Multiphase Thermoelectric Converter

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Multiphase Thermoelectric Converter Efficiently Harvesting Electricity from Waste Heat for Decreasing Size of Space Radiators

Moacir L. Ferreira Jr. January 3, 2012 pat. pend.: PCT/IB2011/054511

• In accordance to the laws of thermodynamics, any efficiency cannot exceed or even reach 100%, but do not prevent any efficiency from reaching or even exceeding 90%. • Higher pressures and temperatures (PV=nRT) can allow greater efficiencies η=1-(TC/TH), e.g. TC=300K, TH=3000K, η%=90%. • However, temperatures are limited by ability of materials to withstand high temperature, which is not the case for magnetic fields (r=mv/qB) that can withstand very high-temperature ion plasma.

• Up to date, all MHD and thermoelectric converters are still far from reaching 90% efficiency. Most of them remains below of 30% efficiency.

• In space, waste heat cannot be dissipated via convection and conduction; it can only be dissipated through radiation, which requires heavy radiators with a large surface area. • A newer and more efficient approach is possible using phased electromagnetic compression and electromotive conversion (Electrodynamic Vortices).

• It is known that sequential phase variation can produce rotating and moving magnetic fields. • Having concentric helix-coils out-of-phase with each other, forming two contra-aligned arrangements for producing opposing helically moving forces resulting in electrodynamic vortices.

• Which radially and axially produces twisting electromagnetic forces, compressing a hot ionized gas F=q(v‖×‖B), forcing it to expand longitudinally, which amplifies the alternating EM fields, electrodynamically F=i(L × B) ε=(Bℓv sinθ) squeezing out its energy to a multiphase electrical system to be effectively harvested by diode bridge rectifiers (clipping circuit).

• Phase rotation keeps plasma centered, preventing very hot plasma from melting down the coils, opening possibility of ever higher efficiencies η=1-(TC/TH), TC=300K, TH=30000K, η%=99%. • Also Multistage Ion Collectors is used for increasing even more the efficiency, by progressively forcing ions (F=qE) to exchange their kinetic energy into potential energy (W=qU) slowing/cooling down, and neutralizing them for collecting their residual energy, which causes an overvoltage on capacitor (E=½CV²) that is transferred via three-phase rectifier/inverter to a battery bank (multidirectional flow of energy).

Contra-aligned (six + six) concentric coils, feed by six phases p=1 [0° 60° 120° 180° 240° 300°], for producing opposing twisting electromagnetic forces, for axially and radially compressing a hot ionized gas F=q(v × B), forcing it to expand longitudinally which boosts the alternating EM fields F=i(L × B) ε=(Bℓv sinθ) electrodynamically converting its energy into electricity.

Fusion Energy Source • Although energy conversion directly from aneutronic fusion byproducts can be highly efficient, the waste heat from electromagnetic losses (bremsstrahlung) in the reactor's core could make the overall efficiency stay below the breakeven point. However, by turning the wasted heat efficiently into electricity, the overall efficiency will surely stay well above the breakeven point assuring a net gain for the fusion reactor making it more easily self-sustaining than ever. • Perfect combination, virtually, no thermal and radioactive waste, a dense energy source with an extremely high degree of cleanness and efficiency to power the electrodynamic thrusters.

Fusion Energy Source

• Fusion fuels: He-3, Li-6/7, deuterium, and B-11; available on moons, planets and asteroids. • Multi-megavolt electrostatic generator (low charge/mass ratio). Neutralization at outputs (low power consumption).

• Fusion energy conversion directly into electricity by multistage ion collectors; and subsequently recycling byproducts.

Plasma Turbine

Relativistic Space Drive

Vacuum of space in the universe is filled with electric/magnetic fields/waves, thus net force is achievable.

Conclusion: • The Multiphase Thermoelectric Converter can harvest most of the waste heat from the Aneutronic Fusion Reactor and Electrodynamic Space Thrusters. • By doubling (or even tripling) the overall efficiency of thermal-to-electric conversion, it can reduce or even eliminate the need for space heat radiators. • Thus, the spacecraft can take off from an atmospheric environment just using Phase-shift Plasma Turbines, and then, in deep space, use Relativistic Space Drive to surf the spacetime at least at subluminal speeds.

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