Mobile Seaweed Farm

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MOBILE SEAWEED FARM Sustaining Life in the Ocean Studio SpyropoulosTutors Theodore Spyropoulos | David Greene | Hanjun Kim | Apostolos Despotidis |Octavian Gheorghiu | Olgucan SulucayTeam Zhaorui Zeng | Luisa Pires | Sukanya Balaji | Paul Yakubu

CONTENTS 00 | INTRODUCTION TO LIFE ON THE OCEAN 01 | THESIS FRAMEWORK 1.1 Introduction: Studio Brief 1.2 Examining problems affecting life in the ocean 1.2.1 Climate Change & Temperature Rise 1.2.2 Extensive Farming & Ecological Imbalance 1.2.3 Microplastics & Bioaccumulation 1.3 Microplastics: Statistics 1.4 Microplastics: Behaviour 1.5 Microplastics: Experiments 1.6 Microplastics: Seaweed Experiments 1.7 Microplastics: Method Analysis 1.8 Case Study: Cloud of Sea by Matteo Brasili 1.9 How does Seaweed affect the Ocean? 1.10 Seaweed Farming: Background Study 1.11 Seaweed Farming: Methods 1.12 Seaweed: Species Analysis 1.13 Case Study: Robotic Kelp Farms by Marine BioEnergy 1.14 Thesis Statement 02 | PROPOSAL : MOBILE SEAWEED FARM 03 | ON-SITE NET PRODUCTION 3.1 Seaweed Bioplastic 3.1.1 Material: Explorations 3.1.2 Seaweed Bioplastics: Species and Properties Analysis 3.2 Printing on Water 3.2.1 Fluidity and Floatation 3.2.2 Wave Motion Test 3.2.3 Geometry test without anchor points 3.2.4 Geometry test with anchor points 3.2.5 Geometry test with mixed PLA and Seaweed bioplastic 3.2.6 Geometry test with PLA 3.2.7 Printing Nozzle Simulations 3.2.8 Wave- Displacement Simulations 3.2.9 Printing on Water With Pre-Cured Seaweed Bioplastic | Pattern Studies 3.2.10 Central Node And Spiral Pattern With Catenaries 3.2.11 Circular Motion Tests 3.2.12 Presence of Current

3.3 Agent3.3.1PrototypingPrototype Aspects Hybridisation 3.3.2 Agent Movement Range [Longitudinal - Rotational] 3.3.3 Digital Simulations 3.3.4 Physical Prototype 04 | FARMING & MICROSPLASTIC COLLECTION 4.1 Seedling 4.2 Stages of Growth 4.3 Net Pattern Analysis 4.4 Singular Agent Behaviour 4.5 Agent Aggregation: Circular Packing 4.6 Agent Aggregation: Physical Experiment 4.7 Collective Agent Behaviour 4.8 Collective Agent Behaviour Simulations 4.9 Power of Ocean Currents 4.10 Microplastics Collection 4.11 Agent Aggregation: Seaweed Growth Rate 4.12 Agent Aggregation: Seaweed Islands 05 | SEAWEED & MICROPLASTICS HARVESTING 5.1 Harvesting Behaviour 5.2 Harvesting: Ballon Behaviour 5.3 Harvesting: Seaweed Caves 06 | PROTOTYPING 6.1 3D Printing Componenet Tests - 2D 6.2 3D Printing Aggregations 6.3 3D Printing Net Tests - 3D 6.4 3D Water Printer Floating Prototypes BIBLIOGRAPHY

With millions of species of plant and animal life, the oceans covering about 71 percent of the Earth hold up to 80 percent of our planet’s life forms within. As Earth’s largest aquatic ecosystem with varying layers of fascinating habitats like the coral reefs, kelp forests, estuaries, mangroves, coastal areas, and the deep sea zones, marine ecology shares a magical eminence in terms of sustaining life. However, our oceans housing many of the most beautiful complex forms of organic life need to be immediately saved from the many detrimental impacts of marine pollution and degradation. The Industrial Revolution and the era of the wasteful Anthropocene are vividly being blamed for the alarming global-scale pollution and destruction of our delicate ecologies. Humans have indeed polluted land, air, and water; we have consumed and we have wasted ungodly amounts of resources to satisfy our needs and greeds. But the true problem is not technology, rather it is the impact of misusing it. There is a pressing need to address the problems created by our current lifestyles in an attempt to sustain life on our planet. And, to save oceanic life, we need to understand and appreciate the existing ecology of the oceans and identify relational issues that could be solved through careful interventions. | INTRODUCTION: LIFE IN THE OCEAN


