Sustainability Report 2020

Page 6

Introduction Stakeholder integration

Stakeholder integration GRI 102-40, 102-42, 102-43

For Mobimo, involving stakeholders is a key part of sustainability management. Awareness of the topic has risen steadily over recent years, both within and outside the company. Since 2010, Mobimo has regularly asked internal and external stakeholders about sustainability as part of discussions and workshops, and has increasingly found that its stakeholders regard the many different aspects of sustainability as very important. Stakeholders are selected based on their relevance in terms of corporate ­strategy and sector and whether they significantly influence Mobimo or are ­affected by the company’s activities. Stakeholders include the following groups: › Customers › Employees › General public › Institutional investors › Organisations and associations › Partners (general contractors, architects, general planners, etc.) › Private shareholders › Public authorities The stakeholder survey seeks to identify the main sustainability topics. These are topics that have relevant economic, environmental and social implications for Mobimo or that are particularly relevant to the business. statements by stakeholder groups can be found at Selected > About us > Sustainability.

Involvement in interest groups In order to ensure effective interaction with stakeholders and ­industry representatives, Mobimo is a member of various interest groups and supports relevant sustainability standards and initiatives. Standards/guidelines applied

Mobimo supports and/or applies the binding standards of the following organisations: › CDP › DGNB › FTSE EPRA Index › GPR 250 Real Estate Index › GRI › Minergie › NNBCH/SNBS › Plusenergie-Quartier of the Verein Hauptstadtregion Schweiz (association promoting the interests of the Swiss capital region) › SGNI › 2000-Watt Society (2000-Watt Site) Memberships of associations (not exhaustive)

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Mobimo Sustainability Report 2020

CFO Forum Schweiz (association for Swiss CFOs) Center for Corporate Reporting Entwicklung Schweiz (Swiss development association) EPRA (European Public Real Estate Association) Group of Fifteen HEV (homeowners’ association) IBP (interest group of private/professional principals) IGBP (interest group for the prevention of building damage) IR Club (association of Swiss investor relations specialists) KUB-SVIT (chamber of independent advisors to principals) SIA (professional association for the fields of construction, technology and the environment) SVIT (Swiss real estate association) Swiss Business Women Swiss Circle and Swiss PropTech (real estate and innovation network) Various Swiss business associations, e.g. Zurich Chamber of Commerce VIS (association of real estate investors)

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