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BUSINESS VIEW Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce




83 Ways to Market Your Business There is a New Source for Locally Grown Lettuce

Where Do All the Clunkers Go?

Dec. 2009 - Jan. 2010 | Vol. XXXX, No. 11

Business Leaders Take The Pledge

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The ultimate business supplement for a new generation. As we boldly explore new possibilities for our city’s future, take pause to quench your thirst for information on our accomplishments and get charged up with renewed focus and drive. Join the leaders who are shaping the new Mobile Bay at our 173RD Annual Meeting.

The MoBile AReA chAMBeR of coMMeRce 173RD AnnuAl MeeTing

Presented By

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 • 5:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m.• Mobile Civic Center Tickets $50 or group of 10 tickets for $485 (Chamber members only) Tickets $60 (potential Chamber members) RSVP at 251.431.8606 or email: cwilson@mobilechamber.com www.mobilechamber.com

Sponsors: Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Alabama • Burr & Forman LLP • Ciba Corp., part of the BASF Group • Coastal Hospice Care • G1 Mechanical • Gulf States Engineering • Kingdom Coach • Lyons Pipes & Cook PC • Mobile Gas • TECHNIP USA • Thompson Engineering Inc. • Torp Terminal • University of South Alabama Whitney National Bank Restaurants: Alec Naman Catering • Atlanta Bread • Bienville Club • Chef Rob & Co. • Chris & Carla’s Catering & Heavenly Ribs • Creative Catering Inc. • Crosby Catering • Don’s Cafe & Catering Service • Lassere’s Catering • Newk’s Express Cafe • Oysterella’s Seafood Restaurant • Renaissance Riverview Plaza Hotel • Ruth’s Chris Steak House/Felix Fish Camp Grill • Sonny’s Real Pit BBQ • The Battle House, a Renaissance Hotel & Spa • Time to Eat • Tyner’s Catering Beverages: AQUAlife Water & Coffee Service • Kentwood Water • Royal Cup Coffee • Designer: Lewis Communications



| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


THE BUSINESS VIEW is published monthly, except for the combined issue of December/January, by the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce 451 Government Street, Mobile, AL 36602 (251) 433-6951 www.mobilechamber.com ©2009



Publisher.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Winthrop M. Hallett III Executive Editor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leigh Perry-Herndon Managing Editor... . . . . . . . . . . Susan Rak-Blanchard Copy Editor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cori Yonge


Additional Writers and Editors

Nedra Bloom, Ashley Horn, Mary Keller, Carolyn Wilson

Printing Services.. . . . . . . . Interstate Printing/Direct Mail Graphic Design ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wise Design Inc. Advertising Account Executive.. . . . . . . . . . René Eiland 431-8635 reiland@mobilechamber.com

ADVERTISERS Advanced Payroll Solutions........................................28 Alabama Orthopaedic Clinic PC................................ 23 Alabama Power Co. ...................................................20 Bit-Wizards.................................................................. 23 Century Bank.............................................................. 24 CH fulfillment . .......................................................... 24 Community Bank....................................................... 12 Gwin’s Commercial Printing........................................7 Interstate Printing...................................................... 25 Lagniappe.....................................................................31 Lewis and Associates....................................................27 LLB&B Inc. Real Estate...............................................11 Local 15....................................................................... 34 Makeda Nichols, State Farm.......................................27 MCG Business Solutions............................................. 13 New Horizons Credit Union....................................... 23 Online Payroll Services Inc.......................................... 8 Pixallure Design LLC.....................................................7 Premier Medical Management.................................. 25 RBC Bank....................................................................30 Roberts Brothers, Sam Winter.................................... 26 Safe Archives...............................................................29 Safety Plus................................................................... 16 SCORE........................................................................... 9 Sunbelt Business Brokers............................................. 9 Tanner’s Pecans and Candies.......................................7 Whitney Bank..............................................................19 Wonderland Express................................................... 26


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The Mobile Area Chamber was awarded a five-star rating by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the highest designation given. Of the 6,936 chambers in the U.S., only 301 are accredited, and of those only 43 have achieved five-star distinction. The Mobile Area Chamber has been accredited by the U.S. Chamber since the designation’s inception more than 40 years ago.

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

9 Mobile Arc finds a green MARC-it in hydroponic lettuce. 10-11

From Junk to Jewels - South Alabama companies recycle clunker cars into usable steel for a natural gas pipeline in the western U.S.

14-15 Get public relations and marketing savvy with 83 ideas to market your business.



On the cover: Members of the Mobile Area Chamber’s board of directors sign a pledge to support free enterprise. From left to right: John Baker, Thompson Engineering; Brad Beard, Beard Equipment Co.; Dave Trent, Airbus Engineering Center; Makeda Nichols, State Farm Insurance; Henry O’Connor III, IPC Capital Partners; Sandy Stimpson, Scotch & Gulf Lumber LLC; Herschel Vineyard, Atlantic Marine Alabama; and Owen Bailey, Infirmary Health System. Photo by: Ashley Horn

F E A T U R E S 12 Coping with Financial Crisis – Guest columnist News You Can Use – Positive updates for businesses in the area and around the state. and licensed professional counselor Patricia Vanderpool offers advice for handling Find out what national and local economists are saying about the regional economic financial fear. recovery, who’s expected to lead the economic 13 Will Work for Benefits – Guest columnist recovery and how the Chamber is helping Maria Bladorn offers discusses low cost jobseekers re-enter the workforce. Plus the ways employers can help employees. latest on EADS North America’s Mobile investment and how a regional coalition is 17-21 The Chamber’s 2010 board of directors: boosting the Gulf Coast as an aerospace Meet the business leaders who develop the corridor. Learn about the U.S. Chamber’s annual plan of action for membership, small campaign to create 20 million jobs. business, community and governmental affairs, communications, and workforce Etc. – Organizational updates and business and economic development. briefs. Women entrepreneurs can get a leg up on federal contracts and how to know if a 22 A look at how your business can get U.S. Census taker is the real thing. Also, find noticed in The Business View. out why Microsoft Corp. is eyeing St. Paul’s 26 Meet Lynn Mitchell, newest counselor Episcopal School and details about the with the Mobile Chapter of SCORE. Exploreum’s newest dinosaur exhibit. 28 Carol Lambert promoted to project manager for the Chamber’s Center for Workforce Development.

M O N T H LY F O C U S 8 Small Business of the Month: 28 Board of Advisor BaySide Dinners 29 Investor Focus: Adams and Reese LLP 24 Business Spotlight of the Month: SEKO Worldwide - Mobile 30 Investor Focus: C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. 24 Diplomat of the Month: Ryan Perdue, Callis Communications 31 Chamber@Work 26 SCORE Column: Time management 31 Economic Indicators expert Julie Morgenstern gives advice to 32 Calendar organize for growth 33-34 Member News 26 Who’s in Town? 35 Anniversaries 27 CEO Profile: Jeffery M. St. Clair, Springhill Medical Center 35 New Members

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• Positive Business News When You Need It • Positive Business News When You Need It • Positive Business News When You Need It •

NEWS You Ca There are more than 750 miles of Interstate 10 highway that span from the west Louisiana state line through Mississippi and Alabama to Jacksonville, Fla. Over the last decade a number of issues, including highway maintenance, have united legislators, but recently securing the KC-X aerial tanker program has become the strongest connection between the four states that define the Gulf Coast region. Elected officials including Alabama Gov. Bob Riley, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Sens. Bill Nelson and George LeMieux with Rep. Allen Boyd who represent the Florida Panhandle announced the launch of The Aerospace Alliance. The 501(c)(6) private/public organization was created to establish the Gulf Coast and surrounding region as a world class aerospace, space and aviation corridor. Alliance members include business leaders, economic development professionals and government officials who will advocate for policies, programs and specific aerospace projects on the local, state and national level.

Riley said at the announcement, “Last year taught us something: while we all know about our long tradition of aerospace excellence and the quality and skill sets of our workforce, obviously some parts of the country (Kansas and Washington state), might not be aware. Our first initiative is to win the KC-X tanker, our first lesson is geography – Mobile, Alabama and the Gulf Coast states are part of the U.S. and our jobs are American.” “This alliance will go far in promoting our region for what it is – one of the largest aerospace corridors in the world and a great place for companies in this sector to do business,” said Barbour, who addressed the event via video uplink. Aerospace has been a target market for the area’s economic development efforts since the Mobile Area Chamber attended its first international aerospace trade show and recruited ST Mobile Aerospace back in the 1990s, said Troy Wayman, the Chamber’s vice president of economic development. “This alliance erases state lines and puts us at the epicenter of the project with veteran legislators representing both parties who

Photo by Robin Cooper, Alabama Governor’s Office

Gulf Coast’s I-10 Corridor Forms a New Alliance

Gov. Bob Riley held a press conference in October to announce the formation of The Aerospace Alliance, a four-state partnership to support the Gulf Coast as a world-class leader in aerospace, space and aviation. Alabama, the Florida panhandle, Louisiana and Mississippi are partners in the alliance.

have experience in Washington D.C.” Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and Florida are currently home to manufacturers of helicopters, missile defense systems, composite aircraft structures, engine components and many research and development firms. For more information, visit www.aerospacealliance.com.

The Value of Free Enterprise The U.S. Chamber of Commerce launched a campaign promoting American free enterprise as the engine to help create 20 million new jobs nationwide during the next 10 years. The campaign – American Free Enterprise, Dream Big – includes billboard promotions, television commercials and a tie-in with the Chamber’s more than 300,000 members across the country. The Mobile Area Chamber is partnering with local organizations and chambers statewide to promote the effort. According to the U.S. Chamber, 20 million jobs must be created to replace those lost and to meet the needs of America’s growing workforce. Alabama’s portion is 286,006 jobs over the next decade. “We believe that the values of individual initiative, hard work, freedom of choice, and the free exchange of trade, 4

capital, and ideas can lead America back to prosperity,” said Tom Donohue, president and chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “Only free enterprise will create the innovation, the opportunities and the jobs our nation needs.” “The Mobile Area Chamber is in full support of the U.S. Chamber’s campaign efforts, as we know firsthand, small businesses are the backbone of all communities and 94.4 percent of our members are small businesses,” said Win Hallett, president of the Mobile Area


Chamber. “While government efforts to stimulate the economy are considered useful in the short term, we as Americans believe that it is the free enterprise system that will grow our economy and create jobs over the long term.” To increase public awareness of the benefits of free enterprise, the campaign will use grass roots advocacy, community outreach, public education, discussion forums and a Dream Big online pledge to champion its cause. For more information, visit www.freeenterprise america.com.

Get a Job Job-hunting strategies in today’s economy have changed drastically, according to Dr. Leida Javier-Ferrell, the Mobile Area Chamber’s director of the Center for Workforce Development. So what’s the key? Javier-Ferrell said it is all about persistence, networking, assertiveness, specific skills and even recareering to find a job. Several local businesses, along with the Chamber, sponsored a five-week series of classes to help job seekers prepare for their search. More than 100 participants who were laid off or underemployed came to learn new employment strategies. “In this market, it takes a combination of networking skills and tools,” said JavierFerrell. “And, depending on their field, it may take exploring a new career or retraining to stay in the Mobile area.” Seminar participants gained practical advice to help them find jobs now, and also be more strategic with tactics from new ways to creating resumes to participating in social networks like Facebook, said Mary Anne Thompson, president and founder of Going Global and one of the presenters. Partner companies assisting the Chamber with this effort included The Carter Group, Going Global, Long’s Human Resource Services, EAP Lifestyle Management and Spring Hill College.

| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Positive Business News When You Need It • Positive Business News When You Need It • Positive Business News When You Need It •

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EADS Ups its Investment in Mobile

EADS North America, headquartered in Arlington, Va., is the North American operation of EADS. The company opened a 30,000-square foot Overhaul Delivery Center located at Mobile Regional Airport. Airbus Military North America is headquartered in Mobile.

From the Mouths of Economists

EADS North America expanded its Mobile presence with the opening of a Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Delivery Center at Mobile Regional Airport. The center will support the company’s tactical multi-mission aircraft. The 30,000-squarefoot facility is in addition to the planned The Mobile Area Chamber led the economic development efforts that first landed the company’s investment. “This latest expansion increases our international presence in the aerospace industry and strengthens our global reputation,” said Troy Wayman, the Chamber’s vice president of economic development. EADS would locate a production site at Mobile’s Brookley Complex, should Mobile win the bid to build aerial refueling tankers for the U.S. Air Force.

“The facility we opened is an exciting step to take with our friends in the Mobile community, which has a tremendously skilled workforce, and government and business leaders committed to continued growth,” said Dave Oliver, chief operations officer of EADS North America. A $6 million investment, the expansion increases EADS training, spare parts and customer support operations first opened in Mobile in 2005 to support military and civil operators, including the U.S. Coast Guard located in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. “The opening of the Airbus Military North America facility is a tremendous asset to our city’s workforce and an investment that will certainly lead to bigger and better economic development initiatives in the future,” said Mobile Mayor Sam Jones, who attended the announcement with other local officials, “We are pleased to be able to open this new facility here at a time when so many parts of the nation have struggled to hold onto their local industries,” said Mike Dean, Mobile County Commissioner. The grand opening was also the venue where officials announced the renaming of EADS CASA North America to Airbus Military North America.

Who’s Out Front in Economic Recovery?

Cautious optimism was the consensus among economists at a recent summit. Pictured from left to right are: Dennis Lockhart, Dr. Martin Regalia, Dr. Don Epley and Dr. Carl Moore.

