Multiphase Nuclear Fusion Reactor - Clean and Safe Atomic Energy

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Cross Fire Fusion Reactor (Resonator) Phased Standing Waves to harness Fusion Energy in a Clean, Safe, and Environmentally Friendly Way

pat. pend.: PCT/IB2013/050658

Moacir L. Ferreira Jr. June 02, 2014

• The Cross Fire Fusion Reactor is quite simple in its essence; conceptually it uses steady-state multipole magnetic fields combined with helicoidal moving electromagnetic forces to both accelerate and trap isotropically the plasma, in an energy-efficient way, for inducing fusion reactions but allowing the charged byproducts to escape to be forced to work against rotating/moving electromagnetic fields for converting kinetic energy directly into electric power to supply the grid in a clean and safe way. • The magnetic fields can withstand very high-temperature ion plasma (r=mv/qB)

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

Thermoelectric Converter

Fusion Reactor

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

• Fusion energy is the only that can effectively be at the same time a clean, safe, dense and environmentally friendly power source to supply the world's energy needs, with no greenhouse gases, no long-term radioactive waste, no large land areas, no interruptions by the weather or time of day, easy shutdown, no meltdowns and no proliferation, bringing a peaceful and prosperous future to Earth.

• The Multiphase Accelerator also can be implemented with a resonator (phased RF { [0° 90°]⊥[90° 180°] } orthogonally disposed quarter-wave(¼λ) spaced) instead of concentric helix-coils in order to deal with the "skin effect" without "litz wire" for similarly producing moving electromagnetic forces in both radial and axial directions resulting in helicoidal moving forces for both accelerating and confining radially and unidirectionally neutral plasma. • It can accelerate and decelerate neutral-plasma with optimal power transfer; it is to be shorter with much more torque than Linacs.

Multiphase Resonator

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

• As it is known, moving magnetic fields exert forces on moving charges F=q(v × B) and vice-versa. • The Energy Converter also uses Multiphase Resonator but with purpose of decelerating for converting kinetic energy into electric power. Similarly to a TWT/Klystron, the fast fusion byproducts boost the rotating electromagnetic fields produced by the phased standing waves, thereby electrodynamically transferring energy to be effectively harvested by diode bridge rectifiers of the system. Ions naturally are split apart by moving magnetic fields, seed for avalanche multiplication effect.

Energy Converter

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

• The neutral plasma pellets are accelerated by the helicoidal moving forces toward the chamber interior reaching enough kinetic energy for fusions to take place. In few micrograms of fusion fuel, there are trillions and trillions of atomic nuclei, and also free electrons that can decrease the Coulomb repulsion, then fusion reactions are far more likely to take place. • The resulting charged fusion byproducts are confined quasi-isotropically by the steady-state multipole magnetic fields, but run away through the resonators transferring energy to the Energy Converters while decelerating to be afterward collected, and the byproducts and unburned fuels separated to improve the fuel utilization.

magnetic multipoles arrangement for the most isotropic disposition

From simple calculations, for net energy gain, it is needed a fusion rate of at least 1% for deuterium-deuterium(D-D) and 3.4% for hydrogen-boron(p-B11): 1. deuterium-deuterium (D-D): D + D + 15keV → ((T + p) 50% + (He3 + n) 50%) + 3.65MeV raw gain is about 243(3.65MeV/15keV) and if all energy end as waste heat, and with a typical thermoelectric efficiency about 30% (100/(99+243)), it is needed a fusion rate 1/100 (1%), i.e., 99 scatterings and at least one successful fusion event for net gain (self-sustainability). 2. hydrogen-boron(p-B11): (30/(29+70)) ≈ 30% p + B11 + 123keV → 3(He4) + 8.68MeV raw gain is around 70 (8.68MeV/123keV), hence 1/30 (3.4%) fusion event is needed, which is not so difficult after all. Superconducting electromagnet: specifc energy: 69.2393E+12 J/kg charge-to-mass ratio = 47.86127E+6 C/kg E=½mv² → v=((E/m)*2)0.5 → v= (69.2393E+12 * 2)0.5 → v=11.7677E+6 m/s | 30cm bore (15cm of internal radius) r=mv/qB → B= (v/r)/(q/m) → B=(11.7677E+6/0.15)/47.86127E+6 C/kg → B=1.64 T → ≈4 Teslas

Star on Earth ☀ • With fourteen multiphase accelerators, enclosed within superconducting electromagnets (few power consumption), disposed around a truncated octahedron (core), where the plasma is prevented from touching on the inner walls of the reaction chamber by the magnetic mirror effect, and the plasma is accelerated and confined isotropically by helical moving forces, all that can make plasma collisions isotropically denser, much higher fusion rate, energetic enough to achieve fusion ignition with net gain. • Fusion energy is clean and safe, only a minimum of radiation shielding is required. Unlike nuclear fission, no long-term radioactive waste is produced, and in case of p-B11(aneutronic) most of the energy released is in the form of charged particles instead of neutrons, virtually waste-free.

Thermoelectric Converter

Fusion Reactor

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

• All waste heat produced by the fusion reactor, and its peripherals, can be recycled into electric power by the Multiphase Thermoelectric Converter in order to increase the overall efficiency over 90% for ensuring net energy gain. • The waste heat comes mainly from the electromagnetic radiation in the reactor's core, mostly in X-ray range (bremsstrahlung) that is shielded by the tungsten layers. • The Multiphase Thermoelectric Converter operates by radially forcing the hot coolant to push axially the electrical charges against electric/magnetic fields. And it also can be implemented with multiphase resonator instead of concentric helix-coils.

Blender 3D - Trees (credit: Yorik)

• The Cross Fire Fusion Reactor can replace more than 10 billion tons/year of carbon dioxide (CO₂) by only 10000 tons/year of non-radioactive, inert, and safe helium-4 gas. • The fusion fuels are readily available and virtually inexhaustible, cost-effective, energetically dense, clean and safe, for a pollution-free Earth. • Electric power can be used for electrolysis of water: H₂O + (286kJ/mole) → H₂ + ½O₂ hydrogen can be combined with atmospheric CO₂ to produce methanol(CH₃OH): CO₂ + 3H₂ → CH₃OH + H₂ • This process can reduce CO₂ concentration and increase oxygen in the atmosphere, producing hydrogen for fuel cells and methanol for vehicles; methanol is relatively clean compared to gasoline or diesel which can substantially reduce the worldwide pollution.

Conclusion: • The Cross Fire Fusion Reactor can potentially produce safe, clean, dense, cost-effective and virtually unlimited electric power in a stable, reliable, predictable and controllable manner for large-scale energy production with no pollution and no long-term radioactive waste, contributing for a pollution-free Earth.

Thank You Milk Way (Photo credit: ESO/S. Brunier)

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