MBU Magazine | Winter 2014

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MAGAZINE winter 2014

a publication of missouri baptist university



Dr. R. Alton Lacey President

The Words Under the Rocks:

Building on the Sacrifice and Vision of MBU’s Early Leaders Fifty years takes on different meanings depending on which side of it you are on. For an institution, it is a worthy achievement to reach the half century mark. As educational institutions go, we are among the youngest. A founding date of 1964 may not seem all that significant compared to Harvard (1686) or Oxford (872), but when considering how far mbu has come in 50 years, it is pretty special. The history of any institution is a messy and mundane affair. It is only in retrospect that it flows with the continuity which historians give it. Much of the history consists of the daily routine things that go with running a college, occasionally punctuated with a crisis or celebration. However, two things always hovered above the school and influenced the early work of the faculty, staff and administrators: there were not enough students, and there was not enough money. It took great faith to start a college from scratch in 1964, much less maintain it, but no matter the difficulty, certain qualities have remained constant: that we should be academically second to none, have a strong Christian

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faculty, be open to anyone desiring to attend, and be free and responsible in seeking truth. The founders and every president since have echoed those themes. When I walk across the campus now, I feel I am walking on sacred ground that was first trod by people with a vision but few resources and who gave substantial parts of their lives in hopes of a brighter future for the College. They would not give up on this place, and it is because of them that we are here to experience even better, more challenging, more rewarding, more exciting days to come. For me, personally, it is a happy coincidence to be celebrating my 20th anniversary as president during the University’s 50th. Not only has my time at mbu been professionally rewarding, but it has also provided opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. In his book, “A River Runs Through It,” Norman Maclean writes: “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world’s great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are

timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters.” The University we have now was birthed with meager resources, occasional controversy and great effort. If we look at the words under the rocks over which the waters have flowed for the past 50 years we find the words of former presidents, faculty, staff, students, trustees, donors and many more. There is a river that cuts a deep channel through their thoughts and that is the steadfast pursuit of truth in an environment that values both faith and reason. Those of us who have been a part of the recent past take pleasure in contemplating how far we have come, but it pales in comparison to the pleasure we get from contemplating a future that promises even more. As we look to that future, we give thanks for those who made it possible for us to be successful. We honor their memory by leaving a legacy to challenge those who will envision the next 50 years.



Once a small extension site, mbu pays tribute to our past and future as a leading university.


Game On

After years of preparation, mbu football takes the field competitively for the first time.


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Pass it on

Once homeless on the streets of Honduras, an alumnus uses his degree to return a blessing.


The World Race

Two alumni set out on a year-long trek to share the Gospel in 11 countries.




Departments From the President

pg. 02

Pivot: Khalia Collier

pg. 16

Where Are They Now?

pg. 34

News pg. 04

My Moment to Shine

pg. 28

In Memoriam

pg. 39

Alumni Awards

Nice to Meet You

pg. 33

pg. 09

President | Dr. R. Alton Lacey

The mbu Magazine is published by the University Communications Office of Missouri

Provost & Senior VP for Academic Affairs | Dr. Arlen Dykstra

Baptist University, One College Park Drive, Saint Louis, Mo. 63141-8698. Copyright 2014.

Senior VP for Institutional Advancement | Dr. Keith Ross ‘87

All rights reserved. Issues are published in summer and winter. Send change of address

Senior VP for Business Affairs | Ken Revenaugh

notification at least a month before effective date, including both old and new addresses.

Associate Provost & Senior VP for Student Development | Dr. Andy Chambers

Postmaster send address changes to mbu Magazine, Missouri Baptist University, One

Editor | Bryce Chapman

College Park Drive, Saint Louis, Mo. 63141-8698. Articles and letters to the editor are

Staff Writer/Editor | Coral Christopher ‘14

welcome. Email submissions to editor@mobap.edu. All submissions are subject to editing

Graphic Designers | Design Consultants: Grain, Inc. & Jenny Gravatt

and will not be returned. Free subscriptions are provided to University alumni, donors

Photographers | Jenny Gravatt, Lisa Hessel ‘04

and friends. Contact 314.392.2304 or editor@mobap.edu for details.

Contributors | Jill Hanna, Dr. R. Alton Lacey, Kelly Leavitt & Linda Myers

We are serious and intentional about our Christian faith. We will freely and responsibly search for truth. We strive for excellence. We believe in the importance and cultiva-


tion of character. We believe in social change through service and leadership.

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MBU Launches Commercial Voice Program Jazz Musician Erin Bode named artist-in-residence

Erin Bode, mbu artist-in-residence

Missouri Baptist University is adding a new program to the established and respected music program’s repertoire — commercial voice. The commercial voice program is an extension of the music performance major, allowing students to specialize in modern music. “Students in commercial voice will be trained in studio techniques for all different styles of modern music—jazz, rock and roll, pop, country, gospel—as well as how to work in a studio,” said Dr. Larry Smith, chair of fine arts. In addition to training for modern music, students will study under local singer Erin Bode in conjunction with the University’s new commercial voice program.

“Erin Bode is going to be a very important part of this program — she has the recording experience, performance experience and is in the business,” said Smith. “She knows how the business works and can share it with our students.” Bode, along with current music professors Eric Dalbey and Sarah Lancaster, will mentor students on best practices of the music industry, in addition to developing their voice. Through a partnership with Lutheran Hour Ministries, classes will be held in a state-of-the-art recording studio. Audio recording classes will record tracks of the music performance students, giving both programs experience working in a professional recording setting.

MBU Media Talk Launches Third Annual Media Talk Series Respected sportscaster Ron Jacober launched the 2014-2015 Missouri Baptist University Media Talk series on Wednesday, Nov. 12. The mbu Media Talk hosts communications professionals (public relations, broadcasting, journalism) who are successful and inspirational. The mbu Media Talk series is characterized by its interview format — two communications students interview the featured guest followed by a question-and-answer session with the audience. Jacober is a respected sportscaster with 47 years of experience — the longest career in the market. He has hosted the longest-running radio sports show for 27 years, the award-winning “Sports on a Sunday Morning.” His career also included serving as sports director of KMOX for two decades.

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“When someone mentions Ron Jacober’s name, there is instant recognition,” said Amanda Staggenborg, assistant professor of communications and mbu Media Talk coordinator. “Whether it is through his KMOX show, ‘Sports on a Sunday Morning’ or his experience at KSDK, so many people respect and admire him. His career advice could be applicable to so many people in several different fields and majors. I knew that he would provide tremendous insight for students, especially with the growing number of athletes.” The next mbu Media Talk is Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 1 p.m, in the Recital Hall. Previous Media Talk guests include sportscaster Frank Cusumano, Bill McClellan, long-time columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and Mark Abel, executive vice-president of Weber Shandwick.

Ron Jacober, St. Louis radio personality

“Cover” Vignettes Expose Truths of Sex Trafficking, Create a Community for Change The spotlight on this semester’s world-premiere performance of “Cover” was not on the actresses, or the writer, but an issue close to the cast’s hearts – sex trafficking. “Cover,” written by mbu Theatre Director Joy Powell, is a collection of nonsequential vignettes, short scenes with monologues, poetry recitation and songs, each focusing on a different aspect of human trafficking. Joy Powell’s first production involving sex trafficking was a sketch for a chapel service at the University with mbu’s drama troupe, InCharactre. Years later, one of Powell’s doctoral classes mentioned the abuse of women in the history of performance arts. This reminder influenced Powell to write a production to raise awareness of sex trafficking. “I wanted to help people understand what is going on and be a part of the solution,” said Powell. A close relationship quickly developed between mbu Theatre and The Covering House, a local organization that provides refuge and restoration for victims of sex exploitation. The director and founder of The Covering House, Dedee Lhamon, appreciates mbu Theatre’s efforts to raise awareness. “Anytime people recognize that the issue of trafficking is a growing problem, it helps bring light to those who are abused and moves us towards reducing this problem,” Lhamon said. Since the opening of The Covering House in 2010, the organization has become a home for stories of tragedy and a witness to lives transformed. These stories served as inspiration for the vignettes of “Cover.” Each vignette shares the harsh reality of a glossed-over truth: sex trafficking not only happens in America but lives in the heart of St. Louis, said Powell. That blatant truth transforms “Cover” from a mere production to a moving rally cry for change. While many of the students were aware of human trafficking, the vignettes were a source of education and inspiration to change the sad reality of the sex trade. “People typically think it (sex trafficking)

The vignettes of “Cover” were inspired by true stories from The Covering House, a local organization that provides refuge and restoration for victims of human trafficking.

happens far away – actually, St. Louis is one of the heaviest areas,” said mbu student Emily Rice, a cast member of the production. “It happens at the local mall. It happens within miles of my house. People are trafficked, but often it goes unnoticed. It could be stopped by awareness and addressing the heart of the issue.” Rice co-wrote four of the production’s songs, including the production’s anthem, “Cover Me” with alumna Jessica Balassi. The anthem repeats “Cover me, Cover me, my soul will find rest,” revealing that the hope of victims does not rest on rescuers or activists, but on the Savior, Jesus Christ. The anthem unites the victims, cast, crew and audience together with the shared need for a savior’s redemption, helping all to be of one accord in the fight against sex trafficking.