“Technology is the answer, but what was the question?” | Sustaining Life in the Ocean

Of the many issues faced by oceanic life, the most primary ones were identified to be global warming causing lethal temperature rise in the waters, microplastics and bioaccumulation resulting from pollution, and extensive fish farming methods that cause severe ecological imbalance through crowding and concentrated waste accumulation. These concerns are intriguingly complex but also dangerously affective on a planetary scale. Our ecosystems now require more than vernacular methods of co-living—we need to enable a humannonhuman co-evolution within our terrestrial ecologies. We envision the era of the Novacene wherein technology would be utilized in this essence to generate correlated systems of electronic agents that support and sustain life in the ocean.

Our research is focused on marine life in the coastal regions where biodiversity and direct human interaction is maximal. The experiments and inferences are based on exploring the behaviours of two potential plastic materials, microplastics and bioplastics, and offering a comprehensive system of swarm agents that aid in sustaining life in the oceans.

Global warming causes a significant increase in water temperature as the ocean absorbs most of the excess heat from greenhouse gas emissions. Rising temperatures affect marine ecology as each species require specific ranges of temperature for survival and heated waters can cause serious damage like coral bleaching, loss of breeding grounds and even extinction of

From an elemental perspective, Mobile Seaweed Farm uses seaweed as technology to clean and sustain life in the ocean. The thesis is rooted in the idea of engaging a live marine agent that responds positively to life-threatening issues in its environment. Naturally, seaweed farming aids in cooling down the oceans through photosynthesis and is a better enriched substitute to fish farming but further glaringly, it addresses the dangerous paradoxical influences of the use of plastics on marine ecology.

1.2 Examining Problems Affecting Life In The Ocean

the amount of oxygen and a parallel decrease in carbon dioxide by photosynthesis is one way to balance the heat gain. Likewise, moving the cooler deeper waters upwards by initiating a current in the oceanic layers is another suggested method.

Research confirms that marine micro-plastics pollution is an alarming concern that requires immediate in-situ attention and steadfast retrieval. However, to achieve meaningful success, an agency-based responsive system needs to be proficient in terms of not only collecting but also replacing plastics as a potent flexible material. In this regard, seaweed as an alternative technology succeeds in either aspect as it is a natural attractor for hydrophobic plastic particles and the primary ingredient for biodegradable bio-plastics. Micro-plastics form colloids and attach to jellylike seaweed surface thus making it a natural filter while seaweed bio-plastic, on the other hand, becomes an alternative sustainable material for its own farming infrastructure.


Together with materiality, natural forces in the ocean like winds and currents on local and global scales is utilized to create sensible robotic swarms that respond to their environment through adopting beneficial biological trajectories and harvesting renewable energy. The project consequently follows the fundamental perception by Buckminster Fuller: “Don’tfightforces,usethem.” FRAMEWORK

1.1 Introduction: Studio Brief

1.2.1 Climate Change & Temperature Rise

Aquafarming has emerged to answer the growing demands of seafood globally. It has accounted for the most growth in production from the fish sector since 1990. As a scetor it has also employed 20.5million people globally. one the commercial forms of fish aquaculture involve the breeding, raising and harvesting fish and aquatic plants in controlled cages within the ocean. It involves open net pens sunk into the ocean and held with anchors to the sea bed, young fishes are places in the open net and farmed until they are ready for harvest.

As this system takes advantage of ocean currents in the continuous delivery of oxygen and removal of fish waste, the ocean bears the cost as a constant recipient of concentrated waste. This waste can change the chemical make-up and biodiversity in ocean areas. An example is pesticides from the cages carried by water to affect other aquatic animals. There is also the potential of the transfer of diseases from the farmed fish to the wild fish which move free in the ocean. Aqua farming can also lead to ecological imbalance in the ocean as farm fish escape, breed with wild fish and attack the wild fish due to competition for food.

