Accent Magazine - Summer 2014

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ACCENT Summer 2014

MidAmerica Nazarene University

04 MNU Experience 22 Strategic Planning 26 Virtual Reality Three Pioneers Excel in Creative Roles

Creating a Guide for Your Organization

Simulation Lab Prepares Students at All Levels


Glimpsing God's Plan Paul writes that God often calls us beyond our comfort zones, to venture to dangerous places and even move to the jagged edges of our faith. He tells of a God who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, and sometimes we are confronted by a God-sized dream that can leave us breathless and even overwhelmed. The story of MidAmerica Nazarene University is about a God-sized dream. Our founders were passionate about an impossible dream, but through faith they pursued it anyway. There were many times when it would have been simpler for them to just walk away. But they didn’t. That dream tested them and tried every fiber of their faith. Now, nearly fifty years later, we stand amazed to experience the present reality of their God-sized dream. For the past year MNU has been engaged in a strategic planning process that focused our attention on a new vision and dream for the future. We have affirmed our transformational mission, the pursuit of academic excellence and our commitment to be a distinctively Christ-centered university. Our plans include opportunities for growth, new programs and innovative opportunities to support the needs of our students. But even before the ink is dry, God seems to call us even higher, farther and beyond our limited imaginations. Paul writes, “But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (I Corinthians 2:9 KJV). To paraphrase Paul’s words, we are reminded once again that God calls His people to look beyond the horizon, catch a glimpse of God’s amazing plan and as Pioneers never be comfortable with - or settle for - anything less.

Dr. David J. Spittal President

Volume 38, Number 1 MANAGING MANAGING EDITOR EDITOR Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best CONTRIBUTING EDITOR CONTRIBUTING Kim (Suderman, '05)EDITOR Campbell Kim (Suderman '05) Campbell CONTRIBUTORS Katy Ward (’14) CONTRIBUTORS Chad Jenkins April (Loomis '96) Hansen Tammy Ogren (’04, MBA ’06) Rachel Phelps ('09) Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best



Daniel Hawkins ('06) Josh Klekamp ('10) Kelly (Lawler '11) Chesley Kelly Lawler ('11) Jeremy Hoffpauir

PHOTOGRAPHERS Jen Christenson ('07) Daniel Hawkins ('06) Dan Videtich Josh Klekamp ('10) Jim Smith Josh McCullock Josh Klekamp ('10)

Accent is published by MidAmerica Accent is published by MidAmerica Nazarene University and mailed free to Nazarene University and mailed free to alumni, friends and supporters of MNU. It is alumni, friends and supporters of MNU. It produced for University Advancement by the is produced for University Advancement by MNU Marketing and Communications Office. the MNU Marketing and Communications Postage is paid at Olathe, Kan., and additional Office. Postage is paid at Olathe, Kan., and mailing offices. additional mailing offices. News or comments: News or comments:


The MNU Experience


Three Pioneers Excel in Creative Roles

Grants Expand and Improve Spaces


From Archives to Nursing Labs



Prof's Research Funded by NASA


Solving Cosmic Questions

Week of Scholarship


Events Highlight Academic Quality

President's Honors


Photo Gallery


Strategic Planning



From MNU to Your Organization

Virtual Reality


Collaborative Efforts Simulate Real Life Situations

On The Cover DeAndrea (DeDe) Rogers (’14) at MNU’s Professional and Graduate Studies commencement ceremony May 3, 2014. Earning a Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration, Rogers works to improve underperforming schools in the Kansas City School District. More than 783 candidates participated in commencement exercises between two ceremonies. Traditional undergraduates’ ceremony was May 4.

View the gallery of photos and even more stories online at HELPFUL HELPFUL LINKS LINKS



08 Campus News 02 President’s Message 24 Athletics 06 Campus News 27 Advancing MNU 13 Faculty News 28 Alumni News 20 Athletics (Grad & Adult)

22 24

04 11 13 18 22

Advancing MNU Alumni News

04 10 14 17 18

KC Creative The MNU Experience GrantWhy Preserves I TeachPrecious Artifacts Helping Solve NASA’s Big Questions Commencement Photo GalleryProfile Student Strategic For the Future With Plan Purpose


K Creative

By Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best and Katy Ward (’14)

Creative Roles for Three Pioneers in Kansas City Creative alumni at different stages of their careers take a look at how MNU made a difference in where they are today.

Designing for the NFL Marketing and graphic design major Caitlin Wienck (’14) completed the internship of a lifetime in her senior year. She was a graphic designer for the Kansas City Chiefs. The Topeka, Kan., native first applied online. The Chiefs asked Caitlin to continue in the process by redesigning the team’s Red Friday logo and another logo of her choice. Excited by the opportunity and her love for design, Caitlin got to work. After submitting her designs and being interviewed, Caitlin was chosen for the position and started her internship in October 2013. During one of the Chiefs’ best seasons in several years, Caitlin first gained experience beyond the design world. She escorted VIPs to the field during pregame activities and gave radio broadcast tours at Arrowhead Stadium during games. She also had the opportunity to watch the games from the end zones. 04 ACCENT MAGAZINE / SUMMER 2014

When off season hit, Caitlin got to work in the Chiefs’ office with design and marketing projects. “Sometimes it’s graphic design and other times it is copyediting articles,” she says. Caitlin designed the medals for the 5k “Finish on the 50” race, the Chiefs’ annual run/walk where participants finish the race on the 50-yard line at Arrowhead Stadium. She also designed the Mini Chief to Work Day promotions for the day Chiefs’ employees bring their children to work. Whether it was creating backgrounds for the Chiefs’ website or Arrowhead event signage and posters, she’s loved the work. Recently a vice president told Caitlin she did a great job with the Mini Chief to Work Day promotion. “It was reaffirming when he complimented me,” Caitlin says. “This internship is exactly like something I want to do for the rest of my life, so it

was great hearing that I am doing a good job.” At MNU, Caitlin honed her skills as Associated Student Government publicity director for two years, MNU marketing office design intern and through freelance design work. She says this essential graphic design experience helped her land the Chiefs internship. Recently Caitlin accepted a full-time graphic design job with the Oakland Raiders NFL team in Oakland, Calif. She’s excited to move across the country and take on new challenges. “From the start, Caitlin has been a dedicated artist,” says Brian Merriman, graphic design professor. “She came into the program knowing what she wanted to do and had the talent to make those dreams a reality. She puts a lot of time into studying and learning. Her dedication and talent make for an exceptional artist.”