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MBU Professor Joins U.S. Department of State’s Efforts in the Republic of Georgia This semester Dr. Loftin C. Woodiel taught a new group of students – key officials from the Republic of Georgia and U.S. Ambassador Richard Norland. The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs asked the mbu professor to colead a two-day seminar on ethics and consult leadership at the Georgian Penitentiary and Probation Training Center. The trip was a part of the Department of State’s plan to combat international production and trafficking of narcotics as well as terrorism and international crime. The Republic of Georgia, a previous member of the Soviet Union, began a transition to law enforcement policies similar to the United States beginning in 2003. It was renewed in 2012 after the replacement of elected public officials. Woodiel is currently an assistant professor of criminal justice at Missouri Baptist University and Coordinator of the Lewis & Clark Regional Learning Center.

Dr. Loftin Woodiel, assistant professor of criminal justice, consults with leadership at the Georgian Penitentiary and Probation Training Center.

MBU Set to Begin Online Corporate Security Leadership Graduate Program Missouri Baptist University continues growth in online education with the addition of the Master of Science in Corporate Security Leadership – a program exclusively offered online. Upon graduation, students will be prepared to manage a corporate security department or business. In addition to the leadership training, graduates will be prepared to serve as an expert in demanding areas such as ethical management, physical security, information systems security, counter intelligence and terrorism, executive protection, kidnapping response, and corporate espionage.

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MBU Professor Presents Research on C.S. Lewis’ Famed Argument from Desire Dr. Keith Beutler, professor of history at Missouri Baptist University, recently presented research supporting C.S. Lewis’ Argument from Desire at the Conference on Faith and History at Pepperdine University. The Argument from Desire, which is presented throughout several of Lewis’ books, claims that creatures do not naturally desire things that do not exist. While other theologians and philosophers have further studied the Argument from Desire, Beutler approaches the topic from a new angle – history. The paper and presentation features works and sayings from famous thinkers across disciplines throughout the years including Jean Paul Sartre (atheist), Aeschylus (author from 5th century b.c.), Confucius

Dr. Keith Beutler, professor of history (philosopher from East Asia), Tchaikovsky (composer), Gerald Brommer (art historian) and the Epic of Gilgamesh. Beutler plans on continuing his research

after publishing his upcoming book, “George Washington’s Hair: How Early Americans Remembered the Founders” through University of Virginia Press.

The Domino Effect: MBU Professor Researches Correlation of Civil Rights & Journalism

Dr. C. Allin Means, associate professor

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Missouri Baptist University and the verdict of Times v. Sullivan — a victorious verdict for the field of journalism and racial equality. In October, Associate Professor C. Allin Means, Ph.D, presented “50 Years Ago the Dominoes Fell: Civil Rights Movement’s Sequential Events Leading to Times v. Sullivan Actual Malice” to the American Journalism Historians Association’s 33rd Annual Convention. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan is the court case that established the actual malice standard, protecting freedom of press. In 1960, “The New York Times” printed a fullpage advertisement raising money to defend Martin Luther King, Jr. against the Alabama courts for perjury. The Montgomery Public Safety commissioner, L.B. Sullivan, filed a libel

suit against the Times for discrepancies, even though he was not named in the advertisement. The case was brought to the Supreme Court and decided in favor of the New York Times Co. This decision created the actual malice standard, protecting journalists from political-based lawsuits. Means’ presentation connects the dots throughout the civil rights era, leading to the case. His research suggests that without events such as Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, journalism may not have the same freedoms of press. Means joined Missouri Baptist University in the fall of 2011, teaching journalism and communications classes in addition to advising the student news publication, “mbu Timeline.”

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MBU HSS Students Recognized for BMI Study This November, seven mbu students received the 2014 Dr. Patricia McSwegin Student Research Award for their work on a comparison analysis of equipment used for charting an individual’s body fat mass. The award was granted by the Missouri Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, and the students’ project was chosen out of all research projects from colleges and universities in Missouri. Health and sport science students Chris Walker, Chelsie Rosen, Brianna Dunn, Ryan Zerillo, and Sam Youngblood, as well as graduate student Brian Jones, presented their study at the annual Missouri Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance conference. The study compares the industry standard technology, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), with the emerging InBody720 Body Composition analyzer. The study found that the InBody is comparable in accuracy, more affordable and can accommodate more individuals. The project began as a classroom assignment, but this semester, all seven students furthered the research with a pilot study under the supervision of Guy Danhoff, assistant professor at mbu, and Dr. Robert Davidson,

Chelsie Rosen records data from the InBody720 Body Composition analyzer. assistant professor of Logan University. The students plan on further pursuing the study,

as well as submitting their results for national review.

MBU Professor Named Chair of State Research Board Dr. Jessica N. Stapleton, assistant professor of health and sport sciences, was recently named Research Chair for the Missouri Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Stapleton will relieve Guy Danhoff, assistant professor of health and sport sciences, at the end of his term. She received a Ph.D. in health and exercise science psychology from McMaster University in Ontario. Stapleton has authored peer-reviewed publications and abstracts, in addition to presenta-

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tions. Stapleton has worked extensively studying spinal cord injuries. She has worked with many non-profit organizations including: The Spinal Cord Injury Ontario, Queen’s University, the Canadian Wheelchair Sports Association, Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario, Rick Hansen Institute, International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation and the Canadian Paralympic Committee. Dr. Jessica Stapleton, assistant professor

MBU Honors Outstanding Alumni

2014 Outstanding Alumni: (from left to right) Khalia Collier, David Hendrick, Jason Lievanos, Sue Smith, Mac Davenport, Juanita Stalnaker and Bert Bazemore. As part of Homecoming 2014, Missouri Baptist University’s Alumni Association honored outstanding alumni who have made a significant impact in the community and society on Oct. 30. Honorees were selected by the Alumni Board of Governors and were recognized during the University’s annual Homecoming Chapel. Distinguished Alumnus Award Throughout his career, Bert Bazemore has served several school districts in various capacities as teacher, coach, counselor and administrator. At Confluence Academy, Bazemore developed the Men of Influence mentoring program, a successful program designed to encourage and motivate young men to aspire for excellence. Currently, Bazemore is a career/guidance counselor at Lift for Life Academy. Lifetime Achievement Award Sue Smith is an accomplished lyricist,

receiving five Dove awards — the most prestigious accolade offered by the Gospel Music Association — to date. Her lyrics have been used by Avalon, Jason Crabb, Sandi Patty, Mark Harris, Michael English and other noteworthy artists. Smith is currently a staff songwriter for Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing, Inc., in Nashville. Educator of the Year Award Jason Lievanos is shaping the minds of future generations as a social studies teacher at Parkway West Middle School. Lievanos has seven years of teaching experience. Recently, Lievanos received Teacher of the Year award from the Parkway School District Service to the University Award Juanita Stalnaker was a member of mbu’s first graduating class in 1973. She then went on to teach in the Hazelwood School District where she taught until she retired. Stalnaker served on the mbu Board of Trustees for 16 years and remains active with the University.

Christian Service Award In addition to serving the International Mission Board and Missouri Baptist Convention, David Hendrick, M.Div, and his wife, Cortland, own and operate Cornerstone Farms Equestrian Center. There, they planted a church and run the Bridge the Divide Program, a horse-riding program for children with disabilities. Outstanding Young Alumnus Award A pioneer of the St. Louis Surge Women’s Professional Basketball Team, Khalia Collier, Surge owner and general manager, has taken on the challenge of bringing the first WNBA team to St. Louis. Mission in Action Award Mac Davenport is a graduating senior at mbu and has been called into the ministry as a church planter. He has been involved in mbu theatre, Closer and InCharactre.

