2014 MNU Annual Report

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annual report

table of contents THE GIFT OF TIME................................6 THE GIFT OF RELATIONSHIP.................16 THE GIFT OF SERVICE.........................20 THE GIFT OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT.......24

There are many types of gifts. Every gift makes a difference. Each year is a gift - we truly believe this. At MNU we recognize the swiftness with which a year passes. Winter thaws giving way to spring, with marathon study sessions and finals. Cheers from the baseball field join with the joyous shouts of seniors at graduation. Summer brings planning, practicing and preparing. We welcome fall with open arms: long days on the campus green, new friends and reunions. Before we know it, we wonder where the year went.

Now we celebrate the many gifts of 2014 and renew our challenge to live out our commitment to be purposeful and our mission to be transformational. As we reflect on last year, we recognize the gifts of time, relationship, service and financial support that made so much of the “possible� become a reality for MNU students. We are thankful for the gift of 2014.


A transformative university that nurtures Christlike community, pursues academic excellence, and cultivates a passion to serve. OUR VISION To impact the world for Jesus Christ through

servant leaders recognized for their excellence, integrity, and spiritual vitality.


from the president Recently when considering a purchase I noticed a tag

again God has exceeded our expectations, amazed us

which indicated the product was covered by a “limited

and overwhelmed us with His provision. With the Psalm

warranty.” After closer inspection, and short of a direct

writer we too must sing, “Give thanks to the LORD . . .

meteor hit, the product warranty was so limited it

his love endures forever.”

was worthless. Another product included a “lifetime guarantee” and another long list of exceptions which caused me to question the dependability of the product itself. Contrast this with the words of Psalm 136, “Give

We are grateful to each of those who have contributed time, resources and service again this year. Your faithful support is essential to the work of the University at this very crucial time in our world. God is working in the lives of this generation and because of those who love

thanks to the LORD . . . His love endures forever.” When

and support MNU, there will be new stories to share of

you read the fine print, the Hebrew word “chesed”

lives transformed forever through His love.

is used to describe the infinite expanse of God’s dependable, never failing and faithful love. Forty times this phrase is used in scripture as praise to celebrate the faithfulness of God. Imagine a guarantee that is limitless and extends, not merely for a lifetime, but from generation to generation. In a world of constant change, the love of God is firm, trustworthy, never ending and is

As you read these stories, you will discover that each has a central theme. Each tells the ongoing story of MNU and also provides evidence of a God who is still at work. If you read between the lines, you will discover God’s unconditional love and the substance of His assurance to all mankind . . . His Love Endures Forever.

not subject to change. This annual report tells the continuing story of a university that was founded upon the enduring faithfulness of God. Again this year he has blessed MNU through the prayers, sacrifice and generous support of its alumni and friends. To their obedience he has added his “immeasurably more” and we have again witnessed the expanse and magnitude of His love. Once




our leadership PRESIDENT’S CABINET


Dr. David J. Spittal

Executive Committee

Other Members:


Dr. David J. Spittal

Rev. Joel Atwell


Rev. Mark J. Bane Rev. Jim C. Bond

Dr. Mary Jones Provost and Chief Academic Officer

Dr. Larry McIntire

Mr. Tim Buchanan


Rev. Daniel W. Cole Mr. Chad Cook

Mr. Kevin P. Gilmore Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Dr. Michael G. Palmer

Dr. Vicki Copp

Vice Chairman

Mr. Keith Cox Mr. John Dahl

Mrs. Kristi Keeton Vice President for Student Development

Mrs. Terri Comfort

Rev. Bryan Davis


Dr. Deanna Edwards Mr. Brian J. Garber

Mr. Jon D. North Vice President for University Advancement Executive Director of the MNU Foundation

Mr. Daniel D. Rexroth

Mr. Gregory A. Hephner


Rev. Steven P. Hoffman Dr. Glenn Kell

Dr. Merrill R. Conant

Rev. Michael Lynch

Mr. Darrel E. Johnson

Rev. Fred Morrison

Mr. Eldon J. Meyers

Rev. M. Kim Smith

Rev. Phil Rhoades

Rev. Rod Thelander

Dr. Jeren Rowell

Rev. Fred Toomey

Dr. Tia Strait Mrs. Cathy Veach

the gift of

“It’s been a privilege working with Dave and seeing how he devotes his time to MNU. It shows something very cool in his character, that he wants to train and help students learn.”


He spends hundreds of hours each year working behind the scenes in Bell Cultural Events Center. It’s perhaps the most behind-the-scenes role one could have. Concerts, theatre productions and recitals. Dave Sapp’s gift of time has literally kept the lights on for these important fine and performing arts productions. An engineer by profession, Dave’s selfless gift of time has been indispensable to the hundreds of students who have spent time on our stage. “I think it’s important to be aware of opportunities around you. If you are open to new possibilities, you will be able to find new ways to serve God,” says Dave.

As a senior music major, Zach Relf (’15) has performed in dozens of band and choral performances inside the Bell Cultural Events Center. In addition to loving music, Zach enjoys learning about the technical production side of a musical performance. He’s actually volunteered alongside Dave to produce events when he’s not performing.




by the numbers ENROLLMENT

Professional Undergraduate

Traditional Undergraduate Enrollment 908 Professional Undergraduate Enrollment 460 Graduate Enrollment 502 Total Enrollment 1,870 Traditional Undergraduates Living on Campus


64% Graduate Traditional Undergraduate








Business Administration




Sports Management



highlights CAMPUS UPDATE

in May. Hindman works as an Intensive Care Nursery education coordinator.

One of just 10 universities nationwide, MNU is selected by the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education to participate in their first Networked Improvement Community. MNU is the only faith-based university named to participate in this initiative, aimed at increasing the diversity of the nation’s teacher candidate pool.

100% of MNU’s 2014 pre-professional graduates who apply to graduate programs are accepted into master’s programs – many at top universities across the nation.

Nate Wiens (’00) is named head coach of MNU’s Cross Country and Track & Field teams. After a five-year hiatus, the cross country and track and field program is set to return in 2015.

The Pioneer football team beats rival Missouri Valley in the first-ever Gridiron Challenge at Arrowhead Stadium.

Students in the Master of Arts in Counseling capstone class journey to northern Uganda in June to teach others about counseling individuals who have suffered traumatic situations.

The School of Nursing and Health Science is approved to form a chapter of the prestigious Sigma Theta Tau International honor society.

Nate Wiens (’00), Cross Country and Track & Field Coach

MNU is awarded a $10 million five-year Title III Department of Education Strengthening Institutions Program grant. The main goal of the grant is to create a Center for Academic and Professional Success to enhance the educational experience of all students in key academic areas.

A group of 12 MNU students, two professors and two sponsors travels to Chu Xiong, China during July to teach English to students at a summer camp. Alumnus Rachel Hindman, RN, BSN (’06), is recognized for her outstanding care when she receives the Clinical Excellence Award for Nurse as Teacher at Children’s Mercy Hospital

Rachel Hindman, RN (’06)

Students in China


ATHLETICS UPDATE HEART OF AMERICA ATHLETIC CONFERENCE TITLES Baseball, Football and Volleyball all claim HAAC titles. HEART OF AMERICA ATHLETIC TOURNAMENT TITLES Baseball, Men’s Basketball and Women’s Basketball all claim HAAC tournament titles. NATIONAL TOURNAMENTS Baseball, Softball, Men’s Soccer, Football, Men’s Basketball and Women’s Basketball advance to National Tournaments.

COACHES OF THE YEAR Ryan Thompson, Baseball (Coach of the Year, HAAC) Molly Brewster, Volleyball (Assistant Coach of the Year, HAAC) Brian Willmer, Football (Coach of the Year, AFCA NAIA Region 3) HEART OF AMERICA ATHLETIC CONFERENCE PLAYERS OF THE YEAR Aurelien Norest, Men’s Soccer Jordan Eckley, Baseball Javon Taylor, Football

Coach Brian Willmer

FAB FOUR Men’s Basketball advances to the Fab Four. ALL-AMERICAN HONORS Luke Thomas, Men’s Basketball Kelsey Balcom & Daria Sprew, Women’s Basketball Zoraida Heredia & Sofija Berezovska, Volleyball Cristian Casillas, Football Aurelien Norest, Men’s Soccer

Women’s Basketball advances to NAIA Tournament Baseball advances to NAIA Tournament


in photos A look back at some of our favorite moments from 2014. (1) In January, the www.mnu.edu website wins national award from CASE. (2) Come March, our Men’s Basketball Coach Rocky Lamar (‘76) is inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame. (3) Our third annual President’s Honors takes place raises $513,000 for student scholarships.



(4) MNU hosts our first ever Week of Scholarship and 7x7 event in April. (5) Later in the month, physics Professor Andrew Overholt, PhD, learns that he and two colleagues will receive a $500,000 NASA Exobiology grant over three years to study the “Terrestrial Impact of Nearby Supernovae.”


(6) MNU students raise $65k to build a school in Cascade Pichon, Haiti, in partnership with Heart to Heart International. (7) In May, we host our 43rd annual commencement – the largest ever with 783 total graduates.


(8) October brings the “Defeat All Cancer” football game, played at Arrowhead Stadium, (9) our annual Pioneer Prayer Walk, and (10) the unveiling of our new 5-year strategic plan “Building Foundations.” (11) At Homecoming we host Dr. Lisa Clements, director of the Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Behavioral Health, to speak during community chapel. (12) Fall also brings the popular MNU Alumni BBQ competition, a highlight of Homecoming weekend and (13) Welcome Week’s Rootbeer Fest tradition.





(6) (11)

(7) (9)




in social media TOP 10 FACEBOOK POSTS A “We couldn’t be more proud of these two alumni, Zach and Tracy, sharing their passion to serve with the world. Also, come to chapel at College Church tomorrow morning to hear current employee Blake Nelson share about his recent travels to Liberia with Heart to Heart. Pioneer Proud.” 34 4

December 1, 2014

“Senior Ashley Dado’s story of overcoming cancer as a child is shared as Children’s Mercy opens a new clinic!” 38 2 November 11, 2014

B “See what our students have been up to during NSO and Welcome Week. We’ll be adding to this so check back!” 21 4 August 29, 2014 “First Chapel of the 2014-15 school year... First day of classes... What are your favorite firsts?” 115 3 August 26, 2014 C “Welcome back, Luke Johnson, MNU Band director!” 38 22 July 16, 2014

“The Trailblazer, student news at MNU, has detailed the ‘12 Greatest Pranks’ on campus. So, that begs the question... What pranks do YOU remember?” 38 22 October 6, 2014

D “Congratulations, MNU Class of 2014!” 62 4 May 5, 2014 E “Postmaster of 22 years, our dear friend Charles Ablard retires at the end of this month. Charles, thank you for your years of service to this campus community -- you will be very missed! Congratulations from MNU!” 200 8 January 29, 2014


“We just love beautiful fall days here at MNU. You never know what might happen... like an impromptu choir practice right outside Bell Cultural Events Center! Enjoy, it’s FRIDAY!” (Video) 62 4 September 26, 2014 “We’re so very happy to announce that MNU has been awarded a $10 Million Title III Grant. Read this amazing story! #PraiseTheLord” 132 11 September 10, 2014

D B A www.facebook/MNUPioneers




Aaron (’17)

“@followMNU Did you see MNU was listed in the top 50 most affordable Christian colleges in the US?” @JordanMantha August 3, 2014 “Being at @followMNU makes me excited for college #2TheMAX” @Abigail_Teter16 April 25, 2014

Samantha (’15)

“Received my @followMNU acceptance letter in the mail today. Happy Birthday to me!” @speakofthegeek September 10, 2014 “@followMNU thanks for the live tweet. #7x7 was a lot of work and a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to next year!” @ProfMantha April 8, 2014

Mariah (’18) Katie (’18)

“Get ready @followMNU we’re comin for ya. #presidentshonors #ph2014” @chadelard April 10, 2014 “I’m in love with @followMNU it’s like my dream college. It looks like everything is peaceful. Well I might be a #Pioneer next year! Hopefully @ValenciaMariie November 20, 2014 “@followMNU Olivet’s groundbreaking partnership with MNU brings Ed.D. to Kansas” @clark9917 January 22, 2014 @followMNU

Haley (’16) Luther (’15)


the gift of

“My relationship with Selena has been a huge blessing in my life because she has encouraged me to grow in my walk with Christ and helped me become the person I am today.”


Selena Freeman (’97) is a youth pastor at Marshfield First Church of the Nazarene. Recognizing a call to relational ministry, she’s been a formative influence in the lives of dozens of high school students. Many of them – 24 to be exact – have chosen MNU. And most of these students, so influenced by the work of Selena and her husband, have studied ministry and gone on to be ordained. “Investing in teens and building relationships with students is part of who I am. It’s who God created me to be. They have become a part of my life. It’s neat to watch my students go to MNU and see how they grow. I love that I can encourage students to grow and find out who God has called them to be. I love watching these relationships grow, even as they go away to college,” says Selena. Malorri Seamon (’11) attended Marshfield Church of the Nazarene in high school, where she met Selena Freeman (’97). She felt called to ministry during her junior year in high school after being significantly impacted by the example of her youth pastor. Malorri earned a degree in ministry from MNU and is now serving as the Middle School Students & Families pastor at Central Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, Kansas.


financial summary MidAmerica Nazarene University has been greatly blessed by alumni and friends who generously contribute support for scholarships, academic and athletic programs, and various capital projects. We commit to manage these resources wisely in order to provide high quality Christian higher education both now and in the future. The faculty, staff and students of MNU greatly appreciate the generosity of alumni and friends throughout the year.

Gifts & Grants


SOURCES OF REVENUE Net Tuition and Fees $19,735,377 Gifts and Grants $6,202,049 Auxiliary Enterprises $4,428,622 Other $1,393,509 Total Revenues




The University’s financial summary reflects the fiscal year July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014. Other Operations

OPERATING EXPENSES Instruction Institutional Support Oper/Maint of Plant Auxiliary Enterprises General Administration Student Activities Student Services Fundraising Libraries

$13,027,302 $4,224,002 $3,840,475 $3,197,094 $2,914,377 $2,879,774 $1,892,330 $1,222,413 $761,719

Total Expenses


Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets



Institutional Support

General Administration


Student Activities Student Services

Instruction Libraries




2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

$10,955,447 $3,107,134 $4,286,507



2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

$2,126,784 $1,502,938 $1,348,373


$10,000,000 $1,500,000

$8,000,000 $6,000,000


$4,000,000 $2,000,000 0









Educational Budgets


Capital Support for Others

Educational Budgets $1,380,251 Foundation/Endowment $1,036,649 Other Unrestricted $1,000,000 University Fund $643,725 Support for Others $214,507 Capital $11,375 Total $4,286,507


Foundation/ Endowment

University Fund Other Unrestricted

During the past fiscal year, 2,790 contributors gave $4,286,507 to MNU in support of scholarships, building projects and other programs. We are so thankful for each individual, business, church and family who gave generously in support of our University.

the gift of

“The Tollefsons gave generously helping to promote the project and even made a trip to see the school at completion. I look up to them so much – they exemplify what it means to live with generosity.”