1.2.2 Extensive Farming & Ecological Imbalance

1.2.3 Microplastics & Bioaccumulation

Marine plastic pollution is one of the most distressing problems of the Anthropocene era. The present non-negotiable production of plastic products and the ever increasing contamination of marine waters with macroplastics have caused deep impacts to the ocean ecosystems. A particularly riveting factor of plastic pollution is the resultant generation of microplastics. Bigger pieces of plastics are broken down by UV rays and other chemical agents into smaller particles that can enter the foodchain resulting in bioaccumulation and biomagnification that intrudes the bodies of every related organism—even the human digestive tracts through consuming seafood.

The figure to the left shows the concentration of microplastics in the five major ocean gyres where the macroplastics have accumulated as garbage patches following the ocean currents. These regions are being cleaned by organizations like Parley and The Ocean Clean Up that pick up the macroplastics. But the already spreading tiny particles of broken plastic, microplastics, can only be extracted through careful intervention.

Microplastics are fragments of any type of plastic less than 5 mm (0.20 in) in length, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the European Chemicals Agency.

270 million tons/year Global Primary Plastic Production 275 million tons/year Global Plastic Waste Generation 99.5 million tons/year 31.9 million tons/year Coastal Plastic Waste CoastalMismanagedPlastic Waste 8 milliontoPlastictons/yearInputtheOcean 1.3 Microplastics: Statistics

Flakes: > 5mm Pebbles: 2- 5mm Powder: <1 mm PLANKTON NETS ?

Microplastics consist of different types of plastics (depending on chemical combinations) but these are generally classified further on the basis of size for ease of collection. The bigger ones break down into smaller particles due to UV radtiation and other chemical

1.4 Microplastics: Behaviour

plankton nets are used to collect the flakes and pebble plastics which can be easily collected in the nets but this would also trap live planktons in the water. An efficient system of filters are therefore necessary to collect these implicitly. Furthermore, the powder plastics that are too fine and widely spread needs to be collected using a mechanism that responds effectively to its behavioural characters.

Research into these concluded that they behave as colloids in water meidum due to their hydrophobicity which also tends toxic metals from pollutants to be attracted to their surfaces. These are deeply dangerous to the organisms that consume them and also poses the greater threat of biomagnification. They tend to break down further into hydrophilic nanoparticles that settles to the sea bed which makes it frighteningly impossible to recover. Hence, we propose that an explicity system of filters that can get flakes and pebbles alongwith an effective technique for powder plastics is necessary.



Microplastics have a general tendency to form colloids in water medium. As plastics are generally hydrophobic, i.e. they tend to resist contact with water molecules, the smaller microplastics tend to combine together as colloids when in a water medium. The hydrophobic nature of these particles further attracts other ions [ which could be toxic metal ions from pollutants ] onto its surface to reduceits surface contact with water.

2. Hydrophobic Absorption

The microplastic particles further brea down due to UVradiation and other factors into nano microplastics. These particles are hydrophilic and therefore move as separate particles and finally sink to the ocean bed from where it is extremely hard to collect them. 3.Wetability

1. Aggregation

(A) magnetite and magnet for dry microplastics

(B) magnetite, oil, and a magnet for microplastics in water medium

1.5 Microplastics: Experiments

(C) Cathode-Anode Electromagnetic field

+ Magnet

1.6 Microplastics: Seaweed Experiments

(D) Microplastics attached to seaweed colloidal hydrophobic microplastic particles respond to electromagnetic fields. The particles become charged and can be collected using a magnet. We carried out different experiments to explore this property using (a) cathode-anode electromagnetic field and magnet and (b) magnetite and magnet for dry microplastics, followed by (c) magnetite, oil, and a magnet for microplastics in water medium.