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50 years

our story begins

In 1964, a modest Missouri Baptist College opened its doors on a warm September day. Throughout the past 50 years, the College has developed into a thriving Christian University considered by many as a major contender in higher education. Here, we celebrate 50 years of mbu — from the first classes in 1964 to the miraculous reopening in 1974, page 14, and to the 20 years of unprecedented expansion under President Lacey’s leadership, page 22. We celebrate the leaders who held the University’s vision dear, honoring God as their lives’ work. These soldiers molded the University, and their mark is evident in the University’s success. Their stories comprise our story. It was 1964 and, during any given weekday, in a small makeshift classroom inside the Tower Grove Baptist Church Activities Center, college students could be found scribbling notes during one of Dr. William L. Muncy’s enthusiastic lectures. The space hardly could be described as a college lecture hall. In fact, it was typically (and more fitting) a Sunday School classroom for what was then one of the largest Baptist churches in the Midwest. But during weekdays, flannel graphs and cutout Bible characters took second fiddle to the barebones beginnings of an evangelical Christian college that local Baptist leaders were praying would one day become a major contender in higher education in St. Louis. The early days of what would become Missouri Baptist University were indeed meager, but the faithful fortitude of this institution’s early leaders, a group of dedicated St. Louis Baptists, was most certainly not. The story of the University’s beginnings is indicative of the strong spirit and faith that surrounds mbu. Dr. JoAnn Miller, the leading historian on Missouri Baptist University, former dean of students and professor, was so

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moved by the power of the University’s story that she wrote her dissertation on the presidents of mbu. “The first board of trustees and early founders expressed that good secular education was available at several schools in the St. Louis area, but an evangelical, Christian-based institution was needed in the area,” said Miller. Today, the vision lives on more august than the founders’ expectations. In fact, the small extension center had a knack for far surpassing expectations. For Juanita Stalnaker, then a 31-year-old married mother of two, a bachelor’s degree was not seemingly in the plans. The devoted Baptist began classes—Bible, history and English grammar—to become a substitute teacher at the Tower Grove Extension Site. Stalnaker, who is now retired and lives in southeast Missouri with her husband, quickly realized the classes were more than mere college credits but also preparation for a purpose far greater than she ever planned. The site soon proved to be far more than an extension of Hannibal-LaGrange College. In 1965, just a year after its openings, the exten-





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Follow our history throughout this issue of the mbu Magazine.

In 1973, the first commencement ceremony was held. Dr. Frank Kellogg, then president of mbc, issued the first bachelor’s degrees to 29 students. Dr. William L Muncy was a beloved professor of Bible from the 1970s until his passing in 1986. Hannibal-LaGrange and local Baptist leaders noticed a need for an extension center in the St. Louis area. Originally located at Tower Grove Baptist Church, the extension center flourished as it served a need for the St. Louis area.

sion site became the St. Louis campus of Hannibal-LaGrange, according to Dr. Miller. Three years later, the St. Louis campus relocated to a home of its own — the current main campus of Missouri Baptist University. Stalnaker was one of the 189 students enrolled in classes at the spacious new West County campus. When the campus opened there was a sense of excitement in the air, and students enjoyed a comfortable environment to learn. So much so that Stalnaker continued to take courses even though she surpassed all requirements needed to graduate with her bachelor’s degree. The depth of her professors’ knowledge, faith and care exceeded her expectations, especially Dr. Muncy. “He would sit on the edge of the desk and quote the Bible,” said Stalnaker. “He would ask students to follow along while he read passages from the Bible, and he would recite the passage from memory.” An even more warm memory of Stalnaker is Muncy’s dedication to preparing students in living a meaningful life for Christ. “Before a student left, Muncy wanted each student to have at least a basic knowledge of the Bible and be able to model their life after Christ.” Stalnaker decided to graduate from the St. Louis campus in May 1973. Stalnaker treasured the day. From the pre-commencement service at Third Baptist Church in St. Louis to receiving her degree with 28 of her classmates outside on what remains mbu’s quad, Stalnaker’s commencement was joyous and brighter than the warm, shining sun on that spring day. The warmth and excitement would continue to radiate from the St. Louis campus. Ten years after those Sunday School spaces were converted into college classrooms inside Tower Grove, leaders decided to make Hannibal’s St. Louis extension its own institution. It would be called Missouri Baptist College.•

We explore 50 years of memories, vision and excellence — the events that molded a young extension site into what is now known as mbu.


Hannibal-LaGrange College opens an extension at Tower Grove Baptist Church in midtown St. Louis for 68 students who took courses primarily in religion and education.


The influence of students, Baptist leaders, pastors and laymen leads the Missouri Baptist Convention to approve the establishment of a Baptist college in St. Louis.


The Missouri Baptist College Board of Trustees meet for the first time.


Dr. Luther A. Foster is appointed president.


Leaders break ground at its current main campus.


Almost 200 students begin classes.


Dr. Frank Kellogg is appointed president.


The first class of 29 students graduates with Bachelor of Arts degrees.


Missouri Baptist College gains independence from HannibalLaGrange, becoming the newest college in Missouri.

our story continues: The Miracle of Missouri Baptist College, page 14.

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Pass it on. » Through a socially responsible start-up, alumnus Marvin Soto is launching a career aimed at giving back to the project that changed his life. Marvin Soto (’09, ’11) was recently hired to lead sales of a socially responsible start-up company. Soto knows the organization’s philanthropic mission can help change lives. After all, it changed his. Theodore’s Coffee donates $1 to the Micah Project — a non-profit dedicated to rescuing children from the streets in Honduras — for each bag of directly sourced coffee sold. Throughout the years, Missouri Baptist University has partnered with the Micah Project, helping three young men, including Soto, claim the dream of an American college degree. Twenty-five years ago, Soto’s current life was an unfathomable dream. His grandmother peddled peanuts on the streets of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, trying to feed his family. The situation seemed hopeless. His family’s effort to feed themselves was futile, and Soto bounced between life in orphanages and the street. Upon the closing of yet another orphanage, Soto was sure he would return to life on the street. Then, Michael Miller entered Soto’s life. Soto and 12 other children soon found family with Miller and the Micah Project. It was here that Soto was mentored, shown Christ’s love and received an education. Most of all, Michael Miller expressed the love of Jesus Christ, a love that radically changed Soto. With Christ as the center, the Micah Project provides a family to boys who have never experienced such love. “The Micah Project showed us the love of not just a father or brother, but of someone used by God,” Soto explained. Now, Soto has the chance to return the favor. This year, a friend – and fellow Micah Project graduate -- approached Soto in joining his new startup. This opportunity was fitting

for an alumnus with a freshly-minted MBA. The new business, Theodore’s Coffee, proves to be an even closer fit at second glance. Bought directly from independent Honduran farmers, the coffee is roasted in the United States, then directly sold to consumers. In addition to directly assisting the farmers of Honduras, $1 is donated to the Micah Project for each 12 oz. package of coffee purchased — support that is greatly appreciated and needed for the emerging ministry. Soto was one of the original Micah Project boys and among the first graduates from the program. Since then, the Micah Project built a second facility, allowing Miller to expand his ministry to include more boys and young adults. In addition to showing the boys the love of Christ, the project includes an education program. There, the participants can catch up on schooling and receive vocational training in auto mechanics, carpentry and welding. Students are prepared to excel at the university level, an uncommon accomplishment in Honduras. In fact, most of the Micah Project graduates attend college and live out their dreams. “For even privileged Hondurans, studying at an American college is often out of their grasp,” explained Soto. “If it wasn’t for mbu and the Micah Project, there is no way I could have attended college and lead the life I have now.” Soto is one of four sales representatives for Theodore’s Coffee in the nation, and the only representative in St. Louis. The business is already expanding, opening another roasting facility within a year. While Soto may be beginning the American dream, his success is about more than white picket fences. It’s about empowering others to achieve their dreams – the same dreams that seemed impossible to a young Soto years ago.

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Michael Miller sharing God’s love with Soto. A young Soto sleeping on the streets of Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

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50 years

the miracle of missouri baptist college Shutdown procedures were in place. Administrators announced that, despite seemingly so much potential, the young college was closing. By all accounts, it seemed that the story of Missouri Baptist College would end in 1974. But God had other plans. The new college’s closure was no surprise. While enrollment had increased since the college moved to its West St. Louis County home, the institution was struggling and in debt. The separation from Hannibal-LaGrange further weakened the newly independent college’s financial health. So on August 17 — just days before the fall semester was to begin — the board of trustees voted to suspend operation until the financial status improved. Shutdown procedures were to begin three days later. Kathleen Wendt, currently the director of teacher certification advising, was set to begin her college career at mbc that fall. But with the closing of the college, Wendt was expected to find a new college — and fast. Standing on the campus of University of Missouri–St. Louis, Wendt recalls feeling convicted that she was not where she was supposed to be. Wendt was called to attend Missouri Baptist College. “This isn’t where I’m supposed to be. Lord, let there be a way,” she remembers praying. It turns out, there was a way. Dr. Robert S. Sutherland, recently inaugurated as mbc’s president, received an unexpected call. Dr. Ed Hewlett, the pastor of Southwest Baptist Church who was not otherwise connected to the College, asked to meet Sutherland for breakfast. Hewlett, who passed away this fall at the age of 102, revealed to Sutherland that God placed a burden on his heart to see that the college did not close. Hewlett’s daughter, Sally Hewlett Taylor, will never forget her father’s passion to save the College. “When he heard the College was closing, he felt a huge sense of loss and just had to do

