6 minute read
The Fortune Teller says, “You have a very bright future.”
By Kurek Ashley
Well guess what? For you to create that life that you want to live and all the rewards that go along with it, you’re going to have to become that fortune teller to make it happen.
Right now, I can hear you thinking, “OK Kurek, this time you’ve really gone off the deep end. Now you’ve got me curious, so where are you going with this success strategy?”
Actually, curious is a good place to be right now, because that means that your mind is open to what you’re going to learn next, and that’s exactly where it needs to be. Because what I’m going to tell you next, you’re going to have to have an open mind for. And that is that everyone who has ever achieved anything great in their lives have all been fortune tellers.
That’s right, they all had the ability to see their futures and that’s how they were able to create them. Now just because I’m calling these people fortune tellers doesn’t mean that I’m talking about someone wearing a rainbow-coloured turban and looking into a crystal ball.
What I am saying is that all the people who’ve created the results in their lives that they’ve wanted, have all been visionaries. A visionary sees what it is that they want to achieve and that’s how they find out how they are going to achieve it.
Let’s start from the beginning so you can see where this is all going. It starts with the formula for creation, which is your thoughts that you have, that get turned into the actions that you take, and the actions that you take create the results that you get. This also means that what ever you focus your thoughts on in life is what you get in life. That makes sense, right?
Dwelling in the past creates Pain.
Now think about this, if you’re going to focus on your past and things that didn’t work out or worse, sad times from your past then that’s going to create pain in your life today. And the reason why is because when most people think about their past for some reason they think about the painful times.
The times when things didn’t work out, their past failures or when something traumatic happened. When you think about your past experiences that gets your mind to re-live those experiences, and why would you want to live through that pain again? You already
Even if you think about the successes that you had in your past that’s not going to help you much today either. Why, because when you think about the past you take the same actions that you took in the past and that’s only going to create what you had back then. Now you might be thinking, “So what’s so bad about that? They were good results back then, why wouldn’t I want those results today”? And the answer is because they were good results back then and you can’t live by yesterday’s standards and expect great results today.
Remember that in life either we evolve, or we dissolve. Think about driving your car while constantly looking through your back windshield. If you do that you’ll eventually crash.
Dwelling on the present just produces The Same
If you keep thinking about what you have or don’t have now in your life that’s just going to get you to create more of the same. Because when you think about the results that you have now, you’ll continue to take the same actions that you have already been taking and that’s just going to keep producing the same results that you already have. There’s no growth in that. Now think about driving your car and spinning your wheels in place. That’s not going to get you where you want to get either.
Focusing on the future creates The Gain
So, then the key to creating the life that you want to live and all the results that you want to have, is to start to focus your thoughts on your future. When you focus on the new things that you want, you’ll start to take new actions and those new actions automatically create new results.
They have to, because that’s the law of cause and effect at work. And that’s why I said that in order for you to create the rewards in life that you want, you have to become the fortune teller also known as a visionary.
When you drive your car and look through the front wind shield at where you’re going, you can foresee obstacles that may be in your path long before they become a problem, and you can navigate your course to anywhere that you want to go.
Do you remember at the beginning of this article when I asked you if you would be excited to be able to see your future and know that you were going to get to live the life that you wanted to live? Did you say that you would be excited by that? Well, guess what, that’s why being a visionary is so important in creating the life that you desire. It’s that excitement about your future that activates your brain to move towards achieving it.
The way that our brain works is that it automatically gravitates towards what brings us pleasure. Your brain’s job is to help you feel great through out your journey of your life. And when it gets the signal from you that something is pleasurable or going to be pleasurable it naturally and automatically moves us towards having it.
Is this all starting to make sense to you? When you really see in your mind what it is that you want, and you get excited about experiencing it, your mind automatically gets you to take the actions to create it. It’s your thoughts that get turned into the actions you take that in turn create the results that you get.
And the best part is that you can start being an achiever by starting to look forward to what you’re going to achieve today. When you start to look forward to what you’re going to achieve each day you start to achieve more with your days. Then amplify your vision to include the future that you want to create for yourself and that’s what those daily visions and achievement will lead you to.