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Breaking Resume Rules By Robyn McAlpine
How to pimp your resume and get away with it! It’s the talk of all the industry forums, the gaping hole and significant lack of therapists in our industry and whilst I don’t doubt that great skin therapists are thinner on the ground, what If it’s not so much a lack of good therapists but a lack of good applications?
I’m about to teach you how to turn heads with your job application that will guarantee you an interview and hopefully have you elbows deep in the best job opportunities that our industry has to offer!
It’s no secret that our industry is always looking for great therapists. We’re notorious for the feast and famine of job openings where there’s either all or nothing. Right not, the opportunities are HUGE with the last two years really levelling the playing field and right now, it a therapist’s dream market with some of the most lucrative salons opening their doors to new team members.
But what if the phone isn’t ringing and you’re not getting call backs? There are jobs a plenty so why are you not getting any bites?
Now, I’m the first to admit that I am no HR Expert. I don’t know the latest resume trends or what font and format you should be typesetting.
But as an employer how received hundreds of applications, I have discovered key things that really turn the heads of those who do the hiring and firing and am about to spill it all here.
I have seen too many great therapists let down by poor quality applications. So, I’m letting you in on a few little secrets.
I’m here to tell you it’s time to break these three golden rules and get yourself noticed!
ter.1: forget everything you know about a cover letter.
We’ve been told to keep it short and sweet but I can assure you, we want way more than a single paragraph introduction.
We want to get to know you and the cover letter is your chance! The most successful applicants in my business have been the ones who didn’t stick to the recommended two paragraph cover letter. They are the ones who broke the rules and used the cover letter to tell me who they are, why they love our industry and what they love about life. I am hiring someone who I want my clients to connect with. I can’t figure that out from a one-page formal resume and cover letter. Instead, use the entre page to tell me what you’re passionate about. Not a professional writer? Don’t worry, speak (or type) from the heart, run it through spellcheck and hit send! We want the authentic you and most of the time it takes more than a basic paragraph!
Not sure what to write? Some of my favorite rule breakers have covered topics like: What part of the industry they wanted to focus their career on. Why they want to work here and what drew them to apply. What they could bring to the team Their experience with clients/product range/ treatments that will be of benefit to the role. What they love to do outside of work, what they are passionate about.
If I get a glimpse into who you are, in your cover letter, you can guarantee I’ll be picking up the phone and inviting you to an interview before I even look at your resume qualifications.

2: Your resume doesn’t matter as much as you think it does.
Just because you don’t have a long list of qualifications, and industry experience doesn’t mean you won’t be successful. I’m not talking about lying about your qualifications, we’ll see right through that, what I am saying is don’t let a lack of experience stop you for applying. A great employer will see the diamond in the rough and if you’ve really made a connection with your cover letter, they will see you are worth the investment of extra training on the job.
Many of my hires have been from fresh graduates who haven’t set foot in a salon and it all came down to passion. Don’t underestimate non- industry experience. Customer service is a translatable skill that a great employer will look for if there are gaps in your resume.
3: Ignore the minimum experience requirement
One of my first industry roles required me to have a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a salon environment. Straight away I skimmed past the ad as I had just graduated and assumed that I wouldn’t be accepted or make it past the first round. But then I realized that I was the perfect candidate for the job, and the only thing getting in the way of them finding the perfect employee was their criteria. I applied, got the role and worked in the position until I eventually opened my own business. Right now, salon owners are open to applicants they may have never considered in the past. If you have nailed your cover letter and put your best foot forward, it would definitely help you get past not having the desired length of experience.
Right now, there are some incredible jobs and the competition pool is the emptiest it will ever be. Now is the perfect time to get into the beauty industry or make your comeback. Dust off our resume, pour yourself into your cover letter and don’t let the old resume rules get in the way of your dream job!