Writing Copy at the Firehouse “Advertising has become so seamlessly integrated into daily life that people don’t even seem to notice it anymore!” exclaims Deanna Evans (’08). When the English major graduated from MNU, she did not realize how her life would be influenced by the marketing profession. “I graduated at just about the worst time economically,” Deanna says. “I know some might say there’s no good time to graduate with an English degree, but 2008 was especially bad.” Though she took a circuitous route to get there, working first in retail management then at a chiropractic office, Deanna was hired as a publications manager for Stewardship Ministries at the Church of the Nazarene Global Ministry Center. Putting her degree to work there


for three years, Deanna gained the experience she needed to land a position as a copywriter at Fire Engine Design Studio, a subsidiary of Bernstein-Rein, a top advertising agency in Kansas City, Mo.

marketing and some are outside the English field altogether,” Deanna says. “That said, it can be hard to feel fully prepared for a particular English-related career without having participated in a specialized program.”

“I write the words you see or hear in advertisements: magazine ads, promotional emails, radio commercials, social media, billboards, in-store signage, etc.,” Deanna explains.

That’s why Deanna says gaining experience in the real world is critical to finding success after graduation. She recommends that current students stay up-to-date with the big ideas, brilliant thinkers and great work happening in their chosen field right now.

Some of Deanna’s clients include Beauty Brands, Webster House, AIGA Kansas City, the Trent Green Family Foundation, KC Repertory Theatre and others. “There are so many directions a student can go with an English degree. Some of my classmates are teachers, some are journalists, some are in

“Reach out to people you admire and see if you can meet with them for coffee to ask questions and learn from their expertise,” Deanna advises. “Attend community and industry events that are related to your career choice. In short, start networking now.”

Creating Custom Workspaces He’s He’s owned owned his his own own businesses, businesses, been been a a national national sales sales manager and now is the sales manager manager and now is the sales manager for for BA BA Designs, Designs, LLC, LLC, a a contract contract office office design design and and furnishings furnishings business business in in Kansas Kansas City, (’91,MBA MBA’01), ’01),says saysatatheart hearthe’s he’saa City, Mo. Mo. Sam Sam Shelhorn Shelhorn (’91, “sales guy.” “sales guy.” “Everything “Everything feels feels right right when when I’m I’m on on a a sales sales call,” call,” Sam Sam adds. adds. “Sitting down with a customer, finding out what they “Sitting down with a customer, finding out what they want want to to accomplish, accomplish, seeing seeing if if we we have have solutions, solutions, that’s that’s the the best best part of my day. People try to create a formula, a script, part of my day. People try to create a formula, a script, a a procedure procedure around around sales. sales. That That never never worked worked for for me. me. Putting Putting customers customers first first and and finding finding out out what what they they want, want, instead instead of of trying to sell them what you’ve got, makes a huge trying to sell them what you’ve got, makes a huge difference. difference. Through Through their their innovative innovative approach approach to to office office design, design, BA BA Designs plans and furnishes spaces for restaurants, Designs plans and furnishes spaces for restaurants, nonprofit nonprofit organizations organizations and and tech tech companies. companies. During During his his sophomore sophomore year year Sam Sam learned learned he he couldn’t couldn’t just just show up and make the grades he needed. He show up and make the grades he needed. He dropped dropped out, out, married married and and went went to to work work full full time time in in sales. sales. At At a a critical critical point point in in his his career, career, a a job job fair fair at at Sprint Sprint motivated motivated him him to to enter enter MNU’s bachelor’s degree completion program. MNU’s bachelor’s degree completion program. “They “They said said get get in in line line A A if if you you have have a a degree degree and and line line B B if if you you don’t,” Sam says. “It didn’t take long for me to realize how don’t,” Sam says. “It didn’t take long for me to realize how much much II needed needed that that degree.” degree.” Enjoying Enjoying college college courses courses was was a a new new experience experience for for Sam. Sam. As a professional with a family, he appreciated what As a professional with a family, he appreciated what he he was was learning, learning, even even utilizing utilizing one one of of his his college college projects projects to to “reinvent “reinvent how how his his company company went went to to market.” market.” The The result result was was a a promotion to national sales manager. promotion to national sales manager. Ten Ten years years later, later, Sam Sam and and his his wife, wife, Patty, Patty, decided decided to to open open their own contract furniture dealership. Sam says their own contract furniture dealership. Sam says he he knew knew he he needed needed more more education education to to succeed. succeed. So So he he enrolled enrolled in in the the MBA program at MNU. MBA program at MNU. “I’d “I’d seen seen too too many many people people go go into into business business for for themselves themselves but fail because they didn’t have a good underpinning but fail because they didn’t have a good underpinning of of finance,” finance,” Sam Sam says. says. “Everything “Everything II did did in in that that program program pointed to owning my own business. Being pointed to owning my own business. Being in in a a class class of of professionals, drawing on each other’s experiences, professionals, drawing on each other’s experiences, and and having having conversations conversations about about how how they they handled handled situations situations in in business, all helped.” business, all helped.” The The Shelhorns Shelhorns enjoyed enjoyed running running two two businesses businesses for for eight years and sold them in 2012. At eight years and sold them in 2012. At BA BA Designs, Designs, Sam Sam concentrates concentrates on on coaching coaching sales sales people people and and helping helping them them provide provide furnishing furnishing solutions solutions for for office office spaces spaces for for two two to to 2,000. 2,000. He enjoys the process of being in on the design of a space, He enjoys the process of being in on the design of a space, its its construction construction and and then then its its furnishings. furnishings. Some Some clients clients he he works works with with pick pick furniture furniture based based on on its its looks. looks. Others Others have have a a vision vision for the space, how people will work in it and a strategic for the space, how people will work in it and a strategic plan plan for for its its furnishings. furnishings. Either Either way, way, providing providing great great options options for for the the customer customer is is Sam’s Sam’s proven proven method method for for success. success. 07 ACCENT MAGAZINE / SUMMER 2014

8TH ANNUAL MLK CELEBRATION Honors Nazarene Civil Rights Leader

MNU honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at its eighth annual Community Celebration Jan. 21. Civil rights leader and pastor Dr. Charles Johnson was awarded the 2014 Martin Luther King Jr. Living Legacy Award. Johnson's 52-year career as a minister and community leader in Meridian, Miss., put him in the path of the famous Mississippi Burning trial. As a key African American witness in the case, Johnson played an important role for the federal Justice Department, offering clarity to the event that led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

march through Meridian following King's assassination in 1968. Johnson later received a presidential appointment to the National Manpower Board by President Jimmy Carter.

The founder of the Meridian Action Committee, the Opportunities Industrialization Center, and pastor of Fitkin's Memorial Church of the Nazarene in Meridian, Johnson shared a platform with King, traveled with him, and led a

"God is calling us to stand up for what is right and not what is popular," he said.

