Accent Magazine - Fall 2012

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Accent MidAmerica Nazarene University

Commemorative Edition Inauguration Celebration 06

Homecoming 2012 10

Dr. David J. Spittal is installed as

Nothing else feels quite like home.

MNU's fifth president.

MNU hosts its 43rd Homecoming.

Fall 2012

From the President

It's About Legacy Those who have attended MidAmerica Nazarene University through the years consider homecoming weekend a significant event. There seems to be an invisible and intangible something that compels them to return again and again to walk once more in familiar places, remember special moments, and gather with friends. Within this annual return to their alma mater, they rediscover pieces of the past and gain a deeper understanding of the present. Tradition and legacy are generally defined as the gift of value left behind for those who will follow. The legacy of MidAmerica Nazarene University is such a gift, and the substance of its legacy is best defined by those who continue to call it home. Proverbs 13:22 teaches us that “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” Scripture implores us to view our legacy as much more than the remnants of our estate, a few cherished photographs, or even valued property that we leave behind. Our true legacy may be more appropriately defined by the time-honored principles that have shaped our lives and a faith that has sustained us for a lifetime. Perhaps to come home is to be reminded again that something life-changing happened on this campus. It might have been the influence of a godly faculty member, a coach, a friend or a college romance that blossomed into a lifetime of love. For many the legacy brings them back to the place where a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ transformed their lives. William Rice wrote, “Our faith is rooted in the past, it lives in the present, but our legacy is about the future.” Perhaps we gather here not merely to relive the past, or to celebrate what happened here. Perhaps we come home to keep the MNU story alive in our hearts and somehow “pass forward” our legacy. The Psalmist said it this way: “Your word, LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth and it endures.” God breathed his spirit deep within MidAmerica Nazarene University, and perhaps it is the power of that shared legacy that compels us to come home.

Dr. David J. Spittal


Volume 36, Number 3 Managing Editor

Art and Design

Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best

Josh Klekamp ('10) April (Loomis '92) Hansen Jeremy Hoffpauir

Contributing Editor Kim (Suderman '05) Campbell

Contributors Kelsey Luffman ('13)

02 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

Photographers Eric Maxwell Kelly Lawler ('11) Josh Klekamp ('10)

Accent is published by MidAmerica Nazarene University and mailed free to alumni, friends and supporters of MNU. It is produced for University Advancement by the MNU Marketing and Communications Office. Postage is paid at Olathe, Kan., and additional mailing offices. News or comments:

Table of Contents

Campus News


Fall enrollment up $100K grant renewed fourth year in a row Friend and Pioneer remembered New digs for professional and graduate studies

04 10


Inauguration Celebration


The day in review

Coming Home


Alumni and friends return for Homecoming






On The Cover

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Dr. David J. Spittal is installed as MNU’s fifth president at the inauguration on Oct. 26, 2012.

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Articles (Undergrad) (Professional and Graduate)

02 04 12 14

06 10

President’s Message Campus News Athletics Alumni News

Spittal Inauguration Homecoming 2012

03 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

Campus News Campus News

Enrollment Increases

This year, MNU experienced an historic enrollment boom with a 20 percent increase in incoming freshmen, and a 9 percent increase in overall enrollment. Besides the increase in freshmen, university officials also attribute the growth to a 17 percent increase in transfer students and increases in professional and graduate program enrollment. MNU now enrolls nearly 2,000 students.

Pioneer and Friend Remembered Physician. Entrepreneur. Risk-taker. Pioneer. Dr. D. Ray Cook was all of those things and more. Dr. Cook passed away suddenly on Nov. 8, 2012, while on a trip to Greece. An MNU board of trustees member for 33 years, Cook was chair of the board from 1999-2009. MNU president Dr. David Spittal said Cook loved MNU – especially its students. “Through the years, Dr. Cook provided leadership and generous support for many major improvements to our campus, including the Cook Center, named in his honor; Bell Cultural Events Center; and the Harvest Prayer Sculpture, which was his special gift to our campus,” Spittal said.

Elaine and Ray Cook at The President's Honors, April 2012

04 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

Recently retired from his medical practice in Wichita, Kan., Dr. Cook was devoted to his family and his church. Spittal recalled

Cook’s desire to help others, especially in ways that would honor his faith. “Dr. Ray Cook was a true pioneer,” said Spittal. “We honor his life and his memory today and will forever be blessed by his legacy. Today the MNU community celebrates the life of Dr. Ray Cook, and we do so with the knowledge that he is now in the presence of the One he has loved and served.” Dr. Cook leaves behind his wife Elaine; his daughter Candace Brown (husband, Mark) and their children Ben, Will, Graham and Betsy; his son Chad (wife, Jill) and their children Johnnie, Spencer, Freddie, and Lucy.