A sold-out crowd of 300-plus attendees was on hand to hear what local, regional and national economists had to say at the University of South Alabama’s Coastal Economy Outlook held in September. The conference featured Dennis Lockhart, president and chief executive of the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta, and Dr. Martin Regalia, senior vice president and chief economist of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Local presenters included Dr. Don Epley, with USA’s Center for Real

Estate Studies; Tim Russell, Alabama Revenue Commissioner; Bob Chappelle, the Mobile Area Chamber’s executive vice president; and Robert Ingram, president and chief executive officer of the Baldwin County Economic Development Alliance. National presenters expressed cautious optimism about the reported economic recovery. Job growth is not as slow as other indicators, and both Lockhart and Regalia were satisfied that the banking sector is much more stable than it was last fall.

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


“Expect small and medium-size businesses and the services that support them to lead the economic recovery worldwide,” said Joyce Gioia, a strategic business futurist and author of the Herman Trend Alert. According to Gioia’s research, during the economic downturn of 2001, companies with 500 or more employees experienced the greatest reduction in workforce, followed by firms with 20 to 499 employees. The smaller the firm, the better the company weathered that storm. And Gioia expects a similar trend during the current economic conditions. By definition, small businesses are nimble and flexible in delivering products and services, and can react to changing markets with swift and decisive action, explained Darrell Randle, the Chamber’s vice president of small business development. The U.S. Small Business Office of Advocacy estimates there are 23.1 million non-employer type businesses and 6.1 The Business View |

million companies that employ others. When the economy hits a rough patch, the number of companies with employees stagnates or declines, and sole entrepreneurs increase. “Going into business for themselves has been a lifesaver for an additional 1.7 million individuals and their families,” said Gioia. Many of the newly self-employed will find employment once the economy recovers and companies begin hiring, predicts Danette Richards, the Mobile Area Chamber’s director of small business development. Those who launch endeavors employing others will feel the pressure and obligation to keep their workforce productive, and continue to contribute to the labor market, she added. Small businesses that evolve out of a recession or downturn in the economy explore niche markets and create jobs, through innovation and hard work. “A recovery led by small businesses shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone,” said Randle.



ETC Dinosaurs Are Coming to Mobile

New SBA Guide for Women Entrepreneurs

The Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center will soon resemble Jurassic Park, as Dinosaurs Downtown opens to the public Jan. 16, 2010. The exhibit features 10 life-sized animatronics dinosaurs that will move and roar, a dinosaur photo opportunity and a fossil dig where young children can excavate “fossils.” “Dinosaurs Downtown will be an interactive, full-sensory experience unlike any other,” said assistant director Caroline Etherton. The exhibit will transform the Exploreum’s courtyard into a thrilling Jurassic-era habitat, and will offer educational opportunities, including how robots and animatronics work, the study of different eating habits and predatory environments, and how fossils are discovered and tested. While other cities such as San Diego, Detroit and Cincinnati have showcased the traveling dinosaurs, the Gulf Coast Exploreum is the first science center to host the exhibit. For more information, visit www. exploreum.com.

Women who run small businesses are getting a leg up on identifying federal contracting opportunities. The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) launched a free, online training course – Winning Federal Contracts: A Guide for Women Entrepreneurs – as part of an ongoing initiative to ensure women-owned businesses receive at least 5 percent of government contracts. “There is nothing that prevents women-owned businesses from competing for federal contracts – except knowledge of the process. This course will help women understand the procedures, rules and regulations for selling to the federal government. If they have a product or service the government purchases they should consider whether or not this will be right for their company,” said Danette Richards, the Mobile Area Chamber’s director of small business development. The online resource provides information about contract rules, how to sell to the government and where to find contracts. For more information, visit www.sba.gov/ fedcontractingtraining.

St. Paul’s Episcopal School Goes Virtual with Microsoft

Reliability - For 173 years, the Mobile Area Chamber has worked to make our area the best place to start, manage and grow your business.

Quality - Last year, the U.S. Chamber

of Commerce awarded the Mobile Area Chamber its highest five-star accreditation, for the second consecutive five-year period.

Value - For as little as 83 cents a day, your Chamber membership yields a return in: • Business assistance; • Professional development seminars and counseling; • Networking opportunities; • Advocacy aimed at protecting your business interests, and more.

– a Significant Return on Your Investment www.mobilechamber.com You’ll see this symbol


with stories featuring Chamber initiatives.


Microsoft Corp. sent a film crew to document how St. Paul’s Teaching and Learning Resources Director, Kelli Etheredge, engages her students and enhances their 21st Century skills via Microsoft technologies.

Microsoft Technologies visited Mobile to film a short documentary spotlighting St. Paul Episcopal School’s Teaching and Learning Resources Director Kelli Etheredge as she engaged her students through Microsoft Office Live Workspace. Teachers use the program to help sophomores, juniors and seniors keep up with their schoolwork while they are out sick. Microsoft is offering the technology in response to the H1N1 flu outbreak. Etheredge said the technology has proven valuable. “My students have been able to continue their learning of the ancient and medieval epics as well as work on their museum projects in a team environment and not miss a beat,” she said. According to Microsoft, educators and

students can access documents on their class workspace from virtually any computer with Internet access. The site allows collaboration on projects in a safe, password-protected and invitation-only environment. Students who don’t have a desktop version of Microsoft Office can view and work on documents in a browser. Anthony Salcito, vice president of Worldwide Public Sector Education at Microsoft, said the corporation recognized the need to mitigate disruptions in the classroom caused by a flu outbreak. “We’re concerned for the students and families impacted by the H1N1 virus and understand this could be a difficult time for students worried about their health and that they could fall behind in their studies,” he said.

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Go to mobilechamber.com/awards to submit a Small Business of the Month nomination, or contact Danette Richards at 431-8652 or drichards@mobilechamber.com.


mall Business of the Month

BaySide Dinners “Life is hectic. Dinner doesn’t have to be.” This is the motto followed by Robin Lea, owner of BaySide Dinners. After living in Mobile for only two years, the North Carolina native and retired art teacher started the meal-assembly store in an effort to bring a new way of providing family meals to Mobilians. BaySide Dinners is the Mobile Area Chamber’s Small Business of the Month. Lea said BaySide’s dinners are a “fun, nutritious and fresh way to feed families inexpensively.” The company allows customers the option of picking up a readymade meal or assembling meals from the monthly list of recipes offered. For the latter option, customers schedule a two-hour cooking session, and BaySide Dinners’ four person staff does all the chopping, slicing and dicing ahead of time. However, if your schedule does not permit, the staff will assemble it for you too. All dishes, such as the popular chicken enchiladas or newly created limoncello cookies, include fresh ingredients purchased locally and are


packaged in freezable containers. Meals average a budget-friendly price of $3.56 per serving and come with a 100 percent satisfaction guarantee. Unique within the meal-assembly industry, Bayside offers cooking classes for adults, teens and children, as well as parties and catering in or out of the store. Group sessions like girls night out, baby and wedding showers allow and guests to create a meal for the new mom-to-be or bride. For the first time this holiday season, Lea will offer Christmas cookie sessions lasting three hours so parents can do much needed Christmas shopping. Lea said her next endeavor is offering classes aimed at the home chef who needs to learn how to cook for individuals with medical conditions. Currently, Lea is working closely with the University of South Alabama Mitchell Cancer Institute to create ready-made dinners for chemotherapy patients because she noticed a demand for the specialized entrees in her store. She


Owner of BaySide Dinners Robin Lea (center) visited several independent stores in various cities when formulating her plan for the Mobile-based meal assembly business. As a result, in addition to prepared dinners, she has etiquette classes, cooking classes, catering and even hosts parties in her shop. Pictured with Lea are employees Nick Stafre (left) and Marilyn Taylor.

hopes to expand options for heartily-healthy and diabetic recipes in the near future. BaySide Dinners is located at 5212-E Cottage Hill Rd., at the intersection of

University Boulevard. For more information visit www.baysidedinners. com or call 378-8591.

| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Tapping into a Green “MARC-it” with Hydroponic Lettuce There’s a new kind of healthy lettuce in town, and it comes from a surprising source. Mobile Arc (formerly known as Mobile Association of Retarded Citizens or MARC) opened a state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse in Irvington and is growing butterhead lettuce to sell to local grocery stores and restaurants. Hydroponic gardening refers to crops grown without soil. Vegetables are nurtured by a computer system that feeds the produce with the exact amount of nutrients. “It is an extremely ergonomic and economic method of growing because it is grown without the use of pesticides,” explained Lindsay Hutchisson, Mobile Arc’s development director. Additional advantages of hydroponic gardening are that the nutrient solutions can be re-used, plants require less space and the system yields a nutritionally superior vegetable. Crops are started from seeds and moved to the hydroponic area after two weeks.

Thirty-five days later, the greenhouse has the capacity to produce 4,700 heads of butterhead – enough to cover two basketball courts. The organization is growing and selling hydroponic lettuce under the name Green MARC-it. The organization is also working with vendors interested in other types of lettuce, such as Arugula, not always available in area stores. “We are now in the process of operating the system as a training tool for the people we support,” said Hutchisson. The community-based organization provides job training for individuals with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities. Green MARC-it lettuce is available at Bruno’s at University Boulevard, and several local restaurants, including True and The Palette Café at the Mobile Museum of Art. For more information about MARC-it lettuce, call 479-7409.

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


As the healthy movement continues, shoppers have a new product to choose from that is locally grown and available at the Bruno’s grocery store at University and Airport Boulevards. Pictured here is Jeffrey Stanley, Bruno’s produce manager, and Jen Eckman with the University of South Alabama who also serves in a volunteer capacity for Mobile Arc. Eckmann is also a frequent buyer of the new butterhead lettuce grown by Mobile Arc.

The Business View |



From Junk to Jewels

The above shows SSAB’s steel slabs formed from 99.44 percent scrap metal before they are rolled into coils. In a good year SSAB officials say the company obtains 1.5 to 1.7 million tons of scrap metal.

How South Alabama Companies Recycle Clunker Cars into New Material for a Natural Gas Pipeline Scrap metal consisting of mostly old cars, minus pollutant producers like engine blocks, are crushed and shredded by Alter Scrap Processing. The scraps are recycled and returned to the marketplace through SSAB, and in one example, are forming spiral pipe at Berg Spiral Pipe to create a 675-mile natural gas transport line in the Northwest region of the U.S.


SSAB delivers these coils to Berg. Berg then unrolls the coils, creating a spiral-shaped pipe.

outh Alabama’s clunker cars from the federal government’s wildly popular Cash for Clunkers program will eventually be recycled from junk to gems of the steel industry. Though the cars have a layover at the salvage yard before moving into the recycled steel operation, the clunkers of a few years back are being transformed today. The process converts used-up automobiles into materials to build the Ruby Pipeline, a natural gas pipeline connecting gas reserves in the Rocky Mountains with growing markets in the western U.S. and most of it happens right here in south Alabama. From Alter Scrap Processing to SSAB steel to Berg Spiral Pipe, useless metal is recaptured, recycled, renewed and returned to the marketplace. “Working with neighboring companies helps keep the supply chain tight,” said Steve Perry, a consultant with Harris DeVille & Associates, who works closely with area industrial firms. “In steel, shipping is a very expensive proposition,” Perry said. He noted if suppliers are located close to their customers, it cuts the cost. Moreover, the shorter the shipping route, the less chance for logistical problems and the less need for stowing inventory in the event the supply chain breaks. 10

Here’s a look at how the south Alabama steel recycling operation works:

Step One – Shredding at Alter Shredding In the clunker car arena, the local process begins at Alter Shredding, where cars – minus pollutant producers like engine blocks and light switches – are crushed and shredded so the metal can be recycled. Step Two – Recycling as SSAB Alter delivers the scrap to SSAB – not twisted slices of metal, but fist-sized chunks, ready for the furnaces at the plant in Axis. Though SSAB purchases a bit of pig iron when needed to create steel with specific properties, it uses almost entirely recycled materials. “Our steel is 99.44 percent scrap,” said controller Brian Tomlinson, who speaks for the Alabama plant. With no scrap operation of its own, SSAB obtains its materials – about 1.5 to 1.7 million tons in a good year – from a variety of sources in addition to shredded cars. Steel is trucked and barged to the site from other parts of Mobile County as well as from the upper reaches of the Mississippi and Ohio River systems. The mix of materials includes the leavings from the demolished International Paper mill, scrap left in the wake of Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina, metal shavings and household items such as discarded barbecue grills


Each section of Berg’s spiral pipe is 80 feet long. The large majority of the scrap from this process makes it way back to SSAB.

Berg’s first contract for its Mobile division is for 175,000 tons of steel pipe to help build the Ruby Pipeline, a 470,000-ton, $3 billion, 670mile underground pipeline. The project spans from the natural gas reserves in Wyoming to the Oregon interconnect near California’s northern border.

| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

– most anything a magnet will stick to, except potentially harmful or dangerous items like old propane tanks. The scrap steel is sorted and sent to the melt shop, the steelmaker’s 3,000-degree Fahrenheit furnaces. The molten steel is mixed with carbon and limestone to absorb impurities, and any other ingredients such as manganese, aluminum and titanium needed to meet the metallurgical specifications for the proposed use of the finished steel. Following the steel making process, the molten steel is cast into slabs, then rolled into coil or plate to meet customer specifications.

SSAB follows American Petroleum Institute specifications in making the steel that Berg Spiral Pipe will use to manufacture pipe for the Ruby Pipeline project. Other SSAB projects – steel for petroleum storage tanks, barge and ship manufacture, wind energy towers, off-shore drilling rigs and heat-treated products like ATM machines and Army Humvees used in Iraq and Afghanistan – may have other specifications. Berg is a big customer, Tomlinson said, and SSAB is particularly well-equipped to meet their needs. When the steel maker was part of IPSCO, it recycled steel and made large-diameter pipe. No longer in the pipe production business, SSAB now delivers coiled steel ready for Berg’s operations in Mobile and Panama City.

