InStyle Magazine The ultimate fashion guide
InStyle is one of the best-selling monthly women’s fashion magazines published in the United States by Time Inc. InStyle brings together the best of high fashion and celebrity style to enhance the lives and individual style of real women. The magazine comes up with the latest fashion and beauty tips to help you create your own unique look. Each issue is packed with celebrity style secrets, hot fashion trends, best beauty buys, hair, makeup, accessories and more.
In the latest issue of InStyle magazine, read an exclusive interview with Shailene Woodley, in which she talks about love, gratitude & living a life of beautiful simplicity. She also reveals how after a three-week-long trip to India, she returned to the States with nothing more than "a pair of leggings, a pair of sweats, one longsleeve shirt, and a shawl." To know more about her favorite red carpet looks, including one she picked up at Anthropologie on sale for $30, grab your latest copy of InStyle magazine now.
You can read InStyle digital magazine on the go by downloading the Magzter app on your iOS or Android devices and subscribing to the magazine. The magazine can also be accessed on Magzter's website ( by using the web browser on your personal computer. Choose annual InStyle subscription on Magzter to get incredible discount, while you can also purchase any single issue of the magazine.
Subscribe to InStyle on Magzter now and stay updated with the best of high fashion and celebrity style.