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Portfolio By Mohammad Abu Ezza 2016 - 2019

About Me

I am a young Palestinian architect who born and raised in Syria. After my graduation from the faculty of Architecture, Damascus University in 2013, I worked two years in Istanbul, Turkey for a well known architectural office where I could acquire a professional experience. Since my arrival in the Netherlands in 2015, I had the chance to follow two internships for almost 14 months in which I was well-introduced to Dutch and European architecture. Currently, I am following the Architecture master track (second year) at the TU Delft. Studying at Damascus University and currently at TU Delft as well as working in different countries gave me a great opportunity to meet different architects with different ways of thinking and learn many ways to approach any architectural issue.



1- MSc1, Complex Projects Studio Activating of the Lift-over of the Karlsplatz. Karlsplatz, Vienna-

2- MSc2, Modern Heritage Studio New Interpretation of Modern Neighbourhoods, Arnhem- the Netherlands.

3- MSc1, Building Technology Seminar The Re-Design of AMC’s Facade, Amsterdam- the Netherlands.

4- ON6 Studio An Architectural Journey, Rotterdam- the Netherlands.


Activating of the left-over Public Realm The eye on the city MSc1, Complex Projects Vienna, Austria

ARCHITECTURAL MANIFESTO In the fragmented Square of Karlsplatz, the challenge was to seek unity instead of separation. and collectivism which replaces individualism in the functional and architectural monochrome of the 19th century Ringstrasse. Therefore, a multi-used building was proposed in the junction of Metro’s passages Karlplatz and the seqaure. This area is densely used by students, tourists and locals since it is one of the most important transportation hubs in Vienna.

Assignment In the fragmented Square of Karlsplatz, the challenge was to seek unity instead of separation. and collectivism which replaces individualism in the functional and architectural monochrome of the 19th century Ringstrasse. monochrome of the area of Karlplatz New building with multiple use. An abstract reaction of the decorated facade of the 19th century ringstrasse.



Narrative: Karlsplatz is a public space located to the south of the Ringstrasse. It is one of the fewer undeveloped public spaces left since the 19th century’s Vienna. This square was constituted spontaneously and actually there was no real urban plan for it. The first building on the Karlsplatz is the Karlskirche church built in 1737. Moreover, the Wienflusee used to cross the square till the end of the 19th century. In the end of the 19th century the river was covered on this part of the city.


Karlsplatz is one of the most important public spaces. Many important buildings are located around the square forming its borders such as TU-Wien, Karlskirche and Wien museum in the south east of the square. The Seccession building and Novomatic Forum to the west side of the building. Karlsplats is also a central traffic node in Vienna which connects many metro and trams lines. Besides its linking functions.


Despite the significance of the square, it has undergone infrastructural projects which fragmented the square and lowered the quality of its public realm.


The streets around and along Karlsplatz bisect the area into two partsrather than connect it with the rest of the city. The first and the biggest part is Resselpark to the south east of it and the second one is near the TU-Wien library and where a branch office of the Kunsthalle Wien in the Rosa-Mayreder- Park with the project space Karlsplatz.

Karlsplats and the arteries Stephansdom

Moreover, in the square itself, there is few things to do besides using the tunnels and taking the metro to a specific destination. Karlsplatz has become a traffic hub and fragmented square surrounded by traffic, and less social and collective hub.



Karlsplats is already an active traffic node, for 300,000 people passing and using its stations per day, therefore, it has also potentials for a project where the functional agglomerations can be broken in infrastructural and architectural terms.

-w est


Therefore, for my project, my desire is to activate the karlsplatz in term of public realm and solve the fragmentation in the sqaure that caused by the transportation system. My investigation will focus on the integration between the public transportation with a public collective building toactive its public realm. So Karlsplats must be not only a traffic node but as a social interaction node for the local community.


Secession 5

Karlsplats and the Inner city


Layers of Karlsplatz



Metro station escalators


Heuer/ kunsthall

Metro tunnels



Urban Intervention

1. Street and height difference seperate the two parts of the square.


2. reaching a continuity of the public space by lowering the second part of the square.

3. redesign the accesses of the metro and having one instead of two. Activating the second part of the square by desiging a public activity.

Architectural Analysis of the Form


1. Situating in the centre of the plot.

2. Adapting the grid of the city.

3. Continuous access to the public space.

4. Dividing the upper volume into two parts/ centre and roof.

5. Orientating the volume toward the Naschmarket/ secession and defining the entrance.

6. Building’s eyes on the landmarks.


The final form


Eyes on the city

1. Stephansdom

2. Secession 3. Karlsplatz Vienna is a museum itsself and has many wonderful buildings worth seeing. Therefore, the building provides spectacular view on the city. More specifically, the visitors have a view on the Secession building, the tower of Stephansdom and the Karlsplatz in general.


