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Blog Spot - With Collette Saunders
We are all fully aware of the shortage of staff in our industry. As our nation slowly claws back to some semblance of normality post-C insanity we have been left with a hole.
Enter @afb_recruit ! Pre C I had already set up an instagram platform to repost the businesses reaching out for staff. This links to the already successful @ australianfemalebarbers platform I had established in 2018. That community has grown to become a common link between businesses and updates what followers are creating, learning, educating in, reaching out for etc.
I had seen ads on many other commercial sites, also those on social media who charge $ for advertising positions. I’d heard people’s reviews on them. Responses seemed frequently low or non-existent. I would receive messages asking if I knew of anyone looking for work and also asking if I knew or anyone hiring. Messages from overseas needing connections to businesses requiring skilled staff in Australia. It made sense to throw this open to the floor. Everyone is in the same boat at present. The need is not just contained to ours, but to multiple trade and retail industries.
AFB_RECRUIT is a FREE community notice board. To access it, all that is required is to tag the account @afb_recruit in your post advertising for staff. It’s as simple as that one click. I will see it and repost across 3 platforms! The recruit page, the @ australianfemalebarbers page and my personal account @ collettesaundershair .
There is nothing small about “word of mouth”. It is effective. AFB_RECRUIT presents what is out there for everyone’s perusal. Including the overseas prospectors searching Downunder, and who are slowly creeping back into our visa systems.
Patience is a virtue they say, and at this time in our industry it is absolutely required. The “great resignation” saw many leave the hair industry. There were many businesses shut down through no fault of their own. I believe though, that a lot of the time people come back to what they know. Every trade often says the same thing, “they always come back eventually”! We must hope!
We must also support the education systems and academies in place across Australia who continue to provide and produce. Apprentices are needed. Apprentices must be nurtured.
It’s what makes the wheels turn round. I encourage all apprentices to also access @afb_recruit and put themselves forward if they are searching for that first big break. Whatever industry you are in, be it barbering, hairdressing, and beauty! Have confidence! The connections and networking that evolve when simple steps like accessing AFB_RECRUIT is done, will make a difference to someone’s search.
We are all connected at the head!
Collette Saunders @collettesaundershair Founder @australianfemalebarbers Founder @afb_recruit Board Director @jackreedfoundation