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Forgive Your Younger Self, Believe in Your Current Self Create Your Future Self By Angeli Marie Shaw
For most of us, we already have a clearly defined vision of our lives, but like the past few years has shown us, things can change dramatically, and that clarity can get skewed as we find ourselves getting caught up in the past, experiencing current self-doubt and uncertainty and not knowing what lies ahead or what to do next. The good news? The future isn’t set and what you do today will contribute to the future that you’re wanting to create.
The process of reinvention will often begin with a sense of dissatisfaction. We realise we’re not happy with where we’re at, and our minds both consciously and unconsciously start exploring those thoughts, pulling us into different states of past, present and future thinking. Whilst reflection is a great tool in which we can learn from our pasts, being hard on yourself or holding onto regret for what you may have done serves you absolutely no purpose at all in creating your future self.
One thing I’ve come to realise is that the past has a pushy way of occupying a lot of space in your head, but serves you no purpose dwelling on it. As the past is ‘done’ I consider most of these thoughts ‘freeloaders’, meaning they bring nothing to the table, unless of course you’re recognising what you can learn from them, which in that case once learnt, they’re no longer freeloaders, instead turning into wisdom you can apply as life goes on. Annoyingly, low points seem to be particularly good at creeping into our thoughts, and we find ourselves asking ‘why’, ‘what if’ and ‘if only’ but the truth of it is the past is done and cannot be changed. Sure, your current self could bestow a tonne of wisdom on your past self, but honestly, your younger self probably wasn’t ready to hear it, and I remind myself constantly that everyone does the best they can with the resources they have at the time. I myself, did what I believed was my best in my younger years, and although I may not have always got it right, I forgive my younger self and all its experiences.
Holding onto negative feelings about the past only teethers me to my past and letting go actually allows me to free myself and removes the negative feelings I have on past actions and decisions. Through the practice of forgiveness, I give myself permission to release the past and move forward, something you should practice doing too! Again, why forgive yourself? Because for every failure, you were trying to do the right thing. Forgive, release and go forth! This brings me to your current self. An obvious, but well known fact is that if you want to succeed, you must belief in yourself. Our inner faith is what will create our outer results. Unfortunately, people lose faith in themselves when encountering setbacks, fear and failure. We make mistakes, we are challenged and we make poor decisions, but these are not the end, we must get back up again. Accept your current situation and start believing in yourself again. Talk with yourself; after all, we are the ones who create who we will become.
And what we become is done every day by our self-talk and beliefs. Self- belief influences behaviour, behaviour influences your actions, and actions influence your outcomes. Remember, your current self is a crucial building block to your future self. Take care of your current self to make it easier on your future self. Adopt new habits and skills which will help create and shape your future self. And remember, you can’t create the future self you want if you don’t believe in the current self that you are.
Now for your future self. What your future self look’s like will depend on your current self and the habits you adapt. Visualise your future self and all its aspects; physical, professional, financial, social, spiritual etc. If we believe in our current selves, then we can certainly take control of our future self and what it will look like. Bring into your awareness where you want to go so your subconscious begins to pick up ways to help you achieve your goals. Generally speaking, we all have this romantic, idealistic vision of our future, but what do we easily forget? That our future self is actually…. us, only tomorrow. Therefore we must support ourselves now, to support ourselves tomorrow. Our future selves are built in THIS. VERY. MOMENT and thinking this way will help you in your decisions, choices, and actions you take now. Just like a tree, the seeds you plant today will sprout in your future. Start planting, nourishing and cultivating those seeds NOW! And remember, with every action you take, you’re building your future self today.
Your past self, current self and future self are all connected. If you don’t learn to forgive your past self, your current and future self will suffer, and your desired success? Put simply it cannot be achieved. Your future self is your navigation. It gives you a sense of direction making it clearer when deciding the steps you need to take to get there. Its about creating the life you want and taking inspired action as you do so. Don’t put limits on yourself by thinking small, think BIG and use your future self as a guide for where you are going and where you want to be. There’s never a wrong time to start giving yourself what you need. Right here, right now, the current moment is yours, and yours to choose what to do with it.
FORGIVE – BELIEVE – CREATE, whatever your life is in this moment, it’s yours to claim, so claim it!
Love & Bliss, Angeli xxoo
Angeli is a Holistic Empowerment Coach, Mindset Mentor and founder of The Bliss Coach. To work with me in 2022, get in touch by visiting www.theblisscoach.com.au or follow us on our socials @theblisscoach to find out more.