Policy and Procedures Manual

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Policy Manual

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Policies & Procedures Manual

Table of Contents


1.000 Policy on Policies

1.001 Policy on Drug Free Workplace Appendix

1.002 Distinguished Professor Award

1.003 Awarding Honorary Degrees

1.004 Food and Drink in the Pillsbury Chapel & Dale Williams Fine Arts Center

1.005 Establishing Calendar Priorities and Facility Usage

1.006 Information Security Program

1.007 Off Road Vehicle

1.008 Process for Securing Full-Time Personnel

1.009 Performance Evaluations for Non Academic Staff

1.010 Flowers and Cards

1.011 Grievance Procedure for Faculty

1.012 Grievance Procedure for Staff

1.013 Dress Code

1.014 Tobacco Use

1.015 University Posting

1.016 Inclement Weather

1.018 Student Email policy

1.019 Credit Card Usage

1.020 Computer Use

1.020.1 Configuration and Change Management 1.020.2 Data Classification

1.020.3 Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Device Email 1.020.4 Information Security 1.020.5 Logical Access Control 1.020.6 Organization of Information

1.021 Electronic Data Storage Rights and Responsibilities

1.022 Management and Disposition of E Mail Accounts, Messages, and Other Stored Data

1.023 Hiring Staff and Non Student Hourly Employees

1.025 Bösendorfer Piano Usage Policy

1.028 Background Checks

1.029 Camps Held on Campus

1.030 Mailroom Policy

1.031 Service Awards


2.000 Overload Fees

2.001 Spiritual Qualities Sought in Full Time Faculty

2.002 Faculty Authored Textbooks

2.005 Records Retention Plan

2.007 Excel on Campus

2.008 Home School on Campus

2.009 Study Abroad

2.010 Council of Independent Colleges Tuition Exchange Program

2.013 Faculty Evaluations

2.015 Intellectual Property


3.001 Drug Policy and Testing Program

3.002 Use of Muncy Gymnasium and Free Weight Room

3.003 Locking and Unlocking Muncy Gymnasium

3.005 Fitness Center Hours and Rules

3.008 Procedure for Consideration of Exception to Release Policy


4.001 Financial Aid Code of Conduct

4.002 Continuation of Student Enrollment with Previous Balances

4.003 Senior Citizen Concession

4.005 Financial Aid Packaging

4.007 Issuing INS I-20 Forms

4.008 Applicants and Students with Criminal Backgrounds


5.001 Integrating Processes of Planning, Budget and Assessment

5.003 Financial Resources (Financial Plan)

5.006 Capitalization of Collections 5.008 Recording Pledges and Their Solicitation

5.009 Revenue Recognition of Gifts Restricted

5.010 Student Loan Policy

5.011 Payment Plan Policy 5.014 Family Leave Act 5.016 Security Personnel Overtime 5.017 Mileage Reimbursement

5.018 Conflict of Interest 5.019 Whistleblower

5.020 Travel and Expense Reimbursement

5.021 Moving Expenses

5.022 Gifting Expense Reimbursement

5.030 Derivative Instruments



6.001 Endowment Management and Spending Policy

6.002 Constituent Contact Information Management and Privacy

6.003 Fundraising by University Personnel and Organizations

6.004 Non Cash Gifts

6.005 Political Activity and Promotion

6.006 Naming and Endowing Academic Posts, Buildings, and Scholarships

6.007 Charter School Sponsorship

6.009 Restricted Gifts

6.012 MBU Employees Receiving Personal Gifts from Donors

6.015 Release of Public Information

6.016 Crisis Communications Plan

6.020 Graphic Standard and Publication Procedure

6.022 Faculty/Staff Nametags

6.025 Photographic Services

6.030 Proofing of Promotional Materials


7.001 Substance Abuse Prevention and Control

7.002 Student Death

7.003 Accommodations for Students with Special Needs 7.004 Service and Assistance Animals

7.012 Career Services Registration and Education Credential Files 7.020 Spirit Wing


8.000 Campus Law Enforcement

8.001 Campus Security Authority

8.002 Confidential Reporting of Criminal Activity

8.003 Immediate Notification

8.004 Keys and Building Security

8.005 Timely Warnings of Crime on Campus 8.006 Weapons Policy 8.007 Missing Student 8.008 Record Retention and Disposition

8.009 Protection of Minors on Campus 8.010 Disclosure of Annual Crime Statistics 8.011 Alcohol Infractions 8.012 Security Considerations for Campus 8.013 Student Drug Usage 8.014 Clery Geography 8.015 Fire Alarm Maintenance 8.016 Fire Alarm Response 8.017 Fire Safety Education 8.018 Bloodborne Pathogens

8.019 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

Policy on Policies 1.000


Originator: President

Distribution: All Policies and Procedures Manuals Subject: Policy on Policies

Date: March 30, 2005; March 22, 2022

A. Background

A policy is a statement of general intent that indicates what is permitted or expected at each level of authority. It is a standing decision that allows one to exercise both judgment and discretion, yet provides the guidance needed to maintain consistency and continuity in the process of institutional growth.

B. Policy

The person assigned the responsibility for an area, department, program, activity, or function is inherently responsible for seeing that appropriate policies pertaining to his or her area of responsibility are developed and maintained in focus, provided that no individual issues any policy that conflicts with or contravenes policies issued by a higher authority. The individual initiating a policy is responsible for reviewing written drafts with appropriate individuals responsible to him or her and with those individuals in parallel positions who might be affected by the policy. Prior to distribution, the policy must be approved by the person to whom the initiator of the policy reports. Disputes or conflicts concerning proposed policies affecting more than one department will be referred to the next higher authority in each chain of command until the issue is resolved. When the determination of policy is the responsibility of a group such as the faculty, SGA, or a committee, the same basic principles apply. Policies that affect the entire campus should be reviewed by the President’s Administrative Council and the Faculty Executive Committee, with the Administrative Council having responsibility for approval. All policies will be distributed on a need to know basis. The policy on policies does not preclude the issuance of directives by the President.

C. Guidelines

1. Policies should effectively guide the institution in achieving its mission, purposes, goals, and objectives.

2. Policies should be based on the best data available.

3. Policies should be developed whenever there is a need for guidance to administer a particular area or activity.

4. Policies should be stated as clearly as possible.

5. Policies should not be developed for situations that are unimportant, improbable, or non repetitive.

6. Policies should be reviewed and updated periodically.

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Policy on Drug-Free Workplace

Originator: President


Distribution: All Policy & Procedures Manuals

Subject: Policy on Drug-Free Workplace

Date: May, 1996; Rev. Jan. 2013

A. Background

Missouri Baptist University as a recipient of federal grants and contracts, (student financial aid through campus-based federal funds), is required to adhere to the provisions of the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools & Communities Act Amendments of 1989. Additionally, as a concerned employer, Missouri Baptist University is committed to the good health and well being of all of its employees and is concerned about the personal problems of any employee that could arise from the illegal use or abuse of any controlled substance.

B. Policy

As a result of Missouri Baptist University's commitment to its employees, and in order to comply with the provisions of the Drug Free Workplace act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989, the following guidelines are instituted immediately to insure that Missouri Baptist University is and remains a drug free workplace.

C. Guidelines

1. All present and potential University employees are hereby informed that, as a condition of maintaining or obtaining employment with Missouri Baptist University, they are expected to comply with all terms of this Drug Free Workplace policy.

2. Employees are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, possession or use of any illicit drugs or alcohol in the workplace.

3. The ill effects of drug abuse vary depending on the drug and, the amount used, and the person, but generally the illicit use of drugs has been associated with the following health risks: accidents, psychological dependence, addiction, bodily damage, malnutrition, psychosis, convulsions, coma, and death. Additional risks from the injection of drugs are diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.

4. Missouri law mandates confinement and fines for those convicted of possession of controlled dangerous substances, depending on the classification of the substance. Convictions of distribution or possession with the intent to distribute carry prison terms from five years to life along with fines.

5. The University will impose disciplinary sanctions on employees consistent with local, state, and federal law up to and including termination of employment and referral for prosecution.

6. All employees convicted of a criminal drug statute must refer himself/herself to an approved

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Policy on Drug-Free Workplace 1.001

drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. Notifications of the date of entry and the date of successful completion of such program should be made to the appropriate area head. Any employee failing to voluntarily undergo professional counseling will be subject to corrective action, of which could include suspension and/or dismissal.

7. All employees are required to notify their area head of any conviction for violation of any criminal drug statute. Notification is to take place not more than five (5) working days following the conviction.

8. The area head will notify the Provost/Senior VP for Academic Affairs should notification be received as required in guideline #7 and the employee is working on a federal grant or contract. These offices will be responsible for notifying the appropriate federal agency.

9. Employees who are experiencing difficulties related to substance abuse may avail themselves of on-campus or off-campus counseling, off-campus self-help groups, or residential treatment centers. Contact the Senior VP for Student Development for further information or referral.

10. This policy will be reviewed biannually to determine its effectiveness and to ensure that disciplinary sanctions are consistently enforced.

11. This policy will be distributed annually to employees.

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MBU Distinguished Professor Award 1.002


Originator: President Subject: MBU Distinguished Professor Award Date: March 21, 2005 (revised 3/29/12) (revised 3/28/17) (11/4/2022)


Missouri Baptist University is fortunate to have many outstanding professors. Each year one full time professor will be singled out for reward and recognition and an MBU Distinguished Professor.


Annually at commencement the President will present the Missouri Baptist University Distinguished Professor Award. The honoree will receive a financial gift, usually $1,000.00, and a brass apple with engraved pedestal.


1. The Provost’s Office will compile a list of eligible recipients by March 1 of each year. Eligible recipients are defined as full time faculty teaching 27 undergraduate credit hour courses on a nine month contract or 9 hours of graduate level courses in a semester. Administrators and coaches who carry faculty rank but whose primary responsibility is not teaching will not be eligible. Past recipients are also ineligible.

2. The President of the University will ask for nominations from past recipients currently employed by the University.

3. Recipients will be selected according to the following criteria:

(1) model classroom teaching, (2) faithfully models the presence of Christ, (3) scholarship, (4) campus leadership, (5) outstanding course development, (6) strong relationships with students within the classroom as well as across the campus, (7) and frequency of attendance and support of campus functions such as Chapel attendance, concerts, athletic events, and other campus wide activities.

4. The Provost and President will make a final selection.

5. Once a person has received the award, he or she is ineligible for future consideration for fifteen years.

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Originator: President

Distribution: All Policy & Procedures Manuals

Subject: Awarding Honorary Degrees

Date: July, 1996 (Updated June, 2004)


In an ongoing effort to recognize and reward excellence, Missouri Baptist University awards honorary degrees to individuals who have distinguished themselves by outstanding personal, professional, or academic achievement. In recognition of the fact that true excellence is rare, such degrees will be awarded sparingly.



DEGREES -- The Honorary degree Committee will observe the following guidelines in making recommendations to the Faculty and Trustees:


1. The recipient, except in unusual cases, will be above the age when a doctorate or terminal degree normally would be earned (unless the recipient already has an earned terminal degree).

2. The selection will be based on the achievement of the nominee, so that the University also honors itself by the awarding of an appropriate degree.

3. The individual's achievement should be clearly related to the purposes and programs of the University.

4. The nominee has made outstanding contributions in his or her field of expertise, or has performed distinctive service to academe in general or to Missouri Baptist University in particular.


1. Academic or Scholarly Achievement-- Outstanding achievement in teaching, research, scholarly publication, scientific investigation or discovery, or other activities, which foster the advancement and propagation of knowledge.

2. Artistic Achievement-- Creativity in such arts as painting, sculpture, music composition, literature, theater; or exceptional skill in the performing arts; or lasting contributions toward the creation and appreciation of the aesthetic.

3. Religious or Community Service-- Distinguished service to the church, to a vocation helping humanity, to an important human cause; other acts, devotion, or sacrifices which result in qualitative difference for good in a place, institution, or organization; devotion of consistent and substantial time and energy which achieves significant philanthropy to institutions which serve to advance human good.

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Policy on Awarding Honorary Degrees

Policy on Awarding Honorary Degrees 1.003


1.President of the University

2. Provost/SVP for Academic Affairs

3.Chairperson of the Board of Trustees

4.Two Trustees -- (appointed by the Board Chairperson) one for a three year term, one for a two year term)

5.Chairperson of Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees

6.Faculty (Chairperson of the Academic Affairs Committee)

7.Faculty (one division chair elected by Dean's Council)

8.Faculty at-large representative (elected by the faculty for a three year term)


1.Nominations will be made on the appropriate form available in the office of the President or Provost/SVP for Academic Affairs.

2 September 1 - Deadline for receipt of nominations

3.October 15 - Deadline for collection of additional information needed on nominees.

4.October 26 - The Committee meets, screens nominees, and selects specific candidates for final consideration.

5.In early November the Committee meets and makes the final selection(s), if any, to be submitted to the Faculty meeting in November.

6.In late November the President prepares recommendation(s) for the February meeting of the Board of Trustees.

7.The honorary degree will normally be awarded at Commencement in April, but it may also be awarded at Founder's Day or another suitable occasion.


1. Candidates will be considered in strictest confidence and all voting will be by secret ballot.

2.A two-thirds majority of the total Committee will be required for a recommendation to be submitted to the Faculty.

3.A majority (present and voting) is required for Faculty approval.

4.No recommendation(s) will be presented to the Board of Trustees without Faculty approval.

5.The Committee will identify the appropriate degree to be awarded each candidate.

6.Nominations shall not be carried over automatically. The Committee will determine those nominees to be reconsidered the following year

7.When candidates are presented to the Board of Trustees, new recommendations may not be made from the floor.

8.No one currently employed in any capacity by the University, or member of the Board of Trustees, or members of their immediate families may be considered for an honorary degree.

9.The term "sparingly" will be interpreted to mean NO MORE than an average of one honorary degree per year and NO MORE than two in any one year.

10. This policy will be reviewed in three years.

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Policy on Awarding Honorary Degrees 1.003

Nomination Form

Date: (Deadline September 1)

Nominee Biographical Data

Full Name Phone No. Date of Birth Address Place of Birth Education

Employment History (Employers, Occupation/Career, etc.)

Church Affiliation/Service:

Community Service:

Area of Recognition Academic or Scholarly Achievement (check one) Artistic Achievement Religious or Community Service

Nominees Specific Conditions for Qualification: (Please read carefully the “Policy on Honorary Degrees” attached to this form. Respond in the fullest detail possible to the condition described in the “Area of Recognition” for which you are nominating this individual. List professional positions, memberships, awards, recognitions, services rendered, and other information pertinent to this nomination. Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

List the names and addresses of other persons who could support this nomination.

How long and in what capacity have you known this nominee?

Nominator (print name)

Nominator’s Address & Phone:

Nominator’s Signature

Return this form to the President’s Office, Missouri Baptist University, One College Park Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141

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Originator: Office of Special Events

Subject: Food and Drink in the Pillsbury Chapel & Dale Williams Fine Arts Center

Date: Adopted September 19, 2006


As the premiere performance venue in West Saint Louis County, the University takes great pride in the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center. It is a goal of the University that the facility remains in pristine condition, as misuse will result in building deterioration and/or excessive cleaning and maintenance fees.


With the exception of water contained in plastic bottles, no food or drink of any kind may be served or consumed inside either the auditorium or recital hall of the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center.

Any food and/or refreshments served/sold in conjunction with any event inside the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center must be approved in advance by the Event Manager. Any food distributed on behalf of the client must be contractually stipulated. Event or group sponsors will be expected to communicate this policy to constituents and to assist in the policing of this policy. The University typically contracts for catered events through Food Service Consultants, Inc.

All approved event-related food/refreshments must be restricted to the Mabee Great Hall.

Fees will be assessed as a result of damage and cleaning as determined by the Event Manager. Repeated abuse by a group may result in the loss of facility use. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on campus.

Instructors are urged to monitor the food and beverages brought into any classrooms in the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center. All faculty and staff, including student assistants, are responsible for understanding and complying with this policy as well as for assisting with the enforcement of this policy.


Any questions regarding food and drink in the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center should be directed to the Office of Special Events.

Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Event Manager when deemed to be in the best interest of the University and when such exceptions will not violate existing contracts for food and beverage services nor unfairly compete with approved services.

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Food & Drink in the Pillsbury Chapel & Dale Williams Fine Arts Center 1.004
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Originator: President Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manual Holders Subject: Establishing Calendar Priorities & Facility Usage Date: Updated January 2009 (September 2010) (July 2011) (May 2012) (May 2016) (August 2016) (July 2018) (July 2019) (January 2020)

A. Background

The growth and development of University sponsored programs and the increased demand for the use of University facilities necessitates the articulation of a strategy for establishing calendar usage policies and thereby avoiding conflicts on the University calendar. The official institutional calendar should reflect a balanced program of high quality geared toward the many varied components of the University community and yet avoid conflicts that force programs to compete for participants.

B. Policy

The academic calendar is established by the Provost/ Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and reviewed by the Dean's Council and approved by the President’s Administrative Council. Priorities for the calendaring of University programs within the framework of the academic calendar are established by the President’s Administrative Council. The Director of Special Events has the responsibility for coordinating the scheduling of University activities and seeing that established priorities are maintained.

C. Guidelines

1. The Academic Calendar will be projected over a five year period by the Provost/ Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. By October of each year, in conjunction with the Director of Records, the Provost/Senior VP for Academic Affairs will confirm all dates for the academic year to come. These dates will indicate the opening and closing dates for each semester, all holidays, registration and examination dates.

2. By November of each year, the Director of Special Events will identify those major events that are scheduled on a formula basis, (i.e. Homecoming, Board Meetings, etc.) and any major events already on the calendar (i.e. MBU events, major productions and concerts). These dates will be made available to University departments for use in planning schedules (i.e. athletic schedules, student recitals).

3. All athletic schedules established by the Conference Commissioner will be provided to the Director of Special Events by July 1.

4. By early March, the Director of Special Events will circulate the above information to all departments and areas of the University, student organizations, and the Administrative Council. Additional dates may be requested at this time.

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5. The priority for use of facilities is the academic program and related student life programs. Space is requested online using the facility request form. Scheduling the use of facilities must be placed on the campus calendar and appropriate corresponding facilities reserved in Outlook by the Director of Special Events for all campus facilities. The following offices serve as the point of contact for scheduling facilities. The priority users for corresponding facilities are in parenthesis.

• Audio/Visual Equipment Director of Special Events (Same)

• Bywaters Lounge Director of Special Events (Student Development)

• Classrooms Assistant Director of Records (Provost)

• Residence Halls Director of Residence Life (Same)

• Sports Fields Director of Special Events (Outdoor Varsity Coaches)

• Learning Center- Director of Library Services (Students)

Pitch Room LC 115 Conference Room LC 108

• Mabee Great Hall Director of Special Events (Same)

• Dining Hall Director of Special Events (Student Development)

• Pillsbury Chapel Director of Special Events (Fine Arts Division Chair)

• Performance Hall Director of Special Events (Fine Arts Division Chair)

• Perk- Perk Manager (Same)

• President’s Boardroom & Kitchen - Assistant to the President (President)

• Field Academic Hall Conference Room Administrative Assistant to the Provost (Provost)

• Vehicles, Trailers, Hitches (anything with wheels and/or a motor) Public Safety (Athletics, Fine Arts Groups, Academic Groups, Student Development)

• Muncy Gym- Director of Special Events (Athletics, Varsity Wrestling Coach)

• Petty Sports & Rec. Complex and Lacey Gymnasium- Director of Special Events

• Lacey Gym – (Varsity Indoor Coaches)

• Spartan Hall – (Director of Special Events)

• Fitness Center and Group Fitness – (Director of MBU Fitness)

• Spartan Field House (Director of Special Events, Football Coach)

• SRC Conference Room (Director of Special Events)

These areas will furnish complete updated information to the Director of Special Events for inclusion on the MBU University Calendar. By early May, department heads will convene to work on a coordinated calendar and preview each event to establish the final calendar for the coming academic year.

6. Activities that are potentially of campus wide interest and target a majority of the University population will not be scheduled in conflict with each other. Community sponsored events that do not target students or events that target student groups of limited number (i.e., scrimmage games, play rehearsals, departmental meetings) are not viewed as being in conflict with events scheduled for large campus audiences. Events of limited scope will not be included on the University calendar.

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7. If a conflict is unavoidable, it may be acceptable if mutually agreed upon by the sponsors of both events: otherwise, priority is given to the event with the earliest date of request. The Director of Special Events will assist in identifying alternative dates or facilities for those events that cannot be scheduled as per the initial request.

8. By the end of May Term, all major University events will be scheduled and approved. The Director of Special Events will present a final draft of the calendar for approval by the Administrative Council.

9. Any changes in the calendar must be coordinated with the Director of Special Events The individual initiating the change in the calendar is responsible for disseminating information about the change.

10. Students may not use MBU facilities for profit from private lessons or camps.

11. Use of facility requires insurance certificate for all groups/events that are not university business.

12. No minors may be alone with Faculty/Staff or outside group chaperones.

13. Outside group participants must sign a “hold harmless” waiver provided by the university.

14. MBU facilities are not available for weddings, wedding receptions, funerals, visitation services or partisan political events.

15. MBU is a non profit educational institution and reserves the right to refuse to rent its facilities to any group for any reason.

16. Use of University facilities by MBU employees may be contracted/scheduled through the Director of Special Events.

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Information Security Program 1.006


Originator: President’s Office Subject: Information Security Program Date: Adopted September 19, 2006; rev. Jan. 2013


The Gramm-Leach-Bliley federal act regulates the disclosure of non-public personal information by financial institutions. Institutions of higher education are not exempt from the definition of "financial institutions," but if the institution complies with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act), it is in compliance with the privacy rules of Gramm-Leach-Bliley. However, Missouri Baptist University is not exempt from the "safeguarding" provisions, which means the University must adopt and implement an information security program.


This document summarizes Missouri Baptist University's (the "Institution's") comprehensive written information security program (the "Program") mandated by the Federal Trade Commission's Safeguards Rule and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act ("GLBA"). In particular, this document describes the Program elements pursuant to which the Institution intends to (i) ensure the security and confidentiality of covered records, (ii) protect against any anticipated threats or hazards to the security of such records, and (iii) protect against the unauthorized access or use of such records or information in ways that could result in substantial harm or inconvenience to customers. The Program incorporates by reference the Institution's policies and procedures enumerated below and is in addition to any institutional policies and procedures that may be required pursuant to other federal and state laws and regulations, including, without limitation, FERPA.


Designation of Representatives: The Institution's Director of Information Technology, with overall responsibility for overseeing program is designated as the Program Officer who shall be responsible for coordinating and overseeing the Program. The Program Officer may designate other representatives of the Institution to oversee and coordinate particular elements of the Program. Any questions regarding the implementation of the Program or the interpretation of this document should be directed to the Program Officer or his or her designees.

Scope of Program: The Program applies to any record containing nonpublic financial information about a student or other third party who has a relationship with the Institution, whether in paper, electronic or other form, that is handled or maintained by or on behalf of the Institution or its affiliates. For these purposes, the term nonpublic financial information shall mean any information (i) a student or other third party provides in order to obtain a financial service from the Institution, (ii) about a student or other third party resulting from any transaction with the Institution involving a financial service, or (iii) otherwise obtained about a student or other third party in connection with providing a financial service to that person.

1. Elements of the Program

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Information Security Program 1.006

Risk Identification and Assessment. The Institution intends, as part of the Program, to undertake to identify and assess external and internal risks to the security, confidentiality, and integrity of nonpublic financial information that could result in the unauthorized disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction or other compromise of such information. In implementing the Program, the Program Officer will establish procedures for identifying and assessing such risks in each relevant area of the Institution's operations, including:

2. Employee training and management

The Program Officer will coordinate with representatives in the Institution's Human Resources and Financial Aid offices to evaluate the effectiveness of the Institution's procedures and practices relating to access to and use of student records, including financial aid information.

This evaluation will include assessing the effectiveness of the Institution's current policies and procedures in this area, including the Personnel Handbook and Policies and Procedures manual.

3. Information Systems and Information Processing and Disposal

The Program Officer will coordinate with representatives of the Institution's Department of Information Technology to assess the risks to nonpublic financial information associated with the Institution's information systems, including network and software design, information processing, and the storage, transmission and disposal of nonpublic financial information.

This evaluation will include assessing the Institution's current polices and procedures relating to acceptable se of the Institution's network and network security, document retention and destruction. The Program Officer will also coordinate with the Institution's Department of Information Technology to assess procedures for monitoring potential information security threats associated with software systems and for updating such systems by, among other things, implementing patches or other software fixes designed to deal with known security flaws.

4. Detecting, Preventing and Responding to Attacks

The Program Officer will coordinate with the Institution's Department of Information Technology and other relevant units to evaluate procedures for and methods of detecting, preventing and responding to attacks or other system failures and existing network access and security policies and procedures, as well as procedures for coordinating responses to network attacks and developing incident response teams and policies. In this regard, the Program Officer may elect to delegate to a representative of the Department of Information Technology the responsibility for monitoring and participating in the dissemination of information related to the reporting of known security attacks and other threats to the integrity of networks utilized by the Institution.

5. Designing and Implementing Safeguards

The risk assessment and analysis described above shall apply to all methods of handling or disposing of nonpublic financial information, whether in electronic, paper or other form. The Program Officer will, on a regular basis, implement safeguards to control the risks identified through such assessments and to regularly test or otherwise monitor the effectiveness of

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Information Security Program 1.006

such safeguards. Such testing and monitoring may be accomplished through existing network monitoring and problem escalation procedures.

6. Overseeing Service Providers

The Program Officer shall coordinate with those responsible for the third party service procurement activities among the Department of Information Technology and other affected departments to raise awareness of, and to institute methods for, selecting and retaining only those service providers that are capable of maintaining appropriate safeguards for nonpublic financial information of students and other third parties to which they will have access. In addition, the Program Officer will work with the Vice President for Business Affairs to develop and incorporate standard, contractual protections applicable to third party service providers, which will require such providers to implement and maintain appropriate safeguards. Any deviation from these standard provisions will require the approval of the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs. These standards shall apply to all existing and future contracts entered into with such third party service providers.

7. Adjustments to Program. The Program Officer is responsible for evaluating and adjusting the Program based on the risk identification and assessment activities undertaken pursuant to the Program, as well as any material changes to the Institution's operations or other circumstances that may have a material impact on the Program.

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Off Road Service Vehicle Safety 1.007


Originator: Director of Public Safety

Subject: Off Road Service Vehicle Safety Date: October 24, 2006 (Updated September 2010)


It is the policy of Missouri Baptist University to promote a safe and healthful working environment. As with any other transportation vehicle, Service Vehicle, gators and other service vehicles which are used either regularly or occasionally on campus must be operated in such a way as to safeguard employees, students, and visitors from potential risks. The following rules must be observed by all drivers of these vehicles on campus.


It shall be the policy of Missouri Baptist University that no person may operate a campus utility vehicle outside the guidelines of this policy.


“Service Vehicle” for the purpose of this document includes Service Vehicle, gators .tractors, golf carts, powered lawn equipment, earth moving equipment and any other off road service vehicle.


1. Obey all traffic regulations. Observe all stop signs. Keep arms and legs inside vehicle while in motion.

2. Service Vehicles are permitted to travel on campus concrete sidewalks not specifically closed to vehicle use. Sidewalks may be closed to service vehicle travel if they are too narrow, too close to buildings, or compromise pedestrian safety. The Director of Public Safety or the Director of Campus Services may determine which sidewalks may be closed to service vehicle traffic

3. Pedestrians have the right-of-way on campus sidewalks at all times and Service Vehicle must yield to pedestrians.

4. Operate Service Vehicle at a slow, safe speed at all times. Service Vehicle should never exceed a brisk walking pace when operating on campus sidewalks. Always be aware and yield to pedestrians.

5. Whenever possible, Service Vehicle should be kept off of landscape and turf areas.

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Off Road Service Vehicle Safety 1.007

6. Do not park Service Vehicle on sidewalks so as to block or restrict pedestrian travel. Service Vehicle may be parked in parking spaces designated for automobiles they may park in service vehicles areas.

7. Service Vehicle are to be used only by authorized personnel (possessing a valid driver’s license) and only for school business. Personal use of Service Vehicle is specifically prohibited.

8. Passengers riding in Service Vehicle must be seated. Vehicle operators shall not permit passengers to ride in an unsafe manner. No standing in the cargo area or riding on backs, fronts, sides, or in an attached trailer.

9. Promptly report any accident or incident that results in personal injury or property damage to the Public Safety Officer on duty and employee’s supervisor immediately.

10. Remove keys from Service Vehicle when unattended.

11. Do not operate a service vehicle if the (foot) brake, parking brakes, or other critical components are inoperable or defective.

12. Ladders, pipes, or freight transported on Service Vehicle must be flagged or otherwise marked at the ends that extend beyond the vehicle body.

13. Department supervisors are responsible to:

a. Provide service vehicle operators with specific instructions and training in the safe use of Service Vehicle on campus.

b. Furnish a copy of this policy to all assigned vehicle operators and have the operator sign a copy and place it in their personnel file.

c. Verify that personnel understand this policy and the vital importance of operating the vehicle in a safe and an approved manner.

d. Instruct personnel in the operation and maintenance of the golf cart, including operator safety inspection, battery charging procedures, and maintenance/repair procedures.

14. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action.

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Originator: President Distribution: All Policy & Procedures Manuals

Subject: Process for Securing Full Time Personnel (New or Replacement: Faculty, Supervisory & Professional Staff)

Date: January 1996 (Revised June 2000) (Reviewed 2008) (Revised July 2010) (Revised May 2017) (Revised May 2020)

1. This policy shall apply to all full time faculty positions; staff members who direct or supervise an area, a department or an office; and staff members whose position requires a professional degree. Each area head shall be responsible for determining which employees under his supervision are covered by these guidelines.

2. Before the search begins:

A. Written position description, including basic functions, responsibilities and authority, relationships and performance measurement criteria, the desired and minimal qualifications, and salary/benefits must be written or updated by supervisor or area head and approved by area head and President.

B. Proposed salary/benefits should be reviewed by the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs to determine if budget funds are available and if proposed salary/benefits are in line with similar positions within the institution.

C. Officially adopted institutional priorities must be taken into account.

D The search should be as thorough as possible with the goal of securing within the limits of available resources the best employee. Every search represents an opportunity to improve the quality of a department and of the University. Advertising in venues such as CCCU, IABCU, MBU website, listservs, professional journals, newspapers, and letters to colleagues is encouraged.

3. The search is to be conducted by the supervisor or the area head. In the case of faculty or professional staff, a search committee may be used. It should consist of 3 7 members made up of full time faculty or professional staff who have knowledge of or who relate to some aspect of the position being filled. Search committees must be approved by the area Senior Vice President and appointed by the President. In some cases, a student may be asked to be on the committee either as a voting member or a non voting ex officio member. Confidentiality will be stressed to search committee members and anyone who violates the confidentiality of the committee may be removed by the chair, Senior Vice President, or President. If written minutes of search committee meetings are taken, they will be copied to the area Senior Vice President and President.

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4. Before personnel interviews are scheduled:

A. The Senior Vice President will present to the President the resume' of the top two or three candidates and will recommend one or two for bringing to the campus for interviewing.

B. The area head responsible for the search process will review with the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs the anticipated expense connected with the interview(s).

C. Prior to an interview, the candidate will complete an MBU Employment Application

D When approved, an interview should be scheduled at a time when all appropriate participants (President, Senior Vice President, department head; department colleagues, students, etc.) can meet and evaluate the prospect. Reasonable expenses will be paid for one interviewing trip per candidate. Video interviewing is encouraged as an initial screening tool.

5. The candidates should be evaluated on the basis of the criteria established in the position description/qualifications. Interviewing is considered essential and evaluation by testing is encouraged where appropriate.

6. References will be contacted; for faculty, teaching demonstrations are encouraged; and appropriate background checks conducted.

7. The search committee will indicate approval or disapproval of a candidate and provide the information to the Senior Vice President. The President will review the recommendation, and in the case of faculty, interview and determine whether or not to advance the candidate for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.

8. According to the Bylaws of the University the President shall recommend the employment of the faculty and fill such vacancies as occur, subject to final approval of the Board of Trustees.

9. Offering of a contract or letter of employment to a candidate must be approved by the Senior Vice President, and in the cases of full time faculty, supervisory and professional level staff members, the President. A copy of each signed contract or letter of employment should go to the President, Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and employee.

10 Persons shall be sought to fill faculty, supervisory and professional staff positions who possess these characteristics and qualifications:

A. Training and/or experience for the position.

B. Demonstrable competence to perform satisfactorily in the position

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Securing Full Time Personnel 1.008

C. Expresses a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and active member of a local church.

D. Teaches and performs duties consistent with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

E. A caring attitude toward other people.

F Dedicated to quality of performance in his/her work.

G Understands and can work cooperatively to help fulfill both the Christian and educational purposes of Missouri Baptist University.

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Originator: President's Office Distribution: All Policy & Procedures Manuals

Subject: Policy on Performance Evaluations for Non Academic Staff

Date: December 1996; Revised April 2006, Revised June 2018


This policy shall apply to all non academic full time employees. Each area head shall be responsible for conducting an annual evaluation using the MISSOURI BAPTIST UNIVERSITY PERFORMANCE REVIEW form.


By the end of the fiscal year every employee shall be evaluated against the objectives of the department for the year. This should include three parts:

1. Results of assessment (based on predetermined assessment measures) i.e. the degree to which you were able to attain your objectives

2. Demonstrate how assessment results will be used to improve your program

3. When an objective was not reached, explain why.

C. Guidelines

1. Written Responses to the following questions:

A. What are your most significant accomplishments in the past year, and how did you grow personally and professionally in the past year?

B. How would you like to grow in the coming year, and what do you intend to work on personally and professionally in order to see this growth?

C. How have you contributed to the University’s mission to enrich students’ lives spiritually, intellectually, and professionally and to support the overall recruitment and retention efforts of MBU?

D. What is the greatest challenge you face in performing your role? •over which you have control •which is outside your control

E. What goals were agreed upon for the past year? Were you able to attain these goals? If not, which one(s), and why?

F. What goals do you suggest for the next review period?

G. In what ways could your supervisor better support you in your work performance?

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2. Interview with your immediate supervisor during which:

A. The supervisor offers verbal responses to written material above B. There is dialogue about proposed objectives for the next fiscal year

3.A written summary of the evaluation and any conclusions or agreements are sent to the employee to either sign off on or suggest revisions. A copy of the completed review, signed by both the employee and supervisor, will be sent to Human Resources/Payroll & Benefits to be added to the employee’s personnel file.

4. A mid year report may be sent to the supervisor covering progress on objectives for the current year deemed necessary by the supervisor.

PPM Template 1.009 ppm.1.009 www.mobap.edu Page 2 of 4

MBU Staff Annual Job Performance Review

Employee Name: Job Title: Department: Manager: Review period:

In this performance review, you and your direct supervisor will rate you on performance factors, behavioral traits, and demonstration of faith based and character leadership.

ME = Meets Expectations Able to perform what is expected in a satisfactory manner; normal guidance and supervision is required

NI = Needs Improvement Often fails to meet job requirements; performance must improve to meet expectations and maintain employment

General Evaluation

Behaviors, attitude, and actions are consistent with the Christian mission of MBU

Demonstrates required job skills and knowledge

Effective communication/listening skills

Completes all assigned tasks/responsibilities

Demonstrates problem-solving skills/generates creative ideas and solutions

Meets attendance requirements/accessible and available during working hours

Takes responsibility for actions

Open/receptive to constructive feedback

Professional appearance and demeanor

Duties/Tasks/Responsibilities as Delineated by Job Description

(to be completed by employee or supervisor with job specific tasks; additional lines may be added as needed)



1. What are your most significant accomplishments in the past year, and how did you grow personally and professionally in the past year?

2. How would you like to grow in the coming year, and what do you intend to work on personally and/or professionally in order to see this growth?

3. How have you contributed to the University’s mission to enrich students’ lives spiritually, intellectually, and professionally and support the overall recruitment and retention efforts of MBU?

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4. What do you feel is the single biggest challenge you face in performing your work…

a. Over which you have control?

b. Which is outside your control?

5. What goals were agreed upon for the past year? Were you able to attain these goals? If not, which one(s) and why?

6. What goals do you suggest for the next review period?

7. In what ways could your supervisor better support you in your work performance? Additional Comments: Evaluated Staff Evaluator Date Date

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Flower and Card Policy 1.010


Originator: President Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals Subject: Flower and Card Policy Date:January, 2008 (Jan. 2013)


The University wishes to respond in an appropriate and equitable manner to bereavement and hospitalizations involving members of the University community.


The President’s Office will send bereavement flowers or cards on behalf of the University for the death of a full time employee and their immediate family, a trustee, or a major donor. All other cards and flowers will be coordinated by the Senior Vice President for the employee’s area.


1.In the event of the death of a full time faculty or staff member or their immediate family, the President’s Office will send flowers. Immediate family is defined as spouse, child, or parent.

2.In the event of the death of a grandparent or in-law the President’s Office will send a sympathy card.

3.Bereavement flowers will be sent by the President’s Office for the death of a donor, trustee, or their spouses.

4.Flowers for the serious hospitalization of a full time employee will be handled by the employee’s Senior Vice President.

5.Letters and cards of condolence for part time employees will be sent by the employee’s Senior Vice President as deemed appropriate.

6.Only in rare cases will University funds for cash memorial gifts be considered.

7.Departments within the University should coordinate the sending of flowers with their Senior Vice President so as to avoid duplication where University funds are being used.

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Originator: Faculty Executive Committee

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals Subject: Grievance Procedure for a Faculty Member Date: November 12, 1996 (Updated October 2004, June 2010, Jan. 2013, Dec. 2021)

A. Background

Missouri Baptist University attempts to provide sound working relationships among faculty and administrators. While an amicable and productive work environment is a goal of the University, there are rare occasions which might require that differences be resolved. A way of maintaining sound relationships and a productive work environment is to have a uniform method of resolving problems or grievances. To make such a grievance procedure effective, it is important that differences be resolved as quickly and as equitably as possible.

B. Policy

A “grievance” is a complaint by a faculty member of alleged unfair treatment by his/her employer or a fellow employee. If the faculty member grievance involves alleged discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, gender, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, genetic information, or military service, the complaint should be submitted to the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs under the University’s Equal Opportunity/Prohibition Against Discrimination and Harassment policy.

If any faculty member believes that he/she has been unfairly treated through the misapplication of the provisions of the faculty personnel policies and procedures, any University rules or regulations, administrative action or through the actions of another employee which adversely affects the faculty member’s status, he/she should first attempt to informally resolve the matter with the other employee within five (5) days of the grievable event. Supervisors should be willing to meet with employees to facilitate a constructive conversation regarding the issue. If the situation is not resolved informally, the faculty member should continue with the following guideline.

C. Guideline

If the matter is not resolved informally with the other employee and/or the Division Chair, then the faculty member should submit a written grievance to the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

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shall review the grievance, gather additional information as needed, and take action and/or render a decision related to the grievance within fifteen (15) working days of receiving the written grievance.

If the action taken by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs is not satisfactory to all parties involved, the aggrieved party may submit the grievance in writing to a Faculty Promotions Committee member within five (5) working days of the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs’ action.

The Faculty Promotions Committee will initiate a confidential investigation of the grievance within ten (10) working days of receiving the complaint. Committee members who are also members of the grievant’s department will excuse themselves from the investigation and deliberations. The investigation will attempt to explore both sides of the grievance. Committee members, together or separately, may interview any concerned parties. The Committee will deliberate and report its findings, opinions, and recommendation(s) to the University President and to the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. This report will be submitted within five (5) working days following the conclusion of the investigation.

The Faculty Promotions Committee does not have judicial power and, while representing faculty opinion, cannot enforce binding decisions. Upon consideration of the Faculty Promotions Committee’s report, the President will provide a final decision within ten (10) working days of having received the Committee’s report. Copies of the President’s decision will be sent via certified mail to the faculty member, and via inter office mail to his/her Division Chair, and to the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The timelines related to the investigations, reports, or decisions from the Provost/Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Faculty Promotions Committee, or the President may be extended due to extenuating circumstances. The grievant will be notified in writing if an extension is required.

For this procedure to be valid, the faculty member with a grievance must not attempt to bypass or circumvent any of the steps of the procedure. If at any time during the appeal process the faculty member fails to meet the deadline for written notice of appeal or fails to appear at any appeal hearing, the appeal process shall be considered terminated, and the faculty member will have exhausted his or her remedy under this appeal process.

Any documentation related to a grievance process should be maintained in both employees’ personnel files.

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The University will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who seeks assistance under or participates in a grievance procedure. Retaliation means any adverse action that affects a person’s terms and conditions of employment and were taken because of the employee’s involvement in a grievance procedure. A faculty member may still be subject to disciplinary action during a grievance process.

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Faculty Grievance Procedure


Originator: Faculty Executive Committee

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals Subject: Grievance Procedure for a Staff Employee Date: November 12, 1996 (Updated October 2004, June 2010, Jan. 2013, Dec. 2021)

A. Background

Missouri Baptist University attempts to provide sound working relationships among employees, supervisors, and administrators. While an amicable and productive work environment is a goal of the University, there are rare occasions that might require that differences be resolved. A way of maintaining sound relationships and a productive work environment is to have a uniform method of resolving problems or grievances. To make such a grievance procedure effective, it is important that differences be resolved as quickly and as equitably as possible and preferably at the level of the employee and his immediate supervisor, where possible

B. Policy

A “grievance” is a complaint by a staff employee of alleged unfair treatment by his/her supervisor or a fellow employee. If the staff employee grievance involves alleged discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, gender, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, genetic information, or military service, the complaint should be submitted to the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs under the University’s Equal Opportunity/Prohibition Against Discrimination and Harassment policy.

If any staff employee believes that he/she has been unfairly treated through the misapplication of the provisions of the employee personnel policies and procedures, any University rules or regulations, administrative action or through the actions of another employee which adversely affects the staff employee’s status, he/she should first attempt to informally resolve the matter with the other employee within five (5) days of the grievable event. Immediate supervisors should be willing to meet with employees to facilitate a constructive conversation regarding the issue. If the matter is not resolved informally, the staff employee should continue with the following guideline.

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C. Guideline

In each academic year one of the three administrative directors that report to the University President (Senior Vice President for Business Affairs, Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing, and University Communications, or Vice President for Student Development) will have jurisdiction over staff employee grievances. This jurisdiction will rotate among these administrators annually.

If the matter is not resolved informally with the other employee or with the immediate supervisor, then the staff employee should submit a written grievance to the administrative director designated for the academic year within five (5) working days after the conclusion of the matter with the department director (or within five working days after the grievable event if the grievance concerns the staff employee’s department director). In a case in which the administrative director works in the departmental area the grievance concerns, the grievance may be submitted to one of the other administrators who rotate these duties.

The administrative director or designee may conduct an investigation into the staff employee grievance to gather information relevant to the issue within ten (10) working days of receiving the grievance. The administrative director will prepare a report of his or her findings, opinions, and recommendations for resolution related to the grievance within five (5) working days after the conclusion of the investigation, or as soon as reasonably possible. The administrative director will confer with the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs regarding his/her report. The Provost will then render a decision for resolution of the staff employee grievance within ten (10) working days, or as soon as reasonably possible, of having received the administrative director’s report.

If deemed necessary due to the nature of the grievance, the administrative director may convene a Staff Grievance Committee of five staff employees who are not in the grievant’s department. This Committee will be selected from a panel of ten full time staff employees who have previously agreed to be available for Staff Grievance Committee service. The Staff Grievance Committee, under the supervision of the administrative director, will initiate an investigation of the grievance within ten (10) working days, or as soon as reasonably possible after selection of the Committee. The Committee will deliberate and report its findings, opinions, and recommendations to the Provost/Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs. This report will be submitted within five (5) working days following the conclusion of the investigation, or as soon as reasonably possible.

The Staff Grievance Committee, while representing employee opinion, does not have judicial power and thus cannot enforce binding decisions. Upon consideration of the Staff Grievance Committee’s report, the Provost will provide a decision within ten (10) working days, or as soon as reasonably possible, of having received the Committee’s report.

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Copies of the Provost’s decision will be sent to the staff employee, and his or her supervisor.

If the action taken by the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs is not satisfactory to all parties involved, the aggrieved party may submit the grievance in writing within five (5) working days of the Provost/Senior Vice President’s decision to the President. The President will provide a decision within ten (10) working days, or as soon as reasonably possible, after receipt of the Provost’s decision and the committee’s report, if available. A copy of the President’s decision will be sent via certified mail to the staff employee, and via inter-office mail to his/her supervisor, and the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The timelines related to investigations, reports, or decisions from the administrative director, the Staff Grievance Committee, the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, or the President may be extended due to extenuating circumstances. The grievant will be notified in writing if an extension is required.

For this procedure to be valid, the staff employee with a grievance must not attempt to bypass or circumvent any of the steps of the procedure. If at any time during the appeal process the staff employee fails to meet the deadline for written notice of appeal or fails to appear at any appeal hearing, the appeal process shall be considered terminated, and the staff employee will have exhausted his or her remedy under this appeal process.

The University will not tolerate retaliation against any employee who seeks assistance under or participates in a grievance procedure. Retaliation means any adverse action that affects a person’s terms and conditions of employment and were taken because of the employee’s involvement in a grievance procedure. A staff employee may still be subject to disciplinary action during a grievance process.

Staff Grievance Procedure 1.012
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Originator: President’s Office

Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals

Subject: Dress Code Date: July 1, 2015


It is the University’s intent that work attire should complement an environment which reflects an efficient, orderly, and professionally operated organization. Discretion in style of dress and behavior is essential to the image and the safe and efficient operation of the University. Staff and Faculty members are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to their working environment and to the type of work performed. It is important that all Missouri Baptist University employees project a professional image to the people with whom they interact internally and externally.

This document is intended to define appropriate “business attire” during normal business operations and “casual business attire” at other designated times. Employees, in conjunction with their managers, may use their judgment regarding the days that they wear "business casual" dress.


Appropriate business attire incudes’ dresses, skirts, dress slacks, khakis, blouses, dress shirts, polo shirts with collars, blazers, suits, sports coat, ties, dress shoes or shoes including dress sandals (not beach style). Business casual attire may include any of the above. It does not include jeans (in any color), t-shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, cutoffs, beach wear, midriff length tops/shirts, provocative attire, off the shoulder tops/shirts; tank tops, tube tops, halter tops or spaghetti straps unless worn under a jacket or sweater; spandex, Lycra, tights or hose, worn as pants; and athletic wear or workout clothes, unless your job responsibility requires such attire.

Employees who are required to wear uniforms are expected to wear them in their entirety. Staff members must abide by the safety policies and procedures of their departments and wear required protective clothing and safety equipment. Some departments may have their own policies or dress codes appropriate to the nature of the work done within those departments. Employees should consult their supervisor regarding any dress code requirement specific to their department.

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Maintenance and custodial staff are permitted to wear serviceable jeans or work pants. Maintenance staff are to wear uniform shirts. Sandals are not acceptable footwear for maintenance or housekeeping staff.

Not only is appropriate attire important, personal hygiene is equally important. Personal cleanliness, including proper oral hygiene and absence of controllable body odors are a standard. Hair must be clean and neatly styled. All beards and mustaches should be trimmed and neat in appearance.


Serviceable is defined at clean, neat, free of holes, rips, stains and unpleasant odors.


The President may make one time exceptions to the policy for special events such as, but not limited to Cardinals wear or “dress down” work days that may include jeans.

Administrators and supervisors are responsible for monitoring and enforcing this Dress Code. The Dress Code will be administered according to the following action steps:

If questionable attire is worn in the office, the respective department supervisor will hold a personal, private discussion with the employee to advise and counsel the employee regarding the policy violation.

If an obvious violation occurs, the supervisor will meet with the employee and ask the employee to return home to change his/her attire. Work time missed will need to be made up or charged to annual leave.

Repeated rule violations will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the University disciplinary policy.

The university reserves the right to continue, extend, revise or revoke this dress code at its discretion. The University reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of business attire.

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Originator: President

Distribution: All Policy & Procedures Manuals

Subject: Tobacco Use Date: June 2020


Tobacco use, and the addictive nature of nicotine, is a major concern of American society today. Problems related to Tobacco include damaged health, chronic health issues, and undermined emotional and spiritual well being. Additionally, Tobacco use, specifically smoking and secondhand smoke, can impact others and their quality of life. The Missouri Baptist University community is especially cognizant of the fact that Tobacco use is contrary to our understanding of one's body as "the Temple of God."


The use of tobacco in any form is not permitted in any of the University property, buildings or vehicles. Missouri Baptist University is a non-smoking campus. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors, and other visitors to all university property. Prohibited tobacco products including, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, hookahs, all smokeless tobacco and e cigarettes.