Step Three – Producing at Berg Spiral Pipe From the steel coils comes finished product. Berg converts the coils delivered by SSAB into large-diameter pipe – 80 feet long, 42 inches in diameter with 0.6-inch thick walls. Berg Spiral Pipe is supplying about 250 miles of pipe for the 675-mile Ruby Pipeline project to transport natural gas from Opal Hub in Wyoming to the Malin Oregon Interconnect, just north of the California border. The underground pipe, a $3 billion investment by Ruby Pipeline LLC, is designed to carry some 1.5 billion cubic feet a day of natural gas and is slated to be in service in March 2011.


Looking Ahead Cars from the 2009 clunker program will spend a couple of years in an auto salvage yard until there’s nothing left worth saving. Only then will they head for recycling at a facility like Alter and move into the south Alabama operation. When they’re finally dragged from the salvage yard and into the recycled steel market, will they flood the recycle pipeline? Not likely, said SSAB’s Tomlinson. A junked car yields about a ton of steel, so the 3.4 million cars in the federal program will yield only about 3.4 million tons of steel. And SSAB alone, just one of the nation’s steel recyclers, uses about half that amount every year. One thing is for certain, whether they end up as pipelines or power towers, storage tanks or ships, ATMs or Army Humvees, this year’s junkers will find their way to a gem of a project.

The area’s five class-one railroads needed to transport pipe and proximity to SSAB were among the most significant factors considered when Berg chose to expand its U.S. operations.

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Coping With Financial Fear By Patricia Vanderpool, EAP Lifestyle Management LLC

A crisis is a crisis is a crisis… Crisis response experts say we respond to financial crisis much like we respond to a natural disaster – with fear and panic. Financial fears can negatively impact work and marital relationships, productivity, concentration and overall health. Once we learn to manage our fears, our challenge after times of crisis is to return to a “new normal.” Here are some suggestions to help employees, supervisors, company management and families thrive during difficult financial times: • Don’t panic. • Learn from history. Believe that “this too shall pass.” • Harness the power of positive thinking. Positive thinking releases hormones and neurotransmitters that influence our feelings of well-being. Conversely, negative thoughts interfere with neurological functioning and well-being. • In the workplace, effective leadership in times of crisis is essential. Share only information that is true. Do not speculate. Avoid negative political discussions at work.

• Validate workers’ concerns. Do not situation to enhance success. For example, minimize. A simple “I understand” has a use a personal budget, take advantage of positive and calming effect. resources and practice effective • Provide workplace education communication at work and at home. resources by offering educational resources • Identify your main “problem area” and and workplace training. Brown bag take steps to fix it. Seek help if you need it. lunches, with employee incentives for Often, talking with someone about attending, can focus on stress management, problems gives a fresh perspective. budget management, and health and Next, if the situation or problem is truly wellness. out of your control • Provide you must: resources for • Change your Once we learn to manage employees who are thinking: This is our fears, our challenge experiencing stress, perhaps the most increased alcohol difficult of the three after times of crisis is to and drug use, family steps. Be grateful and return to a “new normal.” issues, productivity charitable to enhance problems, financial your well-being. problems or health Recent research issues. indicates a strong • Do not use drugs or drink excessively. connection between physical and mental Remember, alcohol is a depressant. health and the practices of being grateful • Learn stress management techniques. and of being charitable. • Self-care: Eat properly, get sufficient • Cultivate a sense of humor. sleep, exercise and practice work/life balance. • Keep an “Emergency Laughter List” • Behavioral interventions: These are of five events that always make you smile. what we can realistically do about the

Nobody works harder than the owners. Come experience the difference of always dealing with an owner.

• Smile! Even a forced smile helps us feel better. • Associate with happy people. • Watch funny movies. • Read “humor resources” such as Reader’s Digest and humorist Dave Barry. • Visit The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH) online at www.AATH.org. Their mission is “advancing the understanding and application of humor and laughter for their positive benefits.” Employers who effectively apply humor enjoy happier, healthier employees, with higher productivity, lower disability claims, lower healthcare costs and higher overall well-being. To quote Darren LaCroix, comedian and world champion public speaker, let’s change our outlook, and “think of this recession as recess!” Patricia Vanderpool is a licensed professional counselor and owner and chief executive officer of locally based EAP Lifestyle Management LLC, a company contracting with organizations to provide employee assistance programs, work/life and wellness services and workplace training. Contact Vanderpool at pvanderpool@eaplifestyle.com or 621-5360.

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| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Will Work for Benefits By Maria Bladorn, New Horizons Credit Union

The only time I wish I could be a kid again is when I look at mine and realize they have no reason to worry about healthcare and benefits – at least right now. Nostalgically, I believe they should maintain their innocence as long as possible while the parent in me wants to sit them down and explain the finer points of health benefits, social security and investing as soon as possible for retirement. When my career was just starting, I would have preferred past employers put the money they were paying for my benefits into my paycheck instead. For job seekers today who are smarter than I was, benefits are usually the deciding factor in whether they will consider, much less accept, a job offer. Even if you, as an employer, can’t offer loads of benefits and low premiums, there are a few benefits you can offer that won’t cost you anything, will likely save money in employee recruiting and turnover costs, and benefit you both. • Credit Union Membership. Credit unions offer low or no fees, higher

• Financial Planning. To invest or dividends on savings and CDs, and lower not to invest. The number of options, loan rates. This benefit would help especially in this economy, when it comes to employees keep the money they normally pay for fees and interest in their pockets and retirement planning can be overwhelming. Have the retirement plan administrator earn free money at a higher rate. As a speak with employees, one on one, or in a member company, your employees can generalized group session. Even a simple arrange direct deposits, payroll deductions, option to allow Christmas and employees the vacation club opportunity to accounts. The typical For job seekers today... direct-deposit a banking products are benefits are usually the certain dollar available as well. deciding factor in whether amount in a savings Some credit unions account can help also offer an incentive they will consider, much them create a program to companies less accept, your job offer. safety net. providing access • Wellness. to credit union Wellness options not only promote a membership to employees. healthy culture, they can reduce insurance • Budgeting/Debt Counseling. premiums due to a smaller number of Many employees struggle with just claims filed. Look into health screenings, balancing a checkbook. Community on-site exercise classes, or simply offer resources can help them learn how to information about and encourage budget, save and build wealth. The less participation in free or affordable they worry about their finances, the more community health events. You should productive they will be for you.

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Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

be able to find volunteers to offer these services to your employees just for the opportunity to make new connections. • Corporate Responsibility. Allow employees a certain amount of hours each month for volunteering or non-profit work. This gives both employee and employer something to feel good about, and creates a tangible benefit for your company through brand enhancement. • Appreciation. A simple pat on the back can reduce your turnover rate. Publicly recognize employees in a company newsletter or e-mail. Write them a “thank you” note and put a copy in their personnel file. Little things can go a long way. When many are cutting benefits and taking a wait-and-see approach to the healthcare overhaul, you can be adding these and other creative benefits to attract and retain top talent.


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Solutions… so sure, we guarantee your business never reaches the breaking point.

The Business View |



83 Marketing Ideas to Help Your Business Grow Tried & True


usiness consultants and



advisors say now is the time to beef


Develop an interesting and informative 30-second commercial (also known as elevator pitch) to introduce yourself and your company.

up your marketing efforts. And entrepreneurs in it for the long-haul know to look at tough economic times as an opportunity to gain market share. If you’ve been debating how to get the word out to customers and potential customers, the Mobile Area

3 Get friends and family to talk up your business. 4

Send coupons and special offers via e-mail, social media or traditional mail to encourage repeat business. (Expiration dates may prompt a customer to come sooner rather than later.)

Chamber’s communications team has

5 Get a magnetic set of signs for your car or decorate your vehicle.

a brainstorming list to consider. The

6 Join a TIPS club.

list reflects newly available technology

7 Never miss an opportunity to introduce yourself.

and advances such as social media.

Making the Most of What You Have 8 Maximize the space on your business card and 1 include a brief description or a mission statement on the back.

19 Give all your employees business cards, especially delivery staff.

20 Use low-cost giveaways, such as pens. 1 Be a Chamber diplomat. 2 2 Partner with other related businesses (such as 2 dry cleaning and alterations) close to you.


Wear a name tag or a company shirt everywhere you go.


Carefully craft an answering machine or voice mail message or out-of-office reply e-mail message.


Visit with a SCORE counselor at the Chamber. (It’s free and confidential.) Call 431-8614 to set an appointment.


Make sure your signs and windows describe your business.

2 Recruit happy customers’ 1


Forward your phone to your cell phone when you are out of the office.

3 Post cards and flyers on 1


Use yard signs to promote specials.

14 Establish your business in a

29 Create directional signs so customers can find you easily.

8 Speak at meetings – i.e. Rotary, Kiwanis, etc. 9 Study what the leaders in your industry are doing. 10 Create a flyer or brochure. 1 Send information to 1 your new contacts.

testimonials and use them in ads, newsletters, etc.

bulletin boards at restaurants, grocery stores, etc.

convenient location.

5 Set a daily goal to talk to at 1 least one potential client.

6 Offer discounts to convention attendees who will 1

be visiting Mobile. For a listing of conventions, see “Who’s in Town” in each issue of The Business View. 17 Ask customers for referrals. 14


30 Put all of your contact info – address, phone, web site, e-mail – on everything.

1 Use the automated response feature with your 3 e-mail to acknowledge mail and promote and describe your company. 32 Trade out services.

| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Getting Out in the Community 4 Volunteer for your favorite cause, school or 4 professional organization. 45 Put a float in local parades. 6 Participate in the Chamber’s Business & 4 Technology Expo with a booth.

7 Donate services or products to local events. 4 8 Provide a door prize to events. 4

Branding 64 Give away samples of your product. 65 Create a logo that brands your company. 66 Make sure your company has a slogan that is

easy to remember and speaks to your customers.

67 Name your company so it adequately explains what you do.

9 Stage a publicity stunt. 4 American Cancer Society’s Chili Cook-Off.

1 Offer free or low-cost training. 5 2 Teach a community or college class. 5 3 Sponsor a youth sports team. 5

33 Make sure your business is listed accurately on Google

Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, etc. – create fan groups to connect with customers on a more personal level.

35 Be a fan of the Mobile Area Chamber on Facebook, Linkedin, etc., and other organizations where potential clients might also be.

36 Post commercials, testimonials, event videos on

5 Utilize community calendars and forums. 5 6 Pitch a story to the media. 5

the web site).

38 Participate in local and regional online forums

9 Send media releases announcing new business 5 ventures, contracts, employees, etc.

9 Start your own company blog. 3

popular and high-traffic sites.

43 Set up Google Alerts or RSS

Special Events 60 Hold a grand opening or a grand re-opening. 1 6

42 Link your web site to

Feeds to track any mentions of your business – and your competition.

73 Enter award programs.

54 Establish yourself as a resource for reporters.

58 Work with a radio station and have “one lucky listener” win a grand prize from your company.

news and tips to your customers.

72 Write creative ad copy.

Traditional Media

37 Include a guest book (at your company and on

41 Send an e-newsletter full of interesting

newcomers to introduce your business and its services.

that your business is strong.

7 Offer to write a guest column or editorial on a 5 pertinent subject.

40 Beef up your web site. (And keep it updated.)

71 Join the welcome wagon mailing for area

75 Boost marketing and advertising to convey

YouTube, using one of the categories designed to draw visitors.

through al.com.

70 Maximize co-op advertising.

74 Make your message consistent.

Maps – it’s a critical step to getting your business on the first page of returns in a Google search.

34 Jump into the world of social media – Facebook,

Help your customers get to know you by using photos on business cards, brochures, etc.

69 Know your target market.

0 Organize a team in community events like the 5

For the Technologically Advanced


Celebrate a milestone anniversary – one year, five years, 10 years, etc.

Customer Service 76 Train staff to offer sincere and excellent customer service. 77 Get to know and understand your customers. 78 Use personalized note cards to communicate with valued customers. 79 Send birthday, holiday or Christmas greetings.


81 Have flexible hours that fit

Survey your customers.

62 Get celebrities to make a special appearance

63 Be a drop-off or pick-up point for a community-

82 Put up a suggestion box at your business or on your web site (or both).

at your business. wide campaign.

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

83 |

The Business View |

your customers’ needs. (Think beyond 8 a.m. to 5 p.m..)

Say “thank you.”





| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

2010 Board of DIRECTORS

Mobile Area Chamber 2010 Leadership From taking a stand on legislative issues to supporting new businesses moving here, the Mobile Area Chamber’s board of directors serves as the organization’s governing and policy-making body. The board is comprised of 45 members, representing a cross-section of the business community – 38 men and 7 women. Approximately 64 percent of the companies represented on the board have less than 101 employees; 6 employ 1-10, 6 employ 11-25, 8 employ 51-100, and 18 employ more than 100. Of those companies represented on the board, 4 are listed as minority-owned and 5 as women-owned. On the following pages are the profiles of the Chamber’s board members. The names of new board members are green and the titles in italics represent the board members’ position.

Denotes Partners for Growth investors.

Sumner G. Adams

Dr. Ulrich Albrecht-Frueh

Adams is vice president for Cash Management/Finance for Norton Lilly International. Norton Lilly is a provider of shipping, logistics and marine services in the U.S., Canada, Panama and Caribbean ports. Adams received a bachelor’s degree from Rhodes College. Prior to joining Norton Lilly in 2005, Adams spent 18 years with Radcliff Economy Marine Services. Adams is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Albrecht-Frueh is president and chief executive officer of ThyssenKrupp Stainless USA, and served on the initial site selection team for ThyssenKrupp AG in 2006-2007. Albrecht-Frueh was consequently appointed as top executive officer for the company, plant and product development. Prior to his current appointment, he held a variety of engineering and senior management positions within ThyssenKrupp Nirosta in Krefeld, Germany. Albrecht-Frueh received his degree in mechanical engineering and his doctorate from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany. He is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Conrad P. Armbrecht

Celia Mann Baehr

Owen Bailey

Vice Chair, Governmental Affairs

Armbrecht is a partner in the law firm Armbrecht Jackson LLP. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., and a juris doctor degree from The University of Alabama School of Law. He is listed in The Best Lawyers in America and in Who’s Who Legal. Armbrecht is a member of the American, Alabama and Mobile Bar Associations, the legal committee of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, and the U.S. Oil and Gas Association (AL-MS division) executive committee. He is a past chairman of the boards of directors of Wilmer Hall Children’s Home, the Mobile Public Library and the Mobile Museum of Art.

