6 minute read
Bright and Shiny Things By Alanna Douglas
The overwhelm that comes from being amongst all the devices you have ever dreamt of having in your clinic at expo is next level. Then the deflation that follows when you realise it’s not in the plans right now for you, and you can’t have the shiny device is not so fun!
I want you to know that it is absolutely ok not to have everything under the sun in your treatment room, in fact in my experience being very specific about your treatment offerings is actually a good idea!
So, this begs the question do I need all the devices and all the things? As with all my explanations I am going to grace you with a short and long answer, you’re welcome! So short answer, no you don’t have to do every device under the sun! In fact, one or two good investments will help build your skin empire without breaking the bank and deliver more $$$ into your bank account. I will touch on my must haves a just a minute.
Now here is where my longer answer gets started, strap yourselves in and grab a cuppa we may be here for a hot minute! So, my list of devices that I want to have is rather long. My dream is to have fractionated resurfacing for skin texture, wrinkles and scarring. A long pulse Nd Yag for leg vein treatments and laser genesis. Non ablative fractionated for tissue remodelling, tightening and stretchmark revision. Radiofrequency micro needling for post inflammatory erythema and tissue tightening. Finally, Radio frequency skin tightening because it’s amazing. Now if I was to add all of my wish list up its close a cool half a million, yep you read that right. Specialising in skin is a great business idea but it also requires a lot of investment in further education and treatment devices.
I know I will get there one day, and when it happens, I will be a very happy camper! But while my dreams are still pending, I am treating skin and getting the same results with what I’m doing now. Are the results as quick as using a device, no but I still get them, and my clients are happy. This is what I use to measure where my gaps are in my offerings and what my next investment will be. It must be strategic! Because at the end of the day we need to be profitable! Now, one thing I do want to remind you of machines aren’t the only thing that will transform your offerings and profitability. Knowing what you are talking about, having confidence in the treatment room, being able to consult and prescribe and having a fire in your belly for getting results is also part of the recipe.
You can have every machine under the sun and still not be profitable because your knowledge isn’t there. Yes, you get trained when you buy the device, but where is the ongoing learning. It’s like when you first learn how to drive you get your licence because you have ticked the boxes and completed the exam. But when the learner plates come off you have so much more to learn! This is why I love treating skin so much, it’s never the same and we learn all the time. Further to that this is why I created Skin Freak Academy and now my Skin Sisters Group for my course graduates, I will tell you more about that in a bit. I know what it feels like to be all excited once you have learnt something new, then get into your treatment room and go um…………. I don’t know what to do! Or you second guess your skills and put what you have learnt to the side and go back to what feels safe and what you have always done.
This is not how we grow! The first step is making the time and space to grow and learn, then comes the practice, practice, fail, practice, nailed it! It’s a process and something that I have learnt time and time again. My courses teach you dermal science with a science based but real approach. Everything I break down to make it relevant to how you learn and remember! When you finish course with me, I don’t leave you hanging, this is where I invite you to become a member of Skin Sisters. I am there to be your support, to ask the questions and to take your knowledge to the next level. This is where I teach high level dermal therapies and things that you won’t get taught in class. Even if you don’t offer the things that I teach in this group it is so essential to understand devices and treatments out there so that you can use what you have to get a similar result (I teach you how to do this too). From transitioning your client off contraception to layering modalities like skin needling and peels, using laser to treat pigmentation, dominating your consultations, working on your mindset and above all I am there as your personal cheerleader! I have treated clients with all types of skin and all classes of lasers and lights over the years. I may not own all of them, but I sure know how to use them!
Which brings me to what I have in my clinic, my top 4 must haves are peels, skin needling, LED and IPL. All these modalities can be manipulated to so many different skin types and deliver fantastic results. If you have been following me for a while you would know that I LOVE peels! I would love to continue your education and connect with you in my Peel Perfectionist course or on social media make sure you follow @skinfreakacademy.
Alanna Douglas
My final piece of advice I will leave you with, you don’t have to have all the things! So, when you are walking around at expo, take it all in absorb it and then decide when you have had a few days to process. If you need advice about making an investment in a device that will build your skin empire, we can chat too!