1. All faculty, staff, and students have collective responsibility to promote the safety and health of the campus community and, therefore, share in the responsibility of enforcement. The Offices of Public Safety and Resident Life are authorized to issue citations for violations of the policy.

2. The Office of Resident Life will enforce the policy within the residential community of buildings and proximate exteriors. Students found in violation of the policy will be submitted to the University accountability process.

3. The Office of Public Safety will also enforce and implement the policy throughout the campus community and will support the actions of the Office of Resident Life.

4. Faculty, staff, contractors, vendors and other visitors in violation of the policy will be reminded in a professional and courteous manner of the University policy.

5. While it is the desire of Missouri Baptist University personnel to be as redemptive as possible in such situations, violations of this policy pertaining to the possession or consumption by faculty, staff, or students will be subject to the respective disciplinary and judicial processes and/or options outlined in the respective handbook governing the individual.

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Policy on Tobacco Use
ppm.1.014 www.mobap.edu

University Posting


Originator: Vice President for Student Development & Dean of Students Distribution: All Policy & Procedures Manual Subject: University Posting Date: October 2, 2013; June 2020


Missouri Baptist University is committed to supporting student engagement in and out of the classroom and to providing a campus environment that is safe, orderly and aesthetically pleasing. To this end, posting on campus is permitted by members of the University community subject to the guidelines and approval processes below. (Note: Materials associated with specific academic and departmental information and activities may be posted by University personnel on bulletin boards in departmental offices/areas and are not subject to approval via this posting policy.)


General Guidelines, Access and Privileges

Posting on campus is permitted only by members of the University community. Specifically, current and recognized student organizations, University departments, academic units, faculty, staff and students are eligible to post on campus.

Off campus individuals wishing to advertise non University information and/or events should contact University agencies maintaining virtual communications:

• For Housing (e.g. roommate, lodging, etc.) contact the Office of Residence Life at 314 392-2262.

• For Employment (e.g. jobs, internships, etc.) contact the Office of Career Development at 314.744.5322

Posting is permitted only on Bulletin Boards and other designated locations. Posting anywhere other than these areas is prohibited. Organizations and/or individuals associated with unauthorized posting may be subject to disciplinary action. For a list of applicable Bulletin Boards and locations please contact the Dean of Students Office at DeanOfStudents@mobap.edu

All postings must be approved prior to posting on-campus. Any posted material lacking University approval (denoted by an original, non reproduced, dated approval stamp) or posted past the noted date will be removed. The University is not responsible for the condition of posted materials and will not return materials that are removed. Approved materials may be posted on campus for up to 14 days


The Dean of Students Office has the responsibility for administering the Posting Policy 1.015 in consultation with the Provost.

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Approval Process, Posting Specifications

A maximum of 20 individual posters per event may be posted. Posting materials may not exceed 11x17. Organizations wishing to display a banner must seek separate approval via the Office of Student Life.

Individuals wishing to post on campus must complete a Posting Request Form, available in Student Development, and submit all materials (actual posters, flyers, etc.) to be posted.

The approval process typically takes 24 hours during the normal business work week.

In order to be considered, postings must be initiated by a member of the MBU Community (i.e. current students, faculty, or staff of the University), announce information applicable and/or events open to the entire MBU University community, and demonstrate direct connection to a member of the MBU Community or extension of the University’s life and work.

Postings with subjects or content that is not consonant with MBU University’s Governing Ideas or Spartan Commitments are prohibited. This includes but is not limited to postings that promote the sale or use of alcoholic beverages, the use or sale of tobacco or the use of sexually explicit, obscene, derogatory or inflammatory language.

Damages and Loss of Privileges

“Chalking” surfaces and taping, stapling or otherwise affixing materials to painted surfaces and/or glass potentially damages University property and is strictly prohibited. Additionally, flyers may not be placed on vehicles or left in University facilities.

Any organization and/or individual member of the MBU community found in violation of the Posting Policy is subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, monetary fine, damage assessment, loss of posting privileges, etc.

Political Campaign Posting Policy

The posting of campaign signs on campus is prohibited. Exceptions include signs posted by students in their own residence hall rooms or apartments; signage temporarily posted in space reserved by the University or a recognized student organization for a calendared candidate forum, debate or political event.

**Approval for posting of printed materials on University property does not constitute the institution’s endorsement of products, vendors or services mentioned in those materials.**

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Signs 1.015

Inclement Weather Procedure 1.016


Originator: President Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manual Holders Subject: Inclement Weather Procedure Date: January 26, 2009, February 5, 2015, December 14, 2021

A. Background

Missouri Baptist University seeks to inform faculty, staff and students quickly and efficiently in the event of a campus closure and/or delayed day schedule due to inclement weather.

B. Policy

In the case of inclement weather, the President and the Provost will determine if closure of the MBU campus is warranted, resulting in a transition to remote work/learning. The Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will then be notified of the decision.

C. Guidelines

The Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will implement the following actions:

· Television and radio stations contacted

· Text message notification

· MBU website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram updated

· Phone greeting updated

Information regarding class cancellations will be made available on www.mobap.edu, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and through text messaging. Cancellations are communicated to the following local news stations: KSDK Channel 5, KMOV Channel 4, Fox 2 KTVI and KMOX 1120. To receive cancellation information by text, one must enroll in the SMS messaging by texting “MBUFS” to (314) 937 5568

Delayed Start: When a delayed day schedule is announced, 8 AM and 9 AM classes are cancelled and Faculty, staff and students should report to school by 10 AM to open offices and for classes that are regularly scheduled to begin at 9:30 or 10 a.m. All other classes will meet as scheduled. A decision concerning the shift to remote learning, for evening classes, will be communicated by 4 PM.

Campus Closure: In the case of campus closure, it is the University’s expectation that those functions that can be completed remotely by faculty and staff continue uninterrupted. Faculty are expected to shift learning online through the various tools and resources available, such as the Learning Management System (Canvas), Office 365, and video conferencing. Staff, whose position allows for remote work, should be available to complete essential functions and responsive to students and colleagues Employees may use sick time or request vacation if they choose not to work during a campus closure. Hours of work and time off must be logged into the

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timesheet (Greenshades) system. Employees should communicate with their supervisor concerning the expectations during campus closure.

Current Remote Work Employees: Employees who currently work remotely are expected to continue working as usual during periods of inclement weather. However, in the event that inclement weather disrupts one’s ability to perform their work remotely, they should contact their supervisor to discuss the circumstances and coordinate a plan.

Essential Services: Regardless of the campus closure decision, employees who perform essential duties are expected to come to work. Examples include those who work in residence halls, dining services, public safety, and those responsible for snow removal or storm cleanup. Supervisors of employees who perform essential service work are responsible for communicating attendance expectations in advance and discussing anticipated transportation difficulties.

Regional Learning Center deans and directors will work with the AVP for Extended Learning to determine the closure of their individual campuses/offices, who will in turn notify the Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications.

The Director of Public Safety and Transportation will keep the Provost apprised as to the weather conditions on campus.

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Originator: President

Subject: Remote Work Policy Date: April 20, 2021


Remote work or telecommuting, may in certain and specific situations, prove to be advantageous for both Missouri Baptist University and its employees. Advantages may include increased productivity and performance, enhanced employee recruitment and retention, relief of on-campus space constraints, cost reduction, environmental sustainability, crisis response and greater work life balance.


The University considers telecommuting or remote work to be a viable alternative work arrangement in cases where the individual employee, the job position, and the supervisor are well suited to the arrangement. The Remote Work policy at Missouri Baptist University permits remote work arrangements when it is in the best interests of the University and the employee. This policy applies to University staff classified as administrative and professional positions.

Not all employees and positions are suitable for telecommuting or remote work. Suitability is based upon the individual employee as well as the employee’s position and is to be determined by the employee’s supervisor and approved by the area Vice President, per this policy. Informal, short term, and/or sporadic telecommuting, such as working on the road during business travel, inclement weather days or episodic events, do not require the completion of a MBU’s Remote Work Agreement. Formal remote work arrangements, which are long term and/or re occurring, require the completion of MBU’s Remote Work Agreement document

The opportunity to work remotely is not an entitlement and can only occur by formal agreement between the University and an employee that clearly documents expectations and requirements The employee’s supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the requirements under these guidelines have been satisfied prior to approving an application for a remote work arrangement.

1. Types of Remote Work There are three types of possible remote work options at Missouri Baptist University. This policy addresses both part-time and full-time/mostly full-time remote work as defined below:

a) Short Term/Temporary Remote work This position requires the employee to be on site on most days per week but allows for remote work or telecommuting occasionally, on a short term basis. (i.e. business travel, campus is closed for emergency purposes such as natural disaster, pandemic, etc.)

b) Part-Time Remote work Employee is allowed to work 1-3 days per week from a remote location (home) and expected to work the remainder of the time in the office.

c) Full-Time Remote work or Mostly Full-Time Remote work- Employee is allowed to work remotely 4-5 days per week but is expected to appear on site for special events, meetings, or specific required activities.

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2. Eligible Positions and Employees:

Before entering into any Remote Work Agreement, the supervisor, with the assistance of the area Vice President, will evaluate the suitability of such an arrangement, reviewing the following areas:

Employee Suitability. The supervisor will assess the needs and work habits of the employee before a determination regarding a remote work arrangement can be made. It is the responsibility of the employee’s supervisor to determine if the employee’s work habits display the traits customarily recognized as appropriate for successful remote work, such as reliability, responsiveness, and the ability to work independently.

Job Responsibilities. The supervisor will review the employee’s job responsibilities and determine if the job is appropriate for a remote work arrangement.

Equipment needs, workspace design considerations and scheduling issues. The supervisor will review the physical workspace needs and the appropriate location for the remote work In addition, the needs of the department, including frequency of meetings, department goals and projects, other departments’ schedules, and space constraints will also be taken into consideration.

Tax and other legal implications. The employee who works remotely is responsible for notifying the Business and Finance Office to ensure compliance with any tax or legal implications under IRS, state and local government laws, and/or restrictions of working out of a home-based office. If a remote worker fails to contact the Business and Finance Office prior to beginning remote work from a state other than Missouri, the University may face significant penalties. In the event the University is penalized as a result of the employee’s failure to report the remote work arrangement, any and all costs may be charged back to the employee or the employee’s department, and the appropriate Vice President or supervisor will be notified. Employees are encouraged to consult with a tax advisor of their choosing regarding their personal tax situation. Employees are responsible for any changes to their personal finances that moving to remote work may cause.

Several factors should be considered in determining the feasibility of working remotely, including the University’s ability to supervise the employee adequately and whether any duties require use of certain equipment or tools that cannot be replicated at home. Other considerations include whether:

• there is a need for face to face interaction and coordination of work with other employees;

• in person interaction with outside colleagues, clients, or customers is necessary;

• the position in question requires the employee to have immediate access to documents or other information located only in the workplace;

• the remote work arrangement will impact service quality or University operations, or will increase the workload for other employees;

• the position can be structured to be performed independently of others with minimal need for support and little face to face interaction; and

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• performance can be measured by quantitative or qualitative result oriented standards

The supervisor will communicate his or her determinations regarding the suitability of a remote work arrangement to the employee and allow the employee an opportunity to provide more information that may assist the supervisor in making a decision about the appropriateness of a remote work arrangement. The supervisor will clearly communicate to employee any and all expectations regarding the employee’s responsibilities, equipment needs, and scheduling.

3. Remote Work Trial Period:

A 30 day trial period will be implemented for approved formal remote work arrangements to allow for accurate assessment of its costs, benefits, and sustainability both for the University and remote work employee. Evaluation of the remote worker’s performance during the trial period will include regular interaction by phone and e mail between the employee and supervisor, and weekly meetings to discuss work progress and concerns. At the end of the trial period, the employee and supervisor will each complete an evaluation of the arrangement and make recommendations for continuation of or modifications to the arrangement The ongoing success of the remote work arrangement will continue to be monitored by the supervisor after the trial period, and the employee will be made aware of any concerns related to the sustainability of the remote work arrangement after the trial period expires. Evaluation of the remote worker’s job performance beyond the trial period will be consistent with that received by employees working at the office in both content and frequency but will include a focus on work output and completion.

Trial Period Communication:

An appropriate level of communication between the remote worker and supervisor will be agreed to as part of the discussion process and will be more formal during the trial period. After conclusion of the trial period, the supervisor and the remote worker will communicate at a level consistent with employees working at the office or in a manner and frequency that is appropriate for the job and the individuals involved.

4. Remote Work Agreement:

Employees who are approved for remote work will be required to sign a Remote Work Agreement with the University consistent with this Policy.


1. Requirements for remote work site:

For a successful remote work arrangement, the University believes it is important that:

• the employee is responsible for maintaining a remote work site that is a safe area to work, free from health or safety hazards that could endanger the employee, his or her family members, or others;

• the employee is responsible for notifying his or her supervisor about an injury that occurs at the remote work site during work hours and while the employee is conducting University business;

• the University reserves the right to investigate all incidents occurring at the remote work site, including inspection of the remote work site.

2. Staff responsibilities:

Staff approved for remote work must:

• adhere to all of the University’s policies and procedures;

• perform essentially the same work that they would in the central workplace in accordance with their same performance expectations and other agreed-upon terms;

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• maintain accurate and up to date records of hours worked remotely;

• take reasonable precautions necessary to secure the University’s equipment;

• agree to follow University approved security procedures in order to ensure confidentiality and security of data, which is particularly critical for employees responsible for handling confidential records (e.g., employee information, student education records, etc.)

3.. Supervisor responsibilities:

The supervisor must:

• monitor the remote work arrangements to ensure that agreed upon work outcomes are consistently being delivered;

• review and sign off on records of hours worked (timesheets) as required;

• monitor and review compliance with the remote work arrangements on a regular basis as recorded in the Remote Work Agreement;

• schedule communication meetings including methods of disseminating information to staff who are working remotely;

• provide equipment and tools required to perform the tasks required (does not include workstation furniture, additional services or costs); and,

• accurately document the ownership and usage arrangements of the equipment and assets at the remote work site in the remote work agreement.

4 Communication:

The employee agrees to be accessible and responsive to communication with the University during typical business hours and during the periods in which remote work is carried out. The methods of communication should be detailed in the Remote Work Agreement.

5. Insurance:

The employee agrees to notify his/her household insurer (if required) of remote work arrangements and provide the name of the insurer to the University. The employee indemnifies the University against all loss or damage to the employee’s property and all claims by third parties in respect of personal injury and property damage except to the extent caused by the negligent act, error or omission of the University.

6. Equipment:

On a case by case basis, Missouri Baptist University will determine, with information supplied by the employee and the supervisor, the appropriate equipment needs (including hardware, software, modems, phone and data lines and other office equipment) for each remote work arrangement. Equipment supplied by the Missouri Baptist University will be maintained by the University. Equipment supplied by the employee, if deemed appropriate by the University, will be maintained by the employee. Missouri Baptist University accepts no responsibility for damage or repairs to employee owned equipment. Missouri Baptist University reserves the right to make determinations as to appropriate equipment, subject to change at any time. Equipment supplied by the University is to be used for business purposes only. The remote employee must sign an inventory of all Missouri Baptist University property received and agree to take appropriate action to protect the items from damage or theft. Upon termination of employment and/or Remote Work Agreement, all University property will be returned to the University, unless other arrangements have been made.

Missouri Baptist University will supply the employee with appropriate office supplies (pens, paper, etc.) as deemed necessary. Missouri Baptist University will also reimburse the

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employee for business related expenses, such as phone calls and shipping costs, that are reasonably incurred in carrying out the employee's job. The employee may be asked to provide documentation to support reimbursement requests submitted to the University.

7. Security:

Consistent with the University's expectations of information security for employees working at the office, remote work employees will be expected to ensure the protection of proprietary and student or employee information accessible from their remote office. Steps include the use of locked file cabinets and desks, regular password maintenance, and any other measures appropriate for the job and the environment.

Employees will be responsible for providing access to files by saving and storing all work related files to the MBU network

8 Safety:

Missouri Baptist University assumes no responsibility for injuries occurring in the employee’s remote work site outside the agreed upon work hours or while the employee is not performing work for Missouri Baptist University. Employees are expected to maintain their remote work site in a safe manner, free from safety hazards. Missouri Baptist University will provide each remote worker with a safety checklist that must be completed at least twice per year. Injuries sustained by the employee at a remote work site and in conjunction with his or her regular work duties are normally covered by the company's workers' compensation policy. Remote work employees are responsible for notifying the employer of such injuries as soon as practicable. The employee is liable for any injuries sustained by visitors to his or her remote work site

9. Childcare:

Remote work is not designed to be a replacement for appropriate childcare. Although an individual employee's schedule may be modified to accommodate childcare needs, the focus of the arrangement must remain on job performance and meeting business demands. Prospective remote workers are encouraged to discuss expectations of remote work with family members prior to entering a trial period.

10. Time Worked:

Remote work employees who are not exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act will be required to accurately record all hours worked using Missouri Baptist University’s Greenshades time keeping system. Hours worked in excess of those scheduled per day and per workweek require the advance approval of the remote worker's supervisor. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the immediate termination of the Remote Work Agreement.

11. Services:

Not all on campus services are available or supportable when used from the employee’s remote work site The supervisor and employee will review which services may not be available or accessible to employee while working remotely. By entering into a formal remote work arrangement, the employee acknowledges and accepts this situation and agrees not to impose any cost to the University for additional, unapproved services

12. Ad Hoc Arrangements:

Temporary remote work arrangements may be approved by an employee’s supervisor for circumstances such as inclement weather, special projects, or business travel. These arrangements are approved on an as needed basis only, with no expectation of ongoing continuance.

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Other informal, short term arrangements may be made for employees on family or medical leave to the extent practicable for the employee and the University and with the consent of the employee's health care provider, if appropriate.

All informal remote work arrangements are made on a case by case basis, focusing first on the business needs of the University.

13. Termination of Agreement:

The University maintains the right to terminate a remote work arrangement at any time for any reason. Such a termination will be communicated in writing to the employee with every effort made by the supervisor to provide a 30 day notice of any change to this arrangement. There may be instances, however, where no notice is possible, or a shorter time frame is required. Similarly, the employee may terminate the remote work arrangement at any time by notifying their supervisor and indicating the date of return to the primary work location or to conclude employment at the University. Depending on current space limitations or campus needs, employee will work with his or her supervisor concerning the employee’s return date and/or new work location.


Remote Work - means performance of University work for agreed hours from the remote based site.

Remote Work Site - means an agreed area in the employee’s private dwelling.

Hours of Work - means ordinary hours to be worked by the employee, as detailed in their contract of appointment.

Employee - means a person employed by the University who has ongoing or fixed term or casual contract.

Supervisor - means the person who is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the employee.

Remote Work Arrangement - means an approved arrangement for the employee to carry out defined duties from his/her remote based worksite during the agreed working from home hours on an ongoing basis or for a specified period of time, the terms of which are set out in a written

Remote Work Agreement entered into between the employee and the University.

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Originator: Director of Information Technology

Subject: Student Email Use Date: June 28, 2012; May 23, 2018


Every MBU student, faculty, and staff person is provided with a University email account.


A student’s University email account is the one used for all University communications from faculty and staff and must be regularly checked (at least once a day) for all communications. Other notification methods available inside the learning management system are provided for the convenience of the student and are not a substitute for checking the University email account.

University email accounts should not be used for confidential or sensitive information. There should be no expectation of privacy.



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Originator: Senior Vice President for Business Affairs

Distribution: Al Policy and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Credit Card Use Date: February 24, 2009


The University issues credit cards to a small number of employees for travel and entertainment expense while conducting official University business. There is also a University credit card which may be used for equipment purchases on a limited basis. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the issuance and use of University credit cards.


Eligible persons, as designated by the President, who use University credit cards will comply with all purchasing policies and submit an original receipt for the services or merchandise obtained. Credit cards may only be used for transactions associated with the academic, administrative, commercial, and community activities of the University.


1. The cardholder will safeguard the credit card account number to the same degree that the cardholder safeguards his/her personal credit information. If the card is lost or stolen, the cardholder will notify the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs immediately.

2. The credit card is not to be used for personal purchases or borrowed by another individual. If a personal purchase is made mistakenly or is unavoidable (ex: paying for a spouse at a restaurant on the same bill, personal charges made to a hotel bill), the cardholder must identify those expenses and attach a check to the monthly bill for the amount of personal expense charges.

3. Each original receipt will have written on the back the purpose of the expense, i.e., “working lunch with Bob and Sue to discuss change in financial aid procedures” or “gas for recruiting trip to Hillsboro High School” or “printing and mailing the Board agenda.”

4. Each original receipt will contain the signature of the cardholder.

5. At the end of each billing cycle, the cardholder will receive from the business office a copy of the credit card bill. The credit card holder will check each transaction listed against the original receipts. The receipts will be returned within one or two days to the Business office along with the budget account number to be charged.

6. All charges may be examined by the cardholder’s supervisor and/or the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs to insure that they represent proper and legitimate University

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expenditures. The University’s external auditors may also review the use of credit cards and the documentation and tax treatment of expenditures.

7. The University credit card may be used to purchase goods on behalf of the University that cannot be handled efficiently with a purchase order or University check. Such a purchase requires the approval of the appropriate Senior Vice President. All guidelines of this policy apply to these purchases.

8. Whenever possible, a sales tax exemption should be requested.

9. A cardholder’s credit card may be withdrawn or cancelled by the President at any time for lack of need, unauthorized purchases, improper usage, or continual tardiness in submitting the proper documentation to the Business Office.

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Originator: IT Steering Committee

Subject: Computer and Network Acceptable Use Policy

Date: June 12, 2012; May 23, 2018; June 2020; March 22, 2022


Missouri Baptist University’s intention for publishing an Acceptable Use Policy is not to impose restrictions that are contrary to the institution’s established culture of openness, trust, and integrity. Collegis Education is committed to protecting your institution’s employees, partners, and the company from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly. Internet/Intranet/Extranet-related systems, including but not limited to computer equipment, software, operating systems, storage media, network accounts providing electronic mail, WWW browsing, and FTP, are the property of the institution. These systems are to be used for business purposes in serving the interests of the institution, and of our staff, faculty, and students during normal operations. Please review Human Resources policies for further details. Effective security is a team effort involving the participation and support of every employee and affiliate who deals with information and/or information systems. It is the responsibility of every computer user to know these guidelines, and to conduct their activities accordingly.


The purpose of this policy is to outline the acceptable use of the computer equipment at the University. These rules are in place to protect the employees, students, and the institution. Inappropriate use exposes the University to risks including virus attacks, compromise of network systems and services, and legal issues.


• University network, Network, or the network. Electronic and computing devices, and network resources to conduct intuitional business or interact with internal networks and business systems, weather owned or leased by the institution, the employee, or a third party.

• System User. All employees, contractors, consultants, temporary, and other workers at the institution and its subsidiaries are responsible for exercising good judgment regarding appropriate use of information, electronic devices, and local laws and regulations.

• Devices. All equipment that is owned or leased by the institution.


• General Use and Ownership

o The institution proprietary information stored on electronic and computing devices whether owner or leased by the institution, the employee or third party, remains the sole property of the institution. You must ensure through legal or technical means that proprietary information is protected in with the Data Protection Standard.

o System users have a responsibility to promptly report the theft, loss, or unauthorized disclosure of the devices or information.

o System users may access, use, or share the institutions proprietary information only to the extent it is authorized and necessary to fulfill your assigned job duties.

o System users are responsible for exercising good judgment regarding the reasonableness of personal use on devices. Individual departments are responsible

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for creating guidelines concerning personal use of Internet/Intranet/Extranet systems. In the absence of such policies, employees should be guided by departmental policies on personal use, and if there is any uncertainty, employees should consult their supervisor or manager.

o For security and network maintenance purposes, authorized individuals within the University network may monitor equipment, systems, and network traffic at any time.

o The University reserves the right to audit networks and systems on a periodic basis to ensure compliance with this policy.

• Security and Proprietary Information

o System level and user level passwords must comply with the University Password Policy. Providing access to another individual, either deliberately or through failure to secure its own access credentials, is prohibited.

o Postings by employees from an institutions emails address to newsgroups should contain a disclaimer stating that the opinions expressed are strictly their own and not necessarily those of the University, unless the posting is a part of the user’s business duties.

o Employees must use extreme caution when opening e mail attachments received from unknown senders, which may contain malware.

• Unacceptable Use

o The following activities are, in general, prohibited. System Users may be excepting from these restrictions during the course of their legitimate job responsibilities (e.g., systems administration staff may have a need to disable the network access of a host if that host is disrupting production services).

o Under no circumstances is a system user authorized to engage in any activity that is illegal under local, state, federal or international law while utilizing the institutions owned resources.

o The list below is by no means exhaustive but attempt to provide a framework for activities which fall into the category of unacceptable use.

o System and Network Activities The following are strictly prohibited, with no exceptions: 

Violations of the rights of any person or company protected by copyright, trade secret, patent or other intellectual property, or similar laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, the installation or distribution of “pirated” or other software products that are not appropriately licensed for use by the institution. 

Unauthorized copying or copyrighted material including, but not limited to, digitization and distribution of photographs from magazines, books, or other copyrighted sources, copyrighted music, and the installation of any copyrighted software for which the institution or the end user does not have an active license is strictly prohibited. 

Accessing data, a server, or an account for any purpose other than conducting the University business, even if the system user has authorized access, is prohibited.

Exporting software, technical information, encryption software or technology, in violation of international or regional export control laws, is illegal. The appropriate management should be consulted prior to export of any material that is in question. 

Introduction of malicious programs into the network or server (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, e mail bombs, etc.).

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Revealing your account password to others or allowing use of your account by others. This includes family and other household members when work is being conducted at home.

Use of a university device to actively engage in procuring or transmitting material that is in violation of sexual harassment or hostile workplace laws in the user's local jurisdiction. 

Making fraudulent offers of products, items, or services originating from any university account. 

Making statements about warranty, expressly or implied, unless it is a part of normal job duties. 

Effecting security breaches or disruptions of network communication. Security breaches include, but are not limited to, accessing data of which the system user is not an intended recipient or logging into a server or account that the system user is not expressly authorized to access, unless these duties are within the scope of regular duties. For purposes of this section, "disruption" includes, but is not limited to, network sniffing, pinged floods, packet spoofing, denial of service, and forged routing information for malicious purposes. 

Port scanning or security scanning is expressly prohibited unless prior notification to Missouri Baptist University is made. 

Executing any form of network monitoring which will intercept data not intended for the employee's host unless this activity is a part of the system user's normal job/duty. 

Circumventing user authentication or security of any host, network, or account. 

Introducing honeypots, honeynets, or similar technology on the university network. 

Interfering with or denying service to any user other than the system user's host (for example, denial of service attack). 

Using any program/script/command, or sending messages of any kind, with the intent to interfere with, or disable, a user's terminal session, via any means, locally or via the Internet/Intranet/Extranet. 

Providing information about, or lists of, the institutions employees to parties outside the institution.

o Email and Communication Activities When using university resources to access and use the Internet; system users must realize they represent Missouri Baptist University. Whenever system users state an affiliation to the university, they must also clearly indicate that "the opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of the university". Questions may be addressed to the IT Department, or manager 

Sending unsolicited email messages, including the sending of "junk mail" or other advertising material to individuals who did not specifically request such material (email spam). 

Any form of harassment via email, telephone, or text messaging services, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages. 

Unauthorized use, or forging, of email header information. 

Solicitation of email for any other email address, other than that of the poster's account, with the intent to harass or to collect replies. 

Creating or forwarding "chain letters", "Ponzi" or other "pyramid" schemes of

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any type. 

Use of unsolicited email originating from within the institution's networks of other Internet/Intranet/Extranet service providers on behalf of, or to advertise, any service hosted by the institution or connected via the university’s network. 

Posting the same or similar non business related messages to large numbers of Usenet newsgroups (newsgroup spam).

o Blogging and Social Media

Blogging by system users, whether using the institution’s property and systems or personal computer systems, is also subject to the terms and restrictions set forth in this Policy. Limited and occasional use of the institution’s systems to engage in blogging is acceptable, if it is done in a professional and responsible manner, does not otherwise violate the institution’s policy, is not detrimental to the institution’s best interests, and does not interfere with an employee's regular work duties. Blogging from the institution’s systems is also subject to monitoring. 

The university’s organization of information policy also applies to blogging. As such, system users are prohibited from revealing any confidential or proprietary information, trade secrets or any other material covered by the institution’s Confidential Information policy when engaged in blogging. 

System users shall not engage in any blogging that may harm or tarnish the image, reputation and/or goodwill of the institution and/or any of its system users. System users are also prohibited from making any discriminatory, disparaging, defamatory or harassing comments when blogging or otherwise engaging in any conduct prohibited by the institution’s Non Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy. 

System users may also not attribute personal statements, opinions or beliefs to the institution when engaged in blogging. If a system user is expressing his or her beliefs and/or opinions in blogs, the system user may not, expressly, or implicitly, represent themselves as an employee or representative of the university. System users assume all risk associated with blogging. 

Apart from following all laws pertaining to the handling and disclosure of copyrighted or export-controlled materials, the university’s trademarks, logos and any other the institution intellectual property may also not be used in connection with any blogging activity, unless permission to do so was given or is a part of the system users job duties.


The University considers the violation of this acceptable use policy to be a serious offense and subject to the disciplinary actions described in the student handbook, employee handbook, and combined policy manual. Such discipline may take many forms, including employee termination and/or student dismissal.


In addition to compliance with the University Acceptable Use Policy, privately owned computers accessing the University network must meet certain requirements. The following required items will help ensure that the University network and its patrons remain free of malicious attacks from viruses, hackers, and the like. Those accessing the University network with privately owned computers found to be in violation of these requirements may have their network access privileges revoked.

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• Up-to-date anti-malware protection.

• Up to date software patching.

• Use of designated network connections only.


The user of a privately owned computer connected to the University network is always responsible for the security of their accounts, passwords, data, and system. Missouri Baptist University cannot be held and cannot accept responsibility or liability for any loss or damage to data, intellectual property or equipment connected to the University network.

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Originator: IT Steering Committee

Subject: Configuration and Change Management

Date: March 22, 2022


Missouri Baptist University is responsible for the security, availability, data and processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of the users (students, employees, faculty, and university’s third-party agents), assets, and data within the cybersecurity ecosystem. The configuration and change management policy provides a mechanism to ensure that change to information processing facilities and systems shall be communicated, controlled, and approved by the appropriate personnel.


Formal procedures shall be established to manage the configuration or changes to applications, operating systems, hardware, devices, etc. Procedures shall include steps for the approval, development, implementation, testing, promotion, and acceptance of configurations or changes by technicians and business sponsors.



Normal Change

• Formal management responsibilities and procedures shall be in place to ensure satisfactory control of all configurations and changes.

• All configurations and changes shall include:

o Authorization and approval by the business and/or technical process owners.

o Recording and tracking of configuration and change status.

o Classification and prioritization of all changes based on university risk.

o Assessment of the potential impacts, including security impacts and impacts on data integrity.

o Back out procedures, including procedures and responsibilities for rollback and recovery.

o Planning and testing of configurations and changes.

o Communication of configurations and change details to relevant parties.

• Changes shall be performed in the appropriate maintenance window unless otherwise approved prior to the development of the change control. Maintenance windows are chosen based on the level of risk and scope of impact.

• Configuration standards shall include:

o A mandatory baseline configuration of the information system across development, non production and production environments, to enable identification of systems configuration at specific points in time.

o Configuration of security settings of informational technology products to the most restrictive mode consistent with operational requirements as defined by business and technical owners

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o A unique identifier to a configuration item so the item can be easily tracked.

o Regular audit activities associated with configuration changes to the information system.

o A process to revert to the baseline configuration in the event of problems if determined after the initial investigation.

• Change Standards shall include:

o An audit log containing all relevant, system-generated, information should be retained perretention guidelines.

o Management to minimize risk exposure and reduce the severity of any impact and disruption.

o The approvals to implement a change to the information system, including successful results from the security analysis of the change.

o A security impact analysis to determine the effects of the changes.

• Emergency Change Procedures

o Break fix emergency changes are required after re establishing functionality of the production environment if an emergency arises and may be performed without approvalwhen the production environment is malfunctioning.

o Authorization and approval by at least three IT directors are required to proceed with non break fix emergency change requests. Break fix requests will need confirmation from at least three IT directors before being closed.

o Emergency changes follow all other aspects of the normal change control process

Change Maintenance Windows

Scope of Change Day and Time

Non production impacting changes Any day, any time

Small likelihood of production impact or small scale outage Tuesdays or Thursdays from 6:00 AM and ending by 8:00 AM, following Central Standard Time

Production impacting changes including large scale outage Fridays from 2:00 AM, ending by 6:00 AM, following Central Standard Time

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Originator: IT Steering Committee

Subject: Data Classification

Date: March 22, 2022


Missouri Baptist University is responsible for the security, availability, data and processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of the users (students, employees, faculty, and university’s third party agents), assets, and data within the cybersecurity ecosystem. The data classification policy ensures that all data is classified for use as intended by the university and users of the system.


Data shall be grouped together into specific categories indicating the need, priority, and degree(s) of protection necessary. The data categories of public, internal, confidential, and restricted are further described below.


• Social Security Number (SSN): nine digit number assigned to citizens, some temporary residents, and permanent residents to track their income and determine benefit entitlements.

• Individual Workstations: Includes but is not limited to laptops, desktops, smartphones, and tablets.

• Removable or Transportable Media: Includes but is not limited to paper forms, printed and digital reports, CDs, hard drives, USB tokens, and flash drives.


• Data assets, electronic and otherwise, shall be labeled and classified to ensure appropriate handling throughout the asset lifecycle.

• Security governance team, IT steering committee, and if necessary, university leadership shall havethe responsibility to classify data and be subject to oversight by the cybersecurity office.

• Data shall be protected in a manner appropriate with its classification, regardless of where it resides, what form it takes, what technology was used to handle it, or what purpose(s) it serves.

• Data and documents that contain data shall be classified and/or labeled into one of the following categories:

o Public: Data that is available to the general public and has specifically been approved for distribution outside the organization.

 Examples: directory information (not subject to a FERPA block), press releases, application, course catalogs and request forms, and other openly shared general information. The type of information a department would choose to post on its website is a good example of public data.

o Internal: Data that relates to and is necessary for the operation of the

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business and can generally be made available to all internal users, users of that particular customer, and potentially interested third parties if appropriate and when authorized.

Examples: Some correspondences, memos, and meeting minutes; contact lists; and process documentation that should remain within the organization.

o Confidential: Data that is not generally made available outside the organization and the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, duplication, modification, or destruction of which could adversely impact the organization and/or customers. All confidential information is sensitive in nature and must be restricted to those with a legitimate business need to know.


o Information covered by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which requires the protection of records for former and current students. This includes images of students kept for official purposes.

o Any personally identifiable information that is not Restricted Use data, such as information regarding alumni, donors, potential donors, applicants, or parents of current or former students.

o Information covered by the Gramm Leach Bliley Act (GLB), which requires fortification of financial records.

o Individual employment information, benefits, salary, and performance reviews for prospective, current, and former employees.

o Legally controlled information.

o Information that is protected through a confidentiality agreement.

o Restricted: Data that MUST be specifically protected via various access, confidentiality, integrity, and/or non repudiation controls in order to comply with legislative, regulatory, contractual or business obligations. All restricted information is sensitive in nature and must be restricted to those with a legitimate business need to know, and access reviewed regularly.

• Examples:

o Protected health information subject to the (HIPAA) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which sets standards for fortification of medical records.

o Certain types of personal information, including a Social Security Number with the individual’s name plus the individual’s, financial account number, or driver’s license number.

o Data controlled by U.S. Export Control Law such as the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) or International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).

o U.S. Government Classified Data

o Data used to authenticate or authorize accessing individuals

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to use resources, such as keys, passwords, and other tokens.

o “Criminal Background Data” that is collected as part of an application form or a background check.

• If no classification is provided, data will assume the default classification of “Internal.”

Any new applications, processes, or procedures that include confidential or restricted data will require the cybersecurity involvement. Please contact the help desk at helpdesk@mobap.edu.

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IT: Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Device Email 1.020.3


Originator: IT Steering Committee

Subject: Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Device Email

Date: March 22, 2022


Missouri Baptist University is responsible for the security, availability, data and processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of the users (students, employees, faculty, and university’s third-party agents), assets, and data within the cybersecurity ecosystem. The Exchange ActiveSync mobile device email policy protects business data transmissions through email communications to only secured devices.


A password policy will be enforced through ActiveSync on mobile devices accessing company provided email

• All employees shall be responsible for taking appropriate steps to ensure the security and the confidentiality of their personal mobile device passwords.

• Mobile devices attempting to connect to exchange email services must adhere to the following minimal policies: (Alternate login capabilities may also be available)

o A device password is required

o Devices are allowed to contain simple passwords such as 1234, or 1111

o 4 character minimum password length is required

o After 15 minutes of inactivity the device will automatically lock


Alternative Login Capabilities alternative login options include pattern unlock, biometric readers, facial recognition, and others. Compatibility with ActiveSync will vary based on the manufacturer, model, service provider, or operating system version.



• Password Best Practices Include:

o Passwords shall not be written down by the user

o Passwords shall not be communicated with other account information in any written communication

o Try to avoid the use of easily guessed passwords such as 1234, 1111

o User IDs and passwords must not be shared with others

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Originator: IT Steering Committee

Subject: Information Security Date: March 22, 2022


Missouri Baptist University is responsible for the security, availability, data and processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of the users (students, employees, faculty, and university’s third party agents), assets, and data within the cybersecurity ecosystem. The information security policy provides the university leaders, staff, faculty, vendors, and any other users of the university systems or internet connectivity direction and support for cybersecurity by following industry standards, business requirements, and relevant laws and regulations.


Missouri Baptist University shall maintain and post publicly an information security plan consisting of information security policies and procedures that ensure the security of Missouri Baptist University information and posted for staff and faculty review.

Missouri Baptist University shall maintain and regularly convene an Information Security Governance Team whose responsibilities are outlined in this and other information security policies and procedures.

All information security policy and procedure documents shall be reviewed and approved by the Information Security Governance Team and subsequently communicated to all employees and relevant external parties.

All information security policy documents shall be reviewed and (re) approved at least annually by the Information Security Governance Team, and if necessary, university leadership.

Information security policy document shall be reviewed at least annually because of significant changes in the boundaries of the cybersecurity environment, because of new regulation, and\or to include updates that will further the information security posture of the university.

The policy and procedures document shall contain header blocks showing any revision history and approvals. System users shall have access to the applicable information security policies.


Governance and Responsibilities

The Information Technology Data Integrity Steering Committee (ITDISC), or a successor group approved by the University’s Cabinet, is Missouri Baptist University Information Security Governance Team as defined in this policy and will be responsible for governing the design and implementation of system components and related policies to meet or exceed compliance standards for all relevant laws and regulations. The Missouri Baptist University Information Security Governance Team is also responsible for escalating violations of the information security policy and possible remediation actions to university leadership.

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The Information Security Governance Team shall be comprised of designated named employees of Missouri Baptist University and its information technology service provider, Collegis Education. The Team will be co chaired by Missouri Baptist University’s Vice President for Business Affairs and Collegis’ Chief Information Officer or their designees. Working in conjunction with Information Security Governance Team will be the Cybersecurity Office comprised of designated members of the information technology service provider. The Cybersecurity Office is responsible for the daily monitoring and response to security incidents and events and will escalate to the Information Security Governance Team any instances of substantial, repeat, or flagrant violations of the information security policy. The Cybersecurity Office will also be responsible for documenting all incidents and events as necessary.

As Missouri Baptist University’s information technology service provider, Collegis will be responsible for providing consulting and training concerning security, maintaining the security of cybersecurity ecosystem for in- scope systems, and providing resources for implementing and supporting encryption and other data protection technologies.

The Information Security Governance Team and university leadership shall actively support information security within the organization through clear direction, support for, explicit assignment and acknowledgment of information security responsibilities.

University executive leadership will enforce appropriate procedures for contacting authorities during security events and/or incidents.

Cybersecurity Ecosystem Overview

The cybersecurity ecosystem is comprised of the technology systems and their components, assets, data, and users of the systems. Missouri Baptist utilizes several technology systems to provide services to its students and faculty as well as support the institutional operations of the university. These systems include but are not limited to the student information system (SIS), customer\student relationship management (CRM) system, learning management system (LMS), and email systems. The primary campus located in Saint Louis, Missouri, includes a data center where a number of technology systems are hosted. Several technology systems that host Missouri Baptist data are hosted on cloud platforms through third party service providers.

The technology system components establish the boundaries of the system which include infrastructure, software, end user assets that are owned by Missouri Baptist University, and cloud hosted applications. All wired and wireless infrastructure within the main campus site located in Saint Louis, Missouri, and any remote site that interconnect with the main campus are included within the boundaries. This infrastructure is made up of any Missouri Baptist University purchased or contracted devices including but not limited to network appliances, laptop computers, desktop computers, telephony devices, copiers, printers, and servers. Contained within these boundaries are any users connecting through VPN into the established infrastructure and any shared infrastructure

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Student Personal Devices: Missouri Baptist University does not take any responsibility for the data protection or security of student purchased devices. These policies provide governance for the network and power regulation equipment used to establish connectivity for student devices, but any student purchase devices are not within the scope of these policies.


Cybersecurity Ecosystem Standard

• The information security policy documents will be reviewed and (re)-approved at least annually by the security governance team, and if necessary, university leadership.

• The information security policy document shall be reviewed as a result of significant changes in security or the boundaries of the system.

• The policy document shall contain header blocks showing any revision history and approvals.

• A security governance team shall be established and comprised of university leadership and IT to maintain alignment with university goals and IT governance.

• All system users shall have access to the information security policies.

Cybersecurity Ecosystem User Responsibility

All Missouri Baptist University cybersecurity ecosystem users have an intrinsic responsibility to maintainconfidentiality, integrity, and security. These responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Reporting all security or suspected security policy breaches to either the helpdesk@mobap.edu, the Cybersecurity Office, or abuse@mobap.edu

• Do not tamper with or disable any firewall and/or antimalware applications on university provided devices.

• Protection of individual passwords, which control access, and other privileges within the Missouri Baptist University infrastructure.

• Maintaining the confidentiality of any data that may be provided as a user of the system, or data needed as a part of job role.

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Originator: IT Steering Committee

Subject: Logical Access Control

Date: March 22, 2022


Missouri Baptist University is responsible for the security, availability, data and processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of the users (students, employees, faculty, and university’s third party agents), assets, and data within the cybersecurity ecosystem. The logical access control policy maintains access to the university system as intended by the security governance team, University leadership, and the cybersecurity office. Intended access is to be defined and understood by all parties, and when necessary, the cybersecurity office is authorized to take actions to detect or prevent violations of intended access


A logical access framework will be established, maintained, and periodically audited to detect or prevent any violations of intended access as defined herein.

• The University will follow implemented on and off boarding procedures informing all respective departments including IT of changes in work status for all users.

• Cybersecurity activities shall be coordinated between resources from different part or departments of the university.

• University leadership or human resources will enforce appropriate procedures for maintaining logical intended access and will take or prescribe appropriate action as deemed necessary.

• Logical intended access will be periodically monitored for compliance.

Password Policy

• Users shall conform to the following standards when creating a password: o Passwords must be at least 16 characters in length o Password expiration complies with intended access specified below o Users cannot reuse any of the last 10 used passwords

o Accounts will be locked for 15 minutes after 10 failed login attempts.

• Passwords shall not be written down by the user.

• Passwords shall not be communicated with other account information in any written communication. Passwords may be communicated through either a secondary communication method or in a separate communication without any identifications or labels of this being a password


Intended Access by User Type


Admin Account 90 days None

W2 Employees 730 days None

Administrative accounts must also comply with the privileged user policy

All employees on university payroll

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Type Password Policy Account Expiration Notes

Student Workers 365 days 730 days / 2 years

Retired / Emeritus 730 days None

Agency Staff 180 days 180 days maximum

Vendor Accounts 180 days Expiration of vendor contract

All student worker accounts should follow the same onboarding and offboarding procedure as other W2 employees.

All accounts must be approved by HR and reviewed by HR at least annually

Agency staff should include within their on boarding the length and termination date of the contract

All vendor accounts must be validated by the department lead, manager, supervisor, or cybersecurity office prior to its creation

1099 Contractor 180 days Expiration of contract 1099 contractors should include within their onboarding the length and termination date of the contract

Augment Staff

None 30 days

Temporary staff to augment a particular project or campus activity. Accounts are not specific to the user, and passwords are set to reset on the first login

Test Accounts None 30 days Test accounts are to be created through the resolution of a service ticket, the passwords to these accounts are to be stored in a password vault

Service Accounts

None None

Service account are to be created through the resolution of a service ticket, passwords are to be stored in a password vault, and accounts are also set to have passwords never expire.

Account Management Account Creations

All account creations should be the result of a service ticket either through appropriate onboarding processes, or direct requests from department lead, manager, supervisor, university HR, or cybersecurity office. Test accounts may be requested by an appropriate member of the IT team but must also follow the standard account creation process through the ticketing system.

Access Changes

Account changes should be the result of a service ticket either through a direct request from department lead, manager, supervisor, university HR, or cybersecurity office. Test accounts may be changed by an appropriate member of the IT team but must also follow the standard account creation process through the ticketing system.

Unlocking Accounts

Password Resets

Account lockouts will last for no longer than 15 minutes. However, users may request their account be unlocked through contacting the Support Center and following the normal ticketing process.

Users may contact the Support Center for password resets and following the normal ticketing process.

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Account Extensions

An automated email message will be delivered to the owner of an expiring account through the last 10 days of availability. Extensions to these accounts may be requested by the department lead, manager, supervisor, university HR, or cybersecurity office to the Support Center, and a ticket will be generated. Account extensions may not exceed 180 days.

Disabling Accounts

Accounts will be disabled within 24 hours of the request either through appropriate offboarding processes or direct request from department lead, manager, supervisor, university HR, or cybersecurity office. Audit findings - the cybersecurity office will notify the university HR of any audit findings where either HR shows a user as active and IT shows the user as inactive, or vice versa. After 2 periodic reviews, if no actions are taken and there has been no activity on the audited accounts, the cybersecurity office will perform a long term decommission of the account. Expired Accounts Accounts that have been expired for 90 days or more will be automatically disabled and set for standard decommissioning. Expired Passwords Accounts with an expired password and inactivity for 1 year or more will be automatically set for long term decommissioning.

Standard Decommissioning Process

Long Term Decommissioning

User Responsibilities:

Disabled accounts will be held within the system for 90 days. Then afterward, a change request will be drafted, and executed including the names of the accounts that will be permanently deleted.

Accounts placed into long term decommissioning will be disabled and held in this container for 1 year, then placed into the appropriate standard decommissioning container for deletion after 90 days.


• User IDs, usernames, and passwords must not be shared with others.

• Users shall be made aware of and required to implement security procedures for protecting equipment, media, and printed information from unauthorized use.

• Following Clear Screen, Clean Desk procedures when leaving their work areas unattended.

• Understand that no IT nor university personnel will ever ask a user for their password, and any such actions are prohibited through this policy.

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Originator: IT Steering Committee

Subject: Organization of Information Date: March 22, 2022


Missouri Baptist University is responsible for the security, availability, data and processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of the users (students, employees, faculty, and university’s third party agents), assets, and data within the cybersecurity ecosystem. The organization of information policy establishes a framework for managing the safe and secure flow of information throughout the university


A management framework shall be established to include the storage, transmission, disposal, time to live, and detection or prevention, including reporting of security events for data based on classification.

Central Administration

The IT department provides consulting and training concerning security, maintaining the security of the central network, a central email service, and providing resources for implementing and supporting encryption technologies.


Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) safeguards rule, and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) safeguards rule requires a designated employee group to coordinate the information security program. This group is the security governance team. The following standards based on data classification are specifically implemented as information safeguards to control the risks identified through the storage, transmission, and disposal of data.


The security governance team, and University Leadership shall actively support information security within the organization through clear direction, demonstrated commitment, explicit assignment, and acknowledgement of information security responsibilities.

• Information security activities shall be coordinated between resources from different parts of the University.

• The organization shall define and utilize confidentiality and/or non disclosure agreements.

• Executive Leadership will enforce appropriate procedures for contacting authorities during security events and/or incidents.

• To protect confidential and restricted data as it is transmitted across network infrastructures. Missouri Baptist University uses secure protocols including TLS, SSH, and SFTP, where appropriate.

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Internal Data

Accessing University need is the primary driver for access requests. All non public information must be secured with, at a minimum, a single authentication method, or transmitted through the Internet using secure protocols. (TLS 1.2 or above encryption is the standard for all data transmissions.)

Collecting No restrictions

Sharing Sharing with other internal employees as needed. Sharing with vendors/third parties as approved by the department lead, manager, or supervisor.

Sending Paper

Send information in a manner that protects it from casual reading.

Electronic Using a method that requires authentication prior to receipt or using a secure transfer protocol. Methods such as e mail, a website that requires a login, or a file server that requires a password or secure email services with more private data.