Baehr is a certified financial planner with more than 20 years experience as a financial advisor. She holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of South Alabama (USA) and a bachelor’s degree in geology from The University of Alabama. She is a recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from USA’s National Alumni Association. Baehr is chair of the Mobile Symphony and immediate past president of the Financial Planning Association, Gulf States chapter. She is a graduate of Leadership Mobile and a member of the Rotary Club of Mobile and of USA’s College of Arts and Sciences Leadership Council.

Bailey is executive vice president for community and governmental affairs for Infirmary Health System. He earned a bachelor’s degree in health administration from Auburn University and a master’s degree in health administration from The University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is a fellow with the American College of Healthcare Executives, and a board member with the University of Mobile, Baldwin County United and Boy Scouts of America, Mobile Area Council. Bailey is vice chairman of the Southwest Alabama Workforce Development Council and the Mobile Area Education Foundation.

G. Robert Baker Jr.

William B. Beard Jr.

Bob Browning

Beard is chairman of the board and president of Beard Equipment Co. Inc., where he has worked since 1970 when his father established the company. Beard Equipment Co. has five locations in southern Mississippi, southern Alabama and northwest Florida. Beard and his wife, Melissa, cochaired the United Way of Southwest Alabama’s major gifts campaign in 2006 and 2007. In addition, he was a member of John Deere’s advisors board for 10 years. Beard attended the University of South Alabama and the University of West Florida, majoring in finance.

Browning is president of Austal Ltd. He holds a bachelor’s degree from San Diego State University, a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix and a master’s degree in international business management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. Prior to joining Austal, Browning was chief executive officer and director for Alinta Ltd. in Perth, Western Australia.

David L. Trent 2010 Board Chair

Trent is site director of Airbus North America Engineering. His career in aviation and aerospace began in 1979 in a small manufacturing company in the aviation hardware industry. He has been involved in engineering of commercial aircraft cabins since 1993 and has served in engineering management with Bombardier, Gulfstream and most recently as general manager with Hiller Inc. Trent holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s degree in business administration, both from California State University of Fullerton. He is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Chamber Legal Counsel

2010 Chair-Elect, Vice Chair Finance & Operations Baker is senior vice president and south Alabama region president for Whitney National Bank. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Rhodes College where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa and the recipient of the National Football Foundation Scholar Athlete Award. He earned a master’s degree in business administration from Tulane University. Baker received Whitney’s Golden Clock Award for Management Excellence in 2001. He is active with the United Way of Southwest Alabama, the Rotary Club of Mobile Sunrise, Mobile Arts and Sports Association and the Mobile Touchdown Club. Baker is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


The Business View |



2010 Board of DIRECTORS

Lynda Burkett

Brian E. Clark

Sam W. Covert Jr.

Burkett is owner and general manager of Marshall A. McLeod PLS LLC, Professional Land Surveyors, and has been in business for 10 years. Burkett directs the daily field logistics, administrative operations and business development of the company. She has served on the boards of Habitat for Humanity, Mobile Botanical Gardens and the City of Mobile Architectural Review Board. Burkett is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Clark is director of Mobile Container Terminal LLC. He earned a bachelor’s degree in marine transportation from U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point. Clark held various positions in both marine and terminal operations with SeaLand Service. He served as general manager of terminal operations and was promoted to general manager of APM Terminals in 2004. In September 2006, Clark was promoted to project manager for Mobile Container Terminal. Clark is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Covert is area manager for the Mobile division of Alabama Power Co. Covert, a native of Mobile, has worked with Alabama Power for 35 years and has been active on many community boards. He is a graduate of the University of South Alabama and holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Covert is a member of the Southwest Alabama Workforce Development Council Region 9 board of directors.

Joel T. Daves IV

Scott Delaney

Paul A. Dieffenthaller

Daves is south Alabama area president for Regions Financial Corp. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of the South and received his law degree from Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg, Fla. He graduated with distinction from the Stonier Graduate School of Banking at the University of Delaware. Daves serves on the boards of Infirmary Health System, the Alabama Dept. of Archives and History, the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. He served in the U.S. Navy and Navy Reserve, retiring as a commander. Daves is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Delaney is vice president in charge of land acquisition and development for Delaney Development Inc. and a principal/ broker of Delaney Land and Realty LLC. He earned a bachelor’s degree in forestry from Auburn University and is a registered forester in the state of Alabama. He is active in the community and has served on the boards of several civic organizations.

Patricia W. Esfeller

Tyrone Fenderson Jr.

Carlos R. Gant

Esfeller is president of Esfeller Construction Co., a general contracting company located in Coden and specializing in road building and site preparation work. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Alabama. Esfeller is a member of the board of directors of Associated General Contractors and of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Fenderson is president and chief executive officer of Commonwealth National Bank. He received a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Faulkner University and a master’s degree in business administration from Troy University. He graduated from the Alabama Banking School and the Graduate School of Banking at Louisiana State University. Fenderson serves on the boards of LSU’s Graduate School of Banking, Alabama Bankers Association, Alabama School of Mathematics and Science Foundation and Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama.

Gant is president and founder of Mos Designs LLC, an architectural and interior design firm. He earned a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., and a master’s degree in architecture from Georgia Institute of Technology. He is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Designs) approved professional and a registered architect in Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi. Gant is a member of 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile and the executive board for MLK Avenue Redevelopment Corp. He also serves on the board of the Girl Scouts of Southern Alabama.

Winthrop M. Hallett III

Ralph A. Hargrove

Hallett is president of the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University with a bachelor’s degree in economics. He is also a graduate of Leadership Alabama. Hallett is chairman of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chamber Committee of 100 and a member of the U.S. Chamber board of directors. He is past chair of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives Metropolitan Cities Council and serves on the boards of the Business Council of Alabama and the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science Foundation.

Hargrove is founder and president of Hargrove Engineers + Constructors, and has nearly 30 years of management experience. Hargrove is a member of Construction Industry Institute, Associated General Contractors, Associated Builders and Contractors, Partners for Environmental Progress and Manufacture Alabama. He serves on the board of directors for Goodwill Easter Seals, the Downtown Mobile Alliance, the Downtown Mobile District Management Corp. and Main Street Mobile. He also serves on the Chamber’s board of advisors and the Gulf Coast Exploreum’s board of trustees.

Vice Chair, Community Development

Vice Chair, Maritime Affairs

Member of Executive Committee as President



Vice Chair, Workforce Development

Vice Chair, Economic Development

Dieffenthaller is operations superintendent for ExxonMobil’s Mobile Bay Operations, and is the company’s senior representative in the state. He received a liberal arts degree from Rollins College and a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University in New York City. During the past 20 years, Dieffenthaller has held a variety of technical and commercial assignments within ExxonMobil in Texas, Louisiana, Virginia and Nigeria and was assigned to Mobile Bay Operations in 2005. He chairs the Chamber’s oil and gas task force, a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors, a board member of the Forum and is on The University of Alabama Geological Sciences advisory board.

Cedric J. Hatcher

Vice Chair, Membership

Hatcher is the senior commercial market executive for the Gulf Coast Region of RBC Bank. With more than 25 years in the financial industry, Hatcher began his career as a bank examiner for the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. He is a graduate of The University of Alabama. Hatcher currently serves on numerous boards and committees including United Way of Southwest Alabama, Downtown Mobile Alliance, Boys and Girls Club of Southwest Alabama, Business Executive Council of the Mitchell College of Business and the Senior Bowl. Hatcher is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

2010 Board of DIRECTORS

Dr. Bree A. Hayes

Jamie Ison

Erik Johnsen

Hayes is an organizational consultant and counseling psychologist and president of The Hayes Group, an international consulting firm based in Mobile. She received a bachelor’s degree in education, a master’s degree in counseling and a doctorate in counseling psychology from Boston University. Hayes is also a part-time faculty member at The Terry College of Business at The University of Georgia, teaching in both the Executive MBA and Evening MBA programs.

Ison was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives in November 2002. She received a bachelor’s degree in speech pathology and master’s degree in communicative disorders from the University of Mississippi. Ison is currently a realtor with LLB&B Real Estate. She is on the board of the Alabama Department for Senior Services and is past president of the Rotary Club of Mobile-Sunrise.

Johnsen is president of International Shipholding Corp. He has scores of industry and volunteer affiliations to his credit, including service with the New Orleans Regional Chamber of Commerce, where until 2007, International Shipholding Corp. was located. Johnsen is a graduate of Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, where he was a four-year letterman in basketball and was second-team All-American. Johnsen is also a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Gregory R. Jones

Christoph Lackinger

Jones is an attorney with Hand Arendall LLC, where he serves as the head of the firm’s business law section. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from West Virginia University, a master’s in business administration from Alabama A&M University and a doctor of jurisprudence from Samford University’s Cumberland School of Law. Jones serves on numerous civic and charitable boards including service as vice chairman for trade for the Mobile Area Chamber. He has been recognized for 12 consecutive years in The Best Lawyers in America in the areas of intellectual property law, immigration law and corporate governance.

Lackinger is president and chief executive officer of ThyssenKrupp Steel USA and is responsible for project development of the carbon steel segment’s investment in the steel and stainless processing facility currently under construction in Calvert. He will head the company’s operational management when the facility begins operation in 2010. Lackinger graduated from RWTH Aachen, Germany, with a master’s degree in mechanical engineering. He serves as a board member for the Gulf Coast Exploreum Science Center and the Alabama Iron and Steel Council. Lackinger is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Vice Chair, Trade

Dr. Russ Lea

Vice Chair, Technology

Lea is vice president for research at the University of South Alabama (USA). After graduating with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington, he went on to earn doctorate degrees from Syracuse University and from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Lea is actively involved in technology development projects and collaborations in Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Ireland and South Africa. An author and editor, he has also consulted on environmental issues in Thailand, China and Vietnam.

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Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


The Business View |

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2010 Board of DIRECTORS

Frank J. Lott III

Dr. James Lowe

Caroline C. McCarthy

Lott is president of Heritage Homes of Mobile Inc., a familyowned, Mobile-based business. Lott joined the company in 1999 and assumed the presidency in 2007. Heritage Homes is a scatter lot builder of pre-sold homes in 12 counties throughout Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, with offices in Mobile and Pensacola. Lott graduated from The University of Alabama with a bachelor’s degree in finance. He currently serves on the boards of the Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Mobile and Goodwill Easter Seals.

Lowe is president of Bishop State Community College. He holds a doctorate degree in education administration from San Francisco Technical University, an education specialist degree in administrative supervision from Troy State University and a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Bethune-Cookman College. Lowe also serves on numerous boards and councils including Alabama Association of School Boards, the Alabama Association of School Administrators, the Council for Learning Disabilities, the Council for Exceptional Children, the American Red Cross board of directors and the National Education Association.

McCarthy is managing partner for Lyons Pipes & Cook PC. She received a bachelor’s degree from Southern Methodist University and a law degree from The University of Alabama School of Law. Her practice concentrates on insurance coverage and firm management. An awardwinning author and editor, McCarthy is a member of the Mobile, Alabama and American Bar Associations and is licensed to practice in all Alabama state and federal courts. She is a member of the Professional Liability Underwriting Society. McCarthy was named Alabama Super Lawyer for 2009 and included in The Best Lawyers in America 2009.

LaBarron N. McClendon

Oakland McCulloch

Andy Newton

McCulloch is associate director of the Bay Area Food Bank. He earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Northern Illinois University, and a master of military arts and science in history from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. McCulloch earned 31 service awards during his career, including the Bronze Star. His last position in the Army was a three-year tour as professor of military science at the University of South Alabama where he led the training and commissioning of Lieutenants. He retired from the U.S. Army in June 2009 with more than 22 years of active service.

Newton is president/chief executive officer of Southern Light, a Mobile-based fiber optic communications company providing communications solutions to private businesses and the federal government. He received his bachelor’s degree from Birmingham-Southern College. Newton has served on the boards of such organizations as America’s Junior Miss and Mobile YMCA. He is a member of the Alabama School of Mathematics and Science Foundation board and the Southwest Alabama Workforce Development Council. Newton is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

McClendon is vice president for marketing, community affairs and human resources for Mobile Gas. A graduate of Spring Hill College, he serves on numerous boards including the Senior Bowl, Providence Foundation, Mobile United, Red Cross, the HearinChandler Family YMCA, the Child Advocacy Center and Junior Achievement. Professionally, he is affiliated with Southern Gas Association, American Gas Association and the Mobile Society for Human Resource Management. He is a graduate of Leadership Mobile.

Vice Chair, Military Affairs


GET THE COLD FACTS. By David S. Stewart Alabama Power Company

Refrigerators have a ravenous hunger for energy. Here are some tips and facts to help take the bite out of costs associated with running your refrigerator. 1. Just opening a refrigerator can let the cold air escape. Open it. Grab that chicken leg. And get out of there as quickly as you can. 2. Set your refrigerator between 37 and 40 degrees. Set your freezer to around 0 degrees.

3. Eyeball those gaskets around the refrigerator door. They should be clean and should seal the unit tightly. 4. If you have an energy saver switch on your unit, make sure it’s turned on. 5. If your refrigerator is over 15 years old, consider replacing it. New ones can operate up to 50% more efficiently than old ones. 6. Cover all liquids stored in the refrigerator. Moisture can be drawn into the air, making the unit work harder. 7. Position your refrigerator out of the sun and away from appliances that generate a lot of heat.

