Core Covenants - MNU Athletics

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Core Covenants

Core Covenants MidAmerica Nazarene University is committed to five core covenants that are the foundation for every Pioneer team, student athlete, coach, administrator, and campus community member. These core covenants are visible throughout MNU athletics and extend beyond the playing field.

Competitive Discipline Family Integrity Passion

Who we are

THE PIONEERING SPIRIT OF THIS PLACE We are a Christian university that nurtures Christlike community, pursues academic excellence and cultivates a passion to serve. These commitments are rooted in three of our most enduring values.

PIONEERING SPIRIT Innovation both inside and outside the classroom create hands-on learning opportunities in each major. Learning Together

PURPOSEFUL LIVES We believe God created you to serve a unique purpose; we will help you discover your calling and pursue your career. Connected Lives

PASSION TO SERVE Here you’ll find a total commitment to servant leadership: students serve the needs of others around our city, country and world. Serving With Us

MNU’s Athletic Mission Statement To foster an environment where young men and women develop a Championship relationship with Jesus Christ while pursuing Championships in collegiate athletics. MNU’s Athletic Vision Statement To give student athletes a Championship experience that helps them develop the skills necessary to be successful Christian Leaders beyond collegiate athletics.

How we do it

MNU’s Athletic Core Covenants COMPETITIVE Stand firm, and you will win life. - Luke 21:19

DISCIPLINE For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. - 2 Timothy 1:7

FAMILY Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6

INTEGRITY I know, my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there. - 1 Chronicles 29:17

PASSION …to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship. - Romans 12:1

What it means

MNU’s Athletic Outcomes Recruit, retain and graduate the brightest and best young men and women who will pursue excellence in competition, while exemplifying Christ in their personal and professional relationships.

Student Athlete COMPETITIVE


• Prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and spirtually to pursue excellence in every aspect of your life.

• Be committed to your mind, spirit, and body

• Understand and embrace failure as a learning opportunity! • Understand and appreciate God’s call to personal excellence (Field, classroom, community, life)

• Maintain consistent personal and professional habits that contribute to your well-being • Understand faith is a key component to who MNU is • Be committed to regular and consistent classroom attendance, and demonstrate proactive communication with instructors on course work and missed class time • Commit to daily & weekly academic success & preparation




• Invest and serve on your team and in the MNU community

• Do what is right

• Do more than your fair share

• Be honest with yourself, coaches, teammates, and faculty and staff

• Embrace your role in the program and adversity as encountered

• Maintain accountability (personally and with your teammates)

• Display an enthusiasm for your sport, team, coaches, & university

• Maintain a positive social media footprint

• Actively participate in community service events

• Maintain consistent attendance in chapel, campus events and student and University supported activities beyond athletics • Display a mutual admiration and respect for all students on campus, embracing diversity • Celebrate the success of others while committing to develop a healthy team chemistry • Engage in healthy relationships w/teammates, other athletes, and university students, faculty and staff

• Communicate honestly about the MNU experience • Endeavor to live in the spirit of honesty, integrity, and fair play, respecting the rights of others • Embrace MNU’s lifestyle covenant and core values

Coaches & Certified Staff COMPETITIVE


• Show commitment to the process not just outcome

• Be good stewards of all allocated resources

• Win & lose with dignity

• Display consistency in work habits and organizational behaviors

• Outwardly pursue winning in all aspects of professional/ personal life • Create a positive competitive environment

• Provide timely response to emails & phone calls • Support instructors, chapel attendance, and community service activities • Set clear expectations for your student athletes




• Create a safe & healthy environment for athletes and support staff

• Communicate high standards & correlation to who MNU is

• Embody servant leadership

• Promote an attitude of unconditional love & Christlike spirit • Maintain a consistent approach and treatment of all athletes, regardless of talent level • Create a culture where young people can learn of God’s love & forgiveness • Cultivate a team culture that enhances campus life • Recruit student athletes who will participate in the MNU community • Celebrate academic success of student athletes

• Embrace having truthful and difficult conversations

• Display a genuine passion for God, University, department, and your team

• Be the institutional example of professionalism w/ standards and expectations

• Display and promote enthusiasm for the University and your profession

• Communicate MNU’s mission and vision to all athletes, recruits and family’s

• Show gratitude for the support received from faculty, staff and students

• Represent MNU in a positive manner

• Embrace the diversity that athletics provides

• Help create a positive social media footprint • Practice timely and transparent communication concerning financial and recruit status.