Johnson's remarks at the celebration were well received by an audience of more than 1,000. Giving three main points, he said that dreams should be God-inspired, that dreams can put you in danger (but being in God's will is the safest place), and that dreams don't make you popular but if you fulfill the dream God plans for you, you have found success.

Dr. Charles Johnson's civil rights experience is the subject of Called to The Fire by Chet Bush (left). Bush and Johnson (middle), with his wife, Shirley, also appeared at an author's lecture and book signing at MNU's Mabee Library.



Gordon MacDonald Imparts Wisdom from 40 Years of Ministry MNU’s Sullivan Center hosted a two-day conference with Gordon MacDonald Feb. 25. The author, speaker and teacher has been a pastor for more than 40 years. Presenting thoughts on how a leader charts his/her course through a lifetime of ministry, MacDonald shared his passion to create a culture of personal growth and development for younger leaders in the church. MacDonald has written more than 20 books, including his bestknown Ordering Your Private World, which won the Gold Medallion and the Platinum awards from the Evangelical Christian Publishing Association.

MNU events are chronicled on Flickr. Visit our gallery at

MNU Honored with Six CASE Awards The Office of Marketing and Communications at MNU won six institutional awards from The Council for Advancement and Support of Education District VI. CASE recognized six projects completed internally by the marketing team in 2013. Among the awards, the MNU website received a Gold and Accent magazine won a Bronze. MNU’s team was also recognized for receiving

the most awards for a college or university with 1,500 – 2,999 students. Nearly 600 submissions were made by public and private institutions in eight states. Visit

Wesley Cripe ('11), Kelly (Lawler '11) Chesley, Amy Curtis, Kim (Suderman, '05) Campbell, Carol (Knight '81, MA '08) Best



Nursing Lab Renewal and Expansion

New Programs and Majors

The nursing skills lab in Cook Center was recently expanded and updated with the help of two financial gifts. A grant of $84,980 from the John W. and Effie E. Speas Memorial Trust, Bank of America, Trustee, purchased new equipment that helps nursing students train on the same equipment they will use in a hospital or doctor’s office. Among the many items purchased were five wall-mounted diagnostic systems with equipment used to examine patients’ eyes, noses and ears; 11 patient headwalls that control the application or use of oxygen and suction; 10 units of oxygen supply tubes; six IV pumps; and four IVs for practicing insertion of IVs into forearms. Olathe Medical Center (OMC) has also donated $150,000 to MNU to enhance the nursing program and to assist in the development and continual improvement of nursing labs. The lab renewal will allow nursing students to gain valuable preparation for clinical experiences as well as their future careers.

ACCEPTED The Pre-Med Committee in the Department of Science and Mathematics reports that for the second year in a row, 100% of their 2014 graduates who applied to a professional program were accepted.

Graduate Program Kyle Ford

University of Iowa College of Dentistry

Matthew Eastwood

The University of Minnesota Chemistry Graduate Program

Donnie MacLeod

Southwest Baptist University Department of Physical Therapy

Lynsey Gustafson

University of Kansas School of Pharmacy


MNU and Olivet Nazarene University have announced a collaborative partnership to offer a Doctor of Education in ethical leadership degree program on the MNU campus. Associates of MNU and qualified applicants throughout the surrounding region will gain convenient access to this challenging, three-year doctoral program that is designed to meet the needs of today’s leaders, regardless of their chosen career fields. Graduates will earn their degrees through Olivet. A new recreation and leisure studies major focuses on improving health and wellness within communities, conservation of open space and parks, and ensuring all people have access to the benefits of local parks and recreation programs. Students will learn to develop, evaluate and direct recreational and intramural programs, activity groups, programs that support veterans and disabled individuals, and outdoor leadership programs. The new interdisciplinary children and family ministry major is the result of a partnership between MNU’s Department of Christian Ministry and Formation and its School of Education. The major will emphasize practical points of common practice between these two areas as they relate to children’s education in both Christian and public arenas.

Visit and choose “Academics” to learn more about these programs.


Grant Preserves Precious Artifacts The Johnson County Heritage Trust Fund awarded the Marge Smith Archives $15,000 in October 2013, to control the temperature and humidity in the archives and rare book rooms. “With the addition of the climate control, the Marge Smith Archives has achieved a level of preservation that puts us on a par with other archival institutions,” said Lon Dagley, university archivist. The archives collections are sensitive to swings in temperature and humidity. If the humidity is too low, paper and photos become brittle and break. On the other end of the spectrum, if the humidity is too high, mold and mildew can damage the collections. “Without grants like this one from the Johnson County Heritage Trust Fund, the Marge Smith Archives would not be able to make the significant improvements in longterm preservation it needs,” Dagley said.

This Geneva Bible published in 1599 is part of the Marge Smith Archives. The Bible was donated by Dr. James Dobson, Jr., in memory of his father, James Dobson, Sr., a former art professor at MNU.

Vennard College alumni also contributed to the project to extend the climate control measures to the Vennard College Archives which is adjacent to MNU’s Marge Smith Archives.

Little Women MNU’s spring production of Little Women starred Lindsay Crabtree, a senior from Olathe, Kan., as Amy March; Lindsay Lovejoy, a senior from Carbondale, Kan., as Jo March; Kelsey Kersten, a sophomore from Olathe, Kan., as Mrs. March; Savannah Hoit, a junior from Merriam, Kan., as Meg; and Kensi Kitsmiller, a sophomore from Nevada, Mo., as Beth.




…that’s why you’ll take an English class that feels relevant, learn science through the lens of a biblical perspective, explore strong programs like Criminal Justice, Education, Nursing and Business, as part of a faith community.





Andrew Overholt, PhD, assistant professor of physics, may be one of MNU’s youngest professors, but he’s already making his mark in scientific research. Overholt was recently awarded part of a $500,000 NASA Exobiology grant. Yes, that’s NASA as in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

energy pieces of matter that can cause radiation sickness and cancer. The research is conducted using computer modeling, requiring data analysis by supercomputers such as the National Science Foundation’s TeraGrid, a cyber infrastructure of high-performance computers at 11 locations nationwide.

Overholt conducts research with University of Kansas Professor Adrian Melott, PhD, and Brian Thomas, PhD, of Washburn University in a group they call the KU Astrophysics Biology Working Group. The group will receive NASA funding over three years to study the “Terrestrial Impact of Nearby Supernovae.” MNU’s portion of the grant is $150,000 and will be used to support the research, obtain additional computer equipment and fund a student research assistant.