Storing Paper

Keep all documents in non public areas when not in use.

Electronic Devices storing electronic non public information must meet minimum requirements of, at a minimum, a single authentication method.

Electronic Media Store all media in non public areas when not in use.

Incident Reporting Report the loss of any Internal Data to the local department lead, manager, or supervisor who will determine the requirements, if any, for further reporting.

Auditing Review of where this data is located, the access control mechanisms, who has access to it, and encryption protocols, are auditing periodically. Data destruction protocols follow this policy.

Destroying Paper & Disposable Electronic Media (CDs of DVDs)

Electronic Files (Data) Reusable Storage Devices (Flash Drives, Hard Drives)

Electronic Storage at End of Life

Documents with sensitive content should be placed within the shred boxes located within all facilities. If unable to locate the shred box, the department head will assist you.

The use of standard operating system utilities is used to delete files.

Data destruction services are provided by an asset disposal and recycling firm. The protocol for data removal is either physical hard drive destruction (shredding) or DoD compatible data cleansing. Contact the Support Center to create a ticket for data destruction if needed.

Confidential Data

Accessing Access to confidential data requires completion of security awareness and data classification professional development training or acknowledgement. Protocols are developed to immediately remove access upon significant change in employment status or any individual with access. The department lead, manager, supervisor, or cybersecurity office is responsible for removing access from any person(s) that no longer require confidential data access as part of their job function within 24hrs of filing an appropriate alert.

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Collecting Reduce or eliminate where not required for university need. The collection of Confidential data about individuals may require the approval of the cybersecurity office. If there is any doubt if the data requires approval, please contact the cybersecurity office

Sharing Supervisors or the cybersecurity office should be notified if you are uncertain of sharing confidential information. Information being shared with a small, controlled group of internal university staff or faculty members may be shared without the approval; however, if there is any concern in doing so, the supervisors or the cybersecurity office should be involved. Keeping the need to know concept in mind, the university need should drive the sharing of data. Confidential information can be shared with the subject of record and any other individual with permission from the subject of record. Confidential information that is transmitted must use either TLS1.2 or above, or SFT P services for transmission. If confidential information is received but does not follow this standard, please contact the cybersecurity office.

Printing, Scanning, and Copying

Copiers and some printers have internal storage devices that can potentially store data. To preserve confidentiality, avoid printing of confidential data superfluously

Sending Paper Sealed security envelopes with the specific intended party addressed appropriately. Be sure to include “For intended recipient only.” Any confidential information being sent outside of the control of the organization should be sent via a mail service that includes a tracking number.

Electronic Confidential data is encrypted in transit by way of TLS1.2 or better encryption, or SFTP, especially data in large volumes. In some cases, if email is the only method of transmission, encryption services are offered by Microsoft 365 and are employed for these transmissions. Microsoft Office files containing confidential information should also be password protected, review the security awareness and data classification professional development training for more information. If Confidential information is to be stored on removable media (CD/DVD/USB/External Hard Drives) or in the cloud, see the storage section below.

Fax Most fax machines and e fax services often store at a minimum the first page of data within memory, which can be compromised. All confidential information that must be shared via fax MUST include a cover sheet, marks as confidential, and to be read only by the recipient. Consider coordinating with the intended recipient, so they are on hand to directly receive the fax before you being to send.

Smartphones and Tablets

If the use of a smartphone or tablet is needed to send or receive confidential information must meet minimum requirements of, at a minimum, a single authentication method or transmitted through the internet using TLS1.2 or above encryption protocols


Physical Paper Stored in secure areas that are accessible only by authorized individuals. The number of copies should be kept to a minimum. Audits of individuals with physical access to these storage locations will be performed periodically

Electronic If data is not stored on one of the encrypted in transit devices. Confidential data is recommended that it is stored in an encrypted format. Cloud services may be used if not shared, and shares may be used if approved. Please refer to the security awareness and data classification professional development training, or acknowledgment for more information

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Electronic Media (CD, DVD, USB, etc.)

Encryption of stored data is also recommended. Store media in a secure location. The media should be erased or destroyed as it is no longer needed


Incident Reporting

Each department must review annually where confidential data is stored, user access, encryption protocols, control mechanisms, and data destruction. Verify that procedures for account access are reviewed and documented. Data destruction must comply with the university policies

Any unauthorized access or loss of confidential information, intentionally or unintentionally, must be reported to the appropriate manager, department head, or cybersecurity office. If not available, at a minimum, report to the Support Center. Managers, supervisors, and cybersecurity officers should report significant unauthorized disclosure or losses of Confidential data to the appropriate authorities in compliances with state, local, and federal laws, and compliance standards. If you are unclear if the incident is significant, contact the cybersecurity office for clarification.

Destroying Paper and Disposable Electronic Media (CDs, DVDs)

Electronic Files (Data) Reusable Electronic Storage Devices (Flash Drives, Hard Drives, External Hard Drives)

Electronic Storage at End of Life

Devices End of Lease or End of Life

Physical destruction using a shredder, shred box, or similar appropriate technology and then recycle or discard.

Delete using an approved secure deletion program. If you require assistance in the destruction of data on external media, please contact the Support Center.

Restricted Data


Functional electronic media once erased is either disposed of or recycled. Non functional media must go through proper disposal procedures. If you require assistance in the destruction of data on external media, please contact the Support Center.

Devices such as these contain hard drives, which must be properly eared or “wiped,” prior to leaving the university’s control. For more information on proper destruction of data please refer to the security awareness and data classification professional development training for more information.

Access to restricted data requires the approval of a department lead, manager, or supervisor, upon completion of either security awareness training or acknowledgment. Avoid accessing or using restricted data whenever possible and do so from as few various devices as possible. Devices used to access restricted data information must have a minimum of single point authentication methods for access. The department lead, manager, supervisor, or cybersecurity office is responsible for removing access from any person(s) that no longer require restricted data access as part of their job function within 24hrs of filing an appropriate alert.


Reduce, refuse, or eliminate where not required for university need. The collection of Restricted data about individuals may require the approval of the cybersecurity office. If there is any doubt if the data requires approval, please contact the cybersecurity office.

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Sharing If at any time you are unsure if a piece of restricted data should be shared, escalate the request to an appropriate department lead, manager, supervisor, or cybersecurity officer. This information may be shared only for need to know business purposes and only as approved by the appropriate department lead, manager, supervisor, or cybersecurity officer, except where the information is being given to approved custodians of this data. Information being shared with a small, controlled group of university internal staff or faculty may be shared without the approval of a cybersecurity officer; however, if there is any concern in doing so, the cybersecurity office should be involved. Note: Non disclosure and other types of agreements may be necessary for any vendors, or external parties to review restricted information. The compliance office must approve such agreements or agreement forms. Any restricted information can be shared with the subject of the record and any other individual with permission from the subject of record. Any restricted information that is received or transmitted must use either TLS1.2 or above encryption, or SFTP services for transmission.

Printing, Copying, and Scanning

Printers and copiers often store the printed documents on a local hard drive, potentially allowing unauthorized access to the information. Avoid, when possible, the printing of Restricted use data.

Sending Physical Paper Address the intended party and send in sealed envelopes for security. Marked with “For Intended Recipient Only.” The paper document must be sent via with an authorized courier, certified mail, or other mail servicer that includes a tracking number.

Electronic Restricted data is encrypted in transit by way of TLS1.2 or above encryption, or SFTP, especially data in large volumes. In some cases, if email is the only method of transmission, encryption services are offered by Microsoft 365 and are employed for these transmissions. Microsoft Office files containing restricted information should also be password protected, review the security awareness and data classification professional development training for more information. If restricted information is to be stored on removable media (CD/DVD/USB/External Hard Drives) or in the cloud see the storage section below.

Fax Most fax machines and e fax services often store at a minimum the first page of data within memory, which can be compromised. All restricted data information that must be shared via fax MUST include a cover sheet, marks as restricted and to be read-only by the recipient. Consider coordinating with the intended recipient so they are on hand to directly receive the fax before you being to send.

Smartphones and Tablets

Storing Paper

The use of smart phones to attain access to restricted data is strongly discouraged. Restricted data must comply with the minimum data protection standard of a single authentication on the device. If restricted data is asked to be shared via a smart phone, please ask to have this information shared using another form of media. If there are any questions, please contact the cybersecurity office

Stored in secure areas that are accessible only by authorized individuals. The number of copies should be kept to a minimum. Audits of individuals with physical access to these storage locations will be performed periodically.

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Electronic If data is not stored on one of the encrypted in transit devices. Restricted data is recommended that it is stored in an encrypted format. Restricted data must never be stored on personally owned devices. University approved cloud based services are generally approved to store restricted data. Restricted data must never be shared through cloud based storage unless approved by the department lead, manager, supervisor, or cybersecurity office.

Electronic Media (CD, DVD, USB, External Hard Drive)

Encryption of stored data is required. Media is only stored within secure locations when not in use. Media should be inventoried upon creation and destroyed as soon as it is no longer needed. University policy prohibits the use of external media for storing restricted data unless documented prior approval by the cybersecurity office has been granted.

Each department must review annually where restricted data is stored, user access, encryption protocols, control mechanisms, and data destruction. Verify that procedures for account access are reviewed and documented. Data destruction must comply with these policies.

Incident Reporting

Any unauthorized access or loss of restricted information, intentionally or unintentionally, must be reported to the appropriate manager, department head, or cybersecurity office immediately. If not available, at a minimum, report to the Support Center. Managers, supervisors, and cybersecurity officers should report significant unauthorized disclosure or losses of restricted data to the appropriate authorities in compliance with state, local, and federal laws, and compliance standards. If you are unclear if the incident is significant, contact the cybersecurity office for clarification.

Destroying Paper and Disposable Electronic Media (CDs, DVDs)

Electronic Files (Data) Reusable Electronic Storage Devices (Flash Drives, Hard Drives, External Hard Drives)

Electronic Storage at End of Life

Devices End of Lease or End of Life

Physical destruction using a shredder, shred box, or similar appropriate technology and then recycle or discard.

Delete using an approved secure deletion program. If you require assistance in the destruction of data on external media, please contact the Support Center.

Functional electronic media once erased is either disposed of or recycled. Non functional media must go through proper disposal procedures. If you require assistance in the destruction of data on external media, please contact the Support Center.

Devices such as these contain hard drives, which must be properly eared or “wiped,” prior to leaving the university’s control. For more information on proper destruction of data please refer to the security awareness and data classification professional development training for more information.

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The cybersecurity office is authorized and can grant exceptions to the requirements in this document. Exceptions will require a thorough investigation of the process and will be based on the execution of appropriate controls. All exceptions must be documented and approved along with signed acknowledgments of risk and responsibility.


Failure to comply with the Organization of Information Security may result in harm to the university, students, vendors, or all parties. The unauthorized or unacceptable use of data, including the failure to comply with these standards, constitutes a major violation of policy and may be subject the user to revocation of the privilege to use data or information technology. Disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment, may also apply


• IFAP Dear Colleague Letter - July 29, 2015 - GEN-15-18 - Protecting Student Information

• IFAP Dear Colleague Letter - July 1, 2016 - GEN-16-12 - Protecting Student Information

• Federal Trade Commission Safeguards Rule resource page

• GAO Report on Federal Student Aid November 2017

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Originator: Senior Vice President for Business Affairs

Distribution: All Policy & Procedure Manuals

Subject: Electronic Data Storage Rights and Responsibilities

Date: April 14, 2000

A. Background

The University seeks to be a good steward of its resources and in this effort needs to establish written policies that would serve to conserve computer disk space and eliminate the time required to back up and manage obsolete data. Further, the University needs to formally clarify its rights and responsibilities in regard to data stored on its computer systems.

B. Policy

The University administration has the following rights in regard to its computer systems:

1. To limit disk space available to a user.

2. To delete files it deems to be obsolete after making a good faith effort to forewarn the creator of the files.

3. To review a user’s files if the administration perceives an investigation is warranted in regard to a possible breach of law, policy or procedure and if a breach is found to document the material/activities for disciplinary action and remove the material from the system.

The University may permit personal files to be stored on its systems and will make reasonable efforts to secure and protect such files. However the University denies any potential liability in regard to these files. Users are encouraged to back up, secure, and store personal files off-site.

C. Guidelines

The Technology Committee will approve disk space limitations after consideration of input from the Dean’s Council and the Administrative Council. Efforts will be made to attempt to accommodate individual needs beyond these limitations via alternative storage methods.

Users will be given thirty days’ notice via e-mail of the intent to delete perceived obsolete files that meet certain criteria. The Technology Committee will approve these criteria after consideration of input from the Dean’s Council and the Administrative Council.

The President or the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs must give written approval to the technical staff to proceed with an investigation involving a review of a faculty or staff member’s files or computer activities. The investigation of a student’s files/activities may be initiated by the President, Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, or Senior Vice President for Student Development.

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Originator: Director of Technical Services

Distribution: All Policy & Procedures Manuals

Subject: Management and Disposition of Electronic Mail Accounts, Messages, and Other Stored Data

Date: April 25, 2000

A. Background

The Information Systems Department has several hundred obsolete user accounts with disk space reserved for electronic mail messages and data storage. This material was stored by former students, faculty, and staff. A considerable amount of disk space can be reclaimed and potentially delay a need to further increase the disk storage on the servers. This policy specifies how user accounts and stored information will be handled when a user's status or relationship with the University changes.

B. Policy

A user account will be established for each new student, faculty, or staff member.  A user account will be affected according to the table in the guidelines for each change of user classification. User account action or change will usually take place by the close of the next business day following the availability of the information to the Information Systems Department.

C. Guidelines

In its approval, the University Technology Committee gave the Director of Technical Services the responsibility for making minor modifications, as practical, to the dispositions in the accompanying Classification Change table.

User Classifications:

New Student (no current account)

New Faculty (no current account)

New Staff (no current account)

Current Student

Current Faculty

Current Staff

Graduate (alum, no longer associated with MBU)

Former Student (not graduated, not enrolled)

Former Faculty (no longer associated with MBU)

Former Staff (no longer associated with MBU)

and Disposition of Email, Messages & Stored Data
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From Classification 1

To Classification 2

Classification Changes, Subsequent Action

Disposition of User Account Disposition of Email Messages

Disposition of Stored Data

--- New Student Create No Action Create Space

--- New Faculty Create No Action Create Space

--- New Staff Create No Action Create Space

Current Student Current Faculty No Action No Action No Action

Current Student Current Staff No Action No Action No Action Current Student Former Student Removed Erased Erased

Current Student Graduate Removed

Future Messages Forwarded (optionally). Current Messages Erased. Erased

Current Faculty Current Student No Action No Action No Action

Current Faculty Current Staff No Action No Action No Action

Current Faculty Former Faculty Removed

Future Messages Forwarded for 1 Year. Current Messages Erased. Erased

Current Staff Current Student No Action No Action No Action

Current Staff Current Faculty No Action No Action No Action

Current Staff Former Staff Removed

Future Messages Forwarded for 1 Year. Current Messages Erased. Erased

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Originator: President Subject: Hiring Regular Staff and Non Student Hourly Employees Date: Approved in Administrative Council 12/14/04 (revised July 2010) (June 2018)


Personnel selection, placement, and morale are indispensable elements in achieving great results for the University. Thus, the recruitment and election of new employees is central to the successful performance of University administrators.


It is the policy of the University to fill staff positions with the best qualified and best suited candidate either by promoting or transferring an employee or by hiring from outside the University. In the process all applicable Federal and State employment laws and regulations will be followed.


Planning and Forecasting:

1. Before the search begins the supervisor will review the need for the position with the area vice president incorporating information about the university’s mission, goals, and any new program plans. Special attention should be given to opportunities to combine or otherwise reassign or reorganize tasks and responsibilities. Institutional priorities must be taken into account.

2. The salary and benefits will be reviewed by the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs to determine if budget funds are available and if proposed salary and benefits are in line with similar positions within the institution.

Job Specification and Position Description

1. A new or updated position description must be on file before the search begins.

2. The position description should contain:

A. Basic function of the job

B. Responsibilities and authority of the position

C. Relationships with other employees

D. Minimal and desired qualifications

E. (Optional) A salary range as approved by the area Senior Vice President

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Locating Applicants

1. The search should be as thorough as possible with the goal of securing the best employee. Every search represents an opportunity to improve the quality of the department. It is better to extend the search than to hire the wrong person. In house candidates may receive equal consideration with outside candidates. Advertising for the positions might include the MBU website, professional organizations, CCCU, IABCU, listservs, newspapers, and letters to targeted audiences.

2. The search will be conducted by the supervisor or area vice president.

3. The process of locating applicants should follow these steps:

A. Determine and identify the populations that will be the focus of recruitment

B. Design a procedure for advertising the job opening

C. Write an appropriate announcement for each recruitment population

D. Distribute the advertising copy

E. Assess job inquiries

Assessing and Selecting the Final Candidate

1. Candidates should be evaluated on the basis of the criteria established in the position description.

2. Initial screening can be done based on written job applications. Video interviewing is encouraged as an initial screening tool.

3. A face to face interview is considered essential and evaluation by testing is encouraged where appropriate.

4. In every case, references will be contacted, and background check is conducted as appropriate.

5. The supervisor should involve other key employees in the interview process as needed.

6. Any official offer of employment must be approved by the area Senior Vice President and the President.


1. The supervisor should contact every candidate as soon as a decision is made.

2. The supervisor should maintain all documentation relative to the search for at least six months.

3. All employees are required to attend a sign up and orientation session with Human Resources/Payroll and Benefits.

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4. As all full-time employees are hired on a probationary status for the first 90 calendar days, a job performance review will be conducted within the probationary period to discuss the employee’s performance to date and to answer any questions the employee may have about the job. Periodic evaluations should follow with at least one every year.

MBU Staff 90-Day Job Performance Review

Employee Name:

Job Title: Department: Manager: Review period:

In this performance review, you and your direct supervisor will rate you on performance factors, behavioral traits, and demonstration of faith based and character leadership.

ME = Meets Expectations Able to perform what is expected in a satisfactory manner; normal guidance and supervision is required

NI = Needs Improvement Often fails to meet job requirements; performance must improve to meet expectations and maintain employment


Behaviors, attitude, and actions are consistent with the Christian mission of MBU

Demonstrates required job skills and knowledge

Quality work

Attendance/punctuality Initiative

Oral/written communication; listening skills Dependability


1. List any areas of your job description that you feel need clarification.

2. List 3 5 goals you have set for yourself for the remainder of this year. (These will be reviewed and new goals set during your first yearly evaluation).

Additional Comments:

Evaluated Staff Evaluator Date Date

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Originator: Fine Arts Chair

Subject: Bösendorfer Piano Usage Policy

Date: February 20, 2003


Missouri Baptist University’s Bösendorfer Imperial Grand piano is one of the finest instruments made and as such requires special guidelines and restrictions to insure that it maintains its high value and quality. The following guidelines will assist in assuring the proper usage of this instrument.


1. The Bösendorfer will be available for academic use by the music faculty for performance, practice, lessons and preparing for performances.

2. Because of its size and usage, it should remain on the stage area of the Pillsbury Chapel as much as possible. Moving the instrument should be limited to an as needed basis, i.e. – when the stage needs to be cleared for outside performances. Care should be taken when moving this instrument that the wheels are free-spinning. Two or more movers are recommended. Placing the piano on the pit cover should be avoided.

3. Nothing may be placed on or against this instrument at any time.

4. Only a damp cloth should be used to clean the instrument. No polishes of any kind should be used. The music piano faculty or Fine Arts Chair will supervise cleaning of the instrument.

5. When not in use, the piano should remain locked to avoid unauthorized use. Keys will be in the hands of the Director of Special Events, Fine Arts Chair, music piano faculty and the President’s Office.

6. For most outside artists, the Yamaha (C-6) 7’ Grand will be available for use. If an outside artist requests the use of the Bösendorfer, it will be considered and approved by the Provost and Fine Arts Chair in consultation with the music piano faculty.

7. The music piano faculty or the Fine Arts Chair will authorize maintenance and tuning of the instrument. Only expert piano technicians will be used to care for the instrument.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety Subject: Background Checks Date: 10/19/2010, update 11/7/13


This policy is intended to help the University protect its interests and the well-being of its students, staff, faculty, and the public. This policy establishes parameters for criminal history and related background checks on individuals who are offered employment at the University. Convictions or other issues disclosed or discovered in the employment process may influence the selection of the applicant. Likewise, failure to be forthcoming about criminal history or any misrepresentation of education or work history may also influence the selection of the applicant.


Background checks are required for any new hire into the positions identified. The University reserves the right to perform background checks for other positions and/or under other circumstances.

Employees with five years of service or more do not have to undergo background checks unless a transfer, promotion, reclassification, or change in their job duties moves their position into an identified category. The University reserves the right to perform background checks on employees under other circumstances. Those employees with five years of service or less who have been identified as requiring a background check will be given a document written by our attorney. The document is titled “Notice to Employees” and it will have an attached questionnaire to be filled out by employees. This document will give employees an opportunity to identify and explain any negative results that may arise with their background check. These documents will be kept secure in their personnel file maintained by the Payroll/Benefits Department.

For purposes of this policy, all full-time positions in the following areas are pre-identified for background checks: Athletics, Campus Services (Housekeeping and Maintenance) Staff Positions to include Records, Admissions, Computer Services, Financial Services Residence Life, Faculty including faculty support services such as counseling and tutoring (excludes adjunct professors), Public Safety

For all other positions, including part-time positions (except adjunct professors) in each of the areas above, the hiring department, in consultation with Payroll/Benefits Department, will determine whether a background check is appropriate, based on the duties and responsibilities of each position.

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Each background check will, at a minimum, consist of:

• Social Security Number Trace Search

• Criminal Record Search

• Sexual Offender Database Search

Additional information such as, but not limited to, education verification, work history, and driving record may also be requested.

Background checks will not normally include a credit history check. However, some positions, such as financial positions, may require additional background checks, including checking into a person’s credit history, but that will be on a case by case basis.

Candidates who are extended a conditional offer of employment must complete a Consent and Disclosure form that informs the candidate that Missouri Baptist University will be utilizing Missouri State Highway Patrol to conduct the background check and requests specific information necessary to complete the background screening.


Public Safety Department will retain the results of background checks. If there are no criminal convictions or other issues revealed in the background check, Public Safety Department will notify the Payroll /Benefits department to complete the hire. If there are criminal convictions or other issues revealed in the background check, Payroll/Benefits Department will be notified. Payroll and Benefits will notify the Vice President who oversees that division, review the results with him or her, and collectively make a final determination regarding the suitability of the candidate for the specific position.

Missouri Baptist University Public Safety conducts background checks by submitting finger prints to the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The Public Safety Department will serve as the Office of Record for all background check results and will maintain confidentiality. Departments will not receive any details of a background check, except as otherwise contemplated by this policy. Missouri Baptist University policy prohibits University employees and others from seeking out, using, or disclosing background check information except within the scope of their assigned duties and this policy, and/or as allowed by applicable laws. Misuse of criminal background checks is a class A Misdemeanor in the State of Missouri. The individual for whom the background was collected may dispute any findings with the state or Federal Bureau of Investigations that shows the arrest or conviction. Contact information is on file in the Public Safety office for those who wish to dispute a criminal background check.

If the individual is hired as an employee, the background check results will be on file in the Public Safety Department as long as the person’s employment is retained. If the individual is not hired as an employee, the background check results will be maintained with the Public Safety Department for three years as required by Missouri Law. The applicants will be given a document written by our attorney “Notice to Applicants” with a corresponding questionnaire to be filled out at the time they are considered for employment. This document will give applicants an opportunity to identify and explain any negative result that may arise from their background check. These documents will be kept secure along with their application in the Payroll/Benefits

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Department. If for some reason the applicant is not hired their background check along with their application will be kept for three years and then shredded. An offer can be extended with the understanding that actual employment is dependent upon acceptable results with respect to the background check.

If there is a criminal conviction or other issue revealed in the background check, Payroll/Benefits Department and the Vice President that oversees the division will review the results and make the final determination regarding the individual’s suitability for employment in the position. In some instances, the Vice President may recommend additional controls that a department would need to implement before employing, promoting, or reclassifying a person convicted of a crime or with other issues revealed in the background check. Consideration will be given to many factors, including but not limited to, the specific duties of the position, the number of offenses and circumstances of each, and whether the convictions or other issues were disclosed during the application process.

Individuals with criminal convictions of assault with a weapon, theft, embezzlement, identity theft, fraud or other violent crime generally will not be hired into positions with fiduciary responsibilities. Convictions for child molestation and other sex offenses will preclude an individual from employment at Missouri Baptist University. Workplace or domestic violence, or other convictions for behaviors that would be inappropriate for specific jobs may also be grounds for denial of employment. This list is not inclusive, but serves to illustrate the decisionmaking criteria.

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Originator: Director of Special Events

Subject: Camps Held on Campus

Distribution: All Policies and Procedures Manuals

Date: January 10, 2014


The growth and development of and increased demand for University facilities and athletic fields necessitate the establishment of rental procedures and contractual agreements. Campus scheduling has priority thus limiting the availability for external group purposes.


Requests for use of University facilities are submitted to the Director of Special Events, subject to review by the Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement, the Senior Vice President of Student Development, and/or the Director of Athletics and Director of Residential Life. Rental agreements will be distributed and collected by the Director of Special Events with the renter providing certificate of liability naming the University as an additional insured and background checks on all staff/volunteer on file with renter.


1. University employees who hold clinics, camps, workshops, or festivals shall collect their own funds. Participants are to make checks payable to the individual or group sponsor, not the University. The University may require an accounting of the income, attendance records, and expenses directly related to the program or activity.

2. University employees shall pay the University a general fee which will be determined by the application submitted.

3. Prior to the event, a contract shall be on file with the Director of Special Events or Building Manager of the Carl and Deloris Petty Sports and Recreation Complex.

4. University employees and external groups will provide a certificate of liability naming the University as an additional insured with $1 million minimum coverage.

5. All University and external camp coaches, assistants, and volunteers are to have a background check prior to their first year running such an activity with a renewed background check every 5 years. These documents must be in possession of the director of the camp, clinic, workshop prior to printing materials that names them.

6. Promotional materials should be clear not to list the University as the sponsor of the event and must be provided to the Director of Special Events for approval. Materials must meet University Graphic Standards prior to distribution. The University reserves the right to approve all copy for advertising and promotion of the event.

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Originator: Director of Admissions

Subject: Mailroom Policy Date: June 14, 2016


This policy is designed to address the process for mail distribution and pick up, both during and after hours on Missouri Baptist University campuses. Parcel delivery carriers, including, but not limited to FedEx, UPS, and USPS, will only deliver mail to one location on campus, leaving employees responsible for the sorting and distribution of parcels.


Intake Parcel Policy: All incoming mail and packages being delivered by USPS, FedEx, UPS, and other delivery services will be received by the front desk staff located in the main lobby of the Administration Building – One College Park Drive, during normal business hours. The front desk or switchboard staff is responsible for sorting/distributing and alerting faculty, staff and students of pick-ups. Mail and packages delivered after hours and on holidays will be received by the Public Safety Officer on duty and will be stored in the secured package room until they can be processed on the next business day by the front desk/switchboard staff.

Pickup Policy: All mail and package pickup must be done during normal operating hours, 8:00 am until 4:30 pm Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Any package pickup after hours is only on an emergency basis through Public Safety and as approved by the Director of Admissions. Since the mail is unsorted, mail pickup is not possible after hours


After hours: Weekdays from 4:30 pm until 8:00 am the next morning, excluding Friday Holidays: Any time the school is closed for designated break periods and observed holidays

Emergency: Something that, if not attended to, will have an adverse effect on University Operations or protection of assets. Examples of an acceptable emergency: a contractor or University Maintenance employee waiting on the arrival of a piece of equipment or part that will effect Campus Operations; a sports team expecting an item that is holding up an event to be delivered; or a specimen delivery requiring refrigeration for the science department.

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Urgent Packages: Any employee who is expecting an urgent package should inform the front desk or switchboard staff by calling 314-434-1115. The front desk staff will in turn alert Public Safety to be expecting this item.

Access Exceptions: Because of the nature of their jobs and sensitive items they may receive, the University President and all Senior Vice Presidents shall have access to the mail room upon request - regardless of normal operating hours.

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Originator: President’s Office

Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals

Subject: Service Awards Date: January 1, 2018


The purpose of this policy is to recognize and show appreciation to those employees who have demonstrated their commitment in serving Missouri Baptist University through continued employment. Missouri Baptist University recognizes the importance of the contributions of loyal and committed faculty and staff to the continuing success of the University.


Years of Service Awards

Full-time benefit-eligible employees are eligible to receive the appropriate service award for every five years of service, beginning with five years of service. Years of service for the purpose of award recognition will begin on September 2. For example, an employee who began employment on September 2, 2017 will be awarded their five year service award at the recognition ceremony in August of 2023.

For the purpose of this program, part time positions will not be counted when determining eligibility. In the event an employee who is in a full-time benefit-eligible position leaves Missouri Baptist University and later is re employed by the University as a full time employee, prior years of service will be included in the calculation of total years of service.

Whena full time benefit eligible employee reaches one of the service milestonesas outlined above, the employee will be recognized by the President at the annual President’s Party in August of that year Service awards are listed below:

5 Years Awardee selects one of the following: Necklace Pendant, Lapel Pin or Tie Tack (each is available in yellow or white gold with either a black or a frosted background). The University requests that this initial award will be returned to the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs for each subsequent service award. The award will be modified to represent the recognition for the subsequent years of service and presented to the awardee at the annual President’s Party.

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10 Years Blue Sapphire is added in center left page of the book

15 Years Replace Blue Sapphire with a Diamond

20 Years Add Blue Sapphire to center right page of the book (keeping the Diamond in the center left page of the book)

25 Years Replace Blue Sapphire with a Diamond (Diamonds now in the center left page of the book and the center right page of the book)

30 Years Circle the rim with 16 Blue Sapphires

35 Years Replace 8 Blue Sapphires with 8 Diamonds (alternating Diamonds and Sapphires)

40 Years Replace remaining 8 Blue Sapphires with 8 Diamonds (total of 16 Diamonds)

Retirement Award

Full-time employees who retire from Missouri Baptist University will be recognized by the President at the annual President’s Party the August following their retirement and will be presented with a Custom Boston Rocking Chair. An actual retiree of the University is an employee who has completed at least ten years of service and has attained the age of 62.


Eligibility is defined as full time benefit eligible employees.

The University reserves the right to continue, extend, revise or revoke this policy at its discretion.

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Originator: Academic Affairs


Subject: Waiver of Overload Fees

Date: April 17, 2019; January 7, 2020; April 20, 2021


The purpose of this policy is to clearly define the parameters by which overload course fees are waived. The rationale for waiving overload charges is that for some majors and programs at MBU (Music Education Instrumental Certification, Music Education Vocal Certification, Honors Program), it is at times necessary for students to carry overloads of up to 21 credit hours in order to complete program requirements to allow for a timely graduation. Additionally, students in the Natural Sciences Division can elect to receive upper division elective credit in lieu of pay for service as a laboratory assistant. Due to the nature of course periodicity and the lecture/laboratory courses which carry more credit hours than the standard 3-hour course, service as a lab assistant could at times cause the student to carry a course overload. This policy clarifies conditions in which students are eligible to receive waiver of overload fees.


MUSIC: For Music Education majors who are required to enroll in small or large ensemble courses during each regular term of attendance (excluding summer), overload fees are waived up to 19, 20, and 21 credit hours for instrumental or vocal large ensemble or small ensemble courses. This excludes Theatre ensemble courses as they are not required courses for the Music Education major. If a student carries an overload during a semester in which they are NOT enrolled in ensemble courses, the overload fee applies. See definitions section below for ensemble courses which qualify for waiver of overload fee. Students enrolling in the ensemble courses who do NOT need the credit for completion of their major requirements (i.e. non Music Education majors) will not be eligible to receive waiver of overload fees. NOTE: a zero credit hour ensemble course is available for students who do not need the credit hours for their degree programs.

HONORS: Members of MBU Honors may take up to 19 credit hours, with no overload fee, any semester they are enrolled as a full time student. Any approved overload of 20 or more credit hours will incur overload charges.

SCIENCE: Students in the Natural Sciences Division may enroll in BIOL 382 384 Instructional Methods and Problems in Biology or CHEM 372 374 Instructional Methods and Problems in Chemistry to earn credit for serving as a department laboratory assistant. If enrolling in the course causes the student to carry an overload, the overload fee for up to 20 credit hours will be waived. This waiver of overload fee will apply only in semesters in which the student is enrolled in the Instructional Methods course.

BY APPEAL: Any overload scenarios not addressed above may be considered for waiver of the overload fee on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the Provost in conjunction with the Director of Financial Services. Students who wish to request that overload fees be waived for a particular course must submit a written request to the Provost, outlining the nature of the overload and rationale for why the waiver of overload fees should be applied.

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Department Course Course Type Course Name

HONR 301, 302, 303 PROJ


Honors Special Projects

Conducting and Presenting Research

HONR 323 LEC Creating and Presenting Independent Research

HONR 111 LEC Honors Seminar I

HONR 123 LEC Honors Seminar II

HONR 413 SEM Honors Senior Seminar

HONR 421 PROJ Senior Project

HONR 423 PROJ Senior Project

HONR 113 LEC The Big Ideas I

HONR 123 LEC The Big Ideas II

MUCL 111 ENS Chorale

MUCL 311 ENS Chorale

MUCL 131 ENS MBU Choral Society

MUCL 331 ENS MBU Choral Society

MUCS 171 ENS Chamber Singers

MUCS 371 ENS Chamber Singers

MUCS 161 ENS Ministry Ensemble

MUCS 361 ENS Ministry Ensemble

MUCS 151A WKSHP Opera Theatre I

MUCS 351A WKSHP Opera Theatre I

MUCS 151B WKSHP Opera Theatre II

MUCS 351B WKSHP Opera Theatre II

MUCS 121 ENS Spirit Wing

MUCS 321 ENS Spirit Wing

MUCS 131 ENS Vocal Ensemble Allusion

MUCS 331 ENS Vocal Ensemble Allusion

MUIL 131 ENS Large String Ensemble

MUIL 331 ENS Large String Ensemble

MUIL 151 ENS MBU Concert Band

MUIL 351 ENS MBU Concert Band

MUIS 351 ENS Chamber Ensemble Instrumental

MUIS 131 ENS MBU Jazz Band

MUIS 331 ENS MBU Jazz Band

MUIS 111 ENS MBU Ringers

MUIS 311 ENS MBU Ringers

MUTS 131 ENS Musical Theatre Production

MUTS 331 ENS Musical Theatre Production

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The Student Financial Services office runs a quality control report each term that identifies students who a) are main campus, b) enrolled in excess of 18 credit hours, and c) are paying more than the comprehensive rate of tuition. This list is filtered against students who are taking ensemble credits and their associated majors to identify those meeting the aforementioned “MUSIC” exception. A separate report identifies students enrolled in Honors coursework per the aforementioned “HONORS” exception. A separate report identifies students enrolled in the Instructional Methods courses as laboratory assistants, which will be shared with the assigned instructor to identify students meeting the aforementioned “SCIENCE” exception.

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Spiritual Qualities Sought in Full Time Faculty and Professional Staff Members


Originator: President Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals Date: January 1996 (Revised 2008) (Revised May 2020)

A. Background

The framing of expectations concerning the faith of another person is a sensitive and delicate undertaking. Because faith is deeply personal to be valid it must be exercised in freedom.


The primary purpose of Missouri Baptist University is "the offering of programs of study...in an environment of academic excellence from a Biblically based Christian perspective.” The fulfillment of this purpose requires full time faculty and professional staff members who exemplify deep faith in God. Therefore, it is appropriate for the University to state its minimal expectations concerning personal faith in Christ and Christian service to guide those who conduct searches for new faculty and staff and to inform prospective and current employees about University expectations in this vital area

The intent of this statement is not to force faith and/or devotion to Christ, but to help facilitate the reaching of such official University goals as: "To help each student develop a personal philosophy of life and an ethical and spiritual commitment which is based upon an awareness of alternatives and which is examined in the light of Biblical revelation."

B. Policy

Any person recommended as a continuing full-time faculty and/or professional staff member at Missouri Baptist University should be one who:

1. Actively expresses a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the Holy Bible as their role of faith and conduct;

2. Has demonstrated faithfulness in worship and in service to God through a church;

3. Exemplifies a Christian lifestyle;

4. Perform duties and teach consistent with and not contrary to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000

5. Understands and believes in the concept of Christian education and will undergird the primary purpose of Missouri Baptist University by teaching and working "from a Biblically based Christian perspective."

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Originator: Provost

Subject: Faculty Authored Textbooks

Date: April 20, 2021


This policy seeks to promote students’ best interest, remove any conflict of interest, avoid potential exploitation of students, and establish clear guidelines for the process of adopting a faculty-authored textbook for use in the classroom. Ultimately, this policy works to validate the textbook’s usage, prove its necessity, and ensure it is in the best interest of the students and University to utilize the faculty-authored textbook in class.


A faculty member can adopt a required book he or she authored only after the textbook undergoes a peer review. If the faculty authored textbook is independently published, then the process should include review by both an evangelical scholar in the same field and an academic at a secular institution of higher learning. In the event the two reviewers do not agree that the text is appropriate for adoption for classroom use, the University Provost will make the final determination. This process ensures that the textbook best meets the instructional goals for the course and lessens apparent conflict of interest

Once a textbook receives outside approval, it can be sold only through the University bookstore or a neutral third party, void of the author’s interest, investment, and influence. The faculty member is not allowed to sell the textbook directly to students or to receive commission from any published work that has not undergone the peer review process. Additionally, only textbooks published commercially are eligible for potential royalty payments; any material not published commercially is prohibited from such monetary compensation.

Finally, the textbook must be necessary and substantially beneficial to the course as well as the students’ development. Like any other material, the textbook should adhere to the University’s mission and educational goals.


Peer review consists of experts in the field reviewing submitted materials for quality, accuracy, and relevance. Reviewers approve, reject, or send back the materials for editing with recommendations for improvement. Peer review is considered the gold standard by which academic materials are reviewed.


Faculty should secure approval of the peer reviewers they have selected by the Provost office prior to proceeding with the review process. The review should be completed prior to published adoption of the text (i.e. prior to submission of textbook information to the University bookstore). Final copies of the reviewers’ evaluations should be retained on file in the Provost office.

Faculty Authored Textbooks 2.002 ppm.2 002 www.mobap.edu

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Originator: Director of Records

Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals

Subject: Records Retention Plan

Date: May 26, 1995 (Updated June, 2000; September 2010)


Missouri Baptist University originally adopted a formal records retention plan in 1995. The storage space for student records in the Records Office vault was limited and overflowing. The need for adoption of a records retention plan became critical.

Records Office personnel have recently begun to scan all student files into the FileBound program. All documents in the student files are presently being scanned. After the files are all in FileBound the Records Office personnel will begin to reduce storage space by using the Records. Retention Policy guidelines


The Records Retention Policy follows the recommendations of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (A.A.C.R.A.O.) regarding retention of records and is within federal guidelines where applicable.


Acceptance letters

Advanced placement records

Applications for admission

Correspondence, relevant

Entrance examination reports (ACT, CEEB)

Letters of recommendation

Medical records

Placement records

Readmission forms

Recruitment materials

Test scores

Transcripts - other colleges

Transcripts - high schools

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

1 year after application term

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Admissions Data/Documents for Applicants Who Do Not Enter Whether Accepted or Rejected
Representative Admission Data/Documents
Recommended Minimal Retention Period


Admissions Data/Documents for Applicants Who Enter

Representative Admissions Data/Documents

Recommended Minimal Retention Period

Acceptance letters 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Advanced placement records 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Applications for admission for readmission 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance (reentry)

Correspondence, relevant 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Entrance examination reports (ACT, CEEB) 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Letters of recommendation 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Medical records 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Placement scores 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Recruitment materials 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Residency classification forms 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Student waivers for rights of access to Until terminated See letters of recommendation


Registration and Records Data/Document

Representative Registration and Records Recommended Minimal Retention Period Data/Documents

Academic action authorizations

5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance (dismissal, etc.)

Academic records (including narrative Permanent Evaluations, competency assessments, etc.)

Advanced placement records 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Applications for graduation 1 yr. after graduation or date of last attendance

Application for admission or readmission 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance (reentry)

Audit authorizations 1 yr. after date submitted

Change of course (add/drop) 1 yr. after date submitted

Change of grade forms (Update documents) Permanent

Class lists (original grade sheets) Permanent

Class schedules (students') 1 yr. after graduation or date of last attendance

Correspondence, relevant 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Credit by examination forms 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Credit/no credit approvals 1 yr. after date submitted

Curriculum change authorizations 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Degree audit records 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Disciplinary action documents No retention plan

Fee assessment forms 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

FERPA documents No retention plan

Financial aid documents 5 yrs. after annual audit has been accepted by the Department of Education

Foreign student forms (I-20, etc.) 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Grade reports (registrar's copies) 1 yr. after date distributed

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Graduation lists


Graduation authorizations 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Hold or encumbrance authorizations Until released

Medical records 1 yr. after graduation or date of last attendance

Name change authorizations 5 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Pass/fail requests 1 yr. after graduation or date of last attendance

Personal data information forms 1 yr. after graduation or date of last attendance

Registration forms 1 yr. after date submitted

Transcript requests (student) 1 year after date submitted

Transfer credit evaluations 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Tuition and fee charges 5 years after graduation or date of last attendance

Withdraw authorizations 2 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance


Certification Data/Documents

Representative Certification Data/Documents

Recommended Minimal Retention Period

Enrollment verifications 1 yr. after verification

Financial aid assistance records 3 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance

Social security certifications 1 yr. after certification

Teacher certifications 1 yr. after certification

Veterans Administration certification 3 yrs. after graduation or date of last attendance


Publications, Statistical Data/Documents, and Institutional Reports

Representative Data/Documents

Recommended Minimal Retention Period

Catalogs Permanent Commencement Program Permanent Degree statistics Permanent Enrollment statistics Permanent

Grade statistics Permanent Racial/ethnic statistics Permanent Schedule of classes (institutional) Permanent


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Data/Documents

Representative FERPA Data/Documents

Requests for formal hearings

Recommended Minimal Retention Period

Life of affected record

Requests and disclosures of personally Life of affected record

Identifiable info.

Student requests for nondisclosure of 1 yr. after date submitted if so indicated in the Directory information institution's policy statement

Student statements on content of records Life of affected record regarding hearing panel decisions

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Student's written consent for records Until terminated by the student or life of affected disclosure record

Waivers for rights of access Until terminated by the student or life of affected record

Written decisions of hearing panel Life of affected record

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Originator: Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals

Subject: Excel on Campus (E.O.C.)

Date: Fall, 1996 (updated September 2010)


Missouri Baptist University will allow high school students who are registered in EXCEL courses at their high school sites to take courses on campus at a cost lower than the normal per credit hour cost and higher than the EXCEL per credit hour fee. The cost per credit hour will be determined each year according to the University’s budgeting cycle.

Students not participating in the EXCEL program at their high school may earn University credit through EOC but only with written permission from their high school and from their parents.


1. The student’s high school or school district must be participating in EXCEL.

2. Students may take only classes not offered at their high school. Exceptions will be made in extremely unusual circumstances and only with a recommendation in writing from the high school counselor.

3. Students must submit a completed application form for “non-degree seeking” students – the same form used by the Office of Admissions. Students may apply in the EXCEL office on main campus.

4. All participating students must be at least 16 years of age on or before the first day a class meets.

5. Participating students must carry a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 before registering for the program.

6. Students in the program will pay the regular EOC cost per credit hour, plus a technology fee.

7. The regular admissions application fee is waived for EOC students who attend EXCEL schools.

8. Students in the EOC program must obtain a student ID.

9. Students in the EOC program may not take more than 6 credit hours during one semester.

10. Only classes numbered as 100 or 200 series are acceptable for EOC students to take for University credit. Fine arts lessons, ensembles, and other courses required for fine arts

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majors are not available through the EOC program.

11. Students attending classes through EOC will be graded according to the same grading policies applied to regular students.

12. Degree-seeking students take precedence over EOC students when maintaining desired class size.

13. Students who are going to be juniors or seniors during the coming fall semester may participate in approved classes during the summer sessions at the suggested EOC cost per credit hour.

14. Students graduating from high school in the spring and wishing to take summer classes must pay the normal University credit hour fee. These students are considered degreeseeking students.

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Home School on Campus 2.008


Originator: Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals

Subject: Home School on Campus (HSOC)

Date: September 2010


Missouri Baptist University will allow home school students to take courses on campus at a cost lower than the normal per credit hour cost. The cost per credit hour will be determined each year according to the University’s budgeting cycle.

The program is designed to allow students to earn a limited number of college credit hours while simultaneously completing their high school requirements.


1. All participating students must be at least 16 years of age before, or on the first day that a class meets.

2. Those students who are going to be juniors or seniors during the coming fall may participate in approved classes during the summer sessions at the suggested HSOC cost per credit hour.

3. Students must submit an application for admission, pay the current application fee, and provide a current high school transcript for consideration. Students must provide an ACT or SAT score for classes in which those tests are used as a prerequisite.

3. Participating students must carry a G.P.A. of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 or a B average.

4. Only classes numbered as 100 or 200 series are acceptable for HSOC students to take for University credit. Fine arts lessons, ensembles, and other courses required for fine arts majors are not available through the HSOC program.

5. Students attending classes thru HSOC will be graded as regular students.

6. Degree-seeking students take precedence over HSOC students when maintaining desired class size.

7. HSOC students may not take more than 6 credit hours during one summer. An exception may be granted for science courses with labs that make the student’s cumulative total 7 hours. However, students will under no circumstances be allowed to take more than two lecture classes per semester.

8. High school students graduating in the spring and wishing to take summer classes must pay the normal University credit hourly fee. These students are considered freshmen and are officially degree-seeking students. They must subsequently take collegiate seminar in the fall semester.

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Originator: Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Travel Study/Study Abroad

Date: 2/97, 10/10, 1/12 (Updated December 9, 2014)


The purpose of Travel Studies/Study Abroad at Missouri Baptist University is to provide programs for undergraduate and graduate students to experience international, interracial and intercultural world views. The curriculum should design cross-cultural experiences to enable students to test and explore their ideas and abilities.


To fulfill its mission, Missouri Baptist University encourages its instructors and students to meet the responsibility of producing informed students who grow in an understanding of themselves and others, and to use this understanding in a manner consistent with being a Christian world citizen. For experiences which help accomplish this, activities or classes may take students away from the campus. Certain policies and procedures must be in effect to establish the University's position in such involvement.


For purposes of this policy, participants include MBU students and anyone else, who, though not normally affiliated with Missouri Baptist University, chooses to participate in the Program Activities. Any student or community member who takes part in activities away from campus does so as a voluntary act and at their own risk. (Anyone receiving academic credit or payment of any kind, or who can be construed as representing, or being associated with Missouri Baptist University on any level is expected to abide by the same behavioral and moral guidelines off campus as would be expected on campus)


Missouri Baptist University encourages as many of its students as possible to plan for such experiences. The credit courses should be submitted to the travel study/study abroad committee for approval. The development of service learning programs should be submitted to, and recommended by, the travel study committee and approved by the relevant division chair and the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs as needed.

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1. Each class or service program must have administrative or faculty sponsorship. At least one faculty, staff person, or adult nonstudent for each 20 students will accompany each group/team/class.

2. The sponsorship will develop sponsor/student stipulations for participation in their team/class.

3. The sponsorship will process an application and/or screening process according to the stipulations.

4. Each participant is responsible for the costs associated with his/her travel, insurance and personal expenses.

5. The sponsorship will coordinate with the business office for the accounting of participant's payments. A separate account is established for these programs. Deadlines will be set by the sponsor(s).

6. Sponsorship is responsible for scheduling payments to agents, consultants, airlines, etc., with payment through the Business Office. Printouts of balances need to be made available to the sponsors biweekly or monthly. Sponsors should keep records/receipts as well.

7. Participants are responsible for any immunizations that may be required for entrance to the specific country by the university or the affiliate organization.

8. If information regarding the location of the U.S. Embassy and emergency evacuation procedures is not provided to the participants by the coordinating agency, then the Office of Public Safety will provide each participant and faculty/staff sponsor with a detailed handout containing this information.

9. The sponsorship must provide the Office of Public Safety prior to departure, the name(s) of the individual(s) participating, the medical insurance carrier and policy numbers, photocopies of each participant’s passport with valid visa, itinerary, flight numbers, location(s) of stay, and travel policy numbers including repatriation and medical evacuation. Upon the participants return to the U.S. all documents will be purged from Filebound.

10. It is recommended that at least one parent or guardian of a student traveling on a mission trip outside of the U.S. should obtain a passport to allow for emergencies, which would require travel outside of the U.S. to assist their student.