When their son was a student at MNU, Allen and Madeline Tollefson wanted to invest in the efforts surrounding short and long-term missions. Their goal? To show the next generation that we have a responsibility to serve others. They knew that an experience on the mission field could be life-changing, whether it results in a call to missions or a deepening of personal faith. Over the last 20 years, the Tollefsons have supported many of MNU’s mission trip opportunities. They have traveled with groups, supported the costs associated with travel and lived out this example in their own lives. “I give because I love the Lord; much has been given, so I want to give back and give to others. There is no greater satisfaction than giving and serving others,” says Allen.

For Dylan Aebersold (’15), building relationships through serving the people of Haiti is his biggest passion. After participating in a trip to Haiti during his freshman year, Dylan felt called to continue to serve the Haitian people. Inspired by the example of the Tollefsons, Dylan led the 2014 Passion to Serve Project which raised $65,000 to build a school in Cascade Pichon, Haiti.


foundation MidAmerica Nazarene University is called to an

relies on those who will pick up the mantle to pray,

undertaking of profound significance. We have the

sacrifice and contribute. If we do so, God will be faithful

immense privilege of preparing and equipping young

to accomplish all that He has planned for MidAmerica

men and women to understand life as a divine calling

Nazarene University in the days ahead.

— a calling that results in service to our society and the world in the name of Jesus Christ. This transformative educational experience wouldn’t

On behalf of the MNU Foundation, thank you for all the ways you support us through your prayers, partnership and philanthropy.

be possible without the sacrificial support of alumni, friends, churches and companies who help to sustain our important mission. It is our privilege to recognize the generosity and faithfulness of those who are investing in a quality Christian education that impacts both the hearts and minds of our students. As you review the highlights and the amazing milestones included in this report, I hope you will rejoice

JON D. NORTH, MBA, CFRE Vice President for University Advancement Executive Director of the MNU Foundation

in God’s steadfast faithfulness. We bear witness to His mercy that has time and again met our needs, provided breakthroughs and touched the lives of our students. We are reminded that we alone cannot accomplish this great task. MNU’s enduring mission of educating and preparing servant leaders for the sake of Christ

“Earn as much as you can. Save as much as you can. Invest as much as you can. Give as much as you can.” JOHN WESLEY



Endowing the Future of Quality Christian Education Members at Large

Mr. Michael D. Major Chairman

The MidAmerica Nazarene University Foundation exists to assist the education services at MidAmerica Nazarene University. The MNU Foundation’s principle activity is to build the Endowment Fund.

Mr. Keith B. Cox Mr. Douglas L. Diehl

Mr. Brian G. Diddle Vice Chairman

Dr. Otto W. Theel

This fund is invested following carefully considered, conservative investment policy to further the University’s mission, and to assure the long-term financial security of the University.

Ex-officio Members

Mr. Charles J. Nunamaker Secretary

Mr. Timothy R. Keeton Dr. Larry D. McIntire

Mr. Kevin P. Gilmore – ex-officio Treasurer

Dr. David J. Spittal

Mr. Jon D. North – ex-officio Executive Director

$10,000,000 $8,000,000

FOUNDATION ASSETS 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

$7,854,391 $8,797,450 $9,265,534

$6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 0




the gift of

“Terri had the same passion for teaching that I have, and it’s incredible to know that the gift of her teaching is passed on through the gift of scholarship. This scholarship was a huge blessing – it allowed me to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher and share the passion the Lord has given me.”


Anyone who has lost a loved one knows what it’s like to wonder how they will be remembered. To honor and remember his late wife, Terri, Gary Coulter established an endowed scholarship fund. Terri was an elementary school teacher, and this fund provides ongoing scholarship support for MNU students who study elementary education. Gary notes that Terri was “born to teach”; what a fitting way to honor the legacy of her life and inspire the teachers of tomorrow. “I believe in Christian higher education. If we do not support it with our dollars, Christian universities will go away. The more we can assist, the better the future will be for our friends and family,” says Gary.

Madison Deal (’15) always knew that she would need to rely on scholarships to help pay for college. She also knew that she wanted to model the example set by many of her junior high and high school teachers by pursuing a career in teaching. In 2014, Madison received a significant education scholarship from the Teresa (Terri) L. Snyder Coulter Scholarship Fund.


recognition of donors Founder’s Society

PRESIDENT’S CIRCLE The President’s Circle honors the leadership and extraordinary support of alumni and friends for their cumulative giving over time.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics deceased donors are marked with an asterisk.

support of MNU.


Legacy Society

The Legacy Society honors individuals who have contributed $1,000,000 or more cumulatively in outright or irrevocable planned gifts. Anonymous (2) Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bell, Sr. Dr. D. Ray* and Mrs. D. Elaine Cook Mr. and Mrs. David Hostutler* Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Osborne*

The Founder’s Society honors individuals who have contributed $500,000 - $999,999 cumulatively in outright or irrevocable planned gifts. Mr. and Mrs. L. Sam Allega Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Burk* Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Doskocil Mr. Donald* and Mrs. Judith Eby Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kramer* Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Quesenbury* Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel

Heritage Society The Heritage Society honors individuals who have contributed $100,000 - $499,999 cumulatively in outright or irrevocable planned gifts. Anonymous (4) Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Albright Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Austin Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bartels* Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Beard* Mr. Fletcher* and Mrs. Gwendolyn Brenneis Mr. Harold* and Mrs. Elizabeth Brown Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. William Chamberlain*

Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cole Dr. Robert and Julie Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby Mr. Towner Furry* Mr. and Mrs. Sidney E. Gholson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gilmore Dr. and Mrs. Charles Hager* Mr. Ramon K. Hamilton* Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie E. Hephner Mrs. F. Murdell W. Holbert Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Lewis* Dr. Harry* and Mrs. Martha Lytle Mr. Grant A. May* Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nunamaker, Jr. Mrs. Elsie M. O’Connell* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Oddo Mr. Virgil P. Ramsey* Mrs. Ella L. Smith* Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith Dr. Marvin D.* and Mrs. V. Arlene Snowbarger Mr. Ralph F. Snowbarger* and Mrs. Elsie M. Snowbarger-Stafford Mrs. Alta L. Trimpa* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Uphaus* Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wood Mr. Richard C. Woodbeck, Sr.


recognition of donors CORNERSTONE SOCIETY Charter members of the Cornerstone Society have demonstrated their abiding commitment to the future of Christian higher education by making provisions for MidAmerica Nazarene University in their estate plans.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics deceased donors are marked with an asterisk.

Charter Members Anonymous (6) Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Adams Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnold* Ms. Sarah E. Baker* Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Barnell Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bartels* Mrs. Doris C. Bartlett* Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Beard* Mrs. Carmen E. Becker* Ms. Edith Bodenhausen*

Ms. Doris L. Boller* Mrs. Mary P. Bowman* Rev. David Broward* and Mrs. LaVon Broward Mr. and Mrs. Owen E. Brown* Mr. and Mrs. D.J. Burk* Mr. and Mrs. William Chamberlain* Mr. Joseph E. Chastain* Ms. Elizabeth Choate* Dr. D. Ray* and Mrs. D. Elaine Cook Mr. and Mrs. Junior LeRoy Cowan, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Cravens* Dr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Crow Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Croy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Culp* Rev. and Mrs. Bruce G. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Clarence E. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. DeGraffenreid Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Doskocil Mrs. Mary J. Doskocil* Dr. and Mrs. Jason S. Drummond Dr. Robert and Julie Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Dwinell* Mrs. Fayra L. Eckley Mr. Arthur Ellis* Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Else* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Else* Mrs. Velma Eversmeyer* Ms. Dorothy M. Fisher*

Mrs. Dora French* Mr. Towner Furry* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Garey* Mr. Charles E.* and Mrs. Virginia E. Garey Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goldsmith* Mr. and Mrs. Duane R. Gooden* Dr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence Goodman* Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Austin N. Heise Mr. Norman E.* and Mrs. Frieda C. Heyd Mrs. Alice Holmes* Mr. and Mrs. David Hostutler* Mr. Theoline Isakson* Mr. Norris L.* and Mrs. Nita Rae Jepsen Miss Mattie Belle Jones* Rev. Roxanne Alexander Jones Mrs. Shirley L. Karns* Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Kelley* Mr. and Mrs. Arden M. Kerr* Mrs. Pearl M. Klontz* Dr. James and Rev. Lezlie Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kramer* Rev. and Mrs. Carl H. Kruse* Ms. Gladys L. Lacy* Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Leewright Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Lewis* Mr. Charles A. Lichtenberger* Ms. Emma Lough* Ms. Hazel Matchell* Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Matheny*


Mr. Grant A. May* Mr. and Mrs. W. LeRoy McCurdy* Rev. and Mrs. H. David McKellips Dr. Lottie B. McWherter* Rev. Herbert W. Merritt* Ms. Kathryne M. Milton Mr. Joseph W. Mock* Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moomaw* Ms. Hannah E. Moore* Dr. W. Edgar* and Mrs. Maron J. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch Dr. and Mrs. John O. Mozier, Sr. Mrs. Marjorie L. Myers* Mr. and Mrs. R. Dale Nitzel Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. North Mrs. Elsie M. O’Connell* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Oddo Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Osborne* Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pearson Ms. Vesta Purkhiser* Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Quesenbury* Mr. Virgil P. Ramsey* Ms. Caryl E. Range Mrs. Mildred J. Richter* Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson* Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Robinson Mrs. Addie M. Rogers* Mr. Blair F.* and Mrs. Clara E. Rorabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Rowe* Ms. Charlotte A. Runyon*

Mr. David E. and Dr. Jerri L. Sapp Mrs. Melinda Schwartz* Mrs. Ella L. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. R. Blake Smith Dr. R. Curtis and Mrs. Margaret E. Smith* Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. Snowbarger* Dr. Marvin D.* and Mrs. V. Arlene Snowbarger Mr. Ralph F. Snowbarger* and Mrs. Elsie M. Snowbarger-Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Songer* Mr. Evalds Spale* Rev. John H. Spees* Mrs. D. Chrystal St Clair* Mr. and Mrs. Banner M. Stephenson* Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stepien Dr. and Mrs. John L. Stockton* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Strole* Mr. Chester Sumpter* Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Thompson* Mrs. Alta L. Trimpa* Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Uphaus* Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy H. Visser* Mrs. Ivy A. Weatherby* Ms. Arjorie Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weller* Mr. and Mrs. David P. White Mrs. Agnes T. Wiens* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard

Mrs. Effie L. Williams* Mrs. Oda Wilson* Mrs. Frances I. Wood Mrs. Edith Lucile Wright* Rev. and Mrs. Henry Zerbe*


recognition of donors Don and Faith Bell Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bell, Sr. National Christian Foundation Heartland

ENDOWMENT GIFTS The following individuals and organizations contributed to new or existing endowments managed by the MNU Foundation during 2014.

Don Bird, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Carolyn Bird James and JoAnn Bourland Family Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. James L. Bourland Elva Brinson Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Dorothy I. Brinson Rev. Elmer J. and E. Louise Brunton Scholarship Fund Rev. and Mrs. Elmer J. Brunton Alex D. Burrus Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Pamela J. Burrus

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics Albright Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Albright Dr. Edwin and Shirley Alexander Family Scholarship Fund R.E. Alexander & Associates, LLC Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander Rev. Roxanne E. Jones Denny Apple Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes Rev. R.E. and Betty Beckum Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jim E. Beckum Dr. and Mrs. Randell E. Beckum Mr. and Mrs. Bobby N. Jackson

Brooks Butler Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. John Arasim, Jr. Dr. Kathy Ness Buxie Scholarship Fund AT&T Foundation Ms. Ferne Burney Mr. Daniel L. Buxie Mr. John Buxie Mr. Joseph and Dr. Kathy Buxie Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Ness Mr. and Mrs. William B. Veio Bob Campbell, Strong & McCalla Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Loretta F. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Couch

Donald G. & Billie Jeane Campbell and Delbert R. & Marjorie “Marj” E. Schwenk Memorial Scholarship Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Adler Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Birtell Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Campbell Mrs. Virginia Clabaugh Mr. and Mrs. Randy E. Conner Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dietze Rev. and Mrs. Floyd H. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Norbert M. Forsman Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fox Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gerloff Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. Henderson Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Ketner Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morris Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Nelson Ms. Eileen M. Noll Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reutter Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Rostvet Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Irving Vonderfecht Mr. and Mrs. Garland Wood Ms. Renee Woodward Chaplain Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement David E. Childers Scholarship Fund PJC Family Trust Mrs. Phyllis J. Childers Donald and Merry Clegg Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg


Stephen L. Cole Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Cole Conant Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Burns Teresa (Terri) L. Snyder Coulter Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. David Acheson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Anderson Mr. Kelly S. Bast Ms. Marilyn J. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Steven Block Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Boone Mrs. Joyce E. Bradburn Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Bukaty Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Carver Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Cochran Ms. Karen S. Cole Mrs. Irene R. Coulter Dr. and Mrs. R. Graydon Dawson Rev. and Mrs. Rick A. Edwards Mr. Joshua and Dr. Christina Eliason Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Ellyson Ms. Christy Forquer Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd Garrett Mr. Maurice Hall Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hilligus Ms. Sarah J. Holt Mr. Wayne W. Holz Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Hower Mr. Timothy Y. Hsu Integrity Management, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Jones Mr. Elvis Kayakone Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kearney Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Lail

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mittelstaedt Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch Dr. and Mrs. Edmond P. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mr. John H. Pence, II Prairie Ridge Asset Management, LLC Mr. Kenneth B. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mr. and Mrs. David D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. Blake Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. William D. Soper Mrs. Patricia M. Tanquary Mr. Todd C. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Wallentine Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wardlaw Mr. and Mrs. David P. White Mr. Kevin White Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wilhelm Rev. and Mrs. John S. Williamson Women’s Clinic of Johnson County Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Wood Tom Cross Scholarship Fund Mr. James W. Bodge Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Cross

Diehl Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Diehl Mrs. Karen M. Diehl Northern Trust Matching Gift Program Jason and Christy Drummond Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Jason S. Drummond National Christian Foundation Heartland Lyle E. Eckley Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Fayra L. Eckley Larry D. Fine Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Albright Charles and Lucile Hager Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Fayra L. Eckley Michelle Ellen Howard Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howard Rev. Glen Ide and Rev. Ernest Russell Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Julie M. Shoup Iowa District Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hammann, III Iowa City Church of the Nazarene

Paul and Connie Cunningham Scholarship Fund College Church of the Nazarene Drs. Paul and Connie Cunningham

Jim and Donna Inkelaar Scholarship Fund Mr. Thomas and Dr. Crystal Faudere

Wayne Dance Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Earline Dance

Marion and Doris Jonte Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Jonte, Jr.