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something,” said Taylor. His leadership and commitment to Christian education is remembered throughout the community, including by mbu Trustee Gerald Rogers, who was a member of Hewlett’s congregation. “He just had a real belief that there needed to be a Baptist college in St. Louis,” Rogers said. “That was his passion.” The following day, Hewlett recruited business leaders, trustees and pastors to meet for prayer and create a plan to re-open the College — that is, if the students would return. And they would. Tower Grove Baptist Church once again held an important role in the life of the College. This time, it served as a venue for a prayer breakfast to raise money for mbc’s re-opening. More than 100 pastors, students, faculty members and Christian leaders united together with faith that the college would re-open. A day later, the mbc community gathered to hear whether enough money was raised to reopen Missouri Baptist College. Taylor remembers her father, along with an ad hoc committee, counting the pledge cards as they arrived. “I remember the mounting excitement as we saw the slow, yet fast, climb up to the financial goal necessary to re-open the school,” recalled Taylor. At 3 p.m., Hewlett revealed that sufficient funds were raised — immediate payment was $119,000 and an additional $150,000 was promised. By 5 p.m., the trustees unanimously decided to re-open the College. “There was amazement and awe of seeing how the work we did made a difference for the college,” reflected Taylor. “It shows when we work as a team, with God among us, anything is possible.” In praise, Hewlett began singing the Doxology, and as the mbc community joined, the sweet melody echoed through the halls. On Sept. 30, 1974, the College began classes with 300 students and 30 faculty and staff. mbc would not close. God worked a miracle.•




Dr. Ed Hewlett, the pastor of Southwest Baptist Church who was not otherwise connected to the College, organized the successful community effort to re-open mbc. mbc celebrated the resurrection of the college with the Harvest Festival, a thanksgiving for those who played a part in the College’s miracle. On September 27, 1975, mbc hosted “Ed Hewlett Day” in honor of the reverend and his efforts to re-open the doors of Missouri Baptist College.

Part II  1974

mbc closes due to financial difficulties, but thanks to support from local churches, Christian leaders and community members, the College re-opens in time for the fall semester less than a month later. august 17 The Board of Trustees vote to engage closing procedures until a “satisfactory plan of resumption can be developed.” august 20 Shutdown procedures are put in place. Dr. Robert S. Sutherland is asked to serve as interim president. august 20 Dr. Ed Hewlett, pastor of Southwest Baptist Church, leads a leadership prayer and planning meeting.


august 24 Over 100 mbc community members meet at Tower Grove Baptist Church for prayer.

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august 25 At 5 p.m., the trustees meet and unanimously vote to re-open the college.


Dr. Robert S. Sutherland is appointed president after serving as interim president for two years.


Dr. Patrick O. Copley is appointed fourth president.


Dr. J. Edwin Hewlett is appointed interim president.


Dr. Thomas S. Field is appointed acting president, spending his time renovating buildings and securing stable resources for the college.

our story continues: Dr. Lacey’s transformative 20-year Tenure, page 22.

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Pivot » Khalia Collier is bringing women’s basketball to St. Louis, hoping to change the landscape of our city’s sports industry. Khalia Collier, owner of the semi-pro basketball team stl Surge, is determined to bring female athletes to the forefront of St. Louis sports. The women’s semi-pro basketball team has been shaking up St. Louis athletics since Collier joined the Surge full time three years ago. Collier hopes to bring professional basketball to St. Louis, something that many wise and seasoned professionals have tried, but failed. She is accomplishing the impossible — and she’s only 26. With Collier’s 5’10” athletic frame, it is no surprise that basketball is her sport of choice. At age 5, Collier discovered her passion for basketball at her local YMCA. With natural talent and determination, Collier’s skill outshined her fellow players. Collier dreamed of becoming a star athlete. As a female basketball player, Collier had little exposure to the industry she dreamed of joining. St. Louis lacked a professional basketball team — yet alone a women’s team — and women’s basketball is rarely televised. Collier was a college sophomore when she was finally able to attend a professional women’s basketball game. Recruited for Division I basketball, Collier later decided to transfer to mbu to play Spartan basketball. When an injury sidelined her from basketball, Collier submerged herself in the communications department. Through her classes and activities, Collier developed meaningful relationships with communication professors Paula Bennett and Ray Killebrew. “They pushed me to succeed, having every confidence that I would be successful,” said Collier. “Their support and wisdom is still crucial to my success.” Working at a Fortune 500 company after graduation, Collier was well situated for a successful corporate career. One of Collier’s

friends invited her to watch practices for a new semi-pro basketball team, the Surge. One day the team found out that Collier was a skilled player and asked her to play during practices. As Collier spent more time with the team, the owner quickly realized that Collier was an emerging business leader. This led to a jolting proposition: the owner wanted Collier to take over as owner of stl Surge. Collier accepted. At 23 years old, she owned a sports team. The team was struggling and at risk of becoming nothing more than history. The new owner was determined that would not happen — the Surge would succeed. After moving the team’s venue to University of Missouri – St. Louis, sportscaster Frank Cusumano featured the team in a newscast. At the next game, attendance soared. An average game attendance was 50 to 60 people. That night, attendance surpassed 650 fans. In 2012, Collier faced a self-inflicted deadline. When she purchased the Surge a year prior, Collier promised herself that she would return to the corporate world after the 2012 season. Leaving was too hard. “When the year was up, I couldn’t do it,” said Collier. “I eat, sleep and breathe the Surge.” The Surge was home, and Collier decided to stay. Collier has seen her team flourish. Game attendance continues to climb. The players are top talent and even won the Women’s Blue-Chip Basketball League Championship for the 2014 season. Collier is hopeful her team’s recent successes are precursors to her ultimate goal: to make stl Surge the first women’s professional basketball team in St. Louis. A goal that is becoming closer to reality each season.

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GAME ON It all started on a Thursday night in late August. Under the bright lights of Houck Stadium at Southeast Missouri State University, a new chapter in the story of Missouri Baptist University began.

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The inaugural season of mbu football ushered in a sense of Spartan spirit unlike anything this University had experienced during its first 50 years. mbu lost handily that late summer night, but it didn’t really matter. From tailgating to touchdowns, there is something about college football that rallies even the most disinterested football fans. It’s a bonding experience of sorts — and one that brought together thousands of Spartan spectators throughout mbu’s first season. In this photo essay, catch the excitement associated with the rise of the Spartans.





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Bradley Broussard lines up at practice. mbu cheerleaders rally the crowd before the team completes its first field goal at home. Running back JP Lowery takes the handoff during the inaugural football game against semo. The mbu football team sings the Alma Mater at the conclusion of the game against William Penn.

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“Under the brigh a new chapter in story of Miss Baptist Universit 5

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ght lights ... the ssouri y began.” 6

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Fans paint up and cheer on their fellow Spartans during the first football game at semo. mbu cheerleaders assist the Junior Spirit Squad with a stunt during the Homecoming halftime show. Under the stadium lights, safety Trevor Majka waits on the sidelines between downs.


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50 years

d r. lacey’s transformative 20 year tenure

There is but one sitting college or university president in Saint Louis who knows what it’s like to be at the helm of an institution for 20 years. That person is Dr. R. Alton Lacey. 20 years ago

pillar of strength

It was Super Bowl Sunday in 1995 when, with belongings in tow, Dr. Lacey and his family made the trek from the only home his children ever knew in Pineville, La., to a rather cold West St. Louis County. After 18 years working at Louisiana College, Dr. Lacey was on his way to lead a fledgling Midwest college at a crossroads. “Accepting this position was a risk, but it was certainly a calculated risk,” reflected Dr. Lacey one morning this past November. “It was evident that the college had tremendous potential. That was never in question. The question was ‘Are we going to be able to pull it together to realize that potential?’” Two decades later, that question can be answered with one word. Yes. During the past 20 years, Dr. Lacey has guided this institution through what can only be described as a transformational time in higher education. Despite the dramatic changes to the higher education landscape, Dr. Lacey’s steady hand, along with a firm belief that strategic planning can drive greatness, has driven a small college nestled in West St. Louis County to become a flourishing, Christ-centered university. Out of the 13,800 degrees that have been awarded in the institution’s 50-year history, more than 10,000 — about 77 percent — have been conferred during Dr. Lacey’s tenure. His first and only presidential position not only continues to impact mbu, but as some of the most influential leaders in Christian higher education agree, Dr. Lacey’s work here has left a formidable mark on their industry.

