Barbershop Year 11 Issue 4

Page 66

barber shop AAB Fashion 2 Ardena Crt, Bentleigh East VIC 3165 Australia Phone: +61 3 9575 0600 Web: HANDCRAFTED IN JAPAN STOCKISTS


Kasho Scissors give me the edge when I need to perform at the highest level for the most demanding clients
CONTENTS MUIMPORTS.COM.AU ON THE COVER Made for Barbers, By Barbers –American Barber REGULARS 08 Editors Letter 72-73 News & Gear 74 Dateline Imports FEATURE 10 Just His Luck 12 North Country Boy 14-16 Chop Chopps By Rex A.C. Silver 18-21 The Rise of Luke Munn By Rex A.C. Silver 22 Naser By Rex A.C. Silver 24-26 The Barber Bandit By Rex A.C. Silver 40-42 2IC – Second In Charge By Rex A.C. Silver AUSTRALIAN MODERN BARBER AWARDS 30 Men’s Style Experts Awarded at Second Annual AMBA 2022 32-36 2022 AMBA Winners 37 Hall of Fame & Special Recognition Awards PROFILE 44 Deadly Hair Dude By Louise May 46 Houston & Co Barber Shop By Rex A.C. Silver 58 VZNRY By Rex A.C. Silver COLLECTIONS 48 Dystopia 49 Zymon 50 London 51 Travel EDUCATION 52 Diary of an Educator By Fraser Forsey 54 -56 The Barber Academy 60 Skin Fade How To with Jim Shaw BLOG SPOT 64 Oh-Dear, It’s That Time of Year with Don Sanctis 65 Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast with Sam Squires 66 AFB Recruit Is Calling with Collette Saunders 67 Give the Gift of Giving This Christmas with Paul Frasca HEALTH 68 Afro Hair By Professor Barry Stevens BUSINESS 69 Have You Got An Online Booking System By Nick Bendel 70 Business Old School By Mario Fallace 10 18 30 58 COVER

C o m f o r t a b l e r e c l i n i n g a n g l e s ( r e c l i n i n g : 3 0 ° t o u p r i g h t : 7 5 ° ) H e i g h t a d j u s t a b l e a n d r e m o v a b l e h e a d r e s t ( 8 s e t t i n g s )


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Barber Shop is published four times a year by mocha publishing ABN 65 091 846 189 No Part of the publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. Barber Shop does not accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies, original artwork or other material. The views expressed in Barber Shop are not necessarily those of the publisher.

No responsibility will be accepted if the publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyong the control of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted for errors in copy, or for any loss arising from the failure of an advertisement or any part thereof to appear.

editor’s letter

Let us start this issue by first acknowledging the Kabi Kabi and Tugambeh people. Traditional custodians of the lands from which be bring you barbershop magazine, we pay respect to their elders past, present, and emerging.

A special shout out to the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Bunurong Boon Wurrung peoples of the Eastern Kulin in Melbourne CBD where we hosted the first AMBA Gala at the Plaza Ballroom. A very warm welcome to you one and all wherever you are reading us

That’s right, we took our show on the road and what a show it was. November 6th saw the dawning of a new era for the Australian Barber Industry and now, there is no turning back. We are already getting pledges for tables for next year!! And why not, if it’s one thing the Mocha Group know how to do it’s how to celebrate our Hair, Beauty and now Barber industries with the most transparent, honourable, and prestigious competition platforms and then top it off with a world class Gala event to recognise our best in our respective industries.

It’s an honour to be member of the Mocha Group team and it was indeed my honour to personally induct Mr Lino D’Adderio Infront of 200+ of our Barber Industry peers into the AMBA Hall of Fame. Our very first recipient. There is plenty in the pages here about the Australian Modern Barber Awards but make no mistake, I will be milking this and gushing over them for the next 12 months and then on rotation every year thereafter so get used to it.

We’ve come of age as an industry, so well done us.

In saying that, you will notice barbershop is becoming very Australian heavy in its content and it’s not by chance, it’s a very concerted effort on my behalf but I’m just mirroring what’s happening on the ground here in our fine country. The pandemic is in our wake and the wheels of industry churn on and with that comes a flood of new energy from product, tools, and machine companies eager to get their names back out there and that’s a big win for us as barbers, because wow… look at the investment being put into our industry as a whole, especially in the form of the sheer numbers of local talent hitting the education circuit as a result. Yikes…

I’m not going to miss out on this… no way! I’ve snapped up some big Aussie guns and they are going to keep coming over future issues don’t you worry! Celine Kaponias aka Chop Chopps is in the house; newly minted official Wahl Australian Team member and proud of it! Check out her barber journey. Fraser Forsey takes us to Canada with Tommy Guns and then around the country here back home with LEV3L3 and Gamma+ on the Fusion Tour with some big-name legends; see the last entry in his 4-part diary series. And barber ninja Bruce Leeroy, aka The Barber Bandit, give us a huge feature as does Luke Munn, so check those pages out.

We meet Gareth Philpot from RTO The Barber Academy and hear about the continued success they are enjoying, forcing them to expand from Brisbane to Sydney and up-grade their Gold Coast campus and if that’s a litmus test for the health of our industry it’s looking gooood.

I pick the brains of two dynamic young barbers who co-run two of the biggest independent barber chains in the country very closely with their respective company directors as their 2IC’s, see what’s it’s like to be in the shoes of a ‘Second in Charge’.

Naser shares an unbelievable life story and pays homage to our great country with a heart felt collection you will be familiar with, but did you know the story behind it? And business tips come from the great Mario Fallace who is back-to-back AMBA Best Barber Business of the year winner.

Our bloggers are here, some for the last time as we hand over the baton next year to some fresh faces… there’s news, more stories, amazing collections and much more this is issue 11.4

Enjoy!! Editor – Barbershop Magazine

Rex A.C. Silver

How do read back issues? search BarberShop

How do I connect with Rex? @rex.a.c.silver

Linda Woodhead
CONTRIBUTORS Rex A.C. Silver Sean Casey Yuki Kano Fraser Forsey Jim Shaw Don De Sanctis Sam Squires Collette Saunders Paul Frasca Professor Barry Stevens Mario Fallace Dion Fallace Nick Bendel OFFICE PO
252 Helensvale Plaza
DISTRIBUTION Australia Post - Print Post
Beauty Biz and Barber Shop
Jarred Stedman EDITOR Rex Silver ADVERTISING MANAGER Nina Barbara ART
Kellie Woodhead
Qld 4212 P: 07 5580 5155 F: 07 5580 5166
© 2022 mochgroup
rights reserved.

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With an award win under his belt and a product range in development, it seems that George Smith’s career in hair so far is living up to his nickname of Lucky Smithy

It was perhaps inevitable that George Smith would end up in the world of hair. Like so many other hairdressing dynasties - The Mascolos, the Collinges, the Eatons – George’s destiny was shaped by the legacy of his parents. His father, Phil Smith is British Hairdresser of the Year nominee nine times over, has two successful product ranges and is seen as one of the smartest brains in the business. Plus, mum Louise is an award-winning hairdresser and successful salon owner in her own right. While you could argue hairdressing was in his blood, George didn’t come around to the idea without a little resistance.

“Both of my parents influenced me in a big way,” George admits. “They would always cut my hair as a kid, so I always had an interest in it. I went on Dad’s photographic shoots too and I’ve always been around hair. I just wanted to prove that I could do something else if I wanted to.” With typical teenage bravado, George took a job as a car salesman, but it was mum, Louise who convinced him his talents lay elsewhere.

“I had a conversation with my mum who said, ‘you are going to do hair’. My parents signed me up for some training with Toni & Guy’s Dexter Dapper Johnson and Charlie Cullen - big names in the barber world. On that very first day I knew I was in the right place; it was a great atmosphere.” With not just an acceptance, but an enthusiasm and - importantly – excitement for the hair industry unleashed, George says, “I’ve never looked back since.”

Determined to make his mark straight away, George took a three-month intensive course at the Toni & Guy academy in London – the very same place his mum, dad and sister had all trained. Culminating in a big presentation with three models, he loved the buzz and creativity of stage work and also knew his passion was for barbering. As a fledgling stylist, he took up a position at Louise’s Toni & Guy salon in Salisbury and today, three years on, he is the salon’s men’s specialist.

With nothing but admiration for his two teachers and mentors, Charlie and Dexter, George reflects, “If it wasn’t for them, it could have been a different story. It’s not necessarily just about their work, but the type of people they are too. And wow, they’re talented.” He’s also in awe of barber and men’s stylist, Kevin Luchmun. A name known for his skills both in front and behind the lens, George is keen to embrace the entire creative process of image creation. And his first attempts have certainly shown his potential.

During lockdown, George entered the Wella Trend Vision UK & Ireland awards and won the Men’s category. “I knew I needed to take this seriously to stand a chance of winning,” he recalls. “My girlfriend was entering too, and we got really good models and it all just clicked and came together.” With this award win already under his belt, George is notching up further award nominations at an impressive rate - in the running for Creative HEAD Most Wanted and at this year’s Fellowship for British Hairdressing photographic awards. It seems there’s no stopping this rising star. In fact, tapping into his intuition for men’s trends, a product range is in the pipeline.

“The one that knows everything about products is my dad,” he says. And it goes without saying that George’s own range – Lucky Smithy (a nickname that has become his brand name) is more than likely being formulated under his father’s watchful eye. “All I knew previously about products is what I have put in my hair in the past,” he confides. “So far, I’ve had the logo designed and am working with a small batch company looking at packaging. I’m having a wonderful time playing around with product formulations.”

Packaged in eco-friendly aluminium tins and with an initial raw, street vibe, George will start road testing the range with his audience and fellow hairdressers to hone where his products fit in. “Having said that, I don’t want to fit in anyway,” he laughs. “I want to focus on my own thing and get on with it without distraction.”

Whether you put his achievements so far down to luck, good judgement or talent, one thing is sure, George Smith doesn’t come with a big ego. “I think I am just a straight down the line barber, I have good chat, but bottom line, I’m just a normal guy that really likes cutting hair,” he says. With an attitude like that, you have to wish him all the luck in the world.

11 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4

North Country Boy

There’s a dynamic vibe about the new North Country Boy collection by UK multi-award-winning hair artist Jason Hall. He has drawn on the inspiration and energy of the unforgettable music of the early 1990s, reflecting the recent trend of today’s young people discovering the strong appeal of the great bands of that era, such as Stone Roses, The Charlatans, New Order, The Smiths, Happy Mondays and other groups from the North.

12 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4

“Most men’s collections have always been based on roughly the same things men are into - friends, fashion, music and football,” says Jason. “When you are picking a theme, it seems to fall into those four elements. Some people have three of those interests, some have a different three.

“Music has always been very important for me and for the latest collection, I looked for a really strong influence, going back to the early 1990s. I wanted to base it on an iconic character from those days and Tim Burgess just fell into place. North Country Boy was the song he was most known for so that became the name for the collection.

“A lot of the young kids nowadays are listening to the bands of that period for the first time and discovering many musical heroes from back then. Things are coming full circle.

“For the new collection, I knew exactly what I wanted, knew it was Tim’s image, the floppy hair that everyone wanted in those days, so we found the right model, Jacob. He is one of the new faces coming through and he worked so well with us that he is going to be one of our regular models.”

Jason has his own fully-equipped photographic and music studio close to his Edinburgh salon, where he works closely with photographer Lee.

“When many people are working on a new project, they use mood boards,” says Jason.

“We don’t - we start with a song board, a play list. For North Country Boy we wanted to create the energy and attitude of the times so we wrote a play list of about ten or twelve songs and had them playing all the time we were working. We talked about the part they had played in life at the time.

“We did really crazy things to create the right atmosphere, got loads of bottles of Tizer and Tennents, lots of sweeties that we had grown up with. I collect clothing from certain eras so in the dressing room we had lots of outfits from the period. It all added to the energy and vibe.

“Lee, the photographer, lives just round the corner from me and we do some crazy stuff together. We arrange to meet for half an hour or so and it ends up being five hours.

“I come up with the concept and we just take it from there. It’s a good creative collaboration and we also do a lot of other work such as photoshoots and product work.

“We argue like cat and dog. Sometimes I’ll have an idea, but he will tell me that culturally it doesn’t make sense. Between us we bring it all together and work on major projects about 15 times a year.”

Looking ahead, Jason predicts that longer hair for men is staging a strong comeback.

“We have lots of guys now who are letting their hair grow out and having it styled. The trend is for it to look slightly rough and casual but styled that way.”

Hair and Grooming: Jason Hall, Jason Hall Hairdressing

Photography: Lee Howell

13 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
The theme for the new collection, which features relaxed, floppy styles for men, comes from one of Jason’s favourite numbers, North Country Boy by Tim Burgess, front man of The Charlatans.

I first saw Celine Kaponias on stage in Sydney at the last ever Hair Expo in 2019 demoing fades and clipper skills. I was blown away then… not just at her skills but the way she presented herself, a full head of long plaits all faded out soft pastel whites with pink and blue hues and futuristic cyber-punk camo clothes. She looked straight off the set of the Mad Max movies. Celine was a little quietly spoken back then but that’s changed.

I’m blown away now…I recently saw Celine again at the Barber Temple in Brisbane for Wahl, and what a difference a little time makes… same mad skills but loud, animated, confident, and truly entertaining and captivating as a stage artist.


Please tell us about young Celine, her world… and her interests...

I grew up in Adelaide, South Australia. Young Celine? Well she was very cheeky to say the least and maybe still is hahaha! I was a huge tomboy, playing with action man and tonka trucks and of course I was obsessed with playing soccer.

I always wanted cool and different hair, causing mum grief, but luckily, she used to be a hairdresser. I grew up very loved and adored by my amazing mother who brought myself and my elder sister up. We didn’t miss out on anything although mum was a single mum. She worked so hard to give us everything we needed and still does. Mama Vicky taught me strength and how to believe in my dreams.

Dad and mum separated when I was very young, but dad is very much a part of my life and I look up to him extremely. His work ethic is one of a kind and I value that I have that in my upbringing, it truly has led me to where I am today. We built my barber shop business Chop Chopp’s together with our bare hands. He teaches me values and the importance

of life and how - no matter what… being calm is the answer As a kid, all I wanted to do was be outdoors, I built myself my first bicycle and got up and taught myself how to ride a two-wheeler all before mum woke up that day, you could say I was older than my years, I am definitely an old soul and have been here many times.

My sister used to con me into playing brats dolls once a month but that’s about as girly as I got. I played club soccer for many years and enjoyed dabbling in many different sporting activities. On the weekends I would hang out with my Uncle Peter Xenos who was massive to me in my upbringing, we would go to Japanese car shows and he was also a male hairdresser, so I used to watch him cut his mates hair and family members etc. when he wasn’t in the shop and starting his journey with The Greek on Halifax (Award winning Greek restaurant in Adelaide)

Tell us about the early hair days, the training and influences that helped shape Celine Kaponias’ style of Barbering.

Basically, I experienced a very sad time in my life. I suffer with depression and anxiety. The beginning of being diagnosed with all of that, was really hard for me... I was lost, and felt I had no identity, but, the one thing I LOVED doing, was cutting my little cousins’ hair!

It may have been with some cheap KMart clippers, but I was obsessed, and I would do it almost weekly. My poor cousin suffered some horrible haircuts! Then one day, my mum Vicky said to me, “why don’t you become a barber?” I laughed and I said I would never do hair … The following week she took me to see a longtime family friend Don

14 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
Chop Chopps
Owner of Chop Chopps Barbershop Adelaide Member of Wahl Education Team Australia WITH REX A.C. SILVER

DeSanctis, and he got me into his certificate 3 in barbering at Barbery The Craft Of A Barber… Master Lou Fimmano taught me all I know and made me realize I loved cutting hair, and my OCD enjoyed it also! ha-ha.

When did you open your shop? Walk us through that period and how the business has grown for you.

In 2020 I bought and registered the name ‘Chop Chopps’ a nickname I was given by some people who believed I cut just like my Uncle Peter Xenos as that was his nickname. Seeing as he had passed, it was a thought by my family and then suggested to me that I open a barber shop in his legacy knowing how close Uncle Peter and I were.

