8 minute read

A Recession-Proof Salon: Less Surviving and More Thriving!

By Rebecca Miller

One thing I know for certain is that we live in a world of uncertainty. I think the last few years have proved this time and time again.

So, what can we control? How we respond. You’ll notice that I used the word respond here and not react. This was intentional. How someone responds to a crisis reveals their true colours. As salon owners, we want to be responders, not reactors, and know ourselves so deeply that we become unshakable in the face of any adversity.

Today, I’m going to share with you four elements of your business and yourself that I want you to go away and examine during times of uncertainty. You may be surprised at the results!

It begins with radical responsibility.

This may be a big dose of reality for some of you reading this. While ever you are pointing the finger, trying to find someone else to blame for your business struggles, you are giving your power away.

If you’re familiar with the “poor me” chatter, negative talk, excuse-making, gossiping or trauma bonding then you are part of a victim mentality environment. Every victim needs a villain to blame, right? We’ve all slipped into a victim mentality at some point in our lives, but the opportunity here is to recognise these symptoms and take your power back.

If you can accept that everything in your life may not be your fault, but is 100% your responsibility, then you are the one with the power to change it. This is known as radical responsibility.

Ask yourself, do you want to spend your precious time playing the victim for your lack of appointments or crafting strategies to improve the situation? Same time, different outcome.

By taking radical responsibility, we can create positive change. It allows us to shift from a victim mentality to an empowered heart and unshakable mindset, where we recognise that we have the power to make choices. That we have an opportunity to step into leadership and create certainty for our team and our visiting guests that choose our business.

Walk through your customer journey.

Have you ever mystery shopped your own business? It gives you dedicated time to walk through your doors and experience your customer journey as if you were a paying client. I believe this is an incredibly powerful activity to do in salons or clinics, where touchpoints and experience are so integral to retention.

Before we even get to the booking process, can your clients actually find your business? Whether it’s online, in-person, via search engines, social media, email, or the good old-fashioned telephone, you need to have a presence in these domains for a client to learn about your business. You cannot expect bookings from your dream client if they don’t even know you exist or what you offer.

Speaking of bookings, review what your process is like. Can your clients easily make an appointment online? Is your online treatment menu stress-free to navigate or a total mess? Do you require a deposit to secure that appointment? Does a team member follow up to confirm the appointment or answer any additional questions?

These are all integral questions to ask during your mystery shop because when we confuse, we lose.

As you move into your waiting room, treatment room, the treatment itself and post-service communication, take note of what seamlessly flows from one touchpoint to the other, and what doesn’t.

Consultation is our biggest opportunity to build trusting relationships with our clients. Consultations are not just for skin clients but every client that visits our salon and clinics. I see this as a massive, missed opportunity when clients come for beauty treatment. Having a consultation or conversation can turn a low value service into high value, just through asking powerful questions and offering enhancements or additional treatment to add value to the clients experience.

There could be opportunities for additional training, tweaks to service delivery or in some cases, a complete redesign of the touchpoint altogether, but regardless of the outcome, these are all positive things because you have the power to change them!

A flawless customer journey creates an unforgettable customer experience which leads to raving fans that want to tell everyone about your business.

Stimulate your business with resources you likely already have.

Often when a salon is struggling, their initial reaction is to put everything on sale or invest thousands in another piece of machinery that they neglect to promote.

Instead, I want you to review what you’re currently offering and identify ways to shake things up to attract new customers and excite your existing ones.

Write a list of your client base’s biggest pain points. What are the top 3 reasons why your clients are visiting you? Now, looking at the products and services you currently offer in your business, consider ways you could bundle these to create an exciting and profitable offering that solves these problems.

A great example of this is creating an at-home facial kit. This not only enhances the results you’re achieving for them in the treatment room but has them coming back to stock up on the products you’ve just introduced them to. These kits also serve as a compelling value-add for seasonal promotions rather than a monetary discount.

Another powerful way to stimulate your salon with existing resources is by crafting a signature facial. They are the perfect starting point for new clients as they serve as a gateway treatment and also as gift vouchers for seasonal promotions.

Signature facials allow you to showcase your brand’s unique philosophy, point of difference, products, techniques, and the works! It’s like the perfect introduction to your salon experience (and your expertise) in a 60-minute appointment. By creating a treatment that’s unlike any of your competitor’s offerings, you can demonstrate your commitment to providing an exceptional experience and build up that army of raving fans.

So, before putting a sale sticker on every product on your shelf, look at what you’ve got to offer and get creative. Your best-selling treatment could be just around the corner!

Embrace the online world - it’s not going anywhere!

Expand your perception of what your client base can look like. Yes, there are clients you physically see for treatments, but have you considered virtual ones?

During the NSW lockdowns, our La Bella Medispa online store and consultation services saw us servicing clients across Australia, thousands of kilometres away from our physical locations.

Fast forward to today, these clients continue to purchase their products through us and have online skin reviews. Why? Because we crafted a strong enough connection that we’re able to exceed their expectations, despite the relationship being through a computer screen.

We did this through a range of strategies, but the two standout ones were establishing a userfriendly online store and not just selling but showing. Here’s how.

It goes without saying that if your salon does not have an online store in 2023, you are missing out on growing your client base and your bottom line. In a world where “busy” is the number one answer to “How are you?”, you’re at risk of being left behind if you’re not allowing your clients to purchase their products anywhere, anytime.

For those that sell products that cannot be sold online, you can still establish an e-commerce side of your business with additional product lines that align with the values of your business. Plus, online consultations and easy order forms for topping up products any time.

Featured in your online booking menu, just like a regular consultation, should live your virtual one. You can connect with the client via Zoom and conduct your consultation accordingly. This opens your business up to quite literally anyone in the world! There are no limits to the people you can service if you have an internet connection.

Additionally, you can stock supporting products such as internal supplements and at-home devices online to enhance your client’s results and increase your average purchase price.

We saw the most success in this when we showed our clients how and when to use them. This is when we got in front of the camera (and yes, I know you just rolled your eyes at me when you read that).

Shared across your social media platforms can be videos of your team cooking in the kitchen, running your audience through morning supplements, performing at-home facials, using at-home tools like LED or rollers, applying evening skincare routines, you name it, you can show it. It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece. All you need is your phone, a tripod (you can even get these at Kmart), decent lighting and commitment to your salon’s success.

Many clients are visual learners so if we can show them how and when to use a product, it makes it seem less daunting to them. The call to action should send them back to your online store to purchase the products you demonstrated or your online booking system to secure their virtual consultation.

Embracing the online world in your business undoubtedly keeps you relevant to your dream clients but also equips you with valuable data around what products, services, and topics they’re most engaged with.

Remember, a crisis doesn’t change people, it reveals them. The fear mongering world doesn’t scare you. You know there are ENDLESS opportunities, but you understand it requires more of YOU. That you will have to elevate your strategies, your habits, your mindset, and your execution.

www.rebeccamiller.com.au @thesalonwhisperer

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