The colleagues hope to learn how bad a worst-case scenario would be, if a nearby supernova is survivable, how close it could be and still be survivable, as well as effects on other planets with thinner atmospheres.

“This is the kind of research we encourage our students to seek out over the summer at other research facilities,” Overholt says. “It is exciting to get to have it here at MNU for a top science student. This gives them a distinct edge over students in similar programs at other institutions.” The new research is in an “untouched area,” according to Overholt. “No one has studied all of the effects on Earth from a nearby supernova,” he says. “Nearby in this instance would be about 10 parsecs or 30 light years.” A supernova occurs when a star collapses at the end of its lifecycle, causing it to heat up and explode. Overholt says this happens frequently because there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy. But statistically it rarely occurs close to Earth. A recent study shows that Earth has experienced a nearby supernova in the distant past.

“This is an unanswered question,” Overholt says. “We know these happen and statistically they should occur near us, but no one knows what would happen on Earth if there was a nearby supernova.” While Overholt is passionate about his research, he is even more passionate about teaching at MNU. “At a large university students would be in class with 300 other students,” Overholt says. “At MNU I get to talk with them about everything: life, paleontology, geology, chemistry, and more. Here, I get to know my students and come alongside them in the learning process in a way I would never be able to at other universities.” As a 2005 alumnus of Southern Nazarene University, he’s particularly attuned to the integration of faith and learning that makes Christian universities special. “There doesn’t need to be a competition between faith and science,” he says. “Physics helps me see so many parallels between God’s amazing creation and His own nature. I want my students to appreciate that Christianity and science cooperate. I am blessed to play a part in developing that appreciation.”

The professors each will study separate aspects of supernova effects. Overholt will study cosmic ray secondaries, high 13 ACCENT MAGAZINE / SUMMER 2014

Together, we can build a legacy.

For today. For tomorrow. For generations to come. Including MNU in your will or trust can fulfill your stewardship goals and ensure continued support for generations to come. Turn your commitment into a meaningful legacy.

Three easy steps to a meaningful bequest: > Determine what you want to support at MNU (scholarships, programs, endowment, etc.). > Ask your attorney to create or modify your will or living trust, using the language, “I give ___% of my estate to MidAmerica Nazarene University, Olathe, Kansas, 66062.” > Inform us of your intent so we can fully understand your plans and acknowledge your generosity by recognizing you as a member of the Cornerstone Society.

For more information on creating a lasting legacy at MNU: 877.496.8668


The Cornerstone Society formally recognizes those donors who include MNU in their wills, trusts or estate plans. Benefits of membership include: > Recognition at the President’s Honors and presentation of a bronze sculpture > Inclusion as a Cornerstone Society member in the MNU Foundation’s Honor Roll of Donors (unless you wish to remain anonymous)


Legacy of the Honorary Alumni Association Lives On By Carol (Knight ’81, MA ’08) Best At the age of 91, Dr. Otto Theel is still raising money for scholarships at MNU. Recently he challenged the MNU community by offering a dollar-for-dollar match of up to $50,000 for funds raised during the President’s Scholarship Challenge at President’s Honors. Then on the evening of the event, he increased his gift to a total of $75,000. That portion of the April 11, 2014, gala resulted in $137,235 raised through generous gifts of patrons and the matching gifts from the Theels.

The HAA promoted MANC, assisted with admissions recruitment and provided scholarship funds. According to MidAmerica Nazarene College: The Pioneer Years 1966-1991, a book by the late Donald S. Metz, PhD, professor and dean emeritus, “It was, in the early years of the College, the primary source of financial assistance for students, aside from government loans. When the HAA merged its activities with the Autumn Auction, its financial contributions became identified with the results of the auction.”

Dr. Theel and his wife, Beulah, have made generous matching gifts before. One such gift to the University Fund in 2011 was also a $50,000 match. In fact, Dr. Theel can claim an idea that has garnered more gifts than any other: the Mid-America Nazarene College Honorary Alumni Association (HAA).

Jon North, vice president for university advancement, says that the HAA continues now in a new form—The President’s Honors.

Officially organized on April 17, 1969, when the fledgling institution had no alumni, 114 individuals met in the Campus Center to hear a presentation by Assistant to the President Bill Draper and Dr. Theel. Ninety-five responded and became “honorary alumni.” The group would go on to raise thousands of dollars through the years with varied activities and an annual banquet. By 1978 membership had grown to 1,000.

Dr. R. Curtis Smith and Dr. Otto Theel, 1969

“Dr. Theel's leadership and passionate support helped create a culture of generosity that has continued for nearly 50 years,” North says. “Today’s President’s Honors was inspired by Dr. Theel’s original vision. His continued dedication to the cause of MNU has impacted the lives of thousands of MNU students and will continue to benefit the university for generations to come.” Generations of Pioneers owe a debt of gratitude to the Theels for their generosity and stewardship.

Dr. David Spittal and Dr. Otto Theel, 2014 15 ACCENT MAGAZINE / SUMMER 2014

A Celebration of Academics at MNU By Kim (Suderman ’05) Campbell What do you get when you combine seven of MNU’s top professors, interactive voting and a Golden Brain trophy? The 7x7 Challenge, of course! Hundreds packed the Bell Cultural Events Center’s Mabee Auditorium for the first 7x7 Challenge April 8, 2014. Students, faculty, staff and community members were treated to a rousing academic smack down as professors competed in individual seven-minute talks on innovative topics in their areas of expertise. “It’s a fun, creative way to show the community what it’s like to learn at MNU,” says Provost Mary Jones, PhD. 7x7final.pdf



9:37 AM

The 7x7 Challenge was the brainchild of several faculty members including Todd Hiestand, JD. The event is presented in a fun and challenging format,” Hiestand says. “Professors are used to speaking, but mostly in classrooms and large blocks of time. The seven-minute time limit also presents an opportunity for professors to challenge themselves in a unique way.”


Hosts Mark Hayse ('88), PhD, and Lisa Wallentine ('94), both professors, were a highlight of the event, providing their own take on each presentation between the lectures. Attendees were allowed a single vote submitted via text message at the conclusion of the event. After a close competition, Frye claimed the Arvin Oke Golden Brain trophy as well as the title of MNU’s first 7x7 Challenge winner. His talk “Why More is Less” addressed the assumption that with more choices comes more happiness when the inverse is actually true.


The Golden Brain traveling trophy is named in honor of Arvin Oke, PhD, MNU’s first research professor. Oke has dedicated his life’s work to brain research and has served as a faculty member at MNU for 26 years. Oke’s schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease research has been widely published, and he is a fellow and collaborative research scientist at the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Disease Research Center of Excellence located at the University of Kentucky. The 7x7 Challenge was just one of many events during MNU’s new Week of Scholarship. The week of April 7 also included an exclusive Scholar Visit Day for high-achieving high school students, student and faculty poster sessions, and a networking workshop with expert Alana Muller.