That pushed me to open my own Pop-up barber shop in Plant 4, an industrial-chic venue and trendy marketplace in Adelaide. I worked there solo for many months until it was time to venture to somewhere suitable and then rented a chair at my friend’s salon that was up the road from a shop that I’d had my eyes on for a while. I built up more of my clientele in the area around Welland Adelaide, and then that’s when I found my current space. My mum and I went there at the first time we could and I knew then and there looking at it, it was mine. So, Dad and I put our hands together and we renovated it into Chop Chopp’s Barbershop.

I now have a barbershop with four chairs, currently myself and one team member Barber Nik

Tell us about educating and that journey:

Hair Expo was a great opportunity for me, it opened many doors and dreams for me. Since barbering was very new to me, I had no idea

what impact It had all around the world. I was working with a company who were very closely working with many brands, and it was an opportunity for me to test my skills on stage and that made me realise a whole love for education.

From moving onto opening my own business and moving forward with my barbering journey, I built up a social media following to show the world my craft. It grew to a mind-blowing number of followers, creating attention that I never expected to receive. Along this journey, many other barbers questioned me about what tools I used to create my craft, and what tips did I have for them etc.

That’s when I realized wow… I can really help people, and people deserve to know what it is that makes my work as it is… It’s always been Wahl.

My mum got me my first kit from Wahl, and I still have those clippers today!

I bothered Wahl 24/7… like, I was on their case!! I in-boxed them nearly every month, but they just didn’t have much happening in Australia at the time. This didn’t stop me, I kept in-boxing and the very instant they got back to me about applying to be an ambassador/ educator, I did it within a second. My heart was in my throat, this was a massive dream, could I potentially be a part of Wahl? I waited and waited and then I got this email from an incredible lady, Mandy, who helped me achieve my dreams with working with Wahl! That’s what got me to Queensland to the show you saw Rex, it was 10 intense days with 1 on 1’s with some of Wahl’s best in the world, such as Simon Shaw and Stephanie Polansky. We were taught a hell of a lot… we cried, we laughed… and then we made an education team family!

“People deserve to know what it is that makes my work as it is… and it’s always been Wahl.”
Celine Kaponias
cont’d over page

A team full of some of the most talented barbers I have ever met. Not only that, but they are all so very humble and welcoming.

Sarah Wall, Mark Rabone, Yuki Kano, Jaymes Lunn, Rob Szincsak, Anthony Nafatali, Ben Kane and Heath Paton. WOW! I love them all so much. The bond we created and the respect we have for each other is something else.

Working side by side with some of the most talented people really makes you appreciate where you are in your own career. The ten days was a lot for us, but we had to be ready for the Wahl Cordless Legend launch where I saw you Rex, and many more amazing people.

Let’s talk about hair in more technical sense and talk about the tools you love to use and why.

Scissors: Osaka Scissors…their range is versatile and professional, and I find there are all types of scissors for all the different types of barbering styles. Osaka MIKAZUKI is my alltime scissor

Machines: Hands down my Wahl Cordless Legends. The versatility with this tool is incredible whether you want to do a blunt hair cut or a fade its seamless. Tthe crunch blade technology really helps for a smoother cut. It’s a 60-minute charge time for a 100 min run time, this is amazing considering my appointments are every 30 minutes.

Second love will have to be Wahl Beret, I tend to do a lot of hair art and this baby is perfect for the fine line and pencil work, I then use the Detailer Li for the T-Wide blade as it gets in all small places and carves it sharp enough, so you don’t have to use your cutthroat if you don’t want to. The Wahl Beret is also amazing for elderly or youthful skin; anything that’s tender or soft as it’s a gentle tool and comes in handy especially with kids cuts BUT… my secret is to use the beret as an overcomb blending tool, don’t knock it until you try it!

Wahl Cordless Senior for incredible bulk removal and amazing for on scalp fading. I also like to use this tool on flat tops.

Wahl Finale Shaver the hypoallergenic foils make it super easy when going down to skin, as most foil shavers remove small layers of skin like exfoliating, this causes redness, rashes, or scarring. When people get this service almost weekly, it’s so important that their scalp health is immaculate and I find it is most safe in the hands of the Finale.

What care and styling products to you choose to use and why…

I strictly use Evo and products The Barbiere Co. recommend as I am an ambassador for them, and just love the products they stock. My all-time favourite is my Evo Haze Powder; it just makes a natural look; seamless without even trying, which makes it super easy for my clients to do for themselves at home. Also, can’t forget Cassius Clay, offering a texture matte look and extremely natural look, a small amount goes a long way with this one.

What’s on the cards for 2023?

WELL!... I have just been made part of the Education Team for Wahl Australia. There’s a dream come true!!

I plan to do a lot of education and I would like to travel around Australia doing so.You may see me enter some competitions, just maybe .. it’s been a couple years, so I’m working on a serious portfolio!

A lot more content on social media, it’s time to show the people who I am and what I can do! I would love to grow my team at the shop and if I can, help anyone willing to grow their dreams in the barbering industry, sop please reach out and say Hi!

Footnote…With everything and all I do…I wouldn’t be able to do any of it without the support of my beautiful fiancé Georgie X

16 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
@chopchopps_ cont’d from page 15
and ‘Uncle’ Peter Xenos
With Olympic Gold Medalist Kyle Chalmers

The Rise of Luke Munn

A father to a young family of two, a son aged 3 and a brandnew daughter 4 months old at time of print of this feature, Oh, and he opened his first new shop this year in February 22’… now he’s just showing off right? LOL

I first had the pleasure of meeting and working with Luke a couple of years ago after he took out ‘Crews ASC 20’ Global, we worked together on a story in barbershop together (Issue 9.2. 2020 available to read on just sayin’).

This kid came out of nowhere with a knock-out punch to the scene and has not backed off. He is relentless in his ambition to succeed in awards platforms celebrating his interpretation of all things Men’s Hair, and his seemly bottomless pit of creative genius appears to be matching that ambition dollar for dollar, round for round.

This year he has taken the leap to add ‘Businessman’ to his long list of titles by opening his first Studio, HAVACHAT BARBERS.

Luke, tell us all about opening the new shop. What can I say. A whirlwind of emotions for starters. I was at a point in my career where I felt I was ready to make the move into being a business owner and by doing so, allow myself some freedom in the artist that I could become. I could create something that represented me.

The idea was, to always, at some point open a shop, but it probably came about sooner than I first thought, as everything has in my career. I was having a conversation with my father in late 2021 about “what if?” and from there, I got to work building an idea of what opening my own business would look like.

The vision was to create a space that represented myself but also somewhere my clients could feel comfortable and “at home”. I wanted to move away from that typical Barbershop look, as I feel it did not represent my brand, and move more into a space that was inviting and crossed into a more studio feel. Keeping the studio small was always something I wanted, this project to me what never about a big shop or lots of staff or making money, It was something more to me. It had to be from the heart. Through a tough time in the world, where there was this almost uncertainty on anything with the pandemic, pushing forward with the idea a little scary to be honest, the self-doubt kicked in and I thought about pulling the pin more than once. I was in a dark space and felt very unmotivated. But I was super lucky to have such a strong support network around me from my partner who was pregnant with our second at the time, to my clients, and friends who really pushed me to make the leap. And probably the biggest help was my dad. I think over the course of a few months I probably rang his phone 10 times a day. He really was a massive part of this shop coming to light, Mum and Dad have always supported everything I’ve done, and I can’t thank them enough. It wasn’t until we signed the lease on the shop, that I sat in the empty space and had this “oh s*#t” moment and that’s when the excitement started, and I knew this is exactly where I was supposed to be. It was time to create something one day my kids can be proud of.

cont’d over page
Luke Munn, AHIA Multi-Finalist in Men’s categories, back-to-back 2 X AHFA Men’s Hairdresser of the Year, 2020 American Crew All Star Challenge Australian and Global Winner also, Andis Ambassador and Educator. We all know the time, energy, and dedication it takes to enter these awards…. But there is more…

What is Havachat to you and what does it symbolise?

It is actually a lot more than just a barbershop. It’s a second home. It starts at the name. It actually is my late grandfathers, who we unfortunately lost earlier this year, it was his nickname, because he loved to have a chat and would talk to just about anyone.

Some will tell you I’m no different, always up for a chat and will never shut up. It’s funny, I remember us all sitting around as a family at Christmas talking about my shop and what I would call it and he came up with some of the most absurd names. When he passed, I saw the title of something with “Havachat” and it hit me. So, after a few blessings from my family the name was set.

So, to most it’s a nice play on words and a bit of a pun, but for me and the family, it’s something special and a continued legacy and something we all hold dear to our hearts.

On the business side, it’s simple. No fuss, high quality men’s hair and good old fashion service. We like to keep things basic, none of this over-the-top outlandish stuff. Extended appointment times so our clients don’t feel like they are in and out and just a number with a welcoming, inclusive environment.

The biggest thing here in Adelaide that sets us apart, is the fact that we aren’t your “typical” barbershop. It’s that small studio where you are a part of a family. But it’s not always about what sets us apart, I’m very much about trying to make our industry come together and support each other’s growth. Everyone is going to have their quirks and things that make them “them” but there are plenty of heads to cut going around.

What is it about having your own creative space you are enjoying the most?

Freedom to do exactly that, be creative. Having your own space changes the game. I can no longer worry about being under the constraints of what can and can’t be done within a business. Every decision now, be it good or bad. Is mine.

Just you and one other?

It was just me kicking it in Dulwich for the best of 7 months. Being a small studio with only 2 chairs, filling that second chair was never going to be just for anybody. I wanted to bring someone that was on the same page, had the same vision and was ready to grow themself. I wanted to bring someone on that I could help build and allow them a space to become the creative stylist they wanted.

On comes Crisna! The new kid on the block, 5 Years into his career and ready to make the next move. Keep your eyes peeled.

Please share some of the processes you go through creatively and otherwise, when preparing for an award or competition submission or editorial photo shoot.

Starting in 2017 if you’d sat there and said Luke in 5 Years’ time you’re going to be 2 x Men’s Hairdresser of the year, a Brand Ambassador, Educator and Salon Owner, I straight up would have told you you’re dreaming. But it’s just a testimony to the mindset of yourself if you’re seriously passionate about that something, like actually passionate, you live and breathe it. You put in the work; it will happen. I still remember people asking me things like, “Why are you doing that? Why are you going to this class”. This is why.

2020 American Crew All Star Challenge. That was really the start of it all for me. It was where I could showcase my talent and I was fortunate to not only win the Australian title, but the Global title also. I think that was when I got my taste for the Editorial / Stylist side of the industry. It opened so many doors for me and allowed me to connect and network with the best of the best in the industry.

cont’d from page 19

The growth from there has been incredible. The people I have been lucky enough to work alongside have really helped shape the creative stylist I am today. From a very classic style competition to high end hair fashion shoots there is a huge difference in what you look at from a creator’s perspective.

It was my first time on set for a magazine shoot, and I was so focused in on creating “perfect hair” but that’s when I got told, step back and shift your perspective. Look at the overall image.

I feel like as barbers we can be so focused on creating this perfect haircut that we forget that sometimes it’s the imperfections that make the image.

Step forward into creating the shoots like the winning AHFA collection and the AHIA finalist collection. The process has adapted and changed over the years. But it all starts with a Pinterest board and a few late nights when my brain can’t seem to switch off. Once I come across something cool, I’m hooked. It might not even be hair focused; inspiration can come from anywhere.

But I feel like although the work I’m creating now is deemed quite creative, a lot of the fundamentals are still quite traditional. I just love that hair can be what you want it, it’s a blank canvas to create something be it the classic everyday client, to being on set with a model and complete freedom.

I will always have a love for classic men’s hair, although I wouldn’t say it’s my specialty. It’s definitely something that has a soft spot in my heart and that is because I was trained by a very OG Master Barber, the legendary Lou Fimmano.

While I feel so incredibly lucky to be in the position I am, I feel like this is just the beginning for what I want to achieve within this industry and I’m only just scratching the surface on what I can do.

I’m looking forward to riding the wave and seeing where it takes me and what’s next. There is some exciting stuff in the works.

I just want to say thank you to every single person that has supported me throughout my journey. The ‘day ones’ that have given nothing but love and support. Without them I would never have gotten into a position to be talking to you Rex, today, about my rise in the industry, So I thank them for being there pushing me to be the best version of myself.

@lukemunn.barber @havachat.barbershop

“This project to me was never about a big shop or lots of staff or making money. It was something more to me. It had to be from the heart.”


Well almost…. his Barber journey still has many goals he’d like to tick off and I can see them all happening for him with the determination he embodies, and the passion he gives his craft.

Naser has embraced the country that has bestowed him this beautiful gift of acceptance, belonging and freedom and through his art, Naser paid tribute to Australia with his collection ‘Living in Two Worlds”. This collection earned him a finalist’s placement at this year’s AHIA Creative’s and a place in the hearts of the judges and sponsors for such a touching and heartfelt gesture to our first nation’s people.

Born in Baghdad, Iraq in 1988, at the age of 12, he moved to and grew up in Jordan. As a refugee he could not go to school and had to work from the age of 12 to help provide for his family, working in a men’s clothing department store.

He was in the A league soccer academy in Iraq and would have most likely played for his country had he not needed to flee Iraq.

He arrived in Australia in 2006, could not speak any English, attended school and learnt English along the way.

How and when did you connect with Barbering?

I had the passion for barbering because my older brother was a barber apprentice in Iraq. When I arrived in Australia, I went to school to learn English. I had an opportunity to study nursing. While I was studying, I went back to Iraq and visited my sick grandfather. When I saw him, he was unshaved and had not had a haircut. I tried to take him to a barber, but they would not help him because he was shaky. I looked after my grandfather for a month, grooming him and caring for him, giving him haircuts and shaving him.

When I returned to Australia, my practical for nursing was in an aged home where I took care of elderly men by giving them haircuts and shaves.

In 2010 I was asked by my soccer coach if I would work for him in his barber shop which he had just started. He was impressed by my own

haircut and beard grooming and was even more shocked when I told him that I had done it myself!

I worked part time barbering and nursing from 2010 - 2013

When did you open your 1st shop? Walk us through that period and how it has grown for you.

I opened my first shop in 2013, the first 3 months I worked on my own. As the shop got busier on the weekends, I employed a senior barber. After 6 months, I then employed an apprentice who I trained up myself. In 2015 – I opened a shop in Victoria Park WA – which I later sold to a staff member. I then opened a shop in 2017 in South Lake, which, again I sold to one of the staff who worked for me also.

I trained both of these staff members and taught them the business model that I formulated over the years of running my barber shops. I was then able to buy my first premises and then a second premises. I am currently fitting out the second premises with a Barbershop of my own design and style.

Tell us about your education platform and how that operates.

I am normally invited by different product companies or scissor companies as a guest educator. The classes are held for students who are training up, but also for experienced hairdressers and barbers. The haircuts covered are classic cuts, fades and they are always very interested in the beard work and designs that I do.

In 2019, I also decided to do some studying of my own by doing some TAFE courses, as well as achieving my formal barbering qualification by way of an RPL. As I was unable to teach at TAFE or on the premises at TAFE without a Cert IV, I obtained that also, so now I am fully qualified to do the teaching I have been doing for some time already.

Tell us about the inspiration for the AHIA finalist collection.

I love entering competitions because I like to challenge myself to achieve something that is recognised by the industry. I believe my style and creativity is unique to my personality and I try bringing that out in every collection.

22 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
Born Hussein Naser, although these days he prefers to go by just Naser, is a man with an incredible story. Beginning with a life of enormous toil and hardship, restriction, displacement and then, at the age of 18 and upon arrival to Australia, a life lived forward from that moment… fully embracing his newfound freedom, and achieving all that he has set his heart and mind to.

The AHIA collection was a tribute to our First Nations, and I wanted to pay my respect to the country that took me in as a refugee and is now mine and my family’s home. As someone who was not born here, I wanted to honour Australia as home.

Let’s talk about hair in more technical sense. Tell us what tools you love to use and why.

Scissors: Different brands since 2010, Excellent Edges, Olive Gardens. Ace scissors

EE 6.5 – good for texturing and giving a sharp finish. Can be used over fingers or comb. Different techniques without changing the scissors

Crock Scissors – good definitions of hair cut like Mallet, French Fade, Pixie Cut


WAHL – Best worked with, all models. I use this as my everyday machine for all my cuts. I love the feel of this machine, I have even have a tattoo of this machine on my arm.

