel

Other Ex-officio Members Mr. Timothy R. Keeton Dr. Larry D. McIntire Dr. David J. Spittal




Mr. Jon D. North – ex-officio Executive Director


Mr. Kevin P. Gilmore – ex-officio Treasurer


Mr. Charles J. Nunamaker Secretary





of Donors



Heritage Society

The President’s Circle honors individuals for their cumulative lifetime giving in support of MNU.

The Heritage Society honors individuals who have contributed $100,000 - $499,999 cumulatively to MNU during their lifetime.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Austin Mrs. Ruth K. Beard

Legacy Society The Legacy Society honors individuals who have contributed $1,000,000 or more cumulatively to MNU during their lifetime. Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bell, Sr. Mrs. D. Ray Cook

Mrs. Gwendolyn Brenneis Mr. and Mrs. Tim Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby Mr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Gholson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gilmore Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson

Founder’s Society

Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Hephner

The Founder’s Society honors individuals who have contributed $500,000 - $999,999 cumulatively to MNU during their lifetime.

Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar

Mrs. Murdell W. Holbert

Mrs. Martha Lytle

Mr. and Mrs. L. Sam Allega

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dixon

Mrs. V. Arlene Snowbarger

Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Doskocil

Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Stumpf

Mrs. Judith K. Eby

Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel

Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Thiessen Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wood

24 We are disciples of Jesus Christ. Our way is rough, our companions few, our Guide is reliable, our mission is clear. We cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. We will not flinch in the face of sacrifice or hesitate in the presence of adversity. We are disciples of Jesus Christ We will not negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, nor meander in the maze of mediocrity. We will not give up, back up, let up, or shut up until we have prayed up, preached up, stored up and stood up for the cause of Jesus Christ. We are disciples of Jesus Christ. We will go until He returns and stay true until we drop, preach all we know and love until He comes. And when He comes to get His own, He will have no trouble recognizing us.

Excerpt from Dr. Spittal’s inaugural address, October 2012.

Photo from Blaze Prayer Walk.

Our way is rough, our companions few, our Guide is reliable, our mission is clear.

of Donors


Charter members of the Cornerstone Society have demonstrated their abiding commitment to the future of Christian higher education by making provisions for MidAmerica Nazarene University in their estate plans.

Ms. Elizabeth Choate * Dr. D. Ray* and Elaine Cook Mr. and Mrs. Junior L. Cowan, Jr. * Mr.and Mrs. Lester H. Cravens * Dr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Crow

MidAmerica Nazarene University has benefited from generous bequests and other gifts over the years that have provided significant support for our mission. The Cornerstone Society recognizes and honors those special individuals who have the needs of generations of MidAmerica students at heart. By including the MNU Foundation as a recipient in their estate plans, Cornerstone Society members ensure the continued Christian education of young men and women for years to come. The Cornerstone Society lays the groundwork for the University’s achievements today and in the decades ahead. Included in the Society are dedicated alumni, parents, staff and friends who have included the MNU Foundation in their estate plans.

We’ve been privileged to be a part of MidAmerica since its early days. All four of our children, two of their spouses, a grandson, sister and nephew have all attended MNU. Dorothy and I have continued that investment by including the University in our estate plans so others may benefit from the MNU experience for years to come.


General Superintendent emeritus and former Interim President, 2011

* Deceased Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Croy Rev. and Mrs. Bruce G. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Clarence E. Davis

Charter Members

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Dean

Anonymous (9)

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon DeGraffenreid

Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Adams

Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl

Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Doskocil

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnold *

Mrs. Mary J. Doskocil *

Ms. Sarah E. Baker *

Dr. and Mrs. Jason S. Drummond

Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Barnell

Dr. Robert and Julie Drummond

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bartels *

Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Dwinell *

Mrs. Doris C. Bartlett *

Mr. Arthur Ellis *

Mrs. Ruth and Mr. Earl * Beard

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Else *

Mrs. Carmen Becker *

Mrs. Velma Eversmeyer *

Ms. Edith Bodenhausen *

Mrs. Dora French *

Ms. Doris L. Boller *

Mr. Towner Furry *

Mrs. Mary P. Bowman *

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Garber

Mr. and Mrs. Owen E. Brown *

Mr. Charles E. * and Mrs. Virginia Garey

Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Burk *

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Garey *

Mr. and Mrs. William Chamberlain *

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goldsmith *

Mr. Joseph E. Chastain *

Dr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence Goodman *

26 Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson

Dr. and Mrs. John O. Mozier, Sr.

Mrs. D. Chrystal St Clair *

Mr. Norman E. * and Mrs. Frieda C. Heyd

Mrs. Marjorie L. Myers *

Mr. and Mrs. Banner M. Stephenson *

Mrs. Alice Holmes *

Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stepien

Mr. Theoline Isakson *

Mrs. Elsie O’Connell *

Dr. and Mrs. John L. Stockton *

Mr. Norris L. * and Mrs. Nita Rae Jepsen

Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Osborne *

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strole *

Miss Mattie Belle Jones *

Ms. Vesta Purkhiser *

Dr. and Mrs. Otto Theel

Mrs. Shirley L. Karns *

Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Quesenbury *

Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Thompson *

Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Kelley *

Mr. Virgil P. Ramsey *

Mrs. Alta L. Trimpa *

Mr. and Mrs. Arden M. Kerr *

Mrs. Mildred J. Richter *

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Uphaus *

Mrs. Pearl M. Klontz *

Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson *

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy H. Visser *

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kramer *

Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Robinson

Mrs. Ivy A. Weatherby *

Rev. and Mrs. Carl H. Kruse *

Mrs. Addie M. Rogers *

Ms. Arjorie Weaver

Ms. Gladys L. Lacy *

Mr. Blair F. * and Mrs. Clara Rorabaugh

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weller *

Mr. Charles A. Lichtenberger *

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Rowe *

Mr. and Mrs. David P. White

Ms. Emma Lough *

Ms. Charlotte A. Runyon *

Mrs. Agnes T. Wiens*

Ms. Hazel Matchell *

Mr. David E. and Dr. Jerri L. Sapp

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Matheny *

Mrs. Melinda Schwartz *

Mrs. Effie L. Williams *

Mr. Grant A. May *

Mrs. Ella L. Smith *

Mrs. Oda Wilson *

Mr. and Mrs. W. LeRoy McCurdy *

Dr. R. Curtis * and Mrs. Margaret E. Smith

Mrs. Edith Lucile Wright *

Dr. Lottie B. McWherter *

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, Jr.

Rev. and Mrs. Henry Zerbe *

Rev. Herbert W. Merritt *

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Snowbarger *

Mr. Joseph W. Mock * Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moomaw *

Mr. Ralph F. Snowbarger * and Mrs. Elsie M. Snowbarger-Stafford

Ms. Hannah E. Moore *

Dr. Marvin D. * and Mrs. V. Arlene Snowbarger

Dr. W. Edgar Moore * and Mrs. Maron Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Songer *

Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch

Rev. John H. Spees *



The following individuals and organizations contributed to new or existing endowments managed by the MNU Foundation from January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

Dr. Edwin and Shirley Alexander Family Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Alexander R.E. Alexander & Associates, LLC Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Alexander Denny Apple Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes Rev. R.E. and Betty Beckum Scholarship Fund Ms. Alyssa N. Beckum Mr. C. David Beckum Mr. and Mrs. Jim E. Beckum Mr. Paul Beckum Ms. J. RuAnn Bottles Dr. and Mrs. Randell E. Beckum Mr. Taylor J. Bottles Mr. Tyler L. Bottles Mr. Eric C. Copeland Ms. Tambry R. Copeland Ms. Elissa N. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Bobby N. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P. Jackson

Jackson Bookkeeping Service Mrs. Betty A. Jourdan Mr. and Mrs. Chad A. Marcum Mr. Denis K. Sawatzky Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sellers Ms. Martha L. Towns Ron Beeson Scholarship Fund Mr. Lance and Dr. Donna Beeson Mrs. Neola Beeson Robert E. Bonham Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Vivian Bonham Alex D. Burrus Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Pamela J. Burrus Bob Campbell, Strong & McCalla Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Loretta F. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Couch Donald G. and Billie Jeane Campbell Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Schwenk Chaplain Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement David E. Childers Scholarship Fund Rev. and Mrs. David E. Childers Mrs. Phyllis J. Childers Mr. David W. Hurst

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Keeton Mr. and Mrs. David B. Russell Donald and Merry Clegg Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg Stephen L. Cole Scholarship Fund Drs. Dhrubajyoti Chakravarti and Andrea HermanChakravarti Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. T. Pat Grover Mr. Raymond and Dr. Rebecca Horvat Dr. Carl W. Kruse Dr. and Mrs. H. Richard Kuhns, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David M. Riley Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Weishaar Tom Cross Scholarship Fund Mr. James W. Bodge Paul and Connie Cunningham Scholarship Fund College Church of the Nazarene Drs. Paul and Connie Cunningham Dakota District Scholarship Fund New Hope Church of the Nazarene Wayne Dance Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Earline Dance Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Dance

28 Dement Family Chaplain Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement Diehl Scholarship Fund Rev. and Mrs. B. Joel Atwell Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bell, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. James D. Comfort Dr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Conant Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Diehl Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Eichorn Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Keeton Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire Mr. and Mrs. Eldon J. Meyers Rev. and Mrs. Fred T. Morrison Dr. and Mrs. Edmond P. Nash National Christian Foundation Heartland Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Power Dr. and Mrs. Jeren L. Rowell Rev. and Mrs. Rodger D. Thelander Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veach Division of Business Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Darric N. Wright

Jason and Christy Drummond Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Jason S. Drummond National Christian Foundation Heartland Joseph Eaton Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Mary E. Eaton Larry D. Fine Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Albright Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Fine Dr. and Mrs. William J. Klontz Oak Ridge Farms Chester O. and Mary Alyce Galloway Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Chester O. Galloway Lonnie and Bonnie Hephner Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Hephner Iowa District Scholarship Fund Iowa City Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. LeMieux Oakland Church of the Nazarene Marion and Doris Jonte Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Jonte, Jr.

Division of Religion Scholarship Fund Ms. Joycele Hemphill The Sprint Foundation

Joplin District Scholarship Fund Mrs. Elaine Baker Banner Church of the Nazarene Carthage First Church of the Nazarene

Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Compton Ms. Thelma Decker Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hampton Harvest Community Church of the Nazarene Mrs. Peggy L. Huff Independence First Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Loganbill Mrs. Isabelle Motley New Life Church of the Nazarene Osceola Church of the Nazarene Ms. Susan Philliber Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Zimmerman Kansas City District Scholarship Fund Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene N.Y.I. Lenexa Central Church of the Nazarene Ms. Audra Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. North, Sr. The Sprint Foundation Trinity Family Midtown Church of the Nazarene Westside Church of the Nazarene Kansas District Scholarship Fund Hutchinson First Church of the Nazarene Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Shimk Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor Wichita Trinity Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard V.H. and Esther Lewis Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Donna Jones Nails by Donna


Gifts Evelyn and Dorel Lindsley Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snowbarger Mark W. Lucas Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Eldon A. Alexander Ms. Kolene Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Algrim Mr. and Mrs. David L. Apsley Ms. C. Noel Askren Mr. and Mrs. Jake A. Beadle Jake A. Beadle & Clara M. Beadle Revocable Living Trust Mr. Donald D. Berry Ms. Lorena M. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cloud Rev. and Mrs. Curtis W. Coombs Mr. Sidney W. Coombs Doris J. Crist Revocable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. William L. Engler Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Horton Rev. and Mrs. Arlan J. Hoskins In His Image - Christian Counseling Jonagan Water Well Service LLC Ms. Mayola Jones Jones Family Trust Kanamak Hydraulics, Inc. Keller Leopold Insurance, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James I. Kirchner Ms. Donna J. League Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lewis

Mr. Richard L. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Linville Rev. and Mrs. Matthew M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lucas Mrs. Shirley Lucas Mrs. Susan M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lucas Ms. Verna Madden Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Malan Mr. and Mrs. Randy Marshall Ms. Betty J. McLinn Mr. Duane McLinn Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNaught Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nicholson Ms. Carolyn S. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Lon E. Pishny Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Reule Mr. and Mrs. Earle D. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schmeeckle Mr. and Mrs. David E. Selby Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stone Sublette Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tiffany Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weidner Ms. Diane L. Weiser Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. White

Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Willis Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Wilson Philo E. Wright Jr. Trust Harry and Martha Lytle Scholarship Fund Mrs. Martha Lytle Donald S. Metz Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson Missouri District NYI Scholarship Fund Ms. Lisa R. Downs Ms. Ramona F. Downs MNU Regional NYI Scholarship Fund MNU Regional N.Y.I. Charles Morrow Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Joyce A. Morrow Morsch Family Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch North Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Nunamaker Family Scholarship Fund Deloitte Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nunamaker

30 John O. Palmer Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Cleve G. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Justin G. Curry Mrs. Sylvia G. Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Long Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mrs. Belva L. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Van Dyne VanDyne Revocable Living Trust Pfaff Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pfaff The Kitchen Showcase, Inc. Delia M. Pittman Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Brody T. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. Karsten Mrs. Lola J. Kearney Mrs. Lauren A. Loyd Ms. Ilene McHone Mr. and Mrs. David M. Meek Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Parker Harlan C. Parker Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. Steven and Dr. Cynthia Peterson Mr. and Mrs. James S. Ramsey Mrs. Katherine E. Rucker Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Sanders Mrs. Diane Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mrs. Elizabeth A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kent Smith Mr. and Mrs. Shelby D. St. Martin