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11. If assistance is not provided by the coordinating agency, participants will be responsible to obtain their own visa to the destination country(ies). Participants shall be made aware that depending on travel arrangements, a multiple entry visa and/or multiple visas may be required. For example, if a person travels to a country X which requires a Visa, then exits to visit country Y, he or she must then have a multiple entry visa to return to country X.

12. Participants shall be made aware of the conduct expectations as identified in the Student Conduct Code.

13. Participants and sponsors will meet a minimum of three hours for information/orientation sessions prior to travel.

14. Students must officially register for the course for which they plan to receive credit at least two weeks before the departure date of the trip.

15. Participation is voluntary; students will be permitted to make up work missed in class as a result of such a trip only if permission is granted by relevant faculty prior to the event

16. An evaluation of study/service (will) be developed, and then followed before, during and after each experience for assessing and improving offerings. Faculty/Staff sponsorship is responsible for ensuring all students complete the Institutional Responsibilities Sign-off sheet, which can be obtained from the Travel Studies folder on the K drive. The completed form should be submitted to the Faculty/Staff Sponsorship at least two weeks before departure. This form will then be submitted to the office of Public Safety for scanning into Filebound.

17. Participants who separate themselves from the main body of the group for any amount of (time) during the trip must have a permission form on file to do so.

18. Participants who intend to travel after the official end date of their program must notify the Faculty/Staff Sponsorship in writing. Participants who choose to remain in the final destination city or travel on their own following their program will do so at their own risk.

19. All participants in Study Abroad, Travel Study or a Mission Trip must sign the appropriate MBU Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement.

20. Participants are required to purchase travel insurance, including emergency medical, medical evacuation and repatriation coverage, if not offered through the program provider. Participant understands that such insurance is limited and may

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not cover Participant for all medical expenses. It is required that Participant have or obtain health insurance covering any and all medical expenses that Participant may incur while involved in and/or participating in the Program Activities, including, but not limited to, hospitalization expenses. Each participant will be asked to provide the name of their insurance carrier, along with the number and date of expiration of the policy under which they are insured.

21. Missouri Baptist University complies with the U.S. Clery Act. Faculty/staff sponsors will be notified of information required by the U.S. Clery Act, and Public Safety will act on information as required in the Act.


Missouri Baptist University encourages as many of its students as possible to plan for such experiences. The programs should be submitted to the travel study/study abroad committee who will, upon acceptance, recommend them to the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.


1. Each program must have accredited courses granted by Missouri Baptist University or program affiliate.

2. Students must meet with the Director of Study Abroad to determine eligibility.

3. Students must complete and return the checklist, all applications and deposits in a timely manner according to the schedule of a chosen program.

4. Students studying abroad or away on approved programs must settle their accounts to be eligible. Students on academic or disciplinary probation are not eligible.

5. An overall minimum GPA of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0 is required to study abroad for all programs including short-term and summer. Individual programs have their own criteria and may require higher GPAs. A student must be in good disciplinary standing with the Dean of Students at the time of application and participation.

6. Each student is responsible for the costs associated with his/her travel, insurance and personal expenses.

7. Payment must be made to the appropriate entity based on the schedule of the chosen program.

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8. Students are responsible for acquiring passports. While some programs provide visas as needed, where this service is not available, students are responsible for acquiring visas as stipulated by the program guidelines.

9. It is recommended that at least one parent or guardian of a student traveling on a mission trip outside of the U.S. should obtain a passport to allow for emergencies, which would require travel outside of the U.S. to assist their student.

10. Students shall be made aware that depending on travel arrangements, a multiple entry visa and/or multiple visas may be required. For example, if a person travels to country X which requires a Visa, then exits to visit country Y, he or she must then have a multiple entry visa to return to country X.

11. Students are responsible for any immunizations that may be required for entrance to a program country.

12. Students are responsible for dropping any classes at MBU for the semester abroad. This includes arrangements for any on campus housing and/or meal plans.

13. Missouri Baptist University students must select a study abroad program from the list of approved programs. The approved list includes over 28 different study abroad programs in 17 countries.

14. Students shall be made aware of the conduct expectations as identified in the Student Conduct Code. As a participant in an MBU-approved study abroad program, each student is a representative of Missouri Baptist University and the United States, and should comport himself or herself in a manner that reflects favorably on all. In addition to regular classes, the program may include planned lectures and field trips germane to the educational experience. All students are expected to participate willingly in such activities in addition to attending the regular classes. Missouri Baptist University gives discretion to the sponsoring institution to discipline a student or dismiss him or her from the program for behavior detrimental to the program and the student. A dismissed student will receive no refund and may receive no credit.

15. Students will provide the Office of Study Abroad (OSA) with emergency contact information along with any prescription medications taken regularly.

16. The Office of Study Abroad must provide the Office of Public Safety prior to departure, the name(s) of the individual(s) participating, the medical insurance carrier and policy numbers, photocopies of each participant’s passport with valid

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visa, itinerary, flight numbers, location(s) of stay, and travel policy numbers including repatriation and medical evacuation. Upon return to the U.S. all documents will be purged from Filebound.

17. Participants in Study Abroad must complete the MBU Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement and return it to the OSA the semester prior to departure.

18. The Student is responsible for completing the Institutional Responsibilities Signoff sheet, which can be obtained from the Travel Studies folder on the K drive. The completed form should be submitted to the Office of Study Abroad at least two weeks before departure. This form will then be submitted to the office of Public Safety for scanning into Filebound.

19. If information regarding the location of the U.S. Embassy and emergency evacuation procedures is not provided to the students by the coordinating agency or study abroad provider, then the Office of Public Safety will provide each student with a detailed handout containing this information.

20. Students who intend to travel after the official end date of their program must notify the OSA in writing. Students who choose to remain in the final destination city or travel on their own following their program will do so at their own risk.

21. Participants are required to purchase travel insurance, including emergency medical, medical evacuation and repatriation coverage, if not offered through the program provider. Participant understands that such insurance is limited and may not cover Participant for all medical expenses. It is required that Participant have or obtain health insurance covering any and all medical expenses that Participant may incur while involved in and/or participating in the Program Activities, including, but not limited to, hospitalization expenses. Each participant will be asked to provide the name of their insurance carrier, along with the number and date of expiration of the policy under which they are insured.

22. A re-entry debriefing with the OSA is required upon completion of the program. Students will serve as Study Abroad Ambassadors upon completion of a program and assist in the promotion of Study Abroad on the main campus or satellite campuses as appropriate.

23. Missouri Baptist University complies with the U.S. Clery Act. Faculty/staff sponsors will be notified of information required by the U.S. Clery Act, and Public Safety will act on information as required in the Act.

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Missouri Baptist University encourages as many of its students as possible to plan for such experiences. Participants should be made aware of all mission trip requirements by the Campus Ministries department. The participant’s trip application will be submitted to the office of Campus Ministries who will, upon acceptance, contact the participant for further trip obligations.


1. Participants must meet with the Campus Minister to determine eligibility.

2. Participants must complete and return all applications and non-refundable deposits by the deadline given by the Campus Minister.

3. Participants must attend all preparatory meetings for the mission trip chosen.

4. Participants will be responsible for paying for the full cost of the trip by whatever means possible i.e. support letters, fundraisers, and/or personal finances. The Campus Ministries office will aide in giving a sample support letter and fundraisers.

5. Participants must understand Missouri Baptist University is not responsible for any cost of the participating participant’s mission trip for any reason.

6. Each participant is responsible for the costs associated with his/her travel, insurance, personal expenses, and added suggested items to bring for the mission trip.

7. Participants are responsible for any immunizations that may be required for entrance to the specific country by the university or the affiliate organization.

8. Payment must be made to the appropriate entity based on the payment schedule of the chosen mission trip.

9. Participants are responsible for acquiring passports, even if expedited.

10. It is recommended that at least one parent or guardian of a student traveling on a mission trip outside of the U.S. should obtain a passport to allow for emergencies, which would require travel outside of the U.S. to assist their student.

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11. If assistance is not provided by the coordinating agency, participants will be responsible to obtain their own visa to the destination country(ies). Participants shall be made aware that depending on travel arrangements, a multiple entry visa and/or multiple visas may be required. For example, if a person travels to country X which requires a Visa, then exits to visit country Y, he or she must then have a multiple entry visa to return to country X.

12. Participants shall be made aware of the conduct expectations as identified in the Student Conduct Code. As a participant in an MBU-approved mission trip, each person is a representative of Missouri Baptist University and the United States, and should comport himself or herself in a manner that reflects a Christ-like example.

13. Participants will provide the Campus Ministries office with emergency contact information along with any prescription medications taken regularly.

14. Faculty/Staff sponsorship is responsible for ensuring all students complete the Institutional Responsibilities Sign-off sheet, which can be obtained from the Travel Studies folder on the K drive. The completed form should be submitted to the student’s Financial Services counselor at least two weeks before departure.

15. If the student desires class credit, he or she must be registered for HUMT 153 at least two weeks prior to travel.

16. The sponsorship must provide the Senior VP for Student Development and the Office of Public Safety, prior to departure, the names of individuals participating, the medical insurance carrier and policy numbers, travel policy numbers, photocopies of each participant’s passport with valid visa (if applicable), airline itinerary including flight numbers, in country schedule, and emergency contact information.

17. Participants who intend to travel after the official end date of their program must notify the Faculty/Staff Sponsorship in writing. Participants who choose to remain in the final destination city or travel on their own following their program will do so at their own risk.

20. Missouri Baptist University complies with the U.S. Clery Act. Faculty/staff sponsors will be notified of information required by the U.S. Clery Act, and Public Safety will act on information as required in the Act.

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21. All participants in Study Abroad, Travel Study or a Mission Trip must sign the appropriate MBU Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement.

22. Participants are required to purchase travel insurance, including emergency medical, medical evacuation and repatriation coverage, if not offered through the program provider. Participant understands that such insurance is limited and may not cover Participant for all medical expenses. It is required that Participant have or obtain health insurance covering any and all medical expenses that Participant may incur while involved in and/or participating in the Program Activities, including, but not limited to, hospitalization expenses. Each participant will be asked to provide the name of their insurance carrier, along with the number and date of expiration of the policy under which they are insured.

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CIC Tuition Exchange Program 2.010


Originator: Director of Financial Services

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Council of Independent Colleges Tuition Exchange Program

Date: June 11, 2001 (updated Sept. 2010)


The CIC-TEP consists of a network of CIC colleges and universities willing to accept tuition-free students from families of full-time employees of other CIC institutions (full time as designated by the employer/institution). A student is defined as a dependent (equivalent to the IRS definition of a dependent), spouse or the full time employee. Specifically, each participating institution in the Network agrees to accept (import) a limited number of students from other colleges on the same admission basis as they accept all other students, without regard to the number of students it exports. Students are responsible for all non-tuition charges-board, fees and room -at the institution in which they enroll (host institution). Since there are no limitations on the total number of exports, this program is designed to be utilized by any full-time employee at the participating institution. This is both nondiscriminatory and in compliance with IRS Regulations.


Student Applications

1. Applicants must be admissible at Missouri Baptist University in accordance with regular institutional admission standards and must comply with all host institution financial aid policies and procedures. Applicants must also meet good academic standing and satisfy progress regulations.

Responsibilities of Missouri Baptist University (importing) Institution

1. Missouri Baptist University is required to import up to three new CIC-TEP students each year. This allows for a maximum of 12 students over a four-year period (assuming no attrition). However, since many institutions belong to more than one exchange program, the "holding" of these three CIC-TEP openings may result in losing a student from another exchange program. Therefore, if three CIC-TEP acceptable applications are not submitted to a host institution by April 1 of the preceding year, schools may opt to accept students from another exchange program in lieu of the yearly requirement of three.

2. Missouri Baptist University's commitment to each student is limited to full tuition remission, less any duplicative state scholarships or other types of financial aid. Students are responsible for all other expenses, such as room and board. (The institution may not grant a partial tuition write-off.)

3. Part-time and study-abroad students are ineligible for the CIC Tuition Exchange Program.

4. Missouri Baptist University will accept (import) graduate students (full and part-time) providing the exporting institution will accept graduate student imports (full and part-time) from Missouri Baptist University.

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Limitations on Exporting Institutions

1. No limit is placed on the total number of students each institution exports.

2. CIC-TEP benefits are automatically terminated at the end of the current term if the qualifying employee drops below full-time employment at the exporting institution.


Institutional Registration

1. To register for the CIC-TEP, participating institutions must be members of the Council of Independent Colleges and must have paid their annual membership dues.

2. Participating institutions must register annually for the CIC-TEP network and pay an annual registration fee. They must be registered (by June 30) during the year preceding any year they import or export students and must register and pay the registration fee during each year that they participate.

3. Each participating institution must appoint a CIC-TEP Liaison Officer who approves that institution's export applicants as eligible for CIC-TEP benefits and who contracts applicants from other institutions regarding their acceptance to the Program at the host institution.

Student Application

1. Each student applies directly for normal admission to the institution(s) of his/her choice in accordance with the institution's procedures, submitting all required financial aid information.

2. Student applicants are required to submit all financial aid awards to the host institution. Students are required to abide by all financial aid policies established by the host institution.

3. In addition, student applicants must request that the Liaison Officer at the exporting institution complete the Tuition Exchange Program Participation form and direct it to the Liaison Officer at the host institution for determination of acceptance to the CIC-TEP.

4. The admissions office of the host institution is responsible for informing the student of her/his acceptance to attend the institution.

5. The Liaison Officer at the host institution is responsible for informing the student of his/her acceptance to the CIC-TEP.

Student Continuation

1. Continued participation by a student in the CIC-TEP is determined on the same basis as all other students at the host institution.

2. Continued eligibility for participation is determined by the annual filing of the CIC-TEP Participation Form by the exporting institution's Liaison Officer. Students in good standing are automatically eligible for up to three years of annual renewal of tuition remission for undergraduate study (for a total benefit of 4 years). Graduate students are automatically eligible for up to one year of annual renewal (for a total benefit of 2 years).

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CIC Tuition Exchange Program

Performance Evaluations for Full-Time Faculty 2.013


Originator: Provost Subject: Performance Evaluations for Full-Time Faculty

Date: March 25, 2013, 4/14/16 update


This policy shall apply to all full-time faculty. Each Division Chair shall be responsible for conducting an annual evaluation using the Faculty Evaluation Instrument, the Faculty Activity Summary Report (FASR), and completed student evaluations. First year faculty members will also be evaluated by the Provost. The Faculty Evaluation Instrument can be found on the pages following this policy. The Faculty Activity Summary Report (FASR) can be found under the faculty resources on the MBU website.


Annual performance evaluation of individual full-time faculty members will take place each December or the following January. Evaluations will normally be made by the Division Chair and will be presented in written form as well as through personal consultation with the faculty member being evaluated. The faculty member will receive a copy of the written review.

At the request of either the faculty member or the Division Chair, the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will participate in the personal consultation with the faculty member.

Full-time faculty members in their first year of employment will be evaluated in a personal consultation involving both their Division Chair and the Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Based on the Division Chair’s recommendation and concurrence of the Provost, the faculty member will be recommended for reappointment and presented to the Trustees for approval at the annual February Board of Trustees meeting.


Purposes of the Performance Evaluation:

The purpose of a performance evaluation is to improve the quality of instruction and service to the University and to the community. 

To enable the faculty member to recognize her/his role in serving the students, staff, and community.

To assist the faculty member in achieving the established goals of the division and of the curriculum.

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Performance Evaluations for Full-Time Faculty 2.013

To help the faculty member identify her/his strengths and weaknesses in order to improve performance. 

To serve as a guide for renewed employment, promotion, assignment, or termination.

To recognize the faculty member’s special talents and contributions to the University. 

Standards Used to Determine the Performance Evaluation:

The performance indicators will be judged using the following scale:

Exceeds Expectations (1): One is the highest evaluation that can be received. It represents exemplary skills, efforts, accomplishments, etc. that go above and beyond the high expectations of the University. The employee and/or supervisor must be able to support this mark.

Meets MBU’s High Expectations (2): Two is the expected standard set by the University and means that the employee has met the University’s high expectations.

Somewhat Below Expectations (3): Three is somewhat below the expected standards of the University. This means that the employee has not quite met the University expectations.

Below Expectations (4): Four is the lowest score. It means that the employee has not met University expectations at a satisfactory level.

Missouri Baptist University sets high standards for its employees; therefore, it should be noted that receiving a score of two (2) IS a high expectation and the mark that will be received for most performance indicators.

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Missouri Baptist University Faculty Evaluation

Instructor Name: Division: Rank: Missouri Baptist University sets high standards for its employees; therefore, it should be noted that receiving a score of two (2) IS a high expectation and the mark that will be received for most performance indicators.

(Numbers in parentheses refer to the specific responsibilities listed on the faculty position description.)

Instruction Standards:

(1) Exceeds Expectations, (2) Meets MBU’s High Expectations, (3) Somewhat Below Expectations, (4) Below Expectations

Please place a number in the “Faculty” column.

The teacher plans and organizes lesson plans (1) Sets definite goals and demonstrates the ability to evaluate student learning outcomes (6,7) Demonstrates knowledge of subject (1) Follows approved course syllabus (1) Demonstrates a variety of teaching strategies/methods (6) Demonstrates critical thinking in developing lessons (13) Stimulates learning through innovative activities (6) Displays knowledge of and enthusiasm for subject (6) Provides students with specific feedback (6, 8) Uses instructional time effectively (6)

The teacher demonstrates appropriate implementation of instructional technology (14) Is intentional about integrating faith and learning consistent with the mission of the University (12)

Communication Standards:

(1) Exceeds Expectations, (2) Meets MBU’s High Expectations, (3) Somewhat Below Expectations, (4) Below Expectations

Please place a number in the “Faculty” column.

Demonstrates the ability and desire to communicate with students, including advising (4, 9) Demonstrates the ability and desire to communicate with colleagues and other personnel (12) Gives clear explanations of course expectations (9)

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Faculty Supervisor

Faculty Supervisor

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Professional Qualities


(1) Exceeds Expectations, (2) Meets MBU’s High Expectations, (3) Somewhat Below Expectations, (4) Below Expectations

Please place a number in the “Faculty” column.

Recognizes and accepts out of class responsibilities (10, 20)

Participates and promotes growth and function of programs within the Division and the University (3, 17)

Participates in University sponsored activities (18)

Participates in his/her church services and activities (12)

Contributes time and talent to complete University and/or Division required tasks, i.e. accreditation, team visits, planning sessions (10, 19)

Cooperates effectively and pleasantly with colleagues, administration, and support staff (12)

Participates in conferences, workshops, meetings and other scholarly pursuits (15)

Demonstrates University expected values, behavior, and character (2, 5, 11, 12, 16)

Demonstrates appropriate dress, speech, conversation, and demeanor (12)

Submits reports and other University documents in a timely manner (21)

Please comment below or use additional pages as needed.

Supervisor Comments:

Faculty Comments:

Supervisor Signature Date

Faculty Signature Date

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Faculty Supervisor

Performance Evaluations for Full-Time Faculty 2.013


Based upon the annual review process which includes a personnel interview, a faculty activity summary, and student evaluations of classes, I recommend that . be re-appointed as full-time faculty with the rank for the Academic School year.


Chair of Division

Executive Dean of Graduate Studies

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Provost / Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs President


Originator: Provost Subject: Intellectual Property Date: July 27, 2015


This Policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, and non-employees (i.e., visiting faculty, adjunct faculty, etc.) who participate in research projects at Missouri Baptist University. As the primary endeavor of the University is education, the University supports its faculty, staff and students in the expansion of knowledge through research, study, and publication. The University has established this Intellectual Property Policy (“Policy”) for the purposes of:

Promoting, preserving, and encouraging investigation and research by members of the MBU community;

Establishing standards for determining the rights and obligations of the University and creators of intellectual property with respect to works created at the University;

Ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


University Ownership of Intellectual Property

Except as otherwise noted herein, intellectual property shall be owned by the University if:

Significant University resources were used in its development or creation; or

The author or developer has been specifically commissioned by the University in writing to create the work; or

The production of the materials is a specific responsibility of the position for which the employee is hired; or

The material is developed as a sponsored work, created pursuant to an internal or external grant.

A written commission may or may not involve direct compensation, and may or may not be included as part of the employee’s normal workload. The scope of work for some pieces may be minimal and included as an additional duty as assigned within an employee’s normal workload. Other pieces may warrant extra compensation, release time from normal responsibilities or a leave of absence/sabbatical. If the work is not to receive special compensation, release time or absence, an e-mail between the author/developer and their immediate supervisor documenting the assignment is sufficient. If extra compensation is involved a Special Projects contract should be processed and approved prior to the start of the work.

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Intellectual Property 2.015

Additional Clarifications to the General Statement of University Ownership:

Intellectual property rights in institutional works belong to the University. Institutional works are works made for hire in the course and scope of employment by employees or by any person with the use of university resources, unless the resources were available to the public without charge or the creator had paid the requisite fee to utilize the resources. A course outline, for example, is an institutional work.

Intellectual property rights in scholarly works belong to the faculty member (or student) who created the work, unless they are specifically commissioned by the University, and/or an agreement provides otherwise. Scholarly works are creations that reflect research, creativity, and/or academic effort. Scholarly works include course syllabi, instructional materials (such as textbooks and course materials), distance learning works, journal articles, research bulletins, lectures, plays, poems, literary works, works of art, computer software/programs, electronic works, sound recordings, musical compositions, etc.

Intellectual property rights in personal works belong to the creator of the work. A personal work is a work created by an employee or student outside his or her scope of employment and without the use of university resources other than resources that are available to the public or resources for which the creator has paid the requisite fee to utilize.

As a general rule, students will retain copyright in papers, theses and dissertations written as a student to earn credit in University courses, or otherwise satisfy University degree requirements. However, this exception does not apply in the event that a student is a University employee and copyrightable work is created in the course of that employment.

Interpretation & Administration

Upon the request of the author or developer (or a personal representative of the author or developer), the Division Chair/Dean unit is responsible for the initial interpretation and decision regarding the application of this Policy. No interpretation or application of this Policy shall serve as a precedent in later cases, unless it has been approved by the President.

Licensing or sale of University-owned intellectual property for external use shall be preceded by written agreement between the University and author or developer, specifying the conditions of use, and including provisions protecting the right of the author or developer, to revise materials periodically, or to withdraw them from use in the event revision is not made.

The following Acceptable and Responsible Use Policy applies to the use of all University owned computing resources:

Respect copyrights, intellectual-property rights, and ownership of files. Unauthorized copying of files belonging to others or to the University may constitute plagiarism or theft. Accessing or modifying files without authorization (including altering information, introducing viruses or Trojan horses, or damaging files) is unethical, may be illegal, and may lead to sanctions.

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Originator: Director of Athletics

Subject: Athletic Department Drug Policy and Testing Program

Date: Revised 17-September-2010


Missouri Baptist University (MBU) recognizes that in the highly competitive world of college athletics the pressure to succeed is tremendous. As a result, the temptation to use performance enhancing drugs and other controlled substances is ever-present. The use of drugs creates a very real danger to the health of the student-athlete. Furthermore, the intense pressure to succeed often results in the exploitation of student-athletes who may be pressured by others to take drugs in order to enhance their athletic performance. Missouri Baptist University believes that a comprehensive drug education and testing program is an essential step in protecting the student-athlete from the harmful effects of drug use and from potential exploitation by others.

All student-athletes must abide by the rules and regulations of the drug policy and testing program. This policy is a contract between Missouri Baptist University or Missouri Baptist University Department of Athletics and the student-athlete. Signed consent and notification forms by the student-athlete will be considered affirmation to the student-athletes’ agreement to the terms and conditions contained in the policy and procedures and will be legal contractual obligations of the student-athlete.

The Missouri Baptist University Department of Athletics Drug Policy and Testing Program is the sole property of Missouri Baptist University and are separate and distinct from NCAA/NAIA policies, rules, and sanctions. This policy may be amended at any time without prior notice to the student-athlete. After the policy has been amended the Missouri Baptist University Athletics’ staff, coaches, and student-athletes will be notified of the change.


The primary intent of the Drug Policy and Drug Testing Program at Missouri Baptist University is the well-being of the student-athlete. The goal of this program is to promote a drug-free environment for the intercollegiate athletic program. Its purposes are to prevent an unfair competitive edge by those who abuse certain chemical substances, to protect the health and safety of all competitors, to contribute to the education of student-athletes and the public, and to maintain appropriate standards of behavior and integrity within intercollegiate sports.


Education and counseling are the cornerstones of the program. These program components are designed to alert student-athletes and other students associated with the Missouri Baptist University athletic program, such as student managers, and student athletic trainers to the potential harm from substance abuse. Consequently, all student-athletes are required by the NAIA and Missouri Baptist University standards to complete a Health & Wellness and/or a Substance Abuse class their first semester on campus. An exception may be granted by the

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Director of Athletics if there is a scheduling problem, but the student will need to enroll the next subsequent semester course.


Missouri Baptist University will employ reasonable drug testing procedures in order to accomplish the following goals:

1. Educate student-athletes concerning the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs, alcohol, energy drinks, and chewing tobacco.

2. Identify student-athletes who have drug, alcohol, or chewing tobacco use/abuse problems.

3. Afford student-athletes a reasonable means to avoid drugs, alcohol, and chewing tobacco.

4. Ensure overall compliance with the Missouri Baptist University policies on illegal or harmful drugs.

5. To deter student-athletes from using/abusing drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.


The Missouri Baptist University Athletic Training Staff is the chief administrator of the drug testing program. Specimen collection will be performed by the Athletic Staff, who have received collection training. In order to safeguard reliability and accuracy of results, the drug testing analysis will be conducted by a SAMHSA certified or WADA accredited laboratory that is experienced in the drug testing of student-athletes.


1. Before implementation of the drug policy program, student-athletes and coaches will be notified in writing of the Missouri Baptist University Department of Athletics Drug Policy and Testing Program.

2. Prospective student-athletes will be informed of the Missouri Baptist University Department of Athletics Drug Policy and Testing Program as part of the recruitment process. Missouri Baptist University student-athletes must abide by its drug policy and program.

3. The drug policy and program will be provided to each student-athlete and all members of the coaching staff at the beginning of each academic year.

4. Each student-athlete shall be required to sign the Consent to Perform Urinalysis for Drug Testing Form (see Appendix B, found in the student-athlete handbook) stating that he or she has read the policy statement and understands its ramifications and has agreed to participate in the program prior to athletic participation.

5. Student-athletes will be informed that failure or refusal to sign the consent forms will result in the prohibition of that student-athlete from participation in the athletic programs at Missouri Baptist University and a loss of all athletic scholarships.

6. The student-athlete may be notified by an athletic trainer (by direct phone call or inperson) at any time prior to but not more than 24 hours before they have been selected to complete a drug test. Once notified, the student-athlete will complete the Student-Athlete Notification Form (see Appendix C, found in the student-athlete

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handbook). Once verbal notification has been made, the student-athlete must provide a valid urine specimen within 24 hours of the time of notification.


Missouri Baptist University will protect the identity of any student-athlete who: admits to using drugs and/or alcohol, is selected for random drug testing, found positive for drug and/or alcohol use through testing, or is discovered to be using drugs and/or alcohol. Test results shall be kept in confidential files separate from a student-athlete’s permanent educational records. All information and records under the Department of Athletics policy, including test results, will remain confidential to the extent permitted by law and will be released only to the following people:

1. Head Athletic Trainer and/or Staff Athletic Trainer(s)

2. Director of Athletics

3. Team Physician(s)

4. Dean of Students

5. Head Coach

6. Student-Athlete

Improper disclosure of test results by any Missouri Baptist University official may be grounds for disciplinary action.


All substances, as specified in the NCAA Banned Drug Class List (see Appendix D, found in the student-athlete handbook) may be tested. Additionally, MBU holds the right to test for drugs not listed on the NCAA Banned Drug Class List and at different cut-off levels, as well as substances which are not prescribed by a physician or are prescribed by a physician for unauthorized use by the manufacturer of the drug. Refer to NCAA website (http://www.ncaa.org/health-safety) and Dietary Supplement Resource Exchange Center (REC) website (www.drugfreesport.com/rec) for educational resources on banned substances and supplements.


Notice to student-athletes: Dietary Supplements are not currently regulated by the FDA and thus, the ingredients listed on the label may not be comprehensive. A potential exists that a supplement may contain a substance unbeknownst to the consumer which could result in a positive drug test. Therefore, MBU strongly urges student-athletes to be discretionary in their use of these products.


Testing procedures will occur in these manners:

1. RANDOM – The student-athlete may be selected at any time throughout the academic year. Missouri Baptist University reserves the right to perform drug testing on an individual and/or an entire team at any given time.

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– Any student-athlete may be required to be drug tested if an administrator, manager, director, or athletic staff member, having an opportunity to observe the student-athlete’s behavior, physical conditioning or performance, concludes that there is reasonable cause to suspect drug/alcohol use. Before requiring testing procedures under such circumstances, the individual will consult with the Director of Athletics and the Head Athletic Trainer and complete the Reasonable Suspicion Reporting Form (see Appendix E, found in the student-athlete handbook). Reasonable suspicion may include, without limitation, 1) observed possession or use of substances appearing to be prohibited drugs, 2) arrest or conviction for a criminal offense related to the possession or transfer of prohibited drugs or substances, or 3) observed abnormal appearance, conduct or behavior reasonably interpretable as being caused by the use of prohibited drugs or substances. Among the indicators which may be used in evaluating a studentathlete’s abnormal conduct or performance are but are not limited to: class attendance, significant GPA changes, athletic practice attendance, increased injury rate or illness, physical appearance changes, academic/athletic motivational level, emotional condition, mood changes, and illegal involvement.


Student-athletes, may advise any Coach, Director of Athletics, or Athletic Training Staff that he or she has a drug/alcohol use problem without fear of jeopardizing his/her athletic eligibility or athletic scholarship if the following conditions are met:

1. Disclosure is full, complete, and made freely.

2. The disclosure is not made in an effort to avoid an impending drug screen. In other words, Safe Harbor may not be taken once notified of selection for drug test.

3. He or she agrees voluntarily to submit to and complete a drug counseling and rehabilitation program approved by the Head Athletic Trainer.

4. He or she agrees to voluntarily suspend all athletic participation for a 30-day period.

Safe Harbor will have a 30-day time limit. After the 30 day period the student-athlete may no longer stay in Safe Harbor. The student-athlete must then submit a negative drug test after the 30-day Safe Harbor period. A student-athlete will only be allowed to use Safe Harbor one time for the duration of their time at Missouri Baptist University.


Collections will be done under direct observation in order to assure the integrity of the specimen. Refer to Urine Specimen Collection Procedures (see Appendix F, found in the student-athlete handbook).


The laboratory performing the drug test analysis will communicate the results of the testing to the Athletic Training Staff or their designee via secure web access. If a positive result occurs, the Head Athletic Trainer and/or athletic training staff then notifies the Director of Athletics, Team Physician(s), the Dean of Students, the Head Coach, and the student-athlete as specified in Section D under Confidentiality. If a negative test result occurs, no further communication is made.

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The laboratory will first test the A vial. If the A vial tests negative for drugs, the laboratory will dispose of the sample after 3 business days. If the A vial tests positive for drugs, the laboratory will retain the B vial to ensure that it remains available for testing. Any specimen that tests positive will be confirmed by GC/MS. B vial samples of any confirmed positives will be frozen and held for one year. If the student-athlete requests that the B vial be tested, the expense of the test is the student-athlete’s responsibility.


Following a student-athletes’ first positive confirmed drug test the student-athlete will be notified in writing by the Director of Athletics and the Head Athletic Trainer or their designee of a 30-day suspension from all athletic participation. The student-athlete must be outside of auditory and visual contact for practices, strength & conditioning, meetings, and retreats. The student-athlete may be a spectator in the stands at games. The student-athlete will also meet with the Director of Athletics, Head Athletic Trainer, and Head Coach at this time. The student-athlete will also be required to schedule a meeting and meet with a drug treatment/rehabilitation counselor as outlined below.


At the end of the 30-day suspension period, the student-athlete will be tested again according to the drug testing protocol. A positive result (indicating drugs) will be treated as a second positive test with the consequences designated below. If such testing produces a negative result (no drugs) the student-athlete will submit a letter requesting reinstatement to the Director of Athletics to petition for return to full participation status. There are no guarantees a studentathlete will be reinstated to full participation, it will be at the discretion of the Director of Athletics.


A student-athlete who has a positive test and is subsequently reinstated to full participation may be required to complete a follow-up drug test at any time in order to ensure compliance with this program. Such follow-up testing may continue for the duration of the student-athlete’s participation in Missouri Baptist University Athletics. A positive result (indicating drugs) will be treated as a second positive test, with the consequences designated below.


Notification of the drug testing result will be made via secure web access by the testing laboratory to the Head Athletic Trainer or their designee. The Head Athletic Trainer and/or Athletic Training Staff then notifies the Director of Athletics, the Dean of Students, the Head Coach, and the student-athlete as outlined in Section I under notification of results. Following a student-athlete’s second positive drug test, the student-athlete will meet with the Director of Athletics, Head Athletic Trainer, and Head Coach and be notified in writing by the Director of Athletics that he or she will be permanently dismissed from his or her respective team and participation in all athletic activities with loss of all athletic financial aid/scholarships.

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All currently available drug tests have the possibility of producing a “positive”. This means that if the student-athlete is taking any over the counter or prescription medications, the testing may produce a positive result. Consequently, the individual submitting to the drug test must disclose any over the counter or prescription medications to the Missouri Baptist University Athletic Training Staff prior to being tested. This verification will be provided confidentially, in a sealed envelope and opened only if a positive result occurs. Individuals who fail to provide the verification of medication and test positive will be subject to the consequences specified for positive test results, for refusing to submit to a test, or for falsifying the test.


Student-athletes who test positive under the terms of the Missouri Baptist University Department of Athletics Drug Policy and Testing Program will be entitled to a hearing with the Director of Athletics and/or their designee prior to the imposition of any sanction. Requests for a hearing must be made within 48 hours of notification of a positive test result. If the 48 hours would end on a weekend, the request must be made by noon on the next business day. Requests must be in writing and received by the Director of Athletics.

The student-athlete must present his or her own case to the Director of Athletics, and will not be permitted to have legal representation present. The meeting should take place no more than 72 hours after the written request is received. These proceedings shall include an opportunity for the student-athlete to present evidence, as well as to review the results of the drug test. The proceedings shall be confidential. The decision by the Director of Athletics or their designee regarding the sanction to be imposed shall be final.

The student-athlete who tests positive may also choose to have the B vial tested (outlined in Appendix F) to confirm or negate the positive drug test. This will be done at the same laboratory that screened A vial and will be at the student-athletes’ expense.


1. Failure to report to a scheduled drug test will be observed as a desire not to comply with the drug testing program. The student-athlete will be notified in writing that this will result in a first positive screen with sanctions outlined in Section B above.

2. Failure to comply with the drug counseling program or the treatment program will result in the following:

a. Notification of the failure to comply with the drug counseling and treatment program will be made by the drug counselor to the Head Athletic Trainer.

b. The student-athlete will be required to comply with the counseling or treatment program as designated by the drug counselor. Further failure to comply with the program will result in the sanctions for the second positive screen.

3. If the student-athlete tampers with the specimen, attempts to falsify or invalidate the result, interferes with the drug screen’s ability to detect illegal drugs, or makes use of

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Athletic Department Drug Policy and Testing Program

any test altering substance, the student-athlete will be notified in writing that this will result in a first positive screen with sanctions outlined in Section B above.


As noted above, the primary intent of this program is the well-being of the student-athlete, and education and counseling are the cornerstones of the program. Accordingly, any student-athlete with a positive drug screen will be required to schedule and complete a confidential meeting with a drug treatment/rehabilitation counselor. It is the student-athlete’s obligation to make and keep this appointment following notification of a positive drug screen. Drug counseling and rehabilitation, if necessary, will be available at the expense of the student-athlete in accordance with the needs of the student-athlete as determined by the counselor. The student-athlete, subject to drug counseling and/or rehabilitation, will be expected to consent to communication of the counselor’s assessment to the Head Athletic Trainer.


Any Missouri Baptist University student-athlete arrested for the selling of drugs or possession of drugs with intent to distribute according to the laws of the state in which the offense occurs will be immediately suspended from their respective team pending legal action. Conviction of above will result in immediate termination of financial aid/scholarship and release from the team. Any MBU student-athlete arrested for DUI/DWI, underage drinking/possession or, drunk and disorderly conduct will be immediately suspended from their respective team pending legal action and will be required to follow the MBU Drug Policy and Testing Program.

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Use of Muncy Gymnasium and Free Weight Room 3.002


Originator: Director of Special Events

Distribution: All Policies and Procedure Manuals

Subject: Use of Muncy Gymnasium and Free Weight Room Date: March 6, 2013 (July 2019)

A. Background

Use of the W. L. Muncy Jr. Gymnasium and Free Weight Room of Missouri Baptist University is for current students, faculty and staff only. The availability of the gym has created a liability concern as well as use of utilities and gym area. Use of the gymnasium and Free Weight Room is encouraged; however, there is a need to provide a regular schedule for use and supervision.

B. Policy

The use of W. L. Muncy, Jr. Gymnasium and Free Weight Room on the campus of Missouri Baptist University is for those students, faculty, and staff who are presently enrolled or employed at MBU. This includes all activities that are scheduled on a regular basis by the Administration of the University, such as athletic contests, classes, intramurals, and special programs. Any exceptions must be approved by the Director of Special Events and/or the Athletic Director.

C. Guidelines


Students, faculty, and staff will have open gym play during the day and designated evenings, and the Free Weight Room will have specific hours listed for use. (See posted schedules each semester as well as May and Summer Terms for hours of each).

2. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON THE GYM FLOOR WITH FOOT GEAR THAT DOES NOT MEET WOOD FLOOR REQUIREMENTS. Black sole shoes, running/jogging shoes, cleats, street shoes are prohibited for playing. Violators will be banned from play.

3 No food or drinks are allowed in Muncy or the Free Weight Room (exception plastic water bottles).

4 Coaches, faculty/staff, intramurals, others who use these facilities should return all equipment to its place of storage, secure all doors, and turn off lights.

5 Individuals using Muncy or the Free Weight Room must present a current MBU ID and sign in. Access is allowed during operating hours.

6. Muncy and the Free Weight Room will be supervised during operating hours.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety and Transportation

Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals

Subject: Locking and Unlocking of Muncy Gymnasium Date: March 6, 2013 (July 2019)


The following schedule is recommended for locking and unlocking Muncy gymnasium: 

Monday through Friday: Unlock at 10:00 a.m.; Lock Gymnasium after Muncy hours or after last scheduled event

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Exception: When a member of MBU’s coaching staff is conducting an activity in the gym that exceeds the times listed above, the coach conducting the activity is responsible for locking the gym after use.

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Originator: Manager, Sports and Recreation Complex

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Fitness Center Hours and Requirements

Date: March 6, 2013


The Sports and Recreation Complex (SRC) Fitness Center is for your enjoyment and development. Please use the facility wisely and take care of equipment.


The following time periods for use of the Fitness Center are listed (hours may be adjusted per semester):

Monday-Thursday: 6:00am-8:00pm

Friday: 6:00am-6:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am-2:00pm

Sunday: 5:00pm-8:00pm


The following requirements are necessary for use of the Fitness Center.

1. You must have the proper equipment.

2. You must present a current MBU ID and have a signed waiver and registration on file.

3. No Food or Drink is allowed (exception—plastic water bottles)

4. Please follow instructions for each machine.

5. Please return all plates and dumbbells to their proper place when finished.

6. Please wipe off each machine after use.

7. There will be no horseplay.

The Fitness Center is for your enjoyment and development. Please use the facility wisely and take care of the equipment

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Consideration of Exception to Release 3.008


Originator: Director of Athletics

Subject: Procedure for Consideration of Exception to Release Policy Date: Revised 17-September-2010


Missouri Baptist University, like other NAIA institutions, has a no-release policy for students who commit to and sign athletic grant-in-aid agreements for supporting their educational endeavors at our institution. This policy provides for support and sound planning which is mutually beneficial to each student-athlete, their team, and the University’s overall athletic program.

Exceptions to the no-release policy are rare and are considered only under extenuating circumstances. Students who desire consideration for an exception to the policy are required to follow the procedure outlined below.


A. Permission to Contact Another Educational Institution

1. Students should not make contact or discuss a possible release with other educational institutions without prior written permission by the Director of Athletics of the University. Additionally, other NAIA institutions who permit discussion prior to approval from a member institution are in violation of a recruiting infraction. Permission should be requested in writing through the head coach who in turn should make a joint recommendation to the Director of Athletics. Specific reasons which are considered “extenuating” should be stated in the student’s request for permission to contact.

2. If the coach’s recommendation is positive and the Director of Athletics is in agreement, the Director of Athletics will provide a written statement to the student granting permission to make such contact with another educational institution.

3. The decision of the Director of Athletics is final and not subject to appeal. Permission to contact another institution is not considered a release from Missouri Baptist University.

B. Decision on Exceptions to Release Policy

1. If the student has received written permission to contact another institution, and subsequently desires a release, the procedure for requesting same is outlined in section B (2) – section B (5) listed below.

2. The written release request should follow the same procedure outlined in section A (1) and section A (2) listed procedures above. The release request by the student will not be considered without an official request by the contacting institution.

3. If the Director of Athletics does not permit a release, the request may not be appealed.

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Consideration of Exception to Release 3.008

4. Student-athletes who are denied a release are free to enter another university. The student-athlete may not participate in any NAIA institution athletic program for a 16 week period following entrance if not released by the former institution.

This procedure should be strictly followed by the student-athlete and should not include telephone calls, written inquiries or other direct contact with any other office of the institution other than the Director of Athletics.

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Originator: Financial Aid Department

Subject: Student Loans Date: November 15, 2007


To establish specific policies relative to student loans and the operation of the Financial Aid Department in activities pertaining to student loans.


No officer, trustee, or employee of the University shall accept anything of more than nominal value on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of another, from or on behalf of any entity that makes or guarantees education loans, except that no officer, trustee, employee, or agent of the University shall be prohibited from conducting (a) business with any such entity unrelated to the University; or (b) business of the University unrelated to education loans.

No officer or employee of the University shall accept any remuneration for serving as a member or participant of an advisory board of any entity that makes or guarantees education loans, or accept any reimbursement of expenses for so serving, provided, however, that participation on advisory boards that are unrelated in any way to higher education loans shall not be prohibited.

The University shall not accept on its own behalf anything of value from any entity that makes or guarantees education loans in exchange for any advantage or consideration provided to the such entity related to its education loan activity. This prohibition shall include, but not be limited to, (i) “revenue sharing” by the entity with the University, (ii) the University’s receipt from any such entity of any computer hardware for which the University pays below-market prices and (iii) printing costs or services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University may accept assistance as contemplated in 34 CFR 682.200(b)(definition of “Lender”)(5)(i).

The Financial Aid Department of the University may promulgate a list of “preferred lenders” for education loans provided that the Department complies with the following:

1. Inclusion on such list and the decision as to where on the list the lender’s name appears, if ranked, shall be determined solely by consideration of the best interests of the students or parents who may use said list without regard to the pecuniary interests of the University.

2. The criteria for placement on the list shall be based upon the customer service provided by the lender and whether the lender is established within the student lending industry with a sufficient history of offering a variety of benefits to students. Consideration will also be given to whether the post-graduate servicing of the loan is provided by MOHELA or some other organization that provides benefits similar to those provided by MOHELA.

3. Each place where such a list is posted shall include the following information: a. The criteria for placement on the list.

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Financial Aid Code of Conduct 4.001

b. That students and their parents have the right and ability to select the education loan provider of their choice, are not required to use any of the lenders on the list, and will suffer no penalty for choosing a lender that is not on the list.

4. No lender shall be placed on any list, or in favored placement on any list for a particular type of loan, in exchange for benefits provided to the University or to the University’s students in connection with a different type of loan.

5. The constitution of any list shall be reviewed no less than annually by the Department.

No employee or other agent of an entity that makes or guarantees education loans shall be identified to students or prospective students of the University or their parents as an employee or agent of the University. No employee or other agent of an entity that makes or guarantees education loans may staff the University financial aid offices except on an “emergency basis” as defined by the U.S. Department of Education.

The University shall not supply to any student or prospective student, or their parents, any loan applications with the name of the lender pre-printed on the application. The University shall provide loan applications without lender information included, and shall provide information upon request to access loan applications and other loan documents in digital format without lender information included.

The University shall not arrange with any lenders to make certain loans to any class or group of students that will have a detrimental effect on the loans of any other University students.


The Financial Aid Department shall notify the President annually as to whether a preferred lender list is being promulgated by the University.

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Senior Citizen Concession


Originator: Financial Services Subject: Senior Citizen Concession Date: April 26, 1995; (Updated November 30, 2005)


Missouri Baptist University has been offering a concession of no tuition charge for senior adults, age 55 and higher, enrolled in eleven hours or less. The idea behind the concession was to create good will among senior adults in our community. As Missouri Baptist University continues growing the desire to continue the concession is still prevalent, however on a scaled back program, as the need for space for full-time enrolled students becomes more necessary.


As of Fall 1995 the Senior Citizen Concession will consist of any person sixty (60) years or older being allowed to take six (6) undergraduate credit hours per semester, not to exceed three (3) undergraduate hours per enrollment term (ex. six hour fall semester or three hours per each eight week term in the fall semester) at no tuition charge. The tuition concession applies only to undergraduate courses.

Any student that has an outside remission of tuition available must apply those monies before the Senior Citizen Concession would be applied.


1. At the time of application, any student wishing to take advantage of the Senior Citizen Concession will be required to complete a form, which will inquire upon availability of funds from outside sources for tuition, which must be applied first.

2. The student will be responsible for pursuing the course of action needed in applying any outside sources.

3. If no outside sources are available the student will be processed in the regular senior adult process.

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Originator: Financial Services

Subject: Financial Aid Packaging

Date: March 10, 1995 (Updated September 2010)


The packaging of financial aid based on what tuition and fees are to be covered.


Students may receive a combination of aid not to exceed tuition and fees for commuter students, and tuition, fees, room and board for resident students. This is exclusive of student loans.

Institutional financial aid shall not exceed the student’s MBU charges; student fees are not to be covered by institutional financial aid.

Students may request consideration for excess federal and state aid to be applied towards student fees and/or bookstore vouchers. In the case that students receive only federal and state aid, and the sum of grants is greater than the student’s direct costs, the aid may be refunded to the student.


Financial Assistance will continue to be awarded in the following order:

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1. Federal 2. State 3. Outside/Other (except where the
4. Institutional monies
aid is restricted to certain expenses)


Originator: Director of Enrollment Management

Subject: Issuing INS I-20 Forms

Date: March 1997 (updated September 2010)


Missouri Baptist University is approved by the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Student Exchange and Visitor Program (SEVP) to issue I-20 forms to admitted international students. This form is provided by Missouri Baptist University to international students seeking to remain in the United States temporarily, and solely for the purpose of pursuing a full course of study at MBU. Missouri Baptist University received initial approval to issue I-20 forms on July 8, 1968 and has retained this approval.


As a result of Missouri Baptist University’s commitment to a diverse student body, and in order to comply with the section of the United Stated Code of Federal Regulations governing the F-1 student visa category, guidelines for admission to the University and issuance of form I-20 are set forth below.


An I-20 will not be issued until a prospective international student has submitted all required documents, the Admission Committee has reviewed the file, and official acceptance has been achieved. The following documents must be submitted for admission consideration:

1. Application for admission, including the Application Supplement for International Students.

2. Current application fee as defined in the catalog.

3. Evidence of English proficiency, through one of the following tests:

a. TOEFL Internet-based 80 b. TOEFL Internet-based 70 c. TOEFL Computer-based 195 d. TOEFL Paper-based 525 e. IELTS 5.5 (minimum score)

4. Proof of financial ability to support himself/herself while attending MBU. This proof must be in the form of:

a. A checking and/or savings statement showing deposited funds translated into English no more than two months old;

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b. A letter using the template provided in application packet guaranteeing financial support of the prospective student at specified amount throughout course of study at MBU. (MBU will also need a notarized affidavit of support from a sponsor defining the exact amount of available funds designated to the student, and the period of time for which support is pledged.) This is waived if the student is providing proof of his/her own personal funds in sufficient amounts to cover all expenses in the bank statement outlined (a);

c. The complete name, physical address, phone number and email address of the student's financial sponsor.

5. Submit the current international student deposit as defined in the catalog.

6. A high school transcript for freshmen.

7. Students with University credits (transfer students) must follow the following procedure to receive credit for previous University work:

A student who has earned University-level course credits in a foreign country comparable to the course credits in the American university system and who wishes to use those credits toward a degree must have transcripts evaluated by the following:

Educational Credential Evaluators**

PO Box 514070 Milwaukee WI 53203-3470, USA Tel: (414) 289-3400 Fax: (414) 289-3411 eval@ece.org

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Originator: Senior Vice President for Enrollment Services

Subject: Applicants and Students with Criminal Backgrounds

Date: June 21, 2011


The University recognizes the need to provide a safe environment for all students. This policy addresses disclosure of criminal backgrounds and an appeals process for admission of applicants who have been convicted of offenses other than minor traffic violations.