See a gallery of photos from the Week of Scholarship or watch the individual 7x7 presentations at

The 7x7 presentations included • Busking, Mexican Marimba Style, Terry Baldridge, PhD • On Specks & Planks: Why Moral Judgment is Always Impaired, Earl Bland, PhD • Tech Neglect and the Wilson Effect, Todd Bowman, PhD • Clipping Excellence, Nancy Damron ('95, MEd '98), PhD • Why More is Less, Todd Frye, PhD • The Molecular Social Network, Jordan Mantha, PhD • A Tale of Two Sigmas, Drew Overholt, PhD

Todd Frye, PhD, (right) professor of counseling, won the Golden Brain trophy named in honor of Arvin Oke, PhD, (left) MNU’s first research professor.

New Online Community for Giving & Alumni

University Advancement just launched a new tool, giving alumni and friends of MNU an easy way to communicate with the university. The MNU Online Community lets you manage your email preferences for communications from alumni relations, advancement and church relations. You can browse a new online alumni directory, register for events, update MNU on your information changes when you

move, change email or make a donation. You can view your giving history, and utilize enhanced online giving options, such as recurring monthly and quarterly giving, are also available.

Register for an account by visiting


The President’s Honors, MNU's premier annual fundraising event raised more than $563,000, surpassing this year's goal by more than $50,000. Since the university began holding the gala three years ago more than $1,350,000 has been raised for scholarships. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback participated in the event by video to congratulate Coach Rocky Lamar on his induction in the NAIA Hall of Fame. Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer attended. A basketball signed by the men’s 2014 team and Coach Lamar was a popular auction item. Several unusual donated items brought high bids. Long-time supporter and food processing-industry giant Larry Doskocil donated a 4-foot long pepperoni which sold for $1,000. A 1957 Lincoln from long-time MNU friends, brought $10,000. Allexpense paid trips accompanying Heart to Heart International to Haiti for humanitarian relief brought $13,000.




More photos from the evening are posted on the MNU Flickr Gallery.


Marge Smith, wife of the late founding president, R. Curtis Smith, enjoyed the evening with granddaughter Monica Smith Rosegrant (’98, MEd ’02).


MNU Symphonic Choir regaled the crowd with two numbers.


Presentation of the MNU Lifetime Achievement Award to Frank H. Devocelle, president and CEO of Olathe Health System.


New members of the Cornerstone Society, individuals who have included MNU in their estate plans.


Emcees Alan and Saralyn Brown, Class of 1972.


Piano music by Sean Hephner, senior music major from Wichita, Kan.


Thanks to our Auctioneers.


And thanks to live auction participants for your bids.










MNU Develops Strategic Plan for the Future MNU and its Board of Trustees are building a comprehensive strategic plan with the guidance of Credo, LLC, a higher education consulting firm focused on holistic assessment and action ( All employees have had the opportunity to have input in the plan, and a cross section of the MNU community serve on committees that have further developed objectives of the plan based on campus-wide input. “We are about 75 percent through this initial planning phase,” says Provost Mary Jones, PhD. “This plan will address specific ways that help us at MNU continue to transform lives, strengthen academic excellence and build resources for the future.”

Tammy Ogren, adjunct professor of business

Your Organization’s Strategic Management By Tammy Ogren (’04, MBA ’06) Strategic planning is the GPS system of business. Just like the GPS in your car, your strategic plan should be a guide that helps your business find its way every day. To be effective, the plan needs to consider two things: Where are you now and where do you want to be? You, like the GPS, have to define how you will get there. There are always multiple paths you can take. Deciding the right one and staying on it, while preparing for detours, is key to successful strategic planning. EVERY ORGANIZATION IS UNIQUE Strategic planning is about identifying and leveraging competitive advantage, and it is different for every organization. Asking the right questions will help you hone in on the best components for your strategy: • What are your unique strengths as an organization? Do you need to protect these core competencies? • Have your customers changed? Do they still have the same needs? Do they have any pains or needs that are not being met? • Are there new ways to use the same product in a new market? • What is your competitive advantage for the future? • Do you need to change internal processes to be more efficient and competitive? • Should your organization stop doing anything? The answers to these questions must be an honest representation of market demand and internal resources. Without honesty from everyone, the plan runs the danger of being driven by one person and can reflect his or her blind spots, preferences and fears, which may or may not be attuned to external opportunities and threats.

Diversity in the planning committee helps bring strength to your plan. IMPLEMENTATION HAPPENS IN THE HALLWAYS OF THE ORGANIZATION Implementation is where most plans run into difficulty, because the strategic plan is often treated like a special project instead of being integrated into the daily tasks of every person in the organization. Your best effort at success in strategic planning requires a clear understanding by each person of how his or her work implements the plan. Every person in your organization should be able to see immediately whether work he or she does supports the strategy. COMMUNICATION IS ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS A robust communications plan is essential to ensure the success of any strategic plan. Communicate routinely about status and lessons learned. It’s invaluable to staying on track. Keep your plan explanation simple: Every person in the firm should be able to describe the strategy to a stranger in one or two sentences. It may seem daunting to boil down your strategy into such a compressed space, but here’s a great example: Edward Jones is dedicated to serving individual investors by providing branch offices across the U.S. in the locations where people live and shop. Each branch has one manager who works within the local community to serve investors who do not have the time or inclination to manage their own investments on a daily basis. They are acutely aware of who they serve as well as who they do not. Your strategy should be expressed simply and understood easily, but it will take time and regular reinforcement.

ACCOUNTABILITY KEEPS THINGS MOVING While senior managers may have a clear understanding of their accountability to the plan, it can be more difficult for employees to relate the strategic plan to daily work. Management and Departmental level – Each department head should define top level goals to support the organization’s objectives and to support each other’s goals. They should be shared within the organization. Aligning daily work with the plan’s top objectives and to the goals between departments will ensure accountability to each other and to one strategic objective. Individual – Each person in the organization should know how individual goals support the firm’s strategic goals. This is where strategic plans are either fully implemented or derailed. Strategic planning helps people at all levels make daily decisions with the same roadmap. Instead of using only the information and knowledge at hand, a plan’s strategic objectives bring consistency to each area within an organization. TAKEAWAYS • Communicate simply so everyone is clear on the destination and how to get there. • Each person should be able to connect work to the support of the strategic plan. • The real work of implementing a strategic plan happens in the hallways and in the cubicles each day–not in the boardroom. • Pay as much attention to communication and implementation as planning, so every day brings your strategy to actuality.