More on the life and service of Dr. Cook is at

Campus News

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Awards $100K to MNU School of Nursing

MNU Opens New Location Alan Keller and Matthew Adams (back row) are two of the students who benefit from the NCIN scholarship award. Adult students in MNU's accelerated nursing programs benefit from a new space developed just for them, see MNU Opens New Location (article to the right).

For the fourth year in a row, MNU received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program (NCIN). The $100,000 award supports students in the accelerated Bachelor of Science in nursing program who are considered underrepresented in the field of nursing. With this year's grant, the NCIN program will have supported 35 students in the past four years. RWJF's support has also allowed for the development of a mentoring program in which students are paired with local experienced nursing professionals.

This year, the MNU School of Nursing and Health Science is one of 55 schools to receive RWJF funding. Additionally, MNU’s ABSN program is one of only eight in the nation to receive four consecutive years of funding from the NCIN Scholarship Program.

For more information, visit the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation online at

Professional and Graduate Studies has a new location for its programs in nursing and business. The new facility is just blocks from the main campus at Santa Fe Commons on Mur-Len Road. Expansion to a new location effectively doubles the space allocated to these programs and provides amenities such as technology-integrated podiums, smart boards, a state-of-the-art nursing lab, and a virtual patient center. MNU Director of Marketing Kim Campbell said the expansion represents another investment in education for the surrounding community. “MNU has been investing in education for adult learners for 26 years,” Campbell said. “This new facility will enable us to prepare hundreds more business leaders and healthcare providers."

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Either way, you’ll still read great stories, see life at MNU, and stay connected to the MNU Experience. 05 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

Sp it tal INAUG URA Dr. David J. Spittal, EdD, was installed as the fifth president of MidAmerica Nazarene University in an inauguration held Friday, Oct. 26, at College Church of the Nazarene. Dr. Larry McIntire (1), chairman of the MNU board of trustees, welcomed delegates from 25 local and regional universities as well as community leaders, students, alumni, faculty, and staff members.

Kansas Secretary of Revenue Nick Jordan (2), seen here with Associated Student Government President Chelsea Coffey, brought greetings on behalf of Governor Sam Brownback and the State of Kansas. Olathe Mayor Michael Copeland (’84) took part in the ceremony (3), challenging the president to be a visionary leader for Olathe’s “hometown university.” Dr. Daniel Copp (4), commissioner of education for the International Church of the Nazarene, presented Dr. Spittal with a crystal globe. Copp said MNU’s global reach is apparent through its many international opportunities for students and its alumni serving across the world.


General Superintendent Emeritus Dr. Paul G. Cunningham and Dr. Larry McIntire placed the presidential medallion on Dr. Spittal as Mrs. Spittal looked on (5). Dr. Spittal was elected president of MNU on January 16, 2012, and has served in that position since Feb. 1. The inauguration ceremony was a reverent church service that featured Scripture readings as well as Dr. Spittal’s favorite hymn, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”


06 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012




5 07 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

Spittal Inauguration




M NU's Pr esident s

08 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012


R. Curtis Smith


Edwin H. Robinson


Donald D. Owens


David J. Spittal


Richard L. Spindle

Spittal Inauguration

This is the truth that we seek to ‘pass forward’ to you. This is the legacy of MidAmerica Nazarene University,” said Spittal in his remarks. “We are disciples of Jesus Christ. ‘So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal’ (2 Corinthians 4:18). "We are not empowered by a particle or a mere idea of God. We serve a sovereign living God who sent his Son as our Savior and who now dwells within us. We are disciples of Jesus Christ. We walk by faith and not by sight. We are not settlers; we are Pioneers.

8 MidAmerica Nazarene University’s presidential medallion (8) depicts the institutional seal. It represents a duty to promote and maintain the values represented by the institution, as well as obedience to the calling on the president’s life. The president wears the medallion at all official academic convocations. Delegates attending the inauguration ceremony (6) included representatives from all eight U.S. Nazarene colleges and universities; 10 Kansas colleges and universities, including K-State Olathe campus; three Midwestern institutions; and Houghton College, a Wesleyan college in Houghton, New York. Dignitaries joined Dr. and Mrs. Spittal and family at a celebratory luncheon (9) in Uphaus Hall at College Church immediately following the ceremony.