Enclosure of the square


The New Building


Pavilions of Otto Wagner




Site Plan



This section in the building and the bridge explains the main idea of the project as following: 1. the mutual accessibility to the building, metro station and Karlsplatz. 2. activities which are expressed by the collective oes on the ground floor and cultural activity which is interpreted by the designing Wien Museum on the upper volumes. 3. it explains also how the square is defined through the building.


Structure and Materiality poured concrete Steel floor decks

Steel column

Thermal isulation Steel column Pre-fabricated concrete panels

The ise of both concrete and steel is to give contractory feeling (lightness and groundedness) On the one hand, building is on a transitional area and should presnets flow and light. One the other hand, it gives a grounded feeling for people who want to enter the building.


Towards the Karlsplatz

On the one hand this volume gives the direction toward Karlsplatz and tells that things are happening if people keep walking in that direction. On the other hand, the big transparent facade invites people to enter and discover the building.


Abstract and Ornamented

The opening in the upper volume was made in a simple way and is a counter-reaction of the Barok city in abstract way, from surroundings full of detail and richly decorated to a building with minimum detail and opening especially the upper volume.



For a total transparency, the curved glass was used. This use was to prevent any object ( profiles.,etc.) from covering distorting the view form outside to inside and the reverse is also true. Moreover, this use of glass represents the abstract idea of the project as a counter-reaction of the Barok city.


New Interpretation of Modern Neighbourhoods Reusing the monuments 1960s MSc2, Modern Heritage Studio Arnhem, the Netherlands

ARCHITECTURAL MANIFESTO Demolition and erasing the legacy of the modern architecture seems to be unrealistic in the socio-economic and sustainable sense. Therefore, the project tries to optimize the current situation by means of architectural interventions. It is an attempt to bring diversity in the monofunctional realm of the functional zoning.

Assignment In the modenist neighbourhood, in Arnhem, we were asked to develop a proposal to improve the quality of the neighbourhood. I chose to analyze Presikhaaf shopping center and to redesign the parking lots of it. The project looks into the existing flats above the main shopping streets and tries to increase the living quality in there.



Residential block

Shopping mall

The Presikhaaf shopping in Arnhem was ever the modernist shopping centre not only in Arnhem but in the whole world. This centre has many components and consists of shopping streets, different residential flats and a large parking lots.


Defined Problems

Through this sketch, I tried to put myself as a tenant of the blocks above the shopping centre. The precevied problems are as follows: 1. Lack of green spaces. 2. Noise coming from the parking lot. 3. Disconnection and not feeling at home due to the lack of private or collective space. 4. Air pollution due to the sheer quantity of cars. 5. Lack of social security.


Architectural Analysis of the Form

Access to the courtyard

1. Following the grid of the street

2. Dividing the block into standard units. Creating accesses to the courtyard.

collective gallery

A tea house and cafe for all people in the neighbourhood

3. Stack to break the monotony of the blocks


4. Creating dynamic meeting points on gallery of the building

Axonometric, Current Situation

Terraced flats



Shopping street Presikhaaf


Terraced flats

Presikhaaf Parking lot

Axonometric, Proposed Interventions



Shopping street Presikhaaf


Gardens for Flats

Elevated square

Parking lot

New dwellings

Fragment 1/25, Terrace, Garden, Garage Metal balustrade

Detail 1

Double-glass sliding door

sliding fence

100* 300 mm Thermoblock Glued timber column- type wood Lariks

Wooden laminate Vapour barrier Floor heating pipes Thermal isulation Foil Concrete floor

Wooden floor Adjustable supporter Drainage layer Concrete floor Steel beam

Glued timber beam type wood Lariks

Parking lot

Concrete block Foil Thermal isulation Finishing

Sandard section of a unit

Metal skirting Metal stud

Wooden laminate Vapour barrier Floor heating pipes Thermal isulation Foil Concrete floor

pressure-resistant insulating 24

A long the street ( Lange wal) in which the intertwining relationship is obvious. The plinth and the ground floor is designed as open as possible

Repetitive Units

A long the street ( Lange wal) in which the intertwining relationship is obvious. The plinth and the ground floor is designed as open as possible


The Elevated Courtyard

This impression shows the new private zone and the collective courtyard of both the new building and the current one. The courtyard works as a collective space in the neighbourhood improving the social life of the tenants.


Lively Roof of the Shopping Mall

An impression of the future situation on the roof where people can express their personal activities on their private gardens (sitting, reading, sun bathing) as well as collectives ones with the neighbours (barbequing, taking, drinking) in the collective zone.