Dement Family Chaplain Endowment Fund Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Stanley

Kansas Association of American Educators Scholarship Fund Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar


Kansas City District Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Smith Kansas District Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard Kansas National Education Association Scholarship Fund Dr. J. Phillip Bennett Carl and Mabel Kruse Scholarship Fund Dr. Carl W. Kruse Rocky and Jo Lamar Basketball Camp Scholarship Fund Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar V.H. and Esther Lewis Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Donna Jones Nails by Donna Evelyn and Dorel Lindsley Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snowbarger Mark W. Lucas Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Algrim Garden City First Church of the Nazarene Rev. and Mrs. Matthew M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Wesley W. Lucas Harry and Martha Lytle Scholarship Fund Mrs. Martha Lytle Dr. N. James & Elaine K. Main Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Clara M. Beadle Ms. Marcia L. Bingham Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Dale Combs Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Cox

Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. William L. Green Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Herbold Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Luther Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Main Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Main Moravia Lighthouse Church of the Nazarene Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Morris Rev. and Mrs. Charles Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Richter Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mr. Dennis H. Smith Phyllis R. Straughn Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Straughn Mr. and Mrs. Rodney N. Van Dyne Ms. Mary Lou Vedane Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Wilson Oliver and Myrtle Matheny Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Matheny Mattix Family Scholarship Fund Ms. Brigit N. Mattix Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mattix Donald S. Metz Scholarship Fund Mrs. Mary Jane Bradley Mrs. Clarolynn M. Deever Missouri District NYI Scholarship Fund Ms. Lisa R. Downs Ms. Ramona F. Downs Missouri District Church of the Nazarene MNU Regional NYI Scholarship Fund MNU Regional N.Y.I. Charles Morrow Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. Joyce A. Morrow Morsch Family Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch

Mozier Family Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. John O. Mozier, Sr. John O. Mozier, D.V.M. Trust Rev. Robert and Ruby North Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. North, Sr. Nunamaker Family Scholarship Fund Deloitte Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nunamaker, Jr. Don and Adeline Owens Scholarship Fund Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Owens John O. Palmer Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mrs. Belva L. Palmer Pfaff Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Pfaff The Kitchen Showcase, Inc. Miriam Sisson Phillips Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. Robert L. Sisson and Mrs. Elmira Tandjung Pioneer Legacy Fund Mrs. Elizabeth A. Anstine Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Stan Boggs Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Brown Ms. Janice Brown Mr. Tommy G. Curry Ms. Adriana Delgado Mendez Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Denisio Mrs. Danielle Detmer Mrs. Danielle Detmer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Detmer

33 Mr. Patrick Detmer Mrs. Lessie M. Diener Ms. Debra A. Dreiling Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Dye Edlin Family Trust Mr. David A. Eversdyke Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fields, Jr. Gardner Edgerton High School Staff Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Honn Ms. Charlotte S. Humburg Mr. and Mrs. Denis D. Johnson Mr. David J. Kalkman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Langrehr Mr. Mark and Dr. Susan Larson Mrs. Tamara L. Long Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Loren S. Powles Ravenwood Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. H. Milton Raymer Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Repp Ms. Mary Ann Ridenour Dr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Sauer Mr. and Mrs. Arlen H. Siegfreid Ms. Kathleen A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stanch Mrs. Catherine Smith-Ohm Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steinert Ms. Toni L. Webb Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Weishaar Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Wilkinson Delia M. Pittman Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg Mr. Joseph and Dr. Kathryn Czanderna Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kearney Mr. and Dr. James V. Lasseter

Ms. Ilene McHone Mr. Garry D. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Sattler Mr. and Mrs. Travis Sears Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mr. and Mrs. Wendell K. Snowbarger Dr. and Mrs. Vincent K. Snowbarger Mr. Timothy and Dr. Karen Wiegman Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Young

Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Algrim Rev. and Mrs. Bruce G. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Leslie L. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hitchcock Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCormick Dr. and Mrs. David G. Roland Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Swanson

Elvin and Verla Powers Scholarship Fund Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Drs. Elvin and Verla Powers Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Walker

T.J. and Lillian Spindle Memorial Scholarship Fund Drs. Richard and Billy Spindle Mrs. Hazel Stone

Prairie Lakes District Scholarship Fund New Hope Church of the Nazarene Psychology Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Reglin Ed and Ruth Range Memorial Scholarship Fund Ms. Caryl E. Range Mr. Steven E. Range Rexroth Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Rexroth Ruzich Family Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ruzich Lloyd and Ruby Schofield Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott Mark Slattery Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. William H. Slattery, Jr. State Farm Companies Foundation Marge Smith Archives Endowment Fund Ms. Sherry Rakes

John Stephens Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Stephens Floyd and Nadine Timmons Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Timmons, Sr. Ms. Julie S. Timmons Lester and Nancy Tollie Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Tollie, Jr. Carlton Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund The Boeing Company Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wood


recognition of donors UNIVERSITY CLUB The University Club honors those individuals who have made annual scholarship gifts totaling $1,000 or more cumulatively during 2014 in support of MNU’s University Fund.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics Anonymous Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Asselta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Babbitt Rev. and Mrs. Mark J. Bane Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bates Mr. and Mrs. D. Mike Batley Mr. Daniel Bell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Berger Dr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blake

Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Blanchette Mr. and Mrs. Brad Blystone Rev. and Mrs. Kevin G. Borger Mrs. Gwendolyn V. Brenneis Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Burns Mr. Daniel L. Buxie Mr. and Mrs. Brad L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Paul Casper Dr. and Mrs. John W. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Brandon L. Classen Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg Dr. and Mrs. Randall R. Cloud Dr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Conant Mr. and Mrs. Chad B. Cook Mrs. D. Elaine Cook Drs. Daniel and Vicki Copp Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crew Mr. Barton and Dr. Nancy Damron Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. DeGraffenreid Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Diddle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Diddle

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Doskocil Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby Dr. and Mrs. James O. Edlin Mr. Jeffrey and Dr. Deanna Edwards Ms. Marilyn J. Elscott Mrs. Esther H. Eppler Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fields, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Flanders Drs. Robert and Mary Fry Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Garber Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd Garrett Dr. and Mrs. Kale C. Gentry Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gilmore Dr. Michael L. Gough Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Guevara Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hannon Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hayse Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hedges Mr. and Mrs. Austin N. Heise Mr. Randall Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Hephner Drs. Dhrubajyoti Chakravarti and Andrea Herman-Chakravarti Mr. Guy and Dr. Deborah Highfill Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery D. Huff Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Huston


Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hyson Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Keeton Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Kell Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. LaLone Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Lamping Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott Mr. and Mrs. David C. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ron J. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mattix Mr. William and Dr. Joanne McDermott Dr. and Mrs. Kent D. McIntire Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch Dr. and Mrs. John O. Mozier, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Mullins Dr. and Mrs. Edmond P. Nash Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Newlin Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Osa Mr. and Mrs. Harlan C. Parker Mr. C. Todd Peterson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Pfaff Ms. Karen L. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Pieknik Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Power Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Preston Ms. Caryl E. Range Mr. Steven E. Range Mr. and Mrs. H. Milton Raymer

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Rexroth Mr. and Mrs. Chris Roessler Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ruzich Dr. and Mrs. Roger M. Sauter Mr. and Mrs. Jake E. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Shelton Mr. Gerald Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shoaf Rev. Glen and Dr. Brenda Shoup Mr. and Mrs. David R. Siemens Mr. Robert L. Sisson and Mrs. Elmira Tandjung Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith Mrs. Margaret E. Smith Dr. and Mrs. J. Glenn Songer Dr. and Mrs. David J. Spittal Dr. and Mrs. Woodie J. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Stevens Drs. Thomas and Tia Strait Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Tarpenning Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel Dr. and Mrs. Houston E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Tollefson Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Tyrer Mr. and Mrs. James G. Van Hook Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veach Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wardlaw Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Wedel

Lt. Cmdr. Brian and Rev. Rosslyn Weigelt Mr. and Mrs. David P. White Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Williams Mrs. Mary L. Wilmoth Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Zimmer Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Zubke


annual giving contributors ANNUAL GIVING CONTRIBUTORS MidAmerica Nazarene University honors the following individuals who have made annual gifts to the University Fund and other designated purposes during 2014.

Note: alumni donors are listed in italics

Ms. Katie Abbet Mr. and Mrs. James L. Abbott Mr. Michael J. Ablard Mr. and Mrs. Josh Able Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Able Mr. Robert E. Able Mr. and Mrs. David Acheson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin G. Adams Ms. Mandi Adams Ms. Sherry Adams Mr. and Mrs. W. Eugene Adams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adamson Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Adell

Dr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Adler Ms. Jen Agena Mrs. Dee Albright Dr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Albright Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Alderson Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Alexander Mrs. Patricia S. Alexander Mr. Roger and Dr. Linda Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Algrim Rev. and Mrs. Skye W. Alison Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allard Mr. and Mrs. J Harold Allen Mrs. Robin L. Allenbrand Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Allison Mr. and Mrs. Willis Almer Mr. and Mrs. William R. Alvord Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Amborn Rev. and Mrs. James D. Amos Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Anderson Mr. and Mrs. David C. Anderson Rev. and Mrs. David E. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anderson Mr. Thomas E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Anderson Mrs. Lea A. Andrus Mr. and Mrs. Leland Angier Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Ankrum Mrs. Elizabeth A. Anstine Ms. Tammy L. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. John Arasim, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ed Armbruster, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Armfield Mr. and Mrs. James G. Armfield

Dr. and Mrs. Clark Armstrong Rev. and Mrs. Terry L. Armstrong Mr. Mel J. Arney Ms. Nancy Arney Rev. and Mrs. Daniel M. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Arnold Mr. and Mrs. James E. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Joshua S. Arnold Ms. Kelsey L. Arnold Mrs. Aziz Arora Mr. and Mrs. Jon Arrowsmith Rev. and Mrs. Timothy D. Asbill, Jr. Ms. Rachel M. Asbury Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Ash Mr. Michael Ashcraft Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ashenfelter Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Asplund Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Asselta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Atha, III Mr. and Mrs. Ted Atnip Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Attig Rev. and Mrs. B. Joel Atwell Mrs. Crystal Y. Aubrey Mr. and Mrs. Nathan C. Avery B Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ross Babbitt Mrs. Irmgard Babcock Rev. Jung Ho Bae Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Alton D. Bain Ms. Abby Baker Rev. and Mrs. Don N. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Doug Baker Mrs. Elaine Baker Ms. Kaylan D. Baker


Ms. Heidi L. Baldridge Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Baldridge Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Baldwin Mrs. Michele D. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Bales Rev. Z. June Ballard Rev. and Mrs. Mark J. Bane Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barker Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Barkman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Barnes Mrs. Lori Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes Mrs. Janie L. Barnett Mr. Samuel R. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Paulo J. Barros Ms. Regina J. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barton Rev. and Mrs. Michael J. Barton Mr. Kelly S. Bast Mr. Sean F. Bates Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bates Mr. William J. Bather, III Mr. and Mrs. D. Mike Batley Mr. and Mrs. Grady O. Batten Rev. Tim Bauer Mr. and Mrs. David J. Baur Ms. Penny S. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie D. Beach Mrs. Clara M. Beadle Mr. and Mrs. Terence L. Beadles Mrs. Wynnette Beardsley Rev. and Mrs. Bruce A. Beatty Mr. and Mrs. Ryan N. Beccard Rev. and Mrs. David R. Becker Mr. Danny Beckley Mr. and Mrs. Jim E. Beckum Dr. and Mrs. Randell E. Beckum Mrs. Caroline M. Bedel

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Beelendorf Rev. and Mrs. Mark L. Bekkedahl Mr. and Mrs. Bradley E. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. David L. Belcher Mr. and Mrs. Brody T. Bell Mr. Daniel Bell Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Bell, Sr. Mrs. Lois Bell Ms. Marilyn J. Bell Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Bell Rev. and Mrs. Edward D. Belzer Mr. Wesley D. Belzer Rev. and Mrs. Delroy E. Bender Mrs. Colleen M. Bennett Dr. J. Phillip Bennett Mr. Wayne K. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bent, Jr. Ms. Donna Bentley Rev. and Mrs. Dennis R. Bergen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Berger Ms. Pat Berger Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Bernal Miss Katrin Bernath Mr. Donald E. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Jospeh J. Berthelsen Ms. Ashley A. M. Bessmer Rev. and Mrs. Jay E. Bessmer Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Bessmer Ms. Kindra Bible Mrs. Reta M. Bichel Ms. Leeanna K. Billups Ms. Marcia L. Bingham Mrs. Carolyn Bird Rev. and Mrs. Donald L. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Birtell Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Bishop Ms. Dana Bittner Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Black

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Black Mr. Todd Blackwell Dr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Blake Mr. and Mrs. Julian J. Blanchette Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W. Blankenship Ms. Patricia Blattner Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Blevins Mr. Randel J. Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Steven Block Mr. and Mrs. Rick D. Blosser Mrs. L. Sue Blum Mr. and Mrs. John B. Blunt Ms. Patricia M. Bluthardt Mr. and Mrs. Brad Blystone Mrs. Michelle Boatman Mr. James W. Bodge Mr. and Mrs. Stan Boggs Mrs. Sharlyn L. Bogner Mr. and Mrs. James T. Bohi Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Bohlmann Mrs. Kristy J. Bolden Mr. James Bolen Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Boller Rev. and Mrs. Timothy A. Bolt Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bolz Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Bond Rev. and Mrs. Jim C. Bond Mrs. Linda R. Bond Mrs. Lois B. Bond Ms. Kathryn N. Bondurant Ms. Lois A. Books Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Boone Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie W. Borgelt Rev. and Mrs. Kevin G. Borger Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bosley Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Bostic Ms. J. RuAnn Bottles Mrs. Alicia Bottorff

