11 minute read
Meet Darcey Maria with Errol Douglas MBE
Continuing our series and in recognition of the emerging global talent surrounding Errol Douglas MBE, Errol spotlights some of these talented individuals that are, most definitely the ones to watch. “I had the good fortune to meet Darcey at a Fellowship event and since this time we’ve kept in contact, becoming firm friends.”
Darcey is a 21-year-old Senior hair stylist, located at award winning Shropshire hair salon, Ashley Gamble.
“I have been a part of the hair industry since the age of 15 and in that time, I’ve gone from strength to strength, developing my career to its full potential.” she says.
“One of my proudest achievements to date is winning Junior of the Year at the British Hairdressing Business Awards back in 2018. Since then, I have grown an addiction for entering competitions!”
Going down a slightly different route to follow on from her win, she was fortunate enough to get a place on both the Fellowship of British Hairdressings’ ClubStar Art Team in 2020- 2021, and the Schwarzkopf Collective Team. “The opportunities I have been fortunate enough to be a part of in that time have simply been out of this world, whether it’s working with Schwarzkopf Global Styling Ambassador, Nick Irwin at Rankin Studios for the latest issue of Hunger Magazine or showcasing my hair work on the Fellowship stage at Salon International, I have been well and truly spoilt!”
“Since the first lockdown I’ve also discovered the world and potential of social media within the hair industry. I spend my time away from the salon I have launched myself into Tik Tok, Instagram and YouTube, creating content to help both my clients and digital audience with their lockdown hair problems.”
With now a collective following of over 28,000 followers across all of her social platforms she says it was one of the best decisions she made in her career as she is now known as “the one that does the videos” in the salon. “On a daily basis I have clients and followers tell me that they’ve watched one of my videos and have been able to finally crack that one hair problem they have struggled with for years. I find this one of the most rewarding parts of my job when I hear that I’ve helped someone from just making a short video and sharing advice. When I’m in the salon I’m focused on creating amazing hair to boost my client’s confidence when they walk out of the salon door!”

What’s your perfect 9-5?
My perfect 9-5 would look like a full column with clients both old and new, creating amazing hair with that fresh out of the salon feeling as they walk out the door!

What has been the most favourite workday in your life to date-and why, what was so special about it?
That’s a tough one! There’s so many to choose from. I have to say one of my top days in the salon has got to be when I received the call from the Fellowship of British Hairdressing to say that I had been successful in securing a place in the ClubStar Art Team 2020. I remember bursting into tears of joy as I hung up the phone! That was such a milestone in my career as it was the first Art Team I auditioned for. What is the most favourite aspect of your hairdressing career- what part of hairdressing do you enjoy most, why- and how much time can you allocate to it? My favourite part of hairdressing constantly changes if I’m honest with you. Whether it’s working in the salon on my cutting skills or outside of the 9-5 working in London behind the scenes on a photoshoot. In my opinion I feel like your favourites and interests within hair should always be changing. I believe it develops you into a well-rounded hairdresser with experience in every area. If we don’t push ourselves away from our ‘favourites’ then sometimes we can develop a safe zone that we are scared to come out of.
1-1 with any hairdresser who would it be and why?
For me it’s got to be the legend that is Vidal Sassoon. Even to be able to pick his brains and see how his mind works would be such an honour, let alone watch him work and educate me!
What would your advice to other young people considering a career in hairdressing?
Go for it. Like any career you’re going to have really fantastic days and really bad days too, but it’s how you come back from those bad days that really defines you and your mindset. People will judge you and will make you feel like you aren’t good enough, but don’t let that defeat you. It’s down to you to prove those people wrong.
If you could turn back your creative clock- what would you have done differently?
If I could go back and tell that 15-year-old girl sweeping the hair off the salon floor anything, it would be to stop caring about what others think of you. If you envision something in a certain way, then use your creativity to make that vision come to life. Of course, take guidance and pick up on other techniques but use those to create something that reflects you and your creative side.
How do you see the next 5 years in hairdressing spanning out?
In the next 5 years I’ll be 26. By that age I’d love to be progressing and planning to make the move to have a salon of my own. Outside of that I will have a British Hairdressing Awards title of my own. And to also have secured myself a place on the Fellowship Of Hairdressing F.A.M.E. Team and by then I’d love to be an ambassador for Schwarzkopf, working my way up to Global Ambassador. Most importantly I’d love to remain my happy and passionate self.
If there is a special technique you could be better at, what would it be?
I would love to develop my techniques in braiding. I adore the work that Efi Davies and Sylvester Finould create, and I feel like I’m almost in a trance whenever I look at their work. I aspire to one day have the braiding skills like they do!
On a global platform who is it that you most admire in hairdressing and why? Name 3 people for different talents?
Errol Douglas - I first met Errol on a shoot he was leading with the prestigious F.A.M.E. Team. I had won a competition to be able to assist them on their photographic collection for Black Beauty Magazine. After spending the day with Errol and the team I was blown away by their skills and knew I wanted to be a part of it! I dropped Errol a message on Instagram, thanking him for having me on set and how much I enjoyed the day. Errol took the time to reply and said how much he enjoyed having me there and we chatted and got to know each other. After meeting at several social events after the shoot, Errol invited me to lunch and offered me a role to be his mentee. I obviously was over the moon with his offer and immediately accepted! Ever since he has given me his precious time and energy to help me with anything I needed. Attended events to watch and cheer me on, motivated me and shared such powerful and strong words of wisdom. It’s not hard to see that Errol is such an icon in the industry and his passion motivates me every day. He wants to give back to the next generation of hairdressers, and I respect that. I’m so excited and eager to properly start my mentorship with Errol.

