the first round of single-family homes scheduled sion, pointing out that inadequate housing can be THE TRUST a detriment to all aspects of a person’s life. The MACLT was launched in 2008 by four area to be built early next year. New board members include Kaitlin Myers, “It makes it harder to be creative and thoughtresidents concerned about the availability of quality affordable housing for Moab area resi- who has been a local affordable housing advocate ful and to move forward in your career,” he says. dents and workers. In 2012, the group formed a for several years, making progress through her That, in turn, is a loss for the community. The 42-acre Arroyo Crossing site was given to the 501c3 nonprofit. Eight years later, the MACLT is work at Grand County and Moab City and serving on the Moab Area Housing Task Force. Rob Walker MACLT by an anonymous donor in 2017. Graham poised to welcome their first tenants. Audrey Graham, president of the MACLT, joined the board about a year ago after moving to says most land trusts start with a small property, is the last of the founders still on the board. Moab from New York, where he worked in finance. like a single house, and learn to be landlords and Though her quick, broad smile is often hidden Walker is also passionate about the MACLT’s mis- property managers as they grow. For the MACLT, the large land donation meant the board had behind a mask these days, her purposeto be bold and make big moves. ful stride, thick gray ponytail, and infec“THE LAND TRUST IS MAKING The development will eventually tious enthusiasm are unmistakable. In have 300 homes, for sale and for rent, a recent visit to the Arroyo Crossing THE [HOME-BUYING] OPPORTUNITY in a variety of sizes and styles, including development, she gestured with excitea three-story apartment building. ment toward the locations of a future MORE ACCESSIBLE.” “We want to keep a ‘Moab’ characneighborhood daycare center, a comter, with some uniqueness and some munity garden plot, and the location of — Rikki Epperson
Moab Area Community Land Trust Boardmembers Rob Walker, Audrey Graham, David Olsen and Kaitlin Myers.