Mrs. Marilyn H. Taylor Mrs. Linda Van Loenen Ms. D. Elaine Wittler

Psychology Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mr. Russell R. Reglin

Ms. Monica J. Kaye Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lang Mr. and Dr. James V. Lasseter Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Martin Ms. Macole J. Mayweather Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Miller| Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rackleff Mr. and Mrs. Jerald E. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schweizer Mrs. Kourtney D. Seaman Mr. Lynn and Dr. Palma Smith Ms. Dana N. Suderman Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wagner Mr. Timothy and Dr. Karen Wiegman Ms. Kaylene J. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Young

Rexroth Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Rexroth

Lloyd and Ruby Schofield Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott

Ruzich Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ruzich State Farm Companies Foundation

Mark Slattery Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. William H. Slattery, Jr. State Farm Companies Foundation

Virginia Schafer Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Blanchette BNSF Railway Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Brunkhorst Mr. and Mrs. Mike Crellin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Czanderna Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Grant Mr. and Mrs. C. Randy Green, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hamlin

Marge Smith Archives Endowment Fund Mrs. Margaret E. Smith

Victoria V. Porter Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mrs. Margaret E. Smith Elvin and Verla Powers Scholarship Fund Dr. Elvin and Dr. Verla Powers Prairie Lakes District Scholarship Fund Minot First Church of the Nazarene

R. Curtis Smith Founder’s Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mrs. Margaret E. Smith


Gifts Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Algrim Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Attig Mr. Donald E. Best Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Blosser Mr. and Mrs. Brad Blystone Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Bowman Ms. Aldena F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Cox Drs. Daniel and Katie Croy Mr. and Mrs. Jose DeJesus, Jr. Dr. Maurine M. Dickerson Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eaton Dr. and Mrs. James O. Edlin Ms. Carolyn G. Engel Dr. Dean E. Flemming Mr. Randall D. Herbold Mr. and Mrs. Ross I. Hirst Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hitchcock Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Knight Rev. and Mrs. Joseph P. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott Rev. and Mrs. Scott K. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Main Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McFall Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Darrell B. Ranum Dr. Cathy D. Ream

Dr. and Mrs. David G. Roland Ms. Glenda J. Schnetzer Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Sisson Mr. and Mrs. William T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Snell Dr. and Mrs. Woodie J. Stevens Rev. and Mrs. Roscoe L. Strunk Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Tallent Rev. and Mrs. Larry R. Thomas Mrs. Patricia Weaver Milton and Bernice Sougstad Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Myrna J. Little T.J. Spindle Memorial Scholarship Fund Drs. Richard and Billy Spindle Paula Kaye St. John Memorial Scholarship Fund Overland Park Church of the Nazarene Mr. Kelvin W. St. John John Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Stephens Floyd and Nadine Timmons Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Timmons, Sr. Ms. Julie S. Timmons Lester and Nancy Tollie Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Tollie, Jr. L. L. & N. L. Tollie Trust

Weatherby Chapel Endowment Fund Mrs. Murdell W. Holbert Murdell Weatherby Holbert Living Trust Evelyn Yoesel Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Gerald R. Yoesel


of Donors



Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Clegg

Ms. Peggy L. Huff

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Clegg

Mr. Louis W. Hutchison, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hyson

Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W. Cole

Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Conant

Rev. and Mrs. Willis D. Kennedy

Mrs. D. Elaine Cook

Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. LaLone

Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Cox

Maj. and Rev. Jeremy Latchaw

Anonymous (2)

Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Cross

Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire

Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Dahl

Rev. and Mrs. Rockey D. Meo

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Anderson

Mr. Daniel Dehn

Mr. Paul W. Mullins

Mr. and Mrs. Clark J. Balcom

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Dixon

Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Banz

Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dixon

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Mounce

Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Barkman

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Orton

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bates

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ehrsam

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Owens

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berger

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Fiene

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan C. Parker

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Borger

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Flanders

Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Parker

Mr. Christopher R. Braudis

Mr. Mervin Gajewski

Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Pfaff

Mrs. Gwendolyn V. Brenneis

Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Garber

Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Pieknik

Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Brown

Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd Garrett

Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Power

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Buchanan

Dr. Michael L. Gough

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Quinn

Mr. Joseph and Dr. Kathy Buxie

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boyer

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rakes

Dr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Carden

Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hansen

Ms. Caryl E. Range

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Casper

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hedges

Dr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Reckmeyer

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Challis

Mr. and Mrs. Austin N. Heise

Dr. and Mrs. Roger M. Sauter

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Perdue

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Helsel

Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Schroeder

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Hephner

Mr. and Mrs. Jake E. Schroeder

The University Club honors those individuals who have made annual gifts totaling $1,000 or more cumulatively from January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012 in support of MNU’s University Fund. Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

34 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schubert Mr. Gerald Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shoaf Ms. Julia M. Shoup Mr. and Mrs. David R. Siemens Dr. and Mrs. David J. Spittal Mr. and Mrs. David L. Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. Jason O. Stansbury Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Stevens Drs. Thomas and Tia Strait Mr. Joe E. Strayhorn Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Tarpenning Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel Mr. and Mrs. Layne A. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Tollefson Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Tyrer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veach Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wardlaw Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wardlaw Lt. Cmdr. and Mrs. Brian D. Weigelt Ms. Mary L. Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Rodney P. Wrinkle Mr. and Mrs. James A. Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Zubke

Giving Contributors


MidAmerica Nazarene University honors the following individuals who have made annual gifts to the University Fund and other designated purposes from January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012.

Mr. and Mrs. Dustin A. Algrim

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Anesi

Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Algrim

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Angier

Mr. Matthew R. Alison

Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Ankrum

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allard

Mrs. Katie Ansley

Ms. Barbara L. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Aparicio

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Allen

Mrs. Marilyn P. Applegate

Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. David L. Apsley

Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Raul Arce

Mr. and Mrs. Tyler S. Allen

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Armbruster, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Orson Alley

Mr. Daryl C. Armfield

Mr. and Mrs. Kent P. Allison

Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Armfield

Mrs. Marcy Abdorrahimzadeh

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Allison

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Armfield

Mrs. Jiji Abraham

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Allums

Mr. and Mrs. Manuel C. Armijo

Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Abrams

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Almanrode

Dr. and Mrs. Clark Armstrong

Mr. and Mrs. David Acheson

Mr. and Mrs. Willis Almer

Mr. Jason Armstrong

Mrs. Verola Acheson

Mrs. Marjorie C. Andersen

Rev. and Mrs. Terry L. Armstrong

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Acree

Rev. and Mrs. David E. Anderson

Ms. Nancy Arney

Mrs. Edna Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Adams

Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Arnold

Mr. and Mrs. W. Eugene Adams

Rev. and Mrs. Eddie L. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Arth

Ms. Brittany S. Adcock

Mrs. Fern E. Anderson

Rev. and Mrs. Timothy D. Asbill, Jr.

Mr. Robert S. Aebersold

Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Anderson

Mr. Michael Ashcraft

Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Ahlers

Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon L. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ashley

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Akkerman *

Mr. Patrick J. Anderson

Ms. C. Noel Askren

Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Albert

Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Anderson

Ms. Jan Asnicar

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Albright

Mr. and Mrs. Rudy A. Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Asplund

Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Alexander

Ms. Susan Rae Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Asselta, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon A. Alexander

Mr. Richard and Dr. Barbara Andres

Mr. and Mrs. Felix J. Atencio

Ms. Kolene Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Camacho

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Atnip

Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander

Ms. Melodee Andrews

Ms. Heather B. Attig

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Alexander

Mr. and Mrs. N. Wayne Andrews

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Attig

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Alfers

Ms. Anna Andris

Mr. and Mrs. Trevor J. Attwood

Ms. Kimberly A. Alfonso

Mr. Michael P. Andrus

Rev. and Mrs. B. Joel Atwell

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

36 Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Aubrey Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Aubuchon Mr. and Mrs. Darrel A. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Avery Ms. Shelbie M. Avery Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ayers Ms. Ruthann Ayres

Anonymous (3) Mrs. Denise C. Baca Rev. Jung Ho Bae Ms. Tracey J. Baertschi Mr. Zach Bahner Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey Mrs. Margaret C. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Orville R. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Alton D. Bain Mr. Brian L. Baker Rev. and Mrs. Don N. Baker Mrs. Doris Baker Mrs. Elaine Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Clark J. Balcom Ms. Heidi L. Baldridge Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Baldridge Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Baldwin Ms. Laura K. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bales Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Bales

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ball Rev. Z. June Ballard Ms. Wanda L. Ballinger Mr. and Mrs. Bradon S. Baltzell Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Banz Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Barkman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barlow, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Tom Barnard Mrs. Esther M. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Glen Barnes Ms. Shirley J. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Tim L. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Ben Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Paulo J. Barros Mr. and Mrs. Larry Barthelman Mrs. Eloise M. Bartlow Mr. and Mrs. Brian Basel Mrs. Carol E. Baskett Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bates Mr. Bill Bateson Mr. and Mrs. D. Mike Batley Mr. and Mrs. Grady O. Batten Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Battoe Mr. and Mrs. David Baty Rev. and Mrs. Duane D. Baty Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Bauer Mr. Dale M. Baumbach Mr. and Mrs. David J. Baur Ms. Penny S. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Jake A. Beadle Mr. Russell C. Beams Mr. and Mrs. Darian L. Bebout

Mr. and Mrs. Jon H. Beck Mr. Michael W. Beck LTC and Mrs. Orval W. Beck, (Ret.) Rev. and Mrs. David R. Becker Ms. Alyssa N. Beckum Mr. C. David Beckum Mr. and Mrs. Jim E. Beckum Mr. Paul Beckum Dr. and Mrs. Randell E. Beckum LCDR and Mrs. David D. Beeson Mr. Lance and Dr. Donna Beeson Mrs. Neola Beeson Mr. Timothy G. Behrens Mr. and Mrs. Bill B. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry E. Belding Mr. and Mrs. Brody T. Bell Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bell, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Bell Ms. Vanette D. Bell Mr. and Mrs. George Bellis Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Belmont Rev. and Mrs. David A. Belzer Mr. Dennis L. Belzer Rev. and Mrs. Edward D. Belzer Rev. and Mrs. Delroy E. Bender Mr. Wayne K. Bennett Rev. and Mrs. Michael W. Benson Mr. John D. Bent, Jr. Mr. Donald Bentz Mr. William C. Benway Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Berard Ms. Carol Berfeldt Mr. Frank Berg Rev. and Mrs. Dennis R. Bergen


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berger Dr. and Mrs. James R. Bergh Mr. Donald D. Berry Ms. Lorena M. Berry Mrs. Carolyn K. Best Mr. Donald E. Best Mrs. Julie A. Best Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Betten Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Beyer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Beyer Mrs. Reta M. Bichel Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Bichler Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bidwell Ms. Lindsay Billinger Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Billingsley, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Donald L. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Troy L. Bird Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Biscoe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bret W. Bisel Mrs. Sue K. Bisel Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Bishop Mrs. Julie L. Bjerk Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bjerke Mr. and Mrs. Gerod C. Black Mrs. Lori M. Black Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Black Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Blackard Mrs. Laverne S. Blackmon Ms. Cheryl A. Blair Rev. and Mrs. Curtis J. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Blanchette Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Bland, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Blanding Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Blankenship

Ms. Patricia Blattner Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bledsoe Mr. Isaiah L. Bleese Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Blesi Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Donn W. Block Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Blosser Mr. and Mrs. Rick D. Blosser Mr. Andrew J. Blum Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis Blum Mrs. L. Sue Blum Mr. and Mrs. Brad Blystone Ms. Peggy Bodenhausen Mr. James W. Bodge Mr. Tom Boehm Mr. and Mrs. David J. Boender Ms. Tami Boesiger Mrs. JoDene D. Bogart Mrs. Sharlyn L. Bogner Mr. Cecil F. Bohannan Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Bohi Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bohi Mrs. Kristy J. Bolden Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Bolerjack Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Boller Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Boller Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Boller Mr. Mark Bollig Rev. and Mrs. Timothy A. Bolt Mr. and Mrs. Troy J. Bomgardner Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Bond Mrs. Lois B. Bond Rev. and Mrs. John W. Bonds Ms. Kathryn N. Bondurant

Mrs. Vivian Bonham Mrs. Cynthia D. Bonness Mr. Lavon R. Bontrager Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie W. Borgelt Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Borger Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bosley Mrs. Diane R. Bosworth Mr. Scott Bosworth Ms. J. RuAnn Bottles Mr. Taylor J. Bottles Mr. Tyler L. Bottles Mr. Brian A. Bounds Dr. and Mrs. James L. Bourland Mrs. Glenna B. Bourne Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Bowers Dr. and Mrs. C. Ray Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Clint D. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. David D. Bowman Mr. John L. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Bowman Dr. and Mrs. Todd A. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. David Box Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Boyd, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Boyd Lt. Col. and Mrs. Joseph T. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Boyle Rev. and Mrs. Brady J. Braatz Ms. Janice Bracken Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brackett Mr. and Mrs. James Braddock Mrs. Carol Brademeyer Mr. A. James Bradford Ms. A. Madaline Bradford