From one generation to another (10), General Superintendent Emeritus Dr. Donald Owens, former MNU president, congratulated Dr. Spittal at the inaugural luncheon. Though not pictured here, President Emeritus Dr. Richard Spindle also attended.

09 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012


HOMECOMING Alumni and friends returned to MNU for the university’s 43rd Homecoming celebration. They came back for the first-ever 40th class reunion. The athletic events. The BBQ competition. The banquet. The fun. The friends. The MEMORIES! 10 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

Homecoming 2012




Each time MNU makes a touchdown Janelle Shafer does the number of push ups that match the score.


Eventually, Janelle did 55 push ups as the Pioneers were victorious over Graceland University 55-0.


Alumni and friends braved frigid temperatures and wind at the third annual Homecoming Pioneer BBQ Competition to sample the fare of teams like Porky McBeef and the Cluckers, featuring Renee and Dave Elliott (’08).


Chelsea Coffey of Wynne, Ark., and Beau Weissend of Louisburg, Kan., were crowned Homecoming King and Queen.


Author Phil White ’04 presented his thoughts on Liberal Arts and Leadership: Preparing the Next Generation for a Rapidly Changing World at Communiversity, a scholarly gathering for students, faculty, alumni, and the community.


The Alumni Association honored five individuals at the Homecoming dinner. Gerald Smith (’85), newly elected president of Nazarene Publishing House, and Jill (Bachman ’98) Kenny, an attorney, were named alumnus and alumna of the year. Not pictured, Zach Phillips (’10) and Erik Unruh (’10) won Young Alumni of the year, and former Board of Trustees member Paul Dennis was posthumously awarded the Carry the Torch Award. Read more at


Honoring their own MNU Experience, the Pioneer Classes of 1972-1975 announced the establishment of the Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers Scholarship Fund with a gift of $32,000 at the 40th class reunion of the class of 1972. This permanent endowment will provide first-year scholarship support for the descendants of those who attended the university during its first four years.




Fundraising for the scholarship fund is continuing as alumni appeal to the members of their classes toward the goal of raising $50,000 by Dec. 31, 2012. Anyone can contribute to the fund. Class members presented the gift to Dr. Spittal at their reunion.

7 11 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012


MNU Athletics

Not even the temporary absence of a home stadium can stop the Pioneers' momentum. The team is ranked #2 in the Heart of America Athletic Conference (HAAC). Wins over Baker (#3), Benedictine (#5), Peru State (#7), and Evangel (#4) have propelled MNU to their spot behind Missouri Valley. The Pioneers qualified for the first round of NAIA playoffs facing the #7 University of the Cumberlands Patriots Nov. 16. The Pioneers are making their sixth consecutive playoff appearance while the Patriots are making their fourth appearance in the last five years. As of publication, MNU is ranked #9 in the nation for the NAIA Div. I.

Men's Soccer


Women's Soccer

The 2012 men’s soccer team has advanced to the HAAC tournament semifinals, positioning themselves at #4 in the conference as they advance to the tournament against Baker, Benedictine, and Missouri Valley.

The 2012 volleyball team continues to dominate in a season of unstoppable momentum, ranking #1 in the HAAC. Qualifying for the NAIA National Tournament, the Pioneers will face unranked St. Thomas-Houston in the opening round Nov. 16 at MNU.

The 2012 women’s soccer team faced setbacks this season with a 7-9 overall track record, stopping short of the conference tournament with a #6 ranking in the HAAC.

An incredible six players were named HAAC players of the week this season, while Trent Remmich, Chris Eriksson, Aurelien Norest, and Rodrigo Rivas were named to the first team in the HAAC all-conference team, making them eligible for All-American awards after the national tournament.

12 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

The #18 Pioneers are 24-4 winning 13 straight matches. Four starters: Taryn Salum, Linjun Ji, Megan Hayes, and Molly Brewster were named 1st-Team AllConference, with a Player of the Year nod for Brewster.

Despite their short season, the Pioneers ranked #3 in saves per goal and #3 in shutouts per game thanks to goalkeeper Becca Skillman, named HAAC and NAIA defensive player of the week.

Want to learn more? Visit


JAN 18-21

MNU Alumni Ski Trip

JAN 25-26

2013 Events

Great Wolf Lodge Alumni Gathering

Order tickets online at or RSVP to

FEB 12

2 day and 3 day options available.