Andis – T liner for a beard fade / design and creativity. When I went to the USA in 2011, I bought my first Andis machine, I cut it to create my own T liner 11 years ago. I still have this machine. I use Andis for all my design and creative work. Andis makes it easier for me to work quicker without having to change a guard.

What care and styling products do you choose to use and sell in your shop?

American Crew – Dust powder and sea salt spray for a messy look, for styling and bold looks and design.

Morgan’s Pomade for the slick look. I use softener and straightener for beard. Beard Oil and Anti Bac soap

Slick products for my everyday classic look, like a Clooney look. Slick Beard Wax

What’s on the horizon for 2023 and beyond?

I am opening my bigger shop, with my own design of the shop interior I mentioned earlier. Doing more education classes and training more apprentices who are interested in barbering.

I would love to promote and be an ambassador for Wahl or Andis!!

In 2024, I would like to complete the business diploma I am commencing in January 2023. It’s 9 months as a course but I am allowing extra time.

My 5-year goal is a barbering school in Perth.

I will enter more competitions and put my name out there and I would love to compete Internationally! @naser_haircuts

23 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4

The Barber Bandit

A truly gifted artist and an amazing human being, Bruce Leeroy balances his time between the many loves in his life, bestowing each with the same passion and focus he affords his one love we know him for, his Barbering… and does so with ease.

24 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4

Bruce doesn’t seem to think it’s a big deal being able to flow between being a father, a husband and as you will see, a mutitalented artist, educator, and humanitarian so seamlessly. To Bruce, his world is intertwined, and everything is one.

From very humble beginnings he has built an amazing life that’s built around very strong foundations and beliefs he holds true and close to his chest, and he proves when the infrastructure of and within yourself is solid…. anything’s possible.

So, let’s meet Bruce Leeroy, over to you….

As a youth and someone who came up from being a firstgeneration Cambodian in Australia, we didn’t have much growing up. I grew up in Logan, a place known for being a low socioeconomic demographic area but for me, it was a place which moulded me into who I am today. A place rich in culture, with an abundance of community (because it was mainly condensed with immigrants given a second chance for a better life) and diversity from all parts of the world.

We may have not had wealth in terms of money, but we had infinite wealth in family. So, as an outlet for entertainment I was always wanting to try new things and allowing myself to be creative. At a young age I took a liking to drawing, whether it was from scribbling on walls as a kid to sketching in my notepad at school, it was my way of creating art. Being able to take my love for art in all aspects has definitely contributed to how I look at barbering.

First and foremost, I am a father, a family man, then a barber.

My love I have for my 3 daughters is a love I never thought could be possible. When I say being a dad is the best thing that has happened in my life so far, I truly mean it. Let’s not take away the love I have for my amazing partner Allessandia, who has been the backbone of our family. She has supported me in every decision I’ve made and has definitely been my number 1 supporter. So, in times where I do doubt myself within my business and personal life, she has always been the catalyst in pushing me forward.

When and how did you discover Barbering?

The first time I ever stepped foot into a barbershop that resembled what I had seen in movies, I instantly fell in love. The vibe, the music, the community, and the culture within the shop had me captivated more and more every time I visited.

That was when I decided to pick up my first pair of clippers. I was 16, I had no idea on how to cut hair, but I knew it was something I wanted to try and would be passionate about. This is where the perks of having a big family comes into play. Each and every one of my cousins were my guinea pigs. Then the word got out at school and next thing you know I was doing home cuts for my friends. It wasn’t until I was fresh out of high school eager to learn and develop my skills, I gathered enough courage to ask the barbershop that made me fall in love with it all if they would be open to me giving me a job.

It was SPASIFIK CUTS that gave me the opportunity to be me and develop my skills in the barber industry. I had a mentor by the name of Nicky Pati, the biggest lesson he taught me was to be a sponge and to always be a student. Trust me it was hard at the beginning, I was a young 18-year-old kid, cutting in a barbershop full of amazing talent with little to no experience. Cutting alongside some of the OGs of the game, they have been the catalyst in allowing me to absorb the knowledge not only on how to cut hair but multiple key aspects of barbering as a whole. As they were all older, they all took me in under their wings and taught me valuable lessons. I’m grateful that every barber I have shared the floor with, has contributed and played a part in my journey so far.

When did you collectively open The Loft, please tell us how that whole partnership formed?

Working alongside Lorenzo and Lance for several years and showcasing our talents at hair events, it was only right that we decided to join forces and open up our own barbershop. So, in 2015, we decided to follow our dreams and do something for “US”, that is when we opened what you all know of today “THE LOFT BARBERSHOP”. We wanted to create a place where people from all walks of life felt welcomed, united, heard, whilst at the same time got the freshest haircut as well. Being a place of 95% of the people walking through the door were males, we wanted to give them an experience like no other. Where they could rest their shoulders, enjoy some music, have a laugh, and speak to us about whatever it was they wanted to. With 4 out of the 7 barbers being actual family, we have really created a brotherhood within our workspace. The passion and love we all have for the industry is what makes us hold our quality of cuts and service to the highest standard.

Tell us about becoming an educator. My journey into the education scene has been my biggest hurdle yet my greatest joy. Growing up I wasn’t the best at public speaking. I was always that kid asking to do my oral presentations at the end of the day, so it’s only right before every show my nerves can get the better of me. But, now that I’ve been able to step into the education scene more, it has given me realisation of the bigger purpose and that is the gratitude and ability to share my love for barbering with likeminded individuals. Being able to showcase my craft and dissect my knowledge in how I see barbering to people that were in my shoes when I was just starting in the industry, is what I love about the education scene. Because at the end of the day, we are all students to this thing we call life.

With the education, comes ample amounts of opportunity to be able to connect and work with big name brands. I’ve had the honour of working for companies like Wahl & iCandy Scissors throughout my time as a barber. I am still an ambassador for iCandy Scissors which I’m truly grateful for. Being able to partner up with a company that not only has the same morals and values as you do but being so open to listening to what we as barbers want and need is a blessing. Mark and Vicki have really made me feel welcomed and a part of their growing family.

cont’d over page 25 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4

Tools – What are your favs?

With the fast-growing barbering industry comes a vast selection of barber tools and equipment to choose from and here’s my choice of the ones I love to use.

My scissors would of course be from ICANDY SCISSORS. Right now, it has to be a battle between my ALL STAR 5.5 yellow gold scissors and my new beasts the SWORD PRO’S 6.1 yellow gold.

Let me explain why I have two. When it comes to detailing, I love the ability of having more control with the shorter length scissor but in terms of overall cutting, slicing, scissor over comb, it definitely goes to my sword pro’s. Both of them are amazing ergonomically in the hand, giving you great comfort and less strenuous on your wrist.

My go to clippers right now has to be the GAMMA boosted. Lightweight, ergonomically feels amazing in your hand and the powerful 7200 rpm motor gives the ability to cut through hair with ease. I’ve added their tapper blade as opposed to the original cutting blade which gives me the ability IMO to pick up hair nicely and be able to fade out the hair soft and nice.

My trimmers are in my opinion the best trimmer to have ever come out in the scene and that is the BABYLISS PRO FX TRIMMERS. Just in a class of its own when it comes to being a trimmer. Powerful, lightweight, doesn’t catch hair and it being all gold is just a bonus.

My shavers would definitely be the BRAUN series 9 shaver. A beast when it comes to taking out bulk and especially comes in handy when you’re dealing with people who have thick hair. My most comfortable shaver not only ergonomically for myself but for my clients as well (in their words, “it feels like a massage”).

And Products?

Over the years I’ve had the opportunity to test and try various products. One of my favourite products I have loved using within my work has definitely been within the MUK haircare range.

FILTHY MUK: Best utilised in short-medium length hair. Gives it a nice gritty yet flexible finish. I love applying this when the hair is damp, then blow drying to your preferred style. I would recommend this product for people usually wanting a nice soft looking slick back.

DRY MUK: Gives you an intense matte finish with the ability to create great texture. This is a product I use before I do apply volumizing powder if I’m wanting more control. I would recommend this product for people wanting a messy overall finish yet the flexibility to recreate multiple looks. Our biggest seller of product in store has definitely got to be

IMMORTAL’S volumizing powder and one I really love using. The consistency is just perfect when it comes to styling, I love adding it into slightly damp hair then utilizing the blow dryer to manipulate it into the shape I desire. I would recommend this product to people who want a more natural finish to their style. A personal favourite which I use myself tied in with some hairspray to seal the preferred style.

You also do a lot of photography/videography. Can you tell us about this side hussle of yours?

My love for art is across the board whether it be from barbering, fashion, music and now to capturing moments. Which is why I automatically fell in love with photography/videography. It has been a hobby of mine for the last 5 years but with the support of my partner (plus her getting sick of me always buying new equipment without any return), I’ve taken that next step and ventured into doing it as a profession on the side.

CAPSULE MEDIA, gives me the space and opportunity to be creative outside of being a father and barber. Capturing the special moments whether it be from weddings to engagement shoots and being able to witness that behind the lens is why I love it. What’s not to love about gifting people a priceless memory that they can hold onto forever. At the end of the day, I think everything I do ties in altogether. From barbering where I get to make people look and feel good to capturing these moments where I get to show people their true beauty.

You are also passionate about is helping others. Please tell us about that aspect of yourself.

As my journey in barbering has been amazing, the journey and relationships I’ve built with everyone who’s had a seat in my chair has been even more so amazing. When I started barbering, all I thought about was the haircut itself and not the opportunity I would be getting to build these foundations with people within my community. The barbershop is not only a place where we as men get to have great haircuts but a place where we can have the opportunity to let our shoulders down, be a place where we are heard, a place of brotherhood and a place where we can be there for one another. We all know how so many men suffer from mental health, so why not use our platform to be the catalyst in giving the opportunity for men to speak about their emotions and be heard. We are more than just barbers, we are brothers. Like the saying says, “Changing the world, one haircut at a time”.




26 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
“At the end of the day, we are all students to this thing we call life” Bruce Leeroy
cont’d from page 25
american_barber_haircare American Barber Haircare (03) 9555 1533 | | | 662 South Rd, Moorabbin Victoria 3189 Australia
/silverbullethair @silverbullethair


Sunday 6th November saw the announcement of the winners of the hotly contested Australian Modern Barber Awards 2022 at Melbourne’s Plaza Ballroom. Honouring the very best barbers, barber shop owners, products and educators that this country has to offer, this is the premium awards program for the fast-growing male grooming industry. The two biggest awards of the night were taken out by Costa Zacharia of Darlinghurst’s Unoit Barber for AMBA Australian Modern Barber of the Year 2022 and Berwick’s New York Barbers for AMBA Australian Modern Barber Business of the Year 2022.

The AMBA’s were launched in 2021 to provide men’s hairdressing trailblazers with a much needed and often requested benchmark of excellence and platform to showcase their creative and business skills. Created by esteemed trade visionaries Mocha Group, owners of the Australian Hair Industry Awards and Australian Beauty Industry Awards, these are just the latest initiative revolutionising the way our local visionaries engage with consumers and show off their creative and business talents.

Guests were treated to an exciting awards event, marking the first-time finalists were able to gather in person after the inaugural awards was

cancelled due to COVID and instead took place digitally. MC Jules Tognini, Togninis hottest stylist and cult favourite educator, alongside cohost Kellie Woodhead, Mocha Group Art Director, oversaw a glamourous night of celebration with a delicious sit-down meal complemented by a visual feast and sublime soundscape produced by director Adam Williams. This elaborate show featured a special guest performance from underground superstar Clara Fable up close… and extra personal, as well as a dance party DJ set, before guests kicked on at the afterparty at Lumia Bar, Melbourne Casino.

Consisting of 14 categories the awards were deliberated on by an independent panel of judges including media, PR and business specialists, international barbering icons and specialists in the barbering industry. With men’s grooming an increasing player in the global beauty market this is a timely marker of the industry’s importance and an exciting sign of things to come.

The AMBA’s were sponsored by Le Barberie, Wahl Professional, Babyliss pro, American Crew, STMNT, Depot Male Tools, American Barber, Shortcuts, Excellent Edges, mr muk, Andis and Barbershop Magazine.

Instagram: mochabarberaustralia Facebook: Mocha Barber #amba2022



Sponsored by Barbershop Magazine


Vitaman – Volumising Shampoo & Conditioner



BEST MEN’S COLLECTION – JUNIOR: Sponsored by Depot The Male Tools & Co. Raiden Stone - Barber Boys & Co Newton

BEST MEN’S COLLECTION – FREESTYLE: Sponsored by STMNT Clint Wallace - Barber by Design

BEST BUSINESS DIRECTOR/OWNER OF THE YEAR: Sponsored by American Barber Anna De Sanctis - Barber Boys/Barbery the Craft of a Barber Academy

BEST CUSTOMER CARE: Sponsored by Shortcuts Grand Royal Barbers

BEST MEN’S COLLECTION – CLASSIC: Sponsored by Babyliss Pro Stacy Fernandes - The Barber Academy & Beards, Blondes and Blush

BEST MEN’S EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR: Sponsored by Excellent Edges Barbery the Craft of a Barber Academy

AMBA SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD: Sponsored by Andis Collette Saunders

BEST BARBERSHOP DESIGN: Sponsored by mr muk Jimmy Rod’s, Paddington

BEST TEAM COLLECTION: Sponsored by American Crew Unoit Barber Team

INTERNATIONAL MODERN BARBER OF THE YEAR: Sponsored by Mocha Group Christian Wiles, UK

AMBA HALL OF FAME: Sponsored by Mocha Group Lino D’Adderio - Luigi and Sons

AUSTRALIAN MODERN BARBER BUSINESS OF THE YEAR: Sponsored by Wahl Professional New York Barbers

AUSTRALIAN MODERN BARBER OF THE YEAR: Sponsored By The Barbiere Company Costa Zacharia - Unoit Barber


AMBA CARE, STYLE AND BEARD PRODUCT AWARDS Sponsored by Barbershop Magazine

These product awards are unique to the industry in that companies submit their new or re-launched products and they are then sent to be repackaged in clean skin bottles, or jars, so their identity and brand remains a secret. Judges blind test them knowing only what they do, directions for use, ingredients and country of manufacture. This makes these categories the most transparent, professional and unbiased product awards of their kind. Presenting these awards was well known personality Frank Ciccone, from Hair By Ciccone, Bar Ciccone and the creator of the group, Barbers of Australia.


This Volumising Shampoo gently cleanses away all impurities, excess product and pollution build up in your hair, whilst returning natural body, fullness and shine to fine/ thinning hair without weighing the hair down. The Volmising Conditioner will strengthen, nourish and condition your hair and add natural body, fullness and shine to fine/thinning hair without weighing the hair down. Both products contain unique Indigenous ingredients such as Quandong Seed Extract which is a natural protein that strengthens fine hair. Both feature stimulating, uplifting natural Peppermint Aroma.


The key to archi-textural styling, right here, right now. A firm hold finishing paste with grit galore ideal for creating and re-working roughed up styles without any flaking. Super strong hold and texture off the richter scale. Water soluble.


A hair, scalp, beard pre-wash treatment aiming to look after the skin to help your hair grow at it’s healthiest. The scrub helps to remove pollution, build up, oil or any impurities from the skin. Purifying and soothing skin detox scrub that will cleanse and rebalance gently with its natural organic walnut and apricot shell. A deep cleanse for the skin beneath the beard with a formulation packed full of antioxidants. Removes product build up. Stimulates hair follicles. Promotes healthy beard growth. Removes dead skin cells. Detoxifies and purifies.

CELEBRATING THE BEST OF THE BEST IN THE BARBER INDUSTRY, WE PRESENT TO YOU THE 2022 WINNERS! Instagram: mochabarberaustralia Facebook: Mocha Barber #amba2022



Just last year, at the age of 15, Raiden started work experience at

salon in Kilburn South Australia. Shadowing barbering icon and


the Year Anthony Staltari, he then was moved across to the Newton branch of Barber Boys and Co, where he continued work experience two days per week. In April 2022 he had the opportunity to be selected as a participant in a government assisted Introduction to Barbering course at Barbery the Craft of a Barber Academy. This course ran for 6 weeks full time and gave him the opportunity to learn the theory of cutting, free hand and clipper work as well as salon safety and hygiene. Upon completion he was snapped up as an Apprentice with Barber Boys and Co Newton where he is wowing is team and clients with his incredible skills which belie his age.