Pioneers Go to National Basketball Tournaments By Chad Jenkins Men’s basketball reached its sixth Fab Four appearance in national tournament play at this year’s NAIA Div. I National Tournament after a remarkable run. Finishing third in the HAAC with a 12-6 record, the team ran hot at the right time, winning the last four games of the regular season. Winning three-straight HAAC tournament games gave MNU an automatic berth to the Nationals. The Pioneers defeated No. 3-ranked LSU-Shreveport then No. 4-ranked Columbia. A 13-point win against St. Catharine put the Pioneers in the Fab Four, where they were defeated by No. 7-ranked Emmanuel. Luke Thomas and Nick Syrie were AllHAAC honorees, and Thomas was named All-America. Women’s basketball won its third straight HAAC tournament

Coach Rocky Lamar ('76) was inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame.

earning an automatic berth in the NAIA Div. I National Tournament. MNU defeated Hope International to reach the second round but fell to No. 3-ranked Westminster in its firstever Sweet Sixteen appearance. Kelsey Balcom (1st-team), Daria Sprew (2nd-team), and Megan Balcom (3rd-team) earned All-Conference honors, and Balcom (3rd-team) and Sprew (honorable mention) were named All-America.

Want to learn more? Visit

Pioneers New Head Football Coach Joins Team By Chad Jenkins Brian Willmer has been named the new head football coach at MidAmerica Nazarene University, becoming the sixth in the program's history. Willmer coached 15 seasons at Azusa Pacific University (Calif.), the last eight as defensive coordinator and assistant head coach. The Azusa Cougars were conference champs in 2013 after just their second year in NCAA Div. II "We are excited that Brian is joining our athletics program and look forward to his leadership," says MNU President David Spittal. "His excellent coaching experience, his leadership and strong commitment to Jesus Christ are recognized by all who know him." During his tenure at Azusa Pacific, Willmer coached two NAIA All-


America honorees and an All-Great Northwest Athletic Conference Defensive Player of the Year. He helped lead Azusa to multiple playoff appearances, including two NAIA semifinals. Willmer says it is a privilege to be part of the MNU community and contribute to the lives of athletes. "The game of football is a powerful vehicle to shape men, and I am excited to see these players grow both spiritually and personally through the game of football." Willmer and his wife, Lindsay, are the parents of Emma, 11; Addie Joy, 9; Titus, 5; and twins Gwenyth and Nehemiah, 4.



By Chad Jenkins

Softball National Appearance Second-Straight Year Pioneer softball finished second in the Heart of America Athletic Conference qualifying for the NAIA national tournament for the second-straight season. Lynsey Keith (1st team), Vanessa Arandules (1st team), Megan Schwindler (1st team), Hayley Gately (2nd team), Katie Williams (2nd team), Chelsey Streibich (honorable mention), Alexis Pacheco (honorable mention), and Kaity Wills (honorable mention) were named to the All-Conference team. Keith (SS) and Stephanie Valenzuela (RF) earned Gold Glove honors for their positions. In the opening round of the NAIA National Tournament, MNU sandwiched a victory over #25 Kansas Wesleyan between two losses to #7 Spring Hill (Ala.) in the double elimination tournament.

Historic Season for Baseball The Pioneer baseball team won the Heart of America Athletic Conference title for the first time since 1984, the HAAC tournament championship for the first time in program history, and qualified for the NAIA national tournament this season. Head Coach Ryan Thompson was named HAAC Coach of the Year, Jordan Eckley was named HAAC Player of the Year and (1st team). Clayton Brandt (1st team), Carlos Vargas (1st team), Colin Starr (1st team), Tino Luna (1st team), Nick Kevlin (1st team), Joe Smith (1st team), Trent Sullivan (2nd team), Trent Hedlund (2nd team), and Santiago Romero (honorable mention) were named to the All-Conference team. In their first appearance in the opening round of nationals, MNU defeated #11 LSU-Shreveport before falling to #4 Faulkner and LSU-S in the double elimination tournament.




By Carol (Knight ’81, MA ’08) Best

How can nursing students gain lifelike experience to prepare them for real-life situations but without risk to potential patients? MNU’s Patient Simulation labs—equipped with lifelike mannequins that respond to stimuli—and other high-tech medical equipment allow MNU students to be immersed in a variety of situations they will encounter as nurses. At the same time, licensed nurses in MNU’s Master of Science in nursing program need experience teaching and guiding students as they learn to become nurse leaders and educators. Enter a brand new collaboration last semester between MSN students and traditional undergraduate BSN students. Utilizing High Fidelity Simulation, students gained clinical experience at the highest level of realism without risking the safety of a real patient. In the scenario, MSN students provided undergrads with the simulation of a hospital obstetrical and neonatal unit. In the Virtual Patient Center, undergraduate students performed the role of registered nurses, developing both nursing skills and critical thinking skills. Their “patients” were a woman giving birth


and her baby requiring special neonatal intensive care.

students gain valuable experience in the role of the educator.

Kyndra Zeigler, a 2014 BSN graduate, found the simulation made her more confident about the transition to working as a nurse.

“Human Patient Simulation is essential to prepare MSN students in strategies that promote best practice in both education and in preparing student nurses to become safe, effective practitioners in a complex health care system,” McDermott says.

“First we learn in the classroom; then we apply it in simulation." “Simulation is a great learning opportunity,” Zeigler says. “First we learn in the classroom; then we apply it in simulation. Going through the steps of what I would do in an emergency situation in simulation helps better prepare me for real-life situations in a hospital.” MNU is one of the few nursing schools that can provide this unique experience for students because it has two virtual patient centers and a Master of Science in nursing program. Many programs might have the simulation centers but not the graduate-level component. Joanne McDermott, PhD, associate professor of nursing, says MSN

Kimberley Brownlee, assistant professor of nursing, applauds the progress she observes in MNU’s senior-level traditional BSN students. “The most phenomenal result in this particular simulation is actually ‘seeing’ the shift in our traditional students from ‘student nurses’--relying heavily on instructor guidance--to a team of professional novice ‘nurses.’ The demonstration of effective communication, collaboration, and teamwork with a group of professional MSN students provided excellent care for critically ill ‘patients,’” Brownlee says.

