4 minute read

Digital Resuscitation… It’s Time to Bring Your Business Back By Hayley Mears

Nothing changes if nothing changes. Yep, I know, you’ve heard that a million times… But have you explored the true essence of making big changes and taking a calculated risk?

In ten years’ time, we will look back at 2022 and think, that was the beginning of the CHANGE. All the collective learnings to come from a global pandemic were implemented in our industry to create a new normal. A brand-new era in our industry and our lives.

So why… after so much disruption and chaos, would we go back to doing the “same” thing we were doing two years ago? Values have shifted and what is important to us individually is completely varied from one person to another, so offering a “one size fits all”, employment or service experience will fall short of the new expectations set by staff and consumers.

The most daunting consideration is… Where do I start? It’s as simple as a list.

Can you articulate what your pain points are? Recruitment? Social Media? Team Culture? New client acquisition?

If it’s a pain point, then that means whatever you’re doing now isn’t working.

Stop, assess and plan. Suffice to say, whatever you’re currently doing needs to change. points of difference? How are you advertising? If you’re wanting to bring a younger dynamic team culture into your business, then use the mediums that truly embody that message. Create Instagram Reels and advertise on Tik Tok. Make sure your messaging is about: Flexibility, diversity, inclusion, MONEY and most importantly RE EMPHASIsE flexibility.

If this isn’t your pain point, but social media is, ask yourself these questions:

What am I repeating? If what you keep putting out there isn’t working - CHANGE IT.

Maybe it’s time to assign content creation to your front-of-house team member?

Can you introduce incentives for content creation? Each time a team member sends you something to feature on socials they go into a draw to win a prize? Hot tip: Backs of heads… Yeah NAHHHHH. Not EVER going to convert into likes and especially not going to convert to dollary-doos.

By now you’re probably thinking, well this is easier said than done. You’re right, the setup will require time. The shifting change in attitude and culture will also take time. But… like anything, if you want to yield the result, you have to invest in the output, and it is never instantaneous.

My TWO biggest tips for changing your social strategy are:

1) THINK LOCAL. How many local businesses are around you? Butcher, baker, retail, café, restaurant. All the small businesses just like yours that rely on the local community to keep them in business. Collaborate with this group and use your social platforms to uplift each other. Share prizes for crosspromotions. Remember their audience is a HEAP of new clients that you can convert into loyal salon devotees.

2) Your team needs to be SEEN. Every client that comes into your salon has an emotional connection to their stylist. They tell their friends about “their hairdresser” and are the BEST form of referral. So use this emotional connection to channel access to their online network. Share profiles of your team. Share their news and milestones. Watch the engagement blow up and thank me later. 3) Organic growth is 0.01%. Sorry. Totally crap news but your page (even with Ads) will grow slowly! The FASTEST way to convert followers and re-engage dormant followers is to get them onto your pages while they are in the salon. Incentivise a “like”, “comment” or “review” and it will feel like 2010 again… the numbers will grow, and your page will regain its health.

Need more help. Slide into our DMs: @sixundergroundmedia

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