Money magazine

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Money Magazine - Meet your financial goals

Money is a well-renowned business magazine that is published by Time Inc. since October 1972. The magazine helps readers invest sensibly, plan wisely, and spend smartly so they can achieve their goals, from financing their children’s education to supporting their own retirement to affording the trip they've always dreamed of taking. Money helps you take charge of your finances, providing trusted advice to successfully earn, plan, invest, and spend. Money provides in-depth coverage of stocks, mutual funds, the markets, the economy, and the best things money can buy - from travel and technology to home and luxury goods. The magazine also gives you advice on college savings and retirement planning.

The latest issue of Money magazine features the ultimate guide to launching a business. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, this is a must-read article. Also, know how to get great cellphone service for less and learn how to slash your drug costs by 40% or more. Don't miss reading about the 12 ways to cut your taxes. Money digital magazine is available on Magzter, the world's largest digital magazine newsstand. The digital magazine can be read on Magzter by visiting on the web browser from your personal computer and subscribing to it. Magzter can also be accessed on your mobile phones and tablets by downloading the Magzter app across any platform (Android/iOS). The annual Money subscription is available at an amazing discounted price on Magzter. Subscribe to Money magazine on Magzter now and meet all your financial goals.

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