Applicants and students must disclose criminal convictions and adjudications, as well as pending criminal charges, on their Applications for Admission. Those who disclose this information will be given the opportunity to provide a written narrative that should include the approximate date of each incident, explain the circumstances, and reflect on what the applicant or student has learned from the experience, and why the applicant should be admitted to the University.


Applicants and students disclosing criminal convictions and adjudications or pending criminal charges on their applications for admission will be subject to a criminal background check conducted by the University’s Public Safety department. After receiving the results of the background check, the University will contact the applicant or student and give them opportunity to provide the written narrative described above. The student or applicant should provide this narrative directly to the Chairman of the Admissions Review Committee. The Admissions Review Committee will review all relevant information regarding the application and make an admissions decision. The University will notify the applicant or student of the admissions decision. The Committee’s decision is final.

Failure to provide accurate and complete information during the admissions process will subject the applicant or student to discipline and sanctions, up to, and potentially including, immediate dismissal from the University. The University will not provide tuition or fee refunds to students who do not, in the University’s sole judgment, accurately and completely disclose the required information during the admissions process.

Applicants and students should also be aware that those who are pursuing degrees leading to application for professional licensure or certification, and/or who will be participating in clinical placements, internships, or practica through their University program may be required to submit to a criminal background check, finger printing, or drug screening by their host facility or accrediting body. In such situations, students may be responsible for obtaining and paying for the background check or other screening process and for delivering required documentation to

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the facility. It will be up to the host facility to determine whether a student will be allowed to work at that facility. Students should further be aware that a criminal record may jeopardize licensure by the State certification body. Students may consult the certification body corresponding to their intended occupation for more details. Successful completion of a program of study at the University does not guarantee licensure, certification, or employment.

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Originator: President

Distribution: All Planning Book Holders

Subject: Policy on Integrating Processes of Planning, Budgeting and Assessment Into a Management System

Date: July, 1996 (Reviewed, January 2007, September 2015)

A. Background

Missouri Baptist University has given considerable time and effort to developing and implementing a system of planning and evaluation.

HLC criteria require that an institution engage in ongoing, effective planning, structured assessment processes and organize and allocate resources in such a way as to support its plans and strengthen both the institution and its programs.

B. Policy

Missouri Baptist University will implement procedures that integrate the processes of planning, budgeting, and assessment into a management system that will bring together its resources and allocate them effectively to accomplish institutional goals. The procedures are set forth in the guidelines which follow.

C. Guidelines

1. This policy focuses on planning first and on budgeting second. Although the University will establish a budget-planning schedule, the University will develop a calendar that moves the University toward the ideal sequence of annual activities which places planning as a priority in the process. Therefore, the University will follow guidelines that start with planning and evaluation modes rather than budgeting modes.

2. The policy aims toward keeping the process and documents short.

3. The University will use an assessment component to look at the effectiveness of objectives in accomplishing goals in academic and administrative areas. Activities of an annual nature and related to the strategic plan are as follows:

A. Review with the Institutional Planning Committee the current draft of the strategic plan and prepare a list of critical issues which the University faces and for which the University needs additional strategies. Update the environment/competition section of the strategic plan.

B. Review the current strategic plan and identify the objectives accomplished under each goal. Refine or add objectives as needed.

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C. The President's Cabinet at its retreat in August or September will:

(1) Assess the results of the prior year and review the objectives set for future years.

(2) Determine the degree to which departments will write new objectives as a part of the current budgeting process;

(3) Prepare projected revenues from sources of income;

(4) Estimate expenditures

D. The President's Cabinet will review for the next year of the plan all department and area objectives and prepare a draft of the proposed area budget to go to the President for review and action.

E. The President will determine the projected expenditures including the mandatory increases and the priority of objectives in the strategic plan to be funded. Area heads will be given adequate latitude to make internal adjustments in their budget and to exercise a high degree of freedom in the use of current budget funds to accomplish the goals for which they are responsible.


At the conclusion of each academic year, each administrative unit within the University community will evaluate the accomplishments of that year in the light of the adopted goals, objectives and strategies. Each academic and administrative department will review the use of resources by that department and will seek to determine to what extent the department has accomplished the objectives set for that year. The President's Cabinet will convene in late August or September to evaluate progress on the University Strategic Plan. Since objectives have been developed that are quantifiable, evaluation can take place based upon performance and measurable achievement. The following steps should take place in assessment.

Evaluation establish procedures for outcomes assessment which will provide formative and summative evaluation of both the planning process itself and the outcomes in results of planning and decision making

Setting standards

Measuring performance: what to measure, how to measure, when to measure

Feeding back results: feedback to whom? speed and frequency, feedback from whom?

Comparing performance to standards

Taking corrective action

4. Continuous Planning

Annual evaluation becomes a basis for continuous planning. Planning is not a terminal experience. It is a cyclical process that must be regularly reviewed and redone.

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Each department, in the light of results of the evaluation of performance during the academic year, reviews the objectives set for the coming year. Department members may find that some objectives will need to be repeated for the next year since the department did not accomplish that objective the past year. Objectives that were originally stated for the next year may no longer be feasible considering the events of the previous year. The department will restate objectives for the coming year.

In October of each year, the area head will begin the process of integrating the planning that has gone into the budget planning process. Departmental goals and objectives for the next academic year will be reviewed in light of current enrollments and budget projections. Institutional objectives for the next academic year will be developed to guide the budget planning process. Institutional objectives grow out of the goals and objectives formulated by the individual administrative and academic departments.

The Planning Committee will review annually the University's statement of purpose and the goals which the University pursues in order to accomplish that purpose. The University will measure its integrity not only by its stated purpose but also by its conscientious endeavor to fill the purpose through annual goals and objectives.

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Originator: President

Distribution: All Planning Book Holders

Subject: Policy on Financial Resources (The Financial Plan of Missouri Baptist University) Date: May 4, 1995 (updated 2004, 2008, 2010)


The monies available to Missouri Baptist University are considered to be a sacred trust. It shall be the purpose of the University to see that those funds, which will always be inadequate when compared to the needs, are used as wisely as possible to further the Christian and educational purposes of the institution.


1. The strength of a university is primarily in people. In financial decisions, the needs of people shall be given paramount priority.

a. The needs of students to have a quality education in a Christian environment at a cost they can afford.

b. The need of all employees faculty, staff and administration to provide adequately for their families, to be rewarded for outstanding work, and to be free of undue worry about material matters which would distract them from the effectiveness of their chief service

c. The needs of Missouri Baptists and of donors to know that their gifts are being used wisely and for the Christian and educational purposes of the University.

2. The institution is committed to operating in the black financially. It shall be the responsibility of vice presidents working with the department heads** to see that expenditures are held within budgeted and available funds. Each department and area head will be supplied a monthly departmental financial statement.

Changes within departmental or area budgets during the fiscal year are discouraged but may be proposed by the area head, provided the needed funds are available within the area budget, and subject to approval by the President.

After the budget of estimated revenues and expenditures is approved by the Board, the President may adjust the budget, as necessary, to keep expenditures within income or to cover unforeseen expenses.

3. Budget control will be implemented through the use of budget reports. There will be three levels of budget reporting: one will be at the trustee level, one will be at the university-wide level, and the other will be at the budget-unit level.

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a. Trustee Level

A report of operations and variance analysis will be made quarterly to the Business & Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees. A variance is defined as the difference between planned and actual income or expenditures. A written explanation will be provided for any variance of at least $10,000 and greater than 2% in income or expenditures. The Senior Vice President for Business Affairs will also provide a projection of how the fiscal year will end given current levels of income and expenditures.

b. University-wide Level

A report of operations and variance analysis will be made monthly to the President along with the following scheduled reports:

(1) Fall and spring semesters following the close of registration

(i) The business office will compare projected sources and levels of income with actual performance at the close of fall and spring registration.

(ii) The business office will monitor closely the expenditures through the fiscal year, regularly update income projections and flag problem areas for administrative attention. The business office will compare actual enrollment patterns to the budgeted pattern to provide key administrators with information for making expenditure readjustments.

(iii) Any variance below projected income will result in a budget amendment by the President reducing expenditures according to a contingency plan.

c. Budget Unit Level

Area heads will have the responsibility of working with budget heads to see that expenditures are held within budgeted and available funds. Reports comparing actual results with budget projections will be prepared monthly and sent to individual budget units.

4. The budget represents an expenditure plan for the University's programs and activities. Within that plan vice presidents must expend their resources in accordance with the University's accounting structure and cash-flow scheme. The cash flow scheme may affect the timing of the expenditure of funds so that it matches as closely as possible the receipt of revenues.

5. The Senior Vice President for Business Affairs has the responsibility of overall budget control within the institution, including the responsibility to call attention to major departures from budget allocations and to take appropriate follow-up action. The area head has the primary responsibility for control of expenditures within the budget unit and must insure that expenditures are consistent with budget intent and do not exceed budget allocations.

6. The operating budget shall in the main be supported by recurring sources of revenues, such as tuition, fees, gifts from churches, and endowment earnings. Non-recurring gifts shall be directed primarily toward non-recurring expenditures.

7. Changes in general fees (including tuition, room, board, student service charges) must

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be approved by the Board. Changes in other fees must be approved by the appropriate area head, the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and the President.

8. A well-defined process for developing and adopting the operating budget shall be articulated and followed. The process shall include:

a. An assessment by the administration of the income that will be available for operations for the fiscal year.

b. Department heads prepare budget requests, needs, and proposed objectives for the year and submit to area heads.

c. An allocation of anticipated resources to areas by the President, after consultation with the President’s Cabinet.

d. Development and recommendation to the President by area heads of area budgets within allocation including budget hearings with the President’s Cabinet and Controller.

e. President, with the counsel of the President's Cabinet, finalizes the University budget and presents it to the Executive Committee and the Business Committee of the Board of Trustees and then to the full Board for consideration and adoption.

9. A cash operating reserve of 10 percent of the operating budget shall be sought.

10. Development of resources for Missouri Baptist University involves many people, but coordination of fund solicitation is assigned to the Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement. Raising of resources by departments and employees is encouraged but in a coordinated and professional manner. No employee or student of the University may solicit any person or group for funds for any purpose related to Missouri Baptist University without the approval of the Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement, whose responsibility it will be to see that all resource development efforts are complementary and are in keeping with established goals and objectives of the University and its areas and departments.

11. Missouri Baptist University consistently attempts to broaden its base of financial support in order that its various programs can be maintained and strengthened. Resource development is dependent first on the degree of confidence the potential donor(s) or decision-maker(s) have in the institution. Each faculty and staff member has an influence on that confidence. Therefore, the building of community on campus within and among departments and areas, and goodwill for the University off campus among potential supporters is a responsibility of every employee of Missouri Baptist University.

** Department heads are deans, directors, division heads, or other budget managers.

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Originator: Senior Vice President for Business Affairs

Subject: Capitalization of Collections

Date: May 7, 1996


A new statement of Financial Accounting Standard #116 (SFAS116) established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), allows for colleges to adopt a policy regarding whether Collections should be expensed or capitalized. This certainly has not been a major point of contention for us in our limited history. Older, larger universities, however, invest in a variety of art and religious collections. Concordia Seminary recently disclosed that they had been storing a very rare original manuscript in Martin Luther’s own hand that had been sent to them by a U.S. Army chaplain in World War II. They were now returning the document to Germany.

We have never purchased a collection; however, we have received one as a gift and it is displayed in our library. I do not foresee at this time that the University would ever choose to invest in so unstable of an investment as a collection, so after consultation with our auditors I would propose that we adopt a policy to capitalize and depreciate any purchase or receipt of a collection. Should the University receive a work of art or historical treasure such as the Luther manuscript, we would not have to depreciate it if we could prove the following:

1. The economic benefit or service potential is extraordinarily long-lived.

2. The asset individually has cultural, aesthetic or historical value that is worth preserving perpetually, and

3. The University has the technological and financial ability to protect and preserve the asset’s undiminished economic benefit/service potential and that the University has demonstrated that ability.


Collections or items of collection quality such as, but not limited to, works of art, historical treasures and other similar collection items will be capitalized on a prospective basis.


The donation of a work of art would be recognized as unrestricted income in the Plant Fund, capitalized and depreciated over the life of the asset, unless it met the three criteria as outlined above.

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Originator: Senior Vice President for Business Affairs

Subject: Policy on Recording Pledges and Their Solicitation

Date: April 18, 1996


A new Statement of Financial Accounting Standard #116 (SFAS116) established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has changed how we are to account for pledges. In the past, promises to contribute were not considered to be sufficient to be recorded in the University’s books. This was certainly conservative in nature but it lacked the ability to report the success or failure of the Development Department. In the year that the University successfully solicited numerous pledges but had not yet collected many dollars, the financial statements failed to report this outstanding effort. In fact, prior to the implementation of FASB117, even if the pledges were collected, the revenue would not have been recognized until a construction project had been completed, which might be years after the pledge solicitation.

In attempt to balance the above concerns, the AICPA has approved standard #116 which states that legally enforceable pledges may be recorded as income in the year in which we receive the pledge (note that this allows recording income before cash is received). A Pledge Receivable Account and an offsetting account for Allowance for Doubtful Pledges would have to be established. A pledge card must contain specific language that allows it to be legally enforceable. All other pledges cannot be recorded.

It is the opinion of the Administration of Missouri Baptist University that in most foreseeable situations it would be detrimental to our fund-raising efforts to attempt to secure legally enforceable pledges. Therefore, it is our recommendation to not allow this certain language that describes the pledge as a statement of intent only. A donor, however, may make their pledge legally enforceable if they request to do so.


Solicitations for pledges should clearly state on the pledge form that the pledge is only a “statement of intent”. Donors may make their pledges legally enforceable if they wish by stating on the pledge form that the pledge is an “unconditional promise”.


1. Personal or mailed pledge solicitations should only seek a statement of intent.

2. If a donor requests to make their pledge legally enforceable, they may do so and the pledge will be recorded as a receivable on the University books and offset by an appropriate allowance account as needed.

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Originator: Senior Vice President for Business Affairs Subject: Policy regarding revenue recognition of gifts restricted for long-lived assets.

Date: May 6, 1996


The statement of Financial Accounting Standard #117 (SFAS117) established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has changed how we record the revenue from gifts that are restricted to purchase or construct long-lived assets. In the past, if a gift of $10,000 was received in fiscal year 1 and was restricted to go toward renovating a building in year 2, the revenue was not recognized in the financial statements until it was long over and finished.

Under the new standard, this revenue will be recognized as Temporarily Restricted income in the year in which we receive the gift and will serve to increase that fund’s net assets that year. The following year when the funds are expended, (and the restriction has been met), the assets will be transferred from the Temporarily Restricted Fund to the Plant Fund which is an Unrestricted Fund. This will appear as a large loss in the Temporarily Restricted Fund but also as a large revenue in the Plant Fund which will wash in the consolidated statements.

SFAS117 also addressed another issue. The consolidated statements combine the revenue and expense from all of the different funds into one consolidated surplus or deficit number. If you do not maintain a perpetual capital campaign of one variety or another, you will see wild swings in revenue on the consolidated financial statements. The Plant Fund expenses, however, remain substantial each year due to depreciation. If we did not maintain the continuity of a capital campaign, we would more than likely incur a large loss that year on our consolidated statements.

SFAS117 allows a University an alternate means of recognizing the transfer of assets from the Temporarily Restricted Fund to the Plant Fund. A University can adopt a policy that in effect identifies specific assets and assigns them an estimated useful life, for example 30 years on a building. Each year, 1/30th of the gifts that were given toward that building would be moved from the Temporarily Restricted Fund to the Plant Fund. This would totally offset that building’s depreciation expense that year if the gifts were equal to the building’s cost. This policy would help to even out the peaks and valleys of consolidated revenues. The accounting, however, is quite a nightmare. We would not only have to keep track of how many dollars were received toward the purchase of each depreciable asset and amortize that value over the life of the asset, but we would also have to expend extensive efforts to research the University’s books for the last 30+ years to determine what gifts were given for which project. Ultimately, our books are not that complete and estimates would have to be made. The immediate effect on our balance sheet would not be favorable.

Our Unrestricted Plant Fund assets would be reduced by $919,000 through June 30, 1995 and we would see a corresponding increase in our Temporarily Restricted Assets. I have discussed this choice of revenue recognition methods with my counterparts at both William Jewell and Southwest Baptist and neither of them has yet adopted a policy on this matter though they

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recognize that they will have to do this before the completion of their fiscal year-end audits. Both schools were leaning toward my arguments to transfer the entire asset to the Plant Fund upon substantial completion of its purchase or construction. Our audit firm, Humes & Barrington, after reviewing the effect on our balance sheet and knowing the assumptions that would have to be made regarding donations in the past, and recognizing the ongoing complex accounting that would be required, concurs that we should adopt the following policy:


Donor-imposed restricted contributions related to long-lived assets that are donated directly or cash contributed to purchase or construct long-lived assets is considered to have met the donor’s restriction in the period when the long-lived asset is purchased or constructed or use of the donated asset begins. In the period in which the restriction is met (expires), the University records an increase to unrestricted assets and a decrease to restricted net assets. Prior to meeting the restriction of the donor, the contribution for long-lived assets is recorded as restricted support increases in temporarily restricted net assets when the contribution is received.


The University will continue to recognize a long-lived Plant asset when they are received, purchased, or put into use, and has chosen not to amortize this recognition over the course of the life of the asset.

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Originator: Financial Aid Department

Subject: Student Loans

Date: November 2007


To establish specific policies relative to student loans and the operation of the Financial Aid Department in activities pertaining to student loans.


No officer, trustee, or employee of the University shall accept anything of more than nominal value on his or her own behalf, or on behalf of another, from or on behalf of any entity that makes or guarantees education loans, except that no officer, trustee, employee, or agent of the University shall be prohibited from conducting (a) business with any such entity unrelated to the University; or (b) business of the University unrelated to education loans.

No officer or employee of the University shall accept any remuneration for serving as a member or participant of an advisory board of any entity that makes or guarantees education loans, or accept any reimbursement of expenses for so serving, provided, however, that participation on advisory boards that are unrelated in any way to higher education loans shall not be prohibited.

The University shall not accept on its own behalf anything of value from any entity that makes or guarantees education loans in exchange for any advantage or consideration provided to the such entity related to its education loan activity. This prohibition shall include, but not be limited to, (i) “revenue sharing” by the entity with the University, (ii) the University’s receipt from any such entity of any computer hardware for which the University pays below-market prices and (iii) printing costs or services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University may accept assistance as contemplated in 34 CFR 682.200(b)(definition of “Lender”)(5)(i).

The Financial Aid Department of the University may promulgate a list of “preferred lenders” for education loans provided that the Department complies with the following:

1. Inclusion on such list and the decision as to where on the list the lender’s name appears, if ranked, shall be determined solely by consideration of the best interests of the students or parents who may use said list without regard to the pecuniary interests of the University.

2. The criteria for placement on the list shall be based upon the customer service provided by the lender and whether the lender is established within the student lending industry with a sufficient history of offering a variety of benefits to students. Consideration will also be given to whether the post-graduate servicing of the loan is provided by MOHELA or some other organization that provides benefits similar to those provided by MOHELA.

3. Each place where such a list is posted shall include the following information: a. The criteria for placement on the list.

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b. That students and their parents have the right and ability to select the education loan provider of their choice, are not required to use any of the lenders on the list, and will suffer no penalty for choosing a lender that is not on the list.

4. No lender shall be placed on any list, or in favored placement on any list for a particular type of loan, in exchange for benefits provided to the University or to the University’s students in connection with a different type of loan.

5. The constitution of any list shall be reviewed no less than annually by the Department.

No employee or other agent of an entity that makes or guarantees education loans shall be identified to students or prospective students of the University or their parents as an employee or agent of the University. No employee or other agent of an entity that makes or guarantees education loans may staff the University financial aid offices except on an “emergency basis” as defined by the U.S. Department of Education.

The University shall not supply to any student or prospective student, or their parents, any loan applications with the name of the lender pre-printed on the application. The University shall provide loan applications without lender information included, and shall provide information upon request to access loan applications and other loan documents in digital format without lender information included.

The University shall not arrange with any lenders to make certain loans to any class or group of students that will have a detrimental effect on the loans of any other University students.


The Financial Aid Department shall notify the President annually as to whether a preferred lender list is being promulgated by the University.

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Student Loan Policy 5.010


Originator:: Business Manager

Subject: Payment Plan Policy

Date: November 9, 1995 as approved by the Board of Trustees


The University needs to take steps to curtail our bad debt expense from students who truly have insufficient financial support to continue their education. We should further recognize the fiduciary responsibilities we have to our constituency to make diligent efforts to collect the funds that are due to the University. Though an education is intangible in nature its purchase is very tangible; the price is quantified and the terms of payment need to be specified.


All charges are due in full at the beginning of each semester. Students unable to pay in full must select one of the following payment plans:

1. MBU Deferred Payment Plan: One-third of the account balance, after financial aid is deducted, is to be paid upon registration. The remaining balance is payable in three equal monthly installments. Interest on delinquent balances will be charged at an annual rate of 18%.

2. Academic Management Services Plan.


The implementation of the above policy represents a significant tightening of our credit policies. The phased implementation schedule listed below should minimize the negative effects that this policy might have on our enrollment.

95/96 96/97 97/98 98/99 99/00 00/01 Previous Bal

Limit $2,000 $1,800 $1,600 $1,400 $1,200 $1,000 Hold Threshold $1,000 $800 $600 $400 $200 $0

Down payment Required 0% 10% 15% 20% 25% 33%

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Originator: Senior Vice President for Business Affairs

Subject: Family Leave Act

Date: July 2, 1996


The U.S. Congress enacted the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in 1993. This act requires covered employers to provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid job-protected leave to eligible employees for certain family and medical reasons.


Employees who have worked for the University for at least 1 year and for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months may request up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for the following reasons:

1. To care for the employee’s child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care;

2. To care for the employee’s spouse, son or daughter, or parent, who has a serious health condition;

3. For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee’s job.

At the employee or employer’s option, accrued sick leave and vacation may be substituted for unpaid leave. The employee may be required to provide advance leave notice and medical certification. Taking of leave may be denied if requirements are not met.

1. The employee must provide 30 days advance notice when the leave is “foreseeable”.

2. The University may require medical certification to support a request for leave because of a serious health condition, and may require second or third opinions (at the University’s expense) and a fitness for duty report to return to work.

The University will maintain the employee’s health/dental insurance through the University’s carrier during the leave. Upon return from the leave, most employees will be restored to their original or equivalent positions with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms. All other benefits may be maintained at the employee’s expense (i.e. Cancer, Life and Long Term Disability Insurance, and continued participation in the annuity).


The FMLA makes it unlawful for any employer to:

1. Interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of any right provided under FMLA;

2. Discharge or discriminate against any person or opposing any practice made unlawful by FMLA or for involvement in any proceeding under or relating to FMLA.

The U.S. Department of Labor is authorized to investigate and resolve complaints of violations. An eligible employee may also bring a civil action against an employer for violations.

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Overtime Compensation


Originator: Business Manager

Subject: Security Personnel Overtime Compensation

Date: November 20, 1996


Our employee handbook needs to be updated to provide guidance on the compensation of hourly security personnel when they work on Sundays, Holidays and at time when the University has closed for a period. The current handbook does not adequately address these issues as it was adopted at a time when all full-time employees were salaried and we did not staff security 24 hours/day and 7 days/week.


The Security workweek begins at 7:00 a.m. Sunday and ends at 6:59 a.m. Sunday. Hours worked in excess of 40 hours/week will be compensated at 1.5 times the normal pay rate. Similarly, on the following holidays hourly security personnel will be compensated at 1.5 times their normal pay rate for hours worked:

New Years Day Easter Memorial Day Labor Day Thanksgiving July 4th Christmas Friday after Thanksgiving Full-time hourly security personnel will also receive their normal holiday pay.


The nature of work in the Security area is such that the hours and days worked do not comply with the normal academic or administrative schedule. Hours worked on weekends or at times when the administrative offices are closed other than the holidays listed above will not result in additional compensation for Security personnel. The following table indicates how full- and parttime Security personnel will be compensated. The rates listed include normal holiday pay for full-time employees.

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Full-Time Part-Time
1.5x 1.5x
>40 hours/week
Holidays listed above 2.5x 1.5x Administrative offices closed (Christmas and Spring Break etc.) 1.0x 1.0x


Originator: Sr. Vice President of Business Affairs Subject: Mileage Rate Reimbursement Policy

Date: May 12, 2009; February 16, 2018


There are many factors that impact the cost of driving a car. Some are variable costs such as fuel and maintenance costs that vary with the number of miles driven and others are fixed costs such as insurance, license, registration and depreciation that do not directly vary with mileage. The size of the vehicle, its engine and personal driving habits certainly impact the fuel costs just as the trim level affects the original cost and depreciation. The result is that there is not one universal cost per mile rate. The IRS sets a maximum rate each year that they will allow an employer to reimburse an employee for use of their personal car in pursuit of the employer’s business purposes. If the employer exceeds this reimbursement rate it becomes taxable income to the employee. The regulations however do not require the employer to pay the full reimbursement rate. The maximum rate established by the IRS assumes that the vehicle is used primarily for business purposes and 100% of the operating costs should then be tax exempt. Depreciation is the single largest component of automobile operating costs and is considered to be primarily a fixed cost more associated with the age of the vehicle than the annual mileage. But there is also some part of depreciation expense that is associated with mileage as two cars of identical age and options will have a different market value because of different odometer readings. This policy attempts to establish a fair reimbursement rate for use of personal vehicles for University business.

The AAA Association publishes a brochure “Your Driving Costs” that provides an analysis of the components of automobile operating expense. That publication is currently located on the web https://exchange.aaa.com/automotive/driving-costs/#.Wwb9IiAh2Uk

The 2017 edition lists depreciation expense for a medium sized sedan at $0.2125 or 39.7% of the 2017 IRS allowable mileage reimbursement rate of $0.535. It is not the University’s intent to require employees to use their personal vehicles for University business on a daily basis, but rather only on occasion. It is then the University’s position that the employee would have incurred most of their depreciation expense for their vehicle regardless of its occasional use for University business. Therefore, an appropriate reimbursement rate would not include the full amount of depreciation. By deducting one third of the current depreciation rate for an average size sedan, as published by the AAA Association, the University would deduct $0.07 from the IRS 2017 allowable reimbursement rate of $0.535. The remaining $0.465 University reimbursement rate would be 87% of the IRS rate.

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Mileage Rate Reimbursement Policy 5.017


The University will reimburse employees for use of their personal vehicles in University business at a rate of 87% of the then current IRS rate. This percentage calculation is subject to change in the future should significant fluctuations in the rate of depreciation occur. The 2018 MBU rate will then be $0.47 (87% of the 2018 maximum IRS rate of $0.545).


Mileage Reimbursement Rate the rate/mile that the University will use to reimburse employees for business use of their personal vehicle.


The University Accounts Payable Office will monitor changes in the IRS rates and will recalculate the approved University Mileage Reimbursement Rate accordingly and will modify the on line expense reimbursement form to reflect the correct rate.

Employees shall not be compelled to use their personal vehicles and shall be allowed to use a University owned or rented vehicle to complete their required University business travel.

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Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy 5.018


Originator: President’s Office

Subject: Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy Date: July 23, 2009


This Policy is intended to establish to address conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest and to provide guidance to University administrators, faculty and staff in preventing such conflicts or potential conflicts from interfering with the University’s mission.

As referred to in this Policy, a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest involving an administrator or member of the faculty or staff of Missouri Baptist University arises when financial, professional, or other personal considerations directly or indirectly affect, or may appear to affect, their professional judgment in exercising any duty or responsibility which they are required to perform on behalf of the University. This may arise, for example, when a member of the University has the opportunity or appears to have the opportunity to influence administrative, academic, research, or other business decisions of the University in a manner that could lead to financial, professional, or personal gain or advantage. Members of the University community should carefully review and arrange their personal and professional interests to ensure that they carry out their primary obligations to the University unhampered by any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest. Most conflicts should be avoided or resolved through the exercise of personal judgment and discretion. Administrators, faculty and staff are expected to (i) abide by this policy, (ii) fully disclose relevant professional and personal activities and relationships that create a conflict of interest or have the appearance of creating a conflict of interest, (iii) remedy conflicts of interest or comply with any plan prescribed by the University to manage or monitor such conflict or potential conflict, (iv) remain cognizant of potential conflicts, and (v) take the initiative to disclose or resolve conflicts of interest.


Administrators, faculty and staff must disclose in advance all outside activities and financial interests that may create a conflict of interest or have the appearance of creating a conflict of interest. Such disclosures should be made to appropriate University officials, such as vice presidents, deans, division chairs, and directors. All such disclosures shall be sufficiently detailed and timely made as to allow accurate and objective evaluation prior to making commitments or initiating activities that create a conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest. The information must be accurate and not false, erroneous, misleading, or incomplete. Each member of the University community has an obligation to cooperate fully in the review of the pertinent facts and circumstances.

In addition, administrators, faculty and staff shall disclose those situations and/or relationships that may result in a conflict of interest or create the appearance of a conflict of interest upon commencement of employment, and at least annually thereafter; in the event there is any change in circumstance since the last disclosure has been made that either results in the

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creation of a new conflict of interest, or there is a change in or elimination of any conflict of interest that has been previously disclosed; such additional information should be disclosed as soon as possible. Generally, disclosure statements will be kept confidential. However, the University reserves the right to disclose such information in circumstances which it deems appropriate or in response to federal, state, or local law or court order.

The President’s Cabinet is responsible for overseeing the implementation and enforcement of this policy. The Employee Appeals Committee will review all violations of this policy, including: (a) any failure to comply with the disclosure process; (b) failure to remedy any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict of interest, as required by the University; and (c) failure to comply with a prescribed management or monitoring plan. Such cases will follow the appeals process as outlined in the employee Handbook.

Penalties for deliberate violations of this policy will be determined by the President. Possible penalties may include, but shall not be limited to, admonition; reprimand and inclusion of a letter in the member’s personnel file regarding the matter; reimbursement to the University; nonrenewal of appointment; and dismissal from employment. Any member of the University community or student may report a situation involving a conflict of interest or a violation of this policy to an appropriate University official.


Conflicts of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest can arise in any number of situations. Members of the University community should be particularly aware of the following potential conflicts and should carefully abide by the requirements of this Policy before engaging in any activities that are inconsistent with such guidelines.

Administration. Employees with administrative responsibilities should avoid situations in which their own financial or other personal interests either converge with or are inconsistent with the University’s interests and create the appearance of making an administrative decision based on factors inappropriate to the decision making process. In particular, persons having duties involving the procurement, exchange, or sale of goods, services, or other assets; the negotiation or formation of contracts or other commitments affecting the assets or interests of the University; the handling of confidential or privileged information; or the providing of advice and expertise to the University, should be particularly conscious of potential conflicts, or even the appearance of such conflicts.

Business Relationships. In general, when any employee or their family members has a financial interest in a business or a close connection to such business, such person should be alert to the possibility that a conflict of interest may arise, or that the appearance of a conflict may be present, if the business has a relationship with the University. If the enterprise does business with the University, or proposes to do business with the University, the employee with knowledge thereof is required to disclose that fact. However, generally, there will be no conflict of interest if the employee is not in a position to influence the University’s decision making processes with respect to the business in which the employee or family member has an interest. No employee may review, approve, or administratively control contracts or business relationships when the contract or business relationship is between the University and a business in which the employee or the employee’s family member has a financial interest or when the employee or a family member is directly involved with activities pertaining to the

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University. For purposes of this Policy, a family member shall mean a spouse, child, stepchild, parent, grandparent, sibling, father-in-law or mother-in-law of a member of the University community. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this section is not intended to apply to the adoption of textbooks, software, or other teaching aids written by faculty members or their family members for use in their own course of instruction.

Gifts. No gifts or accommodations of any nature may be accepted by any member of the University community when to do so would place them in a prejudicial or compromising position, interfere in any way with the impartial discharge of their duties to the University, or reflect adversely on their integrity or that of the University. Employees may, however, accept gifts, meals, entertainment, and other normal social amenities, of nominal value whether from an individual or a business, provided that such amenities are not otherwise unusual under the circumstances.

University Funds. Members of the University community are expected to act in accordance with applicable University procedures regarding the proper expenditure of University funds, as well as the use and control of University assets. Conduct constituting the misappropriation or unauthorized use of University funds or assets is prohibited, including but not limited to activities implying sponsorship or endorsement by the University or adversely affecting the reputation or goodwill of the University.

Commitment. A conflict of commitment can arise when personal or outside professional activities, such as involvement with professional societies; meetings or conferences; consulting activities or family business interests, unduly burden or interfere with the employee’s primary job duties and commitments to the University. All full time faculty members are expected to devote their primary professional loyalty, time, and energy to teaching, research and other scholarly work, service on University committees, assistance to students, and performance of administrative duties and responsibilities. Generally, faculty responsibilities constitute a full-time obligation and it is expected that, except with the written permission of the President of the University, faculty members will not engage in other employment.

Nepotism. Members of the University community may not participate in the hiring process or any employment-related decisions pertaining to immediate family members, nor may they directly supervise a family member, review or participate in reviewing a family member’s work as an employee of the University.

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Whistleblower Policy


Originator: President’s Office

Subject: Whistleblower Policy

Date: July 29, 2009 (Revised July 12, 2017)


Missouri Baptist University endeavors to conduct the business of the University in accordance with federal, state and local laws that are applicable to it as a private, Christian liberal arts institution and to conduct its affairs in accordance with the highest ethical standards. Students, faculty and staff, and third party vendors, contractors, service providers and others with whom the University does business or proposes to do business, should never be subjected to or obligated to participate in activities that are illegal or unethical.


Faculty, staff, students, and third parties with whom the University does business are required to comply with federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to the University, as well as University policies, including the Conflict of Interest Policy. The University maintains a hotline for students, employees and others to call to report any suspected violation of applicable federal, state or local laws or regulations, University policies, or other unethical conduct. The University representative designated by the President to receive any complaint of illegal or unethical conduct is the Vice President for Business Affairs who serves as the Compliance Officer. The number for reporting is (314) 485 8481 which will direct the call to a voicemail box where a message can be left. Any report made to the Compliance Officer shall remain anonymous unless the caller wishes to give his/her name or phone number, or other exigent circumstances exist requiring disclosure of the identity of the caller to University representatives, and then only on a need to know basis. The Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that all such complaints are investigated and resolved to the satisfaction of the University and the Board of Trustees.


Any person who has knowledge of or suspects a violation of federal, state, or local law, or University policy, including the University’s Conflict of Interest Policy, or other unethical conduct, is requested to promptly report it to the University Compliance Officer. Any person that reports, in good faith, a suspected or actual violation of law, regulation, University policy or other unethical conduct will be protected from retaliation and retribution as a result of such report, regardless of whether or not, after investigation, a violation is determined to have occurred. Allegations which prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious offense.

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Originator: President’s Office

Subject: Travel and Entertainment Expense Reimbursement Policies and Guidelines

Date: July 2013

A. Background

The University appreciates the efforts of those who travel on University business and is concerned about their comfort and safety. These policies provide a guide to quick reimbursement for necessary travel and entertainment expenses through the use of consistent procedures. The policy assumes that employees are trustworthy and will use good judgment in submitting reasonable expenditures. Reimbursement should be sought, and authorized, only for expenses that conform to University policy and are reasonable and customary.

B. Policy


The University will pay actual room costs, as supported by the detailed bill, for each day that lodging away from home is required for actual business purposes. Travelers should choose good quality, reasonably priced hotels or motels for the area in which they are staying. When attending a conference, travelers are encouraged to stay at the conference hotel even if it is not the most economical. In- room movies and mini-bar expenses will not be reimbursed. If the traveler’s plans change and a cancellation is necessary, it is the responsibility of the traveler to do so in a timely manner to avoid a penalty. Internet charges while in travel status will be reimbursed if needed for business purposes.

Air travel

Commercial air travel expense is reimbursed on the basis of the actual cost incurred by the traveler using normally traveled routes and at the most economical rates. Non-coach travel may be utilized on rare occasions with the prior written approval of the traveler’s Senior Vice President. Exceptions to the lowest fair also may be approved if the trip would require circuitous routing, travel during unreasonable hours, excessively prolong travel time, or result in increased costs such as requiring extra nights lodging. As a general rule, three or more members of the President’s Cabinet should avoid traveling together.

Train Travel

Train travel is encouraged and reimbursable when cost and time effective such as to Chicago or Kansas City.

Personal Automobile

The University will reimburse employees for use of their personal vehicles in University business at a rate of 85% of the then current IRS rate. This percentage calculation is subject to change in the future should significant fluctuations in the rate of depreciation occur. In order to be reimbursed the employee will submit a mileage reimbursement request with the purpose of the trip, odometer

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readings for the beginning and end of the trip(s), and the total mileage. If odometer readings are not available, MapQuest or similar programs may be used with printouts attached to document the mileage driven. Tolls and parking fees are also reimbursable. An employee may not claim the mileage for commuting from home to work and back. When traveling on University business, the departure and termination point for determining the actual mileage will be the lesser of the mileage from the University or from the employee’s home.

MBU employees using personal automobiles for official university business must maintain adequate liability insurance for their protection and for the protection of passengers. The automobile owner’s insurance is primary. The University’s insurance is secondary once the primary limits are exceeded. The University’s insurance does not cover physical damage to personal automobiles.

Car Rental

The use of rental cars will be authorized when other transportation is not available or when renting saves time or money. The University has a Corporate rate with Enterprise but shopping around may produce a lower rate with the many specials and upgrades that are available. Collision damage insurance (CDW), liability insurance supplement (LIS) should be declined when traveling in the United States though it should be selected when traveling outside the United States. Fuel costs will be reimbursed based on actual fuel purchased, not mileage.

Taxi and other Local Transportation

The cost of taxis or other transportation to and from hotels, airports or railroad stations in connection with business activities is reimbursable.

University Vehicle

When using a university vehicle for business travel, fuel expenses and parking fees will be reimbursed at the actual cost paid by the traveler, not the mileage rate.


Tips are reimbursable for normal services associated with business travel such as food services, bellmen, maids, taxis, valet parking, shuttle drivers, etc. Tips included on meal receipts will be reimbursed. General rules: up to 20% of the bill on food service; Doorman-$1-$4 for carrying bag; Bellhop- $2 for first bag, $1 for each additional, $2-$3 for room delivery; Maids, $2-$5 per day with a note that says “housekeeping; Taxi driver- 15%-20% of the bill; Shuttle driver- $1-$2 if they handle luggage.

Spouse Travel

IRS regulations state that any reimbursement for spouse travel is considered taxable income to the employee unless the spouse travel is for a bona fide business purpose, benefits the University, and is documented. In certain authorized circumstances the University will reimburse for travel, meals, and expenses of the spouse of an employee while performing official duties in the areas of development, alumni relations, official representation such as at inaugurations, and other business of the University. The President may be accompanied anytime by his spouse who is expected to make a contribution to achieving the purposes of the travel. By contract with the Trustees all necessary and incidental expenses incurred by him and his spouse in connection with his employment are compensated and reimbursed. Any spouse travel other than the President must be approved in advance by the President.

Business Related Meals

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Travel and Entertainment Expense Reimbursement Policies and Guidelines 5.020

Reasonable travel meal expenses incurred during travel on official University business, and reasonable business meal expenses incurred locally in the St. Louis metropolitan area will be reimbursed. Business meals are further defined as meals taken with students, prospective students and their parents, alumni, colleagues, donors, prospective donors, individuals, or entities doing business with the University or seeking to do business with the University when specific business discussions take place. For business meals, each attendee’s name, business purpose, and the matter discussed must be included in the reimbursement request. The University does not reimburse the cost of alcoholic beverages.

Entertainment Expenses

Entertainment expenses may be claimed if they are incurred for the purpose of advancing a University business relationship, are within the bounds of good taste, moderation, and legal requirements, and are within reasonable limits. For example, attending a movie by oneself while out of town is not a reimbursable expense. However, taking a donor to the theatre or attending a play or visiting a museum while with a group of touring students or on a sabbatical would be reimbursable.

Departmental Functions

Certain departmental functions, such as holiday parties, retirement parties, and other significant departmental gatherings, serve an important business purpose for the University in supporting morale and encouraging networking among colleagues. All expenditures for such functions must be within the confines of the departmental budget. For group functions it is helpful to provide additional supporting documentation such as a copy of the announcement and the final number of attendees. The name of every attendee is not required.

Student Functions

Light refreshments for receptions, lectures, cast parties for theatre and music groups, pizza parties for student workers, etc. are reimbursable provided there are budgeted funds available. Proper receipts, a description of the group or event and the approximate number served is adequate for documentation.

Credit Card Use

The University issues a limited number of credit cards to employees for travel and entertainment use while conducting University business. Those who use University credit cards are subject to the same procedures as for reimbursement and must submit in an original signed receipt and proper documentation when a bill is issued.

Exceptions to the Policy

Exceptions to this policy may be recommended by the appropriate Senior Vice President and approved by the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and the President.



Traveler, Traveler’s Supervisor, Senior Vice President

These policies are necessary to comply with Federal tax law for travel and reimbursement which state the employee:

 Must have paid or incurred deductible expenses while performing service as a University employee.

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Must provide a statement substantiating the amount, date, use and business purpose expense within a reasonable amount of time (less than 45 days) after the expenses are incurred along with original receipts. 

Must return any advance amounts in excess of substantiated expenses within a reasonable amount of time (not to exceed 10 days). 

The responsibility to observe these guidelines rests with the traveler, the traveler’s supervisor, and the Senior Vice President to whom the supervisor reports. The traveler’s supervisor will verify that: 

The travel expense was incurred while conducting authorized University business. 

The information on the Expense report is accurate and in accordance with this policy 

There are sufficient funds to cover all trip expenses 

The expenditure is charged to the proper accounts. 

In order for business travel expense reimbursements to remain tax-free to the employee, the policies and guidelines must be followed.

Business Office

The business office will review the Expense Report for the appropriate signatures; check the accuracy of reports, ensure proper tax treatment of taxable income items and compliance with IRS regulations, maintain auditable records of travel expenses, and review expenditures and support for compliance with University policy prior to processing the reimbursement. If a form is incomplete or if there is an issue with the reimbursement, the Business Office will return the form to the employee’s Senior Vice President for further review.

In general, the quality of travel, accommodations, entertainment and related expenses should be governed by what is reasonable and appropriate to the purpose involved. The University respects the personal integrity and discretion of each member of its faculty and staff and conducts expense affairs accordingly.

There are rare occasions when an employee will lose, misplace, or not receive a receipt. In those instances the employee may provide a written explanation with any secondary documentation available and ask for reimbursement, especially if the charge is less than $25. However, habitual offenders may not be reimbursed.


The policy applies to all employees and non-employees, e.g., trustees, volunteers, consultants, guest lecturers, interview candidates and anyone else who incurs reimbursable expenses while traveling on behalf of the University. Rare exceptions to this policy may be made on an individual basis with a written request from the appropriate Senior Vice President and pre-approval by the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs or the President. In some instances contractual agreements with regard to travel supersede this policy, e.g., President’s travel.

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Originator: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Subject: Moving and Relocation Expenses

Date: 04/13/2016 Updated 05/15/2018


Missouri Baptist University recognizes the magnitude of the task of relocation of one’s family and household effects. Additionally, the University realizes that payment or reimbursement of some of the costs of new employees relocating to the area may be an important consideration in the recruitment process. The reimbursement of some portion or payment for all of the moving expenses for certain new employees is subject to negotiation with a Sr. Vice President with approval of the President


Missouri Baptist University will cover reasonable moving expenses associated with moving household and personal goods for eligible newly hired full time faculty, administrators, and staff.

To be eligible under this policy, the newly hired employee must be moving a minimum of 100 miles from their present home; must move within the first year of hire; and must have a reasonable expectation of remaining in their position for more than 1 year. Reimbursements are taxable income to the employee.

Expenses reimbursed under this policy include those associated with moving household/personal goods and the expenses for one pre-move visit intended to prepare for the relocation of the household and family. Typically, this visit is utilized to secure housing. Under this policy eligible expenses for the new employee and his/her spouse include up to a maximum of 3 nights of lodging expense, transportation to and from MBU, meals and rental car. Expenses reimbursed for the pre move visit are includable in taxable income as described by the IRS.


Moving expenses: moving household goods and personal effects (including packing, container costs, transit), including storage expenses (up to 30 days), travel (including lodging but not meals) to your new home.

Non reimbursed moving expense examples are: security deposits, pre move house hunting expenses, loss on sale of your home, home improvements to help sell your home, expenses of entering into or breaking a lease, any part of the purchase price of your new home, vehicle

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registration, driver’s license, expenses of buying or selling a home (closing costs, mortgage fees, points), losses from disposing of memberships in clubs, mortgage penalties, real estate taxes, return trips to your former residence.


If a relocated employee voluntarily terminates employment at Missouri Baptist University within 12 months from the date of the move, the employee must refund Missouri Baptist University 60% of the relocation expenses. If a relocated employee voluntarily terminates employment at Missouri Baptist University within 24 months from the date of the move, the employee must refund Missouri Baptist University 40% of the relocation expenses.

Agreements to reimburse moving expenses must have prior written approval of the President.

Requests for reimbursement of moving expenses, including pre-move house-hunting expenses will be reimbursed only if the reimbursement paperwork and accompanying documentation of all moving related expenses are submitted to the Business Office within 60 days of: 1) the employee’s employment start date (for expenses incurred prior to the start date; or 2) the date that the expenses were incurred (for expenses incurred after the employment start date.

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Originator: President’s Office

Subject: Gifting Expense Reimbursement Policies and Guidelines

Date: March 29, 2017

A. Background

The University appreciates the investment in morale and in encouraging networking among colleagues by supporting gifting for departmental functions and for special occasions. These policies provide a guide to quick reimbursement for expenses through the use of consistent procedures. The policy assumes that employees are trustworthy and will use good judgment in submitting reasonable expenditures. Reimbursement should be sought, and authorized by the department’s Senior Vice President, only for expenses that conform to University policy and are reasonable and customary.

B. Policy

Gift Cards

Gift cards serve an important business purpose for the University in supporting morale and encouraging networking among colleagues. All expenditures must be within the confines of the departmental budget. Gift cards or certificates provided to an employee (including student employees) purchased with University funds are considered taxable income regardless of the amount and will be subject to payroll withholding taxes. It is imperative that the names of the recipients be submitted to accounts payable with the credit card statement reconciliation report, the expense report or the purchase order.

The University will reimburse employees’ expenses for gift cards for special occasions, departmental functions and raffles that are held for University sponsored events such as but not limited to awards for volunteers, thank you gifts, and student and alumni events. Gift cards for departmental gift exchanges are not to be purchased or reimbursed from University funds.


Gifts serve an important business purpose for the University in supporting morale and encouraging networking among colleagues. All expenditures must be within the confines of the departmental budget. Gifts provided to an employee (including student employees) purchased with University funds may be subject to payroll withholding taxes. It is imperative that the names of the recipients be submitted to accounts payable with the credit card statement reconciliation report, the expense report or the purchase order.

It is understood that there are expenditures incurred for business purposes that may be considered a department supply and not a gift for an employee. This may include but not limited to MBU logoed apparel or gifts for non-MBU employees for awards or drawings/raffles.

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Departmental Functions

Certain departmental functions, such as holiday parties, retirement parties, and other significant departmental gatherings, serve an important business purpose for the University in supporting morale and encouraging networking among colleagues. All expenditures for such functions which may include but not be limited to luncheons, food and beverages and necessary supplies, must be within the confines of the departmental budget. For group functions it is helpful to provide additional supporting documentation such as a copy of the announcement and the final number of attendees. If the number of attendees is large, a list of the attendees will not be required. Otherwise, a list of all attendees must be submitted as part of the supporting documentation.

Student Functions

Light refreshments for receptions, lectures, cast parties for theatre and music groups, pizza parties for student workers, etc. are reimbursable. All expenditures for such functions which may include but not be limited to food and beverages and necessary supplies, must be within the confines of the departmental budget. Proper receipts, a description of the group or event and the approximate number served is adequate for documentation.

Credit Card Use

The University issues a limited number of credit cards to employees for use while conducting University business. Those who use University credit cards are subject to the same procedures as for reimbursement and must submit an original signed receipt and proper documentation when a bill is issued.

Exceptions to the Policy

Exceptions to this policy may be recommended by the appropriate Senior Vice President and approved by the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and the President.