38 Dr. and Mrs. James L. Bourland Ms. Helen V. Bowen Dr. and Mrs. C. Ray Bowman Mr. and Mrs. David D. Bowman Mr. Harold T. Bowman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Bowman Mr. and Mrs. David Box Mr. Henry J. Boyd Lt. Col. and Mrs. Joseph T. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Terry A. Boyle Ms. Sonja Boyles Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Braatz Mrs. Joyce E. Bradburn Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Bradfield Mr. A. James Bradford Ms. A. Madaline Bradford Mr. Blake M. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bradley Mrs. Mary Jane Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Rick W. Bradshaw Ms. Melissa L. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Brady Mrs. Arpineh Braik Mrs. Bonnie L. Brandt Mr. Clifford M. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Brandt Ms. Janice L. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Branton Rev. and Mrs. Paul W. Brashaw Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Braun Mr. Monty Bredenhand Mr. and Mrs. Greg Breeden Mr. Rudolph Bremen Mrs. Gwendolyn V. Brenneis Ms. Samantha Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Breuklander Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bridges Mr. James Bridson Mr. and Mrs. Evan L. Bright

Ms. Dorothy I. Brinson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Britt Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Brockhaus Dr. and Mrs. Wendell D. Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brower Mr. and Mrs. Allen K. Brown Ms. Beth A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dickie W. Brown Mr. Douglas Brown Ms. Janice Brown Mrs. Kathryn M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Brown Ms. Lori M. Brown Mr. Lyman E. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Brown Ms. Nancy Brown Ms. Rita M. Brown Mr. Samuel G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. James Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brubaker Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brumbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Brumley Ms. Lindsey D. Brummer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Brunkhorst Rev. and Mrs. Elmer J. Brunton Mr. and Mrs. David C. Brush Mr. and Mrs. C. Eric Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Bryant Mrs. Jeanne A. Bryant Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Bryen Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Bryson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Buchanan Ms. Bonnie E. Buckley Mrs. Nicole D. Buckner Rev. and Mrs. Michael D. Buettner Mr. and Mrs. J. Andrew Bukaty

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Bultman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Burch Mr. John K. Burgat Cmdr. Thomas A. Burge Mr. and Mrs. C. Stanley Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burke Mr. Dennis B. Burkett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Burkhead Mrs. Jennifer M. Burks Ms. Ferne Burney Mr. and Mrs. Jason Burnham Ms. Allison Burns Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Burns Mrs. Pamela J. Burrus Dr. and Mrs. John P. Bustle Dr. and Mrs. Louie E. Bustle Mr. and Mrs. Brooks L. Butler Mr. Daniel L. Buxie Mrs. Elsie M. Buxie Mr. John Buxie Mr. Joseph and Dr. Kathy Buxie Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Bynum

Mrs. Sheila J. Cabanas Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Calhoun Mr. Joshua S. Calhoun Rev. and Mrs. Randy K. Calhoun Rev. and Mrs. Ronald C. Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Camacho, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Cameron Mrs. Althea R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Brad L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Campbell Mrs. Loretta F. Campbell Mrs. Lucille Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Scott D. Campbell Mrs. Erica L. Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Cantley

39 Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Cantrell Mrs. Chrisann Cappannari Mrs. Kira S. Carabantes Dr. and Mrs. Nathan A. Carden Rev. Jose Cardona Rev. and Mrs. Jimmy Ray Cariker Mr. Jerry D. Carlson Mr. Ty R. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. William D. Carnes Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Carpenter Mrs. Tarita A. Carpenter Mrs. Andrea L. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Paul Carr Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Quinn J. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Steve D. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Kent Carruthers Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Carson Mr. and Mrs. William D. Carson Rev. and Mrs. Chris Carver Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Carver Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Case Mr. Thomas B. Casebeer Mr. and Mrs. Ervin L. Cash Mr. and Mrs. Paul Casper Mrs. P. Fern Castile Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cater Rev. Robert and Dr. Sondra Cave Mr. Bibiano R. Ceniceros Mr. John Cerasani Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo F. Cerros Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Chaffin Drs. Dhrubajyoti Chakravarti and Andrea HermanChakravarti Mrs. Brenda J. Channel Mr. and Mrs. Bob Charlesworth Mr. Kyle Chatham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Chaverin Rev. and Mrs. David E. Childers Mrs. Phyllis J. Childers Mrs. Edna Chittum Mrs. Doris A. Chrisenbery Mr. Brent D. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Chudy

Mrs. Virginia Clabaugh Mr. and Mrs. William G. Clair Mr. Andrew F. Clanney Dr. and Mrs. John W. Clark Mrs. L. Eleanor Clark Ms. Rebecca Clark Mr. and Mrs. Brandon L. Classen Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Classen Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Classen Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Clawson Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Clegg Ms. Donna M. Clements Mrs. Sheryl D. Cleverley Mrs. Susan E. Cliffe Mr. and Mrs. Roger Closson Mrs. Mary Lou Cloud Dr. and Mrs. Randall R. Cloud Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Kirk W. Coen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Coffelt Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Coiner Mr. and Mrs. Brandon R. Coldren Rev. and Mrs. Daniel W. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie L. Cole Ms. Karen S. Cole Ms. L. Jane Cole Mr. and Mrs. Randall J. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Sherman W. Cole Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Cole Rev. and Mrs. David P. Coleman Mr. Gregory M. Collins Ms. Kelsey D. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Ashford D. T. Collins-Johnson Mrs. Diana Colter Ms. Virginia Colvin Mr. and Mrs. Dale Combs Rev. and Mrs. James D. Comfort Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Compton Dr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Compton Dr. and Mrs. Merrill R. Conant Ms. S. Kata Conde

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Condra Mr. Dale Conkling Rev. and Mrs. John H. Conn Mr. and Mrs. Randy E. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Conser Mr. David N. Consiglio Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A. Conyers Mr. and Mrs. Chad B. Cook Mrs. D. Elaine Cook Mr. and Mrs. Royce E. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Dallas R. Coon Ms. Roberta J. Coons-Redig Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cooper Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Copeland Drs. Daniel and Vicki Copp Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Cork Mr. and Mrs. J. Braxton Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. Preston Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. James Cory Mr. Zach T. Cosper Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Couch Mr. Edward and Dr. Corrie Couchenour Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Couchman Mr. and Mrs. G. Derek Coulter Mr. and Mrs. G. Gary Coulter Mrs. Irene R. Coulter Ms. Celsi E. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Keith B. Cox Mr. Larry S. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cox Mr. Gentry R. Craig Ms. Sandra L. Craig Mr. and Mrs. James M. Crainshaw Ms. Anne T. Cram Mrs. Shanea Cramer Mr. and Mrs. Willis T. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Creeden Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crew Mr. Kenneth J. Crews

40 Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Cripe Mr. Wesley C. Cripe Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Crocker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Crook Mr. and Mrs. Chad K. Crooks Mrs. Edna Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Crotts Mrs. Susan D. Crowder Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Crum Mr. and Mrs. David H. Culp Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cunningham Drs. Paul and Connie Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Cuppett Mr. Tommy G. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Nathan P. Curtis Mr. Joseph and Dr. Kathryn Czanderna Ms. Deann Czaplewski Ms. Carol D. Czysz Ms. Christine Czysz Mr. Scott Czysz

Ms. Beverly Dageforde Rev. and Mrs. Lon E. Dagley Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dahl Mr. and Mrs. Michell G. Dallal Mr. Barton and Dr. Nancy Damron Mr. and Mrs. Greg Damron Mr. Tyler S. Danaher Mrs. Earline Dance Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Danley Mrs. Christa Danner Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Dantzler Rev. and Mrs. Gary L. Daud Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Lawson David Dr. and Mrs. Menter H. David Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davidson Rev. and Mrs. Bruce G. Davis

Rev. and Mrs. Bryan Davis Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Clarence E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Davis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Davis Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Davis Rev. and Mrs. Michael S. Davis Mrs. Ruby E. Davis Mrs. Terri A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Dawn Msgt. and Mrs. Norman L. Dawson Dr. R. Graydon Dawson Rev. and Mrs. Wayne L. Dawson Mr. Bill Day Mr. Arthur Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Dayton Mr. Andre’ L. De Almeida Mr. Stuart De Haan Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. DeBoef Mr. and Mrs. Jack DeBoer Mr. and Mrs. Ryan DeBok Dr. and Mrs. David L. DeBord Mrs. Clarolynn M. Deever Ms. Mariah G. DeGisi Mr. and Mrs. Gordon D. DeGraffenreid Mr. and Mrs. Jose DeJesus, Jr. Mrs. Kristen M. Deladurantave Ms. Marty DeLaney Mr. Paul Delaney Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delbridge Ms. Adriana Delgado Mendez Ms. Emily K. DeLong Mrs. Debra L. DeMars Dr. and Mrs. O.E. Dement Rev. and Mrs. Scott E. Dement Mrs. Cynthia Denbow Rev. and Mrs. Robert A. Denham Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Denisio Ms. Jessica D. Dennis Mr. Greg Derby Mrs. Laura Desrosiers Mrs. Danielle Detmer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Detmer Mr. Patrick Detmer

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Detmer Ms. Kristine M. Detweiler Mr. Steven M. Detwiler Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Devocelle Mr. Paul R. DeWalt Dr. Phillis Dewitt Mr. and Mrs. Arthur DeYoung Mr. Matthew A. DeYoung Mr. and Mrs. Milfred DeYoung Mrs. Vicki L. Deyoung Rev. and Mrs. Steven G. Dezotell Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Diaz Mr. and Mrs. David O. Dice Ms. Nicole E. Dice Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Diddle Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Diddle Rev. and Mrs. Donald E. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Diehl Dr. and Mrs. James H. Diehl, Sr. Mrs. Karen M. Diehl Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Diehm Mrs. Lessie M. Diener Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dietze Dr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Dillow Ms. Autumn Dimitris Ms. Kayla A. Dingman Mr. and Mrs. I. Clay Dirks Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Dirks Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Doane Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Dodds Mr. Glenn L. Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Doel Ms. Amanda L. Doerhoff Mrs. Brenda S. Doerr Mrs. Sherri L. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Dolphin Mr. and Mrs. A. Kent Donley Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Donovan, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. David L. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Doore

41 Mr. and Mrs. Marc Dorsett Mr. and Mrs. Jim D. Dortch Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Dortch Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Doskocil Mr. and Mrs. Lewis L. Doubleday Ms. Kesha Dougan Rev. and Mrs. Dwight E. Douglas Rev. and Mrs. Ken R. Downey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Downs Ms. Lisa R. Downs Ms. Ramona F. Downs Mr. Russell L. Draper Ms. Debra A. Dreiling Dr. and Mrs. Jason S. Drummond Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Drummond Mrs. Robin Dublin Mr. and Mrs. Clay E. Dubovoy Mr. Angus M. Duff Mr. Darryl D. Duffy Dr. and Mrs. Ludwig Dumaplin Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Dunham Mrs. Phyllis Dunham Mr. Cecil E. Dunkin Dr. and Mrs. Martin H. Dunlap, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. B. Wayne Dunman Rev. and Mrs. Alton L. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Dunn Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Dupea Mr. and Mrs. Larry K. Dye

Mr. and Mrs. George G. Earl Mr. and Mrs. Jerrell Earls Mr. Christopher Earp Mr. Colton J. Easdon Mr. and Mrs. David J. Eastwood Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eaves Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Eby Mrs. Fayra L. Eckley Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eckley Ms. Velerie Eddleman Mr. Arnold L. Edinger

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Edinger Dr. and Mrs. James O. Edlin Mr. and Mrs. Byron Edmondson Mr. and Mrs. Jacob D. Edwards Mr. Jeffrey and Dr. Deanna Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Keith Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Max Edwards Rev. and Mrs. Rick A. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Eichorn Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eisele Mr. and Mrs. James B. Eisermann Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Ekstrom Mr. Clint C. Elberts Mr. Jesse L. Eldred Mr. Joshua and Dr. Christina Eliason Mrs. Cindy K. Eller Mr. and Mrs. Dale Elliott Mr. and Mrs. David P. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. L. Carl Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Ellis Mr. Gerald L. Ellis Mrs. Jo Ellis Rev. and Mrs. Kevin D. Ellis Rev. and Mrs. Leslie L. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Norman G. Ellis Mrs. Rachel Ellis Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ellsworth Ms. Melanie A. Ellsworth Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Ellyson Ms. Marilyn J. Elscott Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Elstrom Mrs. Angie Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Travis C. Emerson Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Emmer Mr. Brian England Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Enick Mrs. Esther H. Eppler Mr. and Mrs. Al Erck Ms. Leah M. Erickson Mr. Douglas W. Ernst Ms. Edna Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Allan Erselius Rev. and Mrs. Melvin C. Essex Dr. and Mrs. Brad K. Estep

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Etchison Mr. and Mrs. Jim L. Etter Ms. Amelia F. Evans Mrs. Beverly M. Evans Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Evans Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Evans Ms. Sharon Evans Mr. David A. Eversdyke Mr. Brian Ewy Mrs. Robin Ewy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Eyring

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Faber Rev. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Fairchild Mr. and Mrs. Mark Falen Mr. Gary J. Faler Mr. and Mrs. W. Burt Falkner Mr. and Mrs. Michael Farag Mr. Harvey Farnsworth Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Faucette Mr. Thomas and Dr. Crystal Faudere Mr. and Mrs. Gary Felgar Mr. and Mrs. D. Jib Felter Dr. and Mrs. David J. Felter Mr. and Mrs. David Felter Ms. Arlene L. Fender Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ferguson Mrs. Savanna Fernandez-Glover Mr. Thomas A. Fiegener Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Fields, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Fimreite Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Fine Mrs. Gina R. Finn Rev. and Mrs. Floyd H. Fisher Mr. Robert L. Fisher Ms. Sara E. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fisher Ms. Valerie J. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. William D. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Marcus S. Fizer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flack

42 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Flanders Mr. Steve Fleischaker Dr. Dean E. Flemming Mrs. Amy C. Flickner Dr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Floersch Ms. Kay Flook Mrs. Susan L. Florance Mr. Mario P. Flores Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Floro Mr. and Mrs. Leland H. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. George P. Fluharty Rev. Jeb M. Flynn Ms. Nancy M. Forbes Ms. Sharon R. Force Ms. Wanda L. Force Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Don Francis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Foreman Mr. and Mrs. Kelly D. Foreman Mrs. Megan Foreman Ms. Christy Forquer Mr. and Mrs. Norbert M. Forsman Mrs. D. Edna Forthun Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Foshe Mr. and Mrs. J. William Foster Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan J. Foster Rev. and Mrs. Thomas A. Foust Mr. and Mrs. Brad Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fox Mr. and Mrs. Don Fox Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Fraley Mr. John Fralick Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Gene Franklin Mrs. Odille P. Fraser Ms. June B. Frazier Rev. and Mrs. Stafford Frederick Mr. and Mrs. John R. Fredricks Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Freed Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Frees Mrs. Luella D. Frey Ms. Lynne Friedrichsen Mr. and Mrs. Benona Friend