38 Mr. and Mrs. Barry G. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Bradford Mr. Wyatt D. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Bramble Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Brandt Ms. Marcia R. Branson Rev. and Mrs. Paul W. Brashaw Mr. Christopher R. Braudis Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Brazda Mr. Monty Bredenhand Mr. Rudolph Bremen Mrs. Gwendolyn V. Brenneis Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brenneman Ms. Patricia D. Brewer Ms. Lois A. Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Brewster Mrs. Mary Lou Breyer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Evan L. Bright Ms. Dorothy Brinson Mrs. Lisa L. Brisky Mrs. Laura A. Brock Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Brockhaus Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Brodie Ms. Jessie L. Brokaw Dr. and Mrs. Wendell D. Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Ivan L. Brookbank Rev. Charles D. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. James P. Brooks Mrs. Kathryn S. Brooks

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan P. Brooks Ms. Linda M. Brookshier Mr. and Mrs. Steve Broslavick Ms. Beverly Brothers Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brower Ms. Aldena F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown Mr. Bruce M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dickie W. Brown Mrs. E. Rosaleen Brown Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brown Mrs. Janice Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Brown Mr. Meryle E. Brown Ms. Rita M. Brown Mrs. Tina Brown Mrs. Wanda Brown Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. Pete J. Brumbaugh Ms. Lauren N. Brumley Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Brunkhorst Rev. and Mrs. Elmer J. Brunton Mr. and Mrs. C. Eric Bryant Mr. Everette W. Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bryen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Buchanan Rev. and Mrs. Paul W. Buchanan

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Buchanan Ms. Bonnie E. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Buell Mr. and Mrs. Wayland R. Buller Mr. Steven W. Bunten Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Burch Mrs. Laurie A. Burchett Mrs. Lynette G. Burger Mr. and Mrs. C. Stanley Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burke Mr. Dennis B. Burkett, Jr. Ms. Bea Burkhalter Rev. and Mrs. S. Lynn Burkhart Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burkhead Ms. Sarah J. Burkhead Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Burkle Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Burns Mrs. Pam Burns Mr. and Mrs. James A. Burr Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Burrell Mrs. Pamela J. Burrus Ms. Betty Burton Dr. and Mrs. David A. Busic Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Butcher Mr. Vernon R. Butcher Mr. Andre Butler Ms. Velma Butler Mr. and Mrs. W. Duane Buttermore Mr. Daniel L. Buxie Mrs. Elsie M. Buxie Mr. Joseph and Dr. Kathy Buxie Mrs. Bonnae R. Byrd


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Richard Calam Mr. and Mrs. Randy K. Calhoun Rev. and Mrs. Ronald C. Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Caliento Mr. Mark A. Callanan Mr. Joshua O. Camacho Mr. Jeremiah D. Cameron Mrs. Althea R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan Campbell Mrs. Loretta F. Campbell Mrs. Lucille Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. James D. Canady Mrs. Erica L. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cantrell Mr. Xuanjie Cao Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Caples Dr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Carden Rev. Jose Cardona Ms. Elaine J. Cargill Rev. and Mrs. Jimmy Ray Cariker Ms. Elnore E. Carlisle Mrs. Beverly K. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Carlson Mr. Jerry D. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Lance E. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Carmack Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Carr Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carr Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Quinn J. Carr

Mr. and Mrs. Steve D. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carragher Mr. Ashton Carrasco Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Carrier Mr. Jon Carrier Mr. and Mrs. William D. Carrison Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson Ms. Vicky S. Carson Ms. Susan I. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Elijah P. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Ervin L. Cash Mr. and Mrs. Paul Casper Mr. Joe Cates Mr. and Mrs. Richard Caughron Rev. Robert and Dr. Sondra Cave Rev. and Mrs. Charles L. Chaffin Mr. and Mrs. David L. Chaffin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Chaffin Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Chaffin Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Challis Ms. Marcia K. Chamberlain Dr. Gerard A. Chambers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Chapdelaine Mr. John Chapdelaire Mr. and Mrs. Alan Charles Ms. Mandy Charles Mr. Sheldon R. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Titus U. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Bob Charlesworth Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chaverin Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Cherryholmes Rev. and Mrs. David E. Childers Ms. Julie A. Childers

Mrs. Phyllis J. Childers Mr. and Mrs. David E. Childs Mr. and Mrs. William B. Chipman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Chisam Mrs. Edna Chittum Mrs. Gladys O. Choate Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Christians Ms. Jennifer L. Christianson Mr. and Mrs. William L. Christie Ms. Gale A. Christner Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Chronister Mr. Andrew F. Clanney Mr. and Mrs. C. Roudy Clapper Mrs. Carol L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. David R. Clark, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. John W. Clark Mrs. L. Eleanor Clark Ms. Linda K. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Clark Dr. and Mrs. Yorton C. Clark, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Clarkson Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Classen Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Classen Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Clawson Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg Rev. and Mrs. Craig Cleveland Mrs. Sheryl D. Cleverley Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Cline Mr. and Mrs. Roger Closson Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cloud Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cloud

40 Mr. Mitchell W. Cloud Dr. and Mrs. Randall R. Cloud Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cloud Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Cockerham Ms. Chelsea R. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Keith Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Coiner Rev. and Mrs. N. Rene Colaw Ms. Amy M. Colby Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W. Cole Mr. David W. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Keith W. Cole Ms. L. Jane Cole Mr. and Mrs. Sherman W. Cole Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Martin Mr. Brad N. Collard Mr. Brian A. Collard Mr. and Mrs. Dale Collins Mr. Gregory M. Collins Ms. Madison K. Collins Ms. Pamm Collins Mr. Ashford D. T. Collins-Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Collison Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Comer Rev. and Mrs. James D. Comfort Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Compton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Conant Dr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Conant Ms. Taylor A. Conant Ms. Dorothy E. Conard Mr. William Conkling, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Conley Rev. and Mrs. John H. Conn

Ms. Agnes G. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Conrad Mr. Austin J. Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Chad B. Cook Mrs. D. Elaine Cook Mrs. L. Frances Cook Mr. and Mrs. Royce E. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooke Rev. and Mrs. Curtis W. Coombs Mr. Sidney W. Coombs Mr. and Mrs. Dallas R. Coon Ms. Roberta J. Coons-Redig Ms. Kendra R. Coop Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cooper Mr. Eric C. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Copeland Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Copeland Ms. Tambry R. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cork Mr. and Mrs. J. Braxton Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. Preston Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Coryea Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Couch Mr. Edward and Dr. Corrie Couchenour Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Couchman Mr. G. Gary Coulter Mrs. Irene R. Coulter Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie L. Covert Ms. Courtney A. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cox

Dr. Robert E. Crabtree Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Crabtree Mr. Gentry R. Craig Ms. Lois M. Craig Ms. Marilyn K. Cravens Ms. Charlotte T. Cravotta Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Creeden Mr. and Mrs. Mike Crellin Rev. and Mrs. P. Scott Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crew Mrs. Joy S. Crites Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Crocker, Jr. Ms. Michelle A. Crocker Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Crook Mrs. Edna Crosby Mr. Benjamin M. Crosier Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Cross Mr. Tyson T. Cross, ll Ms. Cathy Crouch Dr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Crow Mrs. Nancy Crow Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Crowder Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Crowell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Croy Drs. Daniel and Katie Croy Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Crum Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Crum Ms. Gayla M. Crum Mrs. Sylvia Cullado Mr. James B. Cumley Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cunningham Mrs. Michelle Y. Cunningham Drs. Paul and Connie Cunningham


Giving Contributors Mr. Tim Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Cuppett Ms. Dena C. Cuppett Mr. DuWayne Cuppett Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Cuppett Mr. and Mrs. Cleve G. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Justin G. Curry Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cussimanio Ms. Christina H. Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Czanderna

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. George C. Dacus Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Dacus Ms. Beverly Dageforde Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Dahl Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dahl Mr. and Mrs. Michell G. Dallal Mrs. Roberta J. Dalton Mr. Barton and Dr. Nancy Damron Ms. Janice T. Dana Mr. and Mrs. John J. Danaher Mrs. Earline Dance Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Dance Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Darland Mr. and Mrs. William E. Darter Mr. and Mrs. Darren C. Davenport Dr. and Mrs. Menter H. David Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davidson

Rev. and Mrs. Bruce G. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Bryan Davis Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Galen Davis Rev. and Mrs. Keith E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. LaMoyne Davis Mr. Michael and Dr. Lisa Davis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Davison Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Dawn Msgt. and Mrs. Norman L. Dawson Rev. and Mrs. Wayne L. Dawson Mr. Stuart De Haan Mr. and Mrs. Edward De La Fuente Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Deal Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Dean Mr. Leopoldo DeAnda Ms. Chelsie E. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. DeBoef Dr. and Mrs. David L. DeBord Mr. and Mrs. Clint Decker Ms. Thelma Decker Mrs. Jane F. Degisi Dr. and Mrs. Jeff G. DeGraffenreid Mrs. Barbara E. DeHaas Ms. Margie L. DeHart Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Dehn Mr. and Mrs. Jose DeJesus, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Delaney Ms. Paula Dellis Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. DeLong Mr. and Mrs. Matthew DeLong Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement Rev. and Mrs. Richard L. Dement Rev. and Mrs. Robert A. Denham

Mrs. Mary K. Denker Mr. and Mrs. Randy Dennert Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Denney Ms. Carole M. Denton Mrs. Patricia A. Derosa Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Derr Mr. James Detwiler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Deuschle Mr. Paul R. DeWalt Mr. and Mrs. Milfred DeYoung Rev. and Mrs. Steven G. Dezotell Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Dickerson Dr. Maurine M. Dickerson Mr. Robert E. Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Diddle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Diddle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Diehl Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl, Sr. Mrs. Karen M. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Diehm Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Dillow Ms. Nancy F. Diluca Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Dimick Ms. Kayla A. Dingman Ms. Sharon L. Dinshaw Mr. and Mrs. I. Clay Dirks Mr. and Mrs. W. Derek Dirks Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Dirks Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Doane Ms. Erin L. Doane Mrs. Christina Docherty Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Dodson Mr. Glenn L. Dodson

42 Mr. Wayne L. Dodson Mrs. Brenda S. Doerr Mrs. Sherri L. Doherty Mr. Arthur K. Donley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. David B. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Rick Dorn Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Dortch Mr. Jean R. Dorval Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Doskocil Rev. and Mrs. Dwight E. Douglas Mrs. Pamela L. Douglas Mr. Russell Douglas Mrs. Sylvia G. Douglas Mr. Britt W. Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dowd Rev. and Mrs. Ken R. Downey Ms. Lisa R. Downs Ms. Ramona F. Downs Mr. Louis F. Dreon Mr. and Mrs. John L. Dreyer, II Dr. and Mrs. Jason S. Drummond Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Drumwright Dr. and Mrs. Eugenio Duarte Mr. and Mrs. Clay E. Dubovoy Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Duddles Mr. and Mrs. Gary Duerksen Ms. Cassandra A. Duffield Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Duffield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dukes Mr. and Mrs. David Dukes Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig Dumaplin Mrs. Eileen A. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Dunham

Mrs. Phyllis Dunham Mr. and Mrs. B. Wayne Dunman Ms. Nancy E. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Dupea Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Durr Mrs. Helen Duvos Mr. and Mrs. Harlan G. Dye Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Dye Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Dykman Capt. and Mrs. Jeffery R. Dysart

Mr. and Mrs. David J. Eades Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Earhart Ms. Ardyce F. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Jess Easdon Mr. and Mrs. Troy Easterday Mrs. Vicki L. Eastwood Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Eaton Mrs. Mary E. Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ebers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby Mrs. Fayra Q. Eckley Mr. and Mrs. Wilton E. Edgar Mr. Arnold L. Edinger Mrs. Idabelle C. Edlin Dr. and Mrs. James O. Edlin Mr. Larry Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Byron Edmondson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Edmonson Mr. Brian I. Edwards Rev. and Mrs. Irwin F. Edwards Mrs. Jan M. Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Max Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. John D. Ehrsam Mr. Harry F. Eichler Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Eichorn Ms. Andrea R. Eick Ms. Natalie E. Eick Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O. Eick Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eigsti Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eisele Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Ekstrom Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elkins Mr. and Mrs. M. Deane Eller Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Dale Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Elliott Dr. and Mrs. Bobby J. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Ellis Mr. Gerald L. Ellis Rev. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ellis Ms. Nancy J. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Ellis Mrs. Rachel Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ellsworth Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Ellyson Mr. and Mrs. Dale Endicott Ms. Carolyn G. Engel Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Engel Mrs. Linette V. England Ms. Connie R. Englar Mr. and Mrs. William L. Engler Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Enick Mrs. Bethany N. Enoch


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Al Erck Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Ermoian Mr. and Mrs. Tony R. Espinosa Dr. and Mrs. Bradley K. Estep Mr. and Mrs. Donald Etchison Mr. and Mrs. Brad Etter Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. Etter Rev. and Mrs. Malcolm F. Eudaley Rev. and Mrs. Arthur L. Evans Mrs. Beverly M. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Evans Ms. Evelyn Evans Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Evans Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Evans Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Eyring

Ms. Helen Fadenrecht Mr. and Mrs. James S. Faidley, III Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Fairchild Mr. and Mrs. Mark Farley Ms. Patricia C. Farley-Barker Mr. Harvey Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. David W. Farrar Mr. A.J. Farrington Ms. Genevieve Fay Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Fecht Rev. Carlos Feliciano Mr. Edward R. Fell Mr. and Mrs. David Felshaw Mr. and Mrs. D. Jib Felter Dr. and Mrs. David J. Felter Ms. Arlene L. Fender