8. Periodically defrost manual-defrost refrigerators. Remove frost build-up when the ice becomes over one-inch thick. Frost build-up increases the amount of energy needed to keep your refrigerator’s motor running. 9. Extra fridge in the garage? Bad idea unless you absolutely need it. In a hot environment, your unit will use 45% to 50% more energy. For more tips on refrigerators and other appliances, visit AlabamaPower.com/tips.

©2009 Alabama Power Company

POWI-2009 Cold Facts.indd 1



| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

9/28/09 3:57 PM

2010 Board of DIRECTORS

Joseph Ng

Makeda Nichols

Henry O’Connor III

Ng is president of ST Mobile Aerospace Engineering Inc. He holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the National University of Singapore. He started his career as an aircraft structural engineer and has extensive experience in the management of quality systems and major aircraft maintenance. Ng’s career with Singapore Technologies Aerospace began in 1990 when he joined Singapore-based subsidiary, ST Aerospace Engineering Pte Ltd. He was named president of the Mobile manufacturer in 2005. Ng is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Nichols is an agency owner for State Farm Insurance. She was born in Djibouti, French Somalia, raised in Ethiopia and educated in the Germany. Nichols moved to the United States in 1974 and worked as a chemist before starting her insurance agency in 1984. She speaks French, German and Amharic. Nichols earned a Charter Life designation in 2002. She has volunteered with YWCA, Habitat for Humanity, Girl Scouts and Bay Fest and is currently chair and sponsor for Our Sister’s Closet’s annual fundraiser, PurseWithPurpose.

O’Connor is managing director of IPC Capital Partners LLC. He holds a law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law and graduated from Dartmouth College. Prior to joining IPC Capital Partners, O’Connor founded and was managing member of O’Connor & O’Connor LLC, where he represented developers, owners and operators of commercial real estate ventures. O’Connor is also a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

William W. Oppenheimer

Frank S. Seltzer Jr.

William B. Sisson

Oppenheimer is president of Enveloc Inc. He earned a bachelor of arts degree from Yale University in 1975. Oppenheimer is a Paul Harris Fellow and past president of the Mobile Rotary Club, past president of the Family Counseling Center and has volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, Dumas Wesley Community Center, Coastal Conservation Association and the National Wild Turkey Federation. Oppenheimer is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Seltzer is president of Superior Masonry Inc. and is a current member of the LeMoyne Water System board. He served two terms on the Creola City Council, including the city’s charter council, and is a former board member for Mobile Community Action. Superior Masonry is a former Mobile Area Chamber Eagle Award winner.

Sisson is executive director of the Mobile Airport Authority. Sisson earned a master’s degree in business administration from The University of Alabama and a bachelor’s in business administration from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va. He also holds a diploma from the Institutes for Organization Management and is a graduate of Leadership Mobile and Leadership Alabama. Among his affiliations are the International Economic Development Council, Airports Council International and Rotary International. He also serves on the boards of the Mobile Symphony and United Way of Southwest Alabama. Sisson is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Steven M. Solberg

Jeffery M. St. Clair

W.S. Stimpson

St. Clair is president and chief executive officer of Springhill Medical Center. St. Clair holds a bachelor’s degree in healthcare management from The University of Alabama and a master’s degree in health administration from Kennedy-Western University. He is a member of the board of directors of Springhill Medical Center, Gulf Coast Surgical Partners, Family Counseling Center and the American Heart Association. He is a member of Alabama Healthcare Quality Task Force and twice served as president of Leadership Mobile. St. Clair is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors.

Stimpson is executive vice president for Scotch & Gulf Lumber LLC. He earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from The University of Alabama. Stimpson is chairman of the board for the Business Council of Alabama. He is a member of Forward Mobile, the University of Alabama President’s Cabinet, UMS-Wright Preparatory School Board of Trustees and Alabama Policy Institute Board of Directors. Stimpson is a member of numerous conservation and wildlife organizations and is a graduate of Leadership Alabama.

Vice Chair, Communications

Solberg is chief executive officer for PCH Hotels and Resorts. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Northwood University in Midland, Mich. He has 30 years experience in the hotel industry, including 13 years with Marriott and 10 years with Hilton. Solberg originally joined PCH Hotels and Resorts in 2002 as general manager of Marriott’s Grand Hotel and Spa in Point Clear.

Immediate Past Chair

Rich Sullivan

Herschel T. Vineyard Jr.

Matt White

Sullivan is president and executive creative director for Red Square Agency. He earned a bachelor’s degree in biology/ political science from The University of Alabama. Sullivan is a board member for Centre for the Living Arts and the Spring Hill College Communications Review Board. He has also served on the board of the American Advertising Federation, Mobile Bay chapter. He is a member of the American Association of Advertising Agencies and is a published author. Under his leadership, Red Square Agency has won numerous awards and recognitions for its work.

Vinyard is vice president of Atlantic Marine Holding Co., and holds a juris doctorate from Louisiana State University Law Center. He is a member of the Bar in Florida, Louisiana and the District of Columbia. Vinyard is chair of the Shipbuilders Council of America, the nation’s oldest and largest shipyard organization. He also serves on the board of directors of the Jacksonville Port Authority and is active in Business Council of Alabama and Manufacture Alabama. He is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors and resides with his family in Jacksonville, Fla.

White is president of WhiteSpunner & Associates Inc. He holds a bachelor’s degree in commerce and business administration with a major in accounting from The University of Alabama, and a certificate of public accountancy in 1994. He is on the board of the Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation and has held leadership positions with Daphne and Fairhope United Methodist Churches. White is a member of the Chamber’s board of advisors and served as 2009 chairman of Chamber Chase, the Chamber’s total resource campaign.

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


Vice Chair, Small Business

The Business View |



How to Get Noticed in

The Business View

The Business View is the Mobile Area Chamber’s monthly publication featuring activities and accomplishments of the Chamber and its member businesses. If your business is a member, keep reading – this feature is designed to outline how member companies can be highlighted. For those who are not Chamber members but want to know more about joining, contact Carolyn Golson, the Mobile Area Chamber’s vice president of membership at 431-8622 or cgolson@ mobilechamber.com.

News You Can Use A new column leading the magazine during most of 2009, content is centered around positive economic development headlines such as company expansions, business-changing contracts, major hiring initiatives and new investments. ETC. Also new, this column is dedicated to community and significant business news, grants, resources and, of course, etc. Member News One of the publication’s most popular columns, Member News reports management-level new hires and promotions; business endeavors, such as new products, new locations, major projects, etc.; management-level awards, certifications, board officers, national and regional industry awards and annual company awards. (Weekly headlines and events sponsored by member organizations are usually promoted through the Chamber’s weekly e-mail publication sent to more than 8,000 recipients. Available to the public free of charge, subscribe to The Business View Weekly by contacting jwinfield@mobile chamber.com.) News releases should be one or two brief paragraphs. Photos must be professional headshots and must be 300 dpi at full size in an eps, tif or jpg format. Information can be sent to news@ mobilechamber.com or Member News, Mobile Area Chamber, P. O. Box 2187, Mobile, Ala., 36652-2187. Calendar

The calendar printed in The Business View outlines activities of the Mobile Area Chamber. Events sponsored by Chamber members can be submitted to The Business View Weekly, www.mobilechamber.com/ bvw.asp or mailed to the Chamber at the address above. 22


Small Business of the Month A volunteer committee reviews submitted applications and selects a business to feature in each issue as the Small Business of the Month. Criteria for this designation includes employing less than 100 people, being a member in good standing of the Mobile Area Chamber and having sales or profit growth. For more information on how to nominate a company, contact Danette Richards, the Chamber’s director of small business development, at 431-8652 or drichards@mobilechamber.com. Business Spotlight These business profiles are selected from member companies attending the Chamber’s monthly networking event, Business After Hours, held the fourth Thursday of every month (except December). CEO Profile This article introduces people filling the highest staff position in member companies. Some are chief executive officers while others hold the title of president or manager. Made in Mobile An ongoing series of articles, Made in Mobile highlights interesting products made in the Mobile area with broad regional, national and/or international markets. Guest Columns Chamber staff invite or select managementlevel employees to write articles addressing a specific topic primarily aimed at small businesses. Research indicates members are interested in a number of topics including marketing, international trade, employee management and legislative issues. Advisors The Business View recognizes board members annually. The governing board of directors is presented annually. The Chamber also has a board of advisors consisting of leaders whose companies make significant dues investments. Profiles of new advisors are featured monthly and photos of the entire group run annually in the July or August issue. For more information on how to join the Chamber’s board of advisors, contact Katrina Dewrell, the Chamber’s executive coordinator, at 431-8611 or kdewrell@mobile chamber.com.

Diplomats Also featured monthly, diplomats are Chamber volunteers from member organizations who assist with Chamber activities such as ribbon cuttings, Business After Hours – the Chamber’s primary networking event – member visits and other events. Diplomats earn points based on their participation. The volunteer with the highest score is highlighted in The Business View. Advertising Part of The Business View’s mission is to serve as an affordable advertising outlet. Not a profit-driven publication, advertising offsets the cost of printing. The Chamber mails The Business View to members and businesses in Mobile County listed on the Dun & Bradstreet list, and has a circulation of more than 22,000 business owners and managers. Another 8,000-plus receive the link to the magazine electronically. Frequently, issues sell out months in advance. The advertising contract and guidelines can be found on the Chamber’s web site, www.mobilechamber.com. To check availability, contact the publication’s advertising executive Rene Eiland at 4318635 or reiland@mobilechamber.com. Editorial Staff Each month the Chamber’s communications team holds an editorial meeting to discuss ideas, information, stories and photographs for the next issue. Stories are written and edited by the communications team and freelance writers. How to Pitch a Story Pitch us your idea for The Business View: e-mail the who, what, where, when, why and how to any member of the Chamber’s communications team: Leigh Perry-Herndon, 431-8645 or lherndon@mobilechamber.com; Susan Rak-Blanchard, 431-8641 or susan@mobilechamber.com; Ashley Horn, 431-8623 or ahorn@ mobilechamber.com; or Carolyn Wilson, 431-8606 or cwilson@mobilechamber.com. Deadlines for Submissions The Business View works two months in advance and the deadline is the 10th of each month. Items submitted in a timely manner will be included as space permits and upon editorial approval. The Chamber reserves the right to edit all submissions.

| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


The Business View |




usiness Spotlight of the Month

The Business Spotlight of the Month is selected at random from a business card drawing at the Mobile Area Chamber’s Business After Hours event.

SEKO Worldwide-Mobile

Sales Manager Jay Cotton (left) and Operations Manager Adrian Anderson oversee SEKO’s freight, storage and packaging service as well as a customized technical solutions for customers along the Gulf Coast.

Owner: Jay and Lynette Cotton Location: 662 Western Drive

Member since: 2009

Brief description of business: SEKO Worldwide is a locally owned and managed freight services company providing domestic and international freight services as well as logistics and technical solutions. What is unique or innovative about your business? SEKO has the capability to not only move freight, but also to store, organize, pick up and pack clients’ products as they are sourced from vendors or distributed to customers. The company also offers a customized technology package for clients. “To be viable you have to have the reach and support for your market needs,” Jay Cotton said. Most significant challenge: Cotton said like many companies in business today, the current economic landscape presents obstacles. “We need to be very diligent,” he said. Phone number: 479-7319


Web site: www.sekoworldwide.com

iplomat of the Month

When Ryan Perdue joined the Chamber’s diplomat committee in January 2008 to learn more about area businesses, he found something unexpected – the fellowship of meeting Chamber members while offering assistance or extending invitations to Chamber events. Perdue is the Mobile Area Chamber’s Diplomat of the Month. A Mobile native and University of South Alabama alumni, Perdue is an executive sales representative for Callis Communications, a telephone 24

Photo by Jeff Tesney

Ryan Perdue communications service company that provides voice and data services for companies along the Gulf Coast. Perdue enjoys networking in the social atmosphere of the Chamber’s monthly Business After Hours events and said he feels the Chamber’s role is vital to area business. “It’s important that we continue to support Mobile-based companies so we as a city can grow and prosper.”


| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Mobile Area Chamber Past Chairs Meet

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Past chairs of the Mobile Area Chamber met with current Chamber Chairman Sandy Stimpson and some of the Chamber’s executive staff to discuss issues critical to Mobile and the Chamber’s continued growth. Topics for discussion included the 2011 education tax renewal, various economic development projects and the new Chamber annex located just south of the Chamber on Civic Center Drive. Attending the luncheon were (front row, left to right) Dianne Irby, KBR; Win Hallett, Mobile Area Chamber President; Andrew Saunders, Saunders Yachtworks; John Lewis, Lewis & Associates; Bill Seifert, Regions Bank; Hap Myers, retired; Bobby Guthans, R.G. Co. LLC (back row, left to right) Mike Lee, Page & Jones; Preston Bolt, Hand Arendall LLC; Bestor Ward, Safe Archives LLC; Harris Morrissette, China Doll Rice & Bean; Frank McRight, Burr & Forman LLP; and Sandy Stimpson, Scotch & Gulf Lumber LLC.

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Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


The Business View |



SCORE The Mobile Chapter of SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) is a part of the national nonprofit organization of more than 10,500 volunteer business counselors who provide free, confidential business counseling and training workshops to small business owners.