Miss Ashley L. Frierdich Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Frierdich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Fries Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Fries Ms. Taylor M. Fries Mr. Luke R. Friesen Dr. and Mrs. Neil O. Friesland Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Frisbey, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fruetel Dr. and Mrs. Jeremy R. Fry Drs. Robert and Mary Fry Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Fulling Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Fund Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Funderburk Mr. Tyrone Furnas

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gaede Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Randy L. Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Gall Mr. Jess C. Gallegos Mrs. Amy L. Gallup Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Garber Ms. Kara L. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Garber Mr. Terrin J. Garber Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Garber Mrs. Cheyenne E. Garcia Ms. Shannan Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Clifford G. Gares Ms. Kasie Garlington Mr. and Mrs. G. Todd Garrett Rev. and Mrs. Gary D. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Greg Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Garrett Rev. and Mrs. J. David Garrison Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garrison Mr. Billy G. Garton Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. Gaston Mrs. Stacy Gately-Vierra Rev. and Mrs. James R. Gauer

Rev. and Mrs. Robert F. Gaut Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Gaylord Mr. Brian Geary Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Geist Dr. and Mrs. Kale C. Gentry Mr. Asher C. George Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. George, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Georges Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gerloff Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gettles Mr. Neil Getzlow Ms. Holly Gibson Ms. Jamie Gibson Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gideon Mr. Lawrence E. Giger Ms. Deborah S. Gill Mr. and Mrs. Denny Gillard Mr. Blaine T. Gillett Rev. and Mrs. Elmer L. Gillett Dr. Margaret E. Gilliland Mrs. Sarah L. Gilliland Ms. Jewell A. Gillis Ms. Cecilia A. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Gilmore Mr. Kim A. Gingerich and Mrs. Estela MacielGingerich Mr. Jerry E. Gipe Mrs. Kimberly D. Glace-Krause Rev. and Mrs. Elgin L. Glendenning Rev. and Mrs. Leray D. Glendenning Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. Glenn Drs. Mark and Reagan Glover Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goldade Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gooch Mr. Kent N. Gooden Mrs. Bernice Goodwin Mrs. Mary Goosey Mr. and Mrs. William P. Gorsky Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gosnell Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Gossen Dr. Michael L. Gough Ms. Paula Gourley Mr. and Mrs. Ronny Graalum

43 Mrs. Norma Grande Mrs. Jennifer Grant Mrs. Kelly F. Gravelle Mr. and Mrs. Caleb J. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Grebowiec Mr. Eugene Green Mr. and Mrs. William L. Green Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Greenough Miss Morgan B. Greenough Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Greenway Mr. John R. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Gregg Mrs. Michelle Gressel Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Grieb Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Grieb Ms. Denise M. Griffey Rev. and Mrs. Christopher A. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Shane Griffin Mrs. Allison Grimes Mrs. Jackie Groeneveld Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grogan Mr. Jason Grossardt Ms. Mollie E. Grove Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Grover Mrs. Lisa M. Guenther Ms. Maria C. Guerrero Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Guevara Mr. and Mrs. Rick Guilfoil Mr. Mike G. Gunderson Mrs. Donia E. Gutierrez Mrs. Linda Gutierrez Mr. Tony Guy

Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Haas Ms. Aubrie J. Hackathorn Rev. and Mrs. Paul A. Haddix Mr. Trevor Haddix Mr. and Mrs. H. Leroy Haeffner Mrs. Linda Hafar Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Hafar, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Haffey Mr. Clint J. Hagans

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Hager Mr. James Hailey Mr. and Mrs. Kelly L. Halbert Mr. Duane R. Hall Rev. and Mrs. Ford R. Hall, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. H. Floyd Hall Mr. Maurice Hall Ms. Rebecca J. Hall Rev. and Mrs. Vernon C. Haller Dr. and Mrs. H. Chris Halvorson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Hambek Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hamilton Ms. Nellie J. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hamlin Mr. Austin Hamm Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Hamm Rev. and Mrs. Robert M. Hammann, II Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hammann, III Rev. and Mrs. Philip R. Hamner Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Joshua D. Hankey Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hannon Mr. Clifford A. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Jess W. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Russ B. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hardage Mr. and Mrs. Joel J. Hardee Mr. William M. Hardin Mrs. Melody L. Harding Mr. Blake T. Hardwick Mrs. Amy M. Hardy Mrs. Patricia A. Harland Dr. Maria D. Harman Rev. Kenneth Harper Ms. Patti J. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Harrier Mr. Lance Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harris Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harris Mr. and Mrs. Ryan B. Harris Rev. and Mrs. Zachary A. Harris Mr. Floy L. Harrison

Dr. Sheila K. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Warren Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hart Mr. Jonathan S. Hart Mrs. Tonya Hart Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Hartshorn Mr. and Mrs. John Hartzler Ms. Allerikch Harvey Mrs. Melissa Harvey Ms. Carmen Hatch Mr. and Mrs. George D. Hatcher Ms. Jamie L. Hatchette Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hatfield Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hatfield, Sr. Ms. Cynthia D. Hathaway Mrs. Zola D. Hathaway Mrs. Wynona J. Haun Ms. Sharon R. Haverly Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Havlin Mrs. Flora Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Jason R. Haworth Rev. and Mrs. William R. Haworth, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Hay Mr. and Mrs. Clay A. Hayden Rev. and Mrs. Charles H. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hayes Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Hayes Ms. Shelley R. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Chad Hays Mr. and Mrs. Galen R. Hayse Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hayse Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn F. Heckel Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hedges Ms. Rebecca A. Hedrick Rev. and Mrs. Andrew R. Heer Ms. Brianna Heese Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Heidbrink Mr. and Mrs. Austin N. Heise Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Heller Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Helm Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Helmandollar Mr. and Mrs. David M. Helsel

44 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Hendershot Ms. Arica N. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Henderson Rev. and Mrs. Richard A. Henderson Ms. Tammy Henderson Ms. Carolyn K. Hendley Mr. Randall Hendricks Ms. Cheyenne Hendrickson Ms. Cynthia C. Hendrickson Mrs. Claire C. Hendrix Mr. Kyle and Dr. Shana Henne Ms. Mary Hepburn Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Hephner Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hephner Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Herbold Mr. Randall D. Herbold Rev. and Mrs. Andy Hergenreder Mr. and Mrs. N. Dale Heyd Mrs. Debra M. Hibler Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hiestand Mr. Guy and Dr. Deborah Highfill Ms. Linda S. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie J. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Sherman L. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hilligus Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hindle Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Hinshaw Rev. and Mrs. Harry E. Hinze Mr. and Mrs. Ross I. Hirst Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hitchcock Mrs. Ruth Hite Mr. and Mrs. Billy G. Hitt Mrs. Carol J. Hix Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hobbs Rev. and Mrs. Ernest J. Hockett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Hockett, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Hodge Mr. and Mrs. Marion L. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hoedl Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hoffman Ms. Carrie J. Hoffman Rev. and Mrs. Steven P. Hoffman Rev. and Mrs. Troy Hoffman

Mr. and Mrs. Archie R. Hoffpauir Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy S. Hoffpauir Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Hoke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Holbert Ms. Andrea Holguin Ms. Shelbi N. Hollern Mr. Tyler Holm Ms. L. Kathryn Holmes Mr. L. V. Holmes Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Holt Ms. Sarah J. Holt Maj. and Mrs. Robert D. Holter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Holtzhauer Mr. Wayne W. Holz Mr. and Mrs. Dale Honermann Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Honn Mr. and Mrs. Norton L. Hook Mr. and Mrs. Adam T. Hooker Rev. and Mrs. Jack D. Hopkins Mr. Aaron D. Horschig Mr. Brett C. Houchen Mr. Anthony J. Houghton Mrs. Betty T. Hougland Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Michael Howard Mr. and Mrs. Nathan M. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Howell Ms. Susan L. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Hower Mr. Timothy Y. Hsu Mr. and Mrs. Ransom B. Hubbard Mrs. Doris J. Hubert Rev. and Mrs. Joseph W. Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. Ed Huff Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery D. Huff Mr. and Mrs. L. Douglas Huff Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Huffman Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Hughes Mrs. Janette Hughes Ms. Melissa A. Hughes

Ms. Mindy S. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Harlan H. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hull Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Z. Hull Ms. LaNell E. Hull Mr. Raymond O. Hull, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hull Ms. Charlotte S. Humburg Mr. Rick and Dr. Kimberly Humerickhouse Mr. Mark A. Hummel Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Hundt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian O. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Hunt Ms. Sarah E. Hunt Mrs. Tracy Hunt Ms. Elsie Hunter Rev. Rosa L. Hunter Mrs. Jennifer Hurbanek Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Hurr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Hussman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Huston Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hyson

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ingram

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Bobby N. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Jackson Mr. David B. Jackson Rev. and Mrs. Ronald R. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Leon T. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Jakabosky Ssgt. and Mrs. Alfred G. James, Rtd. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin R. James Mrs. Pat James Mr. and Mrs. Scott James Mrs. Susan M. James

45 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jamison Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Janes Ms. Dana Janssen Mrs. L. Sue Jantz Mr. and Mrs. Don Janzen Maj. and Mrs. David L. Jareo Mrs. Madelaine Jasiczek Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Jasiczek Mr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Jay Dr. Douglas L. Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. Chadwick W. Jenkins Mrs. Mary Kay Jenkins Mrs. Carol J. Jensen Mrs. Nita R. Jepsen Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Jeske Ms. Leslie R. Jessip Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Jessip Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Jevne Mr. and Mrs. James L. Jobe, Jr. Mrs. Lisa M. Joersz Mr. and Mrs. Billy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Darrel E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Denis D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Forrest D. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Johnson Ms. Kathryn J. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Johnson Mrs. Stacy Johnson Ms. Stacy E. Johnson Mrs. Karen L. Johnson Urich Mrs. Alicia Jones Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Dale Jones Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Jones Ms. Donna Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Jones Dr. Mary E. Jones Mrs. Mary K. Jones Mrs. Nancy K. Jones Mr. Peter E. Jones

Dr. and Mrs. Randall L. Jones Mr. Randall K. Jones Rev. Roxanne E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Marion F. Jonte, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Walton J. Jost

Anonymous Ms. Shawnda L. Kahl Mr. David J. Kalkman Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Karsten Mr. and Mrs. Darin Kater Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. Rick V. Kaughman Mr. Elvis Kayakone Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Kazmaier Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kearney Mr. J. Patrick Keenan Mr. James R. Keeney Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Keeton Mrs. Alice D. Kehoe Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Keith Mr. Ron Keith Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Kell Mr. Kirk D. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller Ms. Rosemary R. Keller Mrs. Samantha D. Keller Ms. Diana S. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Kellogg Ms. Tamara H. Kellow Mrs. Janell L. Kellum Ms. Margaret J. Kellum Mr. Aaron S. Kelly Ms. Bridget A. Kelly Mr. William D. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. Kem Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennedy

Rev. and Mrs. Willis D. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Corey F. Kenney Mr. James and Dr. Dana Kerr Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Ketner Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Kettells Ms. Stephanie Kiburz Mrs. Kimberly Kilander Mr. and Mrs. Derrell R. Kilber Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kilson Mr. and Mrs. Brad L. Kinaman Mr. and Mrs. Bradley D. King Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. King, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. King Mr. and Mrs. James King Dr. and Mrs. Leland A. King Mr. Mark Kinkade Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Kipp Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Kirby Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Kirk, Jr. Ms. Kristi Kleinschmit Mr. and Mrs. Joshua S. Klekamp Ms. Lou Ann Kline Ms. Betsy Klinkefus Dr. and Mrs. William J. Klontz Dr. and Mrs. C. Marselle Knight Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knight Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Knight Ms. Sydney E. Knight Rev. and Mrs. William Knight Mrs. Eleanor Knobloch Ms. Doris Knott Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Koch, Jr. Ms. Penny R. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Sukhdev S. Kohli Rev. and Mrs. Warren D. Koker Ms. Stephanie B. Kolbeck Mr. and Mrs. Blair Kolkoski Mr. Brandon Koontz Mrs. Magdalena Kosinska Ms. Dorothy A. Kovar Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kowalke Dr. James and Rev. Lezlie Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. Scot W. Kraemer

46 Mrs. Betty D. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Kraus Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kreie, Jr. Mr. Jordan Kroell Mr. and Mrs. Martin Krohn Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Krueger Dr. Carl W. Kruse Ms. Kathleen E. Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Kruse Mrs. Lisa Kuchar Ms. Verdyne Kugler

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. LaCoss Dr. Wanda L. Ladage Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lahr Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Lail Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Laird Mr. and Mrs. J. Anthony Laird Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Laird Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. LaLone Mr. Rocky and Dr. Jo Lamar Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy B. Lamb Mr. Bryce W. Lambley Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Lamping Mrs. Melinda Lang Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Langrehr Mrs. Mary L. LaPlante Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Lareau Rev. and Mrs. Leland LaRose Mr. Todd Larose Mr. Mark and Dr. Susan Larson Ms. Alicia G. Laser Mr. James and Dr. Joyce Lasseter Mr. and Mrs. Doug Laudan Rev. and Mrs. Chris S. Launius Mrs. Emily N. Lavender Mr. Clymer C. Law Ms. Helen C. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Scott J Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Lawrenz Mr. Kenneth R. Lawson

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lawson Mrs. Rose D. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Lawver Ms. Rebecca Lazerte Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Leabo Mr. and Mrs. D’Wayne C. Leatherland Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ledbetter Ms. Willa M. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Leewright Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Lefmann Ms. LaVonne Lehman Miss Rachel L. Leiss Mr. and Mrs. Phillipe J. Leitner Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Leitner Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. LeMieux Mr. and Mrs. Lynn A. Lemke Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lepping Mrs. Eunice M. LeRoy Mr. R. Luke Lester Rev. and Mrs. Brian L. Letsinger Mr. and Mrs. Hershell Letsinger Ms. Donna M. LeVoir Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Liddle Mr. and Mrs. John Limmex Mrs. Annita R. Linck Dr. Cory Lindenman Mr. Christopher A. Lindenmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Lindley Mrs. Elvera L. Lindvall Mrs. Angela K. Linkhart Mr. and Mrs. Brad Linsey Dr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Linsey Mrs. Lisa J. Lisec Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Lockhart Mr. Douglas Loden Mr. Gary Loeffert Mr. Clair E. Long Rev. and Mrs. Ron G. Long Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Long Mrs. Tamara L. Long Mrs. Sandra Loomis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Lott

