4 minute read
Editor's Letter
A day in the life of a salon owner can change in the blink of an eye.
It’s kind of like Forrest Gump’s “box of chocolates” quote, meaning, that salon life is unpredictable and that it’s always full of surprises; you never really know what each day is going to bring. With staff shortages, client cancellations, postponing of appointments, sick staff, and sick family members etc. it can become very easy to slip into a “woe is me” mindset!
Success in your business, and achieving what you set out to achieve, is all about consistency and mindset. You can choose to focus on the negatives, the things you have no control over, and maintain a fixed mindset, or you can have a growth mindset and choose to only focus and work on the things you can control.
Going back a few years ago now, my business coach at the time introduced me to a particular 30-minute playlist of business affirmations, that she got me to play and listen to every day (without fail) for one month straight. So, every morning on the way to school drop off, and also on the weekends, I would play the 77 Business Affirmations, and get myself into a good headspace to begin my day.
Back then, I found myself getting very easily caught up in the drama that was going on in my own head, and I found these affirmations really lifechanging for me. After a month of listening every day, a new healthy mindset was formed.
I now get my mentoring clients to do the same, and the shift in mindset has been amazing for them also. This Affirmation Playlist was introduced to my business coach from her own business coach, then passed on to me, then to my clients, and now to you, if you feel you need to get your head in the game. I have attached the QR code for you below, to access the affirmations and I would love to hear what you think of them.
I will also say, that I am truly grateful to be a part of such an incredible industry, and to have the opportunity to put together a magazine like this, with a plethora of information and advice for all salon owners, is a dream come true and hopefully adds to positive mindsets all around! From our business writers and bloggers who share their wisdom, to our social media and marketing help, and industry educators who share their knowledge, and last but not least, the many salon owners that we interview from all around this beautiful country of ours, and across the globe… there is so much support on offer inside Hair Biz Magazine!
There is a big focus on “growing from the ground up” in this particular issue. We look at apprenticeships and our youth, and what we can be doing as salon owners to help strengthen and grow this amazing industry of ours.
We chat with Sheridan Rose Shaw AKA Mamawest and her gorgeous apprentice Olivia; we also chat with Justin Pace, Bill Tsiknaris, Stevie English, and Bernadette Beswick. We cross over to the UK and meet Daniele De Angelis, and showcase some gorgeous Sydney Salons!
We meet the Deadly Hair Dude and cover his amazing story, and also chat with the very gorgeous Michael Turner from Tincture Hair Salon in S.A, who has gone from the challenging times of living out of the back of his car, to having the most amazing business success.
With business affirmations, great business advice, and wise words from so many industry greats, I hope you enjoy everything that we have put together for you, and get some good solid takeaways for you to utilise in your own salon business and life.
And…we must not forget that the countdown is on for October 9th where we all get to come together to celebrate our finalists and find out who the winners are of the AHIA Business 2022! Have you got your tickets and accommodation sorted?? WooHoo!! I can’t wait!
Until next time...
Lou x