Location: Winter Park, Colorado $100 Early Bird Discount with deposit by Dec 15.

Location: Great Wolf Lodge, Kansas City Cost $175 per family. Register online or RSVP to Alumni Relations 913-971-3275 or

MNU Tuesdays Business and Professionals Luncheon Location: Bell Cultural Events Center - MNU Campus Cost $13. Register online or pay at the door. RSVP Alumni Relations 913-971-3275 or

Pioneer Adventures: Branson, Missouri



MAY 22-31

Order tickets online at by January 18, 2013, or RSVP to


2013 January 25-26, $175 per family

Location: Bell Cultural Events Center - MNU Campus Cost $13. Register online or pay at the door. RSVP Alumni Relations 913-971-3275 or


MNU Tuesdays Business and Professionals Luncheon

Hosted by: Ron & Karen McClellan / Barth & Kathy Smith For more information, visit

Pioneer Adventures: Biblical Tour of Israel

Hosted by: Randy Cloud, Jim Edlin & Larry Fine For more information, visit

MNU Alumni Luncheon at General Assembly

Location: Westin Ballroom, Indianapolis Convention Center, Indianapolis, IN

For more event details, visit

13 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

Alumni News

Alumni News Olathe mayor Michael Copeland (’84) has been appointed deputy secretary of the Kansas Department of Labor. Olathe mayor since 2001, Copeland started in his new role on Oct. 1 and will continue as mayor.

Shawn Whitcomb (’90) was named vice president and chief information officer at HNTB. Whitcomb will manage the firm's information technology from his Kansas City, Mo, office.

Carolyn (Cooper ’84) Doolittle was named interim department chair of the undergraduate School of Education at Baker University in Baldwin City, Kan.

Aaron Oelger (’92) was appointed director of marketing for Bushnell Outdoor Products, a sports optics and outdoor accessory company. Oelger will lead marketing programs for the family of Bushnell brands.

Rev. James "Jamos" Amos ('85) received 2012 Olathe Humanitarian Award from the Olathe Human Relations Commission. The Commission recognized Amos for improving cultural diversity and advocating human relations. Amos is an ordained elder in the Church of the Nazarene, and has worked in youth and college ministry for 22 years. He serves as chaplain and spiritual life coordinator for Kids TLC, a nonprofit mental/ behavioral health provider for children and youth.

Dr. Mike Redwine (’86) was appointed vice president for student development at Southern Nazarene University. Read more at

Dr. Kristin Thornton (’05) completed her residency at the University of Kansas School of Medicine at Via Christi Regional Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas. Thornton will practice medicine in Creston, Iowa.

Andrew Ballew (’06) graduated from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology with a doctorate in clinical psychology after completing a pre-doctoral internship at Seacoast Mental Health Center. He is now a postdoctoral child neuropsychology fellow at Canvas Health in Oakdale, Minn.

MNU track standout Mark Wieczorek (’07) qualified for the 800-meter final in the Olympic trials. Wieczorek ran 1:47 in preliminaries and 1:46 in the semi-finals, and qualified for the finals in seventh place. Read more at

Dennis Burkett Jr. (MA '09) was recognized by President Obama when he received the Presidential Award of Science Teaching for his work teaching chemistry at Olathe South High School. To learn more, visit

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MNU Tuesdays Olathe mayor Michael Copeland (’84), (pictured left with Dr. David Spittal) recently proclaimed Tuesdays in Olathe as “MNU Tuesdays.” Copeland, an MNU alumnus, said the proclamation reflects the partnership between the city and the university throughout MNU’s 46 years of operation. “MNU’s rich history and proud legacy are woven throughout the very fabric of our community,” said Copeland. 14 Accent Magazine / Fall 2012

President Spittal responded to the proclamation on behalf of MNU. “Through the leadership of faculty, staff, students and alumni, MNU has historically served the community in churches, government, community organizations, and charitable agencies,” said Spittal. “The university has and will continue to look for opportunities to expand its impact on the community.”

Alumni News

Births Bryan and Sarah (Cochran ’06) Armstrong; a daughter: Savannah, born September 25, 2012. R. Maurice (’09) and Sara (Smith ‘09) Canady, a daughter: Savannah Janae, born May 16, 2012. Beau (’05) and Suzanne (Moessner ’07) Carlson, a daughter: Sophie Kate, born June 24, 2012. Thad (’99) and Heather (Olson ‘99) Cole, a son: Wilson Arthur, adopted April 18, 2012. Bobby (‘05) and Gretchen (Johansen ’00) Courtney, a daughter: Iyralynn Ann, born October 27, 2011. Benjamin and Brittany (Glaser ’04) Garber, a son: Lucas Luther, born June 11, 2012.