Ms. Alicia D. Love Mrs. Wanda Loveall Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Lovejoy Mr. and Mrs. Jason G. Lovelace Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lowderman Mr. and Mrs. Brent Lowery Mrs. Heather M. Lowrie Rev. and Mrs. Scott K. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Brad Loyd Rev. and Mrs. Matthew M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Wesley W. Lucas Ms. Cindy Luce Ms. Heather M. Lukens Mrs. Irene G. Lukens Mr. James Lumley Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Luna Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Luther Ms. Jennifer M. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. S. Jeremy Lyle Rev. and Mrs. Michael R. Lynch Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Lynn Dr. and Mrs. Roy F. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Lyon Rev. and Mrs. LeRoy E. Lyon Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lyon Mrs. Martha Lytle

Ms. Lynn Maas Mrs. Gillian C. Macaluso Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. MacKinney Ms. Cheryl M. Macoy Mr. and Mrs. David L. Madden Ms. Judi Madden Mr. and Mrs. Brad Maddox Rev. and Mrs. Bob G. Madison Mr. Jeremy L. Madl Ms. Rebecca J. Magee Mr. Steven R. Magee Ms. Joyce E. Maggard Mr. and Mrs. Guido Magliato Mrs. Judy L. Mahan Mr. and Mrs. J. Daniel Main

47 Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Main Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Major Ms. Becky Mallard Mr. Elliot C. Maloney Mr. and Mrs. Mike Manganello Mr. and Mrs. David E. Marcum Mr. and Mrs. Pardeep Markanday Mrs. Alicia M. Marsh Ms. Betty K. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Marshall Dr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Albert I. Martin Ms. Cassie A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. David C. Martin Ms. Janice Martin Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Martin Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Martin Ms. Shelly A. Martin Mrs. Irene Martinez Rev. and Mrs. Earl R. Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Marvin Mr. Michael Maslowski Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Mason, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Masrud Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Matheny Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Mathers Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Mathes Mr. and Mrs. Ron J. Mathews Mr. Troy Matson Mr. and Mrs. Hunter J. Matt Mr. and Mrs. John S. Matt Mr. and Mrs. Joel E. Matters Ms. Brigit N. Mattix Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Mattix Ms. Deborah Mattox Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie H. Matz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Maxwell Mr. Wilbert C. May Mr. and Mrs. Brett Mayfield Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Mays Ms. Keshia McAfee Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. McAlister Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McBee Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. McCauley

Mr. and Mrs. Tony McCaulley Mr. and Mrs. Mal D. McCawley Mrs. Karen Mcclain Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McClain Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. McCleery Rev. and Mrs. Grant A. McCloskey Mr. Bradley W. McCloud Rev. David and Dr. Marilyn McCool Rev. and Mrs. John T. McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McCoy Ms. June A. McCready Mr. William and Dr. Joanne McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. McGhghy Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. McGraw Mr. John L. McGraw Mr. C. Shannon McGuire Ms. Ilene McHone Dr. and Mrs. Kent D. McIntire Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McIntire Mr. and Mrs. Tim J. McIntire Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. McKain Mrs. Martha McKay Rev. and Mrs. H. David McKellips Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. McKenzie Mrs. Maxine E. McKinney Mrs. Helen L. McLane Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. McLane Mr. Corey and Dr. Heather McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. G.K. McLerran Mr. Thomas R. McNaney Mr. James McNelly Dr. Lacole L. McPherson Ms. Virginia McQuillan Mr. Mark E. McReynolds Mr. Jack McWilliams Ms. Donna M. Mead Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mead Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Means Ms. Tiffany A. Means Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Meek Rev. and Mrs. Stanley D. Meek Mr. and Mrs. Elden A. Mehl Rev. and Mrs. Scott W. Mehlhoff

Ms. Christel M. Meinhold Mr. and Mrs. Galen B. Menard Mr. and Mrs. Jared A. Menard Mrs. Nancy S. Merimee Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Merrell Ms. Helen Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Merriman Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Merriner Mr. Thomas Mertz Mr. Nicholas Messing Mr. and Mrs. Keith Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Darin L. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Eldon J. Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Lyle E. Meyers Ms. Jacqueline Michaels Mr. and Mrs. Keel A. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mikel Ms. Eugenia Miles Ms. Rachael D. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. B. Wendell Miller Ms. Beth A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Miller Mr. Christopher I. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Miller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Miller Mrs. Karen K. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Miller Miss Tasha D. Miller Mrs. Vera Louise Miller Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Millhuff Mrs. Christine C. Millsop

48 Mr. John Milone Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Miner Mr. Caleb D. Mingus Mr. and Mrs. J. David Mingus Mr. Todd A. Misenhelter Ms. Emily Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Justin T. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mittelstaedt Mrs. Melanie D. Moats Ms. Helen Moeller Rev. and Mrs. David W. Mohler Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Mohler Mr. James and Dr. Lila Monahan Mrs. Pamela Moncado Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Monroe Ms. Gloria F. Montoya Mr. Erik Moore Mrs. Marianne Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Moore Mr. R. Harlan and Dr. Barbara L. Moore Mrs. Stephanie A. Moore Mrs. Tracy L. Moore Ms. Heidi J. Morris Mr. Jimi Morris Mrs. Karlin S. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morris Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Morris Rev. and Mrs. Frederick T. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Morrison Ms. Janice K. Morrow Mrs. Joyce A. Morrow Dr. and Mrs. Gary Morsch Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Mosley Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Moss Ms. Doris R. Moss Mr. and Mrs. Wayne U. Moss Ms. Kelsi L. Mots Mr. Chad L. Motter Mr. David W. Moulton

Mr. Vern W. Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Mounce Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Mount Mr. Charles R. Mountford Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Moyer Dr. and Mrs. John O. Mozier, Sr. Mr. James D. Muchmore Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Mullins Mr. Ryan Mulske Mr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Mumm Dr. and Mrs. Cary D. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. John J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Brent M. Myers Mr. and Mrs. William F. Myers

Anonymous Ms. Christine Nance Rev. and Mrs. Marion E. Nansel Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Napier Dr. and Mrs. Edmond P. Nash Rev. and Mrs. James E. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Wesley K. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Zach Nash Mr. and Mrs. Dan A. Neal Ms. Wilma A. Neal Mrs. Donna M. Nebel Mr. William H. Needels Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Neer Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nehrbass Ms. Connie Nehrbass Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Neiswender, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nellor Mr. and Mrs. Nick L. Nelsen Mr. and Mrs. Blake C. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Nelson Mr. Brandon R. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Steve C. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Tory A. Nelson Rev. and Mrs. David E. Ness Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Ness

Dr. and Mrs. William B. Ness Dr. and Mrs. David M. Netherton Ms. Sarah J. Neufeld Ms. Julianne E. Newberry Mr. and Mrs. Jennings J. Newcom Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Newlin Ms. Whitney Newman Ms. Lydia A. Newquist Mr. Richard W. Newson, Jr. Mr. Nicholas J. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newton Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Nichols Ms. Patricia Nieto-Richards Mr. and Mrs. Daren Nigus Mrs. Sandra K. Nikkel Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Ninemire Ms. Eileen M. Noll Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Nordlander Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Norquist Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Norsworthy Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. North Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. North, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Norton Ms. Jean A. Nottestad Ms. Joyce M. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Nunamaker, Jr. Ms. Emma Nungesser Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Nyhus

Mr. and Mrs. John O’Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Oddo Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oddo Mr. Thomas S. Oddo Mr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Oelger Mr. and Mrs. Dane W. Offutt Dr. and Mrs. James R. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Ogilvy Mr. and Mrs. Timothy G. Ohrt Ms. Patricia Okker

49 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. Oldham Mr. Clay Oliver Mr. and Mrs. James R. Olsen Ms. Misty D. Olsen Mrs. Helen G. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Neill Mrs. Kelsy E. Orelus Ms. Maya Orr Ms. Sally J. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Orton Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Osa Mrs. Teresa M. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. John D. Oster Rev. and Mrs. John W. Oster, Jr. Mr. Rick Ostergard Mr. and Mrs. William H. Otto Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Owens Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Owens Rev. Verdean and Rev. Marjorie Owens Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Owings Mr. Bruce Ozias Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Ozias

Mr. and Mrs. Don Painter Mrs. Belva L. Palmer Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Eldon R. Pankratz Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Pankratz Mr. and Mrs. Martin Paredes Mr. and Mrs. Harlan C. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Parker Mrs. Kari Parker Ms. Leeann Parkison Mrs. Fern Parks Mr. and Mrs. Gary Parks Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Parmley Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Parra Ms. Johanna Parra-Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Monty L. Parson Mr. and Mrs. Byron K. Parsons Mrs. Trisha M. Pashik

Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Pate Mr. and Mrs. Manish N. Patel Rev. and Mrs. Terence C. Patterson Mrs. Sarah L. Paxton Rev. Timothy M. Peal Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pearson Ms. Amy E. Peer Mr. and Mrs. Ted P. Pegram Mr. and Mrs. David W. Pence Mr. John H. Pence, II Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Pense Mrs. Michele R. Perez Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Perry, III Mr. and Mrs. James K. Perry Dr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Petellin Mr. C. Todd Peterson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Peterson Mrs. Marcile Peterson Rev. and Mrs. Samuel D. Peterson Mr. Steven and Dr. Cynthia Peterson Mr. Steve and Dr. Deborah Petty Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Pfaff Dr. and Mrs. Gene C. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James Phillips Ms. Karen L. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Michael Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Phillips Rev. and Mrs. Charles Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan M. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Russ Pickerell Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Pieknik Mr. John Pierce Mr. Scott C. Pilgrim Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Pillow Mrs. Marjorie Pine Mr. Garry D. Pittman Mr. and Mrs. David P. Platter Mr. and Mrs. John Plenge Mrs. Elizabeth V. Pollard

Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pollman Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Poole Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Pope Mr. and Mrs. James M. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Luis F. Posada Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Potter Rev. and Mrs. Dean R. Potts Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Poush Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Power Mr. and Mrs. Brendon R. Powers Drs. Elvin and Verla Powers Ms. Natalie J. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Loren S. Powles Mr. Ronald J. Prager Ms. Chelsea R. Prall Rev. and Mrs. Dwight E. Presson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Preston Rev. and Mrs. Robert L. Price Ms. Sharon Price Rev. and Mrs. Richard R. Prideaux Mr. and Mrs. Alexander L. Prince Rev. and Mrs. Clyde O. Pritchett, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. Prowell Mr. and Mrs. Glen F. Pruitt Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Purkey Mr. and Mrs. James A. Purl Rev. Joseph and Rev. Kimberly Purl Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Puryear

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Queen Mr. and Mrs. Gene Quick Mr. and Mrs. Landon W. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Quinn, Jr. Mrs. Lydia Quint Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Quiring

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rabel

50 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Raber Mr. and Mrs. James Rainforth Ms. Sherry Rakes Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ralph, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ramirez Mr. Robert G. Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Dan S. Ramsey Mr. James M. Randall Mr. Robert Randolph Ms. Caryl E. Range Mr. Steven E. Range Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Rankin Mr. and Mrs. H. Milton Raymer Mr. Jerry Reardon Mrs. Mari J. Rech Ms. Sharon D. Redeker Ms. Debra A. Redfern Mr. and Mrs. Dave Redlich Mr. and Mrs. Craig P. Redshaw Ms. Alicia R. Reeves Mrs. Claire E. Reeves Rev. and Mrs. James D. Reeves Ms. Houreya Refaat Mrs. Anita M. Reglin Mr. and Mrs. Russell R. Reglin Mrs. Katie Reichenberger Mr. Ken Reinhardt Mrs. Alice M. Reinholdt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Reinholdt Ms. Caitlyn J. Remick Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Repp Mr. and Mrs. William U. Reust Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reutter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Rexroth Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Reynolds Ms. Nona Reynolds Ms. Reggan M. Reynolds Ms. Cara Rhoades Rev. and Mrs. Phillip A. Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J. Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Jerald E. Rice Mr. Mark Richards Mrs. Raylene Richards Mrs. Janyce L. Richardson

Mr. and Mrs. Johne P. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Phillip N. Richardson Mr. Craig R. Richey Mr. and Mrs. Leo R. Richter Mr. Craig W. Rickey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riddle Ms. Mary Ann Ridenour Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Rieck Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Riggers Dr. and Mrs. David M. Riley Dr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Riley Mr. and Mrs. Rod Riley Ms. Darlene Ripley Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Robert Mr. Kenneth B. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Jason E. Robertson Dr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Robinson Ms. Kelly S. Robinson Dr. Robert Robinson Ms. Rochelle R. Robinson Ms. Sherry Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Robinson Mrs. Alma C. Robison Mr. and Mrs. Geoffery W. Rodden Mr. and Mrs. Chris Roessler Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Rogers Ms. Patti R. Rogers Mr. Philip Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Slate Rogers Dr. and Mrs. David G. Roland Mr. John M. Roland Mr. and Mrs. Tony R. Romo Ms. Caitlin Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roorda Ms. Julie A. Rosales Mr. and Mrs. James Rosenbach Mr. Michael W. Rosewell Rev. and Mrs. Richard J. Rosewicz Ms. Connie L. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ross Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Rostine

Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Rostvet Mr. and Mrs. John Rostyne Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Rothfuss Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Rouse Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Rouse Mr. and Mrs. James R. Rowe Mr. Jay Rowell Dr. and Mrs. Jeren L. Rowell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Rowell Mrs. Frances Rowen Ms. Joan A. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Royals Ms. Ila M. Ruby Rev. and Mrs. Kirk L. Ruchotzke Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ruder Mr. and Mrs. Aaron R. Rundberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Rundberg Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Rundberg Mr. and Mrs. Brent N. Rundell Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Runyon Rev. Francis M. Runyon Mr. and Mrs. William L. Runyon Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Ruschhaupt Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Ruzich Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Ryckman, Sr. Ms. Lavonne M. Rydel Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rydel

Mr. and Mrs. C. Ron Sadler Rev. and Mrs. J.D. Sailors Mrs. Amy N. Salazar Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sale Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Salmons Mr. and Mrs. Neal T. Samples Mr. Javier A. San Juan Mr. Jamison A. Sandbloom Mr. Paul and Dr. Julie Sandell Mrs. Edna C. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Saner Rev. and Mrs. Robert J. Santel, III

