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ABIA 2022 Humanitarian – Rebecca Miller


Local Parkes business owner, Rebecca Miller has been honoured with the Humanitarian of the Year award at the annual Australian Beauty Industry Awards

Humanitarian of the Year is awarded to a person who has made outstanding philanthropic contributions throughout his or her career, which is exactly what Rebecca has done through her creation of The Ripple of Kindness Project.

The Ripple of Kindness Project’s first focus was in 2018, raising money and awareness for cancer charities through a head shave when Rebecca’s close friend Margie Burns was diagnosed with invasive Lobular Carcinoma, an aggressive type of breast cancer. Rebecca set out to raise $20,000 for the local Parkes Can Assist branch and Love Your Sister.

The second focus for The Ripple of Kindness Project was a 355km run from Rebecca’s hometown of Parkes to the Westmead Children’s Hospital, raising funds for The Bandage Bear Foundation, Carrie’s Beanies for Brain Cancer, The Leukaemia Foundation and Can Assist. Rebecca was able to accomplish her goal of $100,000, raising almost $105,000. Rebecca says, “When you give back to other people and your community, it reminds you what you’re made for.

Focusing on the needs of others has a way of motivating you to do more than you thought possible. You feel the benefits immediately. You become more productive. You find creative solutions to problems. You find strength when you’re exhausted. That’s because life supports that which improves the quality of life. When we contribute to our community, we become part of something that is bigger than ourselves”.

More recently, in March 2022, Rebecca saw the struggles her beauty industry community was facing after challenges such droughts, bushfires, ongoing shutdowns from COVID-19 and then flooding. Rebecca raised funds of almost $9,000 to support salon owners impacted by the floods to help rebuild their salons so they could continue to support themselves, their families, and their team’s families. At the time, Rebecca explained that “the ripple effect of these floods is not just about the salon owner but the salon owner’s families, the salon owner’s teams and the salon owner’s team’s families.”

Upon receiving the award, Rebecca dedicated it to Margie, Lilly, and Connie. “I’m not sure how you put something like this into words because doing this beautiful work is such an honour in itself”.

“This is a very humbling acknowledgement, but the real heroes are the three amazing humans below and they are the reason that The Ripple of Kindness Project began, and they are who I would like to dedicate this award to.

Firstly, Margie Burns, my beautiful friend who fought breast cancer with such dignity and grace. Not only did you fight the biggest battle of your life, but you also shared your story and saved other women’s lives by doing so. Through our head shave together WE raised $25,000 for the Love Your Sister Foundation and Parkes Can Assist. You did that to help others, which shows the truly beautiful human you are. Thank you so much for the beautiful experience; it’s something I will cherish forever.

The second person I would like to dedicate this award to is Lilly Wyburn, a special little girl who from the age of two fought leukaemia and unfortunately lost her battle in November 2017 at only 8.5 years old. Lilly touched so many lives in her short time earth side and her memory will live on for many years to come... I know you were with me every step of the 355km run.

Thirdly, to beautiful Connie Johnson, the inspiration behind Love Your Sister being created with your loving brother, Samuel. To turn your pain and suffering into serving humanity is the most selfless and inspiring thing I have ever seen. Your legacy will live on, and Sam is doing an amazing job; you would be so proud”.

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