Clint’s journey in the creative industry started 30 years ago when he delved into fashion design and ended up specialising in Haute Couture, dressing and styling many an elite VIP and celebrity and working with many Australian fashion icons. After winning multiple fashion industry awards, he was ready for a new challenge. After studying Barbering at the MIG Institute in Queensland he found his passion for hair. Unable to find a salon which was suitable for men to have all their needs catered for, from hair to body and relaxation, he created Barber by Design. His ongoing success is due to creative thinking, allowing every client’s needs to be met with confidence and giving a total head to toe service. Now an industry educator, he is currently inspiring the next generation of modern barbers across Queensland and driving this growing field.


Grand Royal Barbers was named after the BEASTIE BOYS record label when it was founded by Steve Salecich in 1999. With barbering in his blood thanks to his father’s barbershop, Grand Royal was the logical next step. Maria Dillon joined the team in 2000 after having managed a chain of barbers in London. When it opened there was a huge gap in the market for an up-market customer focused barber business which the team happily filled with their innovative take on grooming. In 2002 they expanded into Darlinghurst as it then had the biggest demographic of men in Sydney and then in 2011 they took note of the exciting opportunities in Surry Hills with a third shop. Their customer services are about so much more than buzz cuts and fades with beard shaping, wedding packages and even collagen boosting facials for the gents.

By Depot The Male Tools & Co. Barbery Craft of a Barber Australian Men’s Hairdresser of


As CEO of Barbery the Craft of a Barber Academy and Business and Brand Development leader behind Barber Boys, Anna is a force to be reckoned with. The achievements of Barber Boys in 18 years and the Academy in 5 short years are nothing short of remarkable. Back in 2016, Anna came up with the bold idea to open the Barbery, which would become Australia’s first and only stand alone barbering Academy to support the network of Barber Boys established since 2004. To make this ambitious dream a reality, it took over a year of meeting federal and state government compliance requirements to be approved as an RTO under the powers of ASQA. The impact of these barbering powerhouses can be seen in the talent that has been developed, especially in Raiden Stone now the AMBA Junior collection champion. On top of her highly accoladed business achievements and mentoring, another of her passions is educating both her staff and students in Mental Health awareness.

As a Mental Health First Aid accredited trainer she is able to contextualise training specific to a barbering/ hairdressing environment and she is tackling head on an important topic that staff and students are faced with every day servicing the public.



Stacy is a dynamic female barber in a male dominated industry who continues to make her mark. Not only does she run her own barbershop, Beards, Blondes and Blush, but she is also a leading industry educator, inspiring the next generation of barbers. Her experience is extensive having first trained as a hairdresser and spending a couple of years travelling the world working as a hairdresser on cruise ships. Returning to land she ventured into a new role as a salon colourist, yet within the first hour on the job she realised she wanted the precision and challenge of barbering, so walked over the road and approached a local shop for a new career. This leap of faith continues to pay off with her successful home barbershop as well as her work with The Barber Academy.



The Jimmy Rod’s Barbershops aren’t just places to get a cut and shave, they are a modern-day oasis of authentic masculinity, camaraderie and style. Back in 2003, Jimmy Rod started the first shop in his chain of barbershops where men could come in to get a slick haircut and sharp sides, but also a place where men could relax, socialise, exchange jokes and chill out. Bringing expert skills and traditional barbershop values back to the forefront, Jimmy Rod has provided a service that men didn’t even realise they had been missing. Jimmy Rod’s most recent addition is a modern traditional barber shop for men featuring classic styling, striking industrial design features and iconic red neon signage. With the vibe of a classic man cave, it’s a place where clients can feel comfortable and relaxed with a distinct sense of style and warmth. One of the main features is the licenced bar at the front of house, complete with projector wall to display the footy while lining up and waiting for a cut.

Christian Wiles is a multi-award-winning hairstylist, industry influencer and educator who is fiercely passionate about delivering hairdressing excellence and is widely recognised for bridging the gap between ladies and gentlemen’s hairdressing. His accolades include prestigious national titles including SBA Gentleman’s Hairdresser, twice winner of Men’s Hairdresser Hair Magazine and twice winner of the BHBA Male Grooming Salon of The Year. He has also been named as a finalist in the Creative Head Most Wanted Awards, twice Men’s Hairdresser of The Year and twice Eastern Hairdresser of the year at the British Hairdressing Awards. Christian has been a dedicated member of the Matrix Artistic team for more than a decade and an influential role within the Matrix haircare brand, which involves mentoring and supporting other team members to fulfil their potential whilst inspiring and educating other hairdressing talents both face-to-face and online across the U.K. Christian is ardently committed to education and has contributed to the MATRIX education and helping to pioneer a standardised approach to Barbering programmes which have been globally delivered to wide acclaim.



New York Barbers was established in 2014 by Mario Fallace, an industry veteran of over 35 years and owner of Berwick’s longstanding Fallachi Hair. Mario saw the rise in interest for men’s-specific grooming services, and thus the New York Barbers idea was born. Inspired by the old-school New York City barbershops and NYC itself, you immediately sense the vibe when you walk in. What started out as a 5-chair barber shop on Kempson Walk, quickly grew and soon they had moved to larger premises on Adams Lane, now a 10 chair barbershop complete with their very own Hot Dog Diner & Café, ‘Downtown Dogs’. The team were thrilled to win this award last year at the first ever AMBA’s, as well as AMBA Best Barber Shop Design, so to take out such a prestigious award yet again is testament to the impact they continue to have on the grooming industry here in Australia and indeed beyond.



Costa grew up in hair salons thanks to his mother Angela running two busy hubs in Adelaide, as well as brother Zac who opened his own barber shop and taught Costa the art of barbering. In 2020 Costa created something truly unique with his innovate barber shop UNOIT. It was based around a fresh concept which brought premium barber services and advanced skin treatments, for both men and women, together in a contemporary and creative space. UNOIT breaks the overtly masculine red and white pole image with a luxurious service that includes freshly made cocktails, lay-down shiatsu shampoo lounges, and welcome packs for all new guests. The men can enjoy deluxe shaves, award winning haircuts, keratin smoothing, colour, beard shaping and signature shiatsu massage hair-detox treatments. Then for the women, and the men, there is a bevy of aesthetics options including PRP, facials, laser, needling and injectables to name a few. But the shop also has plenty of soul as well and they are proud to donate $1 from every haircut to @heartonmysleeve, a mental health organisation which gives people a support system when times are tough.

BEST TEAM COLLECTION Sponsored By American Barber UNOIT BARBER TEAM Sponsored By The Barbiere Company


HALL OF FAME Sponsored By mocha group


Sponsored by mocha group, Lino D’Adderio, Luigi & Sons, has been inducted into the AMBA Hall of Fame. Lino has over 30 years’ experience in the barbering industry and has played a fundamental role in its development. After his father migrated to Australia from Italy as a child and opened his first iconic Barbershop on the Gold Coast in 1961, it didn’t take long for his two sons to find themselves drawn to the trade they saw their father excel at. After completing their apprenticeships the duo began working under a newly formed business title to incorporate the family name and sons. Once the apprentice and now the master, Lino has guided and shaped his team to be the very best version of themselves. To him, his clients and team are second to none and he is incredibly passionate about the service he delivers each and every time. As well as an extremely successful businessman, employing 14 skilled barbers across 3 locations, he has notched up 10 years as an American Crew International All Star, is a well-respected Barber, a mentor to many, an award winner and an educator that has worked all over the world. He even had his three seconds of fame as the barber on screen in Baz Luhrmann’s ‘ELVIS’, giving him the iconic army cut. Lino has most recently joined forces with the Barber Temple giving access to education, workshops, short courses, pathway programs, mentoring and personal development, ensuring that the industry is in skilled and capable hands for many more years to come.


Opening her first barber shop in 1989, Collette was told that she probably wouldn’t make it in the industry but make it she did. After completing her apprenticeship, as a single mum of 3, she worked 6 days a week to make ends meet. Fast forward 33 years and she is still busy working within the industry she loves. In 2018 she established the Australian Female Barbers platform showcasing women behind the chair and women in business, now boasting over 7000 followers with a view to inspire them. She more recently set up AFB Recruit offering a space to promote employment opportunities within the industry, was an active participant and organiser for the Barber Hub at Hair Festival last year and is an avid supporter of the ReConnect educational events across Australia. Still working on the floor a few days a week at The Cutting-Edge Barbershop in Queensland she is also a board director of the Jack Reed Foundation, dedicated to restoring people’s sense of dignity helping homeless and disadvantaged ‘at risk youths’, every year - just one of her many charitable endeavours. To honour her contribution to the Australian Barber Industry Collette was presented with the 2022 AMBA Special Recognition Award, sponsored by Andis.


2IC! Second in Charge!!

Call them what you want but when your seat at the boardroom table is right next to the boss’s and it’s you that they look to for answers, advice, and your educated opinion on how to best run their business empires, you have made it to be the 2IC!

In a world where many wish to be the CEO in their first few months of working somewhere, and it’s not just Barbering it’s every industry, I thought it might be interesting to talk to two individuals who have chosen the career path to apply their themselves to help someone else’s empire rise and succeed, and to be an intrinsic part of the mechanism to make that happen.

This position comes with many challenges, great responsibly and as you will hear, immense personal gratification and career satisfaction and also many benefits.

As we don’t do things by halves here at barbershop I thought I would target 2 of Australia’s biggest independently owned chains Queensland’s Jimmy Rods Barber Shops owned by James O’Brien 2022 AMBA Winner - Best Shop Design, and South Australia’s Barber Boys Barber Shops owned by Don DeSanctis Multi AMBA and AHIA Winner in Barber categories.


Nickolas is from Adelaide South Australia and has been with the Barber Boys Group for 6 years. In 2016 he decided that university wasn’t the path for him and wanted to move into a career path he had always wanted – barbering! “I managed to get in contact with the owner of Barber Boys, Don De Sanctis, and was lucky enough to be enrolled as the first ever student for Barbery the Craft of a Barber Academy,” says Nickolas.

“I studied there for 9 months learning all the foundations from my teacher, Master Barber Lou Fimmano who set me up for success and got me to the level I needed to be able to start my journey into Barber Boys. I Started as a third-year apprentice at the Kurralta Park store and Castle Plaza store for a year until I was fully qualified. From there I decided to put my hand forward for management and managed my first store at Barber Boys Hilton where I learnt the ropes of managing and running a team.”

During this time, Nickolas was lucky enough to enter into SA hair and beauty competitions taking out awards in traditional men’s barbering and modern cutting and colouring. “I felt like this really helped me build my confidence, knowledge, and skill set to where I needed it to be.” As well as competitions he also cut hair on stage at the 2019 Hair Expo for Andis and a few years later decided that he wanted to continue growing his skill set and wanted to give back to the place that set him up for his career qualifying in achieving his certificate IV in training and assessment, beginning his journey into education at the Barbery, training future barbers for the industry.

“In 2021 however I was given an opportunity to get another store up and running at Findon and it was to be the next Barber Boys and Co on the West side of Adelaide. I was teaching 2 days a week and working 3 days a week at the store cutting hair.” He did this for 2 years until recently, he stepped forward and was picked for a new role in the company as Operations Manager.

“I have always felt that this was the direction I wanted to go in as I have learnt all of the company’s practices and procedures from being a student all the way through to my current role, so I feel like I have a connection to the staff and the company because they know that I truly understand where their coming from.

Nickolas Kourtis


26-year-old Ryan Bliesner has been working for Jimmy Rods for just over 5 years. Starting as an apprentice in 2019, he knew nothing about the industry or cutting hair having been to university but struggling to find passion in what he was studying. Ryan was in a barbershop getting his hair cut, enjoying the culture when he asked the barber about getting started in the industry. “I was then pointed in the direction of Jimmy Rods and ironically, this barber ended up working for me years later!”

Knowing his parents would be disappointed in his decision to leave studies to become a barber, he knew if I was going to chase this path, it would be all or nothing.

“Being a young barber, I was immediately immersed in the culture and all the different personalities each shop brings. As an apprentice for Jimmy Rod’s, I was lucky enough to get moved around to all locations filling gaps when staffing was low,” he says.

This accelerated Ryan’s career, landing him a 2IC position for the North Lakes store as a young second-year apprentice, but it wasn’t long before he took over as store manager. “As a young barber managing a mostly older team of barbers, I didn’t have the respect of my team - fair enough, I had only been barbering for 2 years. I felt they saw me as not earning my place yet and didn’t see me as a leader. I worked hard to do everything, towels, customers, cleaning and eventually my actions paid off. Over time, I earned their respect and from this, an awesome team was formed.”

This effort had not gone unnoticed by Jimmy, who after about a year, offered Ryan an opportunity to manage multiple shops. From there, his limits were tested and as his responsibilities grew, so did the workload, getting him to the position he is in now.

Editor, Rex A.C. Silver spoke to Nickolas and Ryan about their roles…

What is your title, I’m sure it’s not 2IC, and what are your duties?

Nickolas: Operations Manager. My role is to oversee the company, implement new systems, policies and procedures and ensure staff are meeting their targets but also receiving the support and training they need to achieve those goals. We currently have 10 stores and 36 staff excluding the Barbery College of course. My day-to-day procedures consist of shop staffing week by week in accordance to shop needs as well as organising replacements on the day for any sick staff, monitoring staff figures and ensuring that set targets or kpi’s are being met, as this is essential for the business to succeed. Week by week I compare results to see what worked what didn’t and make changes accordingly, this is vital as we always need to refine and tweak our process to ensure results. Most importantly I feel that we need the staff to be onboard with us, so I try to catch up with each staff member weekly to see how they’re going, what they need, and how we can help, this helps us maintain and improve store culture… were only as good as our team.

Ryan: My official title is Performance Manager as overall company performance is my primary focus. This requires never being complacent. Jimmy has a great understanding of this due to his role as Manager Director with a high emphasis on the company making a profit. Defining my actual role can be tricky as I also look after HR, social media, shop maintenance, leasing agents and popups, as well as events outside of Jimmy Rods. I wear a lot of hats and that’s part of the challenge that I love.

Monthly catch ups with the managing director and my team, this is usually done after his monthly catch up with the company’s accountants. Breaking down the monthly profit and loss statement and coming up with a game plan. Once we have an action plan in place, it’s time to visit the individual store to meet with the Store Managers, break down the shop’s targets, praise staff members that are performing well, and meet with staff members that are not performing.

Running a business is mostly upkeep, to motivate staff by getting your hands dirty. Staff will feel like they are a part of something bigger by displaying leadership and guidance not just a boss barking orders.

What are the challenges that you really enjoy addressing being in this role?

Nickolas: The challenges I love about the role are coming up with new ideas that excite staff as well as customers and seeing stores reach their targets. I feel that finding the right team for each store is a massive challenge that I’m always tweaking and improving. I feel for a shop to truly shine, we need a good culture and the staff to suit and complement each other, as this makes for a better environment.

Ryan: It’s dealing with individual personal matters. Any barber can have some sort of private issues affecting performance. One of the biggest and most rewarding challenges is recognising reduced performance, investigating the issue, and then working with the team member to solve the issue, then you start seeing performance improve. To this day, I’m still coming across issues and personal matters that I’ve never had to deal with before I and I’d say I’ll be continuing to be surprised as each day there is always a new challenge to tackle.

cont’d over page
Ryan Bliesner

We currently have 11 locations and 75 staff. In my view I have yet to come across a problem that I can’t break down into two simple questions, what’s the problem? what’s the solution? Perhaps further investigation by way of contacting Fair Work Australia or the company’s lawyers to ensure equity to all parties concerned. But it’s like anything, follow the guidelines to come up with a plan. Execute the plan and have the best outcome for all concerned. Coming into my position during a global pandemic was tough, it’s hard to see if the work you’re putting in has any pay off. If you focus too much on the negative; it feels like you’re going backwards. We also didn’t have access to complete profit and loss statements for quite some time. Being able to sit down with the managing director and go over the P&L’s and seeing the bottom-line increase was the most fulfilling challenge I had faced, and in hindsight was something I really enjoyed.

