Mobile Electronics Magazine - Jan-Feb 2022

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On Sunday evening, at the end of KnowledgeFest Las Vegas, we will all come together to celebrate the winners during the most prestigious awards ceremony of the mobile electronics industry.

WINNER, WINNER… … and what comes to mind?

Well, it’s not chicken dinner. It’s the annual Mobile Electronics Industry Awards—a time to recognize those who’ve excelled beyond their peers. On Sunday evening, at the end of KnowledgeFest Las Vegas, we will all come together to celebrate the winners during the most prestigious awards ceremony of the mobile electronics industry. I know many are thrilled to have been nominated for an award. This year, I’m happy to say we’ll get to meet in person for these announcements. This in itself—meeting in person—makes it even more special for me and hopefully for you, as well. What’s it all about? Held annually, the Mobile Electronics Industry Awards comprises a months-long process to recognize and honor those in the mobile electronics industry who best exemplify the professionalism, business ethics, service and expertise we want consumers to think of when they do business in our industry. Candidate companies and individuals submit video nominations and are narrowed to a list of finalists after a selection or voting process. In certain award categories, finalists submit materials which are then judged by a select panel to determine a winner. In other categories, final voting tallies determine the winner. All winners are announced at the special awards ceremony, held the last day of the Mobile Electronics Association (MEA) KnowledgeFest tradeshow and conference this year in Las Vegas. Should you attend even if you aren’t nominated? The short answer is yes. If you are attending KnowledgeFest Las Vegas, there’s a great reason to attend. First, to support and cheer

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on others who have poured heart and soul into showing who they are to the industry at large. Second, and equally as important: to enjoy a great night of networking with your industry family. It is a rare and special occasion to have that many industry professionals together in one room. The wealth of knowledge and wisdom is hard to measure. All KnowledgeFest Las Vegas attendees are welcome to join us February 20th starting at 6:30pm at the South Point Hotel and Convention Center in the Grand Ballroom. What should you wear? That’s a good question. My suggestion: whatever you’re comfortable wearing. Since this is our industry awards, many like to step it up a bit. Don’t be surprised to see some of the finalists wearing their best bib and tucker. This event has always been a come one, come all, clad in whatever makes you comfortable. So don’t miss the awards just because you didn’t bring your best duds. What’s important is to make the time to join the rest of the industry as we announce and then celebrate the accomplishments of those who took the time to represent the best of the best for the industry. I hope to see you there! But if you miss KnowledgeFest Las Vegas, know that you have several other opportunities to connect, starting with KnowledgeFest Indianapolis, April 1 - 3; KnowledgeFest Orlando, June 10 - 12 (a great place for a family vacation); and KnowledgeFest Dallas, August 26 - 28. Regardless of the event you attend, you can count on over 40 hours of high-quality education workshops and 60-plus hours of your favorite suppliers driving home the benefits of selling their top-quality products and services.

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