The business office will review the Expense Report for the appropriate signatures; check the accuracy of reports, ensure proper tax treatment of taxable income items and compliance with IRS regulations, maintain auditable records, and review expenditures and support for compliance with University policy prior to processing the reimbursement. If a form is incomplete or if there is an issue with the reimbursement, the Business Office will return the form to the employee’s Senior Vice President for further review.

In general, the expenses should be governed by what is reasonable and appropriate to the purpose involved. The University respects the personal integrity and discretion of each member of its faculty and staff and conducts expense affairs accordingly.

There are rare occasions when an employee will lose, misplace, or not receive a receipt. In those instances the employee may provide a written explanation with any secondary documentation available and ask for reimbursement, especially if the charge is less than $25. However, habitual offenders may not be reimbursed.

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Originator: Sr. Vice President, Business Affairs

Subject: Derivative Instruments

Date: January 20, 2015


The purpose of the Policy is to establish procedures for Missouri Baptist University to follow in connection with the execution, delivery and management of interest rate and other swaps, caps, options, basis swaps, rate locks, total return swaps and other similar derivative instruments (collectively, “Derivative Instruments”) that are used to provide an interest rate hedge against indebtedness incurred by the University. This policy confirms the commitment of the Trustees, Administration, staff, advisors and other decision makers of the school to adhere to sound financial and risk management practices. The use of Derivative Instruments will be considered only in so much as they are the most effective instrument for implementing the goals of the University and minimize exposure to interest rate risk. It is expected that this Policy will be utilized in connection with all Derivative Instruments entered into by the University.

This Policy includes input from the University staff, Copeland, Thompson, Farris, PC, as the University’s bond counsel and Kensington Capital Advisors, LLC, as the University’s Swap Advisor (defined in section D.4 of this policy).

This Policy shall apply in connection with the contemplation, entering, structuring, negotiating, modifying, or terminating of any Derivative Instruments. The documentation for any such Derivative Instrument is hereinafter referred to as an “Agreement” for purposes of this Policy.

The Sr. Vice President Business Affairs for the University will be the custodian of this Policy and the lead official of the University for its implementation.

This Policy was approved by the Business and Audit Committee of the Board of Trustees on February 19, 2015, and is intended to constitute “written policies and procedures”: for the purposes of subparagraphs 23.434(c)(1) and 23.450(c)(3)(ii) of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Regulations contained in Title 17 of the Code of Federal Regulations (the “CFTC Regulations”).


Acknowledgement of Risks Associated with Derivative Instruments and Plan of Response

Several general risks are associated with entering into Derivative Instruments, namely: counterparty risk, termination risk, rollover risk, basis risk, and tax risk. In addition, additional risks arising from the variable rate financing structures associated with the Derivative Instruments can be identified. As an overriding consideration, the University believes that it has the necessary financial flexibility to manage each of these risks. Additionally, the school will consult with its Swap Advisor and legal counsel to determine the best manner to address and manage these risks.

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1. Counterparty Risk

Counterparty risk is the risk that the swap counterparty will not perform pursuant to the agreement’s terms. Under a fixed payor swap, if the counterparty defaults, the University would be exposed to an unhedged variable rate bond position. The creditworthiness of the counterparty is indicated by its credit rating. The school will manage its derivative transactions to ensure that the University’s exposure to a counterparty does not exceed a proper amount. The school will consider diversifying with respect to counterparties if and when it has determined that its exposure to any counterparty is at a level above which it should not be exposed. The University will also take into strong consideration the credit ratings of the counterparty for any new Derivative Instrument as well as other appropriate security provisions in the Derivative Instruments to protect the school against counterparty risk to the greatest extent possible.

2. Termination Risk

Termination Risk is the risk that the Derivative Instrument could be terminated as a result of any of several events, which may include a ratings downgrade or a counterparty covenant violation by either party, bankruptcy of either party, swap payment default by either party and other default or early termination events. The University will review potential causes of early termination, including those resulting from documentation provisions and the likelihood of credit downgrade that could precipitate an early termination. The school will use protective documentation provisions and will evaluate sources of internal liquidity and market access that could be used in the event a termination payment were required to be made.

3. Rollover Risk

Rollover Risk is the risk that the term of particular Derivative Instrument is not coterminous with the related underlying debt. If a Derivative instrument is entered into to hedge interest rate risk for a specified period of time, and the University decides on the expiration date to maintain the same or a similar hedge position, it may incur re-hedging costs at that time. The school will evaluate the likelihood of the unavailability of extension or rollover of a particular Derivative Instrument based on the underlying credit of the debt, as well as the general market for Derivative Instruments.

4. Basis Risk

Basis risk refers to a mismatch between the interest rate received from the swap counterparty and the interest rate actually owed on the related underlying debt. For example, the risk in a floating-to-fixed swap is that the floating rate received by the University under the swap may not at all times equal the floating rate paid by the school on the variable rate debt that it is hedging. This mismatch could occur for various reasons, including an increased supply of taxexempt securities in the marketplace, deterioration of the school’s (or credit enhancer’s) credit quality or a change in federal income tax rates for corporations and individuals. The University will measure and review the historic variation between the floating rate index used in a Derivative Instrument and the floating interest rate on the underlying debt instrument it is hedging and consider appropriate mitigation techniques as warranted.

5. Tax Risk

Entities that incur tax-exempt variable rate debt inherently accept risk stemming from changes in marginal income tax rates or risk of loss of the tax-exempt status of the underlying debt. Decreases in marginal income tax rates for individuals and corporations could result in taxexempt variable rates rising faster than taxable variable rates. This is a result of the tax code’s impact on the trading value of tax exempt bonds. This risk is also known as “tax event”

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risk, a form of basis risk under swap contracts. Percentage of LIBOR and certain SIFMA swaps can also expose issuers to tax event risk. The School will consider the potential for tax event risk in connection with entering into Derivative Instruments and consider appropriate mitigation techniques as warranted.


1. End-User Exception from Clearing Requirements

The University may enter into Derivative Instruments that are exempt from the federal clearing and exchange execution requirements pursuant to the exemption for end-users (the “EndUser Exception”) set forth in the U.S. Commodity Exchange Act. The school will carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of entering into uncleared swaps as opposed to cleared swaps, including the strength of the counterparties the school transacts with, the University’s risk management objectives, the costs and collateral burdens of clearing versus not clearing Derivative Instruments and other relevant factors.

The school shall designate each bank or financial entity that is counterparty to each uncleared Derivative Instrument as the “Reporting Counterparty” for purposes of reporting such Derivative Instrument to the Swap Data Repository (as defined in the U.S. Commodity Exchange Act), including but not limited to providing information on the University’s ability to meet its financial obligations associated with Derivative Instruments and the Board’s approval, generally that the school be permitted to enter into uncleared Derivative Instruments. Derivative Instruments entered by the school that are not cleared shall not be executed on a designated contract market (DCM) or swap execution facility (SEF) pursuant to the U.S. Commodity Exchange Act.

Each Derivative Instrument that is intended to qualify for the End-User Exception must be used to hedge or mitigate commercial risk in that such Derivative Instrument:  is “economically appropriate” to address risks such as the potential change in the value of the assets, liabilities, services, inputs, products, or commodities of the business, including ay such change relating to interest rate or foreign exchange movements;

qualifies as a bona fide hedging transaction under the Commodity Exchange Act; or

qualifies for hedging treatment under Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Accounting Standards Codification Topic 815. No uncleared Derivative Instrument will be in the nature of speculation, investing or trading, nor shall any uncleared Derivative Instrument be used to hedge or mitigate the risk of another swap or a security-based swap position, unless the other swap or securitybased swap position is itself used to hedge or mitigate commercial risk.

2. Swap Documentation

The University will use one of the forms of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (“ISDA”) Master Agreement as a framework for documentation of Derivative Instruments unless otherwise advised by its Swap Advisor to the contrary. Each Derivative Instrument shall include payment, term, security, collateral, default, remedy, termination and other terms, conditions, provisions and safeguards as the school, in consultation with its Swap Advisor and legal counsel, deems necessary or desirable.

If required to make an early termination payment in connection with termination of a transaction, the University will work with its counterparties, Swap Advisor and legal counsel to ensure that the documentary requirements have been followed, and to make sure that the amount of any such termination payment has been properly calculated.

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3. University Personnel Involved

To the extent the University enters into any new Derivative Instrument, the school will obtain Board or Executive Committee approval of the action to be taken.

The University shall at all times:  have one or more persons on its staff who, including through the obtaining of education and continuing education all as and when appropriate (which may be obtained from its Swap Advisor and/or other sources), to assist in understanding the existence, purpose, workings, structuring, negotiating, modifying, terminating or otherwise as to any Derivative Instrument and who is capable of independently evaluating investment risks with regard to any Derivative Instrument or trading strategy regarding a Derivative Instrument; and  exercise independent judgment, in consultation with its Swap Advisor, constituting a Designated Evaluation Agent, in evaluating all Derivative Instrument recommendations (if any) of any counterparty or other provider that are presented to the school with respect to Derivative Instruments to be entered into by the University.

In consultation with its Swap Advisor and, as necessary, legal counsel, the school’s President and Sr. Vice President Business Affairs will periodically monitor each Derivative Instrument to ensure proper management of the University’s obligations, including the costs associated with early termination.

4. Swap Advisor

The University shall engage an independent advisor or advisory firm to assist the school in connection with the entering into or termination of any Derivative Instrument, which advisor shall perform the tasks set forth in this section (“Swap Advisor”). The school has engaged the services of Kensington Capital Advisors, LLC as its present Swap Advisor. The University may from time to time review its Swap Advisor relationship. In connection with any selection of a Swap Advisor, whether on a singular transaction or ongoing basis, the school will endeavor in good faith to adhere with the provisions of this section.

The Swap Advisor engaged by the University shall:  Maintain sufficient skills to be capable of evaluating investment risks with regard to any Derivative Instrument or strategy concerning any Derivative Instrument reviewed by the Swap Advisor. 

Not be subject to a “statutory disqualification” as defined in Section 23.450(a) of the CFTC Regulations. 

Must be “independent” (as such term is defined in Section 23.450(c) of the CFTC Regulations) of any swap dealer or major swap participant that is a party to any Derivative Instrument reviewed by the Swap Advisor on behalf of the University. 

Must enter into an agreement with the school to undertake a duty to act in the best interest of the school. 

Must enter into an agreement with the University in which it agrees to make appropriate and timely disclosures to the University. 

Must be able to and agree to evaluate, consistent with any guidelines provided by the school, fair pricing and the appropriateness of any Derivative Instrument reviewed on behalf of the school. 

Be subject to applicable restrictions on political contributions imposed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “CFTC”), the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SED”), or any other self-regulatory organization subject to the jurisdiction of the CFTC or SEC. 

Must represent to the school in writing that it meets each of the requirements set forth above.

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In selecting, terminating or replacing any Swap Advisor, the University shall take into consideration one, some or all of the following as deemed appropriate: 

Any federal or state law implications concerning the engagement of professional service, if any, applicable to the selection and engagement of a Swap Advisor. 

Whether the Swap Advisor is registered as an advisor under the auspices of regulatory bodies at state levels (if applicable) and federal levels (such as, to the extent applicable, the CFTC, SEC and/or MSRB). 

Any reputational considerations concerning the Swap Advisor, such as the reputation and experience of the Swap Advisor in working with institutions comparable to the school and/or clients of the Swap Advisor. 

Any policies and procedures adopted by the Swap Advisor itself. 

Any inquiry as to the forms of written deliverables available to be provided by the Swap Advisor in connection with any proposed or actual Derivative Instrument. 

The demonstrated knowledge of the Swap Advisor (collectively with its own outside legal or other professionals) with respect to The Dodd-Frank Act and any other legal regulatory or other compliance aspects applicable to the Swap Advisor. 

The extent to which the Swap Advisor qualifies as a “Designated Evaluation Agent” for purposes of the CFTC Regulations subparagraph 23.434(b) and such term is commonly referred to in connection with The Dodd-Frank Act, namely meaning that such Swap Advisor is reasonably capable of evaluating investment risks with regard to any Derivative Instrument or strategy concerning any Derivative Instrument.

The University staff shall determine that any Swap Advisor to the school reasonably appears to satisfy the Designated Evaluation Agent requirements. In making such determination, the school staff may take into account any report or other documentation provided by the Swap Advisor regarding its satisfaction of such requirements. In addition, the University staff shall inquire as to the extent to which each Swap Advisor has written policies and procedures reasonably designed to ensure that such Swap Advisor satisfies the applicable requirements of the Designated Evaluation Agent requirements and that each Swap Advisor provide written representations to evidence compliance with such requirements. Following the engagement of a Swap Advisor, the University shall confer with the Swap Advisor on a periodic basis as to the services under performance by the Swap Advisor, if any.

5. Disclaimer

NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING IN THIS POLICY TO THE CONTRARY, THIS POLICY, AND ANY ACTIONS OR FAILURES TO ACT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH, AND ANY “SAFE HARBOR REPRESENTATION”, AND ANY AMENDMENTS, RESTATEMENTS AND OTHER MODIFICATIONS HERETO:  shall serve solely and exclusively as policies and procedures of the University;  shall not be relied upon by any party whatsoever; provided that any University officer, official or representative of the University may certify the extent to which the school maintains and complies with this policy in general, as well as in connection with any relevant Derivative Instrument or strategy concerning any Derivative Instrument or otherwise, any of which such certification may be relied upon conclusively and for all purposes by the recipient thereof, which recipients may include, without limitation: any provider of a Derivative Instrument concerning any Derivative Instrument; any legal counsel (to the University or otherwise, as applicable) for purposes of

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rendering any legal opinion or otherwise; and/or any other person or entity expressly specified as a reliance party in any such certificate;  are solely and exclusively for internal purposes and SHALL NOT IN ANY MANNER affect the validity of any opinion, statement, analysis, agreement, certificate or other paper, document or matter provided by legal counsel, any general financial advisor, any Swap Advisor or any other person or entity to or relative to the University or any other party (such as in connection with the due authorization, execution, delivery, validity, all applicable consents and policies and procedures having been obtained, enforceability, binding nature or otherwise).

Neither legal counsel nor any general financial advisor, any Swap Advisor or any other person or entity shall have any obligation to inquire as to the following and adherence by the University with this policy. No opinion, statement, analysis, agreement, certificate of other paper, document or matter shall be deemed negated, inaccurate or otherwise affected by any failure to comply with, or departure from, this policy (regardless of whether legal counsel or any general financial advisor, any Swap Advisor or any other person or entity shall have any knowledge of any such failure or departure).

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Originator: President

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Endowment Management and Spending Policy

Date Revised: February 23, 2012 (Revised August 25, 2016)


Modern educational management standards require that the Board of Trustees take a significant role in policy making with regard to endowment. This responsibility involves preserving the principal while seeking the highest yield and growth potential for the endowment.

The following definitions apply to this policy:

Endowment funds that are permanently invested to generate income for the support of the institution.

(1) True Endowment invested funds given to the institution on condition that only the income is spent.

(2) Quasi Endowment investment funds the Board of Trustees has chosen to set aside to generate income for the institution's support.

Endowment includes investments over which the Board of Trustees has no control (funds owned by the MBF, property managed by someone not responsible to the trustees) as well as investments controlled by the Board of Trustees. This policy addresses those funds over which the Board has control.


The Missouri Baptist University Board of Trustees will establish broad guidelines for the endowment, approve investment managers, and approve asset allocation. It will be the responsibility of investment managers to optimize the return on assets within established guidelines.

Endowment assets will be managed to ensure a total return (yield plus capital appreciation) necessary at least to preserve and, it is hoped, enhance (in real dollars) the principal of the endowment fund, and provide a dependable source of income for current operations and scholarships.


1. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees will recommend to the full Board endowment policies, investment managers, and asset allocation and evaluate endowment management and performance.

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2. The University administration will screen and recommend investment managers to the Executive Committee, receive reports, handle the day to day operations related to endowment, and prepare regular reports to the Board of Trustees.

3. Fixed income and equity portions of the investment portfolio are to be diversified in order to provide reasonable assurance that investment in either a single security or a class of securities cannot have an excessive impact on the total portfolio.

4. Fixed income securities should be comprised of high quality issues carrying an average Moody's rating of A or above or the equivalent unless approved by the Executive Committee or its designee. These securities should be of similar quality to US securities and generally produce higher yields.

5. Equity investments are to be made primarily in well established mutual funds, whose securities enjoy marketability adequate for the portfolio.

Investments in foreign securities are appropriate and may be made from 15 25% of the aggregate portfolio market value with a target of 20% unless otherwise approved by the Executive Committee. Other investment guidelines are as follows:

Equities Cash/Fixed Income REITs

Range 65 80% 15 25% 5 10%

Target 72.5% 20% 7.5%

6. Investments should not contain alcohol, tobacco, or adult entertainment.

7. Except as indicated in this policy, investment managers will have complete investment discretion with the expectation that funds will be invested with care, skill, prudence, and diligence.

8. Investment managers are responsible for frequent and open communication with the University on all significant matters pertaining to the assets managed.

9. The return over time on managed funds will be expected to equal or exceed selected weighted market indices such as the Lipper Balanced Index.

10. The Executive Committee will meet with each Investment Manager at least once a year and discuss possible rebalancing

11. The amount of endowment return available for current spending (distribution) during a fiscal year is to be determined on the basis of the fair market value as of the preceding December 31. The distribution will not exceed 4.0 percent of the average market value for the previous 12 quarters unless reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee.

12. New donor contributed funds added to the endowment during the previous year will be entitled to distribute 1/2 of the annual distribution. Funds added to the endowment after the mid point of the previous year will not be entitled to a distribution during the current year.

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Originator: Director of University Communications Subject: Constituent Contact Information Management and Privacy Date: September 17, 2010


The University realizes that constituent management is an important aspect of the communication process – ensuring that the right information is presented to the proper audience in the appropriate manner. Infrequent, inappropriate or misdirected communiqué can be detrimental to this process. Loss of a constituent’s contact management is also a detriment.

The University must actively maintain the trust and privacy of its constituents in accordance to University policy, federal, state and accreditation regulations.

To facilitate the management of various University constituent groups, specific areas are charged with oversight of their traditional and respective constituent groups.

University procedures need to reflect the constant changes in constituent contact information to keep University records as accurate as possible.


The areas identified below will be the exclusive “gatekeepers” of their constituent groups approving the content, the methods and the frequency of communications to their respective groups. In addition, they are charged with the responsibility to maintain the accuracy of their contact information and to protect the privacy of the persons included in their databases. This responsibility must include provision for post-mailing and constituent-directed updates.

All requesting departments are required to actively protect the constituent information from intentional or unintended misuse. This includes the shredding of unused lists, deletion of e-mails and outdated lists and ensuring that outsourced mail list services reflect the University’s policy as well.

Any fiscal solicitation of constituent groups must also be in agreement with PPM 6.003: Fundraising by University Personnel and Organizations.

The Office of Admissions and the Office of Graduate Advising will manage undergraduate and graduate constituents, respectively.

The Office of Records will manage all current MBU student contact information, however the Office of Student Affairs will manage the non-academic information targeted to current students. The Business Office can direct correspondence to this group without prior approval pending all of the communication is specific to the department operations.

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The Office of Institutional Advancement will coordinate the overlapping contact lists of alumni, donors, churches, publication and event-related constituents.

The Office of the President will maintain the contacts of trustees and executives at peer intuitions. Any requests for these lists will be highly scrutinized for appropriate use and the Office has complete and final jurisdiction over their managed contact lists.

The Office of University Communications will maintain the contacts of media outlets and the Sports Information Director will maintain those media contacts specific to athletics.

The Office of the Provost will maintain the contact information for all faculty and staff.

The IT department is responsible for supporting the computer systems required for each managing department.

Even when requesting departments have physical or computer access to the constituent contacts managed by another department the requesting department is required to make formal request in accordance with this policy.

Constituent contact lists are never to be given or sold to outside institutions or companies without the expressed permission of the constituents.

When there is question regarding the message, use or frequency of constituent communications, the Director of University Communications should be contacted for final resolution.


Managing departments are those departments responsible for managing the contact information for constituents as noted in section B of this policy.

Requesting departments are those departments seeking constituent lists that they themselves do not manage. E.G. Institutional Advancement would be a requesting department if they sought to send a mailing to the parents of prospective undergraduate students that is managed by the Office of Admissions.

Contact information should include, when pertinent, names, addresses, phone numbers and emails but is not limited to these specific fields of data.

Communication contact methods described by this policy include all forms of paper, phone or electronic communication.


Requesting Mailing Lists

Departments seeking mailing lists must direct their requests to the appropriate managing office five days prior to the period for which they need the lists. Requests should be made by e-mail, memo or in person and departments may create a form or prefer a specific method of request. Requests must include a draft example of the information intended for constituent group and requests without

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this draft are not to be fulfilled. Managing departments are to provide a MS Excel file or other comma- or tab-delimited files per the specification of the requesting department. It is the responsibility of the requesting department to produce or arrange production of the labels, laserprinted letters and envelopes or other labeling methods.

Request fulfillment should be made as soon as possible with consideration of department task priorities but should be fulfilled within five days. If extenuating circumstances prohibit the completion of the request within the five days the requesting department should be notified as soon as possible. If there is question regarding the appropriateness of the request then the two department directors should dialogue as early as possible and consult the Director of University Communications if an amiable agreement is not met.

Mailing List Use

Each mailing will require a newly created list from the managing department. For the sake of accuracy, the lists should be produced within two weeks of the mail-drop date. Mailing lists older than thirty (30) calendar days are to be considered invalid and destroyed.

Requested mail lists should only be sent to faculty and staff via campus mail in sealed inner-office envelopes or via e-mail to faculty and staff with mobap.edu addresses. Copies of the physical lists are not to be made and digital copies must be limited to the use defined in the request. Once the constituent communication is executed all remaining contact data should be destroyed.

Only full-time employees may be in possession of constituent contact lists. Requesting departments may not share their lists with other departments, employees or organizations with the sole exception of printing and mailing companies expressly contracted for the distribution of the communication piece. Such printing and mailing companies need to be instructed to destroy copies of constituent files at the conclusion of their service.

Disposal of Constituent Contact Lists

The only acceptable method for the destruction of physical materials is via a paper shredder –either in strip or cross-cut (squares or diamond) form and then discarded in the campus trash. Under no circumstances should physical constituent materials be discarded without shredding. Burning or marking over the sensitive material is unacceptable as a method of destruction.

Destruction of digital copies should include e-mails, local and network drives. Both the managing and requesting departments need to review sent and received mail in the process of deleting the materials.

The only exception to the destruction of the digital copies would include specific communications that require specific recipient documentation. In that lone situation physical copies should be put in a sealed envelope and marked confidential and digital copies should be kept with the appropriate project files and it is recommended that the document be secured with a password when possible.

Maintenance of Constituent Information

Each managing department is responsible for actively maintaining current and accurate data. Due to the variety in constituency groups and communication needs, managing departments are encouraged to devise and implement their own processes to obtain new and updated constituent contact information.

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Each managing department is responsible for ensuring the proper exchange of constituent information from one managing department to the other. E.g., the Records Office is responsible for initiating the migration of graduating student information to the system managed by the Office of Institutional Advancement following commencement ceremonies or other appropriate dates.

The IT department is responsible to maintain backups of all databases according to appropriate IT department procedures and to manage the database user account permissions.


Any unusual requests should be referred to the Office of University Communications. All requests made by unauthorized persons must be documented and reported to the Office of University Communications. Documentation should include the person making the request, the date, time and the reported intent for the request. Any suspected constituent data misuse should be reported to the Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

Questions or concerns about the integrity of online databases should be addressed to the IT department immediately.

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Originator: Development Office Distribution: Policy and Procedures Manuals Subject: Fundraising by University Personnel and Organizations Date: April 12, 1995 (Updated June 2000; September 2010; August 2022)


The increasing need for funds to support the many activities and programs of Missouri Baptist University has led to heightened fundraising activity by faculty, administration, staff, and students. These activities are encouraged provided they are conducted in a coordinated and professional manner and are in keeping with the standards of Missouri Baptist University.

The Associate Vice President for University Advancement will coordinate all fundraising programs of the University and establish supportive relationships with all off-campus constituencies.


Missouri Baptist University employees and students may solicit funds to promote the mission and purposes of the University provided that such activity or project is approved by the appropriate area head and the Associate Vice President for University Advancement.


1. The mission and statement of purposes of the University are stated in the Missouri Baptist University Catalog.

2. Preliminary approval:

a. All student or student organization initiated fundraising proposals must be approved by the appropriate faculty/staff sponsor.

b. All faculty or faculty initiated fundraising proposals must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate division chairperson/dean and then by the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

c. All administrator or administrator initiated fundraising proposals must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate person to whom the administrator reports.

d. All staff initiated fundraising proposals must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate person to whom the staff person reports.

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3. If a fundraising proposal receives preliminary approval, the person giving that approval must:

a. prioritize the proposal relative to other funding needs in that department or sphere of the University;

b. itemize any costs required by the proposal (create a budget);

c. identify account(s) to be charged; and

d. document approval to charge the account(s).

4. Final approval

The Associate Vice President for University Advancement will review and approve all fundraising proposals to ensure that they are complementary to and coordinated with other fundraising efforts. This will include a review and approval of individuals, businesses, foundations, or other groups targeted for solicitation.


To encourage excellent stewardship, stay IRS compliant and to provide donors with official receipts for tax purposes, all gifts and copies of related correspondence must be delivered to the Office for University Advancement within 48 hours of receipt of the gift. It is essential for stewardship that gifts to the University are recorded and acknowledged promptly for the donor and for university development purposes. The general responsibility for receipt of gifts is assigned to the Office for University Advancement at Missouri Baptist University.

The Office for University Advancement processes and coordinates all gifts with the Business Office. The Office for University Advancement incorporates Development, Alumni Engagement, and Career Development.


1. Soliciting Missouri Baptist University major donors must be handled in a coordinated manner. The Associate Vice President for University Advancement is to be made aware of any plans to contact any MBU major donor lest we confuse the donor, embarrass the University, or worst of all, lose a major donor.

2. If the President’s participation is requested, all planners of MBU fundraising events or activities should, in the earliest stages of planning, inquire as to the President's wishes and calendar related to the President's participation.

3. Fundraising, which involves any form of gambling, including the selling of chances for a prize, is prohibited at Missouri Baptist University.

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Fundraising 6.003

Non-Cash Gifts 6.004


Originator: President

Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals

Subject: Policy on Non-Cash Gifts

Date: Updated June, 2000


From time to time, Missouri Baptist University receives from donors non-cash gifts in the form of stocks, property, goods, materials, or services. A need exists for a policy which defines such non-cash gifts, and indicates the process by which such gifts will be receipted, valued, disposed of, managed, audited, and accounted for.


Non-cash gifts to Missouri Baptist University are welcomed at any time so long as the gift has genuine value and will not be a burden on the University because of management required or expenses. Such non-cash gifts are to be received, managed, disposed of, and accounted for in an appropriate and professional manner.


1. The President of the University has been delegated the responsibility of management of such gifts.

2. When a non-cash gift is offered to the University, the President will accept or reject such gift based on his judgment of whether the gift has real value and will not be an excessive drain on the University management and resources. In making such a decision, he will consult, as he deems appropriate, with staff members, trustees, and specialists in a particular field, such as real estate, computer hardware, library books, etc.

3. Gifts will be valued by the University on the date of delivery and according to current IRS guidelines. In the case of securities, real, or personal property the following guidelines will be followed.

(a) Securities: The University will credit gifts of securities at the mean or their market value on the date of delivery. Neither losses nor gains realized by the University's sale of the securities after their receipt should affect the value credited. Any brokerage fees incurred by the University and changes in value prior to liquidation should be considered operating expenses or income of the University.

(b) Real and Personal Property: Major gifts of real and personal property---such as land, houses, paintings, antiques and rare books---will be reported at the fair market value placed upon them by an independent, expert appraiser. Small gifts of the real and personal property - such as rare books, prints, etc. -- with an

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apparent worth of less than $5,000 may be valued by a member of the staff of the University with some expertise -- such as a librarian or professor of art --- and that informal valuation used for institutional reporting purposes.

Gifts made in trust, through insurance policies, or bearing some real or implied obligation on the part of the University will be valued according to "Gift Reporting Standards and Management Reports for Educational Institutions" as published by CASE and NACUBO

4. In general, the University is not equipped to manage properties, stocks, and other forms of gifts which require systematic management. Therefore, when gifts of property, stocks, bonds, or other forms of non-cash gifts are made to the University, the subject gift will be analyzed as above provided and if it is deemed advisable, will be sold, if an appropriate market exists.

Unless there is a clear indication that the stock is likely to rise more than moderately within a reasonable time, the stock will be sold and the cash invested or used as appropriate.

In the case of real estate, unless there is some clear indication that the property is likely to increase in value more than moderately over a reasonable period of time, the property will be sold. Advice from the real estate professionals will be sought, including professionals in land and property management.

5. In cases of non-cash gifts valued at $100,000 or more, the advice of the Executive Committee will be sought, and the full Board advised. If such a decision needs to be made prior to a regular meeting of the Business Affairs Committee, the advice and counsel of the Chairman of the Executive Committee will be sought by the President and/or Senior VP for Business Development

6. Non-cash gifts shall be treated in the annual audit by the University Auditor, in keeping with standard accounting practices.

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Political Activity and Promotion Policy


Originator: Marketing and Public Relations

Subject: Political Activity and Promotion Policy

Date: 15 July 2005 (reviewed Sept 2010)


Missouri Baptist University encourages faculty and staff to participate as individual citizens in local, state and national political activities. University constituents are unencumbered by restrictions of prejudice, intimidation or personal preference in respects to their personal political views, but specific guidelines must be maintained out of respect to governmental regulations and ethical behavior.

MBU is classified as a not for profit organization in IRS code 501(c)(3).

IRS fact sheet FS 2004 14, dated October 2004, outlines the following:

Under law, tax exempt organizations described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code are prohibited from participating or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. Charities, educational institutions and religious organizations, including churches, are among those that are covered under this code section.

These organizations cannot endorse any candidates, make donations to their campaigns, engage in fund raising, distribute statements, or become involved in any other activities that may be beneficial or detrimental to any particular candidate. Even activities that encourage people to vote for or against a particular candidate on the basis of nonpartisan criteria violate the political campaign prohibition of section 501(c)(3).


In pursuit of truth within a climate of free inquiring and academic instruction, the University will provide, whenever reasonable, a forum for the exploration of knowledge, concepts and ideas of the political nature. At the same time, the University is unable to specifically advocate a particular political campaign, party, candidate or agenda.

The behavior of faculty and staff, and subsequent departments, committees and organizations comprised by MBU faculty and staff, must recognize a distinction between political activities of individuals as private citizens and the activities of those individuals in their professional relationship to the University.

The political activities of students and MBU student organizations are not defined completely in this document. Students should consult the Student Handbook and related policies defined by the Office of Student Affairs.

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Examples of what is allowed

Official campus organizations inviting political candidates or spokespersons for political parties to participate in regularly schedule classes or approved open forums for the purpose of educating MBU constituents about issues before the electorate. 

The promotion of voter participation without partisan or subject bias. 

The participation in student political organizations through faculty/staff sponsorship or invitation. 

Distribution of campaign literature by official campus organizations at approved fairs.

Examples of what is not allowed

Use of the University’s name, graphic elements or mailing addresses (postal, or electronic) in promotional material used for political campaign purposes. 

Use of MBU offices, supplies, phone system, mail distribution, computers, web site, e mails, fax machines, and other campus property for the promotional or fundraising support a political campaign, party, candidate or agenda. 

Use of University facilities to host the announcement of a campaign or for an election night party. 

The hosting of a political debate without equal representation by political parties.


If there is question or conflict regarding a proposed political activity, the president will make final interpretation. Violations of this policy should be address to the Office of the Provost and abuses of campus communications should be addressed to the Office of Marketing and Public Relations.

In light of the University’s Evangelical Christian emphasis, care should be taken not to confuse political agendas with subjects of faith and the inverse.

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and Promotion


Originator: Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Naming and Endowing Academic Posts, Buildings, and Scholarships Date: November 9, 1995 (Updated June 7, 2000)


Missouri Baptist University is committed to quality in all of its programs. The achievement of that goal will depend in large part on the degree to which the University receives financial support that will enable it to:

1. Attract and hold faculty, administration, and staff members characterized by excellence and dedication;

2. Provide scholarships; and

3. Maintain attractive and efficient physical facilities.

In order to achieve this objective, the University seeks to fund endowed academic posts, buildings, scholarships, and other worthwhile projects.


Endowment will require specific financial commitments to be reviewed and adjusted periodically with regard to current economic considerations.

Endowed positions, buildings, or scholarships will carry the name of the donor (or his designee) in perpetuity.

Each endowed position, building, or scholarship will be implemented within one year after all of the required funds are deposited.


1. The endowed building will require a minimum gift of approximately 1/3 of the replacement value of the building and contents.

2. The endowed department will require a minimum gift of $750,000. The earnings from the endowment will go towards support of a department of the University.

3. The endowed chair, the most distinguished teaching post at Missouri Baptist University, will require a minimum gift of $500,000.

4. The endowed professorship will require a minimum gift of $175,000. This endowment will provide partial support for an outstanding faculty member.

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5. The endowed visiting professorship will require a minimum gift of $75,000. The earnings from this endowment will bring noted teachers, artists, and scholars to the campus for courses, seminars, and special emphases.

6. The endowed lectureship will require a minimum gift of $50,000. The earnings from this endowment would enable the University to enrich academic and spiritual growth by bringing noted scholars, artists, and leaders to the campus.

7. The endowed scholarship will require a minimum gift of $10,000. An endowment sufficient to provide 1/2 or full tuition for one student is recommended.

8. Other endowments may be established as needs arise and will be planned with individual donors by the President and by the Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement.

9. Unless otherwise approved:

a. All named endowments will be fully funded within a five-year period.

(1) With the donor's concurrence, earnings on not yet fully funded endowed scholarships will be used for general scholarship purposes.

(2) With the donor's concurrence, earnings on not yet fully funded nonscholarship endowments will go to the University for unrestricted use.

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Originator: President

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Charter School Sponsorship Policy

I. Sponsorship of Charter Schools

In the event a person, group or organization submits to the University a charter that proposes the University as sponsor, the University shall respond to such charter and the request for the University to act as sponsor in the manner set forth in the Missouri Charter School Act (Missouri Revised Statutes, Section 160.400 et seq.). There shall be no appeal from a decision of the University to not grant a proposed charter.

II. Amendment of Charter

The governing board of the charter school may request the University to approve the amendment of the charter. Any request to amend the charter shall be in writing and directed to the President of the University, and shall specify in detail the proposed amendments to the charter. Within thirty (30) days of receiving such request, the University may require the charter school to provide additional information relative to the decision to approve the proposed amendment. Within sixty (60) days of receipt of the written request to amend, or of receipt of all of the additional information required by the University, whichever is later, the University shall advise the charter school of its decision on the proposed amendment, provided, however, that failure to respond within that time period shall be deemed disapproval of the proposed amendment. There shall be no appeal from a decision of the University to not approve an amendment of the charter as proposed by the governing board of the charter school.

III. Renewal of Sponsorship

At the conclusion of the term set forth in the charter, or five (5) years from the date of the charter if no term is specified in the charter, the holder of the charter may request the University to renew the charter. Such requests shall be submitted in writing to the President of the University at least six (6) months prior to the end of the term of the existing charter. The renewal of a charter shall be treated in the same manner as a newly proposed charter. There shall be no appeal from a decision of the University to not approve the renewal of the charter as proposed by the holder of the charter.

IV. Probationary Status

The University may place the charter school on probationary status to allow the implementation of a remedial plan, which may require a change in methodology, a change in leadership, or both, after which, if such a plan is unsuccessful, the University may proceed to revoke the charter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the University may revoke charter at any time if the charter school commits a serious breach of one or more provisions of its charter or on any of the following grounds:

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(1) Failure to meet academic performance standards as set forth in the charter;

(2) Failure to meet generally accepted standards of fiscal management;

(3) Failure to provide information necessary to confirm compliance with all provisions of the charter and the Missouri Charter School Act within fortyfive (45) days following receipt of written notice requesting such information; or,

(4) Violation of law.

V. Termination of Charter

A. Notice of Termination

At least sixty days before acting to revoke a charter, the University shall notify the governing board of the charter school of the proposed action in writing. The notice shall state the grounds for the proposed action, and the effective date thereof. A termination shall be effective only at the conclusion of the school year, unless the University determines that continued operation of the school presents a clear and immediate threat to the health and safety of the children.

B. Request for Hearing

The holder of a charter that has received notice that the University proposes to terminate the charter may request in writing a hearing on the matter of such termination, provided that such request shall be delivered to the President of the University within two weeks of the charter holder’s receipt of the notice from the University on the proposal to terminate the charter.

C. Hearing

Upon receipt of a written request by the charter holder for a hearing on the matter of the termination of the charter, the President shall notify the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University.

1. Creation of Hearing Panel

Upon receipt of notification from the President that a charter holder has requested a hearing on the matter of the termination of the charter, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall proceed to appoint a panel to hear the matter. The Chairman shall appoint not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7) members of the Board of Trustees of the University to serve as members of the hearing panel. The Chairman shall appoint one member of the hearing panel to serve as chair of the hearing panel. The hearing panel may engage independent counsel, with the University to bear the cost of such counsel.

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2. Location of Hearing

The hearing of the appeal of the charter holder shall be held on the main campus of the University, or at such other location in the St. Louis metropolitan area as determined by the chair of the hearing panel.

3. Notice of Hearing

At least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing, the chair of the hearing panel shall send a notice of the hearing to the President of the University and the person who made the written request for the hearing, as well as any other person specifically designated in such request and any counsel of record. Prior to setting the date for the hearing, a reasonable attempt shall be made to assure the ability of all necessary parties to be prepared and available for such hearing. The notice shall include the date, time and place of the hearing.

4. Exchange of Evidence

At least three (3) business days prior to date of the hearing, or such earlier time as the parties shall agree, the parties shall exchange a list of witnesses each party may call in the presentation of their case, and a brief description of the nature of the testimony of that witness, and shall exchange copies of documents each party may introduce into evidence at the hearing. Except for good cause by leave of the hearing panel, or the consent of the other party, neither party may offer witnesses or other evidence not disclosed prior to the hearing in this manner, except as rebuttal evidence.

5. Hearing Procedure

The hearing of the appeal shall be conducted as a contested hearing as defined in the Missouri Administrative Procedures Act (Chapter 356, Revised Statutes of Missouri), under the rules and procedures as set forth in the Act. As such, the hearing shall be conducted as follows:

(1) The charter school may be represented by legal counsel at the hearing, and the University administration shall be represented by legal counsel.

(2) The hearing shall be open to the public.

(3) Each party shall have the opportunity to make an opening statement at the beginning of the hearing. The administration shall be given the opportunity to make an opening statement first, and the charter school shall be given the opportunity to make an opening statement second.

(4) Oral evidence shall be taken only on oath or affirmation.

(5) Each party shall have the right to call and examine witnesses, to introduce exhibits, to cross-examine opposing witnesses on any matter relevant to the issues even though that matter was not the subject of the direct examination, to impeach any witness regardless of which party first called him to testify, and to rebut any evidence offered by opposing witnesses.

(6) The University shall cause all proceedings in the hearing to be suitably recorded and preserved. A copy of the transcript of the proceedings shall

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be made available to the charter school upon the payment of a fee which shall in no case exceed the reasonable cost of preparation and supply.

(7) Records and documents which are to be considered in the case shall be offered in evidence so as to become a part of the record.

(8) The hearing panel shall take official notice of all matters of which the courts take judicial notice. The panel may also take official notice of technical or scientific facts, not judicially cognizable, within the competence of the panel, if they notify the parties, either during the hearing or in writing before the hearing, or before findings are made after the hearing, of the facts of which they propose to take such notice and give the parties reasonable opportunity to contest such facts or otherwise show that it would not be proper for the panel to take such notice of them.

(9) Evidence to which an objection is sustained shall, at the request of the party seeking to introduce the same, or at the instance of the hearing panel, nevertheless be heard and preserved in the record, together with any cross-examination with respect thereto and any rebuttal thereof, unless it is wholly irrelevant, repetitious, privileged, or unduly long.

(10) Any evidence received without objection which has probative value shall be considered by the hearing panel along with the other evidence in the case. The rules of privilege shall be effective to the same extent that they are now or may hereafter be in civil actions. Irrelevant and unduly repetitious evidence shall be excluded.

(11) Copies of writings, documents and records shall be admissible without proof that the originals thereof cannot be produced, if it shall appear by testimony or otherwise that the copy offered is a true copy of the original, but the hearing panel may, nevertheless, if it believes the interests of justice so require, sustain any objection to such evidence which would be sustained were the proffered evidence offered in a civil action in the circuit court, but if it does sustain such an objection, it shall give the party offering such evidence reasonable opportunity and, if necessary, opportunity at a later date, to establish by evidence the facts sought to be proved by the evidence to which such objection is sustained.

(12) Any writing or record, whether in the form of an entry in a book or otherwise, made as a memorandum or record of an act, transaction, occurrence or event, shall be admissible as evidence of the act, transaction, occurrence or event, if it shall appear that it was made in the regular course of any business, and that it was the regular course of such business to make such memorandum or record at the time of such act, transaction, occurrence, or event or within a reasonable time thereafter. All other circumstances of the making of such writing or record, including lack of personal knowledge by the entrant or maker, may be shown to affect the weight of such evidence, but such showing shall not affect its admissibility. The term “business” shall include any business, profession, occupation and calling of every kind.

(13) The results of statistical examinations or studies, or of audits, compilations of figures, or surveys, involving interviews with many persons, or examination of many records, or of long or complicated accounts, or of a large number of figures, or involving the ascertainment of many related facts, shall be admissible as evidence of such results, if it shall appear that such examination, study, audit, compilation of figures, or

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survey was made by or under the supervision of a witness, who is present at the hearing, who testifies to the accuracy of such results, and who is subject to cross-examination, and if it shall further appear by evidence adduced that the witness making or under whose supervision such examination, study, audit, compilation of figures, or survey was made was basically qualified to make it. All the circumstances relating to the making of such an examination, study, audit, compilation of figures or survey, including the nature and extent of the qualifications of the maker, may be shown to affect the weight of such evidence but such showing shall not affect its admissibility.

(14) Either party desiring to introduce an affidavit in evidence at the hearing may serve on the other parties a copy of such affidavit in the manner hereinafter provided, at any time before the hearing. Not later than seven days after such service, or at such later time as may be stipulated, the other party may serve on the party who served such affidavit an objection to the use of the affidavit or some designated portion or portions thereof on the ground that it is in the form of an affidavit; provided, however, that if such affidavit shall have been served less than eight days before the hearing such objection may be served at any time before the hearing or may be made orally at the hearing. If such objection is so served, the affidavit or the part thereof to which objection was made, may not be used except in ways that would have been permissible in the absence of these provisions; provided, however, that such objection may be waived by the party making the same. Failure to serve an objection as aforesaid, based on the ground aforesaid, shall constitute a waiver of all objections to the introduction of such affidavit, or of the parts thereof with respect to which no such objection was so served, on the ground that it is in the form of an affidavit, or that it constitutes or contains hearsay evidence, or that it is not, or contains matters which are not, the best evidence, but any and all other objections may be made at the hearing. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the cross-examination of the affiant if the affiant is present in obedience to a subpoena or otherwise and if the affiant is present, the affiant may be called for cross-examination during the case of the party who introduced the affidavit in evidence. If the affidavit is admissible in part only it shall be admitted as to such part, without the necessity of preparing a new affidavit. The manner of service of such affidavit and of such objection shall be by delivering or mailing copies thereof to the attorneys of record of the parties being served, if any, otherwise, to such parties, and service shall be deemed complete upon mailing. Nothing in this section shall prevent any use of affidavits that would be proper in the absence of these provisions.

(15) At the conclusion of the evidence, each party shall be afforded the opportunity to make closing statements.

(16) All rulings on objections and other matters at the hearing shall be ruled upon by the chair of the hearing panel.

6. Ruling by Hearing Panel

The decision of the hearing panel shall be in writing, and shall be accompanied by findings of fact and conclusions of law. The hearing panel may request the parties to

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provide proposed findings and conclusions. Upon adoption of a decision and findings of fact and conclusions of law, the hearing panel shall provide a copy of the same to both parties by personal delivery or mail, and to the attorney of record for each party, with the University administration’s copy being directed to the President of the University.

7. Judicial Review

Either party aggrieved by the decision of the hearing panel shall be entitled to judicial review of the decision as provided in the Missouri Administrative Procedures Act for a contested case.

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Originator: Senior Vice President for Business Affairs

Subject: Proposed Policy Regarding Restricted Gifts

Date: April 18, 1996


A new Statement of Financial Accounting Standard #117 (SFAS117) established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has changed how we are to present our consolidated financial statements. The day-to-day accounting has not changed significantly and we do not prepare consolidated statements on an interim basis, so this standard will really only first be noticed on our 1995/1996 annual report produced by our auditors.

In the past, our statements had numerous columns, one for each fund that we manage. In an attempt to make the financial attachments of nonprofit entities appear more similar to the statements of for profit corporations, this new standard allows colleges to produce statements with only three columns entitled: Unrestricted, Temporarily Restricted, and Permanently Restricted. Though this simplification sounds good, it actually would give us a much less clear picture of the fiscal management of our annual operations or what was formally known as our unrestricted current fund. The National Association of College and University Business Officers has conferred with the AICPA and established that we can maintain our “operations” or current unrestricted fund column along with certain other funds under an umbrella entitled “Unrestricted Funds”.

Temporarily Restricted funds would be those gifts that were given with restrictions on their use, and that we have not yet met those restrictions. An example might be funds given toward endowing a scholarship but whose balance is currently insufficient to meet our endowment threshold, or gifts given toward a specific project that has not yet commenced. Previously no income was recognized when the gift was given, but rather we had to wait until we had used the funds to meet the restriction. Consequently, if you used our financial statements to measure the efforts of our Development department your praise or criticism would be ill timed. Under the new standard, revenue is recognized when we receive the gift. If we do not meet the restrictions in the year of the gift, then we recognize revenue in the Temporarily Restricted column. If we do meet the restrictions, then we recognize the income in the unrestricted column.

The new standard recognized that a manual review of these accounts would be required to determine when the restrictions had been met. Then a manual accounting entry would be required to move the original gift income from one column to the other when the restriction was met. Manual reviews and manual entries leave considerable room for human oversight and error. The AICPA then acknowledged that some universities would have a multitude of these accounts to monitor and accurate accounting could become quite cumbersome. To assist in reducing this burden, they allowed for a nonprofit entity to establish a threshold for such an account, but the policy establishing such a threshold would have to be noted in the financial statement footnotes. We need to establish this policy.

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Proposed Policy Regarding Restricted Gifts

The method that is established by FASB117 is that when the first dollar is spent toward meeting the restriction, then the entire gift becomes unrestricted. The standard allows for instances where a gift is given for a specific purpose that is met in the operating budget. If the gift falls below the institution’s threshold and we are assured of meeting the restriction through the operating budget, then the gift should be recognized as unrestricted upon its receipt Without waiting for a manual review to determine if the restriction had been met.

In most instances, this will have little effect on MBC and how we have maintained our books. If a donor gave a $100 unsolicited gift last year for books, we recorded the gift as an unrestricted gift and told the Librarian that she could overspend her budget by that dollar amount rather than establishing a general ledger account for that one gift. The threshold that I have heard in most discussions with other colleges has been $1,000 while some of the large universities are leaning toward $5,000 or $10,000.


Solicitations for restricted gifts should have campaign goals in excess of $1,000. An unsolicited gift of less than this amount may be recorded as unrestricted income if budgeted funds equal to the gift are available for this restricted purpose.


1. Restricted gifts toward campaign goals of less than $1,000 will be receipted as an unrestricted gift.

2. The budget director over the affected area will be notified of the additional funds available to them through an approved budget variance.

3. A campaign goal of less than $1,000 may be established on an exception basis by the President of the College, which gifts to be recognized in the same manner as an unsolicited restricted gift as outlined in III. A-B.

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Proposed Policy Regarding Restricted Gifts

Employees Receiving Personal Gifts from Donors 6.012


Originator: President

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Policy Regarding University Employees Receiving Personal Gifts from Donors or Likely Donors

Date: March, 1995


The good name and integrity of the University must be painstakingly preserved and never compromised. This is particularly true in the "friend raising" and fund raising processes. When University representatives are dealing with donors or likely donors, every "appearance of evil" must be fastidiously avoided.


Under no circumstances should a Missouri Baptist University employee accept or receive, from a donor or likely donor, gifts to himself or herself of money (cash, check, money order, payment by credit card, or transfer of securities, etc.)

Receiving these kinds of personal gifts from donors or likely donors is a conflict of interest on the part of the employee, which could potentially subject the University to embarrassment, unfavorable publicity, and/or legal action.