Jimmy has always been about a healthy work/life balance, as long as the work is getting done, he’s quite flexible. Exercise is my outlet for dealing with stress, and stress comes with the role. Many before me have burnt themselves out not being able to deal with the stress. Most days I’ll receive a call from my managing director late in the afternoon to check on the progress for the day. A testament to Jimmy, who usually can tell if I’m stressed, instructs me to go to the gym. For someone who has had, as everyone has from time to time, his own personal struggles, this gesture is huge for me. It genuinely keeps my head in a good place allows me to be the best version of myself.

What satisfaction does it give you being in this role… being such an important cog in a big machine?

Nickolas: For me, I think it’s truly an honour to be able to work in this role with Barber Boys and to keep building this empire. Barber Boys and Barbery have given me so many opportunities to grow and excel and like I told my boss and mentor Don and my teacher Lou from the day I finished my barbering course and starting in the shop, I want to make you both proud.

Ryan: Satisfaction is not always readily available. Sometimes it gets lost in the daily grind. I like to take moments of satisfaction, absorb, and enjoy it, then prepare for the next challenge. I am able to take more control over what’s happening, I love being able to put my ideas into action and I feel that I have worked hard and earned this role. Whilst it gives me a degree of satisfaction, I will never become complacent as this would have a heavy impact on the business.

Would you agree a pathway like this is a career and not just a job?

Nickolas: Barbering to me is a career where you are literally the only thing holding yourself back, the industry has so much to offer and there is so many different ways to grow. I feel like I’ve done so much already and I’m only just starting. I feel more motivated and driven every day. As long as your passionate about what you do, and you put in the hours and the work the opportunities are endless.

Ryan: I would agree 100%. I see a job as more than something you just show up, work, and go home at the end of the day. In this role you have to be passionate. If you’re just chasing money, it’s not enough, you need an outside motivator driving you. something to be proud of. This job is not finished when you close the shop doors at the end of the day.

Why does a 2IC role such as this appeal to you over being your own boss and having your own shop?

Nickolas: Honestly from the day I started I’ve only ever wanted to work for Barber Boys, and I feel like I wouldn’t be satisfied if I opened my own store. I feel I now have an opportunity to put my spin and ideas into the company I’ve spent so much time in and help shape its future and I think that’s exciting… I think it’s pretty unreal that I have been given an opportunity to oversee and manage the biggest chain of barbershops in South Australia, to me that’s a pretty big deal.

Barber Boys truly does feel like a family, and I honestly feel like I wouldn’t have been so successful in my journey so far if it wasn’t for the relationships I’ve formed with this team. Like I’ve always said to Don from the day I started I’m here for the long haul.

Ryan: My initial goal as a young barber was to eventually be my own boss and have my own shop. Meeting Jimmy and watching the way he ran his businesses, which he had built from the ground up, inspired me to want to continue to be part of this dynamic team. I felt that I had more to give than just working on the tools. I had passion and a drive – similar to Jimmy’s, to be successful. I wanted to help lead this team, continue its success, and to reach for even higher goals. I feel that there was a lot to learn from this man and he obviously see’s the potential in me because of the opportunities he has given me in such a short time working for him. I put a lot of effort into the teams that I manage, and I do feel responsible for the quality output. I also enjoy seeing each employee reach their own personal goals and successes, and I feel that I may have contributed to this in some way. We all aspire to be successful whether that’s on your own or part of a bigger picture – it doesn’t matter really.

cont’d from page 41
@nickkourtishair @barberboysau @barberyaustralia @ryanbliesner @jimmyrods @sonsofanarchy


It starts with sitting in the perfect chair. Something that looks sweet, comfortable and makes it easy for you, the stylist, to create with pride.

WHISTLER HAIR BY WAYNE @hairbywayne2019


In 2002 Gary decided to give something back to society, to fight for people who could not defend themselves, to fight for injustice. He believed the best way to do this was to study Law, hence completing his law degree in 2007. Earning large sums of money was not his ambition, so he commenced employment at Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission.

Gary quickly realised that the legal system was about dealing with the aftermath of events, it did not address the root cause of why people were offending in the first place. He saw the same clients regularly; some were arrested on fresh charges on the very day he defended them on other charges. Gary was determined to think of a way to break the cycle of criminality. Gary decided to join his legal skills with his hairdressing skills and assist young people in Youth Detention Centres and adult offenders in prison.

He noticed Judges speaking about rehabilitation for people who had committed crimes. However, in his experience he realised prisoners incarcerated served their time without learning any new skills while in custody. Gary believes if education and training was not undertaken while in prison, upon their release they would go back to what they know, criminal activity.

Gary decided to design a hairdressing training program for people while in custody. Once he commenced the training program, he realised a holistic approach was necessary. It would be pointless to provide a trade qualification if there was nowhere for the ex-prisoner to work.

There is a huge demand for qualified hairdresser tradespersons. Of the approximately 76 remote Northern Territory communities and multiple Indigenous homelands none to Gary’s knowledge had a working hairdressing salon for Indigenous people. A high proportion of in-mates in prison were of Indigenous decent, so it made sense to tailor the program to cater for Indigenous and special needs people.

Deadly Hair Dude commenced operations In Darwin, in August 2020 after years of preparation. The Deadly Hair Dude program is a not for profit Indigenous and special needs training program. Deadly travels to remote communities to teach local Indigenous people how to cut, colour, and style hair.

Since commencement in 2020, DHD has conducted training in 30 communities, engaged 28 trainees, who have undertaken more than 6000 cuts and 4000 colours. Training has taken place in remote communities, youth detention centres, bail houses, youth outreach facilities, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres, and youth diversion programs.

Over the past two years, three trainees have completed their certificate II in hairdressing and all three have gone on to commence their hairdressing trade certificate III. This is a significant achievement, since these students have come from disadvantaged and low socio-economic backgrounds, have low numeracy and literacy skills, and in some cases, are also challenged with learning disabilities. Not only have students learned new skills, but this has also led to increased confidence, self-belief, and self-esteem. These students have also become role models for other Indigenous trainees.

Over the past two years, these students have achieved incredible success. This is despite many personal and socioeconomic challenges they have had to overcome, including learning disabilities, loss of family members, poverty, poor health, mental health issues, and physical or sexual abuse.

DHD has recently entered into a partnership with Charles Darwin University. The willingness with which CDU has joined forces with DHD not only provides evidence of the incredible work being undertaken by DHD, but also is testament to the professionalism, expertise, support, and performance of DHD in remote areas.

The combination of Deadly Hair Dude and Charles Darwin University with the support of the Hairdressing Council of

44 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
After commencing his hairdressing Apprenticeship in Darwin 1980, and qualifying in 1984. Gary Strachan opened his first salon and has been self-employed ever since.

Australia will provide opportunities that remote Indigenous persons have never had prior to DHD commencing operations. Using the “I do, We do, You do” teaching methodology, which has been especially designed for Indigenous students, which sees them cutting and colouring hair from day one. This program will provide students with a hairdressing certificate that enables them to service the grooming needs of their community within 12 months for ladies hairdressing and 6 months for barbering.

DHD recently entered into a partnership with the Barkly Regional Council to provide training to Elliott. This initiative aims to generate economic development in the region. It has been well-recognised that DHD provides a significant opportunity for training that will provide meaningful employment for Indigenous people in remote communities. The Barkly regional Council has indicated an interest in rolling out the DHD program to all Barkly communities once the pilot program is successful.

To support access to remote communities and to maximise the training experience for trainees, DHD is in the process of applying for a specially fitted out truck, which will increase accessibility to communities during the year. This will also enable training to be conducted in communities that do not have access to a salon. DHD has also applied for funding to support Gary to complete his pilot’s licence, therefore decreasing wait times in airports and to maximise on ground training.

While the initial focus of the program was hairdressing training, DHD is working to establish local hairdressing salons within communities, offering to provide ongoing administrative and business support. This will ensure long-term sustainability of the business, and therefore, ongoing employment opportunities for people in these communities. DHD intention is to support the establishment of other microbusinesses, driving economic development in remote communities. This will support long-term employment and socio-economic outcomes.

DHD has also commenced working with the Commonwealth and NT Governments to develop a horticultural program. DHD goal is to provide food security and to deliver market gardens in remote Indigenous communities. Having access to fresh fruit and vegetables is rare, given the time and distance that these perishables take to arrive in communities. The cost of fresh fruit and vegetables are out of reach for most local Indigenous community members living on Centrelink benefits. Through this new program, Indigenous trainees will learn skills in horticulture that will aid them for rest of their life. There are plans for further expansion into other industries and areas.

To support this expansion, DHD has purchased an industrial shed in Coconut Grove from a grant obtained through the Aboriginal Benefits Account (ABA). This will enable Darwin-based drug and alcohol programs, youth suicide programs, those currently residing at Don Dale Youth Detention Centre to learn a trade, so they can change their life trajectory and gain meaningful employment upon release.

Louise May chatted with Gary about his journey with Deadly Hair Dude, and what it took to get it off the ground and what he has come to learn during the process.

What were those early days like, trying to get the project off the ground?

Early days were tough- the public, remote community organisations, and government liked the idea of having hairdressing salons in the communities but was unwilling to support financially a concept that had no proven track record. It was unclear if remote Indigenous people would be interested in having their hair done since they have never had access to the service before.

It was clear for DHD to commence operations funding would need to come from DHD Director. This was a test to see how much confidence I had in my idea that I had to put 100k of my money in to commence operations.

What have you learned about people during this experience?

I have learnt that there are people who will try and encourage and dis-courage you from achieving your goal. My advice is to continue to put 100 percent effort into your project if you believe in what you are doing as is for the good of people.

What is the most moving or rewarding thing about what you do?

The most rewarding part of DHD is to see students with little education achieve their dream of becoming a hairdresser learning new skills. To see the look of delight on remote clients face when they receive their new look is priceless. For most of them they have never received a professional hairdressing service before (even though they maybe 50-60 years old).

What can our industry do to help?

The industry can help by sharing our social media posts and raising awareness of what DHD is doing. The Industry could also assist by advertising for qualified hairdressers to join with us to expand DHD reach nationally.

45 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4


Renee Houston left school in grade 10 to pursue a career in hairdressing, after having given up on school and pretty much failing every subject, being told she would amount to nothing; “I had a point to prove!” says Renee!

Tell us about the early days.

After completing my apprenticeship under Jon Le Court, I fluttered in and out of different hair salons looking for a place to call home. Nothing stuck for me, nothing really held me in one spot where I really felt content in what I was doing. That’s when I stumbled into Barbering. I walked into Kenmore Village Barbers to do a trial and never left! I’d found my vibe and in my fellow barbers found my tribe. I worked at Kenmore Village barbers for 12 years before taking the big leap and starting my own shop close to home. It was a big step to take but I had my husband by my side, its hard being a mum and business owner but my little crew know we all have a role to play in making our life’s successes. When I first opened the doors of Houston & Co, I was a one-woman band working 6 days a week. It didn’t take long before I realised, I needed help, we have now grown to an amazing team of 6 In the 3 years since opening Houston & Co, we have faced a few un precedented events, Covid has to definitely been the biggest one, something in all our business planning we couldn’t have ever imagined would happen! We got through Covid to then be faced with floods which again saw our doors close due to everyone being cut off, now we face the new pandemic of being short staffed, but as they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Let’s talk about the shop

Houston & Co was created in 2019, I’d had a vision as a female barber to make a shop that was welcoming for everyone, I wanted masculine but not too intimidating, I wanted kids to come in and love the shop because for me those young boys are our future men. We have generations of men that come and a few ladies in there too! Houston & Co is a community barber shop where everyone is welcome, it doesn’t matter where or what you come from, when you’re in the chair you’re a part of Houston & Co. The other most important key for me was to ensure my staff are also enjoying the space, we joke, and banter, we play awesome (ok sometimes questionable) music… I know that if someone walks in the doors and can see we are enjoying our jobs that they can trust in getting great service.

Since opening Houston & Co we’ve had great success in growing a great clientele from an unexpectedly big catchment, we have people driving over 50km to visit the shop.

Being a local shop, we also try and re-invest into the community where we can with lots of donations supplied to local schools, community events and raffles.

Let’s talk about your team

From the first days of the shop and me working on the floor solo to having the shop fully functioning with 5 barbers to take us into the weekend. I’ve been so blessed with the barbers that have worked for me and whilst they might not have all stayed on as they have pursued other avenues, I’ve appreciated everything they have given, and I hope that they have always felt appreciated. This year we signed off our first mature age female apprentice and we are now in the process of signing up our newest mature age female apprentice Phoenix who is passionate and extremely eager to learn the trade.

I truly love and appreciate my current team; we are a diverse group, but it just works!

Let’s talk products and tools

In the shop we try to use mostly Aussie brand products. We found during Covid that it was quite hard to get our hands on some of our regular supplies, plus who doesn’t want to keep it local??

We primarily use and recommend all of the Uppercut range. Uppercut was suggested by a barber working with us who had used the products previously and it doesn’t disappoint, Uppercut is a brand that sells itself, a quality brand that backs itself and instils trust in customers which keeps people coming back for more, an ethos we felt aligned with the Houston & Co brand.

For our beard care range, we use the EPIC Jericho range, another bloody awesome home-grown brand that has grown just as quickly as we have with amazing scents and quality ingredients, we couldn’t go past it.

Tools of the trade however are much more personal with each barber choosing their own brands. My favourite clippers though were introduced to me by Ross from Scissors and Supply Co, my Andis Master Clippers, and Foil Shavers, they are weapons, and they rock my world every time I use them, another part of my arsenal are my Zen Master Scissors again after recommendation from Ross (thanks legend!)

What sets you apart?

What sets us apart from others is our space and our vibe, everybody is welcome at Houston & Co and nothing makes me happier than getting feedback from people say “we LOVE your shop, it’s so cool, your staff are awesome”

We have guys that come and visit us, who’s friends also visit as do their dad’s brothers and granddads.

What is Barbering to you?

I love barbering for the people we meet, from so many walks of life, everybody has a story to tell, and I feel so fortunate that when people sit in the chair, they open up to us, it gives me a real appreciation for life.

We are fortunate to also be a part of people’s lives too, think special occasions like 1st Haircuts, Formals, Weddings and my least favourite… last haircuts.

We watch boys grown to men, we are privy to some intimate stories where I’ve also been known to shed a tear, we get people talking… we connect… that’s what barbering is to me.

Who: Renee Houston Where: Shop 3a Karalee Shopping Village in Ipswich
“I truly love and appreciate my current team; we are a diverse group, but it just works!”
Renee Houston


Hair: Álvaro Torres de Castro @lacarniceriabarberia Photography: Rodrigo García López @rodrigarciaphotographer MUA: Zoraida Ayovi Balon @ayovimakeup Styling: Laura García Pola @lauramolapila
Hair: SHY+FLO @shyandflo
Art Directors: Shayna and Florian Knittel Photography: KO Photography MUA: Jasmin Berger @jamsinbergermakeup Styling: Edgar Balseca @edgarbalsecaalmagor

Hair: Christian Ríos @khrystyan28 @christianriossalon

Photography: Esteban Roca @esteban_roca_photo

MUA: Gloss Make Up

Styling: Christian Ríos @christianriossalon

Hair: Jose Urrutia @pjurrutia
Photography: Jose Urrutia @pjurrutia MUA: Anabel Larrauri @anabel_larrauri_iceta Styling: Candy Mott @candy.mott

Diary of an Educator

Clocking up over 100 flights across Australia and Internationally this year, it’s been a crazy one! Let’s start with one of the highlights of this year, being invited to host the Tommy Gun’s Canada National Summit with fellow Canadian Educator Ciara Teo. This was a 4-day event that kicked off with the inaugural National Barber Battle “TG THROWDOWN” which saw 13 of Canadas finest Barbers lay down some amazing work on stage in front of 200+ attendees cheering them along. I hosted this event with TG Canada owner Keenan Fisher and ensured that I taught the locals some Aussie slang and ‘barberisms’ we use here in Australia.

The following day I held a private workshop for those 13 that battled it out the night before. Diving into a full day covering topics such as the importance of customer experience/ consultation and the relentless passion required to be as successful as you can be.

What a day this was, absolutely the greatest thing as an educator is a room full of like-minded individuals that just want to grow and are hungry and hanging on the edge of their seat to grasp at any and all information shared. Collaborating ideas, formulating haircuts to maximise quality and efficiency, adjusting mindsets from sales mentality - to problem solving through education and prescription, based on pure skill and knowledge, as for the professionals we are.

