10 minute read

Unleash Your Personal Power, Not Another Strategy!

By Rebecca Miller

If you do not have the Salon/Clinic business you want, you may not have become the person you need to be to run it yet!!

In my early days as a skin clinic owner, I was like many in our industry, constantly searching for the next big thing – be it a revolutionary treatment or wiz-bang piece of equipment or a cutting-edge marketing strategy to make this business I had created for myself easier and more profitable.

We find ourselves searching for new business strategies when faced with challenges, seeking quick fixes, and hoping to resolve problems with external solutions. We think thoughts like, When I get this new machine, I will make more money and I will then be able to have a day off and spend more time with my kids or have more time to work on my business.

Sound familiar?

If you just do more (action), or a different action, add in more work you will have a successful business. We look externally, the last place we look for blind spots preventing us from where we want to be is at ourselves. Using busyness as a distraction from self-awareness and being the conscious creator of our life and business.

This is how most people live and operate their business and life. It’s called default living or conditional living; you switch on auto pilot.

Just so you know this is not sustainable, it doesn’t work. Why does it not work?

The answer is simple: It’s the HAVE-DO-BE model of living. We are living by external factors in our lives. So, we decide we will change when those things change.

When I have more time!

When I have more money!

When I have the website!

When I have a new team member!

When I have the new piece of equipment!

When I achieve a result!

When my kids are older!

When all these things outside of ourselves change I will change, what we do is give our power away, and when we do that very little changes, you become the effect of your business, not the cause.

This is why it’s called conditional living; you have conditioned your life and business on external factors. This is a wonderful strategy for staying busy and potentially burning out. I know this all too well; it’s how I operated my businesses for 20 years. This article may be the most important and valuable article you read to help you create your business and life by design.

In this conversation, we are going to have the opportunity to shift everything for you. I’m going to share the internal success strategies I have used that have got me to where I am today, and this is a key lesson for my coaching clients. I teach this and at times still find myself living from default mode. We can’t forget we are human.

Now let’s talk about the BE-DO-HAVE way of being. Now I’m going to share with you 3 steps that shifted everything in my business and life.

Step No: 1 Get clear now what your done business looks like. The key to successful business is having the end in mind: if you could take away all obstacles, if you could take away any limitations, what does your dream business and life look like? (THINK BIG) What does it feel like? When I ask my coaching clients this question most of them cannot answer it. Clarity is the key.

Revenue, profit, impact, how many team members, service and product offerings, values, client numbers, pricing as much detail as you can.

Step No: 2 (Once you get clear on your done business) Then get clear on how that done business acts, how you as the business leader acts, how the team acts, clear on your purpose and cultural values, how we show up as a business in the world, the impact. Sounds pretty simple and pretty basic hey.

But its step no 3 that is the gamechangers and changed everything for me.

Step No: 3 If you have clarity on the done business, clarity on how that done business acted Now who would you need to be now.

If you be the million-dollar clinic owner NOW, if you be the leader you would want to follow NOW, if you would be confident showing up on social media NOW, be it before you become it. The key to shifting your reality is shifting your way of being, who your being is what creates your reality. What would be the habits, belief systems and actions you cultivate being that person Now.

This is why I am so passionate about selfmastery. We’ll look beyond business strategy and delve into the four foundations of selfmastery - mindset, heartset, skillset, and healthset - not just as concepts but as lived experiences that have reshaped your approach to business and life, plus these teachings are incredible for your team members.

If you think about too your team members let’s, think consultation process, they have both had the same training, same process to follow, same practice one flies to the moon and nails it and is what we would call a high achiever feel confident, nails the consults and customer experience and the other team member bombs out feels unconfident, overwhelmed.

Same training, same process but not the same BEING it’s not the strategy that’s needed here it’s the internal upgrade. I experienced this a lot in my clinics and selfmastery was part of our training pathways and I feel this was the training that created high performers in our businesses.


Mentors often teach us that thinking differently is the key to progress. Sometimes, we might think we need a new strategy to change our business, but the fundamental transformation begins when we change our thinking. Your belief systems are either empowering you or disempowering you.

The renowned speaker and life coach Tony Robbins once said, “Success is 80% psychology and 20% strategy.” I couldn’t agree more. Throughout my entrepreneurial journey, I’ve realised that my beliefs profoundly impact my ability to grow.