On learning more about ocean ecology, it was noticed that seaweeds attract microplastics onto their surfaces. Geometric trapping, electrostatic binding, and adhesion to seaweed mucus are the reasons for its attraction and retention. Now a problem faced by the seaweed industry currently, this could potentially offer an organic solution to collect powder microplastics. We experimented with a species of brown seaweed [Fucus serratus] and microplastics in water and the experiment was successful. “Microplasticshavebeenfoundtoclingtoseaweeds,whichserveasarouteformicroplastictransferintothemarinefoodwebandintohumanconsumption.”Thisphenonmenoniscurrentlyviewedasachallengengeintheseaweedproductionindustry.Thisthesistakesadifferentviewandexploresseaweedasasolutionframeworkfortheremovalofmicroplasticsfromtheocean

1.7 Microplastics: Methods Analysis

1.8 Case CLOUDStudy: OF THE SEA

By Matteo Brasili

Front with female thread and hole for attachment to the rope

Three-arm offset filter with holes retracting inwards Net and rotating ring of the filter

with male thread and hole for attachment to the rope


This product which has the intent to collect microplastics present in the sea is mainly composed of four parts, each with a specific joint towards the others: two external parts that make up the channel for water to pass through and holds for the ropes, a removable central ring and the rotating filter contained inside.

The shape of the product components have been designed to address the problems related to frictionwith water, in order to limit the pulling force of the object. The fundamental part of the system has been designed with a helical shape, capable of rotating during the passage of fluids, and at the same time, having holes in all faces, it continues to filter the microplastics.

The structure of the filter has a shape designed to reduce the friction coefficient andA to capture microplastics inside it, however without releasing them into the water.

The project futher explores the possibilites of seaweed farming as an avenue to utilize its ability to filter out microplastics


SEAWEEDABSORBSRELATIONSHIP...CO2 HABITAT FOR AQUATIC LIFE Utilizes dissoled nutrients and carbondioxide to grow at a faster rate than trees A safe habitat for hatchlings, it can support commercial fishing rather than competing 1.9 How does Seaweed affect the ocean?

CREATIONJOB MICROPLASTICSATTRACTS Seaweed farming can help regenerate communitiescoastal Increases drag in the ocean and attract microplastics through retention and electrostatci binding ...WITH MARINE ECOLOGY

MAP OF GLOBAL CULTIVATION OF SEAWEED Countries farming seaweed and their global percentage 1.10 Seaweed Farming: Background Study

Sunlight Temperature Weight

Suspended Farming Lines

Fixed Farming Lines

1.11 Seaweed Farming: Methods

Seaweed Growing from lines into the ocean

1.12 Seaweed: Species Analysis

1.13 Case


By Marine BioEnergy

The project is a concept developed by Marine’s BioEnergy for open kelp farms as a solution to Liquid Biofuel production. The project proposes to solve this by tethering their kelp farms to drone submarines that will submerge the entire farm every night, bringing all of the kelp down to the nutrient-rich water that it needs and then floating it back up again as the sun rises.

The drones are designed to be manufactured from reinforced concrete. Each farm would consist of an array of buoys connected by air hoses to allow to drones to control the buoyancy of the whole farm at once. The farms would only need to move at a few centimetres per second (the drones themselves would be powered by solar and wave generators). The idea is that the farms would mostly just float along with circular gyres found throughout the ocean. Once the kelp growing off of the hoses gets sufficiently long, the drones would pull the farm to a refinery ship, which would shave off most of the kelp and convert it into fuel before sending the farm back out into the ocean to regrow itself.

As far as biofuel goes, Marine BioEnergy estimates this open-ocean kelp farming method would result in “a cost per unit energy comparable to coal and natural gas: under $2.50/GJ.”

1.14 Thesis Statement TheAim-aim of the thesis is to design a circular system of a Mobile Seaweed Farm that includes on-site net production from seaweed bio-plastic, farming seaweed and filtering micro-plastics, and harvesting. 1.Objectives-Comparative research on material behaviours of micro-plastics and bioplastics with regard to marine ecology 2. Exploring 3D printing on water to enable on-site net production 3. Design and development of prototypes that can perform multiple functions— on-site production of circular farming nets, responsive collection of micro-plastics from polluted waters, creating harvesting structures 4. Investigating and utilizing natural elements like wind and currents in ocean environment for kinetics and floatation of prototypes using conceptions of buoyancy, sailing, and cheerios effect. 5. Simulating individual and group behaviours of agents in response to local and global conditions in response to presence and concentration of micro-plastics and nutrients, passive circular packing and active swarming, and generating harvesting Jamesworld“...theConclusion-structuresdistinguishingfeatureofhumanintelligenceisthatweuseittoanalyseandspeculateabouttheandthecosmosand,intheAnthopocene,tomakechangesofplanetarysignificance.“Lovelock,NOVACENE,“WhyWeAreHere”.MobileSeaweedFarmisawin-winapproachintheessencethatacircularsystemofseaweedaquaculturecanquiteenchantinglyrejuvenatetheoceanecosystemrangingfromverylocaltoanextensiveplanetaryscale—itcanradicallyrevolutionizebothmarinefarmingandplasticindustries.Theprojectherebyattemptstorealizetheimminentexistentialshiftwhereintechnologyshallenableandco-evolvewithorganicenvironments.