The Re-Design of AMC’s Facade The potential of the sustainable materials Delft Seminars on Building Technology Amsterdam, the Netherlands

ARCHITECTURAL MANIFESTO In addition to meeting the sustainable aspect of the assignment, the project aims to change the conception of staying at hospital as an unpleasant experience to a pleasant one. Therefore, the project tries to give a warm and social atmosphere instead of the cold one, by architectural intervention on the existing building.

Assignment In het AMC in Amsterdam, we were asked to redesign one of the facades of the buildings to improve their performance regarding energy consumption using durable and sustainable materials. I have chosen the bed-toweres where patients reside for a period of time.



The AMC Amsterdam is the biggest hospital in The Netherlands. This building has many problems regarding energy consumption and cooling issues. We were asked to redesign a part of the facade and find a solution of the overheating of the project.


The chosen facade to redesign (the bed tower of the hospital).

Assembly of the Facade

1- the current facade, the south west part.

3- after removing the current concrete slaps, the construction starts with building timber columns and beams on the ground floor.

south west facade

the current columns

2- removing the current concrete slaps and keeping the columns. This is essential in order to redesign the facade in a sustainble way


5- the structure of the facade is completed.

4- the assembly of the facade goes on in the second floor in the bed tower

6- the final resulte with the green roof and the new atrium.

Assembly of Joints

the boundry of the current facade

the boundry of the new facade

Repitive structural elements

metal profile

The metal screws are hidden by wooden sheathing


Technical drawings, Fragment 1/20

Mechanical roof (ventilation)

Glued timber beam - type wood Lariks

Metal balustrade Detail

Timber shading elements

Glued timber column - type wood Lariks

Glazing balustrade Plant pots

Mechanical roof (ventilation) Glued timber column type wood Lariks

Extensive vegetation roof

Timber silding door

Wooden laminate Vapour barrier Floor heating pipes Thermal isulation The current floor


Detail 1/5

Double-glass sliding door Carring wooden element Wooden laminate Adjustable supporter Drainage layer- (EPUM) Plywood sheathing Softwood joist Plywood sheathing

Wooden laminate Vapour barrier Floor heating pipes Thermal isulation The current floor

Carrying wooden profile

Timber board

Anchoring element

Timber battens Breather membrance Plywood sheathing Thermal isulation Playwood sheating Vapour barrier

Timber rail

Plywood sheathing


The connection between the existing concrete structure and the new tember addition.

Exterior Impression

A view on the bed tower from the new green roof.


Buffer Zone

The newly added area works as a buffer zone to reduce the heat gain in the summer and the heat loss in the winter. In addition, it has a social and entertaining function since it gives the patients a space to socialize and to be exposed to fresh air.


An Architectural Journey in Architectural Museum The new HNI BK6ON6, Ontwerpen 6 Rotterdam, the Netherlands

ARCHITECTURAL MANIFESTO Architecture as an art has the ability to both evoke people’s emotion and sensation through its elements and meet functional requirements of users. The project tries to give a phenomenological experience through using different architectural elements, materials and routes.

Assignment In the Museumpark in Rotterdam, the commission was to redesign an architectural museum in the current plot where the Het Nieuwe Instituut (HNI) is located. The program of the project was defined by the studio, and we were asked to develop our own vision of how a museum of architecture should look like.



Boijmans the plot



Kunsthal The project is situated in the Museumpark in Rotterdam in the same plot where the current HNI is located. The area is very important culturally and socially because of location. Museumpark is situated in the heart of the city and hosts many important museums and galleries, such as Boijmans and de Kunsthal.


Architectural Analysis of the Form


1- Parallel aan de straat

3- The context is taken into account

5- Accessibility to the Museumpark through the building from the Rouchessenstraat

2- The component in two part

4- Continious connection between the roof and the ground

6- The final result


Kunsthal Museumpark

Het Podium


HNNI Ongoing pedestrian path

This scheme depicts museumpark with its different parts, the depot and the new design of (HNI). The ongoing sight was one of standpoints of the project.


Floor plans







hall 1




Section A- A


Southern Facade and the Connection with Museumpark

Offering access to the Museumpark was one of the essential standpoints of the project to prevent creating a strong boundary between the park and the neighborhood. The building encloses the park but gives a broad entrance to it. That was reached by carrying a part of the building on columns.


Entrance from Rouchessenstraat

The location of the entrance was chosen on the narrow side of the building for many reasons. One of them was to let the visitors face a sequence of experiences and movements through the building.


The Foyer of the Building

The facade people will experience two feelings. the interaction and the openness( inside-outside) and personality and intimacy which comes mainly due to this lower ceiling.


Ground Floor along the Northern Facade

The facade people will experience two feelings. the interaction and the openness( inside-outside) and personality and intimacy which comes mainly due to this lower ceiling.


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