For more information on nursing programs at MNU visit


2013 ANNUAL REPORT ONLINE With full hearts we look back at the year that was 2013, another year added to the history of MidAmerica Nazarene University. Memories. Accomplishments. Milestones. We see renewed commitment to excellence in the burgeoning numbers of Honors Program students and preprofessional student accomplishments.

annual report

We see new academic leadership at the highest level – evidence of God’s perfect timing and provision. We see faculty working together to create new academic programs. We see students landing prestigious internships and being accepted into excellent graduate programs. We see faculty, staff and students worshipping together each week. We see our alumni achieving amazing things...

It’s all waiting for you at • Year in Review • Special Events Photos • Greeting from President Spittal • Honor Roll of Donors

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ALUMNI NEWS Ron Bynum (’75) is pastor of Cornerstone Community Church of the Nazarene in Falcon, Colo.

Richard Cannon (’75) was named CEO of Solution Services International. The release of his latest book, Money Mastery, was recently announced by CC Publishing Co.

Dean Flemming’s (’75) new book, Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling, was published by Intervarsity Press (October 2013).

A magazine from Selah Media group called Refreshed recently launched and features articles from MNU alums David (’75) and Lisa (Jacobson, ’78) Frisbie, as well as Dean Nelson (’76). Visit

Michael and Cheryl (Crenshaw, ’76) Dugas are teaching English at SIAS International University (China).

Dr. Kay Ethridge (FS ’76) received the Profiles in Education Award from the San Diego Youth Symphony Nov. 10, 2013. She is professor of music at University of San Diego.

Mike Major (’76) was hired as the new chief financial officer at Great Plains SPCA.

Robert Hull (’77) has been appointed dean of the School of Education at Olivet Nazarene University.

Dr. Claudia (Garner, ’77) Reinfelds, completed a Doctor of Education with emphasis in special education from the University of Kansas.

Rick D. Power, PhD, (’78) was elected district superintendent of the Hawaii Pacific District of the Church of the Nazarene.

Lynn Lemke (’81) is president and CEO of Marillac, a children’s psychiatric treatment center in Overland Park, Kan. Lynn has worked in behavioral healthcare for 20 years and most recently served as director of behavior health for Saint Luke’s North Hospital for 16 years.

Carla (Johnson, ’83) Sunberg is now president of Nazarene Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Mo.

Susan (Sciolaro, ’84) Lynch won the 2013 Bronze Stevie Award for Female Executive of the Year - Business Products (More than 2,500 employees). She is chief financial officer for Hitachi Data Systems.

Alan (’88) and Marlys (Haun, ’90) Arnold recently introduced their first culinary magazine on Newsstand for iPad. The magazine, Adventures with Tea, features articles about tea, along with tea-infused recipes. Read more at

Pete Brumbaugh (’90) is director of major gifts & annual fund at Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City.

Greg Hager (’94) has been nominated for a third time as Western Artist of the Year by the Academy of Western Artists. Greg also made history in North Dakota with the release of his seventh album of original songs.

Ron Ryckman Jr. (’94) is chair of the Kansas House Social Services Budget Committee.

Stephanie (Tayloe, ’99) Dulin published a book, Life In The Passenger Seat, available on

Gayla (DeBok, ’99) Posch was selected as the Olathe School District’s 2013-14 Elementary Teacher of the Year.

Heather Attig (’00) earned a PhD in Communication Studies from the University of Kansas. She is now an assistant professor of communications at Olivet Nazarene University.

Donnie (’00) and Erin (O’Toole, ’01) Miller are serving as volunteers with Nazarene Mission Corps in Versailles, France, until July 2014. Donnie and Erin have a 5-year-old son, Dawson.

Luke Johnson (’03) is the band director and instrumental instructor at MNU. He also works as a graduate teaching (Continued on pg. 30)




MNU Family & Friends at the Dodge City Rodeo

AUG 15

MNU Night at the Colorado Rockies

MNU Family & Friends Night at the Dodge City Rodeo

Cimarron, Dodge City, Kansas

August 3

Coors Field, Denver, Colorado

MNU Night at the Colorado Rockies

AUG 16

MNU Alumni Night at Sporting KC


MNU Tuesday

Bell Cultural Events Center

August 15

SEP 27

Kansas Belle Dinner Train

MNU Night at Sporting KC

OCT 2-5

Pioneer Adventures Lake Winnipesaukee, NH

OCT 24-26 NOV 11

Sporting Park, Kansas City, Kansas

Baldwin City, Kansas

Hosted by Vern & Ribka Wesley and Cort & Karen Miller

August 16

Homecoming and Family Weekend MNU Campus, Olathe, Kansas

MNU Tuesday

Bell Cultural Events Center

October 2-5

For more event details, visit

Lake Winnipesaukee New Hampshire



ADDITIONAL NEWS assistant with the University of Kansas bands and is completing a Doctor of Musical Arts in wind conducting.

Dave Elliott (MHR ’08) won the dessert category at the 2013 World Food Championship.

Larissa Klinger (’04) appeared in a Purina commercial on Thanksgiving during the National Dog Show. The commercial can be found on ThePurinaNetwork on Youtube and is titled “Doggie Duet.”

Duane Buchanan (MHR ’09) received the 2013 University of the Rockies academic scholarship award in his doctoral studies.

Jeremy Bird (’11) works for Amazon on the instant video team in Seattle, Wash. Daniel Toburen (’04), Simmons First National Bank (Olathe), is in Leadership Olathe’s 2014 class.

Elizabeth (Dagley, ’05) Graham was elected to the Nazarene Children's Leadership Network.

Rod Tucker (FS ’05), founding pastor of The River church in Kalamazoo, Mich., author and blogger, has a new book called Uncovered: The Truth about Honesty and Community, available on

Dr. Darin Freeburg (’07), PhD, will join the School of Library and Informational Science at the University of South Carolina in August 2014. Freeburg earned his PhD in communication and information from Kent State University in 2013.

Matt Gow (’11) is goalkeeper coach for Virginia Tech’s men’s soccer team.

→ MARRIAGES Brianna (Davis, ‘13) and Michael Morrison (’13), July 13, 2013. Alyssa (Chisam, ’12) and Zach Madden, Nov. 8, 2013. Michael (’05) and Kristen (Cook, ’06) Miller, Dec. 28, 2013. Billy Ray “Beau” (’13) and Katie (Jackson, ’13) Weissend, Dec. 31, 2013. Michael (’13) and Kelsey (Luffman, ’13) Beck, Aug. 23, 2013. Andrew (’06) and Natalie (Nichols, ’06) Rayhons, Nov. 8, 2013.

Jacob Lawrence (’11) was awarded the 2013 Sheriff’s Deputy of the Year by the Kansas Sheriff’s Association.

Anna Nostrant (’12) is training for the Olympics in Kansas City and hopes to compete in bobsledding in the 2018 Olympics.

