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ABIA 2022 Hall of Fame – Emma Hobson


Acclaimed industry educator Emma Hobson has been awarded the illustrious ABIA Hall Of Fame Award 2022 representing the phenomenal impact she has had in her field.

Emma has been in the professional skincare industry for over 30 years with her passion and area of expertise focusing on effective business strategies and insights into future trends.

She has been named by Beauty Directory as one of Australia’s ten most influential people in the aesthetics and beauty industry helping to shape an industry of respected professionals.

Her expertise in the areas of dynamic business strategies, leadership & team management along with her unparalleled insight into the future trends of the skin care, wellness and spa industry; has led her to appear on stages all over the world and be featured in high profile publications such as Vogue, Body and Soul, Marie Claire and Harpers Bazaar.

She has spoken on many platforms around the world including television and radio interviews, invited speaker for industry trade shows and national congresses of C.I.D.S.C.O, I.S.P.A. A.S.P.A. and Cosmetex. As the company spokesperson for I.D.I and Dermalogica in Australia and the ‘goto expert’ for all aspects of the health and wellness industry, her articles regularly appear in the trade press.

She has also been responsible for the management of the chain of Dermalogica Corporate Retail Stores in Sydney, allowing her to keep on the forefront of consumer buying behaviour and business management. Her wealth of knowledge, experience, fun and engaging personality coupled with her sheer passion for the industry makes her a dynamic force, inspiring both the current and future generations.

In her current role as Education Director for Dermalogica, she has had the opportunity to help thousands of small to medium-sized business owners succeed in the multibillion-dollar beauty sector. Her passion for helping women in business is equal to her love for the industry she has personally grown up in, from business owner, Spa Director, College Principle to Corporate Manager working in countries across Asia, Europe and the U.S.A.

She is a published author, a founding member of the Aesthetic and Beauty Industry Council and offers her knowledge in business strategy and trend forecasting around the world on TV and radio interviews, at trade shows and in many publications.

Otto MItter from Elleebana, presented the award saying how he has thoroughly enjoyed seeing the incredible inductees take their place in the Hall of Fame year after year, admiring their dedication and remarkable contributions to the industry.

“The level of inspiration that these individuals have brought, and continue to bring to our industry, is certainly something to aspire to.” he said.

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