Mr. and Mrs. George A. Fernandez Mr. Anthony J. Ferrara Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fields, Jr. Mr. Richard W. Fields Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Fiene Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Fine Mr. and Mrs. Shawn L. Fischer Ms. Shirley A. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Vernon O. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Danny Fish Mr. and Mrs. Don Fisher Mr. Robert L. Fisher Ms. Susan R. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Fitzgerald Mr. Brandon Fixsen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flack Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Flanders Mr. William J. Fleming Dr. Dean E. Flemming Mrs. Wilma Fleshman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fletchall Ms. Kay Flook Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flores Rev. and Mrs. Victor S. Flores Mr. and Mrs. George P. Fluharty Mr. Carl Flynn Mr. and Mrs. William L. Fogo Ms. Nancy M. Forbes Ms. Sharon R. Force Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Ford Mr. James Ford Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Ford

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ford Mr. and Mrs. Don Francis Mr. and Mrs. Eugene V. Fore Ms. Janice Forgach Mrs. D. Edna Forthun Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Foshe Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Foster Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Foster Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Foust Mrs. Kimberly M. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Fraley Mrs. Odille P. Fraser Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Frazier Mrs. Kelly K. Fredricks Ms. Contessa J. Fredrickson Mr. and Mrs. Darin S. Freeburg Mr. and Mrs. David M. Freed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Freed Mr. Jon C. Freemon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Frees Mrs. Cindy French Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Frierdich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Fries Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Fries Mr. and Mrs. Merle D. Friesen Dr. and Mrs. Rick W. Friesen Dr. and Mrs. Neil O. Friesland Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Frisbey, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. David L. Frisbie Ms. Kathleen A. Fritch Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Fritz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Frizzell Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fruetel Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy R. Fry

44 Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fry Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Frye Mr. and Mrs. David L. Fuder Mrs. Glenna Fund Mrs. Rhonda Fyse

Anonymous Ms. Amanda N. Gadwood Mr. and Mrs. W. Keith Gaeddert Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gaede Mr. Carl Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Gaines Mr. Mervin Gajewski Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gall Ms. Janice J. Gall Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Gallistel Dr. and Mrs. Chester O. Galloway Mr. Brandon Gamache Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Garber Dr. and Mrs. Bud J. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Doug Shippee Dr. and Mrs. William B. Garlow Mr. Randy W. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd Garrett Rev. and Mrs. Gary D. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garrison Mrs. Patricia B. Garrison Mr. Billy G. Garton

Ms. T. Oleta Garvic Mr. and Mrs. David M. Gary Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gass Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Gaston Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Gaylord Ms. Hannah C. Gayner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Gee Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gee Mr. Tony Gemmell Dr. and Mrs. Kale C. Gentry Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. George, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. Noel C. George Mr. and Mrs. Rick Georges Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gettles Mr. Steven H. Gettman Mr. Vincent L. Giannatala Mr. and Mrs. Lyle D. Gibbens Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Gibney Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Gibson Ms. Holly Gibson Ms. Sheryl Gifford Mrs. Judyann Gilkey Rev. and Mrs. Elmer L. Gillett Mr. Rollin and Dr. Margaret Gilliland Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gilmore Mr. Jerry E. Gipe Rev. and Mrs. Elgin L. Glendenning Rev. and Mrs. Leray D. Glendenning Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Glenn Drs. Mark and Reagan Glover Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Godwin Mrs. Sherry D. Goering Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Goetzmann Mr. and Mrs. S. Mark Goggin

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldade Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin P. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Gonzalez-Bravo Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Good Mrs. Nina M. Good Ms. Patricia H. Goodfriend Mr. and Mrs. William M. Goodrich Mrs. Bernice Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Goodwin Mr. Roger D. Goos Dr. and Mrs. George B. Gordon, III Mr. Scott E. Gorze Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gosnell Mrs. Mary L. Goss Dr. Michael L. Gough Mr. Matthew J. Gow Mr. and Mrs. Gary Goyer Mr. and Mrs. Ronny Graalum Ms. Elissa N. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Jaron L. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Richard Graham Mr. and Mrs. Tom Grahm Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Grant Rev. and Mrs. Gene Grate Ms. Marcia Grattan Ms. Mary Ann Grattan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gratton Dr. and Mrs. David W. Graves Rev. and Mrs. Arden L. Gray Ms. Isabelle I. Gray Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Grebowiec Mr. and Mrs. C. Randy Green, Jr.


Giving Contributors Mr. Eugene Green Ms. Jacqueline M. Greenamyer Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Greenway Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. Gregar Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Grieb Mr. Kenneth P. Griesser Ms. Denise M. Griffey Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Griggs, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bill H. Grigory Mr. David S. Grimm Mr. Barry R. Grissom Mr. Brent E. Grittman Mr. and Mrs. T. Pat Grover Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Grunder Mrs. Wilma J. Grunewaldt Mrs. Lisa M. Guenther Mr. and Mrs. Rick Guilfoil Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gunter Mr. David J. Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gustafson Mrs. Florence E. Gustafson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Gustafson Mrs. Donia E. Gutierrez Mr. Tony Guy

Mr. and Mrs. H. Leroy Haeffner Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Haffey Mrs. Andrea R. Hageman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Hager Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hail Mr. Duane R. Hall

Rev. and Mrs. H. Floyd Hall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hall Rev. and Mrs. Vernon Haller Ms. Diane L. Halter Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Scott Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hambek Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Les M. Hamilton Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. P. Theron Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hammann, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hampton Rev. and Mrs. Kevin C. Hancock Mrs. Nicole Hancock Ms. Rhona L. Hands Mr. and Mrs. Joshua D. Hankey Rev. and Mrs. Nathan A. Hann Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hannon Mr. Clifford A. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Jess W. Hansen Ms. Theresa L. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Hantla Mr. Owen W. Harbison Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hardage Mrs. Nancy Hardon Mr. Blake T. Hardwick Dr. Maria D. Harman Mrs. Patricia Harmel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Harms

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Harper Rev. Kenneth Harper Mr. and Mrs. David N. Harpster Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Harrel Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Harrier Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Harris Mr. Wayne Harris Mr. and Mrs. Zachary A. Harris Mr. Floy L. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harrison Rev. and Mrs. Wesley E. Hart Mr. Jeremy P. Hartke Mr. Emerson Hartzler Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Harwood Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hassel Mr. and Mrs. George D. Hatcher Ms. Cynthia D. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hathaway Mrs. Wynona J. Haun Dr. and Mrs. Erhard Haus Rev. and Mrs. Phillip D. Hause Rev. Lucille Hausser Ms. Julie A. Havener Ms. Sharon R. Haverly Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Havlin Ms. Aiasha Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Jason R. Haworth Rev. and Mrs. William R. Haworth, Sr. Mr. Benjamin and Rev. Deanna Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Ryan B. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Hayes Rev. and Mrs. Charles H. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Duane F. Hayes

46 Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hayes Ms. Marlene L. Hayes Ms. Shelley R. Hayes Dr. and Mrs. Todd A. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hayhurst Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hayman Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Haynes Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hayse Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Heald Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Heaton Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn F. Heckel Dr. and Mrs. Wesley D. Heckel Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hedges Mrs. Barbara J. Heeb Rev. and Mrs. Andrew R. Heer Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Heidbrink Mr. and Mrs. Keith Heide Mr. and Mrs. Austin N. Heise Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Heller Maj. and Mrs. Steven P. Hellmann Mr. Robert Helm Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Helmandollar Mr. and Mrs. David M. Helsel Mrs. Jennifer Helton Ms. Deb Hemmann Ms. Joycele Hemphill Mr. and Mrs. Clinton L. Hendershot Mr. and Mrs. Mark Henderson Ms. Carolyn K. Hendley Ms. Cynthia C. Hendrickson Mrs. Claire C. Hendrix Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Hendrixson Ms. Karen E. Hendryx

Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Henke Mrs. Jane Hennes Ms. Brooke Henry Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Hephner Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Hephner Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hephner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Herbers Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Herbold Mr. Randall D. Herbold Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Hergett Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Herman Drs. Andrea Herman-Chakravarti and Dhrubajyoti Chakravarti Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell L. Herren Ms. Jenny L. Herring Ms. Delores A. Herrs Mr. Mike Hesher Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Hess Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Heston Mrs. Lois Hetrick Mr. and Mrs. N. Dale Heyd Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Heyd Mr. Bruce J. Heyen Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hickler Mrs. Deborah R. Hickman Mr. Harold L. Hickman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hiestand Ms. Maxine Hildebrandt Mr. and Mrs. Curtis M. Hilding Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hill Mr. David E. Hill Ms. Julie A. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie J. Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman L. Hill Mrs. Sherry Hilleary Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hilligus Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Hinsen Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Hinshaw Rev. and Mrs. Harry E. Hinze Mr. and Mrs. Ross I. Hirst Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hitchcock Mrs. Ruth Hite Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Hittle Mr. and Mrs. Davis G. Hodam Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Scott K. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Chad A. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Marion L. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin R. Hodson Ms. Angela R. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hoffman Mrs. Murdell W. Holbert Mr. and Mrs. Curt Holland Mrs. Carolyn Holle Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hollern Mr. L. V. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Holmes Rev. Dean A. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Holt Maj. and Mrs. Robert D. Holter, Jr. Mrs. Darlene N. Holznagel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Honn Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hood Mrs. Betty M. Hoofnagle Ms. Nancy L. Hooker


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hoover Mrs. Candy L. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. David D. Hoover Rev. and Mrs. Jack D. Hopkins Ms. Phyllis G. Hopkins Mrs. Elaine Horschel Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Horton Mr. Raymond and Dr. Rebecca Horvat Rev. and Mrs. Arlan J. Hoskins Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hoskins Mr. Brett C. Houchen Mr. Curt Houchen Mr. Anthony J. Houghton Mrs. Betty T. Hougland Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Houser, IV Mr. and Mrs. Jason L. Houseworth Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Howell Ms. Susan L. Howell Mrs. Patricia L. Hoyer Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hubbard Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hudson Mrs. Peggy L. Huff Mr. Bob Huffaker Ms. Catherine D. Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Hughes Mr. Eric Hughes Rev. and Mrs. G. Kendall Hughes Mrs. Janette Hughes Ms. Melissa A. Hughes Ms. Della B. Hull

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan H. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hull Mr. John and Dr. Susan Hull Ms. LaNell E. Hull Mr. Raymond O. Hull, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hull Rev. and Mrs. John E. Hulsizer Mr. Rick and Dr. Kimberly Humerickhouse Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Humphrey Ms. DeAnza M. Humphreys Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. David Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Hunt Ms. Elsie Hunter Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Hunting Mr. David W. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Teddy W. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Hussman Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Hutcheson Mr. Louis W. Hutchison, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Huth Mrs. Stephanie D. Huxhold Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hyson

Mrs. Margaret L. Ikerd Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ingram Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ingram Rev. and Mrs. Howard W. Innis Mrs. Tamera J. Irvin Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Irwin

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Isbell Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Isbell Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ivins

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Bobby N. Jackson Mr. David B. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P. Jackson Rev. and Mrs. Keith S. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Jackson Rev. and Mrs. Ronald R. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jackson Ms. Kassandra L. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Jakobsen Mrs. Hulay M. Jallow Mr. and Mrs. Merlin R. James Mr. and Mrs. Scott James Mr. Steven P. James Mrs. Susan M. James Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Janes Mrs. L. Sue Jantz Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Jantzen Mr. and Mrs. Don Janzen Mrs. Madelaine Jasiczek Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jasiczek Mr. Jefferey R. Jaworski Ms. Geneva Jefferies Dr. Douglas L. Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick W. Jenkins Mrs. Kathy A. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Jensen

48 Mrs. Nita R. Jepsen Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Jeske Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Jessip Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Jevne Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Johanning, Jr. Mrs. Bessie S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Johnson Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Johnson Mr. Gordon C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Johnson Ms. Kathryn J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Johnson Mrs. Laura L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ricky J. Johnson Ms. Shelly Johnson Rev. and Mrs. Timothy W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy H. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Trent D. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. W. Talmadge Johnson, Jr. Ms. Myrtle M. Joines Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Jones Ms. Barbara E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. David W. Jones Ms. Donna Jones Mrs. Jayne W. Jones Mrs. Louise A. Jones Mrs. Mary K. Jones

Ms. Mayola Jones Mrs. Nancy K. Jones Mr. Peter E. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Randall L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Jonte, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Jordan Rev. and Mrs. Don C. Josephson Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jost Mrs. Betty A. Jourdan Mr. and Mrs. Joey W. Judd

Anonymous Ms. Julie A. Kaldahl Mr. Gerald G. Kallman Mr. and Mrs. Zack M. Kamande Mr. Peter N. Kamunyu Ms. Emily C. Kangogo Mr. Michael M. Kariuki Mr. and Mrs. Adam G. Karsten Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Karsten Mrs. Margi Kaspari Mrs. Susan F. Kassees Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kauffman Mr. Kenneth L. Kauffman Ms. Monica J. Kaye Mrs. Lola J. Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Keaster Mrs. Nancy J. Kee Ms. Melody A. Keena Rev. and Mrs. Donald P. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Keeton

Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Keith, Jr. Ms. Heidi L. Keith Ms. Cristin D. Kelderman Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Kell Mr. Kirk D. Keller Ms. Rosemary R. Keller Mrs. Doris Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Kellogg Ms. Tamara H. Kellow Mrs. Janell L. Kellum Ms. Deanna D. Kenel Ms. Mary Kenemore Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kennedy Rev. and Mrs. Willis D. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Corey F. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer L. Kennon Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kenyon Mrs. Virginia L. Kepler Mr. and Mrs. Eric V. Kesselring Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Ketner Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Kettells Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ketterling Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Ketterling Mr. and Mrs. C. Anthony Key Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Key Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Keys, III Ms. Karen Kiene Mr. and Mrs. Derrell R. Kilber Mrs. Sharon N. Kilby Mrs. Merian M. Kim Mr. and Mrs. Brad L. Kinaman Mrs. Shelly Kincaid Mrs. Tania B. Kincaid


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. King Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. King Mr. and Mrs. John W. King Mrs. LeAvice King Dr. and Mrs. Leland A. King Mr. Ralph J. King Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Kingsolver Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Kinsel Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Kirby Ms. Arphena L. Kirch Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kirch Mr. and Mrs. James I. Kirchner Mr. and Mrs. David M. Klein Rev. and Mrs. Gary Klinger Dr. and Mrs. William J. Klontz Ms. June Klotz Ms. Linda Knapp Ms. Margaret C. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Knapp Rev. Edwin W. Kneeland, II Dr. and Mrs. C. Marselle Knight Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Knight Rev. and Mrs. Joseph P. Knight Ms. Doris Knott Ms. Dolores E. Knutson Ms. Ann J. Koehn Mr. and Mrs. Galen Koepke Mr. and Mrs. Bret A. Koesser Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Kohn Rev. and Mrs. Warren D. Koker Mr. and Mrs. Shawn J. Kolbeck Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kollars Ms. Susan B. Komen

Ms. Martha L. Korody Mrs. Betty D. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Krebs Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kreeger Ms. Thelma D. Kreeger Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kreie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Kressley Dr. Carl W. Kruse Ms. Kathleen E. Kruse Ms. Verdyne Kugler Dr. and Mrs. H. Richard Kuhns, Jr. Ms. Renee E. Kumbera Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kuntz Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Kurien Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kurth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kuttes Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Kuzmich Ms. Brook Kwalick

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. LaCoss Ms. Judith R. LaCroix Dr. and Mrs. Larry G. Lady Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. LaForge Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lahr Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. LaLone Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Lamar Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Lamberson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Lamping Mr. and Mrs. David G. Landers Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lang

Mrs. Christine E. Langford Mr. and Mrs. Steve LaPlace Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lareau Rev. and Mrs. Leland LaRose Mr. and Mrs. Steven Larson Ms. Alicia G. Laser Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Lasher Mr. James and Dr. Joyce Lasseter Maj. Jeremy and Rev. Molly Latchaw Ms. Margery J. Lawler Mr. and Mrs. Scott J Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Lawver Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Lay Mr. and Mrs. R. Todd Laytham Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leach Ms. Donna J. League Mrs. Wilma Leatherman Rev. and Mrs. Dustin L. Ledford Mrs. Lynne Ledom Mrs. Melinda R. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee Rev. Steve Lee Ms. Willa M. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Leewright Mr. and Mrs. Robby LeFlore Mrs. LaVonne Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Lehtola Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Leiker Mrs. Jodie D. Leiss Mr. and Mrs. Phillipe J. Leitner Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Leitner Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. LeMieux Ms. Ann M. Lenart Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lenn

50 Mr. J.K. Leonard Mrs. Karen Leonard Rev. and Mrs. Robert Leonard Mrs. Eunice LeRoy Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lesslie Rev. Orie W. Lester Mr. R. Luke Lester Rev. and Mrs. Brian L. Letsinger Rev. Peter Levasseur Mrs. Kim Lewallen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis Mr. F. Mac Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lewis Mr. Richard K. Lewis Mr. Richard L. Lewis Mrs. Darlene B. Lickteig Mr. and Mrs. Keith Liddle Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Liepke Mr. and Mrs. John Limmex Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Lindley Mr. Thomas G. Lingg Mr. Dale C. Link Dr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Linsey Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Linville Rev. and Mrs. Terry G. Lippstreu Mrs. Melissa H. Little Mrs. Myrna J. Little Mr. and Mrs. Ty Little Mrs. Joy E. Locke-O’Dell Ms. Laine Loftis Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Logan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Loganbill Mr. and Mrs. Clair E. Long

Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Long Rev. and Mrs. Paul L. Long Rev. and Mrs. Ron G. Long Mrs. Sandra Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Loon Dr. Luis R. Lopez Ruyol Mr. Hagop Loshikian Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott Mr. and Mrs. Bryan P. Louque Ms. Alicia D. Love Mrs. Wanda Loveall Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lovejoy Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lowderman Mrs. Diana Lowman Rev. and Mrs. Scott K. Lowry Mrs. Lauren A. Loyd Rev. and Mrs. Matthew M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lucas Mrs. Shirley Lucas Mrs. Susan M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lucas Mr. Tim A. Luke Mrs. Irene G. Lukens Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Luna Mrs. Rachel R. Luna Dr. Alma Jean Lunn Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Lunn Col. Elgie C. Luse, AUS (RET.) Ms. Jamie R. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeremy Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Lyle Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Robyn S. Lynch Mrs. M. Laverne Lynes

Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Lynn Ms. Theresa M. Lynn Rev. and Mrs. Leroy Lyon Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lyon Mrs. Martha Lytle

Dr. and Mrs. Paul Mabe Ms. Jacqueline L. Macgirvin Mrs. Estela Maciel-Gingerich Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. MacKinney Ms. Cheryl M. Macoy Mrs. Gladys M. Macoy Ms. Verna Madden Rev. and Mrs. Bob G. Madison Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O. Madsen Mr. and Mrs. Guido Magliato Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Main Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Major Mr. and Mrs. James R. Makin Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Makuh Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Malan Mr. and Mrs. John Mann Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mantock Mr. and Mrs. Chad A. Marcum Mr. and Mrs. Pardeep Markanday Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Marks Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Marple Mr. and Mrs. Randy Marshall Mr. and Mrs. L. David Martelle Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Martin Mr. and Mrs. David C. Martin Ms. Janice Martin


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Martin Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Martin Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Martin Mr. and Mrs. Loyal J. Martin Mrs. Sandra A. Martz Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Marvin Mr. Mark Masarik Ms. Mary Ann Maslak Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Mason, Jr. Mr. Ron Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Trevor L. Mathis Ms. Kathy L. Matney Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Matters Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Mattix Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Mattix Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Matz Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Maybury, III Ms. Macole J. Mayweather Mr. and Mrs. Edwin McAdams Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. McAlister Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. McAllister Mr. Robert E. McCally Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. McCauley Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. McCawley Rev. and Mrs. Greg McClain Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClaran Ms. Dawn G. McClelland Ms. Stacy A. McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Ron W. McCord Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCormick Ms. Claire E. McCoy Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McCoy Ms. June A. McCready Mrs. Karen B. McCue

Mr. and Mrs. David McCulley Mr. and Mrs. James McCullough Mr. Keith P. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. McDargh Mr. and Mrs. William McDermott Dr. and Mrs. George L. McElroy, III Mrs. Tena K. McElvain Mr. Ron McEwan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McFall Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McGhghy Mr. Wayne A. McGhghy Rev. and Mrs. Ronald J. McGilvra Ms. DeLoris A. McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McGuire, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Mick A. McGuire Ms. Ilene McHone Dr. and Mrs. Kent D. McIntire Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. McIntire Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. McIntire Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McKain Mrs. Martha McKay Mr. Tim McKee Ms. Edwina R. McKellips Rev. and Mrs. H. David McKellips Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKenzie Mrs. Maxine McKern Mr. and Mrs. Delbert W. McKinney Ms. Helen L. McLane Ms. Betty J. McLinn Mr. Duane McLinn Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. McManigal Mr. and Mrs. Eric F. McMillin

Ms. Sharlene McMillin Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. McMurray Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McNaney Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNaught Mr. and Mrs. James F. McNichols Ms. Virginia McQuillan Mrs. Melody A. McSparran Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mead Mr. and Mrs. David C. Meade Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Meadows Ms. Rosalina B. Meagher Mr. and Mrs. James B. Means Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Means Ms. Tiffany A. Means Mr. and Mrs. David M. Meek Mr. and Mrs. W. Matthew Meek Dr. John V. Megyesi Mr. and Mrs. Elden A. Mehl Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Mehl Rev. and Mrs. Scott W. Mehlhoff Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Meinke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ricky T. Melland Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Mellin, Jr. Ms. Karen M. Mendrala Rev. and Mrs. Rockey D. Meo Mrs. Delores Mercer Mrs. Nancy S. Merimee Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Merriman Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Meschke Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Messamer Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Darin L. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Gus R. Meyer

52 Mr. and Mrs. Eldon J. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Meyers Mr. Joseph B. Michel Dr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Middendorf Mrs. Sharon F. Mihalic Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Miles Ms. Laura J. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Miles Mr. John M. Millam Mr. and Mrs. B. Wendell Miller *Rev. Cort Miller and Dr. Karen Garber-Miller Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Miller Mr. and Mrs. David G. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Garey A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Miller, II Ms. Melissa L. Miller Mrs. Pearl E. Miller Msgt. and Mrs. Ronald D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Miller Mr. Shane R. Miller Mr. Steve Miller Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Millhuff Ms. Katherine Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Mills

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mills Ms. Melissa Mills Mrs. Rebecca W. Milobar Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Miner Mr. and Mrs. J. David Mingus Mr. and Mrs. Terry Misenhelter Ms. Audra Mitchell Mr. Dale B. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Ian T. Mitchell Ms. Lenore Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Mitchener Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Moehring Mr. Dan Moeller Ms. Helen Moeller Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Mohler Dr. John D. Moles Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Mollenkamp Mr. Dana Mollohan Mr. and Mrs. David C. Molz Ms. Pamela B. Molz Mrs. Debra K. Monigold Ms. Tuyet Monses Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monson Mrs. Leslie D. Montoya Dr. and Mrs. Brent N. Moore Mrs. Lillie K. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moore Ms. Ruth Moore Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Morehead Mr. and Mrs. Ismael G. Moreno Mr. and Mrs. Quentin A. Morford Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W. Morgan Mr. Jason P. Morgan

Mr. Eric P. Mork Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Morris Rev. and Mrs. Fred T. Morrison Mr. Ross Morrison Mrs. Joyce A. Morrow Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch Mr. and Mrs. W. Penn Morton Dr. and Mrs. Crayton L. Moss Mrs. Doris R. Moss Mrs. Isabelle Motley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Mounce Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Mount Mr. Gilbert L. Mowers Mr. and Mrs. David Mowery Mrs. Dorothy J. Mowery Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Moyer Dr. and Mrs. John O. Mozier, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Muehring Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Mullett Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mullinix Mr. Paul W. Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Cornell J. Munkvold Mr. Isaac C. Murphy Mrs. Patsy Murrieta Mr. and Mrs. John Murry Mr. and Mrs. D. Brent Myers Mrs. Jennifer A. Myers Mr. and Mrs. William F. Myers

Ms. Chris Nachtman


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. William S. Naftzger Mrs. Belle Nash Dr. and Mrs. David W. Nash Dr. and Mrs. Edmond P. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Alden H. Neal Mrs. Darla D. Neal Mr. Thomas C. Neal Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Nebel Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Needham Mr. Tesfaye D. Negash Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Neher Ms. Carol L. Neill Mr. and Mrs. Dan M. Nekvinda Mr. and Mrs. Nick L. Nelsen Mrs. Elizabeth A. Nelson Mrs. Janet E. Nelson Mr. Steve C. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Tory A. Nelson Mrs. Lynne M. Neuerburg Mr. Dale Neugebauer Mr. and Mrs. Jennings J. Newcom Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Newlin Mr. Conroy A. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Newman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Nicely Mr. and Mrs. Mike Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nicholson Ms. Gwenneth L. Nickell Ms. Amanda L. Nigus Mr. and Mrs. Daren Nigus Mr. and Mrs. Jeff C. Nikkel Mr. and Mrs. Scott O. Nikont Mr. and Mrs. Dan G. Severa

Ms. Judith A. Nist Mr. Randy S. Nist Ms. Kathy D. Nolker Mrs. Rita Nord Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Nordlander Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Norquist Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. North, Sr. Mr. Bradford H. Nowlin Ms. Deborah L. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nunamaker Mr. Askof Nyakundi Mrs. Carol J. Nycklemoe Ms. Mary E. Nygaard Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nygaard Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nyhoff Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Nyhus Mr. Teague M. Nystrom

Mr. William E. Oberfield, Sr. Mr. Jeff and Rev. Dynette Oberg Ms. Karri OBerg Mr. and Mrs. John D. Oelger Mr. and Mrs. Dane W. Offutt Dr. and Mrs. Jim Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ojile Mrs. Vesta Olderness Dr. and Mrs. William D. Olin Mr. and Mrs. James R. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Myrlen L. Olsen Mrs. Helen G. Olson

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Olson Rev. and Mrs. Donald T. Oneal Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. David O’Neill Mr. Michael M. Opata Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Orr Ms. Sally J. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Rick A. Ortiz Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Orton Mr. and Mrs. Rocky L. Orton Mr. and Mrs. James L. Osborn, Jr. Mr. Harold L. Oster Rev. and Mrs. John W. Oster, Jr. Mr. Gregory K. Oswald Mr. Darren Othick Mrs. Amy D. Otto Mrs. Julie Ouma Ms. Lilian Ouma Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Owens Rev. Marjorie J. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Owens Rev. and Mrs. Mark Owings Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Owings Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Oyler