51 Mr. David and Dr. Jerri Sapp Miss Vivian Sarazua Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Sassaman Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Sattler Dr. and Mrs. Aaron D. Sauer Mr. and Mrs. Dwight E. Sauer Dr. and Mrs. Roger M. Sauter Mrs. Marie A. Saville Ms. Charlene Sawyer Mr. Burt and Dr. Virginia Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scheel Mr. and Mrs. Emil F. Schellack Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schmidt Mr. Edwin D. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Keir J. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Schmidt Ms. Debra Schnathorst Ms. Glenda J. Schnetzer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schoenwetter Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Schorr Mrs. Andriana Schreff Ms. Teresa J. Schroder Mr. and Mrs. Jake E. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schubert Rev. and Mrs. Keith D. Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Schubert Mrs. Julie R. Schulthies Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie R. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Schutter Ms. Grace Schwemmer Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Don Schwenk Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Schwenk Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sciolaro Mr. Delbert Scott Ms. Jean M. Scott Ms. Jennessee M. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Travis Sears Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Seifert Mr. and Mrs. Terry Selby Mr. and Mrs. James C. Seley Mr. and Mrs. David L. Sellon

Mrs. Claire T. Seroogy Mr. Matthew Shafer Mr. Todd and Dr. Rose Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Shaffer Mrs. Pascale M. Shamley Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Mike A. Sharp Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Shaver, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Shaw Ms. Corinne E. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Shea Dr. and Mrs. Keith D. Sheffer Ms. Marilyn A. Sheffer Mr. Glen W. Sheirbon Ms. Elfrieda Shellenberger Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shellenberger Rev. and Mrs. Jon E. Shellenberger Mr. Gerald Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Shelton Mrs. W. Lorraine Shelton Mr. and Mrs. David Shen Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Sherrod Mrs. Jeanene K. Shields Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shipley Mr. Rob G. Shipley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Shirley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Shiverdecker Mr. Joey Shivers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shoaf Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Shore Rev. Glen and Dr. Brenda Shoup Ms. Julie M. Shoup Mr. and Mrs. Duane Showalter Mr. and Mrs. Arlen H. Siegfreid Mr. and Mrs. David R. Siemens Mr. Andrew C. Sigerson Rev. and Mrs. Willie H. Silvey Ms. Betty Simmons Mr. and Mrs. David L. Simpson, III Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Simpson Mr. Timothy P. Sinak Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sinclair Rev. and Mrs. Damon L. Singleton

Ms. Morgan E. Singleton Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Singleton Ms. Elaine Sinn Mr. Robert L. Sisson and Mrs. Elmira Tandjung Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Sisson Mr. and Mrs. William H. Slattery, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Ronald E. Sluder Mr. Jerald P. Sluyter Mr. and Mrs. David Smart Mr. and Mrs. LaVern D. Smedley Mr. and Mrs. Bryan L. Smith Dr. and Mrs. C. Barth Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith Mr. Dennis H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Garon H. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. H. James Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jermaine Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jody E. Smith Ms. Joyce A. Smith Ms. Kathleen A. Smith Mrs. Laurie Smith Rev. and Mrs. M. Kim Smith Mrs. Margaret E. Smith Ms. Melissa N. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith Mr. and Mrs. R. Blake Smith Dr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Smith Mr. Wesley Smith Mr. and Mrs. William J. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Catherine Smith-Ohm Ms. Lois A. Snider Rev. and Mrs. Daniel D. Snowbarger Mr. and Mrs. M. Larry Snowbarger, II Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Snowbarger Dr. and Mrs. Vincent K. Snowbarger Mr. and Mrs. Wendell K. Snowbarger

52 Mr. and Mrs. Bill R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Randy D. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Dean Soenksen Mr. Gary R. Sofia Ms. Maria C. Solecki Rev. and Mrs. Carl L. Soliday Ms. Deborah A. Solomon Dr. and Mrs. J. Glenn Songer Mr. and Mrs. William D. Soper Mrs. Tamalyn Sorrell Ms. LaJune Southard Mrs. Betty Lou Spane Mrs. Jennifer Sparks Rev. and Mrs. Clarence V. Spaulding, Jr. Mr. Joel L. Speck Mr. Andrew and Dr. Jill Speicher Mr. Lloyd Speicher Mr. Nathan Speidel Dr. and Mrs. Matt Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Spencer Drs. Richard and Billy Spindle Dr. and Mrs. David J. Spittal Ms. Pamela B. Spohn Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Spruill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Spruill Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Sprunk Mr. John St. Marie Ms. Lottie B. Staggs Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stallings Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stambaugh Mrs. Betty Stancer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stanch Mrs. Rose Standifer Ms. Sherril D. Stanford Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Jason O. Stansbury Mr. Gary L. Stanton Ms. Twila Mae Stapleton Rev. and Mrs. F. Wayne Stark Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Stark Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Stark

Mr. and Mrs. William O. Starr Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stegman Capt. and Dr. John H. Stein, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steinert Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Stelter Mrs. Janice I. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Stephens Mr. Drew S. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Stevens Dr. and Mrs. Woodie J. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. David L. Stevenson Mrs. Alice F. Stewart Mrs. Angela D. Stewart Rev. and Mrs. Eli F. Stewart Ms. Judith M. Stewart Ms. Marilyn K. Stewart Mr. Richard D. Stewart Mr. Gene Stillman MG and Mrs. William A. Stofft, Rtd. Mrs. Hazel Stone Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Stone Dr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Storz Mr. Tim and Dr. Ramona Stowe Drs. Thomas and Tia Strait Ms. Phyllis Straughn Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Straughn Mr. Joe E. Strayhorn Mr. and Mrs. John S. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Randall P. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Strickler Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Striefel Mr. and Mrs. M. Kent Stroman Mr. Terry V. Stull Dr. and Mrs. Roy Stults Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Stumbaugh Mr. and Mrs. William E. Stutts Mr. and Mrs. Derek Stutzman Mr. and Mrs. Mike L. Suchsland Dr. Arlene Sukraw Rev. and Mrs. James A. Sukraw, Sr.

Mr. John H. Sukraw Mr. Joseph and Rev. Susan Sukraw Mrs. Pauline Sukraw Ms. Sharlene G. Sukraw Mr. Michael K. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Sumstine Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sunnarborg Rev. and Mrs. Sokurt Suos Mr. Nicholas K. Surguine Ms. Tavia L. Swank Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Larry Swanwick Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Swartzell Mrs. Mary Swartzwelder Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Swigart Mrs. Maria K. Swinger-Inskeep Mr. and Mrs. Chad Swofford Ms. Sheryl S. Swyden Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Szkwarek

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Doyle W. Tabor Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Tallent Mrs. Patricia M. Tanquary Mrs. Violet A. Tanzer Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Tapia, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Tarpenning Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tavarez Rev. and Mrs. Bradley D. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Brian Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Taylor Mrs. Elesia Taylor Mr. Joseph L. Taylor Ms. Mary Eva Taylor Mrs. Mary Lou Taylor Ms. Rachel A. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Teater Mr. James M. Tedford Ms. Lindsey J. Tepfer Mr. Shawn M. Terrell

53 Mr. and Mrs. Daron Terry Ms. Linda R. Tessendorf Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tevis Mr. and Mrs. David Theaker Dr. and Mrs. Otto W. Theel Mr. and Mrs. Toby N. Theel Rev. and Mrs. Rodger D. Thelander Mr. Easaw and Dr. Shanti Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Daymon Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Franklin B B. Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Houston E. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Ryan K. Thompson Mr. Troy A. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Les E. Thomsen Mrs. Susan E. Thomson Dr. and Mrs. James L. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Thyer Mr. Dustin S. Tilton Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Timmons, Sr. Ms. Julie S. Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Tollefson Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Tollie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lester L. Tollie, III Rev. and Mrs. Frederick B. Toomey, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. Phillip Torgrimson Mrs. Jessica Torres Mrs. Leona M. Totland Rev. and Mrs. Clifford L. Transmeier Mr. Evan C. Transmeier Mr. Joshua J. Transmeier Ms. Lauren E. Treece Ms. Jillian Trefilek Col. and Mrs. James Treharne Mr.Tyrone Cornell and Mrs. Robyn Tresnak Mrs. Cherylyn A. Trier Ms. Christy Trinkler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tully Mrs. Esta Lee Turner Mr. and Mrs. Garry M. Turner, Sr. Rev. and Mrs. Randall N. Turner Mr. Todd C. Turner Mr. and Mrs. William Tuttle Ms. Danielle Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Franklin A. Tyrer

Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ufford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Ufford, Sr. Mrs. Kathy Underwood Ms. Gerry D. Ussery Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Utz

Ms. Genece R. Vaca Mr. Mark Vaillancourt Mr. and Mrs. H. Wayne Van Dyne Mr. and Mrs. Rodney N. Van Dyne Dr. and Mrs. J. Brent Van Hook Mr. and Mrs. James G. Van Hook Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Van Note Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Van Sickle Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Vance Mrs. Susan Vance Rev. and Mrs. John P. VanDalsem Dr. and Mrs. C. Daniel Vanderpool Mr. and Mrs. David L. VanDusen Mr. George E. VanDyne Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Vargas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Vasquez Mrs. Kelli Vaughn Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Vaught Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Vaught Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Vaverka Mr. and Mrs. John D. Veach Mr. and Mrs. Joshua A. Veach Ms. Mary Lou Vedane Mr. Thomas Vehlewald Mr. and Mrs. William B. Veio Mrs. Mary B. Vela Mrs. Dyan E. Vespestad Mr. Daniel Viall Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vieth Mr. and Mrs. James E. Vieth Ms. Irene M. Vila Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Vining Mrs. Mona Vogl

Mr. Taylor Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. Irving Vonderfecht Mr. and Mrs. James S. Vredenburg Mr. and Mrs. James E. Vreeland

Mr. Justen L. Wack Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Waggoner Ms. Mary Ann Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wales Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker Ms. Brittany M. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Bud Walker Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Walker Mrs. Yvonne M. Walker Ms. Lorraine A. Wall Mr. and Mrs. David K. Wallace Mr. Jeffrey T. Wallace Mr. Philip Wallack and Rev. Alice Piggee-Wallack Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Wallentine Ms. Kathryn E. Ward Mr. and Mrs. James H. Warden, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Wardlaw Mr. and Mrs. David G. Warner Mrs. Emily Warren Rev. and Mrs. Francis B. Warren Mr. Jordan B. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Joshua W. Warren Mrs. Jessica L. Waugh Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Wayne Mrs. Jeanette F. Wayne Ms. Mary K. Wayne Dr. and Mrs. C. Hardy Weathers Ms. Toni L. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Andy Weber Mr. and Mrs. David L. Weber Rev. Harold and Dr. Cathy Wedel Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Wedel Ms. Lauren E. Wegley Lt. Cmdr. Brian and Rev. Rosslyn Weigelt Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weigelt

54 Dr. and Mrs. Morris A. Weigelt Rev. and Mrs. Larry L. Weihe Mr. Joshua D. Weinstock Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Weinstock Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Weishaar Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weissenbach Mrs. Amy Wells Rev. and Mrs. Jerry M. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Weltmer Mr. and Mrs. Steven Weltmer Mr. and Mrs. Keith Welty Dr. and Mrs. Vernon L. Wesley Mr. Dean D. Wessels Mr. Stephen M. Wessels Mr. Daniel Wesslund Mr. and Mrs. Danny West Dr. Sharon D. West Mr. and Mrs. Steven Westling Mr. A. Gordon Wetmore, III Dr. James Wetzel Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Whaley Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wheelock Ms. Antoinette Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. Shawn L. Whitcomb Mr. and Mrs. David P. White Mrs. Elizabeth White Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. White Mr. Kevin White Rev. and Mrs. Larry E. White Mr. and Mrs. Willis D. White Mr. and Mrs. Marcus G. Whitworth Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wickstrum Mr. Robert S. Widmer Mr. and Mrs. Les L. Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Wieczorek Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wieczorek Mr. Timothy and Dr. Karen Wiegman Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel A. Wiens Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wiesman Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wikstrom Ms. Kaylene J. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wilkerson

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wilkerson Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Willard Mr. Scotty Willett Mr. Brian Williams Mrs. Denise M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Greg Williams Dr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Williams, III Ms. Jolene L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Williams Mr. Michael D. Williams Mr. Nathan Williams Mrs. Velma K. Williams Rev. and Mrs. John S. Williamson Mr. Kevin D. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Chip Willis Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Willmer Mrs. Mary L. Wilmoth Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Wilmoth Mrs. Karen Wilsey Ms. Donna J. Wilson Mrs. Dorothy L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Wilson Mr. Harry C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wilson Mr. Randy S. Wilson Mr. Richard and Dr. LeAnna Wilson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Wilson Mrs. Mari Ann Winslow Mr. and Mrs. William B. Winslow Mrs. Sharon Winsor Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Winters Ms. Michelle Wirth Mr. and Mrs. Allen D. Wise Ms. Sarah E. Wise Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wisenbaker Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Wolkomir

Mrs. Frances I. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Garland Wood Ms. Ginger Wood Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Wood Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woodbridge Rev. Daniel W. Woods Mr. and Mrs. James E. Woods Ms. Renee Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Worthington Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Wortman Mr. and Mrs. Darric N. Wright Ms. Diana Wright Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Wright Mrs. Sarah E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Wright Mr. and Mrs. David S. Wry Rev. and Mrs. Douglas S. Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Rich D. Wyatt

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Yamamoto Mrs. Kathleen M. Yandell Mrs. Kerri J. Yanes Mrs. Ruth Yanken Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Yantis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Yantis Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Yates Mr. Robert J. Yockey Dr. Gerald R. Yoesel Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Yoesel Mr. Blake Young Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Young Mr. Dick R. Young Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young Mrs. Mickee J. Young Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Young Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Young

55 Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Zehr Mr. and Mrs. William A. Zell Dr. and Mrs. Sheahon J. Zenger Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Zimbelman Mr. and Mrs. James A. Zimmer Mrs. Gina L. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Zubke Ms. Lisa Zulke Ms. Roslyn Zuniga Mr. Kevin B. Zybach


annual giving CORPORATIONS, FOUNDATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS The following corporations, foundations and organizations have generously contributed to MidAmerica Nazarene University’s mission during 2014.