Organized for Growth Julie Morgenstern is an organizing and time management expert and New York Times best-selling author. A contributor to “O,” The Oprah Magazine, she is also featured regularly in a variety of publications. Morgenstern has also been a guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Rachael Ray Show and The Today Show. Organizing is about focus. In a tough economy, what advice do you have for focusing on top priorities? Think about things closest to the revenue line: your existing clients and core products or services. Create a onepage list of core clients and stay in contact with them through regular phone calls. Even if existing clients don’t have money to spend, ask how you can be supportive. Stay relevant to them because when money loosens up, they’ll remember and appreciate you. You recommend cutting down on daily “to-do” items. Yes, there’s a backlash to the current economic situation because everything is taking longer to happen. That can lead to a lot of frustration when you find yourself waiting and waiting for actions, which may not occur for a while. Focus on a smaller number of critical things each day and release the rest. You will increase your focus and improve results. When it comes to organization systems, what is most important?





The most important systems are: 1. A consolidated planner that has your to-do list, phone calls and key documents. A planner boosts your confidence, particularly in meetings, because you know where to find everything. 2. A filing system for critical information such as contacts, pitch letters, proposals and marketing content. This kind of system is critical to your speed of execution. 3. A client information system for contact management. It should contain details about your client, his or her assistant’s name, family information, past contacts and projects for them and other helpful data. Some people fear that being organized limits creative thinking. What do you say? I understand that fear. My biggest concern when I started out was that being organized would make me obsessive/ compulsive and dull. But I had a daughter to support, so I figured it would at least let her lead a good life. I soon discovered, for myself and my clients, being organized actually fuels creativity. Find an approach and system that works for the way you operate. Entrepreneurs typically come up with hundreds of ideas. Would you rather be organized and be able to act on ideas immediately? Or, risk letting opportunities pass because you can’t find what you need?


Meet SCORE Counselor Lynn Mitchell Taking that philosophy SCORE’s newest counselor along with her CCIM financial brings a wealth of experience to background into the SCORE the organization. Lynn environment allows Mitchell to Mitchell, a Certified help small business investors Commercial Investment Member look at both goals and risks (CCIM) of the Commercial through clear lenses. “We Investment Institute, practiced examine the market, business commercial investment real plan, location, lease and estate counseling in north Mitchell available lending along with Georgia for 12 years. She other factors, then craft a plan that allows evaluated clients’ portfolios, helping them clients to decide if opening a business is the generate long-term plans for managing right thing for them today, or if it is a assets. A purchase offer from a national dream that should wait or be adjusted to firm created an opportunity for Mitchell to have a better chance of success.” slow down and move to the Gulf Coast. She Mobile SCORE Chapter chairman Chris continues to work with select clients to Hume said Mitchell is a great asset to the market properties, notes and other equities chapter and the community. “Lynn has at national marketing meetings that broad expertise and that is beneficial to our include representatives from the U.S., clients,” Hume said. Canada and U.S. territories. The Mobile Chapter of SCORE operates “I think that the largest issue creating out of the Mobile Area Chamber Chamber the real estate downturn is that everyone – bankers, investors and average people, got of Commerce. For a free confidential, oneso caught up that they forgot that real estate on-one counseling session with Mitchell, call 431-8614. is an investment, and all investments involve both risk and reward. My job is to look at both, and help my clients make solid, educated decisions,” Mitchell said.

Reprinted with permission from SCORE Association (c) 2009 and www.score.org.


ho’s In Town?

December 2009 - January 2010

The Mobile Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau (MBCVB) provides a list of the current month’s conventions coming to the bay area. For more information, contact the MBCVB at 208-2000.

Dec. 4-8 Alabama Farmers Federation Delegates: 2,000 Phone: 334-613-4211 Hotel/Location: Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center Jan. 8-11 EIS - Electrical Materials Group Delegates: 320 Phone: 678-255-3687 Hotel/Location: Radisson Admiral Semmes Hotel


Jan. 14-17 Alabama Elks Association Delegates: 300 Phone: 251-470-1060 Hotel/Location: Holiday Inn Downtown Historic District Jan. 28-31 Frank Glazier Football Clinics Delegates: 800 Phone: 719-339-4064 Hotel/Location: Holiday Inn Downtown Historic District


| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce



Jeffery M. St. Clair Company: Springhill Medical Center Title: President/Chief Executive Officer

Hometown: Mobile Education: St. Clair holds a bachelor’s degree in healthcare management from The University of Alabama and a master’s of health administration from Kennedy-Western University. First job: St. Clair cut grass to earn money and later as a teenager worked behind the counter at Old Dutch Ice Cream. After graduating from college, he was the director of product management for the American Red Cross in Mobile. Previous experience: St. Clair served 15 years as Springhill’s administrator and chief of operations. Prior to that position, he served eight years as vice president of operations. Career-changing moment: As an undergraduate, St. Clair met Springhill Medical Center founders Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Wallace at a social event. They introduced him to Bill Mason, then president of Springhill Memorial, who later hired St. Clair to open and operate an ambulatory surgery center. “I was very young and in way over my head, but given that opportunity at such an early age taught me that nothing is out of reach if I’m willing to learn with an open mind and work hard,” said St. Clair. Accomplishments: During his 26 years with the hospital, St. Clair played an active role in the expansion of Springhill Medical Center and the availability of new services and technology. He had a major part in developing Springhill’s Heart Center and helped bring hyperbaric medicine and laser and robotic surgery to the hospital campus. In addition, under St. Clair’s guidance, Springhill Medical Center was established as radio control for EMS. Secret to success: “Know what it is you don’t know, strive to learn it and don’t be afraid to surround yourself with people who are smarter than you are.” Which historical figure would you like to invite to dinner and why? “William F. Buckley would provide an evening of unmatched intellect as well as unparalleled wit,” said St. Clair. “He could fill a lifetime of dinners and never repeat an experience or exhaust a subject.” Family: St. Clair has two daughters and one son. Brief company description: Springhill Medical Center is a privately owned, for-profit, acute care hospital offering comprehensive health care services. The hospital has approximately 1,000 employees on site, 150 employees at Springhill Senior Residence and more than 500 physicians on the medical staff.

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


The Business View |




hamber Staff

Carol Lambert Promoted to Project Manager of the Center for Workforce Development Chamber’s Partners for Growth The Mobile Area Chamber campaign. promoted Carol Lambert to In her new position Lambert project manager of the Center will be primarily responsible for for Workforce Development in coordinating two signature the organization’s economic projects of the Chamber and the development department. Bay Area Healthcare Coalition: Lambert joined the Summer Scrubs and Health Chamber in 1988 as an Lambert Occupations Career Fair. These administrative assistant and programs are designed to assist worked for more than seven years high school students in their search for a in the economic development department. After a 10-year break to spend time with her future career in the healthcare field. Lambert will also focus on other workforce family, Lambert returned to the Chamber development issues. part-time assisting with various economic To reach Lambert, call 431-8619 or expansion projects. She later moved into a full-time position working as administrative e-mail clambert@mobilechamber.com. assistant for workforce development and on the


Featured Profile


The Mobile Area Chamber is proud to salute members of the board of advisors. These business leaders represent companies whose significant dues investment lead the way in funding the Chamber’s programs and initiatives. For more information contact Katrina Dewrell at 431-8611 or kdewrell@mobilechamber.com.

Alabama Association of Dr. Mark Foley has served Independent Colleges and as president of the University of Schools, and a member of the Mobile since 1998. During more Board of Directors of Volunteers than a decade of leadership, of America Southeast Inc. Foley has led the move to Previously, Foley was executive intentionally integrate faith and vice president of New Orleans learning in all areas of university Baptist Theological Seminary. life, while raising academic He holds a bachelor of business standards, building new Foley administration from Hardin‑ residence halls, establishing Simmons University in Abilene, Texas; outstanding programs such as the Center for Performing Arts, and making the private and a master of divinity and a doctor of philosophy in psychology and counseling Christian university national rankings. from New Orleans Baptist Theological Foley is a former member of the Executive Seminary. He is an ordained minister, a Committee of the Commission on Colleges former business owner, and has practiced as of the Southern Association of Colleges and a professional counselor. Schools, a member of the Executive Committee and past chairman of the

Are you connected to the latest business news in the Mobile ⌦ area on a weekly basis? If not, then subscribe now for FREE by sending an e-mail to jwinfield@mobilechamber.com

2009 Statement of Ownership, Management & Circulation (1) Publication Title: The Business View (2) Publication Number: 952-7000 (3) Filing Date: 9/30/2009 (4) Issue Frequency: Monthly Except Combined Issue of December/January (5) Number of Issues Published Annually: 11 (6) Annual Subscription Price: $24 (7) Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: P.O. Box 2187, Mobile, AL, 36652-2187, Mobile County (8) Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters of General Business Office of Publisher: 451 Government Street, Mobile, AL, 36602 (9) Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher; Editor and Managing Editor: (Publisher) Winthrop M. Hallett III; (Editor) Leigh Perry-Herndon; (Managing Editor) Susan Rak-Blanchard; P.O. Box 2187, Mobile, AL, 36652-2187 (10) Owner: Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 2187, Mobile, AL 36652-2187 (11) Known Bondholder, Mortgages or Other Securities: None (12) For completion by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail special rates. The purpose, function and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months (13) Publication Name: The Business View (14) Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: October 2009­(15) Extent and Nature of the Circulation Average No. Copies Each Issue Actual No. Copies of Single Issue During Preceding 12 Months Published Nearest to Filing Date a. Total No. of Copies 20,979 19,850 b. (1) Paid/requested outside-county mail subscriptions none none b. (2) Paid in county subscriptions 3,903 2,963 b. (3) Sales through dealers, carriers, street vendors, counter sales none none b. (4) Other classes mailed 16,731 16,293 c. Total paid and/or requested circulation 3,903 2,963 d. (1) Free distribution by mail outside county none none d. (2) Free distribution by mail in county none none d. (3) Free distribution - other classes mailed by U.S.P.S. 16,731 16,293 e. Free distribution outside the mail 200 200 f. Total free distribution 17,771 17,747 g. Total distribution 20,834 19,456 h. Copies not distributed 100 100 i. Total 20,934 19,546 j. Percent paid and/or requested circulation 19% 18% (16) This Statement of Ownership will be printed in the December/January 2010 issue of this publication. (17) Signature and title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager or Owner & Date: I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions (including multiple damages and civil penalties).



| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


n v estor Focus

Adams and Reese LLP Company officials: Charles P. Adams Jr., managing partner and George “Reggie” Copeland Jr., partner in charge Years in business: Founded in New Orleans in 1951, Adams and Reese LLP established its Mobile location 18 years ago. Brief company description: Located in the RSA Battle House Tower, the Mobile office is part of a regional law firm with 10 offices throughout five states and the District of Columbia. The firm is recognized by The National Law Journal as one of the nation’s largest law firms. Why are you located in Mobile? “Mobile is a thriving city with a diverse economy supported by major industries,” Copeland said. “It is geographically positioned as the only major seaport in Alabama, which has always played a key role in the city’s economic health.” Why do you support the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce’s Partners for Growth initiative? “We believe our success is directly related to the prosperity of our community,” said Copeland. Through public/private partnerships and regionalization, Mobile will maximize resources and have a stronger competitive edge.” What do you see as Mobile’s greatest potential? “With all the elements for continued economic success, Adams and Reese is excited about the city’s investment in the ‘New Plan for Mobile’ and the city’s commitment to be well-positioned for both physical and economic growth over the next 10 years, as recently laid out by the Mayor’s Transition Task Force Report,” said Copeland. “We look forward to being a part of the blueprint that improves the city’s physical character and progresses Mobile down its brighter, future path to become the leading business and cultural community in Alabama and along the Gulf Coast.”

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


Part of the Mobile community for 18 years, Adams and Reese is located in the RSA Tower. Pictured is Reggie Copeland Jr., the firm’s partner in charge.

Length of Chamber membership: Since 1991 Partners for Growth (PFG) is the Mobile Area Chamber’s long-term economic and community development program. For more information contact Shelly Mattingly, the Chamber’s investor relations coordinator, at 431-8655 or smattingly@mobilechamber.com.

The Business View |



Client:Rbcc AD: MA Job Number: RBCC1979 Job Name: RBC Cake Half Page Ad Date Produced: 09/16/2009Publication: Mobile Business View Live Area: n/a Trim: 8.5” x 5.375” Bleed: n/a Color:t 4C


n v e stor Focus

C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. Company officials: Corporate Level: John P. Wiehoff, chief executive officer and chairman of the board; and Christopher J. O’Brien, vice president; Mobile Office: Hunter R. Winton, general manager Years in business: C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc. was established in 1905 and opened its Mobile office in 1994. Brief company description: C.H. Robinson Worldwide works with more than 50,000 transportation companies, providing customers not only with transportation but also with logistics services, such as supply chain analysis, freight consolidation, core carrier program management and information reporting. “We are a global provider of multimodal transportation services and logistics solutions, operating through a network of branch offices in North America, Europe, Asia and South America,” said Winton. Why are you located in Mobile? “Mobile offers an excellent venue to expand and grow our shipper and carrier portfolio,” said Winton. “With the vast network of transportation options via road, rail, ocean and air, Mobile will continue to see tremendous growth in manufacturing, port utilization and consumption. ” Why do you support the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce’s Partners for Growth initiative? “My question would be, why not?” asked Winton. “The historical performance of the Partners for Growth initiative speaks for itself. Now more than ever, it is critically important for our community to come together with our talents, time and financial resources to keep Mobile at the top of the list as one of the best cities in America for business and family.”

Located in Mobile for 15 years, C.H. Robinson Worldwide’s 18 staffers work with transportation companies around the globe. Pictured left-to-right are Jason Balius, Kenny Turner, Jennifer Stokes, Julie Evans, Hunter Winton, Chesley Calhoun, John Ross and Jason Close.