The following 2 days were our Mentor ‘Train the Trainer’ sessions which takes the Tommy Guns Canada - Head Barber from each shop and brings them all together in one room to become the best trainers possible. The importance of these days is so crucial to their business model, with over 1500 barbers in the TGC network, these Mentors need to be able to identify within their teams, learning types, skills gaps, training types, personality traits, customer influence techniques, formulations of efficient work, training program development, retail opportunities, inspire, motivate, and educate their teams.

This event was hosted by Ciara Teo, Kurt Keuffner, and myself, with multiple guest educators joining us such as Keon Washington from Olaplex USA, Sean ‘SPANKY’ Caudill from Uppercut Deluxe and Luke Swenson from The Bearded Chap.

Heading back to Australia after such a career highlight moment, I’m geared up and pumped to do some amazing things here back home. We kicked it off with 4 separate and simultaneous 10 Day bootcamps for Barbershops in Queensland bringing through and signing up in total, over 20 new apprentices to our industry.

These were run by fellow educators Anthony Nafatali, Kat Cruz, and Jono Goodwin! What is a 10-day Bootcamp? Well, in these 10 days and the lead up we advertise, interview, and hire 5-10 brand new individuals that have never cut hair before but have an eagerness or interest as to what being a barber might be like. Once we have selected the standouts that we believe have what it takes to fast track the basic cutting fundamentals,

On my final instalment of Diary of an Educator I’d like to take you through the last couple of months of what I have been up to and also hopefully share some points and tips on how you can grow and prosper in this wonderful industry.
level3 & Gamma + Fusion Tour FRASER AND SAM IN CANADA

we gear up, kit out with tools and get cracking. Busting through about 100 cuts per attendee ranging from your typical short back and sides, skin fades, long hair solid forms, layering, face shaves, beard trims and everything in between we have then managed to hire these shops, the top performers from these bootcamps and sign them up as an apprentice - fast tracked through the 6–12-month phase.

Most business’s look at as some form of a loss financially with apprentices in the usual format. These bootcamps have been such a success and have been a valued solution to the problem we are all facing now, no barbers anywhere, not enough staff! Obviously learning never stops and it doesn’t with these apprentices however it gives them and the business the kickstart they all need in this uncertain time we face now with the shortage of staff across Australia.

Lastly, Barber Temple partnered up with Gamma + and Level 3 to bring to the barbering industry a National Education Tour called “FUSION”. As I’m writing this, we are all on a plane on the 4th and final leg of our trip to Melbourne! We kicked off in October in Perth and wow, what a show, what a turnout, thank you to the West Coast Barbers/Hairdressers that came along and really made this event what it was!

2nd trip took us back to our home turf at Barber Temple with another 130 strong pumped-up crowd eager to network and grow, then down to Sydney, hosted by Hair2Beauty which was a smaller crowd but very interactive and collaborative crowd none the less. We have 100+ locked and loaded for tonight’s gig in Melbourne hosted by HairCo. we are pumped and ready to turn it all on for tonight’s show.

Special thank you to our partners Gamma + and Level 3 and the team that has made this Tour possible Carmelo, Cory, Tony, Christian, Dion, and Daniel you guys are the true legends!

Also, huge ups to my team Clipper Kayne, Lance Liufau, Jono Goodwin, Kat Cruz, Finley Forsey, Anna Tahana, Roxy Diversi, Georgie Bullus, Michael Doolan, Nate Alback, Christie Palmer, and Joel Bankier for making this so special and sharing your knowledge, wisdom, skills and organising/marketing/designing such an event that has seen over 350+ attendees come along and enjoy this incredible industry.

Thank you to my business partners and friends Sam Jarred, Steve & Kiera Purcell, Cory Anderson & Keenan Fisher for riding this wave together!

Thank you to Linda Woodhead, Rex Silver, and the Mocha group team for following my journey this year and allowing me the opportunity to be a part of this great magazine with my Diary of an Educator series.

Australian Modern Barber Awards (AMBA) saw Barber Temple become a Finalist in our 1st year of Business as Education Organisation 2022 which we were so stoked and proud for! Well done to our fellow Educators at The Barbery down in Adelaide for taking out the win Don, Anna, Anthony, and their team deserved the win!

Thank you to anyone that has shown support to Barber Temple this year we appreciate every person involved or a part of our journey, you know who you are, there would be thousands of names to list here! It’s been one of the most memorable years of my career to date and I’m heartfelt to see the reactions and love that has bestowed us all at Temple by the amazing people in our industry. THANK YOU! Keep growing, keep striving, push harder, be consistent, be relentless let’s bring on 2023!


Australia’s Way Cool Barber School

The Barber Academy

Gareth Philpott’s vision for what their students experience, learn and achieve at their institution, is a meticulously well thought out program that culminates from the benefits of his years of experience in the Registered Training Organisation trade, across many varied industries, his 6 years in Barbering, and decades of experience in the Hair and Hair Education industry alongside Dee Thomas, his co-owner and mum!

Couple this with his enthusiasm for the Barbering and Men’s Grooming Industry and Gareth’s’ tendency to think outside the box in terms of how he gathers the all the information and skill sets both practical and theoretical he feels their students need to complete their courses at The Barber Academy. And we see not only a crack team of highly skilled in-house educators but also many specialists from all facets of the industry involved in order to achieve his goal of giving their students the best start they can. The results are speaking for themselves with the numbers of Barber Academy Alumni successfully being placed in employment upon graduating. Currently only located in Brisbane and on The Gold Coast…but not for long.

Let’s start at the beginning, tell us about yourself and your background, and the journey that lead to you opening The Barber Academy.

I am the Co-owner of The Barber Academy Australia with my Mam Dee Thomas. Dee has 40+ years’ experience in the hair industry, and 20+ years in Education. Dee was headhunted by a Hair & Beauty college in Australia in 2006 which was when we moved to Australia from Wales in the UK.

My pathway into Education started through the fitness industry then led to Business and Management as well as teaching the TAE. We both have compliance and teaching backgrounds which led us into opening up our own RTO in 2015.

We first started off with Childcare, Business, Hairdressing and Beauty courses due to Dee’s background in the industry. In 2016 Dee was diagnosed with double pneumonia which was a huge hit to not only me but to the company. I had no previous experience in the hair industry apart from being brought up in salons with my mum. When Mum was in hospital I decided to give barbering a whirl. This was outside of my normal 9-5 job, something which would take my mind off my mum’s illness as well as speaking to my mates about my mum but in a way I felt safe while butchering their hair as I had watched one you tube video on barbering ha-ha.

As we could only visit my mum at certain times I had managed to put some photos and videos of the haircuts I was doing to show my mum in the hospital. I was really enjoying cutting hair, but I had no idea what I was doing. My mum broke down crying when I showed her the photos of the hair I was doing (Not too sure if this was because they were awful haircuts or the fact that I was following after her profession)

Sadly my hair career was cut short due to not being able to study on the Gold Coast, unless I was in an apprenticeship which at the time was not an option for me. I had texted my Mum while she was in her hospital bed saying the dream was over and I was going back to compliance.

One week later, I had gone to visit my Mum in hospital again. Amazingly while she was fighting an illness which could have potentially killed her,

54 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
Gareth Philpott

she had come up with the business name The Barber Academy as well as drawn our logo and put Barbering on our scope. Thankfully with my Mum making a full recovery since her illness, we have gone from strength to strength, we hired Stacy Fernandes (AMBA Best Men’s Collection “Classic” 2022) who transformed our Barbering to the next level. To have someone who has been there and done that in the Barber Industry was a massive boost to the company.

How hard was this process for you to bring to a reality?

To be honest with our background in compliance and running RTOs this process for us was not really an issue. We understood why the procedures and processes are there. My job before I started cutting hair was a partner compliance officer for 7 different RTOs, which I learnt so much from. How RTOs are run all the way from Marketing through to the student journey and graduating. As I have learnt from many people in other industries, It is not just the hair and education industry which have to jump through hoops so it’s something we have to accept. I know to avoid some of these hoops more private education and upskilling has come in to play in Australia which I think is fantastic. The main difference between the RTO world and the upskilling would be the flexibility around the upskilling. This is one thing which we are getting more and more of. All of our educators also do Private training outside of their RTO positions. I’m sure our educators will agree the train the trainer program by Area Academy (AMBA Special Recognition recipient 2021) has completely changed the way that we conduct our education and has been an absolute game changer.

Tell us about the courses you offer...

With The Barber Academy we offer Certificate ii In Salon Assistant which we have tailored to barbering to offer a pathway for students. We also offer Certificate iii in Barbering both as a Full Time Course and as an apprenticeship option. As well as our RPL program for the Certificate iii course also. We also offer upskilling to any Barbers or Hairdressing who would like to sharpen their skills. We also have the advantage of owning The Hair Academy Australia which teaches Cert III Hairdressing so we can tailor education for anyone in the Hair Industry. We have funding available on all of our accredited courses which we offer at The Barber Academy.

It seems you go way beyond the minimum government guidelines for an RTO, and have teamed up other industry experts to share their expertise. Can you tell us about this?

I suppose the major thing we have always done as a company is focus on our Collaborations. Teaming up with Eoin and Leigh from the Area Academy team was a huge win for us as a company. Not only do the students receive their face-to-face training from two industry experts, but each student who enrolls in our Certificate III in Barbering Full time course receives a full year subscription to The Network by Area Academy which is a huge resource for our students to receive.

We have also collaborated with probably the biggest brand in the hair industry at the moment Dyson, who provide Supersonic Hair Dryers to all of our Full Time Certificate III in Barbering students as well as our full time Cert III in Hairdressing students. We have also teamed up with brands such as Excellent edges who will provide scissors for the students and mannequin heads, as well as Crispy Club which is a local Gold Coast product who are looking to put the fun back into the industry. As well, we are teaching the students the systems and procedures to upskill their shaving and facial services, specific to using the VITAMAN range. This is one of our biggest focuses for 2023, our students having as many resources as possible and showing off this amazing industry that we all love.

We have been extremely fortunate to have top class trainers at The Barber Academy. As I mentioned previous Stacy Fernandes was our first Barber trainer, to see Stacy grow in the industry as well as become a fantastic trainer makes Mum and myself so proud. We make a big deal that we always want our trainers to be as current as possible. Every one of our trainers still works in the industry because we want our students learning exactly what is happening in the industry today, and, in the future. Stacy completing a collection and becoming a finalist for the Australian Modern Barber Awards sums up how extremely talented our team are… (up-dating at time of print, we can confirm Stacy Fernandes indeed won Best Men’s Collection ‘Classic’ at the AMBA’s) as well as having 3 apprentices this year make finalists in Apprentice Collection categories, Billy Gowers AHIA Creative and Ethan Chan and Noah Rigelsford-Lockwood AMBA’s respectively. Stacy runs our Brisbane campus based in Woolongabba, and also teaches our Brisbane based barber apprentices.

cont’d over page
Brisbane Campus Gold Coast Campus The Barber Academy Team Gareth Cutting

On the Gold Coast, we have 3 trainers Michelle Henderson who is from England in the UK who again has taken our team to the next level. Michelle has a hairdressing background and moved into Barbering. The students absolutely love Michelle. We often have students from the previous college Michelle used to work at, come into our Gold Coast campus and visit Michelle and thank her for what she has done for them.

I also train at the Gold Coast campus myself; I like to keep on the tools as I have always believed that I have no right to tell my team what to do if I have not done it previously or are currently doing it. I have been in the Hair Industry now for 6 years and I still cut every single weekend out of Zeppelin Barber Shop in Mermaid Beach where I am constantly learning because of their amazingly talented team.

Our newest edition to the team is Charlotte Noble, a huge coup for the college. Charlotte was previously the head trainer at The London School of Barbering and decided to take a little trip across the globe and move to Australia. Charlotte will be a great asset in helping us transform this industry even more by giving our students such quality education, we are so excited to have Charlotte with us. Our main focus when education is making sure that the students are as confident and capable as possible before taking that leap into the industry. Because of the way our Academy is set up… we do run the Academy like a shop, so the students are also having that on-the-job experience before stepping foot into a real barber shop business environment. As I mentioned previously all of our trainers still work in the industry so they understand the requirements that the industry needs.

Tell us about expanding...

Yes probably our biggest talking point in the last month or so is our expansion into NSW, Sydney to be exact of course, details are still under wraps for now. This is, however, something we have been working on for the past 18 months, so we super excited about that. We receive messages every day asking when we are opening up in other capitals, Sydney, and Melbourne especially. We think there is a big need for our specific brand of training to be out there and as we are very industry focused; we take these requests seriously.

Along with the Sydney plans in place, we have recently just signed up for a new location on the Gold Coast. We have been trying to get this space for the past 5 years. It was always our dream to do something like this and we have finally managed to get it over the line. You will have to keep an eye on our social media and web site to see the update on the new Gold Coast location as its still top secret at the moment ;)

cont’d from page 55
Apprentice Billy Gowers Educating at Barber Hub Dyson Day Newly Qualified Barber Paige Bottriell Area Academy Training
Area Academy Training
New Brisbane Intake




Why use three different products when one easy to use, economical and proven product will meet all of your needs? For metal hair trimmers and clippers and implements, this exclusive aerosol 5-in-1 formula disinfects, lubricates, cleans, cools and prevents rust.

Barbicide Jar

The iconic symbol for safety and cleanliness in the barbershop has always been the faceted glass jar with the silver lid! Still made with the same quality as it was 75 years ago.

Disinfecting jar to disinfect items of all sizes

Barbicide Concentrate

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58 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4

The follow up piece …. Stage one… It’s open… But it’s also swelling! So, stage two is starting as well…. Already!

I’m sure you remember Moe Diedericks from Issue 11.2. It was the story of a guy just before going out on his own and taking the plunge… opening his own shop. He’d just signed the lease as a matter of fact. I was first drawn to Moe’s impeccable work as he is truly talented and after hearing about his business model and concept and perception of bridging the gap between salon and barbershop, he’d definitely piqued my interest and had gotten my attention.

I wanted to follow this journey because I had a hunch and yes, it’s going to pay off. Moe has opened his shop on the outer rim of Melbourne’s CBD in Carlton, no minor feat.

The space is big and bold, like his vision (sorry Moe), now it’s not a million-dollar fit out but it’s in a prime position and super modern and what he has done with his budget is sound. It’s big open spaces, ultra-high ceilings, very clean lines, and he has masterfully put the focus on what is important, the client, the skill set he has and the client experience on offer with his customer service.

Gutsy call because with the minimalistic fit out, all the attention is on these points I mentioned, there is no other distraction. Rent would not be cheap here and as a business decision, an expensive fit is money well-not-spent at this early stage, 10 points in my book it shows Moe is thinking long game with his business. You can always add more to the fit out when you can do it right. I think it’s going to be very interesting watching this young man with the big dream grow into this space and grow his business into this space.

We’ve met Moe and seen his work and heard his early ideas, lets catch up and see how the first few months have gone shall we…

Moe… how’s it been?

The first few months have honestly flown past, we are currently in our 5th month trading and the early stages of picking up the keys, gutting out the internals and painting the shop is all a blur. We have grown so much in such a short amount of time as a team and personally I have too. The location of the shop is absolutely stunning and needs to be seen in person to really appreciate the architecture and surroundings.

Best decision ever?

It was definitely the best decision, I hit a wall with passion and needed something new, something challenging and decided that opening up a studio was the next exciting thing that I could do to reignite that flame. For the first month of trading, I kept saying in my head “I should’ve done this earlier” but soon realised that now was the perfect time for me. COVID blindsided everyone and for someone just starting out his business I would’ve been really down and deflated, that roller coaster would’ve come down quicker than anything and huge respect to the people that are still fighting that battle with rebuilding their business, I hope you’re all going strong.

You originally did this, to go it alone, how is that working out?

It’s funny to think that I wanted to open a studio just for myself. During the setting up process I had a colleague reach out and pretty much demand a job with me haha. After thinking about it for a while I said yes, man… I tell you, that was the best decision I’ve ever made.

We gel really well together and share the same passion. 2 months ago, we discovered that we were knocking back a few people and to all the new business owners out there you know the worst thing you can say to a new client is “no” you knock someone back and not only do you get rid of them then and there, but they will find another barbershop and you won’t see them again until a couple weeks later or not even at all.

