3 minute read
Building Salon Teams That Work By Elle Wilson
Building a team requires a whole new level of development and willingness from you as a human being, and not just as an entrepreneur.
Because you will attract many of your subconscious beliefs. That’s what building a team is fundamentally all about: an opportunity for you to unify the inside with the outside. This is the true, compelling meaning of manifestation: to attract what you desire.
As you begin to understand this, everything will be a movement forward and you will leave behind the perspectives of polarization. In other words, events will happen and you will not judge them, but simply move through them.
Together with the policies and procedures that will govern your salon, you will set up your team to deeply reflect your understanding of the way life truly moves.
Hint: It doesn’t move for you.
And when you let go of that idea is when your entire life undergoes a transformation. It’s when building a successful team becomes a joy, an exploration of other human beings and how to reach them, inspire them and watch them grow.
The fear that often rises up when building a team happens because ultimately, we know we have no control over the behavior of others. We cannot foresee the outcomes. Salon owners building a team will often arrive at a space of inauthenticity because every decision and action they make is based on a preferred outcome.
The solutions are so simple: - Be aware of the pitfalls. - Always move in the direction of your clarity. - Find professionals that are aligned with your values and the values of your brand.
When building teams, most people will focus on the applicants sending in their resumes. That’s wrong. I know, it’s a bold statement. But in order to build a powerful inner circle for your salon, you must let your inner world lead and manifest a movement that everyone will join.
You are the leader, after all.
Notice I didn’t say boss or employer. To lead is to know oneself and have the sincerity and honesty to grow as a human being. As the team leader, your role has to be clearly defined within you before you begin looking outwards. Reflecting on this will make you deeply question your own values and your own beliefs.
When you’ve built a team that’s like a well-oiled machine, where all the parts are aligned and move in perfect synchronicity, then it will produce powerful results for your salon: - Increased profits - Decreased client attrition - Inspired and happy team members - Clients raving about your brand in testimonials and reviews