This policy applies with special significance to all employees of the Department for Institutional Advancement (Development, Alumni Relations, and/or Public Relations). 

A violation of this policy constitutes grounds for termination of employment.

Please explain to any donor or likely donor who wishes to give you a gift for your own personal benefit that University policy does not allow you to receive such gifts.

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Originator: Director of University Communications Subject: Release of Public Information

Date: September 17, 2010


It is the goal of Missouri Baptist University to provide all constituencies of the University and the public with timely and accurate information about the University. It is also the intention of MBU to cooperate with the media to the greatest extent possible consistent with the best interest of the University and its publics.

Each MBU employee is responsible for representing the University and keeping the Office of University Communications briefed on potentially newsworthy activities. For crisis situations, consult the Crisis Communications Plan (PPM 6.016).


Only the President and the Director of University Communications – or another spokesperson explicitly designated by the President – is authorized to respond to the media and other web-based sites on matters of University policies, procedures, or practices, or regarding events of Universitywide significance.

Faculty members are encouraged to discuss topics related to their academic discipline and research with the Office of University Communications. Director of University Communications will pass on to the appropriate media outlet. The Office should also be briefed on continuing developments with the media.

Each division/department head will inform the Director of potentially newsworthy activities in a timely manner.

All department heads and Extension Deans are responsible for notifying the Office of University Communications of new programs, events, or other newsworthy items.

The Sports Information Director (SID) is authorized to release all scores and promotional news and feature articles to all sports media outlets. The SID is not authorized to respond to press inquiries related to issues of conflict or crisis relating to any athletic program; any inquiries of this nature should be directed to Office of University Communications. All SID releases must be copied to the Office of University Communications including distribution notes.

Promotional advertisements are the responsibility of sponsoring departments and/or the Office of Special Events, but should be approved by the Office of University Communications in accordance to the Graphic Standards Manual.

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Policy on Release of Public Information 6.015

Policy on Release of Public Information 6.015

Regarding the expectation of unsolicited news:

Each area administrator and division or department head will inform the president and provost in a timely manner of potentially sensitive issues such as personnel matters, financial aid, college finances, enrollment, doctrinal positions, student discipline, etc. The Office of University Communications should also be notified of any possible press coverage due to the issue at hand. 

The President, Provost and Director of University Communications should be contacted immediately if sensitive issues have been leaked/reported to news agencies or the general public.

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Originator: Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications Subject: Crisis Communications Plan Date: September 17, 2010; June 29, 2018

A. Background

As an extension of the News Release Policy (PPM 6.015) and a parallel document to the Emergency Management Plan, this Plan serves to establish a proper method for the dissemination and management of public information during a crisis situation.

B. Policy

The Office of University Communications has been charged by the President of the University with the management and dissemination of all information during a crisis. The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications has been designated as the official spokesperson for the University and director of all informational actions of the University during a crisis.

C. Definitions

A crisis situation shall be defined as any situation or event identified by the President or the Provost as having a significant impact on the campus community as a whole. Examples of such a situation include explosions, chemical spills, an armed conflict, a hostage situation, and natural disasters. It does not include isolated crime incidents, which are routinely handled by the MBU Security or local police department. The term "crisis" most frequently refers to the period immediately following a situation which has wide spread interest among the local, state and national community, thus generating interest from the local, state, and national media and requiring the University’s full attention for its duration.

D. Guidelines

This plan describes the role of the Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications in collecting and conveying information to the public during and immediately following a crisis or emergency situation.


• Each crisis or emergency will require a unique public information response. The extent of the response will depend on the nature of the crisis.

• The Vice President will coordinate press, public, and campus information dissemination.


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• Often the only information the public receives about an emergency is through the media; therefore, media relations is an essential element of any crisis plan. Time is critical and a response must be issued as soon as possible with follow up bulletins, as required.

• The campus website and social sites will be primary non press release points where the public will seek information.

• A crisis situation instantly generates news (traditional and non traditional). Timely response by the Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications is critical.

• Information requests will likely target the Office of the President, University Communications, Dean of Students, Admissions, Alumni, and Security.

• Certain information cannot be released due to legal constraints and Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will maintain direct access to counsel during the time of crisis.


• To ensure that the University’s public information response to an emergency is quick, accurate, sensitive and responsible, the Office of University Communications will coordinate crisis communications with campus constituents and off campus media. The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will set up a crisis communication center to remain open 24 hours a day during a crisis. This is not to be confused with the command post in the Public Safety or the Emergency Director in charge of making decisions pertaining to the handling of the crisis itself. (See Emergency Management Plan)

• If the President is unavailable, the President will appoint another Cabinet member to serve as the senior University official. If the President is unavailable at the time, the Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will appoint the Cabinet member based on the situation at hand.

• During an emergency, the Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications or his/her designee, will serve as the University spokesperson.



• The President and the Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will determine if an official statement should be prepared and released. If warranted, they will also develop answers to specific questions that may be asked by the media and non traditional media.

• The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will brief all Public Relations personnel and those department personnel who can expect public and/or press contact.

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• Telephone hot lines: Two telephones in University Communications will be designated as crisis hot line phones with recorded messages of the latest information on the situation, one for the campus community, one for all other incoming calls. Those phone numbers will be made available to the media at the beginning of a crisis period for dissemination to the public.

• Electronic Release: The University website and e mail will also be used to send campus and press advisories. The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will coordinate these releases. The Webmaster will establish a press only area and the Director of Information Technology will obtain necessary computer logistical support to provide for the computer needs.

• The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will obtain basic information (type of emergency/disaster; time of disaster; actions taken; areas and number of people involved; fatalities, injuries and extent of damage) and prepare an official news release. All University Communications staff and crisis team members will be kept apprised of breaking news to enable them to answer media questions.

• All sources of information will be verified before dissemination.

• Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will clear initial press release with the President’s Office as quickly as possible before releasing to the media and any subsequent releases that contain significant and critical information.

• In cases involving employee or student injuries or deaths, families will be notified by appropriate personnel before the information is released to the public.

• Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will coordinate the release of factual information with local hospitals and other disaster agencies, providing as prompt, accurate and complete information as possible.

Ongoing period

In a crisis, University Communications will:

• Provide via the news media and electronic means the public and constituents with basic information about an emergency or threatened emergency.

• Keep the public, media, and constituents informed of the situation and provide advice on protocol to prevent further damage or loss of life, panic, or interference with emergency response efforts.

• Instruct the public on how to obtain further advice or information.

Recovery period

• Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will issue media updates as long as necessary, then scale back activities as warranted. Upon

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termination of the crisis situation, the Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will schedule a meeting of all key players to review all actions taken and "lessons learned." These will be included in an after action report to be forwarded to the President and any other appropriate University departments.



• The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications or his/her designee will supervise crisis communications with the media.

• University Communications staff members, as well as other campus units and staff members, will be called upon for assistance when necessary.

Press Conferences

• The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will initiate a press conference at a predetermined, controlled area. Campus security will assist with media management.

• The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will moderate the conference. The President or designee will speak at a press conference when a major crisis needs to be announced or when the Vice President wishes to issue updates on the situation.

• Communications Department and/or Information Technology will provide assistance for compiling and relaying official statements to traditional and non traditional media.

• Site: Administration Building: Board Room. The Director of Special Events will coordinate press conference support logistics.

• Time: Must be convenient for Crisis team personnel but also be early enough for media to make evening news deadlines (no later than 3:30 PM) or late-night news and newspaper deadlines (7 PM). This consideration is important for maintaining positive relationships with the media.

• Security: a security officer will be stationed for parking-lot supervision and to direct press to the conference location.

Media relations

• Interviews Members of the crisis team will be available for interviews related to their specific areas and may be interviewed at their posts or some central location to be determined by the President and the Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications. When a reporter contacts a member of the previously briefed crisis team directly, the designated spokesperson for that unit may respond to questions in his/her area of expertise and immediately inform the Vice President for

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Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications. If the crisis team member is not briefed, they must forward the request to the Office of University Communications.

• General observations Dealings with the media should always be honest and courteous to encourage the media's confidence. Spokespersons' attitudes toward media reflect on the image of the University. Withholding information from the media will generate suspicion and distrust.


• The President’s Office will direct and approve the work of University Communications.

• The Vice President for Enrollment, Marketing and University Communications will direct the work of all media and constituent relations, requiring the assistance of other department heads as necessary.

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Originator: Office of University Communications Subject: Graphic Standards and Publication Procedures

Date: March 10, 2000 (July 15, 2005, September 17, 2010)


All department and division publications convey the visual identity of the University’s brand. Every piece, from single- and full-color promotional pieces, forms, printed and electronic correspondence and online communications, carries an expressed visual identity. The myriad of design components constitutes and contributes to the University’s brand.

In an increasingly competitive environment, an institution's brand must be distinctive, representative and consistent. It is how the world recognizes MBU as an enterprise and it also unites the MBU constituencies as a community. The development and implementation of a visual identity is an important element in continuing and building on the positive changes taking place at the University.

A Graphic Standards Manual (GSM) has been created to outline the production of projects that constitute the visual communications of MBU. The goal of the GSM is to provide information and materials to assists departments in publishing projects that accurately convey the University’s identity in a manner consistent with the mission of MBU.


The Graphic Standards Manual represents the official set of guidelines for visual University identity and the publishing procedures for print and electronic communications. The guidelines include, but are not specifically limited to, advertising, logos, colors, typography, photography, campus signage, web sites, social networking sites, online communications, stationery materials, stylebook and language use.

The GSM also defines specific compliance information required for all publications, including but not limited to, accreditation notation, nondiscrimination statements, ADA compliance, official University contact information, appropriate academic vernacular, abbreviations and naming conventions.

Enforcement of the visual identity policies is the responsibility of the Office of University Communications. Departments are to proactively review their documents for GSM compliance prior to submitting them for approval by the Office of University Communications (see policy 6.030).

All publications must be approved by the Director of University Communications, prior to publication.

Publications requiring alterations may need to be resubmitted to the Director of University Communications for a second review and approval. Departments producing large and complicated print jobs are encouraged to keep the Director informed during the production schedule, as to

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reduce the possibility of major changes and subsequent production costs and delays.

Questions regarding clarification or interpretation of situations not specifically covered by the GSM guidelines should be referred to the Director of University Communications.


This policy and the GSM apply to all campus publication and communication materials including those from campus extensions, academic departments, administrative offices and subordinate organizations.

Portions of the GSM (naming conventions and contact information) also apply to organizations renting MBU facilities and publishing campus and building names.

Materials qualify by their use or by their definition. Uses include, but are not limited, to materials intended for promotion, recruitment, solicitation, professional printing and/or mass distribution in print or electronic mediums. Defined materials include, but are not limited to, the student handbook, academic catalogs, University forms and stationery, donor mailings, athletic media guides, recruitment web pages, and print, radio, web, social or television advertisements.


The Graphic Standard Manual constitutes the guidelines of this policy and is available online at: http://www.mobap.edu/gsm.

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Originator: Director of University Communications Subject: Faculty/Staff Nametags

Date: September 17, 2010

A. Background

The nametags are available as part of the visual identity of Missouri Baptist University. A specific nametag design has been made to coordinate a unified look. The tags are metallic silver with MBU Blue ink, displaying the University’s current branding, employee name and department.

B. Policy

All faulty and staff are required to have nametags for use at special events. Departments may also determine additional student staff that may need nametags for related functions.

C. Guidelines

How to order:

The nametags can be ordered through a designated supervisor in each individual department. Signatures and account codes are required for each department’s order. Large orders will be taken during the first week of each new semester. Allow two to four weeks for delivery.

Examples of appropriate text: Nametags should include first and last name. “Dr.” is acceptable, but avoid “Mr.”, “Mrs.”, “Ph.D.”, etc. Degrees are not to be listed. Excerpt taken from The Chicago Manual of Style 14.10 Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Dr. are also dropped if another title is used: Examples: Leroy S. Wells, Ph.D. and Jane Roudebush, M.D.

Faculty is preferred to use discipline-specific titles. (“Professor of Chemistry” or “Professor of Natural Science”)

Staff and Student Workers are preferred to use department names, rather than titles. (“Student Activities”, “Financial Aid”)

Executive positions (President’s Cabinet) are encouraged to use their specific titles. (“Provost”, “Dean of Students”)

Note: Peel and stick nametags for faculty/staff are never acceptable.

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Originator: Director of University Communications Subject: Photographic Services

Date: September 17, 2010

A. Background

The photographic services at Missouri Baptist University support the public relations efforts. It is the desire of the Office of University Communications to photograph all newsworthy events. In addition, University Communications occasionally provides photography services funded by the requesting department.

B. Policy

University Communications is responsible for the photographic coverage of official University events that are newsworthy. Departments planning or hosting events are responsible for requesting photographic services in a timely manner. The Director of University Communications makes final determination of an event’s newsworthiness and/or the department’s logistical ability to cover an event. If photographic services are not available for the event, the requesting department is responsible for their own photographic needs. If photography needs require the services of freelance photographers, departments are required to coordinate such services through University Communications.

C. Guidelines

Requests to cover any planned event must be received, by appointment with the Director of University Communications, at least two weeks (three weeks preferred) prior to the event. The request must detail the day, time, scope, and specific product need of the shoot. A determination by the Director will be made within a business day of the request and the requesting individual will be notified via e-mail and/or phone of the photography services.

If the event is not deemed newsworthy (or if the requesting department is requesting paid photographic services from the onset), University Communications may offer photographic services at a nominal cost. The cost of such services varies based on the project’s need.

If University Communications accepts the non-news shoot, University Communications will initiate a “Photography Request Form” that will detail shoot specifics and estimate final costs. The requesting individual must initial the estimate before services will be rendered. At the end of the project, the form will be used to process a budget transfer if the final cost was within $25 or +15 percent (whichever is greater) of the estimate.

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Originator: Director of University Communications

Subject: Proofing of Promotional Materials

Date: September 17, 2010


In our pursuit of excellence, the University should define and follow measures to ensure accurate information in its promotional materials.


All promotional materials (brochures, direct mail, posters, newsletters, e-communications, etc.) must comply with our new University branding standards and are to be proofed by the Director of University Communications. University Communications will assist in finding vendors for printing needs to ensure consistency.


1. Each Division Chair is responsible for seeing that their department adheres to this policy.

2. Primary responsibility for content and design is the responsibility of the department head although approval from the Office of University Communications should be sought.

3. The initial proofreading should be conducted by the department head.

4. Two others in the department should proof the material.

5. The last proof is to be conducted by the Director of University Communications within five days of submission of the material.

6. If considerable changes are made, another final in-house proof may be required.

7. All proofreaders need to initial and date the materials.

8. It is the responsibility of the department head to see that corrections are made.

9. Standard proofreader’s marks should be used when possible.

10. Please give adequate time for proofreading – especially in light of other production schedules.

11. Do not confirm your final press schedule before the in-house proofs have been made.

12. Consult the Graphic Standards Manual for MBU-specific style.

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Originator: President

Distribution: All Policy Manual Holders

Subject: Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Date: Updated- September 2010


Substance abuse, particularly alcohol and other drugs, is a major concern of American society today. Problems related to substance abuse include decreased productivity, strained family and social relationships, damaged health, and undermined emotional and spiritual well-being. Additionally, for the student, substance abuse impairs learning and inhibits educational development. The Missouri Baptist University community is especially cognizant of the fact that substance abuse is contrary to our understanding of one's body as "the Temple of God," and is contrary to the historical stance of Southern Baptists as a denomination.


The possession, consumption, or trafficking on the Missouri Baptist University campus of substances that have the capacity to alter a person's mood, behavior, thought processes, or perception is prohibited, except as directed by bona fide prescription or other medical authorization. Such substances include, but are not limited to, alcohol (beverage), amphetamines, barbituates, cannabis, hallucinogens, opiates, and psychedelics, that might be ingested, inhaled, or injected. Also included are aerosols and solvents when used as mind-altering agents. Furthermore, persons may not enter University facilities or activities while under the influence of such substances. Nor may any campus organization or non-University organization using University facilities encourage or permit possession or consumption of alcohol or other substances listed herein at any meeting, banquet, or activity, at any time or place, on or off campus.

Missouri Baptist University will on a regular basis implement programming and disseminate material designed to educate members of the University community in areas such as: consequences and dangers of substance abuse, state laws and campus regulations relative to this issue, responsible decision-making skills, and available helping resources.


Control, Discipline, and Treatment

1. While it is the desire of Missouri Baptist University personnel to be as redemptive as possible in such situations, violations of this policy pertaining to possession or consumption by individual students will subject each to the disciplinary and judicial processes and/or options outlines in the current Missouri Baptist University Student Handbook.

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2. Students who are involved in the disciplinary/judicial processes will be offered a referral to on-campus or off-campus counseling or self-help groups. It should be made clear what, if any, connection exists between acceptance or rejection of the offer and the severity of disciplinary actions. Off-campus referrals should be made by the Senior Vice President for Student Development for students involved in the disciplinary/judicial process.

3. Any campus organization which violates the regulation prohibiting the use of alcohol and related substances at any activities will be subject to having its organizational charter revoked and possible dismissal from the University of the students involved.

4. Any student wishing to deal with a substance abuse problem may contact the Senior Vice President for Student Development's Office to obtain on-campus counseling services or to be referred to a community agency. Such contacts are handled within the parameters of professional confidentiality, and do not of themselves entail a disciplinary process.

5. The Senior Vice President for Student Development will maintain a list of community-based self-help resources and contacts for those who are interested in obtaining help in this way.

6. Students experiencing chronic difficulty of a nature that, in the judgment of University personnel, seems to be related to alcohol, drug, or other substance abuse, may receive a mandatory referral for professional assessment. Mandatory referral will be authorized by the Senior Vice President for Student Development.

7. As a contingency for remaining at Missouri Baptist University, a student who has lost control to alcohol, drugs, or other substances named herein may have to submit to either outpatient or residential substance abuse treatment. Such a course of action would be dictated by the Senior Vice President for Student Development. The decision between outpatient and residential treatment, or the decision to offer an option to the student, will normally be made after appropriate consultation with treatment professionals and with the individual student.

8. Any student charged by University personnel with distributing, selling, or otherwise trafficking in the herein named or described or other related substances will be subject to the disciplinary and judicial processes and/or options outlines in the current Missouri Baptist University Student Handbook. Furthermore, evidence may be turned over to community law enforcement officials to consider criminal prosecution. The University may elect to temporarily suspend any student for whom disciplinary hearings or criminal charges are pending and require therapeutic proof before readmission consideration.

9. Any person unrelated to the Missouri Baptist University community who is suspected of distributing, selling, or otherwise trafficking in substances named or described herein will be reported or turned over to the appropriate law enforcement officials.

10. Missouri Baptist University, in consultation with its legal counsel, will seek to cooperate with any law enforcement officials conducting investigation into the trafficking of drugs relative to Missouri Baptist University students.

11. In keeping with Federal/Financial Aid guidelines regarding students on Title IV programs, the name(s) of any MBU student known to be involved with the use of illegal drugs will be

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made known to the Financial Aid Office. This notification will be handled discreetly by the Senior Vice President for Student Development.

12. Any non-University organization using University facilities and found in violation of this policy against possession, consumption, or trafficking of beverage alcohol or illegal drugs will be removed from the Missouri Baptist University campus and will not be allowed to use University facilities thereafter.

Education and Prevention

13. The Student Development Staff will coordinate annual program planning in the area of substance abuse education and prevention. While Student Development and related area personnel are responsible for planning leadership, specific program development should utilize student leaders.

14. While respecting the need for balance and a broad range of topics in total University programming, the above planning team will seek to lead in the development of educational and preventive programming in such areas as residence halls, chapel services, academic courses, and in "freestanding" units.

15. Missouri Baptist University will participate on a regular basis in national awareness weeks, such as "National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week" and "National Collegiate Drug Awareness Week."

16. To aid in securing speakers for programs, the Senior Vice President for Student Development will keep current a list of community agency personnel who are knowledgeable in alcohol, drug, and substance abuse and are capable of effectively speaking to University audiences.

17. The Senior Vice President for Student Development will make available to students pamphlets and other educational materials related to the problems, consequences, and treatment of substance abuse.

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Originator: Vice President for Student Development

Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manual Holders

Subject: Student Death Date: January 28, 2020

A. Background

The death of a student can be deeply emotional and stressful for students, faculty, staff, and the family of the student. It is the aim of the Missouri Baptist University to respond in a Christ like manner to appropriately and sensitively in the event of the death of a currently enrolled student. To that end, the following procedure has been developed to ensure a caring, professional, coordinated, and consistent response by the University administration.

B. Policy

The following policy and procedures are to be utilized in the event of the death of a currently enrolled Missouri Baptist University student. Anyone who becomes aware of the death of a student should contact the Department of Student Development (Main Campus, Field Academic Building, 314-392-2212) and/or Office of Public Safety (314-744-5355) as soon as possible. In all student deaths, the Department of Student Development and Dean of Students Office will assume responsibility coordinating the steps outlined in section C. Guidelines.

C. Guidelines

1. In the event of the death of a current student, the Vice President for Student Development, or designee, will coordinate the University response and outreach.

2. The Vice President for Student Development, or designee, will communicate with designated University officials regarding the death.

3. The Vice President for Marketing and Communication, or designee, will serve as the primary point of contact for all external communications.

4. The Provost, or designee, will review the student record for consideration of awarding a Posthumous degree.

5. A full list of the Standard Operating Procedures to guide University processes is maintained in the Department of Student Development by the Vice President for Student Development.

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Originator: Senior Vice President for Student Development

Subject: Accommodations for Students with Special Needs

Date: Updated -September 2010

A. Background and Policy

Missouri Baptist University is committed to making reasonable academic accommodations for students with physical, medical, visual, auditory, and learning disabilities. Accommodations may include reduced course loads, extended time for examinations, note takers or readers, student tutors, assignment of accessible classroom space, and/or other needs as deemed necessary and reasonable. Planning for accommodations is the responsibility of the students in conjunction with his/her academic advisor and the Director of Special Needs. Students requesting accommodations must provide the University with a current written diagnostic evaluation of the disability that includes recommendations for appropriate academic accommodations.

B. Procedures for Accommodations

1. The student who desires to attend Missouri Baptist University and requests special need accommodations must request to meet with the Director of Special Needs. Documentation of learning disabilities should meet the criteria developed by the Missouri AHEAD chapter. Documentation of medical, physical, visual, and auditory disabilities should be submitted from a recognized doctor or clinic within the field.

2. The documentation is filed with the Director of Special Needs. The Student is responsible for communicating each semester the specific needs and approved accommodations with all professors.

3. Special testing accommodations can be arranged through the Academic Success Center.

4. If the student has a complaint that the University or its professors have not met the needs or reasonable accommodations that were agreed upon, the student should first meet with the Director of Special Needs to explain and seek a resolution to the situation. If a solution cannot be reached between them and/or if a solution involves a professor, the student should request a meeting with the Senior Vice President for Student Development in writing within the semester of the complaint.

5. The Senior Vice President for Student Development, the Director of Special Needs, professor, or any other involved person will resolve the situation on a case by case basis to benefit the student.

6. The student will receive a written document within 15 working days of the plan for resolving the situation. These rules anticipate informal investigations and meetings affording all involved the opportunity to move ahead with the education of the student.

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Originator: Office of Special Needs Access

Distribution: All Policies and Procedures Manuals

Subject: Policy on Service and Assistance Animals

Date: October 28, 2016

A. Background

Missouri Baptist University respects the needs of all members of the campus community. In order to maintain a safe, healthful, and hazard-free environment, this policy outlines the responsibilities of students and the University in evaluating and approving requests by students for Service Animals and Assistance Animals. All local, state, and federal ordinances and laws including, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), and the Fair Housing Act, along with laws pertaining to the treatment and care of animals shall be applicable to the administration of this policy. The University reserves the right to amend this policy as may be necessary. Students who seek an accommodation in the form of a Service Animal or an Assistance Animal must submit the required documentation as set forth herein in a timely manner, and obtain the advance approval of the Special Needs Office prior to bringing a Service Animal or Assistance Animal to campus. The Special Needs Office maintains resources to appropriately evaluate and approve reasonable requests for accommodations. Students are encouraged to seek the counsel of the Special Needs Office for guidance and information. The Special Needs Access Coordinator is responsible for the enforcement of this policy, as it relates to student responsibilities.

B. Policy

For purposes of this policy, a "Service Animal" is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. In some cases, a miniature horse may be permitted as a Service Animal. Other animals, whether wild or domestic, do not qualify as Service Animals. Service Animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a Service Animal has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person's disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as Service Animals. Service Animals are permitted in all areas of the University where the public is normally allowed to go. Service Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the Service Animal's work or the individual's disability prevents the use of those devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.

For purposes of this policy, an "Assistance Animal," is defined as (1) an animal that works, provides assistance, or performs tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability, or (2) an animal that provides emotional support which alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person's disability. Some, but not all, animals that assist persons with disabilities are professionally trained. Other Assistance Animals are trained by the owners. In some cases, no special training is required. However, the student must provide documentation

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demonstrating that the animal performs the assistance or provides the benefit needed as a reasonable accommodation for their disability. Unlike a Service Animal, an Assistance Animal does not assist a person with a disability with activities of daily living, nor does it accompany a person with a disability at all times. Assistance Animals may be considered for limited access to residence halls, however, they are not permitted in other areas of the University.

Only animals approved pursuant to University policy will be permitted on the Missouri Baptist University campus (including housing). An animal will not be approved to be on campus if such animal:

1. Poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others.

2. Would cause substantial physical damage to the property of the University and other community members, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, and visitors

3. Would pose an undue financial and administrative burden to the University.

4. Would fundamentally alter the nature of the University's housing and/or general operations.

5. Is defined as a dangerous wild animal according to the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

6. Is considered a high rabies-risk animal as defined by the Missouri Department of Health and Social Services.

7. Has an unknown health history.

C. Definitions

In order to gain and maintain approval for a Service or Assistance Animal, students must maintain appropriate standards pertaining to the health and care of those animals. This includes adhering to all applicable ordinances, laws, and regulations regarding animals and their treatment and care in addition to the following standards and procedures outlined below.

Standards for Approved Service and Support Animals

Dogs (Service and/or Assistance Animals)

1. All required immunizations must be up to date. A copy of current and up to date immunizations must be on file with the Special Needs Office.

2. Dogs must be licensed and/or registered. A copy of the current and up-to-date license/registration must be on file with the Special Needs Office.

3. Dogs must be spayed or neutered. A copy of the veterinarian's report indicating such must be on file with the Special Needs Office.

4. A Certificate of Health signed by a veterinarian certifying the animal is healthy and free from any signs of infections or contagious diseases, parasites, etc., must be on file with the Special Needs Office.

5. Collars and tags must be worn at all times. When outside of the student's privately assigned living spaces, dogs acting as Service Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the Service Animal's work or the individual's disability prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls. When outside of the student's privately assigned living spaces, dogs acting as Assistance Animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered. Animals must never be allowed to run freely.

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Policy on Service and Assistance Animals

6. Dogs must possess friendly and sociable characteristics. A specific dog can be restricted from the premises by the DCSRL based on any confirmed threatening or territorial behavior, including but not limited to, a dog that is defined as a vicious dog by the Revised Statutes of Missouri.

7. Dog obedience and training programs are highly recommended.

Miniature Horses (Service and/or Assistance Animals)

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides regulations pertaining to miniature horses that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. When evaluating a request for a miniature horse to act as a Service or Assistance Animal, the university will include, but not be limited to, the four assessment factors set out in the ADA regulations. Those assessment factors are as follows:

1. Whether the miniature horse is housebroken.

2. Whether the miniature horse is under the owner's control.

3. Whether the facility can accommodate the miniature horse's type, size, and weight Miniature horse generally range in height from 24 inches to 34 inches, measured to the shoulders, and generally weigh between 70 and 100 pounds.

4. Whether the miniature horse's presence will not compromise legitimate safety requirements necessary for safe operation of the facility.

Through the process of consideration additional required documentation and owner responsibilities will be developed.

Domestic Cats (Assistance Animals Only)

1. All required immunizations must be up-to-date, and a copy of current and up-to-date immunizations must be on file with the Special Needs Office.

2. Cats must be licensed and/or registered, and a copy of the current and up to date license/registration must be on file with the Special Needs Office.

3. Cats must be spayed or neutered. A copy of the veterinarian's report indicating such must be on file with the Special Needs Office.

4. A Certificate of Health signed by a veterinarian certifying the cat is healthy and free from any signs of infections or contagious diseases, parasites, etc. must be on file with the Special Needs Office.

5. Collars and tags must be worn at all times. When outside of the student's privately assigned living spaces, the animal must be must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered Animals must never be allowed to run freely.

Requests for any other animal to act as an Assistance Animal will be considered on a case by case basis. Through the process of consideration additional required documentation and owner responsibilities will be developed.

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D. Guidelines

Standards of Behavior by Animal and Animal Owner

1. Assistance Animals are only permitted in privately assigned living spaces. This excludes other University spaces including but not limited to other residence halls, administrative offices, library, classrooms, auditoriums, dining areas, athletic venues, and equestrian venues. Students should seek the guidance of the Special Needs Office to determine the specific confines of Assistance Animals.

2. Animals require daily food and attention as well as a daily assessment of their general health, behavior, and overall welfare.

3. Animals cannot be left unattended overnight at any time. If the owner must be away, they must either take the animal with them, or make arrangements for them to be cared for elsewhere.

4. Animals may not be tethered or abandoned at any time.

5. Animals cannot be securely confined in a vehicle in which the animal's health or life is endangered by temperature or inadequate ventilation. A law enforcement/animal control officer can use reasonable means to remove the animal if the animal is in danger. The owner is responsible for charges incurred, and the officer is not liable for resulting property damage.

6. Animal feces, defined as cat litter box contents and any solid animal waste, must be disposed of properly. It is the owner's responsibility to remove feces from University grounds, dispose of it in a plastic bag, and then place that bag in the garbage dumpsters outside. Cleanup must occur IMMEDIATELY. Animal feces may not be disposed of in any trash receptacle or through the sewer system inside any building at Missouri Baptist University. Waste MUST be taken to any apartment or residence hall dumpster for disposal.

7. Residents with cats must properly maintain litter boxes, In consideration of the health of the cat and occupants of the apartment or the residence hall room, cat litter box contents must be disposed of properly and regularly. The litter box must be changed with new cat litter regularly as outlined by the manufacturer.

8. Animal accidents within the residence hall room, apartment, or in any other campus location must be promptly cleaned up using appropriate cleaning products.

9. Regular and routine cleaning of floors, kennels, cages, and litter boxes must occur. The odor of an animal emanating from the residence hall room or apartment is not acceptable. (See Cleaning Section below)

10. An animal must not be involved in an incident where a person experiences either the threat of or an actual injury as a result of the animal's behavior. The animal owner will take all reasonable precautions to protect University staff and residents; as well as the property of the University and of the residents.

11. The owner will notify the University (Residential Life staff or the Special Needs Office) if the animal has escaped its confines and is unable to be located within twelve (12) hours.

12. All liability for the actions of the animal (bites, scratches, damage to the personal property of others, etc.) is the responsibility of the owner.

13. Any flea infestation must be attended to promptly by a professional extermination company at owner's expense. Owners are expected to promptly notify building services

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Policy on Service and Assistance Animals

and arrange for extermination when a flea problem is noted. Animal owners may take some precautionary measures such as: flea medications prescribed by veterinarians, flea and tick collars, taking your animal to the veterinarian for flea and tick baths; however, University staff may not use chemical agents and insecticides to exterminate fleas and ticks. Because not all of the precautions listed here can prevent flea and tick infestations, the owner is responsible for extermination costs after vacating the apartment or residence hall room.

14. Animals must not be allowed to disrupt others (e.g., barking continuously, growling, yowling, howling, etc.). Animals which constitute a threat or nuisance to staff, residents or property, as determined by the University, must be removed within seven (7) days of notification. If the University determines that the animal poses an immediate threat, animal control officer may be summoned to remove the animal. If the behavior of an animal can be addressed by the owner and the owner can change the behavior of an animal so that the animal does not have to be removed, then a written action plan must be submitted by the owner to the Special Needs Office. The action plan must outline the action that will take place to alleviate the problems and also must give a deadline as to the length of time the plan will take. Any action plan must meet the approval of the University. The day after the deadline for removal from the apartment, University staff will do a residence hall room or apartment inspection to check damages and infestation and then the mandatory cleaning and extermination will be scheduled, at the owner's expense. Any animal owner found not adhering to the removal directive will be subject to disciplinary action; which could include housing contract cancellation.

Should violations of this policy result in the removal of the animal from campus, all other student residency policies and conditions will remain in effect.

Cleaning and Damages

1. When the resident moves out of his/her apartment or residence hall room, or no longer owns the animal, the apartment or residence hall room will be assessed to determine if damage to University property can be attributed to the animal. The University maintains the right to conduct apartment or residence hall room inspections for the purpose of assessing damage caused by the animal or otherwise determine the resident's compliance with this procedure.

2. The animal owner has an obligation to make sure that the apartment or residence hall room is as clean as the original standard. If the apartment or room has carpeting, this also includes regular vacuuming and spot cleaning. Damages and extraordinary cleaning caused by the animal are the responsibility of the resident. Replacement or repair of damaged items will be the financial responsibility of the owner. All other conditions of the housing agreement relating to damages remain in effect.

Standards of Behavior by Members of the University Community

1. Remember that Service and Assistance Animals are not pets.

2. Do not pet or touch a Service or Assistance Animal unless invited to do so.

3. Do not feed a Service or Assistance Animal.

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Service and Assistance Animal Policy and Procedure Acknowledgment and Information Form

This form must be submitted and approved prior to animal occupying the assigned space.

Resident Name

Animal Type

Animal's Breed

Animal's Name

Most Recent Rabies/Other Required Vaccination Date (Record Must be Attached) Spayed, Neutered, Gelded Date (Record Must be Attached) Certificate of Health Date (Record Must be Attached)

I acknowledge having read the Service and Assistance Animal Policy and Procedure and agree to abide by its terms and conditions agree to abide by its terms and conditions.

Signature of Resident/ Date

Printed Name Residence Hall/Room

Signature of Special Needs Office Administrator/ Date

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Originator: Director Career Services

Subject: Career Services Registration and Education Credential Files

Date: January 17, 2005

A. Background

The Career Services Office of Missouri Baptist University extends its services to all students and alumni, and is committed to providing the best possible resources to assist them in obtaining employment in their chosen field.

B. Policy & Guidelines – Educational Credential Files


All graduating seniors and alumni in the education field may register and establish a Credential File with the Career Services Office. There is no fee to establish a file. There is, however, a fee of $5.00 for second and subsequent copies or requests. If an employer requests copies of a file from the University there is no fee charged to the applicant.


Credentials can be sent upon receipt of the applicants request and fee. All request should be submitted in writing and should include the employer’s correct name, title and complete address.

To send a copy of a file to an employer, each file should be complete, and consist of the following items:

(1) Credential Form

(2) Current Resume

(3) Three Letters of Recommendation

(4) Official Transcript

(5) Copy of Teaching Certificate


Credential Files are maintained for five years from the date they are established. To keep a file active, it must remain updated.

Each person is responsible for keeping his/her file updated. Applicants should notify the Career Services Office for changes in name, address, employment, etc. We will replace or include new information as it is received.


In recent years, laws governing student files have changed. Unless specifically waived, a student has the right to read all references contained in his/ her file. This is indicated on the

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recommendation form itself. If it is important for the applicant to have access to these forms, it is requested that they not sign the waiver.


A closed file contains a waiver form. Upon signing this form, the applicant relinquishes his/ her right to read the contents of these letters. A possible advantage of a closed file is that some employers will give more consideration to a recommendation which was written in confidence.

C. Policies and Guidelines Regarding Student and Graduate Registration

Students and alumni who are interested in assistance in their job search can register with Career Services. Registration allows the applicant first hand access to job referrals and job listings in their related field, in addition to career fairs and campus recruiting opportunities. Upon registering applicants must keep their credentials current to remain active for employment referrals. Registration forms and information are available on-line at www.mobap.edu under Career Services.

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Originator: President Distribution: All Policy and Procedures Manuals Subject: SPIRIT WING Date: September, 1996 (revised June, 2009)


Throughout the history of Missouri Baptist University, SpiritWing has been a vital link to serving and ministering to churches, schools, businesses, and other ministry organizations. The goal of SpiritWing is to enhance the core purpose of the University: to teach, empower, and inspire students for service and lifelong learning.


Missouri Baptist College created SpiritWing in 1984 to serve as a recruiting arm to the Admissions office of the school. It is now affiliated under the umbrella of the Fine Arts Department and overseen by the Worship Arts Director as a class in which students can earn credit. This alignment assures the overall worship and musical quality of the group while also maintaining the connection with churches in order to adequately meet their desired needs. Each student involved SpiritWing is required to sign and uphold the MBU Ministry Group Code of Conduct. This agreement assures that students conduct themselves in a Christ-like manner and reflect positively upon the University, motivating prospective students to consider attending Missouri Baptist University.

SpiritWing allows students to gain valuable hands-on ministry training and experience. It challenges them to develop their teamwork and leadership skills. This group also conveys a positive message of the University in the community and serves as an important public relations and recruiting tool.


I) Auditions

Membership in SpiritWing will be determined by annual auditions. These auditions are conducted during the spring semester for the following academic year. Each audition consists of a student performing two contrasting music/worship selections, completing an audition questionnaire, providing a reference letter from a minister at their church, and a personal interview. First-round auditions are followed by call-back auditions for select individuals. For this audition, each student is asked to audition specifically for SpiritWing and is given a set of music to learn. They are then mixed with other participants in a group audition to determine mix, blend, and group dynamic. There is also a second interview for each participating individual.

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II) Selection & Scholarships

A selection committee consisting of the Worship Arts Coordinator, the Director of Alumni, Church, and Constituent Relations, and former ministry group alumni members or student assistants will determine which specific ministry group each participant is best suited. SpiritWing is the only ministry group with a scholarship budget and financial assistance is offered to members of the group at the discretion of the Dean of Enrollment Services, based upon individual need. Before making any formal offers to students, a meeting with the Dean of Enrollment Services, the Worship Arts Coordinator, and the Director of Alumni, Church, and Constituent Relations is held to determine a total financial aid package that might be offered to each individual. All scholarship awards, are approved through this process before any contacts are made with prospective group members. Additionally, there are no guaranteed scholarships for returning members.

III) Membership

After a formal offer has been made to a student for SpiritWing, the student is allowed up to two weeks to make their acceptance decision. Membership in SpiritWing requires a one-year commitment. SpiritWing members (vocalists) are strongly encouraged to enroll in voice lessons (for some majors this is a requirement).

IV) Academic Progress/Accountability

The student’s academic progress is of utmost importance. Students in SpiritWing should maintain a GPA of at least a 2.0 each semester that they are a member of the group. Students who do not maintain this level will be put on probation, or possibly suspension, until adequate academic progress has been made. It is recommended that students who are also a part of other performance based ensembles maintain a GPA of at least 2.5.

All decisions regarding practices, performance schedules, and overall time commitment required for SpiritWing will be based upon the student achieving their academic goals. Each SpiritWing member is required, at minimum, to meet with the SpiritWing director at the mid-point of each semester to review mid-term grades and discuss their academic progress. The SpiritWing director is responsible for encouraging or helping students gain academic assistance if they discover a problem that a student may be having in the classroom, or with study and time management skills.

The SpiritWing director must assess a student’s ability to handle multiple extra-curricular activities along with their academic studies and may suggest limiting the number of ministry or performance groups to which a student may belong. Ministry and performance group directors, as well as the student’s academic advisor, may be consulted during this process to determine the best course of action.

V) Practice and Performance Schedules

SpiritWing has a regularly scheduled practice time. Practices are held once a week and are no more than three hours in duration. Practice times and locations are set in cooperation with the Records Office to align with academic course scheduling and work in conjunction with the Theatre Department practice and performance schedule.

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Performances will be set at the SpiritWing director’s discretion. It is imperative that a balance is maintained between the importance of the recruiting and service SpiritWing provides, without overwhelming students in their academic pursuits. A master calendar will be kept by the Director of Alumni, Church, and Constituent Relations for all ministry and performing groups. This individual will serve as the primary contact for any church or organization that contacts the University to inquire about a ministry or performance group. After assessing the church’s needs, the Director of Alumni Relations will check the master calendar for availability for a specific group and then pass the contacting church or organization on to the SpiritWing director to officially schedule a concert/performance.

The SpiritWing director will work closely with the Director of Alumni, Church, and Constituent Relations and the Office of Admissions to identify and develop a strategic plan to put our groups in the best possible locations within the school year. With the variety offered amongst the different ministry groups, many denominations, types, and styles of churches and organizations can be targeted.

There will be no scheduled practices or performances during finals week or the weekend prior to finals. Practices may be cancelled during other times when student’s schedules may be overloaded (Homecoming, heavy performance times, etc.).

VI) Transportation/Travel

Travel is required for all ministry groups. Whenever possible, an official MBU vehicle should be used to transport a ministry group. When a concert or event is booked, the SpiritWing director should immediately make arrangements with MBU Campus Services to reserve a vehicle. The SpiritWing director will be added to the University driver and insurance policy, and eligible students should also be added as a precautionary measure to assure that there are several drivers available in case of an emergency. Even though a large portion of this travel is within the greater St. Louis area, some destinations require a longer period of time on the road and possible overnight accommodations. It is the responsibility of the SpiritWing director to make all travel arrangements, with the goal of always covering the groups expenses through the remuneration from the sponsoring church or organization. Long distance travel should be limited so students get the required amount of rest needed before classes the following morning.

VII) Financing/Budgets

SpiritWing has an operating budget set forth through the annual budget process, which is managed by the SpiritWing Director. This account is used to cover all travel expenses, sound system or equipment purchases or repairs, marketing, etc. All monies received for SpiritWing from concert honorariums are deposited back into an agency account managed by the Senior Vice-President for Business Affairs.

VIII) Recruiting

The SpiritWing director, the Fine Arts division chair, and the Dean of Enrollment Services will collaborate on a recruitment plan for prospective students at the various events in which SpiritWing participates. The Admissions department will supply the SpiritWing director with pertinent materials such as brochures, interest cards, catalogs, forms, etc. that would assist

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SpiritWing in their recruitment. The SpiritWing director will return all contact information regarding prospective students to the Admissions department after an event.

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Originator: President Subject: Campus Law Enforcement Authority Date: 10/01/2013


The Missouri Baptist University Department of Public Safety has police authority granted by the St. Louis County Police Department to apprehend, detain, question or arrest anyone involved in illegal activities on campus and areas immediately adjacent to MBU property. This authority is granted to the MBU Department of Public Safety for the protection of its students, faculty, staff and University property. The MBU Department of Public Safety’s arrest authority will only be exercised when local authorities are not readily available, and the situation has escalated to the point where an arrest is the only way to prevent further injury or danger to the MBU community. In most situations, the MBU Department of Public Safety will allow local police authorities to effect any custodial arrests as a result of criminal activity on the MBU campus. MBU maintains a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Creve Coeur Police Department that outlines the methods and manner of cooperation and the expectations the two departments have of each other.


Violations by students of MBU rules, regulations, or the Student Conduct Code will referred to the Senior Vice President for Student Development for disciplinary action. Violations by faculty and staff will be handled by the appropriate administrator, according to the MBU Personnel Handbook.

An MOU with the Creve Coeur Police Department allows MBU to handle minor misdemeanor charges like drug and alcohol violations, whether occurring on or off campus, through its own internal disciplinary process. Major offenses such as rape, murder, assault, robbery, burglary, auto theft, and other more serious violations of city ordinances, state statutes or federal regulations will be investigated by the MBU Department of Public Safety in cooperation with external law enforcement authorities. These authorities include agencies like Creve Coeur Police, St. Louis County Police, or a Federal Agency having jurisdiction to investigate crimes on the MBU campus. The primary responsibility of the MBU Department of Public Safety in these situations is the protection of the MBU community and its property.


This policy gives the MBU Department of Public Safety authority to enforce campus rules and regulations as defined by the MBU Administration. It further recognizes the department’s authority to enforce local, county, state, and federal laws. Specific functions and procedures of the MBU Department of Public Safety are defined and explained in the Public Safety Manual, which is available for review in the Department of Public Safety and the office of the Senior Vice President for Student Development.


The MBU Department of Public Safety has been charged with responsibility for the safety and protection of the University community and its assets. The department will discharge its responsibility in cooperation with external law enforcement authorities, as defined by MOUs, and through internal cooperation with the MBU administration.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation

Subject: Campus Security Authority (crime reporting requirements) Date: 10/16/2013 Renewable annually


Recent amendments have been made to the Campus Security Act, a federal law that requires Missouri Baptist University to compile and publish annual crime statistics for the main campus, all regional learning centers, and other areas specified in the Campus Geography Map. Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are required to report crime statistics for inclusion in the University’s Annual Security Report. Every employee whose title is identified below in section C is considered a “Campus Security Authority,” according to the U S. Department of Education.


The Campus Security Act has complex reporting requirements, and it is desirable to make reporting crimes as simple and convenient as possible. The following procedures should be followed for all CSAs. If a CSA observes a crime listed in section D below, or if anyone reveals to a CSA that he/she learned of or was the victim of, perpetrator of, or witness to a crime listed in section D below, the CSA should immediately contact the MBU Department of Public Safety and indicate a desire to complete an incident report. This procedure should be followed both on the main campus and at all Regional Learning Centers and on public property adjacent to these facilities, as well as other locations where University activities are taking place. CSAs should not attempt to investigate the crime or determine whether a crime, in fact, took place. CSAs should make the report, and the Department of Public Safety will investigate the incident or contact the local police.

If a CSA is in doubt as to whether a crime is reportable, it is best to err on the side of caution and report it and let the Department of Public Safety investigate. In section D below, a hate crime is any action that manifests evidence that the victim was selected because of his or her actual or perceived race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity/national origin or disability. If a CSA has questions regarding reporting obligations under this law, they should contact the Director of Public Safety at 314 392 2372.


The following MBU employees are identified as Campus Security Authorities as defined by the Campus Security Act. 

The Director of Public safety and all staff in the Department of Public Safety

The Director of Admissions and all Admissions counselors

The Director of Financial Services, all Financial Aid Counselors, and other staff that interact regularly with students

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The Director of Athletics, all head coaches, assistant coaches, graduate assistants, and athletic trainers

All faculty advisors to student organizations

The Senior Vice President for Student Development and all professional Student Development staff

The Director of Resident Life, Resident Directors, and Resident Assistants

Mercy Clinic personnel

Deans and Directors of MBU regional learning centers.

The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affair and staff in the Academic Affairs office that have regular interactions with students.


CSAs should report the following crimes to the Department of Public Safety:

Murder and non negligent manslaughter

Negligent manslaughter

Forcible sex offenses

Non forcible sex offenses

Robbery/Felony Stealing

Aggravated assault


Motor vehicle theft


All hate crimes

All liquor, drug or weapons law violation

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Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation Subject: Confidential Reporting of Criminal Actvity Date: 6/24/14, update 3/20/15


Sometimes people are uncomfortable or even afraid to report crimes, but they feel morally bound to warn others when they observe them. The Clery Act requires Missouri Baptist University to establish a confidential reporting system that will facilitate confidential reporting of criminal activity.


Individuals wishing to report a crime confidentially may do so by dialing 314 744 7620 and leaving an anonymous recording on the tip line. The recording device will not capture any information about the caller. Their identity will remain confidential. The caller may, at their own discretion, leave their name and contact information. However, regardless of whether or not the caller identifies him or herself, the tip will be taken seriously and investigated just as if a physical person reported the incident. When reports are made to a counselor, campus minister, or medical staff, the victim’s personal information can remain confidential. However, to protect the campus the occurrence of the crime must be reported to Public Safety so that others can be warned of criminal activity. The incident will also be recorded in the annual crime statistics report.


For the purposes of this policy a crime is defined as any violation of State, Federal or local laws.


Any report of criminal activity on the Missouri Baptist University campus through the confidential reporting system will be investigated to its conclusion. Any crime reported anonymously will be kept in the utmost confidence and will be revealed to only those persons that are required by law to be made aware of the activity. If an incident reported in this manner leads to proof that a Clery reportable crime did occur, the crime will be counted and disclosed as part of MBU’s annual crime statistics report.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation

Subject: Immediate Notification Policy

Date: 5/19/14, update 6/24/14


The MBU Campus Alert System and other methods of communication listed below may be used to communicate official information during an emergency or crisis situation that disrupts normal campus operation or threatens the immediate health or safety of the campus community. The MBU Department of Public Safety receives information from various offices/departments on and/or off campus. MBU will immediately notify the campus community that a dangerous situation or emergency exists involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and employees on campus. The types of incidents that may cause an immediate threat to the MBU community include, but are not limited to, emergencies such as: a tornado, fire/explosion, active shooter on campus, hostage/barricade situation, riot, suspicious package with confirmation of a device, suspicious death, structural damage to an MBU owned or controlled facility, biological threat, significant flooding, gas leak, hazardous materials spill, etc.