I made the decision to hire someone else and being the picky bastard I am, I now had to find someone that fit the VZNRY team. I was not ready for that. Organically I found someone. By accident, no paid adverts, no type of marketing. NOTHING!!

We attended an Area Academy masterclass and started speaking to all the people there. Networking, and just chatting to all the other passionate barbers there too and then I found the 3rd team member to VZNRY.

I’m currently at the stage of putting another cutting station in the shop to start looking at getting the 4th team member in the next two months.

Wow, when you type all this out you really sit back and think about how far you’ve come.

That’s exactly what we are super excited to see Moe as well!! Look at you go!! We’ll be back in 6 months to cap off the first year in a new business.

Moe is super generous with sharing his experience and loves connecting with all in the industry. In his words his door is always open. Reach out.



59 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4


A fade is a classic men’s haircut and one that will come back on trend time and time again and with that in mind, it’s an important haircut for men’s hairdressers to master. Below are my top tips for helping achieve the perfect fade in the salon/barbershop for your clients…

1. Ensure you have the right tools in hand before creating your cut. You will want clippers with a comb guard that you will use for the majority of your skin fade. I love to use clippers that are cordless to allow for maximum control. You will want scissors and a barber comb to allow you to make the cut more precise, and clean, getting as close to the head as possible.

2. Always start around an inch above the ears as a guideline, cut the hair with the 0 setting on your clippers from the bottom of the hairline up to the guideline and work your way around the head.

3. Repeat the above process directly above the guideline point but change your clipper setting up a notch. Repeat this process until you reach the top of the sides of the head.

4. Don’t rush but ensure you have rhythm as you work on your fade. You don’t want to take away chunks of the hair or have any imperfections. Start slowly, build the rhythm and gain confidence.

5. Ensure the cut has a flawless blend. If you have any imperfections, you can always go back over them or use your scissors to help neaten up the look.

6. Use your hair tools to sharpen up the sides and accentuate the look.

7. Finish the look with styling products that will enhance the cut. I particularly like to use products like American Crew Boost Powder that give further volume to the hair on top that’s longer in length and give the look a more dramatic, statement finish or pomades and waxes with a matte finish like Label M Matt Paste to help give the hair shape whilst also having a natural finish.



with Don De Sanctis Oh-dear, it’s that time of year!

The holiday season is not too far away and without a doubt everyone is feeling the heat already. With this in mind, every year I try my hardest to ensure that my team is prepared and does not get burnt out during this season. Preparation of this busy time of year is the key to success not only in the financial view of the business but also for the wellbeing of the team and clients.

The first thing I do in preparation is to ensure that I have staffed my shops so that my staff do not get burnt out in the crazy, busy rushes that we get. During this time, I will typically have more staff staffed on frequently so that this is covered. Having more staff also will allow for everyone to be able to have more breaks so that they do not get exhausted.

Your staffs’ wellbeing both mentally and physically is always extremely important but especially at this time as everyone is overwhelmed and needs extra support. As an employer I always offer my team support by having an ‘open door’ policy where I can be contacted whenever by whoever of my staff and I offer support for work and personal related worries. I also do regular check ins at all my stores to ensure that my staff have the opportunity to feel comforted and reassured that we are all in this together.

Finally, we have extended hours at our headquarters for customer and staff support. All our Barber Boys community needs can be attended to with longer hours. Our staff in store are also reminded that customer service needs to be upheld no matter how busy we get, our high standard never drops.

Workplace culture is the most important aspect of any company, which is why I pride my business on having a strong, family-oriented culture. We have an annual end-of-year party where we treat our staff to dinner and drinks and take this time to reflect on the year we had. Having this event allows everyone to get together and celebrate another great year in holiday spirit!

Although crazy, the holiday season is one of the best times of the year. My advice is to prepare and embrace this festive season and celebrate the end of another year.

64 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4


Culture eats strategy for Breakfast WITH Sam Squires

Here we are, the final edition for the year and what a year it has been. We weathered the storm of covid and are finishing the year on a high in the men’s hair and barber industry. Numerous amazing awards taken out by unbelievable talent and the community has never been stronger.

I would like to finish this series with some gratitude and an insight into the reality of barbering and owning businesses in the men’s hair space. I feel like overcoming the trials and tribulations placed in front of us all during the pandemic and the stand still pause we all experienced on the rapid growth in men’s hair is behind us.

It’s safe to say we hit the other side running and the amount of collaboration and community in the barber industry is at an all-time high which has added value to the barber and men’s hair culture. So, a big thankyou to the industry leaders, influencers, publications, and companies that are contributing to this.

This blog will touch on culture.

Someone once said, culture eats strategy for breakfast.

The cultural norms within our businesses and industry can completely define and encourage what is accepted within a group. My belief is that within the industry although there are many cultures and many ways to skin fade a cat. Building a strong culture is a must and integral to the success within your business.

By following the same high standards for our employees, industry, education platforms and treatment from business owners, our strong business cultures can endure any issue and grow leaders that understand a bigger picture within your company and the industry as a whole.

Below I want to outline some tips on creating and maintaining a positive barbershop culture:


Sometimes defining your culture can stem from before you have even started your barber business and can seep into aspects of design and procedures. Defining your culture and understanding questions like:

WHY - Why are you in this industry and what are you looking to contribute and achieve.

WHO - Who do you look up to and admire and what are they standing for and working towards in their business culture.

WHAT - What characteristics do you value in your personal life that are transferable to your business life?


Taking on the right people who can display an understanding for your culture and goals is integral. If you hire people who don’t understand your aims, they’ll often clash with the culture and bring down those in your business that have a similar mindset to you. The same goes to your clients, and being transparent within your brand will attract the right kind of clients to your business.


Regularly checking in with your staff and managers is something that can aid in the maintenance of a positive team culture. Giving people a sense of ownership and input into the movement of your business and taking into consideration recommendations. Meetings don’t have to be all doom and gloom and addressing negative aspects of the business. This is also a good time that you can outline and communicate expectations to staff around business. A decent understanding of what needs to be done keeps staff in the loop and not feeling lost and out of touch and reinforces a positive behaviour.


One awesome way of keeping a positive barbershop culture is showing how much you appreciate and support your staff, especially in times like these where finding quality barbers and staff members seems to be impossible. Showing support in staff members achievements and wins and being there for them in their losses and defeats can cement how much they mean to you and your business. Investing in continuous growth and development shows your staff you care but also instils responsibility in keeping high standards within our industry.

Thanks for reading my Blogs Spots over this year’s issues of Barbershop Mag.

65 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
@Samthebarberman Founder Backbone Barbershop Group @BackboneBarbershop @BackbonebarbershopBurleigh Backbone Barber Education @BackboneBarberEducation
Cheers, Sam Squires


AFB RECRUIT IS CALLING! with Collette Saunders

We are all fully aware of the shortage of staff in our industry. As our nation slowly claws back to some semblance of normality post-C insanity we have been left with a hole.

Enter @afb_recruit ! Pre C I had already set up an instagram platform to repost the businesses reaching out for staff. This links to the already successful @ australianfemalebarbers platform I had established in 2018. That community has grown to become a common link between businesses and updates what followers are creating, learning, educating in, reaching out for etc.

I had seen ads on many other commercial sites, also those on social media who charge $ for advertising positions. I’d heard people’s reviews on them. Responses seemed frequently low or non-existent. I would receive messages asking if I knew of anyone looking for work and also asking if I knew or anyone hiring. Messages from overseas needing connections to businesses requiring skilled staff in Australia. It made sense to throw this open to the floor. Everyone is in the same boat at present. The need is not just contained to ours, but to multiple trade and retail industries.

AFB_RECRUIT is a FREE community notice board. To access it, all that is required is to tag the account @afb_recruit in your post advertising for staff. It’s as simple as that one click. I will see it and repost across 3 platforms! The recruit page, the @ australianfemalebarbers page and my personal account @ collettesaundershair .

There is nothing small about “word of mouth”. It is effective. AFB_RECRUIT presents what is out there for everyone’s perusal. Including the overseas prospectors searching Downunder, and who are slowly creeping back into our visa systems.

Patience is a virtue they say, and at this time in our industry it is absolutely required. The “great resignation” saw many leave the hair industry. There were many businesses shut down through no fault of their own. I believe though, that a lot of the time people come back to what they know. Every trade often says the same thing, “they always come back eventually”! We must hope!

We must also support the education systems and academies in place across Australia who continue to provide and produce. Apprentices are needed. Apprentices must be nurtured. It’s what makes the wheels turn round. I encourage all apprentices to also access @afb_recruit and put themselves forward if they are searching for that first big break. Whatever industry you are in, be it barbering, hairdressing, and beauty! Have confidence! The connections and networking that evolve when simple steps like accessing AFB_RECRUIT is done, will make a difference to someone’s search.

We are all connected at the head!

Collette Saunders @collettesaundershair

Founder @australianfemalebarbers

66 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
Founder @afb_recruit Board Director @jackreedfoundation




Let’s wake up and face the music - we all have too much stuff. From cinnamon-scented candles to reindeer mugs, haven’t we had enough of Christmas themed things? Let’s rethink what it means to give a gift this season.

Are you scratching your head, wondering what to give your loved ones this Christmas? It doesn’t matter how well we know someone; at some point, we just run out of ideas. Not only that, but the truth is also that most of us don’t need anything more for Christmas. Sure, there are exceptions, but Christmas is often an excuse for a tacky secret Santa gift from the two-dollar store or another itchy Christmas sweater. And let’s be honest, do we really need clothes that we only wear once a year? Doesn’t sound very sustainable to me.

More stuff than we know what to do with I’ll let you in on a secret. My partner and I recently had a baby, and the amount of stuff we were gifted was simply overwhelming. Newborns definitely need things - a seemingly endless list of things - but no newborn on earth needs the number of clothes and toys we were gifted after the birth. With Christmas coming up, I’ve made a radical decision. No presents this year.

My mother has been protesting this rule, begging me to tell her what it is I want for Christmas. So, I told her. As everyone who knows me knows, the thing I love most is giving back. So, this year, I’m asking my friends and family to gift me the gift of giving.

Rather than spending their hard-earned money on another pair of fuzzy slippers that will die a sad and untimely death in my shoe cupboard, or Christmas-themed socks that the washing machine will conveniently eat, I want people to stop and think about how else they could utilise their money.

Giving back is about more than the feel-good factor So many people around Australia go without, not just on Christmas but every day of the year. Children are living below the poverty line right here in Australia. Some seniors can’t make ends meet. There are animals badly injured by consecutive waves of bushfires and floods and sanctuaries struggling to fund their recovery. This Christmas, I want to give back.

Giving back is built into our ethos here at Sustainable Salons. We run a lot of initiatives to help our colleagues, salon owners and clients give back to their communities. Just this year we:

Raised $1,785 for Steptember

Raised $11,000 for OzHarvest

Raised $5,500 for KiwiHarvest

As a hair salon owner, you might be wondering how you can participate in the giving season.

Here at Sustainable Salons, we encourage our employees to tell us what initiatives they want to take part in and support. So, for instance, we give

them the broad criteria: it’s got to help people, it’s got to have a real purpose behind it, and it’s got to raise money for a good cause. And then they take that criteria and come up with ideas.

If you can’t implement something like this at your salon, how about a donations jar at the front counter? It’s simple, costs you nothing and lets you passively raise money for a good cause. Get your employees’ input into what they’d like to support.

Secret Santa done differently Here’s an idea for your next Secret Santa: Pick names out of a hat, as usual. Agree on an $$ amount that is financially doable for everyone involved - ten or twenty dollars is plenty. Once everyone has selected a name out of the hat, their job is to go away and think about what kind of charity or cause the person they picked would want their donation to go to.

Your friend that loves AFL? How about a donation to an AFL club for kids in an underserved area? Does your dad love cooking? Donating meals for the homeless could be just the ticket. And your animal-obsessed coworker would probably love it if you donated to their local animal shelter in their name.

This secret Santa has everything that makes the game good - it’s personal to the person you’ve picked and their interests and brings meaning and purpose to their gift this Christmas season. Nobody has to go home with a glitter crazy, over the top scented bath bomb or a live laugh love coaster set. It’s win-win-win. A win for those in need, a win for you as you feel good about doing something for others, and a win for the planet as you avoid cluttering up your house with more Christmas themed items nobody needs.

I personally want my loved ones to ditch the matching Christmas jumpers and put that money towards something that makes me happy. Make a donation in my name (or better yet, in my baby’s), and help me give back to the community that I love.

So, ask yourself, how will you give back this Christmas? No matter how you celebrate or if you even celebrate at all, there’s a certain feeling in the air that is undeniable. Lean into the spirit of the holiday and gift the gift of giving.

Keen to join the movement? Scan the QR code to learn more

67 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4


Negroid hair type (syn. Afro hair) is one of the world’s three principle hair classes with its country of origin being Africa. Generally, the natural colour is black with multiple helices, the hair-shaft cross-sectional examination reveals the characteristic oval configuration and hair shafts are usually dry woolly and vulnerable to breakage


DANDRUFF (pityriasis simplex capitis)

A scaly scalp often mistakenly considered to be a dry scalp. The scalp like skin, undergoes cyclical renewal and dead cells are constantly being shed. In cases of plaited hairstyles, extensions, weave-on’s, locks, twists, these epidermal cells accumulate on the scalp and with regular applications of oils and greases together with trapped perspiration, may initiate a scalp irritation eventually resulting in a dermatitis.


An itchy scalp condition caused by an allergic reaction to material in contact with the scalp. It can be attributed to a number of external factors, most commonly to improperly applied chemical relaxers, build ups of heavy cosmetic products, glues used in weaving techniques and generally unhealthy scalp conditions. Subsequent applications of pomades and oils on an itchy scalp will result in folliculitis manifested by pustules surrounding the hair follicles. The inflammatory cells accumulate in response to bacteria that are able to proliferate within the partially occluded follicles. Secondary infected dermatitis causes the hair follicles to become damaged resulting in various degrees of hair loss and possibly the formation of disseminated keloidal scarring due to continual scratching. Contact dermatitis needs early treatment in order

to alleviate further possible sensitisation and to avoid irreversible damage to hair and scalp.


A skin condition affecting the nape of the neck which may persist for years. Initially small round itchy bumps appear within the hair-bearing area at the occipital region of the scalp. Pustules may form around the hair follicles. The bumps become small scars which eventually will enlarge to form Keloids.

Causes: buried in-growing hairs often following dry razoring or close clipping.

Treatment: topical antibiotics for low grade infection oral antibiotics for secondary infection; topical steroids avoidance of trauma to the area, e.g. sustained friction from clothing removal of in-growing hairs by tweezers.


A benign condition resulting from excess collagen formation, presenting as smooth hard growth of raised scar tissue. Once formed, they do not regress but tend to join together and although they generally grow slowly they may become large.

Cause: usually a response to injuries (major or minor) including insect bites.

Treatment: The treatment of choice appears to be a course of local injections of corticosteroids. The patients are usually seen at monthly intervals and the course of the treatment may be quite lengthy, many times over a year. Radiotherapy, excision and cryosurgery are not recommended on Black skins as these methods could produce further scarring.


Cause: tight plaiting over a long period of time. A localised area of the scalp, most often the crown and temporals, may feel very sore for months after the plaits have been removed.


A dermatophytosis (ringworm infection) presenting as boggy, oozing inflammatory lesions of the scalp caused by trichophytum tonsurans. Temporary hair loss is usual although scarring may occur in severe cases.

Treatment: prescription medicines e.g. (Grifulvin

V®) and oral steroids in severe cases. Your doctor may require blood tests.


General recommendations

The hair texture may be coarse, but Afro-hair due to its particular configuration is fragile. Every twist and turn are a weakness, a breaking point.

Climatic conditions and environmental factors e.g., central heating, Ultraviolet rays, cold weather etc may compound the hair’s existing dry condition.

Afro-Caribbean hair can look shiny and retain reasonable length, whether in its virgin or chemically processed state if given the proper care and attention.

Black hair requires careful management on a daily basis to limit loss of tensile strength and maintain a natural balance of moisture.

Critical guidelines (to be followed to achieve best results): Chemical processing must be carried out by a professional.