Josiah (’14) and Amanda (Nigus, ’14) Crandall, Dec. 31, 2013.

→ CONDOLENCES Nikki A. Ingram ('74), May 19, 2014. Rev. John F. Hocket (FS ’77), Mar. 9, 2014.

Rustin Dowd (’13), former MNU basketball player, signed with the Werribee Devils in Australia.

Kiley Herold (’13) works for Learfield Sports in Omaha, Neb., as an emcee and as advertising promotional specialist at SKAR, a marketing company.

Earl Atteberry (’88), Sept. 24, 2013. Rev. Gary D. Keith (’91), Apr. 13, 2014. Joe C. Meriweather (MHR ’92), Oct. 20, 2013. Michael Jay Wright (’92), Jan. 16, 2014. Mary (Shriver, MHR ’95) Murphy, Jan. 4, 2014. R. Scott Cook (MHR ’98), Apr. 16, 2014.

Blake Revelle (’07) is the Olathe School District’s 2013-14 Secondary Teacher of the Year.


Travis Walker (’13) completed an internship with Entercom Communications Corp., a radio broadcasting company with stations located in Kansas City, Mo.

Grace McNaney (MED ’10), Jan. 9, 2014. Mary Orjala (former faculty), Jan. 11, 2014.


→ BIRTHS - Help us welcome our newest Pioneers 1) Tyler (FS ’11) and Kim (Kramer, ’09) Anderson, a daughter: Aiva Kay, born Dec. 13, 2013.

15) Phillipe and Krystal (Smith, ’05) Leitner, a daughter: Ever Mae, born Aug. 17, 2013.

29) Dave (’08) and Lauren Richards, a son: Dylan Lucas, born Jan. 8, 2014.

2) Brady (’01) and Kreisa (Patredis, ’01) Braatz, a daughter: Norah Kathryn, born Oct. 19, 2013.

16) Rev. Landon (’11) and Robin (Spence, ’11) Letsinger, a son: Jason Grant, born Apr. 5, 2014.

30) Ryan (’07) and Stephanie (Attig) Rundberg, twin sons: Wesley Ryan and Kyson Drew, born Apr. 2, 2014.

3) L.J. (FS ’07) and Kelley Brackson, a son: Darnell Alexander, born Oct. 15, 2013.

17) C. Britt (’99) and Kelly (Ryman, ’98) Mattix, a daughter: Ava Scarlett, born Oct. 29, 2013.

31) EJ and Amanda (Judd, ’06) Shepherd, a son: Edward John IV, born Nov. 1, 2013.

4) Matt (’07) and Lauren (Gilmore, ’09) Buchanan, a daughter: Aubree Gail, born Feb. 6, 2014.

18) Jason (’10) and Heidi (Moore, ’09) Menard, a daughter: Presley Ava, born Sept. 27, 2013.

32) Justin (’03) and Courtney (Nall, ’03) Smith, a daughter: Savannah, born Oct. 1, 2013.

5) Ryan (’03) and Kimberly (Suderman, ’06) Campbell, a son: Ford Wesley, born Oct. 21, 2013.

19) Blake (’09) and Liz (Spruill, ’06) Mokiao, a son: Keoni Blake, born Oct. 2, 2013.

33) Craig and Gail (Burney, ’01) Snowbarger, a son: Garon Daley, born Jan. 3, 2014.

6) Quinn (’07) and Stephanie (Shelhorn, ’09) Carr, a daughter: Summer Kaye, born Oct. 8, 2013.

20) Jason and Nicholette (Redfern, ’06) Morgan, a daughter: Everly Ann, born Apr. 1, 2014.

34) Andrew (FS ’08) and Randi Spruill, a son: Everett Anderson, born Feb. 28, 2014.

7) Josh (FS ’07) and Emily (Barth) Childers, a daughter: Camille Ruby, born Nov. 5, 2013.

21) Daniel (’08) and Candace (Barkman, ’07) Moss, a daughter: Sadie Marie, born Sept. 5, 2013.

35) Billie (’07) and Emily (O’Neal, ’11) Taylor, a son: Oliver Warren, born Apr. 15, 2014.

8) Clinton (’07) and Courtney (Clark, ’08) Conant, a daughter: Rory Faith, born Feb. 20, 2014.

22) Nathan and Jolene (O’Brien, ’13) Newlon, a son: Lucus, born Aug. 26, 2013.

36) John (’07) and Ashley (Patterson, ’09) Yockey, a son: Kaden John, born Oct. 4, 2013.

9) Joel (’00) and Tasha (Key, ’99) Dougherty, a son: Blake Alexander, born Aug. 23, 2013.

23) Ruckman and Lori (Guhr, ’93) Nilsen, a daughter: Angelina, adopted Oct. 22, 2011, and sons: Marcus and Mason, adopted Feb. 14, 2012.

37) Rev. Andrew (’10) and Lindsay (Selden) Watts, a son: Elijah Andrew, born Nov. 19, 2013.

10) Josh (’11) and Lacey (Letsinger, ’12) Griffith, a daughter: Charlye Paige, born Feb. 14, 2014. 11) David and Dana (Hanson, ’07) Hermon, a son: Harvey Michael, born Aug. 21, 2013. 12) Jeremiah (’04) and Kristin (Breuklander, ’04) Higgins, a daughter: Piper Cheyenne, born Nov. 5, 2013. 13) Allen and Megan (Jacobson, ’08) Huffman, a daughter: Brooklyn Christine, born Dec. 11, 2013. 14) Desmond (’07) and Alana (Atkins) Jamison, a daughter: Anala Ellesse, born Apr. 9, 2014.

24) Heath (’97) and Angie Olson, a son: Sullivan James, born Oct. 10, 2013. 25) Brad and Megan (Anderson, FS ’09) Pacey, a daughter: Emersyn, born Aug. 6, 2013. 26) Michael (’08) and Elizabeth (Messamer, ’06) Palmer, a son: Henry Michael, born Dec. 19, 2013. 27) Alex (’03) and Jennifer Perry, a daughter: Kindrey June, born June 25, 2013. 28) James (’08) and Staci (Eastman, ’08) Perry, a son: Deacon, born Sept. 24, 2013.

38) Henry and Julie (Sorge, ’03) Way, a son: Felix Isambard, born Oct. 1, 2013. 39) David and Julie (Beck, ’07) Weeks, a son: Carter Phillip, born Aug. 9, 2013.


HAVE NEWS? Want to share births, marriages, and accomplishments with Accent? Please send to 31 ACCENT MAGAZINE / SUMMER 2014

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OCTOBER 24-26, 2014







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