Marriages Charles (’99) and Jamie Lamar, a daughter: Jayna Elise, born May 23, 2012.

Emily Brotzman (’08) to Gregory Clapp on March 31, 2012.

Rev. Billy and Katie (Howlett ’05) Lee, a daughter: Annabel Lynn, born June 26, 2012.

Kristin Detrick (MAOA ’08) to Doug Antilla (’07) on June 23, 2012.

Jon (‘06) and Brandi (Wolf ‘06) Lewis, a daughter: Tegan Lee, born June 26, 2012. Thomas (’06) and Stephanie (Dryness ’07) Lobdell, a daughter: Josephine Bradley, born September 16, 2012. Isaac (’08) and Julie (Sykes ’08) Miller, a son: Elijah Jacob, born September 19, 2012. Peter (’04) and Kimberly (Fawcett ’04) Robinson, a daughter: Emma Jane, born May 16, 2012. Tyler (FS ’10) and Laura Ruzich, a daughter: Cecelia, born June 15, 2012.

Josh (’11) and Lacey (Letsinger ’12) Griffith, a daughter: Addie Mae, born August 28, 2012.

Kevin and Kandy (’03) Schafer; two sons: Zachary Ethan, born September 25, 2009, and Bennett Aaron, born July 4, 2012.

Jonathan (’09) and Jordan (Arrowsmith ’09) Hall, a son: Jeremiah Daniel, born June 20, 2012.

Andrew (FS ‘ 08) and Randi Spruill, a son: Ryder James, born May 22, 2012.

Ryne (’11) and Anna (Newman ’11) Huff, a son: Hudson Douglas, born September 19, 2012. Josh (’06) and Leah (Nelson ’06) Innis, a son: Luke Nicholas, born May 29, 2012. Chris (’07) and Andrea (Judd ‘08) Jeska, a son: Jude Alden, born June 28, 2012. Andrew (’03) and April (Bohi FS ‘06) Johannes; a daughter: Hadley Grace, born October 2, 2012. She joins brothers Owen and Lincoln.

Rick (‘04) and Angela Spruill, a son: Reid, born August 20, 2012. Mark (’07) and Heidi (Veldhuizen ’10) Van Sickle; a daughter: Brielle Nicole, born September 4, 2012. Aaron (’07) and Diane VanStrien, a son: Liam Reese, born August 20, 2012. Marcus and Carrie (Runyon ’98) Whitworth, a daughter: Ainsley Mae, born May 8, 2012.

Dawn Ellis (’09) to Josh Hankey (’06) on July 28, 2012. Lesley Haeffner (’09) to Jake Nellor (’07) on March 16, 2012. Kalee Isbell (‘12) to Jacob Isbell (‘12) on August 4, 2012. Ashley Mackey (’12) to Kevin Liddle (’12) on June 30, 2012.

Condolences Clifford Earl Brown (’73), Jan. 22, 2012. Dr. Delia (Snowbarger '74) Pittman (faculty 1993-2012) October 21, 2012. Donald Stith (’75), Sept. 24, 2012. Eugene Jerome Nelson (’76), June 14, 2012. Cynthia K. Lindsey (‘79), June 27, 2012. Pamela K. Russ (’84), Nov. 11, 2011. Anthony Quirarte Sr. (FS ’95), July 19, 2012. Edith L. Hogle (faculty 1998-2012), July 10, 2012. Dr. D. Ray Cook (Board of Trustees), Nov. 8, 2012. Rev. J. Wilmer Lambert (Original Trustee), Oct. 14, 2012. Dr. Roger Wegner (former Dakota District Superintendent), Aug. 26, 2012.

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University Advancement 2030 East College Way Olathe KS 66062-1899 Change Service Requested Presidents_Honors_2013_ad.pdf



11:58 AM

Friday, April 12 | 6:30 p.m. MNU Cook Center Join us for a magical evening of exquisite food, live and silent auctions, and entertainment. The President’s Honors is sponsored by the MNU Foundation, and all proceeds benefit student scholarships at MNU.

Special thanks to our 2013 Honorary Chairpersons

Tim and Gail Buchanan Matt and Lauren Buchanan

To learn about sponsorship opportunities, contact Todd Garrett at 913.971.3605.


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