What do you see as Mobile’s greatest potential? “Our community,” said Winton. “A community is not about the infrastructure, assets, businesses or churches; it is about our citizens. Our citizens make us who we are. That said, individually, we all must have the resolve, dedication and sacrifice to ensure our community continues to prosper.” Length of Chamber membership: Since 2000 Partners for Growth (PFG) is the Mobile Area Chamber’s long-term economic and community development program. For more information contact Shelly Mattingly, the Chamber’s investor relations coordinator, at 431-8655 or smattingly@mobilechamber.com.

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omparative Economic Indicators

SEPT. 2009 vs SEPT. 2008 The Mobile Area Chamber’s research division collects a variety of statistics each month.

Business Licenses City of Mobile

256 2009 218 2008

Employed Mobile/Baldwin counties

236,001 2009 256,702 2008

Unemployment Rates Mobile/Baldwin counties

10.5% 2009 5.0% 2008

Homes Sold⌦ Mobile County

320 2009 348 2008

Average Selling Price Mobile County $138,001 2009 $156,666 2008

Building Permits City of Mobile

278 2009 253 2008

Value of Building Permits $19,609,246 2009 $34,860,335 2008

Air Passengers From Mobile Area 21,440 2009 21,548 2008

Chamber Sponsors Small Business Seminars The Chamber’s small business department recently held two successful seminars for small business owners. The first, presented by several Chamber member law firms, focused on legal issues impacting small business owners. The second discussed cash flow management assistance for business owners and managers. Topics of the sessions included how to improve a businesses’ performance, cash flow and income statements, and business ethics, employment law and business insurance. Impact Alabama Meets Chamber President Win Hallett participated in an Impact Alabama meeting this fall held in Auburn. Guest presenters were Bill Taylor, president of Economic Development Partnership of Alabama (EDPA) and Dalton Smith, president of the Birmingham Business Alliance, The Chamber for Regional Prosperity. Impact Alabama is a program intended to give Alabama’s economic development leadership a forum to discuss key issues affecting the state’s economic growth. The effort is spearheaded by EDPA and Auburn University.

Customer Service Seminar Draws Nearly 40 The Chamber’s membership department held a customer service seminar titled “Customer Service: Smiling is Not Enough,” at no-charge for members of the Chamber. Michelle Crowe Ritter, owner of e-worc Web Design and Sales Consulting and trainer for MTI Business Solutions, demonstrated to nearly 40 attendees how to engage customers in dialogue. New Media Partnership with Skywatch Traffic A new partnership between the Chamber and Skywatch Traffic, a service of several local radio stations in the Mobile area, will enable the Chamber to promote some of the year’s key events. “Get Connected 2009,” the Chamber’s annual business and technology expo, was the first event publicized by the partnership. Chamber Connects with Members Via Constant Contact In September, the Chamber began sending its weekly e-newsletter, The Business View Weekly and the Calendar of Events, as well as the online version of The Business View, via Constant Contact. The online database enables the Chamber

to track advertising “hits” as well as efficiently manage its ever-growing database. To sign up for the electronic publications available free of charge, contact Judy Winfield at jwinfield@ mobilechamber.com.

Trade Mission Slated for Vietnam The Chamber’s international trade division of the economic development department is now recruiting companies to participate in a March 2010 trade mission to Vietnam. To learn more about how your company can benefit from trading with this country, contact Bridgette Clark at bclark@ mobilechamber.com or call 694-0702. Final Touches on Economic Development Campaign The Chamber’s communications and economic development departments are working with Lewis Communications on an economic development marketing campaign and web site enhancement for www.mobilebayregion.com. The new site will include a video overview of Mobile as well as membership testimonials. In addition, the Chamber will update several economic development ads. Enhancements to the web site will be complete by year’s end.

Joint Board Meeting About Mobile’s Economic Progress The Chamber’s economic development department hosted a joint Mobile County Industrial Development Authority and City of Mobile Industrial Development Board meeting in order to provide both boards with background on the economic development process. Guest speakers included Angela Till with the Alabama Department of Revenue and Claudia Zimmermann with the Alabama Development Office. SCORE Counselors Experience Busy Summer SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), housed at the Chamber, counseled 44 clients in the months of July and August. In addition, SCORE was an exhibitor in the Chamber’s Business Resource Fair and participated in a radio broadcast alongside Brent McMahan with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Chamber Staffers Complete Educational Opportunities Ashley Horn, director of communications for the Chamber, graduated from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute program at the University of Georgia in Athens. In addition, Herman Tinsley, senior project manager for economic development, graduated from Leadership Mobile.

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


The Business View |




JAN. 2010

DEC. 2009



*Members Only Time: 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Place: Mobile Fixture, The Kitchen & Restaurant Store, 1155 Montlimar Dr. Cost: $8, includes breakfast Contact: Missy Hartley at 431-8638 or mhartley@mobilechamber.com



*Members Only Time: 8 - 9 a.m. Place: Mobile Area Chamber 451 Government St. Cost: Free for Chamber Members Contact: Brenda Rembert at 431-8607 or brembert@mobilechamber.com


1 13



18 19



*Members Only Time: Noon - 1:30 p.m. Place: Malaga Inn, 359 Church St. $10, lunch included Cost: Contact: Missy Hartley at 431-8638 or mhartley@mobilechamber.com

Time: 5:30 p.m. - doors open 6 p.m. - program 7 p.m. - networking reception Place: Mobile Civic Center, 401 Civic Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Center Dr. Place: ITT Technical Institute, 3100 $50 or $485 for groups of 10 Cost: Cottage Hill Rd., Bldg 3 for Chamber members/$60 for Cost: $15 for members/$20 for potential Chamber members potential members Contact: Carolyn Wilson at 431-8606 or Contact: Christina Stimpson at 431-8636 or cwilson@mobilechamber.com cstimpson@mobilechamber.com





Business@Breakfast* Business@Breakfast will be held Wednesday, Dec. 9 at Mobile Fixture, The Kitchen & Restaurant Store, 1155 Montlimar Dr., from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. B@B offers members the opportunity to meet for breakfast and start networking with 45 seconds to introduce themselves and their business. Following a brief presentation, introductions and breakfast, attendees are invited to continue networking. The breakfast cost is $8 and payment is due when the reservation is made. Only one representative per company. Reserve your space by Dec. 7 by contacting Missy Hartley at 431-8638 or mhartley@mobilechamber.com. No cancellations will be reimbursed after this date to cover the cost of breakfast. *Members Only




Time: 5:30 - 7 p.m. Place: LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, 967 Hillcrest Rd. Cost: $5 for members, $10 for potential members Contact: Missy Hartley at 431-8638 or mhartley@mobilechamber.com

For information on Chamber events, visit events.mobilechamber.com.

GCTC Luncheon The Gulf Coast Technology Council will host its bi-monthly luncheon Wednesday, Dec. 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at ITT Technical Institute, 3100 Cottage Hill Rd., Bldg. 3. A panel of technology experts will answer questions ranging from “What makes a good storage solution for offline?” to “What are the benefits of connectivity options?” The cost to attend is $15 for Chamber members and $20 for potential members and includes lunch. Reservations are requested. For more information, contact Christina Stimpson at 431-8636 or cstimpson@ mobilechamber.com.

Networking@Noon* Networking@Noon will be held Wednesday, Jan. 13 at the Malaga Inn, 359 Church St. N@N is a bi-monthly event offering members 45 seconds to introduce themselves and their business. Following a brief presentation, introductions and lunch, attendees are invited to continue networking. The event is limited to Mobile Area Chamber members and one representative per company. The cost is $10 and includes lunch. Payment is due with reservation. Reservations are required no later than Monday, Jan. 11, and can be made by contacting Missy Hartley at 431-8638 or mhartley@mobilechamber.com. Reservations not cancelled by this date must be honored to cover the cost of the lunch.

Mobile Area Chamber 173rd Annual Meeting Set for Tuesday, Jan.19 The new supplement for a new generation – Mobile! Boldly exploring new possibilities for our city’s future, think back to how we got to where we are now and what is to come. Attend the Mobile Area Chamber’s 173rd Annual Meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 19 at the Mobile Civic Center from 6 to 9 p.m. The cost to attend is $50 each or $485 for a group of 10 tickets (Chamber members only) or $60 each (potential Chamber members). At the meeting, business leaders will discuss what is happening here in the Port City and how the strong regional alliances and strategic partnerships make collective accomplishments to help fuel the Mobile’s area’s economic expansion for the next century and beyond. This year’s meeting will start with an introduction and presentation of Chamber executives, volunteers and award winners and an accomplishment video followed by the largest networking reception featuring 18 local restaurants, caterers and beverage sponsors. Awards given during the program will include the Corporate Community Service Award, Innovator of the Year, Manufacturer of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Chamber Chase awards and the Delchamps Award. For more information, visit events. mobilechamber.com or contact Carolyn Wilson at 431-8606 or cwilson@mobile chamber.com. See ad on page 2

*Members Only

Annual Meeting Fast Facts

Executive Roundtable* Executive Roundtable, a monthly forum exclusively for Chamber-member small business owners and managers, will meet Tuesday, Dec. 15 from 8 to 9 a.m. in the Mobile Area Chamber Board Room, 451 Government St. The December meeting will focus on members’ best practices and plan Executive Roundtable topics for the upcoming year. There is no charge to attend, but seating is limited. For reservations contact Brenda Rembert at 431-8607 or brembert@ mobilechamber.com. *Members only


Business After Hours Join business professionals at Business After Hours at LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, 967 Hillcrest Rd., on Thursday, Jan. 28 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Enjoy a casual evening of networking with complimentary hors d’oeuvres and beverages. This is one of the best opportunities to introduce yourself and your business to other members and to make new contacts. The cost to attend is $5 for members and $10 for potential members. Reservations are not needed.

What: Mobile Area Chamber’s 173rd Annual Meeting When: Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010 Time: 5:30 p.m. - doors open 6 p.m. - program 7 p.m. - networking reception Cost: $50 each or group of 10 tickets for $485, Chamber members only) or $60 each (potential Chamber members) Who should attend: The event is open to the public and typically attended by 1,300 of the community’s leaders, managers, professionals and business owners Contact: Carolyn Wilson at 431- 8606 or cwilson@ mobilechamber.com

| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


e mber News




The University of South Alabama College of Medicine appointed four new assistant professors. Stephanie Anderson MD and Anne-Marie Dore Rider Kaulfers MD joined the department of pediatrics. Anderson earned her medical degree from Medical University of South Carolina and completed an internal medicine-pediatric residency with Greenville Hospital System at the University of South Carolina. Kaulfers received her medical degree from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed a pediatric residency at the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington, Ky. Druhan L. Howell MD will work jointly in internal medicine and pediatrics. She received her medical degree and completed a combined residency in internal medicine and pediatrics at USA. Paul F. Rider MD joined the department of surgery. Rider earned his medical degree from USA and completed his surgery residency at University of Kentucky in Lexington. X Connie Hudson joined LifeSouth Community Blood Centers as technical manager. Hudson works directly with area hospitals providing blood and blood products as well as managing Hudson laboratory operations. X Russell Thompson Butler & Houston LLP announced two new staff members. James Shore joined Shore Cocke the firm as a staff accountant specializing in financing and auditing. Shore earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degree from Auburn University. Angela Broadus Cocke was hired as marketing director. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Virginia’s Hollins College in communication studies. Previously, she was an account supervisor with Fitzgerald+CO in Atlanta.

ACO Information Services LLC, a provider of enterprise-scale software solutions, announced Brian Mosley as report writer for the company’s STAR System Mosley regulatory solution. Previously, he worked for ACO Information Services at MapuSoft Technologies. Mosley holds a bachelor’s degree in computer and information sciences from University of South Alabama. X BancorpSouth Mortgage announced Suzanne Chatten and Noel Turner as mortgage loan officers. Chatten will Chatten Turner work at the Airport and McGregor BancorpSouth branch. Turner is located at the Schillinger branch. X Cornerstone Investment Management & Consulting hired Josh Tucker as research associate. Tucker earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from Mississippi State Tucker University. X Vickers, Riis, Murray and Curran LLC announced Charles E. Tait joined the firm as an associate. He holds both a bachelor’s and master’s Tait degree in accounting as well as a law degree from The University of Alabama. X




Wilkins Miller Hieronymus appointed senior accountant positions to Hardy Demeranville, Regan Fargason, Rachel Horton and Brandi Morgan. X




First Community Bank of Mobile added Siri Albright as senior vice president and chief financial officer. The bank also promoted Justin Jennings to vice president of retail administration and transitioned John Naughton, vice president, from Mobile to Baldwin County.

Red Square Agency recently completed two new projects. The ad agency teamed up with the Alabama State Treasury Department’s CollegeCounts 529 Fund, formerly the Alabama Higher Education 529 Fund, to produce a public awareness campaign. In addition, Brewton, Ala.-based Natural Decorations Inc. (NDI) hired the agency to produce a retail web site. X University of South Alabama announced it is adding a new health administration and policy concentration within its existing master’s degree in public administration. The Alabama Commission on Higher Education approved the new addition. X Constantine Human Resource Consulting LLC partnered with the Prism Group, a consulting firm in Birmingham, and Career Partners International to offer career consulting and coaching in the Mobile/Baldwin area. The firms will partner on delivering corporate programs, outplacement workshops and individual coaching.

22,200 othER DECision MakERs RECEivED THE BUSINESS VIEW toDay. Introduce your company. Market your company. Promote your company. Advertise your company. By advertising in The Business View, you can reach the decision-makers at more than 22,200 area businesses every month.






Ellis Weiss, Melissa Strickland and Tangula Grove joined the Roberts Brothers West office as agents. Christie Waller is a new agent at Robert Brothers, the Real Estate Center. In addition, David Douglas joined the Roberts Brothers Airport Square office.