If the MBU Department of Public Safety confirms (with the assistance of key campus administrators, local first responders or the National Weather Service, St Louis County Emergency Management) that there is an emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of some or all members of the MBU community, the Department of Public Safety or the Department of University Communications will determine the content of the message, and one of those two departments will use some or all of the systems described below to communicate the threat to the MBU community or to the appropriate segment of the community, if the threat is limited to a particular building or segment of the population.


Missouri Baptist University has implemented a multi-modal emergency notification system to inform the community about incidents and emergencies affecting the campus. Systems include:

Public Address System - Audible sirens and announcements broadcast over loudspeakers strategically placed throughout the campus. This system can be activated by the MBU Department of Public Safety.

Text Messaging An opt in notification where a text message can be received on mobile phones MBU does not charge for this service; however, carrier standard text messaging charges may apply.

Email Messaging MBU has the ability to send a blast email message to all students, faculty and staff members who have an @mobap.edu email address.

Electronic Bulletin Boards (EBB) MBU has at least one EBB in each building on campus, and messages can be quickly posted there for the community.

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Primary and Secondary Message Generation Systems

System to use Primary Message Creator


Backup Message Creator

Authority for approving & sending messages

Primary Message Sender

Backup Message Sender

Public Address System DPS N/A DPS DPS N/A

Text Messaging DPS Comm DPS/Comm DPS Comm


Electronic Bulletin Boards DPS Comm. DPS/Comm. DPS Comm.

Email Messaging DPS Comm DPS/Comm DPS Comm Fire Alarm System DPS N/A DPS DPS N/A

Comm =University Communications DPS= Department of Public Safety

In the event of a failure in technology, MBU will use face to face communication using administrators and campus leaders to communicate the emergency and instructions.


MBU utilizes a public address system, text messaging, e mail, and electronic bulletin boards for notification purposes. To opt-in for emergency text messaging system, students, faculty, and staff can do so through the Public Safety web page at www.mobap.edu/safety. The MBU Department of Public Safety will, without delay and taking into account the safety of the community, determine the content of the notification and initiate the notification system, unless issuing a notification will, in the professional judgment of responsible authorities and first responders, compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency. Follow up information pertaining to a significant emergency or dangerous situation on campus will be sent using some or all of the systems listed above, as deemed appropriate.

There is a separate procedure governing timely warning notices that are sent to the MBU Community to notify its members about serious crimes against people that occur on campus. Timely Warning notices will be sent out when it is determined by the Department of Public Safety that the incident may pose a serious or on-going threat to the MBU community.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation

Subject: Keys and Building Security

Date: update 6/24/14


Within an educational institution, there is a need to balance the accessibility and use of facilities with the need to provide a safe and secure environment. Convenience must sometimes be compromised in order to maintain security. Each MBU community member must share in the responsibility to assure security for all members and property.

The Missouri Baptist University Public Safety Department is responsible for mechanical and electronic access to University facilities. This document defines the policies that govern key and electronic access control at Missouri Baptist University.


Missouri Baptist University shall maintain a locking system for the protection of its community members, facilities, property, and information. All locks, keys, electronic access cards and access codes are the sole property of Missouri Baptist University and will be issued to students and employees based on their need for access. The University reserves the right to change locks, keys, and access codes as needed.

All residential facilities will be locked twenty four hours a day; except when residents are moving in or out of the facility. All other facilities will be locked whenever possible depending on use and scheduling.

No one may place a lock on a University facility, either interior or exterior or transfer their keys to another person without the granted permission of the Director of Public Safety or designee.

All keys and electronic access cards must be returned to the Department of Public Safety upon termination of employment and for students, at the end of the academic year.


Change Key Level: The lowest level of key in a keying system. Change keys open only individual doors. 

Keys above the Change Key Level: Keys that open a group of doors. 

Building Master: A single key that opens every door in the building. Only Public Safety, building managers, maintenance, and housekeeping will have access to this level of key.

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Building Security Policy

Campus Master: This key will open every lock in the University system. The University President and Director of Public Safety have the only keys in this group.

Director: The person in charge of a particular department who has ultimate responsibility for that department (i.e., Chair, Dean, Department Head)

Interchangeable Key Core: The keyed portion of a lockset that is changeable without removing the lockset itself.


Issuance of Keys

1. Missouri Baptist University (MBU) employees will be issued keys based upon their need for access. Employee key requests shall be made to Public Safety using the Public Safety work order system mbups@mobap.edu , which can be found in the Outlook Public Mail Folders. The request should come from the appropriate Director and must provide written authorization for each key request. The full name of each person must be provided for each request. The Public Safety Director or his designee must approve all key requests in writing.

2. Requests for student dorm room keys and residence hall access shall be made by Resident Directors to Public Safety in the same work order system listed above. Students should never request keys directly from Public Safety.

3. The MBU key system is patented. Key blanks can only be distributed to the MBU Public Safety Director. Because of the patented status of the key system, key copies can only be made through the Public Safety Department. Copies of non patented and all other University keys must be made through the MBU Public Safety Department. No one may possess an unauthorized copy of a University key. To do so would violate this policy.

4. Key request procedure is as follows:

a. The MBU Key Request is made by a Division Director or Department Chair through the Public Safety work order system mubps@mobap.edu. The key or lock function change is performed and an individual key inventory form is created or modified to reflect the new key or core that was created

b. The individual making the request will be notified when the key(s) requested are ready, normally within a week from the time the request arrives at the Public Safety Office.

c. The person to whom the key(s) are assigned must come to the Public Safety Office, show a picture ID and sign for the key(s) requested.

5. Outside contractors and vendors who are operating on our campus and need keys to perform work on campus will sign out keys from Campus Operations on a daily basis. The Director of Campus Operations or designee must authorize key sign-outs to outside contractors and vendors. The keys must be returned the same day they are checked

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out. The Director of Campus Operations or designee is responsible to ensure that all keys are returned and secured at the end of each day.

6. Keys for academic, administrative, and other non-residential life facilities, issued to students for reasons of research, off hours study, or other legitimate purposes, must be requested by the appropriate department director. These requests are subject to the same requirements as employee key requests. The director of the requesting department will be responsible for record keeping, distribution, proper use, and return of these keys. The issuance of a key to a student under the authority of a department director, though occasionally justified, must be an exceedingly rare occurrence. Students will not be issued keys above the change key level.

7. Adjunct faculty will be issued office keys only (Change Key). Building keys, in most cases, will never be issued, except by the building managers and Senior Vice Presidents having supervision over that building. Other persons that have a legitimate need to enter a building after hours can be issued an electronic access card. Most buildings have one electronic access point for after hours access.

8. Any key above the change key level issued to an MBU employee below department director or chair shall not be removed from campus. These keys must be stored in a secure area, inside a locked box, locked cabinet, or locked drawer that has been approved by or can be provided by the Public Safety Department. This includes all maintenance and housekeeping keys. Employees will be issued change keys that give them access to their office and may be taken off campus. Special exceptions to this requirement, if the situation warrants it, may be considered on an individual basis by the Director of Public Safety.

9. The Public Safety Director will review all requests for keys above the change key level. In general, the Public Safety Department will be the primary decision maker, in consultation with the President and his Cabinet, for granting requests for keys above the change key level. The following questions will be considered when such requests are made:

a. Is it physically possible to make the requested key within the MBU keying system?

b. Can the access needs of the requesting party be accommodated and security be better served by issuing a change key (or keys) instead of a key above the change key level?

c. Do the reasons supporting the request adequately justify the security loss caused by the issuing of a key above the change key level?

Lost or Stolen Keys - MBU Employees

1. All lost or stolen keys must be reported to the Public Safety Department as soon as possible.

2. Requests to replace lost or stolen keys must conform to the requirements listed under “Issuance of Keys.”

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3. The request to replace lost or stolen keys shall be accompanied by a written explanation describing the facts surrounding the loss, particularly the location of the loss, what identifying marks were on the key(s), and what doors the key(s) opened. Based on the factors involved, the Director of Public Safety or designee will make a decision to replace the keys or have the locks re-keyed. The individual whose keys were lost shall assume the cost of replacement keys. The department shall assume the cost of re keying.

Lost Keys - Non-College Personnel

1. Non college personnel (i.e. outside contractors, vendors) who lose keys they have signed out shall assume the cost of replacement keys and the cost of any re-keying required as a result of the loss.

Return of Keys

1. At the end of their employment with the University, all employees must return their MBU issued keys to the Public Safety Department. If the keys are returned to a supervisor or human resources personnel, they should then be returned to the Public Safety Department within 48 hours.

2. The name of the person(s) to whom the keys were issued must be supplied in writing to the Public Safety Department when the keys are returned. The respective department director must also advise Human Resources via e-mail or other written format that the keys were returned, specifying the date and the name of the employee, so that the employee key record can reflect that the property was returned.

3. Office keys issued to Adjunct Faculty may be retained past the end of their employment date if they are scheduled to be re employed during the following semester. Building keys must be returned to the department director or administrative assistant to the respective department. The keys should then be returned to Public Safety for safekeeping during periods when the faculty member is off contract.

4. Keys issued to students for academic, administrative, or other non residential life spaces must be returned to the department director or administrative assistant of the respective department, as soon as the student no longer has a legitimate reason to possess the keys. These keys must then be returned to Public Safety for safe keeping.

5. Students will return resident hall keys to their Resident Director prior to moving out of university housing. Replacement costs for keys not returned will be charged to the student's account. If a student leaves prior to the end of the semester and his/her key is not returned, the student will be charged for the lock change.

Loaning of Keys

1. College employees and students shall not transfer issued keys, access cards, or access codes.

2. Anyone found in possession of another's key, card, or code shall have the key or card confiscated by Public Safety.

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3. Return of the key or card to the owner will be at the discretion of Public Safety.

4. Individuals violating the policy on the loaning of key(s) will be reported to their supervisor.

Accessing Buildings When Without Keys, Card, or Code

1. Any employee who needs to enter a locked campus building or office for work duties, before or after lock up, and is without his/her key, card, or code, must request access from Public Safety. Employees must be prepared to identify themselves to the Public Safety staff.

2. Access to high security areas will require prior written permission from the director of the appropriate department. An example would be students requesting access to video production labs after hours

Accessing Buildings after Lock-Up

1. The hours after lock up when students and employees may have access to a building will be determined by the necessity of keeping unused areas of the building from being accessed. The building manager or department director will consult with the Director of Public Safety to set lock and unlock hours for each building.

2. Students requesting access to a building after lock up must be listed on a pre approved access list held by the Public Safety Department. The student must show a current MBU I.D. card. A faculty or staff member responsible for that area must forward updated lists to Public Safety at the beginning of the semester or 24 hours before a one-time use.

Combination Locking Devices

1. The combinations on mechanical and electronic combination locks shall be changed only by MBU Public Safety.

2. Bypass keys for mechanical and electronic combination locks shall only be available to maintenance and Public Safety personnel.

3. The Department Supervisor, or the person in charge of an area using combination locks (i.e. a Dean, Department Chair, Director, or their designees) must request regular combination changes for locks by submitting a work order to Public Safety. The Director of Public Safety will determine an appropriate combination change frequency.

4. The Department Supervisor should request a combination change if any of the following conditions arise:

a. The current combination is lost or compromised.

b. An employee or student who has knowledge of a combination transfers, terminates his/her employment, or is moved to a different room or department

c. One academic year has passed since the last combination change.

5. The Department Supervisor will maintain a record of combination change dates.

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6. The Department Supervisor will be responsible for keeping knowledge of combinations limited to the smallest number of people possible.

Records Management

1. The Public Safety Department shall maintain a database containing records of all keys and codes issued for MBU facilities. They will also maintain all records of key requests.

2. The Public Safety Department shall maintain a record of access cards and card access codes distributed for all MBU facilities.

3. The Office of Resident Life shall maintain a record of access cards, access codes, and keys distributed for MBU residence facilities.

Maintenance of Locking Systems

1. Maintenance and installation of key and combination locking systems is the responsibility of Campus Operations. Requests for repair or replacement of locks should be made by submitting a work order to the Campus Operations Department or through the department’s work request system: co@mobap.edu . The actual key portion or programming of the lock will be coordinated through the Public Safety Department. Resident students must make requests for lock repair to their Resident Directors, who will then submit a work order to either Campus Operations or Public Safety, depending on the problem.

2. Emergency repair requests must be made by phone to the Public Safety Office at 314 392-2374, between the hours of 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM, and to MBU Public Safety Dispatch at 314 882 1601 during other hours.

3. Maintenance of the card access system is the responsibility of the Department of Public Safety. Requests for repair should be made to Public Safety by phone. Requests for replacement of access cards for residence facilities should be made to the Resident Life staff.

Review This policy will be subject to annual review

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Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation

Subject: Timely Warnings of Crime on Campus

Date: updated 6/24/14


The Clery Act requires that Missouri Baptist University have a “Timely Warning” policy. In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that in the judgment of the Director of Public Safety may constitute an ongoing or continuing threat to the University community, a campus wide “Timely Warning” will be issued. The purpose of the warning is to inform people of the danger, so they can take steps to avoid it.


The Director of Public Safety will issue a Timely Warning statement in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community and to individuals The warning will be issued through the college e mail system to students, faculty, and staff, resident hall bulletin boards, the Public Safety Web Page, and/or the campus alert system, and/or text alert system. The method of dissemination shall be at the discretion of the Director of Public Safety based on the circumstances at the time. The Department of Public Safety will coordinate the posting of all “Timely Warnings” with the MBU Office of University Communications.

Anyone with information warranting a “Timely Warning” should report the circumstances immediately to the MBU Public Safety Office, either by phone at (314) 744 5355 or in person


The definition of an incident that requires a “Timely Warning” is any sexual assault, robbery, recurring burglary, or other dangerous criminal activity that is occurring on or near MBU property.


In the event that the Public Safety Department is made aware of known criminal activity on or around MBU property that could place students, faculty, or staff in danger, the Director of Public Safety Department will consult with the MBU President and/or his cabinet prior to issuing a “Timely Warning” that alerts the MBU community of pending danger. The information could come from the MBU Public Safety Department or from the Creve Coeur Police Department, with whom MBU has a Memorandum of Understanding. The “Timely Warning” message will be drafted with the help of the MBU Office of University Communications, in accordance with Clery regulations. A sample “Timely Warning” is attached to this document.

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Timely Warnings of Crime on Campus

(Sample Document) MBU Case 2004 000668

TIMELY NOTIFICATION BULLETIN Possible Threat to the Community "Your Right to Know" January 26, 2014

In compliance with the "Timely Notice" provisions of the federal Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act of 1998 (or The Clery Act), the MBU Department of Public Safety is giving notice of an act of violence reported to have occurred near location of place of occurrence, on the campus of Missouri Baptist University.

REPORTED OFFENSE: Reported Assault & Battery, constituting a Forcible Offense, was reported to have occurred on the university’s residential area known as XXX Hall Row at approximately 12:45 a.m., Saturday, January 24, 2004. This location is on the campus of Missouri Baptist University just to the south of Dink Marler Drive.

SUSPECTS: Both described as college age males; race not reported; the first attacker of “average” build, approximately 5’10” in height, about 140 lbs, wearing a black hooded garment and blue jeans; the second attacker shorter than the first, of “medium” build, wearing a grey hooded garment and blue jeans.

The complainant reported that she was returning to her residence hall very early Saturday morning, unaccompanied. As she walked south along street, she stated that two male subjects approached her from behind and threw her to the ground. They then attempted to remove her clothing. Both subjects fled on foot after the victim screamed.

It can be assumed that conditions continue to exist that may pose a threat to members and guests of the community. It is the duty of the institution to warn of possible "dangerous conditions" on or near its campus and at affiliate organizations off campus; an "affirmative duty" exists to warn persons associated with this university of possible peril at the hands of some third party or parties. Consider carefully whether your presence at or near this complex while unaccompanied could place you in danger.

Please forward this notice to your colleagues and post it on appropriate bulletin boards in your area. If you have any information that might be helpful in this investigation, please contact the University Public Safety by telephone at (314) 882-1601 or in person at the Public Safety office, or, if you wish, anonymously through the “MBU Anonymous Tip Line” at (314) 744 7620 (Sample Document)

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Weapons on Campus Policy 8.006


Originator: Director of Public Safety Distribution: All Policy and Procedure Manuals Subject: Weapons on Campus Policy Date: February 23, 2010; July 2020


Missouri Baptist University works to provide a safe educational environment and there by limits the ability of individuals to have weapons on campus, excluding designated officers in the Office of Public Safety.


Missouri Baptist University is a weapon free campus. Weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited on University property (on and off the main campus), in University facilities, in vehicles on University property, and at University events. A weapon includes any device defined by statute or the University which in the manner used or intended is capable of producing death, harm or bodily injury to person or property. Such devices include but are not limited to guns (including starter pistols, paintball guns, those that shoot projectiles including pellets, BBs, airsoft beads, potatoes, etc.), explosives, ammunition, knives with blades longer than three inches, slingshots, martial arts weapons, and bow and arrow combinations (including crossbows).

• In the interest of public safety, the weapon-free campus policy includes items resembling weapons including but not limited to replica, non firing, rubber, plastic and/or toy guns. Stage props are excluded from this prohibition only as stipulated in the theatrical addendum below.

• Those possessing permits to carry concealed weapons in public are subject to this policy and are prohibited from bringing weapons onto campus or into campus facilities.

• Weapons are not permitted on campus property this includes possession or storage by an individual, in a University facility or vehicle on University property. Hunters must make arrangements to store weapons off campus property and are not permitted to transport weapons on campus.

• Pepper and propellant sprays used for personal protection and self-defense are permitted on campus. Misuse or unauthorized use of these items will be assertively addressed via University conduct processes and/or state and federal statutes. However, electronic devices intended to stun or incapacitate (e.g. Tasers) are considered weapons and are not permitted on campus.

• Exceptions to this policy include federal agent, police officers, authorized Missouri Baptist University public safety personnel, theatrical props within the provisions identified below (see addendum)

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Weapons on Campus Policy 8.006


1. Weapons are not permitted to be stored on campus or in vehicles. Any weapon on campus in violation of this policy will be seized and returned upon leaving the campus.

2. While it is the desire of Missouri Baptist University personnel to be as redemptive as possible in such situations, violations of this policy by faculty, staff, or students will be subject to the respective disciplinary and judicial processes and/or options outlined in the respective handbook governing the individual.

3. Any person unrelated to the Missouri Baptist University community who is in violation of this policy will be reported or turned over to the appropriate law enforcement officials.

4. Missouri Baptist University, in consultation with its legal counsel, will seek to cooperate with any law enforcement officials conducting investigation related to University property or constituents

5. Event Services is responsible for ensuring contracts with external parties outline University guidelines and work to ensure parties understand the University’s Weapons Free Campus Policy.


Stage weapons may be used in preparation and performance of theatrical productions under the restrictions and stipulations that follow:

1. A stage weapon refers to any device or approximation of a device described as a weapon in the University’s weapons-free campus policy. This includes but is not limited to guns, knives, swords, spears, bow and arrows, crossbows, whether capable of inflicting bodily injury or not.

2. These stage weapons may be used on campus only in the context of practice for a University sponsored theatrical event under the authorization of University personnel.

3. Stage weapons are permitted only in defined theatrical performance and practice venues. They must be stored and maintained by authorized University personnel and “checked-out” for use under their approval.

4. Public Safety must be notified of each instance a stage weapon is to be used and each performance and rehearsal at least one week prior.

5. Blades must be blunted, dulled sufficiently so as to pose no actual threat to participants

6. Real operable (even if unloaded) firearms are not permitted. Firearms should be rubber or non-functional replicas and must be mechanically incapable of firing a projectile.

7. Starter Pistols or other approved theatrical weapons designed to fire a blank and only a blank are also acceptable.

8. Any strange or unusual stage weapon used in a classroom, rehearsal or production event must receive prior approval from public safety

9. Audience members must be notified prior to the beginning of the performance when stage firearms are to be in use.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety Distribution: Policy Manual Holder and MBU Website Subject: Missing Student Policy Date: June 7, 2010


The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for the Missouri Baptist University resident community in regards to a missing student. The policy will include procedures for reporting, investigating and proper notification when a student living in MBU campus housing (“Resident Student”) is deemed to be missing.

Information about the Missouri Baptist University Missing Resident Student Policy will be posted on the MBU Public Safety website. Furthermore, students will be informed of the policy during the initial mandatory Resident Life meeting. An additional copy of this policy may also be found in the office of the Senior Vice President for Student Development.


Procedures for Reporting and Investigating alleged missing Resident Students

A. Any university employee who receives a report, or has independent information, that a student is missing must immediately contact the MBU Public Safety Department. Upon receipt of the initial report, the MBU Public Safety staff will notify the Director of Resident Life. If the student is not a resident, the family or reporting party will be instructed to call their local police department and report the student missing. MBU Public Safety will cooperate with any jurisdiction investigating a missing person.

a. If the missing resident is determined to be under the age of 18, the Director of Public Safety, or his designee, will contact the student’s custodial parent or guardian immediately. The Senior Vice President for Student Development will also be notified.

b. If the missing resident is determined to be over the age of 18 or an emancipated minor, the Director of Resident Life will contact the student’s designated emergency contact within no more than 24 hours. Director of Resident Life will notify the Director of Public Safety who will start a missing student investigation. The Director of Resident Life will notify the Senior Vice President for Student Development that a missing student investigation has been started.

B. If the reported missing student is a resident, the Resident Life Staff will conduct a preliminary investigation utilizing the following procedures. At any step in the process, the Director of Resident Life will immediately report any suspicious findings to MBU Public Safety.

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A missing student is defined as a person whose whereabouts cannot be determined and someone has raised concern.

Procedures for designation of emergency contact information

A. Students age 18 and above and emancipated minors

Resident Students over the age of 18 will be given an MBU Missing Student Information form to be completed and returned to the Resident Life Staff. This form will allow students to designate an individual(s) to be contacted in the event that they are reported missing. The listed contact will be notified by the University no more than 24 hours after the time a student is determined to be missing in accordance with the procedures set forth below. Designated contacts will remain in effect until changed or revoked by the student. Resident students will complete the MBU Missing Student Information form at the beginning of each academic year.

Information listed in this form will be registered confidentially and will only be accessible to authorized campus officials. The information on this form will be utilized only in the case of a reported missing student and will not be used for any other University purposes, unless specifically noted by the student.

B. Students under the age of 18

Resident students under the age of 18 who are not emancipated will not be required to fill out the MBU MSI form. In the case of a missing non-emancipated student under the age of 18, the university is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian no more than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing in accordance with the procedures


1. A Resident Life Staff member will attempt to contact the resident student to verify his/her whereabouts and/or wellness. Options for contacting the student may include visiting his/her living quarters, telephone, email, and/or social networking site(s). Means of contact will be determined based on each individual situation.

a. If the Resident Life Staff is not able to contact the student in their designated living quarters, but it is occupied, the Resident Life Staff will attempt to gain information on the student’s whereabouts and/or wellness from questioning the occupants of the living quarter, other members of housing community, and/or other friends.

b. If there is no response when the Resident Life Staff member visits the designated living quarters, the Resident Life Staff member will enter, by key if necessary, to perform a health and safety inspection.

2. If these steps do not provide the Resident Life Staff an opportunity to speak with the alleged missing student or to learn his/her whereabouts, MBU Public Safety will be contacted to investigate further.

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Missing Student

3. If these steps provide the Resident Life Staff with contact and verification of the whereabouts and/or wellness of the alleged missing student, the Director of Resident Life will contact Public Safety and the Senior Vice President for Student Development to report that the student has been located, the status of their wellbeing, and the student’s intention of returning to campus.

4. If the student is located, the Resident Life Staff will deliver a message to the student requesting that he/she contact the parent, family member, or friend who is searching for him/her.

5. If no contact has been made in 48 hours with the missing student a Missing Persons report will be filed with the Creve Coeur Police Department per State Statute.

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Record Retention and Disposition


Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation Subject: Record Retention and Disposition Policy for Public Safety Date: January 13, 2015


Because of certain exceptions under the Federal Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) for university public safety departments, MBU Public Safety records are maintained separately from documents retained in the MBU department of Records. As required by the Clery Act, this policy will outline the systematic review, retention and disposition of documents and records received, created, or maintained by the Missouri Baptist University Public Safety Department. This policy will outline a schedule for how long certain documents should be retained and how they should be disposed. The policy is designed to enhance compliance with federal and state laws and regulations and to eliminate the accidental destruction of records. The policy will also detail the end of a record retention period allowing it to be destroyed to free up valuable storage space.


1. Document Retention - the MBU Public Safety Department maintains certain vital records as required by state and federal law. These records are sensitive in nature and must be maintained under strict security measures. A record retention schedule accompanies this policy and outlines each policy category and its record retention period.

2. Electronic Documents and Records - electronic records will be retained as if they were paper documents. Therefore, any electronic file that falls within the record types on the retention schedule will be maintained for the prescribed length of time. E-mail messages and other electronic files that need to be retained under this policy should be stored in an archived computer folder. Backup and recovery methods must be tested on a regular basis.

3. Document Disposition - the MBU Public Safety Department, in collaboration with MBU I.T. department is responsible for the safe and secure maintenance, storage, and disposition of the department’s records under the oversight of the Senior Vice President for Student Development. The following hard copy documents will be destroyed by shredding or electronic erasure: any record containing financial information of the institution, individually identifiable financial, medical, student or personnel related records. Any other documents or records containing confidential information not described above or any non-public information about the University. If there is doubt about the proper method for destroying a document, it should be shredded. The MBU Public Safety Department maintains logs of all records disposed of that are covered by the retention schedule. The log will specify the record that was disposed, including the year(s) covered, the retention period, the date, and the method of destruction (including the identity of any third party vendors who carry out the disposal process).

4. Litigation Hold - Document disposition will be suspended immediately upon the notification of a lawsuit or subpoena, provided the request is delivered within the lifespan of the document. These documents will be held until such time as all litigation is resolved, at which time they will go back into their scheduled destruction cycle.

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1. Document or Record - in this policy includes any record created, received, or maintained by the MBU Public Safety Department and its employees. This applies to all Public Safety records, regardless of whether they are hardcopy or electronic format or stored on or off campus.

2. Confidential Information - when used within this policy includes any personally identifiable records, including but not limited to, student, employee, financial, health, strategic planning documents, contracts, research data, and any University financial or proprietary data or information.

3. Financial Records - any record that contains social security numbers, financial account information, bank or credit card account information, or any other record containing personallyidentifiable financial information of students, parents, employees, and third parties.


This record retention policy applies to all members of the MBU Public Safety Department including officers, administrators, committee members or anyone else associated with the department.

MBU Public Safety Records

Record retention period

Key and Building access records Always

Daily Crime Log 7 Years

Investigative Case files 7 Years from the last activity on the case

All Public Safety Incident Reports 7 Years

Parking permits Vehicle registration (Faculty/Staff) 10 Years

Parking permits Vehicle registration (Student) 10 years

Parking / Traffic tickets 10 Years

Motor Vehicle Accident reports 7 Years

Medical or accidental injury reports 7 Years

Criminal Background Checks 2 years after employment/ graduation Student Medical Records 1 year after student graduation Student Travel Abroad Records 6 month after completing travel

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Record Retention and Disposition 8.008

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Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation Subject: Disclosure of Annual Crime Statistics

Date: January 13, 2015


The Missouri Baptist University Public Safety Department prepares the Annual Crime and Fire Statistics Report to comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act commonly referred to as the Clery Act. This annual report will be located on our website at www.mobap.edu/safety. It is prepared in cooperation with local law enforcement at our main campus and all MBU extension sites. The report will include the previous four years of crime and fire statistics for the MBU main campus and all their extension sites as required by the Clery Act.


This report will be compiled annually to include campus crimes, arrests, and referral statistics including those reported to the campus public safety by people identified as Campus Security Authority (CSA’s). CSA’s are designated campus officials, including but not limited to directors, deans, department heads, advisor’s to students/student organizations, athletics, and coaches as described in the campus security authority policy. The Director of Public Safety will compile the reports and publish it with the U.S. Department of Education and the Missouri Baptist University community as described by the Clery Act. In addition to the website location, printed copies of the Campus Crime Report will be available in the Public Safety Office as required by the Clery Act.


The data must be collected from the main campus and all extension sites. This includes extension sites we own as well as facilities we merely occupy as classroom space for the purpose of conducting classes in the name of Missouri Baptist University. It must also include crime statistics on property that is rented, leased, or used by written agreement and property that is often frequented by university students. The location of this report will be disseminated through the student handbook, through admissions, business office, and the Public Safety website as per Clery Act guidelines.


Each year students, parents, faculty, staff, perspective students, and employees will be notified as to the web address where they can view this report in its entirety. The Director of Public Safety will also upload it to the U.S. Department of Education website prior to September’s deadline.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety Subject: Policy on Alcohol Infractions Date: 3/29/15


Missouri Baptist University is concerned about the negative impact of alcohol consumption on the lives of its students, especially underage drinking. In compliance with the U.S. Department of Education Campus Safety Act (Clery Act) this policy addresses the use of alcohol on campus, according to guidelines from the “Drug Free Schools and Communities Act.”


The possession, consumption, sale or the furnishing of alcoholic beverages on the MBU campus, at any University sponsored function by students or their guests, is strictly prohibited. Any student appearing on campus or at any University sponsored function under the influence of intoxicating beverages will be subject to disciplinary action. The Department of Public Safety will refer all alcohol violations to the Senior Vice President for Student Development for disciplinary proceedings in accordance with University policies. MBU will cooperate fully with local law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution of any crime associated with the alcohol infraction.


1. An intoxicating beverage is defined as any drink or consumable product containing alcohol, including simulated beer products that contain small amounts of alcohol.

2. Powdered Alcohol also known as “Palcohol” is considered an alcoholic beverage whether it is mixed with liquid or in its original powdered state.


Depending upon the severity of the alcohol infraction and other issues that may accompany it, possible sanctions imposed can range from a documented disciplinary conversation, a requirement of counseling for substance abuse, the requirement of participation in the Restorative Justice program if the student resides in MBU housing, sanctions required in the Student Athlete Handbook for student-athletes, or other sanctions deemed necessary. In the most severe situations, for example, where sexual assault or relationship violence accompanies the alcohol violation, expulsion from MBU is a possibility.

MBU reserves the right to confiscate, retain, and dispose of any alcohol related paraphernalia discovered on campus, regardless of value or ownership.

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Security considerations for campus facilities and grounds 8.012


Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation

Subject: Security considerations for campus facilities and grounds

Date: June 2015


The Campus Operations Department, under the authority of the President of Missouri Baptist University and in cooperation with the MBU administration, is responsible for new construction, existing building maintenance, and improvement projects on the MBU campus. The Director of Public Safety has been charged by the MBU President with ensuring that MBU is in compliance with the Federal Campus Safety Act, commonly referred to as the Clery Act. This policy outlines the responsibility of the Director of Public Safety to work with the Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and the Campus Operations Department to review building and remodeling projects, as well as grounds and roadway developments and improvements, to ensure that they meet the Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) for college campuses, as recommended by the Clery Act


The Director of Public Safety, under the direction of the MBU President, will meet with persons involved in the design phase of new buildings or major renovations, and make recommendations that ensure the safety and security features of new construction meet the CPTED guidelines recommended by the Clery Act The Director of Public Safety will consider interior lighting, building security and access control, security camera locations and other aspects of construction that impact the prevention of crime. He will examine life safety aspects of design such as Fire Alarm systems, the placement of emergency call buttons, emergency “Blue Light” phones, AEDs and other lifesaving systems and equipment. He will also examine plans for major grounds, roadways, and parking lot improvements

Public Safety Officers are required to report security and life safety maintenance issues as soon as they are discovered. Maintenance requests related to significant safety and security threats should receive priority consideration over non-safety and non-emergency requests.


1. CPTED - Crime Prevention through Environmental Design a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behavior through design strategies that influence the decisions of would be offenders, before they engage in criminal activity. CPTED strategies include considerations like: strategic placement of exterior lighting, road design, landscaping, etc.

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2. Security Features include, but are not limited to, interior lighting, building security and access control, security camera locations, and other building features that support the prevention of crime

3. Life Safety Features include, but are not limited to, fire alarm systems, the placement of emergency call buttons, emergency “Blue Light” phones, AEDs and other lifesaving systems and equipment.


All security and life safety enhancements should be reviewed and considered in the final architectural design. The Public Safety Director should do a final punch list walk through with the contractor to insure that all security and life safety enhancements are correctly installed and in compliance with the CPTED guidelines called for by the Clery Act.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety Subject: Student Drug Policy Date: 4/14/15


Missouri Baptist University is concerned about the negative impact of illegal drugs on the lives of its students. In compliance with the U.S. Department of Education Campus Safety Act (Clery Act), this policy addresses MBU’s response to the illegal possession of drugs on campus, according to guidelines from the “Drug Free Schools and Communities Act.”


The use of illegal drugs at Missouri Baptist University will not be tolerated. Students are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, possession, sale, dispensing, or distribution of any controlled substance or illegal drug on any property or in any facility owned or controlled by MBU. The possession of paraphernalia used to manufacture or consume illegal drugs on any property or in any facility owned or controlled by MBU is prohibited. The use by an MBU student of a controlled substance that is not medically authorized is prohibited.

Students who are taking prescription medication under the care of a physician may have their medication with them while at MBU. If a student resides in MBU housing, the possession of prescription medication is subject to the policies and procedures outlined in the Resident Life Handbook. However, the sale, dispensing, or distribution of any prescription medication by the student who owns the medication to another student is prohibited.

Any student found to be in possession of, or under the influence of, a controlled substance that has been determined by the State of Missouri to be a misdemeanor violation will be referred to the Senior Vice President for Student Development for disciplinary proceedings, in accordance with University policy. Any student found to be in possession of, or under the influence of, a controlled substance that has been determined by the State of Missouri to be a felony crime will be turned over to local law enforcement, in addition to being referred to the Senior Vice President for Student Development.


1. Controlled Substance any drug that is regulated by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in category schedules 1 through 5.

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2. Illegal Possession of a Controlled Substance concealment or carrying of a prescription drug not prescribed to the owner (or not in a bottle with the authorized prescription on the bottle)

3. Paraphernalia any item that is used to aid in the unlawful manufacture or consumption of controlled substances or illegal drugs


Depending upon the severity of the drug infraction and other issues that may accompany it, possible sanctions imposed on students who violate this policy can range from a documented disciplinary conversation, a requirement of counseling for substance abuse, the requirement of participation in the Restorative Justice program if the student resides in MBU housing, sanctions required in the Student Athlete Handbook for student-athletes, or other sanctions deemed necessary. In the most severe situations, for example, where sexual assault or relationship violence accompanies the drug violation, expulsion from MBU is a possibility.

MBU reserves the rights to confiscate, retain, and dispose of any alcohol related paraphernalia discovered on campus, regardless of value or ownership.

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Student Drug Usage


Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation

Subject: Clery Geography Date: 6/24/15


The Clery Act requires Missouri Baptist University to have a formal policy on any property it owns or leases, or where a formal or informal agreement exists for the use of the property, so that an accurate annual report of crime statistics can be made.


As part of this policy the Director of Public Safety, the Senior Vice President for Student Development, and the Senior Vice President for Financial Affairs agree to keep each other informed whenever campus geography changes. This includes changes and additions to the University’s Regional Learning Centers and other locations where classes are offered It will be the duty of the Director of Public Safety to keep the Clery Geography map up to date with this information, so that crime on campus can accurately reported.

When school sponsored travel takes a team, performing group, or other group of MBU students to the same location regularly, and the students stay in the same hotel several nights in a row, the location could meet the U.S. Department of Education’s “frequently used by students criterion.” During the year(s) a particular location meets the criterion, crime statistics will need to be collected for the location and included in MBU’s annual crime report. If a student is a victim of a crime while on school sponsored trips it must be reported to Public Safety immediately upon return.

The Department of Records must notify the Department of Public Safety of any changes in the location of classes each semester. New locations will be added to or removed from the “non campus” category (which for MBU means non main campus) as changes occur, for the purposes of Clery reporting.


The Clery Act classifies campus geography into four categories: on campus, non campus, public property, and residential (dorms). On campus is fairly self explanatory.

1. On campus for MBU refers to the main campus.

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2. Non campus refers to all locations where MBU holds classes including, but not limited to, regional learning centers, junior colleges, space leased in area buildings and properties, churches, and high schools.

3. Public Property refers to any publicly accessible property immediately adjacent to MBU property, or property frequented by MBU students.

4. Residential refers to MBU housing, whether dormitories or apartments on the main campus or apartments leased off campus.


1. For the purpose of this policy any travel outside of the United States is covered in the Study Abroad policy. Any school sponsored group that travels with students and stays in a hotel, motel or hostel for two or more days will inform the Department of Public Safety of the name of the facility and the city where it is located.

2. The Senior Vice President for Financial Affairs will notify the Department of Public Safety of any purchase of space or agreements for use of space to be used in support of the educational mission of the University.

3. The Department of Athletics will notify the Department of Public Safety of any formal or informal agreement for use of athletic facilities.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation

Subject: Fire Alarm Maintenance

Date: 6/24/15


This policy is established to ensure Missouri Baptist University’s fire alarm systems are being maintained and tested in accordance with guidelines and requirements established by the United States Department Education, the United States Fire Administration, as well as state and local laws.


All MBU housing facilities have fire protection systems for the safety of resident students. These systems will be inspected annually, at a minimum, to insure their functionality during an emergency The inspection will be done by a certified and approved vendor and a report kept on file in Campus Operations. The University maintains a UUFX certification on all residential housing facilities, which guarantees a two hour return to service for fire alarm systems. The sprinkler systems in all residential housing facilities will also be inspected on an annual basis. Inspection records will be maintained in the Campus Operations office.


UUFX is a category code used by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to describe a central station signaling services fire alarm system and how it interacts with its associated alarm panels. To have a UUFX classification, the fire alarm system on site must be an intelligent system, able to self diagnose problems, and report them to the central monitoring station. UUFX systems have a two hour guarantee of return service agreement with the service provider.


1. All future alarm systems installed should be certified UUFX systems.

2. Campus Operations shall maintain all fire safety inspection records for a minimum of seven years.

3. All fire alarm system certifications and “as built” drawings shall be available for inspection upon request in the Public Safety office.

4. If an MBU residential fire alarm system goes offline and cannot be brought back on line within two hours, Public Safety will arrange for extra patrols through the building(s) affected to ensure student safety.

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Fire Alarm Maintenance


Originator: Director of Public Safety and Transportation

Subject: Fire Alarm Response

Date: 6/23/15


While actual fires on campus are rare, all fire alarms on campus should be considered real. Fires have the inherent hazard of heat, smoke, and toxic gases These conditions can spread and worsen quickly, making escape difficult. Alarm systems are designed to provide early warning, which may be critical in an emergency. The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for both the occupants of a building and first responders answering the alarm call.


All persons shall calmly and immediately evacuate the building upon activation of a fire alarm. They should proceed to the designated assembly point for their building as indicated in the MBU Emergency Management Plan. Elevator use is strictly prohibited during a fire evacuation. No one may reenter a building until the fire department or the MBU Department of Public Safety has given the all clear. In order to ensure there are no hidden dangers, no one but the fire department or an MBU Public Safety Officer may silence or reset a fire alarm. If someone notices a fire or other hazardous condition, the fire alarm should be activated manually at any fire alarm pull station. No one may tamper with, deface, disable, or in any way interfere with any component of the fire alarm system.

The MBU Department of Public Safety will periodically test the fire alarm system, document that it is being tested, and conduct random fire alarm drills.


1. Alarm a bell, horn, strobe light, or a horn/strobe light combination that is activated by the alarm system to give building occupants an audio and or visual queue that an emergency event is occurring.

2. Fire alarm drills announced or unannounced drills to test and train building occupants on procedures to be used for evacuating a building during an actual fire event.

3. Pull station - marked levers or buttons located throughout campus that, when activated, will trigger the alarm system and summon the fire department and MBU Department of Public Safety.

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1. Whenever a fire alarm is activated, every person should immediately evacuate the building Every effort should be made to assist others in the evacuation process. If someone has limited mobility and assisting them is beyond a person’s ability, the MBU Department of Public Safety or fire department should be notified immediately of the person’s location. The fire department and the Department of Public Safety have the equipment and training to assist persons with limited mobility.

2. Elevators should never be used during a fire alarm incident. MBU’s elevators are required by local fire code to lock down on the ground floor when an alarm is triggered. They can only be reactivated with a fire override key.

3. The MBU Department of Public Safety will never give the all clear to reenter a building until the fire department and Department of Public Safety concur that the danger no longer exists.

4. The Fire Alarm Response Procedures in the MBU Emergency Management Plan should be reviewed on a regular basis and is located on the MBU Public Safety web page at www.mobap.edu/safety

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Fire Safety Education 8.017


Originator: Director of Public Safety and Transportation Subject: Fire Safety Education Date: 6/24/15


Missouri Baptist University is committed to enriching students’ lives spiritually, intellectually, and professionally. Part of enriching students’ lives is teaching them self-preservation, and to that end teaching life safety skills, such as fire safety. The United States Department of Education requires colleges to provide education for fire safety to all resident students and encourages offering fire safety education to all students.


MBU’s campus fire safety program will adhere to all relevant local, state, and federal fire laws, as well as utilize resources developed by the USFA (U.S. Fire Administration). The MBU Department of Public Safety will establish and maintain partnerships with local police and fire services, through Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), in an effort to maximize cooperation with area first responders. The Department of Public Safety will, during the academic year, conduct fire safety awareness and prevention programs. The Department of Public Safety will also test compliance by conducting annual fire drills in the resident halls, as mandated by the Department of Education. All resident students and resident staff must participate in resident hall fire drills.


The Campus Fire Safety Program was developed by the USFA at the request of the Department of Education. This program reviews and collects resources that can be used in public outreach efforts to keep college students safe from on- and off-campus housing fires.


1. The Department of Public Safety will conduct fire safety awareness programs at major student events.

2. The Department of Public Safety will conduct fire extinguisher training at various times throughout the year.

3. The Department of Public Safety will conduct inspections of residential facilities to ensure basic fire safety rules are followed.

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4. The Department of Public Safety will conduct, at a minimum, two fire evacuation drills per residential facility each year, as required by the fire safety section of the Clery Act.

5. The Department of Public Safety will annually train all Resident Life Assistants (RAs) on fire safety and dorm evacuation procedures.

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ppm.8.017 www.mobap.edu

Bloodborne Pathogen


Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation Subject: Bloodborne Pathogen Policy

Date: March 17, 2015


This policy is written to minimize exposures to blood and body fluid containing potentially infectious material, or bloodborne pathogens (BBP) This policy applies to MBU employees who may reasonably anticipate occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens in the performance of their normal duties on the job


All employees who may have direct or indirect contact with bodily fluids as part of the normal duties associated with their job must comply with this policy. The employees include Maintenance and Housekeeping staff, Public Safety officers, Coaches, Team Managers, Athletic Trainers, Lab Personnel, and any other employee/student identified as potentially having interaction with such bodily fluids

The Department of Public Safety is responsible for ensuring the annual training of personnel and maintaining a record of training and reported incidents Supervisors are responsible for identifying personnel that may be at risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens and ensuring that these individuals participate in training annually.

The Department of Public Safety will assist with routine inspections of work areas, completing incident reports, investigating accidents, and recommending preventive/corrective measures Only trained personnel should participate in the removal of blood or other potentially infectious material, and the sanitizing of the affected area. An incident report should be completed with the Department of Public Safety when an incident occurs. Untrained personnel are prohibited from coming into contact, or attempting to clean any BBP/OPIM spills.


1. Blood refers to human blood, human blood components, and products made from human blood.

2. Bloodborne Pathogen refers to pathogenic microorganisms that are present in human blood and can cause disease in humans including, but not limited to: hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

3. Occupational Exposure refers to reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or potential contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employee’s duties.

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Bloodborne Pathogen 8.018

4. Other Potentially Infectious Materials (OPIM) includes, but is not limited to: human bodily fluids, semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, amniotic fluid, vomit, fecal material, saliva in dental procedures; any mix of body fluids where it is impossible to differentiate between fluids; any unfixed human tissue or organ.


1. Training Training is provided by the Department of Public Safety for personnel who are impacted by this policy Public Safety maintains a record of employee training.

2. Optional Vaccination The normal series of HEP B vaccines will be made available to employees. Those electing not to have the vaccinations will be required to sign a waiver that will be maintained in records. Supervisors of affected departments are responsible for identifying individuals needing training due to their risk of exposure to BBP/OPIM.

3. Bloodborne Pathogen Incidents Incidents involving release of blood or other potentially infectious materials are to be cleaned by trained personnel using University supplied pathogen kits. For significant releases, or if the source cannot be identified, trained custodial staff will respond with back up assistance from Public Safety. Any exposure of employees or students to blood borne pathogens must immediately be reported to the Department of Public Safety. If necessary, the exposed employee should seek a medical evaluation from the Occupational Health Clinic of his/her choice.

4. Record Keeping Public Safety maintains training records and incident reports for seven years from the date of the training/incident. Individual departments may also maintain site-specific training records at their discretion. The training records will include the dates and contents of the training sessions, names/contact information of individuals that attend and complete training, as well as any signed Declination of Vaccination forms. Copies of completed training and incident reports are available by written request, as long as the request is compliant with OSHA, FERPA, and HIPAA guidelines.

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Originator: Director of Public Safety / Transportation

Subject: Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

Date: January 24, 2017


Missouri Baptist University is committed to providing a safe environment by integrating the best safety and security practices with state of the art technology. An important component of any comprehensive security plan is Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). CCTV technology enables Public Safety personnel to monitor and record activities all around campus remotely. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the appropriate use of CCTV on MBU property in a way that enhances security, but also respects the expectation of reasonable privacy for members of the MBU community. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, contractors, visitors, and guests at all MBU locations.


The purpose of CCTV is to deter crime and protect the safety and property of the MBU community. Safety and security purposes include, but are not limited to:

Protection of individuals, including students, faculty, staff, contractors, and guests. 

Protection of University owned and/or operated property, buildings, including building perimeters, entrances and exits, lobbies, corridors, receiving docks, special storage areas, laboratories, and cashier locations. 

Verification of alarms and access control systems; 

Patrol of common areas and areas accessible to the public, including transit stops, parking lots, public streets and pedestrian walks. 

Investigation of criminal activity.

Any diversion of security technologies for purposes other than the safety and security role contemplated by this Policy is prohibited. Persons monitoring the CCTV system will conduct themselves in a professional, ethical, lawful manner and should be trained in the responsible use of this technology. Operators controlling and manipulating CCTV camera locations will base their actions solely on decisions about how to address safety concerns or criminal activity. No operator decision about camera location should be based on race, color, sex, national origin, age or disability as stated in the MBU Non Discrimination policy. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action.


Dispatcher Public Safety Dispatchers are responsible for all emergency communications that occur within the MBU community and that are reported to MBU externally. Dispatchers receive and document incoming calls, transmit messages to appropriate personnel, and keep logs of

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Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) 8.019

the daily activities of Public Safety personnel. They also monitor activity on campus via CCTV and report suspicious activity to the Public Safety Officers on duty. Dispatchers are under the direct supervision of the Director of Public Safety.

CCTV Closed Circuit Television, also known as video surveillance, is a system that uses video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. It differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly transmitted.

IP Cameras An internet protocol camera is a type of digital video camera commonly employed for surveillance. IP cameras, unlike analog closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras, can send and receive data via a computer network and the Internet.

NVR A Network Video Recorder is a network server that records video sent to it from IP cameras via an internal fiber optic cable.


MBU’s CCTV system is hosted on a secure network server controlled and accessed only by MBU Public Safety Department personnel. Only the University President may grant someone other than Public Safety access to the CCTV system.

The MBU CCTV system will be installed on a security and safety needs basis and will not conflict with state and federal laws governing the expectations of privacy.

MBU Public Safety Dispatchers are the primary entity for monitoring and controlling the CCTV system, including managing the NVR.

All operators and supervisors involved in the use of video surveillance system will perform their duties in compliance with this policy.

All Public Safety staff will be trained in the technical, legal, and ethical parameters of appropriate camera use.

All persons authorized to access recorded video on the NVR or view live IP camera feeds will review and sign a copy of this policy.

Recorded video may be turned over to an outside law enforcement agency if it is part of an investigation that involves crimes against the University or any of its students, faculty, staff, or guests

Occasionally MBU’s CCTV recording equipment may capture video of persons or property that have no connection to MBU. When this occurs, for the protection of the University and the reasonable expectation of privacy of these persons, this video will only be given to local law enforcement when presented with a valid subpoena.

Portable hidden cameras with recording equipment will only be used for criminal investigations by the MBU Public Safety Department, and reasonable expectation of privacy will be observed.

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