Mr. Leonard R. Page, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Painter Mrs. Belva L. Palmer Ms. Deana S. Palmer Mr. Lloyd L. Palmer

54 Rev. and Mrs. Michael G. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Eldon R. Pankratz Mr. and Mrs. Martin Paredes Mr. and Mrs. Harlan C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Parker Mr. Rhett L. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Parker Mrs. Fern Parks Mr. and Mrs. David Parry Mr. and Mrs. Monty L. Parson Mr. and Mrs. Manish N. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. David Patterson Miss Wilma M. Pauley Ms. Elizabeth Payne Ms. Bonnie Payton Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pearson Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Peavler Mr. and Mrs. Mike Peavler Mr. Norman J. Peavler Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Peck Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pederson Ms. Amy E. Peer Mr. and Mrs. Ted P. Pegram Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perkin Mr. and Mrs. David R. Perkin Ms. Heather M. Perkin Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perkin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Perkin Rev. and Mrs. Roger N. Perkin Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Perry, III Rev. and Mrs. Ronald L. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Doug Perryman Mr. and Mrs. Karl Peterjohn

Ms. Takeo Peters Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Peterson Ms. Carolyn S. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Randall Peterson Rev. and Mrs. Samuel D. Peterson Mr. Steven and Dr. Cynthia Peterson Mr. Jerry Pezzetti Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Luke Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Matt J. Pfannenstiel Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Pflug Mr. and Mrs. Phong Phen Ms. Susan Philliber Mr. and Mrs. David G. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. E. David Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips Ms. Janet L. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickens Rev. and Mrs. Charles Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan M. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Pickens Mr. Kelly J. Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Quincy T. Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Pieknik Mr. Evan N. Pierce Mr. Philip Wallack and Rev. Alice Piggee-Wallack Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Pillow Mr. and Mrs. Lon E. Pishny Mr. and Mrs. David P. Platter Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Plummer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pollman Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Pope Ms. Jennifer M. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Gene Porter Mr. and Mrs. James M. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Potter Rev. and Mrs. Darryl A. Potts Rev. and Mrs. Dean R. Potts Mr. and Mrs. Jack Poucher Mr. and Mrs. Dean D. Powell Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Power Drs. Elvin and Verla Powers Mrs. Lynda W. Powers Rev. and Mrs. Dwight E. Presson Mrs. Mona C. Presson Mr. and Mrs. David M. Preston Mr. and Mrs. Nilen W. Pretzer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Price Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Price Mr. and Mrs. Travis S. Price Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Pridey Mrs. Julie Pritchard Mrs. Clara G. Pritchett Rev. and Mrs. Clyde O. Pritchett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey W. Province Mr. and Mrs. Orville Pruter Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Pryor Ms. Christine M. Pullman Mr. Robert L. Pumphrey Ms. Patti Puricelli Mr. and Mrs. James A. Purl


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Purl Mrs. Meleah C. Pustelak

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Quarnstrom Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Quarterson Mr. and Mrs. Nathan D. Quay Mr. and Mrs. Gene Quick Mr. and Mrs. Landon W. Quigley Mrs. Ashlee D. Quilty Mr. James Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Quinn, Jr. Mrs. Lydia Quint Ms. Barbara J. Quissell

Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Rabe Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rabel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Raber Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rackleff Drs. Stephen and Barbara Ragan Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rakes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ramirez Ms. Alicia D. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. James S. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. James K. Ramsey, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ramseyer Mrs. Kristina J. Randall

Ms. Caryl E. Range Mr. and Mrs. Eric E. Rankin Mr. and Mrs. Darrell B. Ranum Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rap Mrs. Nancy S. Rardin Mr. and Mrs. H. Milton Raymer Dr. Cathy D. Ream Dr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Reckmeyer Ms. Sharon D. Redeker Ms. Debra Redfern Mr. and Mrs. Craig P. Redshaw Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Redwine Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Redwine Rev. Delores A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Reed Ms. Alicia R. Reeves Rev. and Mrs. James D. Reeves Mr. Mark Regenold Mrs. Anita M. Reglin Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Reglin Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Reglin Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reimers Mrs. Alice M. Reinholdt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Reinholdt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Reis Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Relf Mr. Eric V. Rennie Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Repp Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Reule Mrs. LuAnn Revard Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Revelle Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Rexroth Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds Ms. Nona Reynolds

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Palmer L. Rhoades Rev. and Mrs. Phillip A. Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Earle D. Rice Ms. Janet A. Rice Mr. Jeffery M. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Jerald E. Rice Ms. Susie D. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Rich Mr. and Mrs. Darryl R. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Richerson Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Richmond Mr. Craig W. Rickey Ms. Mary Ann Ridenour Mr. and Mrs. Brett E. Rieck Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Rielle Ms. Teri L. Riemenschneider Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rienbolt Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Riggers Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Riggers Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Riggs Mr. Marvin E. Riggs Dr. and Mrs. David M. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Riley Dr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Riley Rev. and Mrs. Richard J. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Riley Mrs. Kelsey A. Rimes Ms. Susan Ringoen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Rista Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Justin M. Roberts Mrs. Kerstin Roberts

56 Col. Russell C. Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Roberts Mrs. Shirley B. Roberts Ms. Elizabeth K. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Robertson Ms. Hollylynn J. Robinett Mr. and Mrs. Tony Robinette Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Robinson Mrs. Alma C. Robison Ms. Erin L. Robison Mr. C.R. Robson Mr. and Mrs. Rickie J. Rockwell Mr. and Mrs. Geoffery W. Rodden Mr. Brian Rodkey Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rodriguez Ms. M. Joyce Rodriguez Mr. Alan P. Roelfs Ms. Barbara Rogers Mrs. Christina J. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Rogers Ms. Holly J. Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Jason B. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Slate Rogers Mrs. Rachel M. Rogg Dr. and Mrs. David G. Roland Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roorda Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Root Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Roper Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Ropp Dr. Heath T. Rose Ms. Barbara J. Ross

Ms. Connie L. Ross Mr. and Mrs. John Rostyne Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Rothfuss Mr. Larry Ro-Trock Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Rouse Dr. and Mrs. Jeren L. Rowell Ms. Alana J. Rowland Ms. Joan A. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Roy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Royals Ms. Ila M. Ruby Mrs. Katherine E. Rucker Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ruder Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. Rundberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Runyon Rev. Francis M. Runyon Mr. and Mrs. William L. Runyon Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Rupe Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Ruschhaupt Mrs. Debra L. Rush Mr. and Mrs. Hilman K. Rushing Mr. and Mrs. David B. Russell Mr. David J. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Randolph N. Russell Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Rutledge Mrs. Julie L. Ruttan Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ruzich Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Ryckman, Sr.

Mr. Peeter A. Saarna Mr. and Mrs. C. Ron Sadler

Mr. Darik J. Salem Mrs. Tracy R. Salgado Ms. Angela L. Salum Mr. and Mrs. William D. Salum Mr. Jamison A. Sandbloom Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Sandbloom Mrs. Edna C. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Sanders Rev. and Mrs. Robert J. Santel, III Ms. Carmen D. Santiago-Rios Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Satterlee Dr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Sauer Dr. and Mrs. Roger M. Sauter Mrs. Marie Saville Mr. Denis K. Sawatzky Ms. Charlene Sawyer Mrs. Diane Sawyer Mr. Dennis I. Scarlett Ms. Meda C. Scarlett Mr. Donald J. Scaro Rev. and Mrs. Dale W. Schaeffer Mr. Burt and Dr. Virginia Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. M. Gene Schandorff Mr. and Mrs. Duane E. Schempp Ms. Adina Schettler Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Schlepp Mrs. Debra D. Schlobohm Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schmale Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schmalzried Ms. Sarah G. Schmalzried Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schmeeckle


Giving Contributors Ms. Betty L. Schmid Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Schmidt Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Schmidt Mr. Edwin D. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. J. Alan Schmidt Dr. and Mrs. Myron C. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Thorin M. Schmidt Ms. Debra Schnathorst Mr. and Mrs. David L. Schnetzer Ms. Glenda J. Schnetzer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schnetzler Ms. Deanna R. Schoenborn Mrs. Kelli A. Schoening Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Schofield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schreiber Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schroeder Mrs. Christie Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Jake E. Schroeder Rev. and Mrs. Keith D. Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie R. Schultz Mrs. Patricia A. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Schultz Mrs. Terri B. Schulz Mrs. Melissa Schumacher Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Schumaker Mr. Oliver G. Schwab, III Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schweizer Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Schwenk Del and Marj Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Don Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Schwenk Mr. James Scott

Ms. Jean M. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Randall T. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Scrivani Mrs. Lauren B. Scrivner Ms. Loretta J. Seager Mrs. Patricia Seager Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Seager Mr. Steven D. Seals Mrs. Kourtney D. Seaman Rev. and Mrs. A. Keith Sears Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sears Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Seifert Mr. and Mrs. David E. Selby Mr. and Mrs. Terry Selby Mr. and Mrs. Arden Selden Mr. and Mrs. James J. Sell Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Dan Selvidge Mr. and Mrs. Delmar G. Senger Ms. Patricia S. Sents Ms. Janet Serino Ms. Doris A. Seyl Mr. and Mrs. R. Duane Shafer Mr. Todd and Dr. Rose Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Shalberg Revs. Gary and Marla Shank Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Shannon Rev. and Mrs. Scott E. Sharpes Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Shaver, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Shaw Mrs. Shawna T. Shaw Rev. and Mrs. Thomas G. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Shea Ms. Marilyn A. Sheffer

Ms. Elfrieda Shellenberger Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shellenberger Rev. and Mrs. Jon E. Shellenberger Mr. Gerald Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Shelton Ms. Della L. Shepard Ms. Paula B. Shepard Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Shimko Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shipley Rev. and Mrs. William G. Shipman Mrs. Victoria M. Shipp Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shoaf Rev. Glen and Dr. Brenda Shoup Mr. and Mrs. John L. Shoup Ms. Julia M. Shoup Mr. and Mrs. Duane Showalter Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Showalter Mrs. Mary Ann Showalter Mr. Stephen K. Showalter Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sickels Mr. and Mrs. Arlen H. Siegfreid Rev. and Mrs. Shawn A. Siegfreid Mr. and Mrs. David R. Siemens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Silkman Rev. and Mrs. Willie H. Silvey Ms. Jerry E. Simecka Dr. David A. Simon Mr. and Mrs. David L. Simpson, III Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Simpson Mrs. Lenore Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Jared Sinclair Mr. William P. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Sisson

58 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sivak Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Slack Mr. and Mrs. William H. Slattery, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sledd Mr. Jerald P. Sluyter Mr. and Mrs. C. David Smart Ms. Diana Smiraglia Ms. Becky Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Smith Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Smith Mr. Cris Smith Mr. and Mrs. David Smith Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. E. Woodrow Smith Mrs. Elizabeth A. Smith Ms. Elizabeth K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Garon H. Smith Rev. and Mrs. Gary V. Smith Mr. and Mrs. H. James Smith Rev. and Mrs. Harold C. Smith, Jr. Mr. J. Harlan Smith Mrs. Jan A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Smith Dr. Katie M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Kent Smith Ms. Kristine D. Smith Mr. Lynn and Dr. Palma Smith Mrs. Margaret E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jody E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. Blake Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Smith

Dr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Tash B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wayne D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Snell Rev. and Mrs. Dan Snowbarger Mr. Larry Snowbarger Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snowbarger Mr. and Mrs. Wendell K. Snowbarger Mr. and Mrs. James Snowden Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Snyder Ms. Maria C. Solecki Rev. and Mrs. Carl L. Soliday Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Sosna Ms. LaJune Southard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparrow Rev. and Mrs. Clarence V. Spaulding, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Speck Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Speer Drs. Richard and Billy Spindle Dr. and Mrs. David J. Spittal Mrs. Lois Spradling Ms. Mary Ann Spragg Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Spruill Mr. and Mrs. David L. Sprunger Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sprunk Mr. and Mrs. William R. Srp Mr. Kelvin W. St. John Mr. and Mrs. Shelby D. St. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stack Mr. Brett Stamps

Mrs. Betty Stancer Mr. Russell B. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Stansbury Mr. and Mrs. Jason O. Stansbury Ms. Twila Mae Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. J. Steven Starett Rev. and Mrs. Ray A. Stark Mr. William O. Starr Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Stearman Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Steckline Rev. and Mrs. Daniel J. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Steele Mr. Mark E. Stegman Capt. and Dr. John H. Stein, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steinert Ms. DeAnna Steinhart Mr. Justin Steinhart Ms. Patricia A. Steinhart Ms. Erin L. Steinkamp Mr. and Mrs. John M. Steinmetz Mr. Larry L. Steinmetz Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Stelter Ms. Pamela Stelzer Mrs. Janice I. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Stephens Mr. Drew S. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Pat Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Woodie J. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy S. Stevenson Mrs. Alice Stewart Mr. Brett M. Stillman


Giving Contributors Mr. Gene Stillman Mrs. Ginny B. Stimac Mr. and Mrs. Randall W. Stirratt Mrs. Lana R. Stites Mrs. Wilma V. Stockton Ms. Lorraine C. Stofft Mr. Robert E. Stofft MG and Mrs. William A. Stofft, Rtd. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Stokovaz Mrs. Lisa A. Stolz Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Steven Stone Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stoner Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Storz Mr. Tim and Dr. Ramona Stowe Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Strahorn Drs. Thomas and Tia Strait Mr. and Mrs. Randall Straker Ms. Bambi L. Stranz Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stranz Mr. Joe E. Strayhorn Mrs. Donnett Streeter Mr. and Mrs. John S. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Strickler Mrs. Mildred E. Strobbe Mr. and Mrs. M. Kent Stroman Mr. and Mrs. Clayton D. Strong Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Stroud Rev. and Mrs. Roscoe L. Strunk Ms. Kara T. Stubbs Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Stugart Mr. Terry V. Stull Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Sturdevant Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stutts