Photo credit myshotz.com , Tad Denson

Contact René Eiland at 251.431.8635 or e-mail reiland@mobilechamber.com. www.mobilechamber.com/view/media_kit.pdf

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce


The Business View |



Member News American WeatherStar created a spray foam division to provide roofing insulation with improved energy efficiency. The company also launched its new web site – www.americanweatherstar.com. X Magnolia Media LLC created an attorneys division for the advertising firm. The division will focus on printed material, online advertising and social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and Blogger. X The University of Mobile is offering Gaining Advancement Through Education (GATE), a program for adult students wishing to further their education. X White-Spunner Construction Inc. announced it successfully completed a student housing project at Auburn University on schedule. The construction site is one of the largest housing projects in the state.

Jack A. Di Palma MD, gastroenterologist and professor of internal medicine at the University of South Alabama, published a study in American Journal of

Submission deadline for Member News is two months prior to publication. News releases should be one or two brief paragraphs. Photos must be professional headshots, labeled with the person’s last name, and must be 300 dpi at full size and saved in an eps, tif or jpg format. Send your information to news@mobilechamber.com.

Gastroenterology. The study evaluates a new colon-cleansing solution to prepare adults for a colonoscopy. X Melissa N. Magerkurth earned the Qualified 401(k) Administrator credential from the American Society of Pension Professionals & Actuaries. Magerkurth works as an employee retirement income security act compliance consultant at Employee Fiduciary Corp. X The Hampton Inn & Suites Downtown was honored by the Downtown Mobile Alliance with a Leadership Achievement Award. The award is presented to “an individual, organization or business that has made an outstanding contribution to the vitality of downtown Mobile.” X St. Paul’s Episcopal School was selected as a 2009-2010 State Farm Service Learning Partnership Grant recipient. St. Paul’s and Habitat for Humanity in Mobile County will build a Habitat home. X Rachel Horton with Wilkins Miller Hieronymus passed the Certified Public Accounting examination. Horton



Alabama Power ranked 11th out of 100 North American electric and gas companies by E SOURCE survey. The survey gauged “success in serving residential customers.” X USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital received $25,000 from RIDEYELLOW. RIDEYELLOW is a fund-raising bicycle ride benefitting the USS Hope pediatric oncology treatment center located in USA Children’s and Women’s Hospital. X Kenneth S. Steely was invited to join the International Masters of Gaming Law (IMGL). Steely is an associate with Jones Walker in the Government Relations and Business & Commercial Litigation Practice Groups. He is the only attorney in the state of Alabama accepted as a member of the IMGL. The organization is an invitationonly, non-profit association for education and advancement of the gaming law profession. X Mobile Area Water & Sewer System (MAWSS) elected James W. Bell to board chairman. Bell is a partner in Branch, Bell, Zoghby & Associates. Also Bell elected to the MAWSS board were Maynard V. Odom, vice chair and Dr. James E. Laier, secretary-treasurer. X Butch Blum of Dauphin Realty was chosen by his peers to represent south Alabama at the Alabama Association of Realtors (AAR). Blum was also recognized as a graduate of the AAR 2009 leadership class. X The Junior League of Mobile (JLM) announced its Community Advisory Council. Members of the council will promote JLM, provide program feedback and assess and advise JLM on programs and resources. The 2009-2010 council members include: Gigi Armbrecht, Joe Busta, Chris Lee, Scott Posey, Peter Albrecht, Beverly M. Cooper, Bert H. Eichold, Linda S. Ingram, Janée Bonner, Steve W. Chiepalich, Mark Davidson and Chris Conte. X Hancock Bank celebrates its 110th anniversary in four states, including Alabama. Hancock Bank has served the Gulf South since 1899. X Dr. Susan Pruet received the Activist Award at the 35th annual Research on Women and Education conference. Pruet, the director for Engaging Youth in Engineering (EYE), was chosen for leading initiative. EYE is a program of the Mobile County Public School System.

There is Strength in Numbers... A recent study showed that consumers are 63 percent more likely to purchase goods or services from a small business that is a Chamber member. For as little as 83 cents a day your membership will yield a return in: • Business assistance; • Professional development seminars and counseling; • Networking opportunities; • Advocacy aimed at protecting your business interests; and much more. The Mobile Area Chamber, through a contract with the city of Mobile and Mobile County, is the lead economic recruiter and collaborates with various entities to secure projects for the Mobile Bay area. More jobs increase your potential client base! In addition, the Chamber focuses on quality of life. One small fee allows you to be involved in improving education, the economy, business and many other critical issues. For more information about becoming a member, contact Carolyn Golson at 431-8622 or cgolson@mobilechamber. com or visit www.mobilechamber.com. The Business of Mobile is Our Business.

University of South Alabama presented $18,850 to United Way of Southwest Alabama during halftime at the Jaguars inaugural football game at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. Proceeds from the game’s individual ticket sales benefitted United Way. X Mobile Infirmary Medical Center was recognized for providing the best care for patients through The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s “Get With The Guidelines” program. The guidelines address coronary artery disease, heart failure and stroke. The hospital is featured in the “America’s Best Hospitals” issue of US News & World Report.

| The Business View | Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Clip and add to your Membership Directory.


e w Members

View the complete membership directory at www.mobilechamber.com.

If you know of a company interested in benefitting from Chamber membership, contact Rebecca Milam at 431-8647 or Heather Bell at 431-8627.

Affordable Security & Protection Louis and Tina Loe 2100 Government St., Ste. C Mobile, AL 36606 251-634-8023 www.asapal.com Burglar Alarm Systems

Cameron Valve & Measurement Craig Shaw 5237 Halls Mill Rd., Bldg. N Mobile, AL 36619-9603 251-660-6895 www.c-a-m.com Valves

Environmental Resource Management (ERM) Deepu Dethan PE 820 University Blvd. S., Ste. 1A Mobile, AL 36609-7859 251-380-0046 www.erm.com Environmental Consultants

All A Bloom Florist & Gifts Anita Motykiewicz 6677 Three Notch Rd., Ste. A Mobile, AL 36619-1691 251-666-0509 www.all-a-bloom.com Florists & Gifts

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Southwest Alabama Clevelyne Alexander 4321-D Midmost Dr. Mobile, AL 36609-5521 251-344-1116 www.cefonline.com Child Activity Programs

Gulf Coast Appraisal Services Inc. John McAnnally 1422B Hillcrest Rd. Mobile, AL 36695-4020 251-634-2522 Real Estate Appraisers

Allied Electronics Choan Emmons 2970 Cottage Hill Rd., Ste. 209 Mobile, AL 36606-4748 251-476-1875 www.alliedelec.com Electronic Equipment Supplies-Sales Avon South LLC Wanda R. Brown 1065 Schillinger Rd. S. Mobile, AL 36695 251-607-0320 www.youravon.com/asouthllc Skin Care Big Communications John L. Montgomery III 1031 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. S. Birmingham, AL 35205 205-322-5646 Ext:101 www.bigcom.com Advertising Agencies

Members Are Our Greatest Asset!


Gulf Coast Therapy Bee Powell 1903 Springhill Ave. Mobile, AL 36607-2303 251-476-0525 www.gulfcoasttherapy.com Physical Therapy

Cornerstone Solutions Inc. Antonia Fitzpatrick 4122-B Government Blvd. Mobile, AL 36693 251-662-3435 www.csiteamonline.com Employment Services

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Ben Meisler 29725 Woodrow Ln. Daphne, AL 36526-8685 251-621-1223 www.hiexpress.com/DaphneAL Hotels

Custom Monogramming Gia Dinges 126-C Industrial Pkwy. Saraland, AL 36571-3700 251-679-8234 Embroidery & Monogramming

Impresario Promotional Concepts LLC Eric M. Walker 2029B Airport Blvd., Ste. 203 Mobile, AL 36606-1366 251-767-2290 www.impresarioconcepts.com Marketing


Southern Ionics Inc. Stewart Title Guaranty Co.


Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services Spectrum Collision Transgroup Worldwide Logistics


Bell Law Firm PC George Davis Wingate by Wyndham/Bellingrath Gardens


ACO Information Services LLC All Clean Janitorial Service LLC Allied Waste Services/BFI Alpha Data Corp. American-German Business Club of Mobile

LaQuinta Inn & Suites Satsuma/North Mobile Nikhil M. Patel 6104 Hwy. 43 Satsuma, AL 36572-2121 251-675-5977 www.6261.lq.com Hotels & Suites

Pepe’s Consignment Boutique Brenda Hutto 5401 Cottage Hill Rd., Ste. C Mobile, AL 36609 251-661-1900 www.pepesboutique.com Consignment Gallery Premier Window of the Gulf Coast LLC Theresa Fendley 901 Butler Dr., Ste. D Mobile, AL 36693-5107 251-643-1701 www.PremierWindowsAndMore.com Home Improvements



Stagecoach Cafe on the Creek Louisa Terrell 4815 Halls Mill Rd. Mobile, AL 36693-5633 251-602-6986 Restaurants Staged Homes Mobile Mary Brown 3980 Spring Landing Ct. Theodore, AL 36582-2548 251-401-2488 www.stagedhomesmobile.com Decorator/Stager Strojny & Strojny Financial Services Roy Breakfield 7355 Airport Blvd. Mobile, AL 36608-4505 251-633-4226

www.strojnycorp.net Financial Services TechCapitol William Martin 1060 Hillside Ct. Mobile, AL 36695-9600 251-442-6133 www.techcapitolinc.com Web Site Design Tiger Offshore Rental LTD Kerry Baumgardner 7778 Dauphin Island Pkwy. Theodore, AL 36582 337-912-2348 www.modernusa.com Offshore Equipment Rental TIMEC Co. Inc. Kip Robinson 308 St. Michael St. Mobile, AL 36602-2819 251-643-6276 www.timec.com Contractors-General ViewMARK Communications Mark Roberts 3245 McRae Dr. Mobile, AL 36695-5215 251-289-9456 www.viewmarkcommunications.com Public Relations Firm Weichert, Realtors Southern Properties Russ Davidson 5613 Cottage Hill Rd. Mobile, AL 36609-4210 251-445-6868 www.weichertmobile.com Real Estate As of 9/30/09

Please show your support through the patronage of these businesses.

Anytime Fitness Baldwin County Sewer Service Bay Security Co. LLC BaySide Dinners Bell Micro LPGA Classic Belmar Furniture & Appliance Inc. Blooming Dell’s Florist Inc. Brookley Conference Center USA The Carter Group LLC Coldwell Banker Charles Hayes Real Estate Inc. CONTECH Construction Products Inc. Craft Turf Farms Dependable Machining Services LLC Eggplant Systems & Design Embroidery By The Bay Facilities Resource Group Inc. Filters-Now.com First Command Financial Planning Furmanite A Gathering of Jewels Inc. Greater Mobile Urgent Care

Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Shipboard Electrical & Air Inc. Rick Coffman 951 Springhill Ave. Mobile, AL 36604-2721 251-433-2775 www.shipboardelectricalandair.com Shipping Services

Optera Creative Inc./ Identity Signs Corrina Stellitano Murray 17325 County Rd. 68 Loxley, AL 36551 251-583-6774 www.opteracreative.com Marketing

Jewels by Park LaneJoan Miller Joan Miller 15040 McLaughlin Ln. Mobile, AL 36608-9017

Reagent Technology Services a division of Mississippi Lime Steve Diller 1551 Cochrane Causeway Mobile, AL 36602 314-543-6364 www.mississippilime.com Industrial Minerals & Reagents Toni Riales Photography LLC Toni Riales 750 Downtowner Loop W., Ste. J Mobile, AL 36609-5500 251-342-1188 www.toniriales.com Photographers-Commercial

League of Women Voters of Mobile Mary McGinnis P.O. Box 40602 Mobile, AL 36640-0602 251-378-8378 www.lwval.org Non-Profit Organization

Coastal Promotions Bradley Martens 2765 Kreitner St. Mobile, AL 36606-2205 251-709-0645 Advertising Specialties

Davison Fuels & Oil Co. Inc. Josh Davison 8450 Tanner Williams Rd. Mobile, AL 36608-8316 251-633-4446 Oils-Fuel

251-649-7668 www.myparklane.com/joanmiller Jewelry

Hernandez Calhoun Design International Hixardt Technologies Inc. Home Dialysis Options of Baldwin County Horn Truck Rebuilders LLC Hotel Magnolia Jay Mills Inc. John Fayard Moving & Warehousing LLC Kemper Industries Inc The Koberg Co. La Quinta Inn & Suites Lewis Precision & CNC Inc. LifeSouth Community Blood Centers Magic Moments Inc. Metals Inc. Mobile Bay Transportation Co. Inc. New Generation Church OfficeMax Ole Bay Management Inc. OrgDev Consulting Group Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy Professional Estimating Service Inc.

The Business View |

Prudential Cooper & Co. Inc. Commercial Division Qualastat Inc. Ross, Jordan & Gray PC SERVPRO of South Mobile County The Shed BBQ & Blues Joint Shipyard Supply Silver King Golf Club LLC Silver Ships Simplex Grinnell LP South Alabama Leisure Rehab Center Inc. The Stewart Lodges at Steelwood T-Mobile Wireless Talecris Plasma Resource TheDailyClassifieds.com VISTAGE International: SLATE Group Webjed Wells Fargo Financial Wiregrass Hospice, A Gentiva Co. As of 9/30/09



STRENGTH IN NUMBERS ...delivers rst class advice.

At the most critical time in starting a printing business with her husband, Dee Lam turned to the Chamber’s small business department for help. She’ll tell you that it was a Chamber staff advisor who convinced her to add a mailing service division, and was the rst to do so in the area. Today, that division accounts for nearly 40 percent of the company’s revenue. As one of 2,500 Chamber members, Dee has access to resources, exposure and networking to grow her business and make it thrive – and that partnership turned into rst-class advice.

Dee Lam Postmark Ink. 17 employees Member Since 1992

The Business of Mobile is our Business. joinmobilechamber.com 251.433.6951

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