54th Street Grill AIG Matching Grants Program Air Associates of Kansas, Inc. R.E. Alexander & Associates, LLC Alliant Energy Foundation, Inc. Amaysing Graphics AmazonSmile Foundation Ameren Corporation Charitable Trust American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education American Association of Colleges of Nursing Amigos Library Services Andover Family Optometry Applebee’s Armfield Dentistry, PA Ash Grove Charitable Foundation AT&T Foundation

Bank of Blue Valley Barkman Honey, LLC Bear Claw Construction Management, LLC Belle Vogue Bridal Bickford Senior Living Group, LLC BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas City BNSF Railway Foundation The Boeing Company Bond Law Office, LLC Bret’s Autoworks Corp. Bushnell Outdoor Products Canteen Vending Celebrity’s Sidewalk Cafe Central States Marketing & Manufacturing, Inc. Charitable Flex Fund Chick-fil-A Church of the Nazarene Foundation Church! Train a Child Center Clay Center Covenant Church Missions Ministry Cold Stone Creamery Complete Game Baseball Club Concordia Wesleyan Church Construction Systems, Inc. Consultants In Ear, Nose & Throat, P.C. Continental Title Company Corner Garage & Tire Cosmic Jump Deloitte Foundation DEW Ad Specialties Dissinger Reed Edward Jones Investments Einstein Brothers Bagels Enterprise Bank & Trust Enterprise Holdings Foundation Enterprise Leasing Company of Kansas Falcon Strength, Inc. Feeney’s Hallmark Shop Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Financial Counselors Unlimited Financial Counselors, Inc. Fire Master Fire Equipment, Inc. Firestone Complete Auto Care Fourstate Printing Front Porch Investments Inc. Fulling Management & Accounting, Inc. Gajewski Farms Gardner Dentists, LLC Gardner Edgerton High School Staff Fund GARMIN International, Inc. Global Ministry Center, Church of the Nazarene God’s Glory Tabernacle Goodsearch Gourmet Gift Baskets The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation H & R Block Foundation Hallmark Corporate Foundation Heartland Trailways Hephner T.V. & Electronics, Inc. Houlihan’s Hydro-Chem Spray Service, Inc. Hy-Vee Food Store #2 Hy-Vee Food Stores, Inc. IBM International Foundation Integrity Management, Inc. Jaymes Automotive Joe’s Crab Shack Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Johnson Controls, Inc. Johnson County Heritage Trust Fund Johnson County NAACP No. 4038 Johnson County Old Settlers Association Johnson County Sheriff’s Office Joliet Hope Center, Inc. Joplin District Church of the Nazarene N.Y.I. Jose Pepper’s Border Grill & Cantina


K & G Rentals K Macho’s Mexican Restaurant & Cantina, LLC Kansas Board of Regents Kansas City District Church of the Nazarene N.Y.I. Kansas City Marriott Kansas City Royals Kansas City T-Bones Baseball Club, LLC Kansas Edge Kansas Independent College Association and Fund Kenney Law Firm, LLC Keokuk Termite & Pest Control, Inc. The Kitchen Showcase, Inc. KMB-CPAs, LLC KSK Products and Photography Services LAEL Ministries Inc. Rocky Lamar’s Fundamentally Driven Basketball Camp LaQuinta Inn & Suites Lareau Landscape & Design Lawing Financial Group, Inc. Lenexa Christian Center, Inc. Lifeworks & Company Lighthouse Presbyterian Church Linking KC Lone Pine Acres, Inc. David G. Manary, D.D.S., M.S. Maranatha Christian Academy Maurer Tire Company, Inc. MC Internet Service McDonald County Internet Service, Inc. Merck Company Foundation MidAmerica Nazarene University Associated Student Government MNU Office of Marketing & Communications MNU Regional N.Y.I. Mount Hope Dental Clinic John O. Mozier, D.V.M. Trust Nabholz Construction Corporation

Nails by Donna National Christian Foundation Heartland Nazarene Publishing House Nebraska District Church of the Nazarene N.Y.I. Network for Good Northern Trust Matching Gift Program Northwest Comprehensive, Inc. Oak Christian Church City of Olathe Olathe Bible Church Olathe Chamber of Commerce Olathe Chiropractic Services, Inc. Olathe Ford Sales, Inc. Olathe Lanes East/West Olathe Medical Center Olathe Residence Inn by Marriott Old Chicago Restaurant ONE Gas, Inc. Paddy O’ Furniture Panera Bread Papa John’s Pizza Papa Murphy’s Harlan C. Parker Insurance Agency, Inc. Pegah’s Family Restaurant Pei Wei Asian Diner Pepsi Bottling Group, LLC Phi Delta Kappa Pine Country Nursery Pioneer College Caterers, Inc. Pizza Hut Portraits Today Studios Prairie Ridge Asset Management, LLC Precision Printing Progressive Communications Quintiles Phase One Services, Inc. Ravenwood Elementary Raytheon Matching Gifts for Education Program Red Lobster

Red River Korean Church of the Nazarene Restoration Emporium, LLC Augdon Roberts Farmers Insurance Paul Ross Charitable Foundation Sadler Living Trust Shelter Insurance John Siebs Photography Silicon Valley Community Foundation Silver Interprises of Kansas, Inc. Simmons First National Bank Jim Smith Homes The Sprint Foundation St. Joseph Christian School Starbucks Coffee Company State Farm Companies Foundation Strategic Salt Sugar Rush Sullivan Furniture, Inc. Sylas & Maddy’s Homemade Ice Cream Texas Roadhouse Restaurant Tires Plus Topeka Terminal, LLC The Torn Edge Tyson Foods Inc UAI Technology, Inc. UMB Bank, N.A. Veterans United Home Loans VinSolutions Walmart Neighborhood Market Walmart Supercenter Warren Hannon Company, Inc. Wesleyan Investment Foundation, Inc. Whitesell Optometry, PA Michael D. Williams Agency, Inc. Women’s Clinic of Johnson County YourCause, LLC


gifts: honors, memorial & bequest HONOR GIFTS

MNU gratefully acknowledges receipt of gifts given in 2014 in honor of the following individuals: Dr. O.E. Dement Mrs. Margaret E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Timmons, Sr.


We express our heartfelt appreciation for the receipt of 99 gifts given in 2014 in memory of the following individuals: Note: alumni are listed in italics Dr. Keith R. Bell Mr. Leroy H. Frisbie Mrs. Annis L. Golitko Mrs. Lois R. Hackathorn Dr. N. James Main Mrs. Grace A. McNaney Mr. Delbert R. Schwenk Mrs. Lillian M. Spindle Mr. Robert W. Tarewicz


MNU gratefully acknowledges receipt of bequests in 2014 given from the following estates: Mr. Raymond H. Culp Mr. and Mrs. William Chamberlain Mrs. Clara J. Gooden Mr. David J. Hostutler W. LeRoy & Mildred McCurdy Charitable Trust Mrs. Doris J. Nitzel Mr. F. Dale Quesenbury Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson Mr. Evalds Spale Mrs. Agnes T. Wiens


church giving IOWA DISTRICT

NORTH CENTRAL REGION During the 2013-2014 assembly year, the following Churches of the Nazarene generously gave over $1.38 million in support of MidAmerica Nazarene University’s mission.

This support was returned to Nazarene students from the North Central Educational Region through University-funded grants and scholarships. * denotes churches that have met or exceded their MNU education fund commitment.

Rev. M. Kim Smith District Superintendent Ames * Ankeny Hope * Atlantic * Bloomfield Grace Pointe Boone * Britt Zion * Burlington First * Burlington Flint Hills * Cedar Falls Living Water * Cedar Rapids First * Cedar Rapids Oakland * Centerville * Chariton Clarion Lighthouse * Climbing Hill * Council Bluffs Emanuel * Council Bluffs First * Des Moines Eastside * Des Moines Highland Park * Estherville Fairfield * Fort Dodge * Fort Madison Living Hope Grinnell Indianola New Beginnings *

Iowa City * Keokuk * Knoxville * Marengo * Marshalltown Mason City Missouri Valley Sunrise Community Monticello New Life Community * Montrose * Moravia Lighthouse * Newton New Life Community * Oskaloosa Gateway * Ottumwa Trinity * Pella Shenandoah * Sioux City New Life Community * Spencer Family Tabor Weaver Memorial * Urbandale Greater Life Community * Wapello * Waterloo Crossroads Community * Winterset *

JOPLIN DISTRICT Rev. Mark J. Bane District Superintendent Aurora *


Ava Cold Creek Cowboy Ava Highway * Baxter Springs First * Bolivar First * Bradleyville Branson First * Buffalo * Butler * Camdenton New Life * Caney * Carthage First * Cassville Chanute * Cherryvale * Clinton * Coffeyville First * Columbus * Deepwater Crossroads Dogwood El Dorado Springs * Elk City Forsyth Trinity * Fort Scott * Galena Parkhill * Garnett * Girard Living Faith * Goodhope Goodman Banner * Independence First *

Joplin Calvary Joplin First Lamar Living Hope * Lebanon * Mansfield * Marionville * Marshfield * McCune Monett * Monett Fuente de Agua Viva * Mount Vernon * Mountain Grove Faith Community Neodesha * Neosho * Nevada * Nixa * Noel * Norwood Countryside * One Life * Osceola * Ozark First * Parsons Pittsburg First * Pleasanton * Reeds Spring New Hope * Rogersville Harvest Community Sarcoxie New Beginnings * Seymour * Springfield Grace

Springfield Scenic Drive * Warsaw Webb City * Wheatland *

KANSAS CITY DISTRICT Dr. Jeren L. Rowell District Superintendent Atchison * Blue Springs First * Bonner Springs * Cameron * Canaan Hill * Carrollton * Countryside * Craig Community * Drexel Excelsior Springs * Gardner * Grandview Harrisonville * Hiawatha Eternal Hope * Holiness Holton * Independence First * Independence Fort Osage * Independence Kayros

62 Independence Trinity * Kansas City Central * Kansas City CrossPoint Community Kansas City First * Kansas City First Spanish * Kansas City Nall Avenue * Kansas City New Hope * Kansas City Risen Lamb International Kansas City Shawnee * Kansas City Southwood * Kansas City St. Paul’s * Kansas City Summit View * Kansas City The R.O.C.K. Kansas City Unidos Por Fe Kansas City Victory Hills * Kansas City Village Community Kansas City Water’s Edge Kearney CrossRoads Community * Kingston * Lawrence Faith * Lawrence First * Leavenworth * Lee’s Summit First * Lee’s Summit New Beginnings * Liberty * Living Hope * Marshall Maryville * Olathe Christ Community * Olathe College * Olathe Faith Journey * Olathe Westside * Osawatomie * Ottawa * Overland Park *

Overland Park Antioch * Paola Grace Revolution Parkville Family * Raymore New Vision * Sedalia Crossroads Community * Spring Hill Grace Community * St. Joseph First * St. Joseph Turning Point * Topeka Fairlawn * Topeka Family Life * Topeka First * Topeka Lakeview * Topeka Wanamaker Woods * Town and Country Trenton * Trinity Family Midtown * Warrensburg Life Church * Weston Community

KANSAS DISTRICT Rev. Jim C. Bond District Superintendent Anthony * Arkansas City Augusta Bethel * Burr Oak * Cimarron * Clearwater Derby First * Dodge City First * Dodge City Nuevo Experanza * El Dorado First *

Elkhart * Emporia * Garden City First * Garden City Primera Gaylord * Great Bend First * Haysville * Hugoton * Hutchinson Bethany * Hutchinson First * Hutchinson New Life * Junction City First * Kingman Larned Liberal First * Lyons * Manhattan * McPherson Abundant Life * Meade * Minneapolis * Mulvane First * Newton First * Park City * Plainville * Pleasant Hill * Pratt Abundant Harvest Community * Salina Belmont Boulevard * Salina First * Smith Center * Sublette * Udall * Wellington * Wichita Eastridge * Wichita First * Wichita Grace

63 Wichita Indian Hills * Wichita North Ash Wichita West Side * Wichita Woodland Lakes Community * Winfield *

MISSOURI DISTRICT Dr. Michael G. Palmer District Superintendent Annapolis Arnold * Bernie * Bowling Green Brookfield * Cape Girardeau First Clarence * Columbia First * DeSoto * Dexter First * Dexter Southwest * Eldon First * Farmington First * Fenton Festus * Fredericktown * Fulton Heartland * Hallsville New Horizons * Hannibal First Hannibal Riverview Harvester * House Springs Living Word Hurdland * Iberia *

Irondale * Ironton * Jackson Jefferson City * Kirksville First * Macon * Matthews * Meta Ricker Memorial Mexico Cristo Viene Mexico First * Montgomery City * Mountain View * O’Fallon New Life * Park Hills * Piedmont * Poplar Bluff Northpoint Redford * Rolla * Sikeston First * St. Clair Parkway * St. Louis Ferguson * St. Louis Gateway Central * St. Louis South County * St. Louis Trinity * St. Louis Webster Groves First * Union Word of Life * Waynesville * West Plains Cornerstone * Wright City *

NEBRASKA DISTRICT Rev. Daniel W. Cole District Superintendent

Ainsworth * Arnold Beatrice First * Chadron New Covenant * Columbus Hispanic * Cozad First Farnam * Farnam Lone Star Cowboy * Fremont * Grand Island Grand Island Principe de Paz Hastings Lakeside Community * Kearney * Kimball First * Lincoln Connecting Pointe * McCook First North Platte Parkview Community * Omaha Central * Omaha Living Faith Community * Omaha Southwest * Papillion Heritage Hill * Scottsbluff New Beginnings * Sidney * Superior York New Life *

PRAIRIE LAKES DISTRICT Rev. Steven P. Hoffman District Superintendent Alberta* Alexander* Andover Prairie Oak Community Backus* Beltrami Community*

64 Beulah Faith Community* Bismarck Living Hope* Bismarck Living Hope Hispanic Brainerd Community of Hope* Cape Girardeau First Carrington Community* Dickinson New Hope* Ellendale* Fargo Prairie Heights Community Fergus Falls First* Grand Forks Thrive Community Grand Rapids* Hewitt* Huron* Huron La Senda Antigua Inver Grove Heights Grace Jamestown First* Kenmare* LaMoure* Larimore* Litchfield* Madison Mandan First* Merrifield* Miller* Minneapolis Brooklyn Center* Minneapolis SonLight* Minot First* Minot Southside* Mitchell Harvest Community* Mohall New Horizons* Moorhead Bridgepointe Community* Mora Friendship* Oakes* Osseo*

Pierre The Rock* Rapid City Real Life* Real Life Community Redwood Falls* River Community Rochester Cambodian Rochester First* Sawyer* Sioux Falls Reach* St. Paul Manantial De Vida St. Paul Mosaic Christian Community* The Corner in Aberdeen Tuttle* Valley City First* Viborg* White Bear Lake Great Hope Williston* Willmar* Winona*

www.mnu.edu OUR MISSION: A transformative university that nurtures Christlike community, pursues academic excellence, and cultivates a passion to serve. OUR VISION: To impact the world for Jesus Christ through servant leaders recognized for their excellence, integrity, and spiritual vitality.

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