Ms. Dana N. Suderman Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Suderman Rev. and Mrs. James A. Sukraw, Sr. Mr. James A. Sukraw, Jr. Mr. John H. Sukraw Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Sukraw Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Sullivan Ms. Christina Y. Suos Mr. Jason R. Suptic Mr. Amit Suri Mr. and Mrs. R. Todd Sutcliffe Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Bunly Suy Ms. Chelle Swanson-Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Swanwick Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Swartzell Ms. Mary Swearengin Mr. Steve Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Steve Swenson

Anonymous Mr. Michael E. Tabler Ms. Judy Talbert Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Tallent Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Tapia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Tarpenning Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tavares Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Taylor

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor Mrs. Marilyn H. Taylor Ms. Mary Eva Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Taylor Mrs. Sarah Taylor Dr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Teater Mr. James M. Tedford Mr. and Mrs. Darren E. Tehven Mr. Douglas J. Ternes Mr. Shawn M. Terrell Mr. and Mrs. John W. Teter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tevis Mr. Glenn A. Thach Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Tharp Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel Mr. and Mrs. Toby N. Theel Rev. and Mrs. Rodger D. Thelander Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Thill Rev. and Mrs. Larry R. Thomas Mrs. Susan R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. William K. Thomas, II Rev. and Mrs. Ricky L. Thomason Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Thomasson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson Mrs. Dorothy A. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Galen Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Thompson Rev. and Mrs. Raymond L. Thompson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan K. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thompson Mrs. Evelyn Thomsen Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Thomsen

60 Dr. and Mrs. James L. Thornton Ms. Kristin R. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Layne A. Thornton Ms. Beverly J. Thornton-Kemery Mr. and Mrs. Cory Thrall Mr. and Mrs. David F. Thrush Mr. and Mrs. William Tiegreen Mr. and Mrs. Aaron E. Tiffany Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tiffany Mr. Dustin S. Tilton Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Timmons, Sr. Ms. Julie S. Timmons Mrs. Shelly R. Tittel Mr. and Mrs. J. Gregg Titus Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Tollefson Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Tollie, Jr. Mrs. JoAnn Tombaugh Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Toner, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick B. Toomey, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Phillip Torgrimson Mrs. Isabel W. Torrey Ms. Lavera M. Towns Ms. Martha L. Towns Mr. Bret R. Trammell Rev. and Mrs. Clifford L. Transmeier Mr. Lester D. Traxler Mrs. Robyn C. Tresnak Mrs. Cherylyn A. Trier Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tritt Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Trott Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Trott Mr. and Mrs. John R. Troxell Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Troyer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Troyer Mr. Johnathan I. Tullis

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tully Mrs. Esta Lee Turner Mr. and Mrs. Garry M. Turner, Sr. Mr. J. Lance Turner Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Turvey Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tuttle Ms. Rita Tygart Mr. Donald and Rev. Margaret Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Tyrer

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ufford, III Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ufford, Sr. Rev. Clair Uitts Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Ulibarri Mr. John W. Ulrich Mrs. Thelma M. Umholtz Ms. Bonnie Umphrey Mr. Jon Umsted

Mr. and Mrs. Crandall L. Vail Mrs. Sharon G. Vallejo Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Van Dyne Ms. Hester L. Van Dyne Mr. and Mrs. John H. Van Dyne Mr. Rodney N. Van Dyne Rev. and Mrs. J. Brent Van Hook Mrs. Linda Van Loenen Mrs. Myrna Van Ostrand

Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Vance Rev. and Mrs. Terry L. Vance Dr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Vanderpool Mr. George E. VanDyne Mrs. Gretchen L. VanSlyke Rev. and Mrs. Michael G. VanZant Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Vargas Mr. and Mrs. Rick Vasquez Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Vaught Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veach Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Veach Mr. and Mrs. James Venhuizen Rev. and Mrs. Elisha Verge, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Versluys Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Vesey Rev. Eugene E. Vickery Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vieth Mr. and Mrs. James E. Vieth Mr. and Mrs. William Vieux Mrs. Linda D. Villanueva Mr. James S. Vincent Mrs. Karen M. Vinson Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Vinsonhaler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Irving Vonderfecht Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Voss Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vrbka

Mr. Justen L. Wack Mr. and Mrs. Daryl S. Waddle Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wadell


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. John Wagler Mrs. Cheryl Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wagner Mrs. Lena Wagner Ms. Mary Ann Wagner Ms. Peggy A. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Wagner Mrs. Stephanie Wagner Mrs. Norma Jean Walcher Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wales Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Walker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Todd G. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Trace E. Walker Mrs. Yvonne M. Walker Ms. Lorraine A. Wall Ms. Grace A. Wallace Ms. Ruth Ann Wallace Rev. and Mrs. Jerry L. Wallentine Ms. Donna M. Walsh Mr. Craig B. Walters Ms. Jennifer A. Walters Mr. Duane R. Walton Ms. Karissa R. Wangberg Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Wangberg Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ward Ms. Marta S. Ward Mr. and Mrs. James H. Warden, Jr. Mr. Jeffery S. Wardlaw Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wardlaw

Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wardlaw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Joshua W. Warren Rev. and Mrs. Robert W. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Stan Warren Dr. and Mrs. J.K. Warrick Mr. and Mrs. Ken F. Warrick Ms. Katherine Watchman Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Watson Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Watson Dr. and Mrs. C. Hardy Weathers Ms. Arjorie Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Weaver Ms. Dana R. Webb Mrs. Paula D. Webb Ms. Donna D. Weber Rev. and Mrs. Harold G. Wedel Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Wedel Mr. Randy D. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Weeks Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wegley Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Weible Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Weidert Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weidner Lt. Cmdr. Brian and Rev. Rosslyn Weigelt Rev. and Mrs. Gerhard F. Weigelt Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weigelt Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Weigelt Rev. and Mrs. Larry L. Weihe Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Weinbrenner Mr. Joshua D. Weinstock Ms. Marguerite H. Weir

Ms. Diane L. Weiser Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Weishaar Mr. and Mrs. Billy R. Weissend, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Wells Rev. and Mrs. Jerry M. Wells Ms. Molly A. Wells Mr. William F. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Larry Welsh Mrs. Tamara L. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Weltmer Mr. Todd S. Wertz Mr. Richard A. Wesley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Wesley Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Wessels Ms. Bonnie Wesseman Mr. and Mrs. Charles West Rev. and Mrs. Charles West Mr. and Mrs. Danny West Rev. and Mrs. Eddie D. West Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. West Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. West Mr. Mark West Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Whaley Mrs. Sherri D. Whatley Mrs. Jean S. Wheatcraft Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wheelock Mrs. Catherine Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. Shawn L. Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. David P. White Dr. and Mrs. Glen W. White Rev. and Mrs. Larry E. White

62 Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. White Mr. and Mrs. P. David White Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. White Mr. Todd A. White Mr. John W. Whitehead Mr. Alvin Whitlatch Dr. and Mrs. Forrest E. Whitlatch Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Whitney Ms. Leora C. Whitney Mr. and Mrs. Marcus G. Whitworth Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wieczorek, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Les L. Wieczorek Ms. Rebecca L. Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wieczorek Mr. Timothy and Dr. Karen Wiegman Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wienck Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wikstrom Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Wiley Ms. Kaylene J. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Eric Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Willard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard Mrs. Fern M. Willems Ms. Brenda Williams Ms. Cynthia Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Williams, III Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Williams Ms. Linda J. Williams Ms. Marcia P. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Millard M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Rick L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Williams Ms. Velma Williams Mr. and Mrs. Verlin C. Williams Mr. Kevin D. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Willingham Mr. Joseph R. Willis Mr. Montez L. Willis Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Willis Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Willis Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Willm Mrs. Mary L. Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Wilmoth Mrs. Candace L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Corey J. Wilson Mrs. Dorothy L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wilson Mrs. Kelly M. Wilson Mrs. Naomi L. Wilson Mrs. Pakong X. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wilson Mr. Ryan P. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Dale K. Wine Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Winebrenner Mrs. Mari Ann Winslow Mrs. Phyllis C. Winsor Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Winsor Ms. Anne R. Winter Mrs. Katherine M. Winters

Mrs. Gloria M. Wirt Mr. and Mrs. Bramlet E. Wise, III Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Wise Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wisenbaker Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Wistuba Mrs. Milly Wittenberg Ms. D. Elaine Wittler Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Wittlief Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Wittmer Mr. Ronald D. Wittmer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Wohlgemuth Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Wolgast Mr. Stuart L. Wolkamir Mr. and Mrs. James J. Wong Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wood Mrs. Michele Wood Rev. and Mrs. Ralph E. Wood Rev. Daniel W. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Kale D. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Roby V. Woods, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy L. Woods Mr. and Mrs. John W. Woodson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Woolsey Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Worthington Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Wortman Rev. and Mrs. Melvin A. Wrice Mr. and Mrs. Darric N. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Wright Rev. and Mrs. John H. Wright


Giving Contributors Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Wright Ms. Sharon Wright Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Wrightsman Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Wrightsman Mr. and Mrs. Rodney P. Wrinkle Ms. Elsie M. Wulf Rev. and Mrs. Douglas S. Wyatt

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Yamamoto Mrs. Kay Yandell Mrs. Ruth Yanken Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Yantis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Yantis Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Yates Ms. Lois E. Yates Mr. R. Andrew Yates Mr. Robert J. Yockey Dr. Gerald R. Yoesel Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Young Mr. Dick Young Mr. and Mrs. Drexel D. Young, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Young Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Young * Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Young Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Young Dr. and Mrs. Kent G. Yount

Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Zehr Ms. Kyndra A. Zeigler

Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Zeigler Mrs. Anne C. Zeitelhack Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Zelinski Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Zelinski Mr. and Mrs. Craig Zickefoose Mr. and Mrs. Layne R. Ziegler Rev. and Mrs. Michael A. Zigler Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Zimbelman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Zimmer Rev. and Mrs. Matthew S. Zimmer Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmerman Mrs. Delores M. Zitur Mrs. Eunice Zook Ms. Suzanne R. Zook Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Zubke Ms. Nina Zychlinski Mr. and Mrs. William R. Zynen




Corporations, Foundations and Organizations

BNSF Railway Foundation

Directed Equity, Inc.

The Boeing Company

DJ Enterprises

Boot Camp Fitness

The Arthur Kent Donley Trust

Henry J. Boyd & Charlotte H. Boyd Trust

Eagle Employer Services

Gwendolyn V. Brenneis Living Trust

Edward Jones Investments

Bret’s Autoworks Corp.

EFL Associates

BRY Services

Enterprise Bank & Trust

A.D. Mechanical

C & L Burke Family Trust

Enterprise Leasing Company of Kansas

Accountants Plus, LLC

Calvary Chapel Of Nederland

Entourage Enterprises/Domensha 1210

R.E. Alexander & Associates, LLC


Evelyn L. Eudaley Trust

Ameren Corporate Communications

Carthage First Church of the Nazarene NMI

Eugene E. & Kristina K. Young Rev Trust

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

Carthage First Church of the Nazarene NYI

Executive Paramedical Services, Inc.

American Design Inc.

Celebrity’s Sidewalk Cafe

The Farmers Co-Operative Grain Co.

American Endowment Foundation

Charitable Flex Fund

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

American Tile & Flooring


Financial Counselors Unlimited

ANL Investments

Church of the Nazarene Foundation

Fire Master Fire Equipment, Inc.

Anna First Church of the Nazarene, NMI

City Of Altamont

Flint Hills Christian Church

Ash Grove Charitable Foundation

City of Olathe

James Ford Builders

AT&T Foundation

Coca-Cola Refreshments

Neil R. and Odille P. Fraser Trust

Athletic Body and Mind

Constitutional Protection & Sports

G&G Cleaning

The Bartlow Family Trust

Donald Ray Cook Revocable Trust

GARMIN International, Inc.

Barton-Keller Sawmill, LLC

Robert W. Crew Revocable Trust

Gemmell Enterprises, LLC

The Jake A. Beadle & Clara M. Beadle Revocable Living Trust

Doris J. Crist Revocable Trust

Golden Heritage Foods, LLC

Dave’s Enterprises

Golf Tec

Belle Vogue Bridal

Dell Giving


Stephen C. Benson Insurance

Deloitte Foundation

Grace Community Church

Bickford Senior Living Group, LLC

DEW Ad Specialties

The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas City

Dick’s Sporting Goods

Doris J. Greenway Revocable Trust

The following corporations, foundations and organizations have generously contributed to MidAmerica Nazarene University’s mission from January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012.

66 Wilma J. Grunewaldt Revocable Trust

Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies

Lehman Waggener, PDC

GTrust Financial Partners

Johnson Controls, Inc.

Life Church

Gust Orthodontics, P.A.

Johnson County Heritage Trust Fund

Lighthouse Presbyterian Church

Warren & Rose Harrison Living Trust

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Lincoln Center Obstetrics & Gynecology, P.A.

Health Strategies, PA

Bruce A. Johnson, D.M.D.

Lozier Corporation

Heartland Trailways

Jonagan Water Well Service, LLC

Alma Jean Lunn Revocable Living Trust

Hephner T.V. & Electronics, Inc.