“Alton Lacey has been a pillar of strength for Christian higher education over his many decades of service to Baptist higher education. He has been a steady, reliable colleague with a heart to serve others,” said Dr. Paul Corts, former president of both the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities and Palm Beach Atlantic University. “I have particularly appreciated his deep and abiding commitment to the transformational development of students and the way he has maintained a laser-like focus pouring his energies into creating and nurturing vibrant educational settings of excellence where student learning can flourish.” Dr. Lacey was inaugurated as Missouri Baptist College’s sixth president in 1995. That same year, aol rolled out its dial-up Internet connection. At the time, the idea of online education seemed nearly implausible. But so did a lot of things that have transpired at this institution during Dr. Lacey’s tenure, a season marked by an entrepreneurial culture where innovative thought is embraced. Dr. Bob Agee, president emeritus of Oklahoma Baptist University and retired executive director of the International Association of Baptist Colleges and Universities, said the rarity of such a long presidential tenure has benefited mbu in innumerable ways. “Missouri Baptist University is most fortunate and blessed to have had a strong visionary leader for these 20 years. His commitment to the cause of quality Christian education and grasp of what it takes to build a strong healthy institution has enabled mbu to emerge as a leader and pace-setter in the state, region and

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1 Dr. Lacey speaks during commencement. During the 2014 Commencement alone, mbu conferred more than 900 degrees. 2 Spartan Village phase I opened in 2011, followed by phase II in 2013. The row house and apartments are state of the art, and encourage community living. 3  The Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center provides an exceptional performance setting with the Pillsbury Chapel, which seats approximately 975 people. The space is used frequently throughout the academic year for concerts, showcases, theatrical productions and lectures as well as Spartan Preview Days and weekly chapel services. nation,” he said. “It adds stability and strength when a capable leader invests himself for the long haul in growth, progress and achievement. He and his wife Pat have been an asset to the University, the city of St. Louis, and to the cause of Christ.” realizing the potential Two years after Dr. Lacey became president, the University completed the first of many construction projects during his tenure — a women’s residence hall that boasted some of the largest rooms in the state. It would be the beginning of a season of doing what Dr. Lacey wasn’t sure could be done: realizing the enormous potential of this institution. North Hall, which allowed the College to nearly double the number of students who lived on campus, would be the first of many construction projects that would come to fruition under Dr. Lacey’s leadership. Among perhaps the most notable of those projects would begin just three years later. It didn’t take long for Dr. Lacey to determine the campus was in need of a flagship building — an anchor of sorts for a largely commuter-based campus — that could help unify the College’s diverse student body. The Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center, identified by its signature rotunda — which has been the focal point of the University’s logo ever since the building was erected in 2000 — did that and more. The facility houses fine arts programs and features one of St. Louis’ premiere acoustically engineered auditoriums. “I used to wonder if we were going to be able to fill the auditorium,” Lacey admitted. “It has proven to exceed expectations as it daily

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1 serves as a dynamic learning environment and place that plays host to some of the community’s premiere fine arts productions.” Every year, more than 100,000 visitors attend various events and performances inside the building, which includes a 975-seat auditorium, a 150-seat recital hall, and houses the fine arts and communication departments and executive offices. mbc to mbu Shortly after the opening of the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center, trustees decided to make another change — this time to the institution’s name. On Aug. 29, 2002, Dr. Lacey announced at a student chapel service that Missouri Baptist College would be renamed Missouri Baptist University. It made sense considering the season of increased growth both in enrollment and programs the institution was enjoying. The University had recently launched its first graduate program with the Master of Science in Education, and the number of students attending the University’s four regional learning centers was growing exponentially. Since 2000, the University has seen thousands of graduates in its continually expanding graduate programs. Currently, mbu offers 11 graduate programs, along with the Educational Specialist and Doctor of Education degrees.

Part III Over the span of time of his career our Christian higher education movement has been through thick and thin times, and he has been a voice for reason over emotion with a pragmatic, can-do spirit. dr. paul corts, former president of both the council for christian colleges and universities and palm beach atlantic university

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The number of mbu regional learning centers located throughout Missouri and Southern Illinois has grown to 12. And then there is online education. While the idea of completing college coursework online seemed a world away 20 years ago, some argue the Internet has been a game changer, even a disruptor, to an industry many times synonymous with a resistance to change. Under Dr. Lacey’s leadership, mbu saw the change as an opportunity to educate students who may not otherwise have access to Christian higher education. It’s a trait Dr. Corts has seen time and time again in his friend and colleague. “Over the span of time of his career, our Christian higher education movement has been through thick and thin times, and he has been a voice for reason over emotion with a pragmatic, can-do spirit,” Dr. Corts said. mbu began offering web-based courses in the fall of 2000. In July 2008, mbu received approval to offer its first online degree program: the Master of Science in Education with concentrations in Sport Management and Curriculum and Instruction. Today, mbu offers 11 graduate programs and one undergraduate program online with the University’s strategic plan calling for more aggressive expansion to the University’s online offerings in the future, Lacey said. Despite the changes to higher education, Dr. Lacey believes there remains a place in higher education for students to experience a traditional, more holistic Christian higher education experience. You don’t have to look further than the growth on the University’s main campus to see why. Today, more than


Missouri Baptist University appoints Dr. R. Alton Lacey as University president, ushering in a chapter of the University marked by expansive growth. The same year, the college doubles its housing capacity with the opening of North Hall.


Spirit of Excellence Campaign raises $10 million for the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center.


The University is approved to offer its first masters-level program, the Master of Science in Education. Today, the University offers 11 graduate degree programs.


Missouri Baptist College becomes Missouri Baptist University, providing a more fitting description of the institution’s increasingly important role in higher education. mbu opens its flagship building, the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center. Every year, more than 100,000 visitors attend various events and performances inside the 53,000-square-foot facility.


mbu begins offering its first online degree program, The Master of Science in Education. Today, the University has 12 online programs and hundreds of classes.


The University launched its first terminal degree program, the Doctor of Education.

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1,200 students are pursuing more than 40 majors on mbu’s main campus. The number of resident students has increased from just over 100 when Dr. Lacey took the reins of mbu to nearly 400 today. Along with such growth, the University’s main campus continues to undergo an indisputable renaissance. Also under Dr. Lacey’s leadership, mbu has constructed the Perk coffeehouse; Spartan Village, which includes apartments and the innovative Spartan Row; a new bookstore; and the Carl and Deloris Petty Sports and Recreation Complex. That state-of-the art facility features a fitness center, indoor track, group fitness room and community spaces. The R. Alton Lacey competition gymnasium seats 1,000, complete with a digital control system, premium flooring and electric bleachers. Every existing building has undergone extensive renovations including a recent expansion to the mbu Dining Hall. Currently, the University is building an artificial turf football field and complex for the University’s young football program. The new field and complex will be located on an undeveloped part of the campus’ west side. Those additions, coupled with a strategic landscaping design plan, have helped create a campus regularly recognized for modeling collegiate campus design. But the progress made under Dr. Lacey has not been confined to mbu or even the St. Louis region.

[MBU] is most fortunate and blessed to have had a strong visionary leader for these 20 years. His commitment to the cause of quality Christian education and grasp of what it takes to build a strong healthy institution has enabled mbu to emerge as a leader and pace-setter in the state, region and nation. dr. bob agee, president emeritus of oklahoma baptist university and retired executive director of the international association of baptist colleges and universities

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Dr. Carolyn Bishop, president for the Consortium for Global Education, works with more than 40 accredited American colleges and universities, including mbu, and their 241 overseas partnerships involving more than 80 countries. Largely because of Dr. Lacey’s influence, mbu has been a critical partner in the internationalization of higher education, she said. Over the years, mbu has partnered with various international colleges and universities, sending mbu faculty to share professional expertise in higher education and hosting students and faculty from other countries. “The impact and reach of mbu is much greater than the campus or stateside networks, as it has been a strategic partner in overseas programs where the world has come into their classrooms and the quality programs of mbu have impacted Christians globally,” she said. “Dr. Lacey is a lighthouse among Christian higher education presidents, directing many to follow a way to reach the world.” the best days are ahead. Despite the progress mbu has seen in the last two decades, Dr. Lacey believes the best days for this relatively young institution are in its future.