Other factors: 1. Temperature Ranges of Bioplastics 2. Strength as Lines 3. Degradation Rate Flakes without oil Pebbles without oil Pebbles with oil Powdered Laminaria: 1 spoon Powdered Fucus: 1 spoon Arrowroot Starch: 150 grams Glycerol: 100 (Plasticizer)mL Coconut oil: 50 150 (Hydrophobicity)mL 3.1.1 Material Explorations 3.1 Seaweed Bioplastic Sheet with oil Tubes without oil Filament without oil Sheet without oil Ingredients:

FUCUS FLAKES PEBBLES3.1.2FUCUS&LAMINARIALAMINARIASeaweedBioplastics: Species & Properties Analysis



SURFACE TENSION | FOR 3D PRINTING BUOYANCY | FARMING ON SURFACE CHEERIOS-EFFECT | SELF-ORGANISATION Nozzle Size | 1.75mm filament* Wind Factor |   Floatation      |       Strength     |      .......... Nozzle Size | 6mm syringe* Wind Factor |   .......... Floatation      |       Strength     |       Nozzle Number | 03* Wind Factor |   .......... Floatation      |       Strength     |       3.2.1 Fluidity And Floatation

3.2.2 Wave Motion Test

3.2.3 Geometry test without anchor points

3.2.4 Geometry test with anchor points

3.2.5 Geometry test with mixed PLA and Seaweed Bioplastic

3.2.6 Geometry test with PLA

3.2.7 Printing Nozzle Simulations Nozzle Speed |      .......... Drag                |      .......... Collinear     |      .......... Nozzle Speed |      .......... Drag                |       Collinear     |       Nozzle Speed |      .......... Drag                |      .......... Collinear     |      .......... Nozzle Height |      .......... Collinear     |       Nozzle Height |      .......... Collinear     |      .......... Nozzle Height |       Collinear     |

3.2.8 Wave Displacement Simulations Wave Height |       Collinear     |      Wave Height |       Collinear     |     .......... Wave Height |      .......... Collinear     |     ..........

3.2.9 Printing On Water With Pre-Cured Seaweed Bioplastic | Pattern Studies

3.2.10 Central Node And Spiral Pattern With Catenaries

3.2.11 Circular MotionConnectedTests movement of nozzle and water medium results in a local eddy current generating a circular form.

3.2.12 Presence OfLocalisedCurrent

position of nozzle against moving water medium generates circular looping at nozzle point.

3.3 Agent Prototyping 2 Meters 3D printingFilamentPen5- 10 cm Balloon with Helium1 meter 2 meters 3D printing Pen Filament Floating Platform Technique Balloon with Anchor Points Technique

FLOATATING ASPECT [buoys] Wind Factor |       Energy     |      .......... FLYING ASPECT [balloon] Wave Factor |      .......... Energy     |      .......... HYBRID PROTOTYPE [float + fly] Wind Factor |      .......... Wave Factor |       Energy     |     3.3.1 Prototype Aspects Hybridisation

3.3.2 Agent Movement Range [Longitudinal Rotational]


Wind Power:1 Wave Power:5

Power:1 Wave Power:3 3.3.3 Digital SImulations


Power:5 Wave Power:1


Power:3 Wave Power:1

3.3.4 Physical Prototype



Winding Seedling Along Farming Lines PLANTING SEAWEED SEEDLING BIOPLASTIC FARMING LINES Growth Parameters Time | Weight | Length | Lighting2. Seedling

4.2 Stages of Growth Time |      .......... Weight           |      .......... Length     |      .......... Time |      .......... Weight           |       Length     |       Time |      .......... Weight           |       Length     |       Stage 01 |     Stage 02         |      Stage 03   |      .......... LIGHT PENETRATION

4.3 Net Pattern Analysis Length |      .......... Sag          |      .......... Length |      .......... Sag          |      .......... Length |      .......... Sag          |      ..........