When I first started my business, I held a belief that I had to work tirelessly to make money. It was a belief rooted in the idea that success came from putting in endless hours and that because “I didn’t know enough”, “wasn’t good enough”, and “wasn’t good with money”, I had to hustle harder to achieve it. Unsurprisingly, I found myself overwhelmed and exhausted. But then, something shifted within me.

I began to explore the idea that making money could be easy. I delved deep into this belief and stories holding me back and started upgrading my way of thinking. It empowered me to step into a new identity and approach leadership, financials, marketing, and sales with a sense of excitement rather than dread.

I started seeing positive results, and my business began to thrive. Take a moment to reflect on your own beliefs. What’s holding you back from reaching your revenue and profit goals? Is it a belief that you’re not good or knowledgeable enough? These limiting beliefs can create roadblocks in your path to success, awareness is the key once you become aware you can start to upgrade these beliefs, to more empowering beliefs that foster your growth.

I’ve found that surrounding myself with individuals who empower me to overcome these beliefs, rather than reinforcing them, has been a game-changer. Remember, your mindset is the limiting factor in your success, whatever that means to you.

Heartset this is your character traits and the emotions that you run your life from. Learning to regulate my nervous system and manage my emotions became paramount. I learned that taking care of my emotional health wasn’t just self-care but business care. Managing stress and nurturing positive emotions foster creativity and resilience, which are crucial for a thriving business.

Life inevitably throws challenges our way –whether it’s a financial setback, team issues, or disappointing results with clients. It’s not about avoiding these challenges but rather how we deal with them that defines our growth.

Burn out doesn’t come from the hours we work; it comes from the emotions fueling the work. We have to be continuously improving ourselves, create great habits and focus consistently on the traits required to run our dream business. Just remember you cannot get a 7-figure business with 6 figure habits. We have to be world class at mastering our emotions.


Being a great skin therapist is only part of the equation when you’re a clinic owner. We need to be continuously upgrading our skills not just in our craft but in the essential skills to expand our business Leadership and effective communication are equally crucial in shaping the trajectory of your business.

I realised that my ability to lead and communicate effectively profoundly impacted my team’s performance and my business’s overall success. Leadership isn’t just about strategy; it’s also about fostering an environment that encourages growth and learning for everyone on the journey with me.

Self-leadership, as I discovered, encompasses every facet of life. It’s about the value we bring to our relationships, our ability to communicate effectively, and how we nurture our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Becoming an exceptional leader starts with self-awareness and a commitment to self-mastery. It goes beyond a strategy and embodies an energy frequency for growth and expansion. It’s a mindset rooted in self-belief, a conviction that we’re here to impact the world profoundly.

To become an exceptional leader, you must clean up your internal world, shifting from survival mode and fear to embrace courage. We also need to develop our skills in content creating, copywriting and business development and growth stepping into confidence and showing up even when we suck at things to start with.


This may be a tough pill to swallow, but your business can only be as healthy as you are. To show up as the best version of yourself, with energy, you must be healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually.

One of my top tips is to start your day at the same time every day. I’m a proud member of the 5am Club, a habit I’ve cultivated for years.

Consistency is key. Discipline yourself to make this a non-negotiable part of your day. Trust me, having a structured morning routine helps you stay calm, focused, and nonreactive when challenges arise.

My morning routine begins with silence. I close my eyes and find stillness. Meditation has become a crucial practice for me, even though it initially wasn’t easy to quiet my busy mind. We don’t meditate to become meditation experts but to become experts at life.

Next, I harness the power of affirmations and self-talk. I repeat my “I Am” statements and set intentions for the day and my long-term goals. Words are powerful and can change thought patterns, releasing negativity and fear.

Visualisation is another powerful tool. I’m a firm believer in the law of attraction. If you genuinely want something, you must believe it with every fibre of your being. Visualising your goals as part of your reality helps manifest them.

My morning ritual wraps up with exercise. I dedicate an hour each day to moving my body through a gym session or a walk.

By focusing on your healthset and creating a holistic approach to wellbeing, you show up as the best version of yourself. It’s a secret weapon for navigating the challenges of business ownership successfully.

This journey through our emotional home is not just an exploration; it’s a transformation. It’s about understanding that our business’s success is deeply intertwined with our inner world.

The empowerment of our mindset, nurturing our heartset, developing our skillset, and cultivating our health set are not separate endeavours; they are harmonious elements of a transformative journey. As salon and clinic owners, we must embrace this journey for our most authentic selves. So, start by opening the doors to your emotional home and discover the immense potential within you.

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