And while perhaps surprising, he thinks mbu’s bright future will not necessarily stem from its agility or entrepreneurial culture alone, but rather from a heritage marked by an unwavering commitment to the core values. He points to the following principles of the University that have continued throughout its history: 1. Open admission for Christians and non-Christians alike. 2. A focus on academic rigor and vocational preparation. 3. An exclusively strong Christian faculty. 4. A learning environment that encourages students to freely and responsibly seek truth. “This institution’s mission, which has remained constant throughout the last 50 years, has been and will always be its greatest strength,” said Lacey. “If mbu continues to operate a mission-driven institution, the recent successes we have been blessed to be part of will be a prologue for what is to come.” Coinciding with its 50th anniversary, mbu has launched a new capital campaign aimed at continuing its pursuit of being a University characterized by faith and learning. The campaign includes strategic initiatives to build a new academic and student development complex, expand athletic facilities, increase scholarships and endowments, enhance stu-

4 The Carl and Deloris Petty Sports and Recreation Complex, a state-of-the-art 47,000-square-foot facility opened in the fall of 2011. 5  Dr. Lacey stands in front of the rotunda of the Pillsbury Chapel and Dale Williams Fine Arts Center. The building has become an iconic symbol for the University.


The University’s next chapter of residential living is unveiled with Spartan Village. Situated on the northern end of campus, the first phase of Spartan Village included the opening of The Carl and Deloris Petty Sports and Recreation Complex and modern apartment style living. mbu opens the 47,000-squarefoot Carl and Deloris Petty Sports and Recreation Complex, which includes a 1,000-seat gymnasium, a suspended indoor track, locker rooms, a concession area in Spartan Hall, state-ofthe-art training and fitness center, new classrooms, offices for faculty and coaching staff and facilities for the Health and Sports Sciences division.

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dent support services and build additional on-campus housing. Those additions will help serve a growing student body. mbu plans to continue to aggressively explore new academic and athletic programs. In particular, Dr. Lacey said the University is exploring the additions of allied health programs, including nursing and occupational therapy. The University will continue to explore the prospect of adding athletic programs that fit within the mission of the University. Dr. Lacey said the University is currently considering the addition of some women’s programs, including swimming, diving, archery, sand volleyball and field hockey. No matter the future plans — and there are many — they are likely to be spelled out in the University’s strategic plan, two working documents that include objectives for every department on campus. Since Lacey took the reins, strategic planning has become a signature of his administration. It is a University-wide effort that has allowed mbu to embrace a culture of continual assessment while developing a vision for the future. It’s that type of bold vision-casting that will allow this institution to continue to grow into what its early leaders knew it could one day become. It’s the same potential Dr. Lacey saw nearly two decades ago in that small Midwest college, and one that he’s been working to realize ever since. •


Phase II of Spartan Village is completed with the construction of a 4,500-square-foot bookstore, an expanded and revamped dining hall and a community-focused resident living facility for more than 100 students. More than 5,200 students — the most ever — were enrolled at mbu. mbu announces the addition of Spartan football.


mbu confers more than 900 degrees. Missouri Baptist University celebrates 50 years.

our story continues: Read more at www.mbu50.com.

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MY MOMENT to SHINE Years of preparation for this single moment — the defense of a doctoral thesis. Elaine Henderson, a student of mbu’s Doctor of Education program, presents her dissertation, “Using DIBELS Data to Inform Intervention Instruction to Improve Student Achievement.” The superintendent of Silex R-I School District is passionate about preparing students to succeed at an early age and identifying issues in a child’s learning before the child is in middle school. The passion was evident and her research fascinated the panel, leading to one more accomplishment in Henderson’s career — an Ed.D.

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e  l e v e n i n e l e v e n

T  he World Race

Two   young alumni follow their callings to show Christ’s love in 11 countries in 11 months — callings they found during mbu mission trips to Haiti. 30  mbu m agazine

Kiss your family farewell. Hop on a plane to jet across the world for 11 months. Leave jobs behind. Eat food off a dirt floor. Would you be willing to temporarily let go of life’s luxuries to serve Christ? Welcome to alumnae Shelby Shore,‘14, and Taylor Duggan’s,’12, next chapter in life. The World Race, a missions program sponsored by the organization Adventures in Missions, is more than a mission trip. It’s an experience that trains racers how to be Christ followers who are on mission globally. Throughout the race, participants serve outcasts in some of the poorest countries in the world. From orphans to those trafficked for sex, World Racers experience God work miracles around them and witness the restoration of hearts. Lives are forever changed. The bold duo is not new to missions. They have felt lead to live life on mission for years. In fact, it was on mbu mission trips when they realized their callings.

following their calling around the world

Taylor Duggan departure date January 2015 race route Dominican Republic Haiti Costa Rica Nicaragua Guatemala Thailand Malaysia Philippines Swaziland Botswana South Africa

Shelby Shore departure date July 2015

taylor duggan

» A Desire Fulfilled. Prepared to forsake a college education, Shelby Shore desired to live life on the mission field following high school. When offered a lacrosse scholarship to Missouri Baptist University, it became evident that these treasured, beautiful desires were best delayed. Diploma in hand, Shore waits no more. In July 2015, Shore will live out her dream — sharing God’s love to the world’s forgotten — as a missionary with the World Race. Years earlier, Shore received a glimpse and greater conviction to live life on mission when she joined the mbu Campus Ministry trip to Haiti in 2012. The Haiti trip revealed a deep

shelby shore

need for God while showing His provisions and deep love. There, Shore realized that “God will provide and take care of us wherever we are.” A trip to a local orphanage in Haiti furthered Shore’s desire to live life as a missionary. On arrival, malnourished babies were thrust into Shore’s arms. The workers pleaded for the children to be adopted by Shore and her fellow classmates. The resources were stretched so thin that none of the children were cared for properly. This wrecked Shore’s heart, revealing a new desire — to open Christian orphanages where every child is well loved and nourished. By the end of the week, it was time for Shore to lay down that desire to the Lord and return back to her life as a college student.

race route China Philippines Malaysia Thailand Cambodia Uganda Rwanda Ethiopia Romania Serbia Albania

As Shore studied Christian ministries and Biblical counseling at mbu, she began to work closely with Dr. David Bailey, associate professor of psychology. This mentorship was essential for Shore’s desire for missions to be fulfilled. “He helped me come into my identity in Christ — he saw me for who God created me to be,” reflected Shore. As Shore serves across the globe, she expects greater clarity from God on what her next steps will be in life. But in this moment, Shore knows that the World Race is the first step in God filling the desires of her heart. A promise fulfilled. Learn more about Shelby and follow her on the World Race: shelbychristinashore. theworldrace.org.

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» She laughs without fear of

the future.

A typical type-a personality, Taylor Duggan plans everything — her day, her meals, her clothing, her life. But when asked about her plans after the World Race, all Duggan could muster was a laugh. All she knows is that upon her return to the United States, she will continue living life on mission. Living a life of service has been in the plans — one of the few plans that remain — since Duggan’s trip to Haiti in May, 2010. Just months prior, one of the most devastating earthquakes in more than a century slammed Haiti, which was already the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. “I’ve never felt God so tangibly before Haiti,” said Duggan. “It is there God revealed to me that my calling was missions.” Choosing to participate in the World Race was not easy, nor was it fast. As an honors student, Duggan planned and worked tirelessly in her classes at mbu, graduating in December 2012 with a degree in human services and minors in religion and psychology. Upon graduation, Duggan deeply desired to join the World Race after hearing about the program through a friend. The week she was set to apply, Duggan received a full-time job offer at a local non-profit. Unsure of the reasoning at the time, Duggan felt led to accept the position and postpone the World Race. A year later, Duggan realized God was preparing her for the World Race during that time. She then applied, and after an intensive process, was invited to join the family of World Racers. A deep love for Haiti — like Shore’s — that she developed during the 2010 mbu mission trip influenced Duggan to choose a route that will allow her to serve there. As she prepares to leave for what is sure to be a life-changing experience, Duggan keeps reminding herself that the plans are fluid — and most of all — are in God’s hands. Slowly, she’s learned that letting go is a beautiful thing. Learn more about Taylor Duggan and follow her on the World Race:  taylorduggan. theworldrace.org.

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Nice to meet you. New to St. Louis, Assistant English Professor Dr. Julie Ooms is trying to discover the best St. Louis style of pizza. She quickly realized that St. Louis cuisine is far different than Texas — St. Louis actually has Italian food. Ooms recently completed her Ph.D. from Baylor University with her dissertation on 20th century American war literature. Throughout college, she studied and Ooms is quite a musician. Throughout high school and her undergraduate career, she played snare in band. She is also a vocalist and sang in a Latin choir throughout college. She currently sings in the St. Louis Community Choir, directed by Dr. Larry Smith.

A college staple is coffee — but not for Ooms. She’s survived plenty of late nights and early mornings electrified by a bottle of Mountain Dew.