Nick Irwin - Nick has been someone that I only recently met. But in that little time, he is someone that continues to inspire me. I first met Nick at the Schwarzkopf Collective X Hunger Magazine shoot. From start to finish, Nick was nothing less than kind, skilled and included every single one of us on the team as he believes “we are the next generation of hairdressers, ” so he felt it was important that everyone got stuck in with the hair. He took time to find out about us all individually and made us feel at home. That entire shoot was one of the best days of my career. Since then, at every event I’ve seen Nick at he’s taken the time to come over and talk as if we’d known each other forever. After watching his opening show at this years’ British Hairdressing Awards, I was astounded - the whole room was blown away by the sheer talent and skill that Nick has.
Sally Brooks - Sally is someone I’ve admired since I very first started hairdressing. I remember, after winning British Hairdressing Business Awards Junior of the Year, I was asked to write up questions so I could interview Sally for a hairdressing magazine. I jumped at the chance and since then have always looked up to Sally.
What are the wisest words you have ever adhered to?
“I can’t tell you the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.”
What is your go-to hair product in the salon?
In the salon I’m constantly picking up a can of Schwarzkopf Osis Sparkler Spray! I use this one 99% of my clients as it is the perfect finishing touch to any style! And who doesn’t want shiny, healthy-looking hair!
When did you realise you wanted to be a hairdresser?
I have always been a creative person, even from a young age. I never set out with the intention of being a hairdresser but almost fell into the hair world really. I went to Ashley Gamble on a weeks’ work experience when I was in my last year of school. I fell in love with the environment of the salon and knew I wanted to be a part of it. Funnily enough the week previous to being in the salon I had worked at a graphic design company as it was something I felt I would like to develop into a potential future career. However, I found myself counting down the hours until the day was over, so I knew the office environment wasn’t for me. My second day of working in the salon Ashley offered me an apprenticeship and I took a Saturday girl role whilst I was still at school. Since then, I’ve never looked back.
What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
For me it has to be The Chimp Paradox by Professor Steve Peters. Can’t tell you how much of an effect this book had on me. It changed my wholeperspective on how the mind works. With that it’s also made me look at how I view and value myself differently, I’m a much more positive and confident person from reading it.
What’s the greatest film you’ve ever watched?
Erin Brockovich. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a mustsee film! I think it signifies that you should never give up, no matter whether people tell you that you can’t do something or that you aren’t good enough. Twist those words and use them as motivation to prove those people wrong.

In the performing arts- what presentation literally blew you away?
This is a massive guilty pleasure for me, but I always remember going to my first concert at the age of 7 and watching McFly. Now some of you might laugh and think McFly? Aren’t they just the 00’s boy band that have a few hit songs? But I will always remember the amount of energy and passion that they put into their performance. I have continued to be a lifelong McFly fan and jump at any chance to buy tickets for their concerts as no matter how many times I have seen them live, I am always left blown away and feeling like I’m on cloud nine!
Over the next few issues of HAIRBIZ, special guest contributor, Errol Douglas MBE, spotlights some young talented individuals that are, “On The Up” and the ones to watch!

Special Series contributed by Errol Douglas MBE