Jones Family Trust

Roy J. and Gail A. Marvin Trust

Blake E. Herres, D.D.S.

Joplin District Church of the Nazarene N.M.I.

W. LeRoy & Mildred McCurdy Charitable Trust

Hillyard Northwest Missouri

Julie’s Enterprise

Mennonite Brethren Foundation

Hillyard, Inc.

Kanamak Hydraulics, Inc.

Merck Company Foundation

Hodges Family Trust

Kanesville Kollectibles, Inc.

MidAmerica Auto Brokers, Inc.

Hogaboam Family, LLC

Kansas Board of Regents

Midway Co-Op, Inc.

Murdell Weatherby Holbert Living Trust

Midwest Truck Sales, Inc.

Holland Farm Corporation

Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene N.M.I.

Home Depot

Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene N.Y.I.

Missouri Valley Eclipse

R & J Hopkins Farm

Kansas City District Laymens League

MNU Regional NYI

Hospira Employee Giving Campaign

Kansas City Sports Club LLC

Ruth Moore Trust

Hydro-Chem Spray Service, Inc.

Kansas District Church of the Nazarene Women’s Ministry

Nails by Donna

Hy-Vee Food Stores, Inc. IBM International Foundation In His Image - Christian Counseling Integrity Auto Center Integrity Home Maintenance and Repair Integrity Management, Inc. Iowa District Church of the Nazarene N.M.I. Jackson Bookkeeping Service Jaymes Automotive Nita Rae Jepsen Trust

Kansas Independent College Fund Keller & Owens, L.L.C. Keller Leopold Insurance, Inc. Kennon Living Trust The Kitchen Showcase, Inc. Kramer Family Living Trust La Senda Antigua Iglesia del Nazareno Laine’s Shear Intensity LaQuinta Inn & Suites Lawing Financial Group, Inc.

Charles R. Millhuff Evangelistic Association

National Christian Foundation Heartland Natural Accents Nazarene Publishing House NBCJ Holdings, LLC Nebraska District Church of the Nazarene NYI Network for Good Oak Ridge Farms Olathe Family Dentistry, PA Olathe Ford Sales, Inc. Olathe Ford Used Car Sales, Inc.


67 Olathe Gun Shop

Redwine Investments, LLC

Three Sisters Inn Bed & Breakfast

Olathe Medical Center

River Community Church of the Nazarene

Thrive Community Church of the Nazarene

Olathe Residence Inn by Marriott

Rocky Lamar’s Fundamentally Driven Basketball Camp

Tittel Enterprises LP

Roorda Family Living Trust

L. L. & N. L. Tollie Trust

Harlan C. Parker Insurance Agency, Inc.

Sadler Living Trust

Trinity Family Midtown Church of the Nazarene

Jason S. Parker Insurance and Financial Services, Inc.

Sally’s Organizing Services

Troutt, Beeman & Co., P.C.

Schmidt Chiropractic Clinic

Paul Ross Charitable Foundation

Turner Babb Inc.

Shell Oil Company Foundation

Pepsi Bottling Group, LLC

U.S. Department of Education

Simmons First Bank

PFB, Inc.

UAI Technology, Inc.

SkillPath Seminars

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program

UMB Bank, N.A.

Sliderz Softball

PICGREEN Photography

Union Pacific Corporation

The Chris Smith Agency

PINS, Inc.

United Radiology Group, Chartered

Johnny Smith Ministries

Pioneer College Caterers

VanDyne Revocable Living Trust

The Sprint Foundation

Pizza Shoppe

Vennard College Alumni Association

Starett & Associates

PJC Family Trust

Victorian Heart Company, Inc.

State Farm Company Foundation

Portable Storage Solutions

Wal-Mart Foundation

Stilwell Girls Softball Association

Precision Printing

Warren Hannon Company, Inc.

Strategic Salt

Premier Studios

Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program

Strickland Construction Company, Inc.

David M. & Cheryl K. Preston Revocable Trust

Dorothy L. Wilson Living Trust

Success Strategies, Inc.

Price Chopper

Stanley E. Wingate Trust

Summit Drywall

Quality Auto & Truck Repair

Ken and Jennie Wood Trust

Summit Strength Physical Therapy, LLC

Quality Office Interiors

Philo E. Wright Jr. Trust

Suzanne Tanzyus Designs

Jonathan Quinn’s Football Camp

Terry & Kathleen Kirch Family Trust

JC and Levina Rakes Trust

The Way Church of the Nazarene

Willis Rap Construction & Rentals

Otto W. Theel Trust

Raphael Hotel

Thornton Farm & Feed

R. R. Osborne Irrevocable Football Scholarship Trust

Red River Korean Church of the Nazarene

TMC Consulting, LLC

Xblue Networks

Honors, Memorial, & Bequest Honor Gifts

Memorial Gifts

Estate Giving

MNU Gratefully acknowledges receipt of 2 gifts given from January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012, in honor of the following individuals:

MNU gratefully acknowledges receipt of 139 gifts given from January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012, in memory of the following individuals:

MNU gratefully acknowledges receipt of gifts and bequests from the following estates for the period of January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012. W. LeRoy & Mildred McCurdy

Mr. Harrel W. Timmons, Sr.

Note: alumni are listed in italics

Mrs. Shirley L. Karns Mrs. Martha Kerr

Mrs. Judith Timmons Mr. O.E. Beeson

Dr. Lottie McWherter

Dr. D. Ray Cook

Mrs. Bettie Songer

Mr. Lincoln and Mrs. Joyce Ellsworth

Mrs. Agnes Wiens

Mrs. Marilyn A. Frisbie Mrs. R. Pauline Heinmiller Mrs. Jean Hostutler Dr. David L. Jones Mr. Mark W. Lucas Dr. Delia M. Pittman Mrs. R. Pauline Heinmiller Mr. Robert W. Traewicz Rev. Charles L. Yourdon




CHURCH GIVING During the 2011-2012 assembly year, the following Churches of the Nazarene generously gave nearly $1.47 million to support MidAmerica Nazarene University’s mission. This support was returned to Nazarene students from the North Central Educational Region through University-funded grants and scholarships.

* denotes churches that have met or exceded their MNU education fund commitment.

Iowa District Dr. Garey A. Miller District Superintendent

Ames* Ankeny Hope* Atlantic* Bettendorf Bloomfield Grace Pointe* Boone* Britt Zion* Burlington First* Burlington Flint Hills* Cedar Falls Living Water* Cedar Rapids First* Cedar Rapids Oakland* Centerville* Chariton*

Clarion Lighthouse Climbing Hill* Council Bluffs Emanuel* Council Bluffs First* Davenport* Des Moines Eastside* Des Moines Faith Des Moines First Des Moines Highland Park* Des Moines Southside Dubuque Estherville Fairfield* Fort Dodge* Fort Madison Living Hope* Iowa City Keokuk* Knoxville* Lacona* Marengo* Marshalltown Mason City Missouri Valley Sunrise Community Monticello New Life Community* Montrose* Moravia Lighthouse* Newton New Life Community* Oskaloosa Gateway* Ottumwa Trinity* Pella Shenandoah* Sioux City New Life Community* Spencer* Tabor Weaver Memorial*

Wapello* Waterloo Crossroads Community* West Des Moines Greater Life Community Winterset*

Joplin District Dr. Jim R. Dillow District Superintendent

Ava Highway* Baxter Springs* Bolivar First* Bradleyville Branson* Buffalo* Burlington Butler* Camdenton New Life* Caney* Carl Junction Carthage First* Cassville Chanute Cherryvale* Clinton Coffeyville Central Coffeyville First* Columbus* Deepwater Crossroads* Dogwood El Dorado Springs* Elk City

70 Faith Community Forsyth Trinity* Fort Scott* Galena Parkhill* Garnett* Goodhope* Goodman Banner* Independence* Joplin Calvary* Joplin First* Lamar Living Hope* Lebanon* Living Faith* Mansfield* Marionville* Marshfield* McCune* Monett Fuente de Agua Viva Monett* Mount Vernon* Neodesha Neosho* Nevada* Nixa* Norwood Countryside* Osceola* Ozark First* Parsons* Pittsburg* Pleasanton Powell Twin Springs Reeds Spring New Hope Republic First* Rogersville Harvest Community

Sarcoxie New Beginnings* Seymour* Springfield Community Springfield First* Springfield Scenic* Warsaw Webb City* Wheatland*

Kansas District Dr. Edmond P. Nash District Superintendent

Abundant Harvest Community* Anthony* Arkansas City Bethel* Burr Oak* Cimarron* Clearwater* Derby* Dodge City* El Dorado* Elkhart* Emporia* Garden City* Gaylord* Goodland Great Bend* Hays* Haysville* Hugoton* Hutchinson Bethany*

Hutchinson First* Hutchinson New Life Junction City First* Kingman* Larned Liberal Lyons* Manhattan* McPherson Abundant Life* Meade* Minneapolis* Mulvane* Newton First* Park City* Plainville* Pleasant Hill* Salina Belmont Boulevard* Salina First* Scott City Severy Smith Center* Sublette* Udall* Wellington* Wichita Eastridge* Wichita First* Wichita Grace Wichita Indian Hills* Wichita North Ash Wichita Trinity* Wichita West Side* Winfield* Woodland Lakes Community


71 Kansas City District Dr. Jeren L. Rowell District Superintendent

Atchison Belton New Horizons* Blue Springs First* Bonner Springs* Cameron* Canaan Hill* Carrollton* Countryside* Craig Community* Drexel Eternal Hope* Excelsior Springs* Gardner* Grandview* Harrisonville* Holton Independence Fort Osage* Independence Trinity* Kansas City Central* Kansas City CrossPoint Community* Kansas City First Spanish* Kansas City First* Kansas City Korean Antioch Kansas City Nall Avenue* Kansas City New Hope* Kansas City New Vision Kansas City Shawnee* Kansas City Southwood*

Kansas City St. Paul’s*

St. Joseph First*

Kansas City Summit View*

St. Joseph Turning Point*

Kansas City The R.O.C.K.*

The Way*

Kansas City Trinity*

Tonganoxie New Hope*

Kansas City Unidos por Fe*

Topeka Fairlawn*

Kansas City Victory Hills*

Topeka Family Life*

Kansas City Village Community*

Topeka First*

Kansas City Water’s Edge

Topeka Lakeview*

Kearney CrossRoads Community*

Topeka Oakland


Topeka Wanamaker Woods*

Lawrence Faith

Town and Country

Lawrence First*



Trinity Family Midtown

Lee’s Summit First*


Lee’s Summit New Beginnings*

Way of Life Christian Fellowship* Weston Community*

Liberty* Living Hope* Marshall* Maryville*

Missouri District


Rev. Michael G. Palmer

Olathe Christ Community* Olathe College*

District Superintendent

Olathe Faith Journey Olathe Westside*





Bowling Green*



Overland Park Antioch*

Cape Girardeau

Overland Park*



Columbia First*

Raymore New Vision*


Sedalia Crossroads Community*

Dexter First*

Spring Hill Grace Community*

Dexter Southwest*

72 Eldon*

St. Clair Parkway*


St. Louis Ferguson*


St. Louis Gateway*


St. Louis South County*


St. Louis Trinity*


St. Louis Webster Groves*

Fulton Heartland*


Hallsville New Horizons*

Union Word of Life*

Hannibal First


Hannibal Riverview*

West Plains Cornerstone*


Wright City*

House Springs Living Word* Hurdland

Prairie Lakes District


Nebraska District


Rev. Daniel W. Cole

Ironton* Jackson*

Macon* Matthews* Meta Ricker Memorial* Mexico* Moberly* Montgomery City* Mountain View* O’Fallon New Life* Park Hills* Piedmont* Poplar Bluff Northpoint Redford* Rolla* Sikeston First*

Dr. James M. Kraemer District Superintendent

District Superintendent Aberdeen*

Jefferson City* Kirksville*

Kimball* McCook* New Beginnings* Newman Grove* Omaha Central* Omaha Living Faith Community* Omaha Southwest* Sidney* Superior York New Life

Ainsworth* Arnold* Beatrice* Chadron New Covenant* Columbus Hispanic* Connecting Pointe* Cozad* Crawford New Hope* Farnam* Fremont* Grand Island Grand Island Principe de Paz Hastings Lakeside Community* Heritage Hill* Kearney*

Alberta* Alexander* Backus* Beltrami Community* Beulah Faith Community* Bismarck Living Hope* Brainerd* Bridgepointe Community* Carrington Community* Dickinson New Hope* Ellendale* Evergreen* Fargo Prairie Heights Community Fergus Falls* Friendship*


73 Grand Rapids


Great Hope*






Inver Grove Heights Grace


Jamestown First

Wounded Knee

Kenmare* LaMoure* Larimore* Litchfield Madison* Mandan* Merrifield* Miller* Minneapolis Brooklyn Center* Minneapolis SonLight* Minot First* Minot Southside* Mitchell Harvest Community* New Horizons* Oakes Osseo* Pierre Cornerstone Community* Prairie Oak Community Real Life Community Real Life* Rochester Cambodian Rochester* Sawyer* Sioux Falls New Hope Family* St. Paul First* Tuttle* Valley City*


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