If you’re an “Arrested Development” fan like Ooms you’ll appreciate this quote: “There’s always money in the banana stand.”

visited Oxford College in England. Her studies featured Hemingway, J.D. Salinger, Tim O’Brien and Sylvia Plath. As of this October, Ooms has had peer-reviewed essays regarding each of the authors published. This self-described book nerd’s cat is actually named Book, but not because of her love for literature. Her cat is named after the main character of the science-fiction television show, “Firefly.” It’s a new meaning to spending time with a book.

Ooms’ family adamantly supports the Chicago White Sox, but she is only a White Sox fans by proxy. She’ll cheer on the Cardinals, but when the White Sox play the Cardinals, Ooms is prohibited from cheering for the redbirds.

Small purses aren’t Ooms’ thing. Every purse she buys is judged by the quantity of books the bag can carry.

Ooms’ cat, Book, is a blonde short hair cat that wiggled into her heart. After a trial period, Ooms returned Book to the foster parent. That night, Ooms realized that she missed her cat too much and decided to adopt Book as her own.

When completing her undergraduate work, Ooms needed a way to fall in love with reading once again. She then discovered graphic novels, which soon complemented her usual reads such as Joe Sacco’s “Footnotes in Gaza.”

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Where are they Now? Tim, and four children, Ahren, Lydia, Annie and Maria. Adriane is a sales executive at Jamberry Nails and is a stay-at-home mom. While attending mbu, Adriane was part of mbu Ringers.

Craig Stout (B.A. in Business Administration ‘81) lives in Princeton, W. Va., with his wife, Jane, son, Cory, and stepchildren, Robert and Molly. Craig is the chaplain and devotional writer for the international ministry, Baseball Chapel, and serves as the team chaplain for the Princeton Rays. He is also currently serving his fourth term on the Board of Trustees at Bluefield College in Bluefield, Va.

Rev. Robert Allen Janet Bess (Augustin) (B.A. in English ’97) lives in St. Peters, Mo., with her husband, James, and daughter, Claire. Janet is an audio producer and editor at Affordable Audio Production L.L.C. While attending mbu, Janet was involved in the music department. She also was in SpiritWing for three years and participated in musicals. Some of her favorite mbu memories include dorm life and traveling year-round with SpiritWing!

Teresa Brierly (Gray) (B.A. in Vocal Performance ‘88) lives in Springfield, Mo., with her husband of 20 years, Todd, and two children, Allison and Christopher. While attending mbu, Teresa was involved in SpiritWing, Student Council and Musical Theatre. Her favorite thing about mbu was traveling with SpiritWing and Choir.

Shawn Key (B.S. in Psychology ‘93)

lives in Norborne, Mo., with his wife, Mandy, and two daughters, Lucy and Daisy. Robert is the pastor at the First Baptist Church of Norborne and has been with the church for a little over a year.

Jamie Ellison (Lawrence) (B.S. in Elementary Education ’00) lives in St. Charles, Mo., with her husband, Josh, and two children, Mackenzie and Hunter. Jamie is a special education teacher at Francis Howell High School. While attending mbu, Jamie was involved in softball. Some of her favorite memories from mbu include her softball trips with her team. Recently, Jamie was given the Francis Howell School District’s Emerson Education Teacher award (2013-2014).

lives in Ellisville, Mo., with his wife, Natalie (‘1o), and son, Christopher. Shawn is the web manager at mbu.

Cheryl Kesterson-Allen (B.S. in Business Administration ‘94) just relocated to O’Fallon, Mo., with her husband and is currently retired. Cheryl has one son, Jason, and daughter-in-law, Heather.

Adriane Muehleisen (Struckhoff) (B.S. in Sports Medicine ’00) lives in Wildwood, Mo., with her husband,

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(B.S. in English ’02)

Lauren Sanders (Williams) (B.A. in Psychology ’02) lives in Equality, Ill., with her husband, Bill, and daughter Mattie. Lauren is a licensed clinical professional counselor at Ferrell Hospital Senior Care and counsels seniors with depression and anxiety. While attending mbu, Lauren was in the concert band. Some of her favorite memories of mbu include movie nights in the dorms, outdoor movie nights, hanging out in the quad, The Perk: The Event and Chapel.

prepared for success

Jordan Cox For Jordan Cox, teaching music to high school students is more than technique and theory – it’s relational. The Cape Central Director of Choirs cares for the musical growth of each member of one of his choirs, including concert, women’s, men’s and treble ensembles. The time and excellence invested into the students’ lives has not gone unnoticed. Since beginning his position in 2012, Cox has been named department chair and received the District Director of the Year award from the Missouri Chorale Directors Association. This same commitment carries over to Fruitland Community Church, where he leads worship every Sunday. As a member of Spirit-

Wing, Chorale, Chamber Singers, Allusion, mbu Ringers and Closer during his time at mbu, Cox was prepared to lead worship and students into further discovering a passion for music. “My time at mbu gave me the skill and learning opportunities to get into the public school classroom and to where I am,” said Cox.

In the classroom and community, Cox uses relationships to empower others to treasure music and succeed in life. A story of shining on.

Greg & Andrea Lawrence

Jessica Lehmann (Voso)

Anna Wright (Erion)

(Greg: B.M. ’03, Andrea: B.A. in Elementary Education/Early Childhood Education ’03)

(B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education ’03)

(B.M. in Piano Performance ’03)

live in Wentzville, Mo. Greg is an instructional technology coach at the Wentzville School District, worship pastor at Cross Haven Church and an adjunct professor for mbu. Greg was involved in Chorale, Allusion, Chamber Singers and Jazz Band. Andrea is currently a kindergarten teacher at Crossroads Elementary School in the Wentzville School District. Andrea was involved in band and Student Council. Greg and Andrea have two children twins, Carson and Kailey.

lives in St. Peters, Mo., with her husband, Kurt (’03), and two children, Colby and Mikah, and she spends her time as a homemaker. Some of Jessica’s favorite memories from mbu are from the Spartan Games — building sculptures with chewed up bubble gum and digging through chocolate pudding using your feet. While attending mbu, Jessica was an ra.

lives in Troy, Mo., with her husband and three children, James, Lincoln and Seth. Anna is currently a homemaker, piano teacher and an accompanist. While attending mbu, she was involved in Chorale, Chamber Singers and the Ringers. Her favorite mbu memories are of spending time with friends and playing the Bosendorfer.

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prepared for success

Maggie Maseko Malawi-native Maggie Maseko considers her undergraduate degree from Missouri Baptist University a blessing – a blessing stemmed from her passion to serve her homeland. Maggie (’12) and her sister Eddah (’12) arrived to mbu with the support of Texan physician, Dr. Donna Ivey. Maggie’s purpose for studying in America was clear – she wanted to become a physician to provide care to her village. Since graduating from mbu, Maggie received a master’s in health administration. She plans to study medicine specializing in pediatrics so she can help her village and country battle HIV, low life expectancy and high infant death rates. This summer, she returned to her village to serve at the local hospital and clinic, and

climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with Child Legacy International. Through the organization, Maggie raised money to provide clean water to her fellow Malawians. Maggie’s initiative exceeded her $5,000 goal and she traveled with the organization after her climb to dig four wells and share the Gospel with villages.

With passion and brilliance, Maggie is dedicated to serving and changing her country. Maggie will change her country, one life at a time. A story of shining on.

Gina Staley (Reese)

Mark Baden

(B.S. in Elementary Education ’06; Masters of Arts in Counseling ’11)

(B.A. in Communications ’08)

Rebekah Cornwell (Yourtee) (B.S. in Elementary Education ’05) lives in Florissant, Mo., with her husband, Matt, and two sons, Isaiah and Zachary. Rebekah has been teaching 5th grade at a school in North County for 10 years, and her husband teaches 6th grade right next door. While attending mbu, Rebekah was a student worker in the Business Office and a part of ASCD/ SMSTA. Her favorite memories of mbu involve her friends and meeting her husband, Matt.

Holly Pyatt (Cunningham) (B.S. in Marketing ’05) lives in Oklahoma City, Okla., with her husband and daughter. Holly welcomed her first child, Madison Rose, on June 18 of this year.

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lives in Evansville Ill., with her husband, Jonathan, and her children, Malachi and Isaac. Gina is a homemaker. While attending mbu, Gina was involved in ResLife and cheerleading. Some of her favorite memories from mbu include ice blocking down the hill by the baseball fields, dorm parties, outdoor movie nights and traveling with the Education Division.

lives in St. Peters, Mo., with his wife, Christina, and children, Charlotte and Cody. Mark is the commercial relations manager at the Royals Bank of Missouri. He is also the JV baseball coach at Whitfield School. While attending mbu, Mark was involved in soccer. One of Mark’s favorite memories from mbu was the night that the mbu Spartans took over the Columbia gym in support of their fellow Spartans. Recently, Mark has been named VP of the mbu Alumni Association.