Athletic Administration COMPETITIVE


• Work to provide necessary resources for coaches and athletes to pursue excellence

• Maintain consistent commitment to MNU ideals

• Maintain expectation of excellence with work habits, attitude and presence • Acknowledge hard work and a commitment to winning • Support & maintain all athletic facilities

• Show a commitment to staff position, duties, roles, and time • Facilitate an environment for a sense of “community” to exist w/in athletic staff • Set clear expectations




• Attend student and University supported activities beyond athletics

• Adhere to the University’s standards/expectations for conduct & behavior

• Engage in the lives of student athletes personally & know their names

• Be faith-forward, requiring a strategy for presenting the Gospel

• Manage all University Resources with a stewardship perspective

• Model servant leadership

• Help facilitate meaningful relationships between MNU athletics and the community.

• Be the institutional example for expectations and standards of excellence

• Work towards broadening relationships and resources in/with KC area

• Follow and implement all NAIA/HEART rules and bylaws

• Actively participate in recruit visits and conversations

• Regularly communicate MNU’s mission and vision • Support & Counsel coaches on difficult personal and professional decisions

• Create an environment of care for all student athletes • Regular attendance, support and supervision at contests • Celebrate success

MNU Administration COMPETITIVE


• Encourage student athletes to compete at the highest level in all areas

• Acknowledge and support all student athletes, programs, and their ambitions

• Recognize and embrace how success can support unity on campus

• Maintain a consistent approach to leading and guiding all things MNU

• Strive to stay educated on the ever changing landscape that is higher education

• Support coaches and athletes with regular academic support and follow up

• Help facilitate meaningful relationships between MNU athletics and community

• Set clear expectations

• Celebrate athletic success campus wide

• Be a fan of MNU athletics through regular attendance at sporting events




• Embrace athletes as an integral part of the MNU community

• Show commitment to MNU standards and mission through daily interaction with colleagues and students, results of work accomplished, and decisions made that affect the future

• Reflect the mission of MNU and our Pioneering spirit

• Support Evangelism and Discipleship • Work to foster strong, positive relationships with faculty, staff and students • Welcome student athletes, prospective recruits, and families • Celebrate success within athletics • Embrace athletes as an integral part of the MNU community • Help students do/be their best through personal connections

• Manage all University Resources with a stewardship perspective

• Be present and supportive and balanced in your attendance to campus activities • Encourage and create opportunities to deepen relationships between athletics and broader campus community • Create an environment of care for all student athletes

Faculty & Staff COMPETITIVE


• Seek professional development when available

• Model a commitment to MNU with work habits and communication

• Help students do/be their best through personal connections and interactions • Encourage student-athletes in the athletic and academic endeavors • Strive to be the expert in your field

• Support coaches and athletes with consistent academic follow up and communication • Provide timely responses to emails & phone calls • Be a fan of MNU athletics through regular attendance at sporting events




• Embrace unity and family through consistent attendance at athletic events

• Provide excellence in your content area

• Encourage relationships between athletics & broader campus

• Work to foster strong personal and professional relationships with the people around you • Support evangelism and discipleship

• Deliver excellence in customer service with and for students/ student athletes • Maintain consistent work habits and communication with campus constituents

• Display a desire to increase knowledge and abilities in field of service & study • Engage broader community for support of student athletes & programs


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