Do not relax hair more than once every 10-12 weeks.

Do not press, blow dry, hot tong, or use heated rollers; they strip the hair of its moisture thus causing irreversible damage to hair structure resulting in on-going hair breakage and disastrous cosmetic effects

Wet set hair and dry under hooded hairdryer. After shampooing do not rub the hair with the towel but gently blot the water off (sustained localised friction will cause hair breakage)

Do not massage the scalp (massaging the scalp has no beneficial effect on the hair and is not effective in promoting hair-growth. It may cause hair breakage)

Avoid the use of glues in weaving techniques. Avoid braiding, plaiting and weave-on’s as they almost always cause traction alopecia especially during pillow contact – this may result in permanent baldness (often seen at the sides, front and neck regions of the scalp).

If used remove braids, plaits, weave-on’s after a few days do not redo it.

Do not apply oils on an itchy scalp.

68 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4

Have you got an online booking system yet?

Young people text, they don’t talk. And they want everything to be online so that they can manage it from their mobiles. But it’s not just young people; everyone seems to be following this trend. That’s why it is important you allow your customers to book their haircuts online, automatically, without having to talk to anyone, through an online booking system.

An online booking system will free you up to spend more time with your customers and will also show your schedule to your customers, so they know when you’re available. They’ll love the convenience of being able to make appointments at any time of the day, without having to call you.

One benefit of online booking systems is they do a lot of things automatically, like sending your customers appointment reminders or letting them make recurring appointments they can easily change.

Another benefit is they drive customers to your website, which boosts your website traffic and Google ranking. Also, because you know exactly which website page your customers will land on, you know exactly where to place your latest promotions.

Most booking systems require customers to login or register, which means they also help you build an up-to-date database. You can then target your database with email and SMS marketing.

Where do I start?

Choosing the right booking system is a daunting task because there are so many systems out there, ranging from free to about $200 per month. Here are five options (listed in alphabetical order):

1. Appointy

Appointy has a free entry-level version and will provide you with a webpage if you don’t yet have your own website. This app supplies website integration, Google bookings and automatic reminders. It also integrates with social media, so customers can book directly from Facebook or Instagram.

2. Bookedin

Bookedin is automated appointment software that is easy to use, and that allows recurring appointments and customised booking forms, so you know ahead of time if your customer is coming in for a quick cut or a new colour and style. There’s a free, 14-day trial version available.

3. Booksy

Booksy targets hair salons, barbers and other businesses in the beauty and wellness industry. Customers looking for a hair stylist can simply login and Booksy will show them all the salons in their area on a map. They can book an appointment at any time, and also cancel it from either the app or website. Booksy also allows repeat bookings and chain bookings: for example, a customer can book a haircut and a pedicure straight after. Booksy’s developers are working on waiting lists so that if a customer cancels, there’s already another customer standing by. The software also offers promotional and marketing services, and you can use its fully integrated system to manage your customer records, team, and performance metrics, such as identifying your top hairstylists and customers.

4. Fresha

Fresha is another app that is customised for salons and spas. This free software integrates appointment scheduling, payment processing, point of sale, marketing, and analytics. You can use it to manage your product inventory and even sell your inventory online with Fresha’s software.

5. Square Appointments

Square Appointments has a free entry-level plan. It integrates an app, website and point-ofsale system with the usual automated email and text reminders. It further helps you manage your staff and customer relationships and can even integrate with several accounting packages, although those integrations cost extra.

Final note

Keep in mind that when software companies offer you a free booking system, there’s always a catch, because they must make money somewhere – perhaps by charging a commission on the payments they process.

If you don’t have an automated online booking system, you should seriously consider getting one, because it will significantly improve your marketing and customer service.

Nick Bendel is the director of Hunter & Scribe, a copywriting / content marketing agency that writes blogs, social media posts, website text and other content for businesses.

69 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
70 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4


So, when is the right time to spread your wings and open up a shop of your own? Well, for starters you need to ensure you have gained a solid amount of experience in the industry. This may be obvious but is very important. If you are serious about opening up your own barbershop, you want to ensure you are a well-rounded barber, and are prepared to be able to service a wide range of clientele. Depending on the area you open up in, it may not make sense if you only specialise in one type of haircut, and even if it does, you still need to be prepared for different types of clients to sit in your chair.

Typically, this will not be as soon as you’ve finished your apprenticeship or barber course. You do also want to respect your employer if they have given you an apprenticeship and invested time & money to train you up and not take off to do your own thing as soon as you qualify. You still keep growing every day, even once you’re qualified. Gather up as much experience as you can - and money! (We will discuss this further down)


So, you’ve decided you are ready to open up your own shop. What is the right (and ethical) way to go about leaving your current employer?

Number one would be to be open and honest with them and communicate what you are looking to do. Ideally you want to have already planned out some of your process (more on this below) so you have an idea of when you will leave your employment.

Be ethical! If your employer has been respectful to you, given you a job, and helped you along your journey, do the right thing. Don’t take clients from them. Now, there will be many of your clients who are friends, or you may have brought with you to this businessthey will always follow you no matter what, and with social media these days - if a client wants to find you, they will find you!

But this refers to those clients who you cut because of the barbershop you’re working in. Who came to the barbershop, and then found you. If you have a large clientele, your employer can lose a huge chunk of clients when a long-serving employee leaves (if they take clients). You probably wouldn’t like it if you were in their position, so just be mindful of this. You will have the opportunity to attract many new clients at your own shop.


It is important to plan ahead and know the steps you need to take to open up your own barbershop. There will always be little things here and there that will pop up but having structure will go a long way. These steps are not necessarily in order.

1. Location

Location, location, location! Ideally, a space with good foot traffic is highly beneficial, to ensure you have a steady stream of people. You will gain clients who simply walk past and see a

new barbershop opened up. An area with continual growth and development is smart too. Parking is also important to consider for the convenience of your clients. Home based businesses are becoming popular and can offer flexibility in your work, but have limitations (for example, no foot traffic) and will require more upfront work to build a steady clientele. You need to consider your goals as well. For example, if you hope to one day sell your business, a home-based business may not be ideal.

2. Size

What size shop are you looking for, and what is the vision for how you want the shop to look and be laid out? The size of your space may be determined by what is available on the market, but it helps to know what you want to do with your space and how much work it will take to get it there when looking at a shop. For example, what kind of barber stations, how many do you want to have, and how big of a team do you plan on building. Be sure to incorporate a comfortable waiting area for your customers too.

3. Funding

Make sure you have your finances sorted out. Opening up your barbershop can be a sizable investment. You need to budget and sort out your funds from the start. The last thing you want is to open up a half-hearted barbershop because you didn’t plan out your funds correctly. It is also wise to have an understanding of running costs, and how you will keep it sustainable in the long term. You don’t want to undercut your prices too much at the start. You need to understand your value, and charge what you are worth for the service you are offering and the location you are in. If you offer a quality service, clients will pay.

4. Dynamics

What type of barbershop do you want to create? What is the vibe, for example old-school or modern? Work out how your shop will run. Walk In Only, Appointment only, or a mix of both? Pricing, trading hours as well as the branding for your barbershop (logo, signage, website, social media, etc.) is vital to create a strong identity for your barbershop.

5. Staff

Finding staff may prove to be one of the biggest challenges but is necessary if you want to have a team. You can choose to offer chairs for rent, which is becoming increasingly popular, but if you want to really create a team environment you may prefer to pay wages. Determine the type of staff and what qualifications & experience you need them to have, and if you want to take on apprentices.

In closing, opening up your own barbershop can be a daunting journey, but if you take your time, gain the right amount of experience, be structured, and plan out your process, it will make it much easier and enjoyable - and give you a better result! @newyorkbarbers

71 Barber Shop Year 11 Issue 4
When it comes to opening up your own barbershop, there are many factors to consider and work out. From the right time to do it, to choosing a location, and everything else in between.



At Wahl, we constantly strive to provide world class education to Barbers and Stylists in our industry. Our Wahl Educators have been selected as part of this platform and trained by our Wahl Global Leaders in the education field and they are so excited to share their knowledge with you.

seeks to encompass the same high standards, providing quality content to all levels of artist, whether they be apprentices or masters at their craft.

Constantly striving to provide world class education to Barbers and Stylists the new Wahl Education Team has been selected and trained by Wahl Global Leaders all sharing an undeniable excitement to share their knowledge.

Celine Kaponias. @chopchopps__

Anthony Nafatali. @antzthebarber

Sarah Wall. @sarahwall_industries


As an organisation that takes pride in our heritage, our products are known to be of the highest quality and our customer service second to none. Our education platform

Wahl Academy Australia now comes to you with In-store Classes. Designed to provide education for you and your sta in the comfort of your own salon or barbershop. Our 6-hour classes include 1 x Look & Learn plus 2 x Hands On Workshops.

As an organisation that takes pride in their heritage, Wahl products are known to be of the highest quality with customer service second to none. The Wahl education platform seeks to encompass the same high standards, providing quality content to all levels of artist, whether they be apprentices or masters at their craft.

The Wahl Academy Australia Education Program is designed to provide the professional public with training forums from the best barbers in the country, hand-picked and trained as the Wahl Education Team. It is also designed to provide you additional sales through education, giving you further avenues to offer value to your customers, repeat classes and sales and additional product purchases.

In line with today’s market demands, Wahl is offering a 6-hour workshop which will include 1 x Look and Learn demonstration plus 2 x Hands On Workshops. Designed for a maximum of 12 attendees, these workshops will provide key learning in Wahl products, tool maintenance and multiple techniques, plus a full demonstration on one cut as well as practical hands on tuition for 2 additional cuts with each participant practicing on their own models/mannequins.

The new Team consists of:-

Mark Rabone. @mark_rabone_hair

Heath Paton. @heathpaton

Yuki Kano. @yukikano

Ben Kane. @benwardscissorhands


Hot Towel Cabinets in Matte Black or White

Comfortel’s Hot Towel Cabinet in matte black, warms and then maintains the temperature of moist towels for use in facial and body treatments or for traditional hot towel shaves. The cabinet features an Ultra-Violet light globe (Ozone) inside which can be turned on or off independently from the warming function. The UV light (Ozone) may help prevent the damp towels becoming stale or getting a musty odour while being stored in the cabinet.

Rob Szincsak. @hair.byrob Jaymes Lunn. @barberjaymes

Wahl provides:

A 20% discount on the first Wahl Refill Order post event (subject to class tool list)

Book your education session now or get in touch with us to know more about the program.

A highly trained and experienced educator from Wahl’s Education Team, who is proficient in all aspects of clipper skills and Wahl product knowledge Educator’s Fee

Digital Session Outlines and Advertising artwork for the workshop

A simple and convenient scheduling procedure

Wahl Educators provide:

Superior clipper education ranging from basic tradition to on trend advanced techniques and everything in between.

Diversified clipper techniques for all textures and lengths of hair, regardless of gender. Tool recommendations to ensure a successful class.

One mannequin or model for the educator to demonstrate on.

Product Purchase recommendations (please provide our educator with any Wahl product specials you are offering to the class attendees)

To find out more: Join the Wahl community!

Scan the QR code to connect with WAHL on socials or to get in contact via the website.

INTRODUCING THE AUSTRALIAN WAHL EDUCATION TEAM @mark_rabone_hair Mark Rabone @heathpaton Heath Paton @yukikano Yuki Kano @benwardscissorhands Ben Kane @chopchopps__ Celine Kaponias @antzthebarber Anthony Nafatali @sarahwall_industries
Sarah Wall @hair.byrob Rob Szincsak
Jaymes Lunn



VITAMAN’s Volumising Shampoo works to gently cleanse away impurities and excess product build up in your hair. Used in tandem with our Volumising Conditioner, it’s suitable for all hair types, including fine or thinning hair. Simply massage a small amount of Volumising Shampoo into your hair, rinse thoroughly, and follow with our Volumising Conditioner.

Featuring naturally sourced, Australian ingredients like White Tea Leaf Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Witch Hazel, and Kakadu Plum Fruit, VITAMAN’s Volumising Shampoo is packed full of essential fatty acids that provide strengthening and nourishing protein to your hair. With a masculine Peppermint aroma that awakens the senses, our Volumising Shampoo is made for highperforming men who know the value of looking and feeling their best.


A plush style barber’s chair tailored to perfection. Searching for an accent barbers chair that really makes a statement? You’ve found it, in Whistler. Sleek, with a nod too traditional barbers chairs, it will be sure to jazz up any salon or barber space. The design features soft, criss cross leather look upholstery with white piping.

360º (lockable) rotation, reclining backrest, adjustable, integrated, removable headrest, upholstered padded armrests, recline lever, upholstered and padded footrest, raised leg support, lockable hydraulic lift and round black & chrome base


You asked for a wider trolley and we listened! Our high-quality Fusion Trolley has now been redesigned into the WIDER Fusion PLUS Trolley. Now with a wider 100% steel construction frame you can store more of your favourite barber tools, while offering to keeping them organised in 4 uniquely designed wider drawers. To keep all your important tools safe the extra wide top and drawers are each supplied with an anti-slip ribbed rubber mat. All the rubber mats can be easily removed for easy cleaning. Each drawer is uniquely designed to store all of your barber tools from clippers, trimmers, shaving tools, hairdryers, straightening irons, brushes, combs and most importantly your scissors and thinners. Bringing to your salon a Unique Click ‘n Clean castor wheel with Ground-Breaking Technology! With over 30 years of experience in providing bespoke furniture pieces to Australian salon owners, Joiken understands the hairdressing industry inside and out. This is why they’ve put their thinking caps on and successfully solved an issue arguably as old as the profession itself; product and hair build-up in trolley and stool wheels. Lo and Behold, the Click ‘n Clean was created!

Click ‘n Clean Castor Wheel Features:

- Click ‘n Clean castor wheels are Designed to protect your stool and trolley against hair and dirt.

- The unique Click ‘n Clean system will also allow you to clean your stool or trolley wheels in minimal time when compared to your present wheel castor.

- The Click ‘n Clean castor wheel will put you back in charge of your salon priorities





Brushes to last a lifetime. Made in Italy, Mira brushes represent outstanding quality, craftmanship and durability. Round brushes of varying sizes, styles and materials – Mira does it like no other.


Tough on hair, gentle on skin. By focusing on professional performance, StyleCraft by Silver Bullet The Boss Shaver provides the closest, smoothest and gentlest shaving experience. Italian designed and engineered.


You don’t quit and neither should your tools. The power of unlimited cordless runtime is now in your hands with BaBylissPRO SNAPFX Dual Battery Clipper and Trimmer. Revolutionary industry first!


Tame a mane with StyleCraft by Silver Bullet The Beast & His Bro Clipper and Trimmer Combo. This supercharged, modular clipper and fully adjustable trimmer are a barber’s beast friends.


Screen Dorado 10 Min Hair Colour Cream is the perfect colouring service for root touch-ups, grey coverage and colour blending. Easy 10 minute add-on, colour service. Ultra-fast yet long-lasting.


BaBylissPRO GoldFX collection is the gold standard in barbering tools. Clippers, trimmers, shavers and new hair dryer with unbeatable speed, power and precision. An absolute barber’s dream.


Ultra-chic black with gold details. With stainless steel handhoned blades, Iceman Blaze Hairdressing Scissors are designed to cater to all cutting and barbering techniques. Blade lengths from 5-7”.


With over 100 million brushes sold worldwide, WetBrush are the detangling experts. Brush with less force resulting in less damage, thanks to world famous IntelliFlex bristles. The original and best.


With ultra-low profile metal shield cover and ergonomic grip housing, BaBylissPRO LoPROFX High-Performance LowProfile Clipper and Trimmer are BaBylissPRO’s most intuitive tools yet. Outstanding power, performance and feel.


The next generation of hyper speed, lightweight, BLDC hair dryers. Silver Bullet JetLiner Hair Dryer is programmable. Choose manual or select hair type to put this ultra-advanced dryer in control.


Colour this fast and easy? It can only be Keracolor Colour + Clenditioner. Instant, temporary colour which you can paint on. Intermixable range for endless colour combinations. 100% vegan.


The most powerful clipper and trimmer ever made. Silver Bullet HeadLiner Clipper and Trimmer are powered by super high torque 110,000 rpm motor for unbeatable performance. Cord/cordless, lightweight and ergonomic.

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