Arthur & Faith (Yates) Bishop

Kendra Bryant

Shannon Mulcahy

(Arthur: B.A in Religion ‘09; Faith: B.S. in Early Childhood Education ’08)

(B.S. in Sport Management; B.S. in Religious Education ’09)

(B.A. in Human Services ’10; M.A. in Counseling ’13)

live in De Soto, Mo., with their daughter, Amelia, and are expecting their second child in December. Arthur works as a private creative consultant to a variety of clients in the St. Louis area. Faith spends her time as a stay-at-home mom after working as a teacher for six years. Arthur worked in the special events office as a technical director and Faith worked in the admissions office and sang in the Chamber and Concert Choirs.

lives in Murray, Ky., and works as the communications and administrative specialist at her church, First United Methodist Church. In May of 2015, Kendra will marry her fiancé. While attending mbu, Kendra was a university ambassador and special events volunteer. Her favorite memory at mbu is mattress sledding.

lives in St. Peters, Mo., and works as a school counselor. Recently, Shannon received a job at Holt High School in Wentzville.

Jess Young (B.S. in Secondary Education; B.S. Social Sciences ’10) lives in Norcross, Ga., and is an 8th grade social studies and math teacher. Jess is also currently pursuing her master’s in differentiated education. While attending mbu, Jess was on the bowling team. Her favorite memory of mbu is of The Perk: The Event.

Haley Barnfield (Robinson) (B.S. in Elementary Education ’12)

David Diehl Erin Falloon (Gruen) (B.M. in Education ’08) lives in Hurst, Texas, with husband, Justin (’08), and two children, Libby and Oliver. Erin is a stay-at-home mom, private voice instructor and an accompanist. While attending mbu, Erin was involved in Chorale, Ringers and theatre.

Richard Brewer (B.A. in Communications ’09, MBA ‘09) lives in St. Louis, Mo., with his wife, Kathryn, and dog, Harley. While attending mbu, Richard helped in the mbu communications studio and also worked in the education department. His favorite memory at mbu was making videos during The Perk: The Event. Currently, Richard owns S03 Creative, a marketing company. Through his company, he has been able to work with famous artists such as Britney Spears, Sean Kingston, Busta Rhymes and was a top nominee for the artwork on the Rascal Flatts Album “Unstoppable” for the People’s Choice Awards in 2009.

(M.S. in Education ’09) lives in St. Louis, Mo., with his wife, Mary. David is the associate vice president for enrollment and a professor of accountancy at the University of Aurora. In April, David received his employer’s Meritorious Faculty Award.

lives in Greenville, Ill., with her husband, Isaiah (’13). Currently, Haley is a latchkey teacher and alternate director at Sonrise Christian Education Center. While attending mbu, Haley was involved in ASCD. Her favorite memory of mbu is living in the dorms and making good friends.

Curtis Dupree (B.A. in Religion ’09) lives in Wake Forest, N.C., with his wife, Emily. Currently, Curtis is a full-time PhD student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a security officer at the school. Curtis teaches a few classes at the seminary as well.

Cayci Einchmeyer (Ferrari) (B.A. in English with a Writing Certificate ’12; M.S Criminal Justice ’14) lives in Dyersburg, Tenn., with her husband, Charlie, and son, Avery. Currently, Cayci is the head woman’s basketball coach at Dyersburg State Community College and teaches in the Criminal Justice Program. While attending mbu, Cayci was involved in women’s basketball, Campus Crusade for Christ, Health and

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Science Club and Sigma Tau Delta. Her favorite mbu memories include playing basketball, spending time with teammates, Welcome Weekend and the Mr. and Mrs. mbu contests.

Jennifer Hawthorne (B.S. in Behavioral Science ’14) lives in St. Ann, Mo., with her husband and son. In April, Jennifer was hired on as a suicide prevention officer at St. Charles County Corrections. She has also begun her master’s degree at mbu in criminal justice.

Bryanna Hampton (B.A. in Communications and Public Relations ’12) lives in St. Peters, Mo., and is employed with the Daughters of Charity as a web content assistant. While attending mbu, Bryanna was involved in Student Activities Council, ministry groups and was the managing editor and an anchor for Timeline broadcast.

Katie Hernandez (Kremer) (B.M. in Education ’13) lives in St. Louis, Mo., with her husband and her daughter, Elena. Katie works for the Mehlville School District as an elementary music teacher. While attending mbu, Katie was involved in Concert Choir, Chamber Choir and Concert Band. Her favorite memory of mbu was the Chamber Choir’s annual beach party concert.

Curtis & Kaitlyn (Gunkel) Payton (Curtis: B.A. in Christian Ministry ’13; Kaitlyn: B.A. in Psychology and B.S. in Health Science ‘12) live in Valley Park, Mo. Curtis is currently serving in the United States Army reserve as a firefighter, and Kaitlyn is working at ProRehab as a physical therapy technician. She plans on starting her master’s in occupational therapy in January. While attending mbu, Curtis was involved in AMP, basketball and was a RA. While Kaitlyn attended mbu, she was involved in AMP and volleyball.

Laura King (B.S. in Sports Management ’14) lives in St. Louis, Mo., and is a graduate assistant for the mbu women’s volleyball team. While attending mbu, Laura was involved in volleyball, and her favorite memory while attending mbu is the 2011 NAIA Nationals. Laura is currently pursuing her MBA at mbu.

Christina LaMar (Simmons) (B.S. in Mathematics and Secondary Education ’14)

Elizabeth Ryan (Baker) (B.A. in Human Services ’13)

Lauren Maniaci (B.S. in Elementary Education ‘13) lives in Chicago, Ill., as the city director for CSM, a non-profit organization, and is in charge of all the Chicago operations. While attending mbu, Lauren was involved in ASCD, Campus Ministries, intramurals, mission trips to Haiti, Fall Out, Homecoming and was a student ambassador. Lauren’s favorite mbu memory is living in the dorms. She says there were always people running around and people hanging out, movie and craft nights, late night store runs, etc.

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lives in St. Louis, Mo., with her husband, Jonathan. Elizabeth is a nanny and is continuing her education by receiving her master’s in counseling at mbu. While attending mbu, Elizabeth was involved in the spirit program. Her favorite memories at mbu include the first week of her freshman year, living in the dorms and just being in college.

Ashton Sewing (B.S. in Secondary Education with an Emphasis in Business Education ‘13) lives in St. Charles, Mo., and is currently a business teacher within the Francis Howell school district. Ashton says his favorite thing about mbu was his time spent student teaching. While attending mbu, Ashton was involved in MSTA.

lives in Jacksboro, Texas, with her husband and 3-year-old son. Currently, Christina is a math teacher at Nocona High School. While attending mbu, Christina was involved in Kappa Delta Pi, was an Alpha Chi member and a student worker.

Ashley McRoy (B.S. in Early Childhood and Elementary Education ’14) lives in Sikeston, Mo., and is currently working as a 5th grade math and science teacher. This is Ashley’s first year teaching, and she loves it. While attending mbu, Ashley was a peer mentor and was involved in ASCD and KDP.


Dr. Frank Kellogg (1925-2014) Originally from St. Paul, Minn., Kellogg served in World War II before becoming an ordained minister in 1946. He pastored congregations in Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri until his inauguration as the second president of Missouri Baptist College in 1970. Kellogg, former pastor of Maplewood Baptist Church and the first president of MBC’s Board of Trustees, saw the College’s enrollment grow from 304 to 437 students during the first year of his presidency. Under his leadership, the College officially separated from Hannibal-LaGrange and expanded its program to a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree. In spring of 1974, MBC graduated the first class of 29 students. After his tenure as president, he proceeded to establish Gateway Care Inc., and operated long-term care facilities until retirement.

Dr. Frank Kellogg, former mbc president

Dr. Ed Hewlett (1912-2014) Born in Arizona, Hewlett served as a pastor for more than 70 years in Kentucky, New York and Missouri. In 1944, Hewlett moved to Missouri and served the congregation of Southwest Baptist Church for 37 years. During his time as pastor, the church baptized more than 1,000 individuals and he served as a moderator of the St. Louis Baptist Association, a member of the Missouri Baptist Convention Board, and a trustee on both the Foreign Mission Board (IMB) and the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. In 1974, Hewlett spearheaded a fundraising campaign when MBC was on the brink of permanent closure that allowed the College to resume classes. Hewlett was appointed interim president in December 1990. He spoke of the need for “MBC to be viewed as a place where our students are reinforced and strengthened in their faith and Christian walk during the years that they are growing intellectually.” In 1978, Hewlett moved to New York to establish Browncroft Baptist Church. There, he served as the president for the New York Baptist Convention.

Dr. Ed Hewlett (left) poses for a photo with mbc President Robert S. Sutherland.

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