4.4 Singular Agent Behaviour


4.5 Agent Aggregation: Circular Packing R ~5M R ~20M



Same Size Rigid Grid Size Flexible Grid



4.6 Agent Aggregation: Physical Experiment

4.7 Collective Agent Behaviour Physical Experiment With 3d Printed Agents Cheerio’s Behaviour cluesterwaves size surface tension passive swarming cluesterwaves size surface tension passive swarming cluesterwaves size surface tension passive swarming

Circle Packing In Water Simulation Varying Radii, Population And Wave PowerWavesRadius Range 1-100 Population 100 RadiusWaves Range 1-100 Population 200 RadiusWaves Range 1-100 Population 300

1.Net move in Passive Mode 2.Agents find largest Nets in size to be the leader agents 3.Followers agents find nearest leader agents 4.Followers agents follow their leaders AgentsLeadersNumber:2000Number:20 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 4.8 Collective Agent Behaviour Simulations

Agents LeadersNumber:500Number:10 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 AgentsLeadersNumber:1000Number:10 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 AgentsLeadersNumber:2000Number:10 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 AgentsLeadersNumber:3000Number:10 Leaders Minimal Distance:400

AgentsLeadersNumber:2000Number:5 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 AgentsLeadersNumber:2000Number:10 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 AgentsLeadersNumber:2000Number:20 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 AgentsLeadersNumber:2000Number:50 Leaders Minimal Distance:400

Agents LeadersLeadersLeadersLeadersNumber:2000Number:15MinimalDistance:0AgentsNumber:2000LeadersNumber:15MinimalDistance:400AgentsNumber:2000LeadersNumber:15LeadersMinimalDistance:800AgentsNumber:2000LeadersNumber:50MinimalDistance:1800

Ocean currents are primarily horizontal water movements. An ocean current flows dominant role in determining the clmate of many of Earth ’s regions. As a result, there 4.9 Power of Ocean Currents

for great distances and together they create the global conveyor belt, which plays a are many creatures in the ocean that rely on currents to move and obtain nutrients.

visualization image shows the Gulf Stream (made by NASA)

In the ocean there are a large number of creatures that move by ocean currents: to move, but also rely on currents to feed. We learn their predation techniques like

Plankton, jellyfish, a part of small fish ... Some of these jellyfish not only rely on currents jellyfish and apply them to our robots to absorb microplastics.

According to the study, more microplastics are in high-speed currents so our robots would continuously detect the speed of the surrounding currents and keep moving towards the high-speed currents high-speed arealow-speed area

Agents LeadersNumber:500Number:10 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 Agents LeadersNumber:500Number:10 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 Agents LeadersNumber:500Number:10 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 Map 01 Map 02 Map 03

AgentsLeadersNumber:1000Number:5 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 AgentsLeadersNumber:1000Number:15 Leaders Minimal Distance:400 AgentsLeadersNumber:1000Number:30 Leaders Minimal Distance:400

AgentsLeadersNumber:1000Number:15 Leaders Minimal Distance:500 AgentsLeadersNumber:1000Number:15 Leaders Minimal Distance:1000 AgentsLeadersNumber:1000Number:15 Leaders Minimal Distance:1500

Singular Unit Cluster Unit Drag |      .......... Microplastics    |      .......... Drag |       Microplastics    |      .......... 4.10 Microplastics Collection


4.11 Agent Aggregation: Seaweed Growth Rate GrowthSINGULARRate    |

GrowthCLUSTERRate    |       One Cluster | Harvest: ~125kg dry weight

4.12 Agent Aggregation: Seaweed Islands 1.g1.e1.c1.a 1.h1.f1.d1.b





5.1 HarvestingPhaseBehaviour1:Growing seaweed Phase 1: Harvesting

1.Nets finish growing seaweed

1.Increase the number of leaders and connect all the nets

1.Increase the number of leaders and connect all the nets

5.2 Harvesting: Balloon Behaviour 1.g1.e1.c1.a1.i 1.j1.h1.f1.d1.b

2.g2.e2.c2.a 2.h2.f2.d2.b

5.3 Harvesting: Seaweed Caves

5.3 Harvesting: Seaweed Caves

5.3 Harvesting: Seaweed Caves


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